scanned reviews by L. Vaserstein
Zbl 0287.18015 Vaserstein, L.N.
Stabilisierung für klassische Gruppen über Ringen. (Russian)
Mat. Sb., N. Ser. 93(135), 268-295 (1974).
Zbl 0293.13007 Vaserstein, L.N.; Suslin, A.A.
Serre’s problem on projective modules over polynomial rings and algebraic K-theory. (English)
Funct. Anal. Appl. 8, 148-150 (1974); translation from Funkts. Anal. Prilozh. 8, No.2, 65-66 (1974).
Zbl 0306.14021 Konovalov, G.T.
Über universelle Normen formaler Gruppen. (Russian)
Ukr. Mat. Zh. 27, 97-100 (1975).
Zbl 0314.20032 Hahn, Alexander J.
On the isomrophisms of the projective orthogonal groups and their congruence subgroups. (English)
[J] J. Reine Angew. Math. 273, 1-22 (1975). ISSN 0075-4102; ISSN 1435-5345/e
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Zbl 0314.20033 Bondarenko, A.A.
Zur Klassifikation maximaler arithmetischer Untergruppen in orthogonalen Gruppen vom Typ $(D_l)$. (Russian)
[J] Dokl. Akad. Nauk BSSR 18, 773-776 (1974). ISSN 0002-354X
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Zbl 0331.14024 Miyake, Katsuya A remark on isolated fixed points on bounded symmetric domains associated with unitary groups over algebras. (English)
Semin. mod. Methods Number Theor., Inst. stat. Math., Tokyo 1971, 4 p. (1971).
Zbl 0338.13015 Vaserstein, L.N.; Suslin, A.A.
Serre’s problem on projective modules over polynomial rings and algebraic K-theory. (Russian)
Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Mat. 40, 993-1054 (1976).
Zbl 0341.14016 Konovalov, G.T.
Über universelle Γ-Normen formaler Gruppen über einem lokalen Körper. (Russian)
Ukr. Mat. Zh. 28, 399-401 (1976).
Zbl 0341.14017 Konovalov, G.T.
Über normierte Untergruppen formaler Gruppen über einem lokalen Körper. (Russian)
Ukr. Mat. Zh. 28, 528-532 (1976).
Zbl 0352.20007 Bondarenko, V.M.
Darstellungen der Diedergruppen über einem Körper der Charakteristik 2. (Russian)
[J] Mat. Sb., N. Ser. 96(138), 63-74 (1975).
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Zbl 0354.16012 Giffen, Charles H.
Hasse-Witt invariants for ($\alpha u$)-reflexive forms and automorphisms. I: Algebraic $K_2$-valued Hasse-Witt invariants. (English)
[J] J. Algebra 44, 434-456 (1977). ISSN 0021-8693
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Zbl 0356.18015 Vaserstein, L.N.
Grundlagen der algebraischen K-Theorie. (Russian)
Usp. Mat. Nauk 31, No.4(190), 87-149 (1976).
Zbl 0358.14025 Beltrametti, M.C.; Odetti, F.L.
On the projectively almost-factorial varieties. (English)
Ann. Mat. Pura Appl., IV. Ser. 113, 255-263 (1977).
Zbl 0358.16020 Pardon, William
An invariant determining the Witt class of a unitary transformation over a semisimple ring. (English)
J. Algebra 44, 396-410 (1977).
Zbl 0359.20027 Vaserstein, L.N.
On the group SL 2 over Dedekind rings of arithmetic type. (English)
Zbl 0363.14011 Hazewinkel, Michiel
Constructing formal groups. I: The local one dimensional case. (English)
[J] J. Pure Appl. Algebra 9, 131-149 (1977). ISSN 0022-4049
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Zbl 0363.14012 Hazewinkel, Michiel
Constructing formal groups. II: The global one dimensional case. (English)
[J] J. Pure Appl. Algebra 9, 151-161 (1977). ISSN 0022-4049
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Zbl 0363.14013 Hazewinkel, Michiel
Constructing formal groups. III: Applications to complex cobordism and Brown-Peterson cohomology. (English)
[J] J. Pure Appl. Algebra 10, 1-18 (1977). ISSN 0022-4049
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Präadditive Kategorien und K-Theorie. (Russian)
Usp. Mat. Nauk 32, No.5(197), 195-196 (1977).
