Papers with my name in title
my name in title from Math Reviews
last updated on Aug 6, 2023
My name in title. In my {SU website
There are
20,500 titles with my name
in three html files at my website. 13MB, 14MB, and 12MB:
6,983 titles appeared till 2018
6,848 titles appeared in 2019-2020,
6,669 titles since 2021.
These 3 files contain most of
1318 titles at arXiv, 657 titles at zbMATH ,
106 books, 259 theses/dissertations, 556 patents,
485 videos, and 695 ƒmr reviews from Math Reviews.
By comparison, arXiv has
604 titles with Archimedes OR archimedean
163 titles with Pythagoras OR pythagorean.
What is my name?
Russian versions for the last name.
In my birth certificate my surname was
Вассерштейн after my father.
In my Soviet passport, police shorten it to
Васерштейна Вассерштейна;
Васерштейну Вассерштейну.
Васерштейном Вассерштейном.
Вассерштейновское, Васерштейновское.
My Russion last name appeared in Lat[n first as the author in MR and Zbl
and later in translations of my Russian papers in several forms, often as Vaserstein.
As a reviewer for Zbl and then Zbl, I chose Vaserstein. I also chose Vaserstein for all visas
and pass[opts'
Wasserstein is a common German vlast name.
Vaserstein is a common Spanish last name.
Latin versions for letters in Russian last name Васерштейн :
versions for first letter В: V. W.
versions for third letter c: s, ss,ß.
versions for sixth letter ш: s, sh š.
versions for ninth letter й: , i, j, y, ĭ.
Most common examples of my last name:
Васерштейн , Вассерштейн; Vaserstein (official since Dec. of 1978),
Wasserstein (especially, in probability theory, statistics, computer science, engendering);
W (like in WGAN), V (like in Dr. V).
Versions of my first name:
Леонид,Леонида, Леониду, Леонидом, Леонидовское,
Лёня, Лёни, Лёне, Лёню, Лённо, Л,
Leonid, Leon, L.
Versions of my middle name:
Нисонович, Нисоновча, Нисоновичу, Нисоновичем Н,
Nisonovich, Nison, N.
WGAN= W-GAN = Wasserstein GAN
GAN = Generative adversarial network,
= Генеративно-состязательная сеть
ACWGAN = AC-WGAn = Auxiliary Conditioned WGAN
AEWGAN = Autoencoder WGAN
BWGAN = Banach WGAN or balanced WGAN
CWGAN = conditional WGAN
CS-WGAN = compressed sensing WGAN
DAE-WGAN = does anybody else WGAN
DAG-WGAN = Directed Acyclic Graphs WGAN
DC-WGAN = deep convolutional WGAN
EWGAN = enropy-based WGAN
PFP-WGAN = protein function prediction WGAN
R-WGAN = regression WGAN
res-WGAN = residual WGAN
TextureWGAN texture preserving WGAN
WGAN-div = WGAN divergence
WGAN-E = WGAN Enhanced
WGAN-GP = WGAN + + Gradient Penalty
W2 = quadratic Wasserstein
WOOD: Wasserstein-based Out-of-Distribution Detection
WIM Wasserstein Impact Measure
WDIBS: Wasserstein deterministic information bottleneck for state
MAW = Minimized Aggregated Wasserstein
WassRank = Wasserstein rank
wassmap = Wasserstein mapping
Totals by year
Total numbers xxx
Vaserstei etc till 1999 25.