Zbl 0367.10014 Nedita, N.I.; Radoi, I.
On an arithmetical equation of Pompeiu. (Romanian)
Symp. Geom. global Anal. ”Gh. Titeica and D. Pompeiu”, Bucuresti 1973, 289-296 (1976).
Sur les équations diophantiques paraboliques. (French)
Symp. Geom. global Anal. ”Gh. Titeica and D. Pompeiu”, Bucuresti 1973, 229-235 (1976).
Zbl 0367.16001 Leutbecher, Armin
Euklidischer Algorithmus und die Gruppe $GL_2$. (German)
[J] Math. Ann. 231, 269-285 (1978). ISSN 0025-5831; ISSN 1432-1807/e
Display scanned Zentralblatt-MATH page with this review. p.101
Zbl 0368.20028 Saromet, A.A. (Sharomet, A.A.)
Automorphismengruppen algebraischer Gruppen. (Russian)
[J] Izv. Akad. Nauk BSSR, Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauk 1976, No.3, 5-11 (1976). ISSN 0002-3574
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Zbl 0373.10013 Meyer, Josef Präsentation der Einheitengruppe der quadratischen Form $F(X)=- X^2_0+X^2_1+\dots+X^2_{18}$. (German)
[J] Arch. Math. 29, 261-266 (1977). ISSN 0003-889X; ISSN 1420-8938/e
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Zbl 0373.18009 Giffen, Charles H.
Hermitian forms and higher algebraic K-theory. (English)
[J] Bull. Am. Math. Soc. 83, 1303-1305 (1977). ISSN 0002-9904; ISSN 1936-881X/e
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Zbl 0375.20031 Bondarenko, A.A.
Zur Klassifikation maximaler arithmetischer Untergruppen in zerlegbaren Gruppen. (Russian)
[J] Mat. Sb., N. Ser. 102(144), 155-172 (1977).
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Isomorphisms of integral orthogonal groups. (English)
[A] Proc. Conf. Quadratic Forms, Kingston 1976, Queen's Pap. pure appl. Math. 46, 522-527 (1977).
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Zbl 0389.20005 Schneider, Hans-Jürgen
Cartan matrix of liftable finite group schemes. (English)
[J] Commun. Algebra 5, 795-819 (1977). ISSN 0092-7872; ISSN 1532-4125/e
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Zbl 0391.06012 Bunjatov, M.R.; Bairamov, S.A. (Bunyatov, M.R.; Bajramov, S.A.)
K-theory on category of Boolean algebras with closure. (Russian)
[J] Dokl. Akad. Nauk Az. SSR 33, No.12, 3-7 (1977). ISSN 0002-3078
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Zbl 0391.18013 Fiedorowicz, Zbigniew
A note on the spectra of algebraic K-theory. (English)
[J] Topology 16, 417-421 (1977). ISSN 0040-9383
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Die Kohomologie S-arithmetischer Gruppen über Funktionenkörpern. (German)
[J] Invent. Math. 42, 135-175 (1977). ISSN 0020-9910; ISSN 1432-1297/e
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Module structure of Weyl algebras. (English)
[J] J. Lond. Math. Soc., II. Ser. 18, 429-442 (1978). ISSN 0024-6107; ISSN 1469-7750/e
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Zbl 0394.20037 Sosnovskii, Ju.V. (Sosnovskij, Yu.V.)
Die Kommutatorstruktur symplektischer Gruppen. (Russian)
[J] Mat. Zametki 24, 641-648 (1978). ISSN 0025-567X
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Zbl 0395.10032 Moody, Robert V.
Polynomial invariants of isometry groups of indefinite quadratic lattices. (English)
[J] Tohoku Math. J., II. Ser. 30, 525-535 (1978). ISSN 0040-8735
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Dimension and lower central subgroups. (English)
[J] J. Pure Appl. Algebra 14, 175-194 (1979). ISSN 0022-4049
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Zbl 0403.18008 Pirasvili, T.I.