Wasserstein 1972-1989:
30 (72-82) + 26 (83-89) = 56
W1sserstein 1990-1999:
28 (90-91) + 33 (92-93)+ 12 (94-95) + 29 (96-97) +67 (98-99)
28+ 33 +12+ 29+67 = 167
25+56+167= 250
1998-99 65 67
250 (till 1999) + 36 (2000) + 28 (2001) + 35 (2002) + 44 (2003)
+ 92 (2004) + 70 (27005) + 102 (2006) + 83 (2007)
+ 209 (2008) + 222 (2009) + 247 (2010) + 295 (2011)
+ 248 (2012) + 360 (2013) + 373 (2014) + 585 (2015)
+ 677 (2016) + 1128 (2017) + 1899 (2018) + 2930 (2019)
+ 3918 (2020) + 3032 (2021) + 2255 (2022) +1382 (2023)
= 20,500
2023 1356. 1379. 23
=250+36+28+35+44+92+70+102+83+209+222+247+295 +
2930+3918+ 3032+2255+1382
–> Numbers
6983+6848+ 6669 = 20500
6,983 titles appeared till 2018, 13MB;
+ 6,848 titles in 2019-2020, 2019-2020, 14MB; .
+ 6,669 titles since 2021; since 2021. 12MB;
= 20,500 titles total 39MB
Search links
allintitle: васерштейна OR васерштейну OR васерштейн
allintitle: вассерштейна OR вассерштейну OR вассерштейн
allintitle: вассерштейном OR васерштейном
allintitle: вассерштейновское OR васерштейновское
расстояние метрика васерштейна
сеть вассерштейна
google advanced scholar search
Google Scholar. for robots
5 r8esults with Vaserstein in title at arXiv
23 results with WGAN or W-GAN in title at arXiv
1 result with Wasserstein inTI
1,288 results with Wasserstein OR Wasserstein's
1000 reached on March 24, 2022
aewgan OR bwgan OR cwgan OR ewgan 0
Web of Science requires login
MR requires login Home
my name in title from Math Reviews
675 titles with Wasserstein
+ 15 Vaserstein
+ 4 Vasserstein 2, and Vasseršteĭn 2
= 695
MR and Zbl Wasserstein or wgan in title by year
year 2023 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15
MR tutles 74 100 83 64 65 63 45 37 21 33
Zbl tutles 56 90_ 79 63 60 45 35 22 3
First I appeared un MR as an author under name Vaseršteĭn, L. N..
As a reviewer, I use L.N.Vaserstein since or L.Vaserstein since 1982.
zbMATH Zbl
15 vaserstein in title DeepACG: Co-Saliency Detection via Semantic-Aware Contrast Gromov-Wasserstein Distance
640 wasserstein in title
1 Vasershtein
totIIal 657 nvergence rates of the blocked Gibbs sampler with random scan in the Wasserstein metric. rstein's 2
Vaserstein's 3
My name appeared first in 1968 as an author, Vaseršteĭn, L N.
As a reviewer, I use L.N.Vaserstein since 1974.
Jstor Advanced Search
Libraries see VinTitle3
PSU library Advanced search Penn State
MIT advanced search
U Chicago Advanced search
p1 wasserstein 1996, 07-16
p1-4 2017-18
p1-10 2019-21021
p1 wasserstein distribution, metric, geometry, balls, quantum, robust, loss. lp, distance, space. gradient, coupling, barycenter,barycenters,
ProQuest Advanced Search
see VinTitle3
wasserstein ScienceDirect
p1-6 √
p6 sorted by relevance | date
scienceDirect Advanced Search
ACM digital library search 55 results on wasserstein
wasserstein in title 4
IEEE - The world's largest technical professional organization
SIAN advanced search
<————————— end search links—————————
google (G), google scholar (GS),
google books (GB, all), and Zbbl mat (Zbl, any)
hits on some names anywhere
In many cases these names refer to me.
Vaserstein 22K 2.5K 20K 994
Vasershtein 18K 485 16.5K 27
Vasserstein 25K 187 24K 6
Vassershtein 10K 68 272 0
Vaserštein 73K 14 73K 994
Vaseršteĭn 1K 28 1K 994
wasserstein 2M 54K 2M 525
Л.Н.Васерштейн 3K 24 3M 0
Васерштейн 4M 90 3.5M 0
What names do happen s in titles with me
according to Google Scholar:
Vasersten and : Bak 1√; ; Dennis 2√; Dirichlet 5√;
Gram 1√ ; Gromov's 1√; Markov 1√; Schmidt 1.
Wasserstein 2370 and : abelian 1√; Alexandrov 4; Bakry 6; Bellman 1 √
Bismut 1; Bismut's 3; Bolza 1√; bayesian 17; Bernstein 3; Berry 2√;
Bolza 1√; Bregman 6√; Bures 12; Busemann 8 √
Cahn 9; Cartan 1√; Cauchy 1√;
Dirichlet 9 ; Einstein 2; Esseen 2√; euclidean 8; Euler 7; Finsler 3√;
Fisher 11; Fourier 4; Fréchet 5; Frobenius 1 gaussian 60; Gromov 41√;
Gaze 1√ Gibbs 2√; Goldstein 1√ Green 2√; Hadamard 2√; Hamilton 5;
hamiltonian 8; Hausdorff 5; Hilbert 13; Heisenberg 1 Hilliard 9√; Hopf 2√;
ITÔ 1√ Jacobi 3√; Jordan 1 √ Kac 1√;
Kalman 2√; Kantorovich 25; KAM 1√; Kolmogorov 4; Kullback 2√;
lagrangian 6; Langevin 8; Laplace 3; laplacian 5; Lax 2 √ ;
Lehman 1√; Leibler 2 √ Lévy 5; Lie 2√; Lipschitz √ 4; Lyapunov 1√
Mahalanobis 1 Mallows 1√; Markov 37; √
markovian 4√; McKean 3√; Moneau 3√; Monge 2√; Morse 1√;
Moreau 3; Navier 8√; ß Orlicz 3. Ornstein 1√; Parisi's 1√; Perelman 1√;
Perron 1 Plank 20; Poisson 15; Pontryagin 2√
Rademacher 3√; Rao 5; Ricci 8; riemannian 26, Riesz 2 Rubinstein 7√;
Sanov 1√; Sanov's 1√; Schmidt 2√; Sekerka 1√ Schrödinger 1√
Skorohod 5; Sobolev 3; Stein 4; Stein's 15; Stokes 5; Stone’s 1
Trotter 1√; Trotter's 1√; Uhlenbeck 1√;
Vlasov 3√; Vietoris 1√; von Neumann 1
Weibull 1√ WGAN 4; Wiener 7. Yoshida 3√. Zolotarev 3 √
Vaserstein 20 and: distance 1√ symbol 7√
Vasershtein 1√
Wasserstein 2370 in title and words with big numbers:
a 359√ an 85√ analysis 43√ and 609√ application 56 √
applications 51√ approach 35√ as 50√ auto 45 autoencoder 45
barycenter 57√ barycenters 84√ based 174√ by 86√
clustering 42√ conditional 35√ convergence 80√
data 96√ deep 32√ distance 462√ distances 110√
distribution 35√ distributionally 126√ distributions 49√ driven 38√
empirical 41√ equation 45 √ equations 46√ estimation 60√
flow 50√ flows 77√ for 504 from 50√
GAN 94√ GANS 75√ generation 46√ geometry 29√ gradient 136√
image 54√ in 605√ learning 137√ linear 31√ loss 36√
method 46 √ metric 190√ metrics 43√ model 48√ models 44 √
new 41√ network 67√ networks 92 √
of 733 √ on 294√ optimal 70√ optimization 60 √ out 37 √
representation 33√ robust 109√
sliced 44√ space 156√ spaces 107√
statistical 39√
the 500 to 211√ √ training 38√ transport 41√
using 182 √ with 366√
√ allintitle: wasserstein l1 OR l2 OR lp OR l^1 OR l^2 OR l^p
— distance by on from fast flow data robust
— by on from fast flow space Knowledge-aware attentive
tbd tbd tbd tbd
done wages 14
195 10 7 EvaGoNet 1 anomalous 1 procedures 1 YOLOX. 1 Pursuit. 1 Wassmap 1
194 36 31 related 14 Provable 5 Outlier 4 renewable 4 assignment 4. procedure 3 Epilepsy 2
193 3123 imputation 9 recurrent. 5 multiplicative 4 weighting 3 Periodic 3 Linearized 2 Internal 2 Understanding 2 Unadjusted. 2 earthquake. 2
192 14 14 comparing. 11 secondary. 2 Initialization. 1