Karoubi-Villamayor’s and Bass’s algebraic K-functors for ringoids. (Russian)
Soobshch. Akad. Nauk Gruz. SSR 92, 573-576 (1978).
Zbl 0404.18011 Gibbs, David E.
Witt classes of integral representations of an Abelian 2-group. (English)
[J] Proc. Am. Math. Soc. 70, 103-108 (1978). ISSN 0002-9939; ISSN 1088-6826/e
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Corps gauches à involution de deuxième espece. (French)
Zbl 0406.18007 Shekhtman, V.V.
Algebraische K-Theorie und charakteristische Klassen. (Russian)
[J] Usp. Mat. Nauk 33, No.6(204), 239-240 (1978). ISSN 0042-1316
Display scanned Zentralblatt-MATH page with this review. p. 109-110.
Zbl 0407.16008 Polcino Milies, Francisco Cesar
Group rings. (Aneis de grupos.). (Portuguese)
IV Escola de Algebra. Sao Paulo: Sociedade Brasileira de Matematica. VII, 127 p. (1976).
The cancellation problem for projective modules and related topics. (English)
[A] Ring theory, Proc., Waterloo/Canada 1978, Lect. Notes Math. 734, 323-338 (1979).
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A note on a stability theorem of the general linear group. (English)
[J] J. Indian Math. Soc., New Ser. 39, 51-68 (1975). ISSN 0019-5839
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Applications of the dilogarithm function in algebraic K-theory and algebraic geometry. (English)
[A] Proc. int. Symp. on algebraic Geometry, Kyoto 1977, 103-114 (1977).
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Zbl 0417.14038 Holzapfel, Rolf-Peter
Arithmetische Kugelquotientenflächen. I: Über die Regularität arithmetischer Kugelquotientenflächen. II: Klassifikation von Kugelspitzen- und Kugelquotientensingularitäten. (German)
Seminarber., Humboldt-Univ. Berlin, Sekt. Math. 14, 116 S. (1979).
Zbl 0417.14039 Holzapfel, Rolf-Peter
Arithmetische Kugelquotientenflächen. III: Das arithmetische Geschlecht von arithmetischen Kugelquotientenflächen. IV: Dimensionsformeln für Räume von Spitzenformen. (German)
Seminarber., Humboldt-Univ. Berlin, Sekt. Math. 20, 101 S. (1979).
Zbl 0419.20038 Tulenbaev, M.S.
The Schur multiplier of the group of elementary matrices of finite order. (Russian)
[J] Zap. Nauchn. Semin. Leningr. Otd. Mat. Inst. Steklova 86, 162-169 (1979). ISSN 0373-2703
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Zbl 0425.18011 Charney, Ruth M.
Homology stability of $GL_n$ of a Dedekind domain. (English)
[J] Bull. Am. Math. Soc., New Ser. 1, 428-431 (1979). ISSN 0273-0979; ISSN 1088-9485/e
Display scanned Zentralblatt-MATH page with this review. p. 103-104
$A_\infty$ ring spaces and algebraic K-theory. (English)
[A] Geom. Appl. Homotopy Theory II, Proc. Conf. Evanston 1977, Lect. Notes Math. 658, 240-315 (1978).
Display scanned Zentralblatt-MATH page with this review.. p. 104
Zbl 0425.20006 Bass, Hyman Traces and Euler characteristics. (English) [A] Homological group theory, Proc. Symp., Durham 1977,
Lond. Math. Soc. Lect. Note Ser. 36, 1-26 (1979).
Display scanned Zentralblatt-MATH page with this review. p.109
Zbl 0426.20031 Feustel, Jan-Michael
Über die Spiegelungsebenen bezüglich arithmetischer Untergruppen der Automorphismengruppe der zweidimensionalen komplexen Einheitskugel. (German)
Rep., Akad. Wiss. DDR, Zentralinst. Math. Mech. R-09/79, 90 S. (1979).
The formal completion of the second Chow group. A K-theoretic approach. (English)
Astérisque 64, 149-168 (1979).
A,B,C,D,E,F, etc. (English)
[A] Semin. sur les singularites des surfaces, Cent. Math. Ec. Polytech., Palaiseau 1976-77, Lect. Notes Math. 777, 221-227 (1980).
Display scanned Zentralblatt-MATH page with this review. p. 86
Some indecomposable modules of groups with split (B,N)-pairs. (English)
[J] J. Algebra 61, 508-526 (1979). ISSN 0021-8693
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Zbl 0436.18011 Gibbs, David E.
The computation of W*(π,ω;Z) for π an Abelian 2-group. (English)
Proc. Am. Math. Soc. 79, 355-358 (1980).
Conjugacy classes in projective and special linear groups. (English)
[J] Bull. Aust. Math. Soc. 22, 339-364 (1980). ISSN 0004-9727
Display scanned Zentralblatt-MATH page with this review. p.132
Modular representations of finite groups with unsaturated split (B,N)- pairs. (English)
[J] Can. J. Math. 32, 714-733 (1980). ISSN 0008-414X; ISSN 1496-4279/e
Display scanned Zentralblatt-MATH page with this review. p. 116-117
Zbl 0447.20034 Liehl, Bernhard
Die Gruppe SL 2 über Ordnungen von arithmetischem Typ. (German)
Fachbereich Mathematik der Technischen Universität München. 73 S. (1979).
Zbl 0452.20040 Schneider, Hans-Jürgen
Zerlegbare Erweiterungen affiner Gruppen. (German)
[J] J. Algebra 66, 569-593 (1980). ISSN 0021-8693
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Zbl 0452.20041 Sullivan, John Brendan
Frobenius operations on Hochschild cohomology. (English)
[J] Am. J. Math. 102, 765-780 (1980). ISSN 0002-9327; ISSN 1080-6377/e
Display scanned Zentralblatt-MATH page with this review. p.103
Zbl 0452.20045 James, D.; Waterhouse, W.; Weisfeiler, Boris
Abstract homomorphisms of algebraic groups: problems and bibliography. (English)
Commun. Algebra 9, 95-114 (1981). MSC2000: *20G15 20H25 20F28
Display scanned Zentralblatt-MATH page with this review. p.103
Zbl 0455.18006 Nustafa-zade, N.M.
Über die epimorphe Stabilität eines unitären K 2 -Funktors. (Russian)
Usp. Mat. Nauk 35, No.6(216), 165-166 (1980).
Zbl 0455.18008 Carlsson, G.; Milgram, R.James
The structure of odd L-groups. (English)
Algebraic topology, Proc. Conf., Waterloo/Canada 1978, Lect. Notes Math. 741, 1-72 (1979). MSC2000: *18F25 57R67
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Zbl 0455.18009 Hambleton, Ian; Milgram, R.James
The surgery group L//$3\sp k($Z(G)) for G a finite 2-group. (English)
[A] Algebraic topology, Proc. Conf., Waterloo/Canada 1978, Lect. Notes Math. 741, 73-89 (1979).
Display scanned Zentralblatt-MATH page with this review. p. 99
Zbl 0463.18008 Kharshiladze, A.F.
Wall groups of elementary 2-groups. (Russian)
[J] Mat. Sb., N. Ser. 114(156), 167-176 (1981).
Display scanned Zentralblatt-MATH page with this review. p.107
Zbl 0464.20028 Schneider, Hans-Jürgen
Restriktion und Corestriktion für algebraische Gruppen. (German)
[J] J. Algebra 68, 177-189 (1981). ISSN 0021-8693
Display scanned Zentralblatt-MATH page with this review. p.113
Zbl 0464.20030 Vaserstein, L.N.
On the normal subgroups of GL n over a ring. (English)
Algebraic K-theory, Proc. Conf., Evanston 1980, Lect. Notes Math. 854, 456-465 (1981).