191 67 63. neural 51 tumor 4 industrial 4 ascent 2 secondary 2. contamination. 1 Vulnerability 1
190 23.19 Jump 7 shapes 4 shapes 4 Forth. 2 continual 2 Mutual. 2 qubit. 2
189 21 36 through. 16 Wrist. 2 Excess 1 oriente
188 30.27. weak 13 scenario. 8. Relaxation. 2. Amortized. 2 discriminating. 1 cosmologies 1 including. 1
187 29 26 Planning 14 events 3 scatter 3 triple 2 majorization 2 Strikes 1 summability 1 marked 1
186 20.19 steepest 7
reliability 2 kinematic 2 lidar. 2 math. 2 enforce. 2
Worm 1 Units 1 homological 1
185. 21.17 extended. 4 electron. 3 uniformly. 3 TODIM. 3
microscopy. 2. unseen 1 faults. 1 Handwriting. 1
Reflected 1 Upsampling 1 decoder 1
184 Encoder 18 spheres 9 variationnal 1 manipulation 1 Asymptotically 1 Firmly 1 Opial 1 1 geodesically 1 68
183 functionals 11 fused 9 MCMC 4 Carrier 1 Steganography 1 Representing 1 Representing 1 Proxying 1 15?74
182 landscape 4 Shrinkage 2 Neighborhood 1 Brownian 2 copula 1 Steganography 1 emergency 1 18
181 SDEs 9 Kinetic 6 Stocks 2 Attributes 2 Perspective 2 elephant 1
Semidiscrete 1 branching 1 Futures 1 WAD 1 CMSN 1
180 memory 6 Weisfeiler 3 likelihood 3 eigenfunctions 3 Harmonious 1 permanent 1 magnet 1 synchronous 1 Master 1
179 topological 8 hypergraphs 2 viscosity 2 algebraic 2 brief 2 ong 2 synthesizer 2
178 asymptotic 23 voices 1 voices 1 steady 1 SLOSH 1 locality 1 indeterminacy 1
177 Inversion 19 squaring 1 imbalance 1 toolbox 1 things 1 dominated 1
176 spatial 6 accelerated 3 subordinated 3 linearization 2 tools 2 Iterative 1 hypersphere 1motor 1
175 Priors 5 Superresolution 2 machinery 3 CycleGAN 2 spectroscopy 1 Sparsification 1 temperature 1
speakers 1 Completion 1 Urdu 1
174 price 9 Intelligence 2 encoding 2 Traditional 1 Alternative 1 Sparsification 1 Prices 1 17
173 Change 6 Government 4 Changes 2 Distortion 2 Tradeoff 2 filling 1 ReRun 1 Perception 1 delay 1 20 18
172 aggregation 4 sequences 4 number 4 recommendation 4 16 12
171 personal 3 slow 3 period 2 ndustrial 2 setting 2 remaining 2 14 14
170 waveform 14 migration 1 peptide 1 device 1 item 1 analyzing 1 biological 1 20 19
169 controlled 2 Sensor 2 integrals 1 Invariance 1 Pesticide 1 Simulating 1 Asset 1 Finger 1 vein 1 11 10
168 latent 6 aplicaciones 5 assisted 2 localization 2 localisation 2 algunas 2 architecture 1 categorical 1 Comparative 1 Introspective 1 sentence 1 21
167 Enhancement 11 Processing 11 injection 1 submodel 1 minimizers 1 ECG 1 26
166 Speech 12 marginal 4 unbounded 3 Impedance 3 CDFs 1 SRGAN 1 AWCD 1 25 24
165 population 11 Insurance 1 combinations 1 Penalization 1 semidefinite 1 15
164 Misfit 4 nonlocal 5 Unimodal 2 discretizations 2 endowed 1 Cubic 1 15