Zbl 0464.20033 Kojbaev, V.A. A description of D-complete subgroups in the general linear group over the field of three elements. (Russian)
[J] Zap. Nauchn. Semin. Leningr. Otd. Mat. Inst. Steklova 103, 76-78 (1980). ISSN 0373-2703
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Zbl 0475.14035 Vostokov, S.V.; Letsko, V.A.
The canonical decomposition in the group of points of the formal Lubin- Tate group. (Russian)
[J] Zap. Nauchn. Semin. Leningr. Otd. Mat. Inst. Steklova 103, 52-57 (1980). ISSN 0373-2703
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Zbl 0475.14036 Shafarevich, I.R.
On some infinite-dimensional groups. II. (Russian)
[J] Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Mat. 45, 214-226 (1981). ISSN 0373-2436
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Zbl 0477.14021 Holzapfel, Rolf-Peter
Arithmetische Kugelquotientenflaechen. V, VI. (Picardsche Modulflaechen). V. Volumen des Fundamentalbereiches Picardscher Modulflaechen. VI. Kugelquotientenflaechen vom allgemeinen Typ. (German)
Seminarber., Humboldt-Univ. Berlin, Sekt. Math. 21, 96 S. (1979).
Zbl 0483.18009 Inasaridze, Kh.N.
On the natural map between algeraic and topological K-theories. (Russian)
[J] Soobshch. Akad. Nauk Gruz. SSR 103, 277-280 (1981). ISSN 0132-1447
Display scanned Zentralblatt-MATH page with this review. p.103
Zbl 0484.16006 Menal, Pere; Moncasi, Jaume
On regular rings with stable range 2. (English)
J. Pure Appl. Algebra 24, 25-40 (1982).
Zbl 0489.20040 Hahn, Alexander J.
Category equivalences and linear groups over rings. (English)
[J] J. Algebra 77, 505-543 (1982). ISSN 0021-8693
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Zbl 0491.18010 Tulenbaev, M.S.
The Steinberg group of a polynomial ring. (Russian)
[J] Mat. Sb., N. Ser. 117(159), 131-144 (1982).
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Zbl 0495.20022 Bak, Anthony; Rehmann, Ulf
The congruence subgroup and metaplectic problems for $SL\sb{n>1}$ of division algebras. (English)
[J] J. Algebra 78, 475-547 (1982). ISSN 0021-8693
Display scanned Zentralblatt-MATH page with this review.p. 116
Stability in algebraic K-theory. (English)
[A] Algebraic K-theory, Proc. Conf., Oberwolfach 1980, Part I, Lect. Notes Math. 966, 304-333 (1982).
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A survey of the congruence subgroup problem. (English)
[A] Algebraic K-theory, Proc. Conf., Oberwolfach 1980, Part I, Lect. Notes Math. 966, 197-207 (1982).
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Zbl 0504.20007 Lascoux, Alain; Schuetzenberger, Marcel-Paul
Polynômes de Kazhdan et Lusztig pour les Grassmanniennes. (French)
Astérisque 87-88, 249-266 (1981).
Zbl 0504.20031 Taddei, Giovanni
Invariance du sous-groupe symplectique élémentaire dans le groupe symplectique sur un anneau. (French)
[J] C. R. Acad. Sci., Paris, Sér. I 295, 47-50 (1982). ISSN 0764-4442
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Zbl 0506.14043 Contou-Carrere, Carlos E.
Corps de classes local geométrique rélatif. (French)
C. R. Acad. Sci., Paris, Sér. I 292, 481-484 (1981).
Zbl 0508.18003 Dress, Andreas W.M.; Kuku, Aderemi O.
A convenient setting for equivariant higher algebraic K-theory. (English) Algebraic K-theory, Proc. Conf., Oberwolfach 1980, Part I, Lect. Notes Math. 966, 59-68 (1982).
Zbl 0509.18017 Grayson, Daniel R.
Dilogarithm computations for $K\sb 3.$. (English)
[A] Algebraic K-theory, Proc. Conf., Evanston 1980, Lect. Notes Math. 854, 168-178 (1981).
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Zbl 0512.18005 Nemytov, A.I.; Solov'ev, Yu.P.
Homotopy multiplication in the representing spaces of Hermitian K-theory. (English. Russian original)
[J] Sov. Math., Dokl. 23, 479-482 (1981); translation from Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 258, 30-34 (1981). ISSN 0197-6788
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Whitehead groups of Chevalley groups over polynomial rings. (English)
[J] Commun. Algebra 11, 1271-1307 (1983). ISSN 0092-7872; ISSN 1532-4125/e
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Triviality of lower unitary K-functors of free rings. (Russian)
[J] Tr. Mosk. Mat. O.-va 45, 105-132 (1982). ISSN 0134-8663
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Zbl 0515.18008 Shekhtman, V.V. Chern classes in algebraic K-theory. (Russian)
Tr. Mosk. Mat. O.-va 45, 237-264 (1982)..
Zbl 0518.20032 Merzlyakov, Yu.I.
Rational groups. (Ratsional'nye gruppy). (Russian) Zbl 0518.20032
Sovremennaya Algebra. Moskva: "Nauka" Glavnaya Redaktsiya Fiziko- Matematicheskoj Literatury. 464 p. R. 3.30 (1980).
Zbl 0518.20035 van der Kallen, Wilberd
A group structure on certain orbit sets of unimodular rows. (English)
[J] J. Algebra 82, 363-397 (1983). ISSN 0021-8693
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Zbl 0521.18013 Inasaridze, Kh.N.
On the functor $K\sb 3$ of Swan-Gersten. (Russian)
[J] Soobshch. Akad. Nauk Gruz. SSR 111, 29-31 (1983). ISSN 0132-1447
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Zbl 0525.18007 Merkur’ev, A.S.; Suslin, A.A.
K-cohomology of Severi-Brauer varieties and the norm residue homomorphism. (English)
Sov. Math., Dokl. 25, 690-693 (1982); translation from Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 264, 555-559 (1982).
Zbl 0525.18008 Merkur’ev, A.S.; Suslin, A.A.
K-cohomology of Severi-Brauer varieties and the norm residue homomorphism. (English)
Zbl 0525.20030 Mathieu, Philippe
Le principe de Hasse et les groupes semi-simples. I. (French)
[J] Bull. Soc. Math. Belg., Sér. B 35, 119-125 (1983). ISSN 0037-9476
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Zbl 0527.16007 Dennis, Keith; Magurn, Bruce; Vaserstein, Leonid
Generalized Euclidean group rings. (English)
J. Reine Angew. Math. 351, 113-128 (1984).
Zbl 0528.14012 Panin, I.A. Fields with vanishing K 2 . Torsion in H 1 (X,K 2 ) and Ch 2 (X). (Russian)
Zap. Nauchn. Semin. Leningr. Otd. Mat. Inst. Steklova 116, 108-118 (1982)
Zbl 0528.18005 Corach, Gustavo; Larotonda, Angel Rafael
Le rang stable de certaines algèbres d'opérateurs. (French)
[J] C. R. Acad. Sci., Paris, Sér. I 296, 949-951 (1983). ISSN 0764-4442
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Homology of $GL\sb n$, characteristic classes and Milnor K-theory. (English)
[A] Algebraic K-theory, number theory, geometry and analysis, Proc. int. Conf., Bielefeld/Ger. 1982., Lect. Notes Math. 1046, 357-375 (1984).
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On the Stanley conjecture and the classification of finite groups whose algebra of invariants is a complete intersection. (English. Russian original)
[J] Sov. Math., Dokl. 26, 722-724 (1982); translation from Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 267, 1040-1043 (1982). ISSN 0197-6788
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Zbl 0529.20033 Golubchik, I.Z.; Mikhalev, A.V.
Epimorphisms of projective groups over associative rings. (Russian)
[A] Algebra, Work Collect., dedic. O. Yu. Shmidt, Moskva 1982, 34-45 (1982).
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Zbl 0529.20034 Roloff, Hartmut
Zentralreihen von Netzuntergruppen der symplektischen Gruppe. (German)
[J] Math. Nachr. 108, 241-251 (1982). ISSN 0025-584X; ISSN 1522-2616/e
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99 items