163 isometric 9 requirements 1 Flickering 1 Buoyant 1 Flames 1 Goldstein 1 telegraph 1 15 12 1
162 Sinkhorn 7 Expansion 1 Scaling 1 Expansion 1 Trajectories 1 Loop 1 10
161 Minimizing 15 Quantile 5 splines 2 multiobjective 2 Microgird 1 illing 1 Dependency 1 WDA 1 28 24
160 Applied 9 Attacks 6 tomography 4 virtual 4 DDoS 1 humanitarian 1 ReRun 1 Limitations 1 27 26
159 posteriors 1 Dropout 1 Equipment 1 Biosignal 1 Indexing 1 5
158 Restrained 1 multiagent 1 Importance 1 queuing 1 4 prostate 1 1robotic 1
157 Registration 9 Aggregated 5 capacity 2 recovery 2 Voltage 2 20 18
156 Inpainting 7 Canonical 2 Uhlenbeck 2 defect 2 wafer 1 semblance 1 retailer 1 Recursive 1 16
155 isoperimetric 1 phenomenon 1 sampled 1 compactly 1 rotated 1 skip 1 7
154 ripple 1 autoregressive 1 ambiguous 1 exploration 1 4
153 Maximizing 1 Circular 1 Why 1 Verification 1 CDC 1 detailed 1 8
152 mechanical 1 Normalized 1 Market 1 Inferential 1 bearings 1 10
151 Detours 1 Dimensionality 1 Step 1 spacecraft 1 spacecraft 1 TSP 1
150 Tangent 1 Backward 2 Regeneration 1 Kernels 1 complete 1
149 detailed 1 Attraction 1 index 1 Inferential 1 Summarization 1
148 Elworthy 1 Reproducibility 1 Laundering 1 relevance 1
147 collaborative 1 nnotation 1 propagation 1 announces 1 +8
146 Illumination 1 Invariants 1 Flotation 1 Froth 1 inorganic 1 crystals 1 +34
145 agnostic 1 Hastings 1 Obstructions 1 masses 1 Controlling 1 Rooms 1+3
144 unifying 1 Ultralimits 1 xmlns: 1 noncompact 1 Intrusion 1 Landmark 1 +10
143 relationship 1 relationships 1 Federated 1 WDIBS 1 deterministic 1 abstraction 1 +4
142 MLE 1 Assurance 1 impulse 1 Saccade 1 Vestibular 1 +4
141 facility 1 logistics 1 Authentication 1 Smartphones 1 invasive 1 Escaping 1
Batch 1 metamaterial 1 Annotation 1 Recycling 1 Unaware 1 +7
140 practical 4 quantifying 3 Discriminator 3 WIM 2 affect 1 plant 1 +4
139 Workload 1 mitigation 1 noncommutative 1 FlowPool 1 +7
138 compression 1 mining 1 DNN 1 occluded 1 Semicontinuity 1 +10
137 Ambiguity 21 RWRM 1 Encoded 1 SRWGANTV 1 Recommender 1 degradation 1 DPIR 1 spectrometry 1
136 Novel 12 Disentangled 6 Characteristics 2 SPD(n 2 Lifting 1 motions 1
135 Representations 8 npainting 7 ground 3 Characteristics 2 SPD(n) 2 motions 1
134 sreduction 9 temporal 5 Combining 4 Microbiome 2 battle 1
133 cenario 7 algebras 6 estimators 4
132 segmentation 28 differentially 2 Energies 2 Road 2 Assessment 2
131 Information 34 Identification 2 MULTIPLIER 2 BOOTSTRAP 2 channel 2
130 preserving 9 comparison 6 Selective 6 projections 4 Target 3 cones 3 Radar 2
129 stochastic 79 Pooling 2 Intensity 2 meets 2 saddle 1 Fraud 1 multivehicle 1
128 Inference 29 projected 9 transformer 6 dynamical 7 field 3
127 RRT 31 solutions 3 affine 3 Numerical 2 methods 2 procrustes 2
126 solvers 1 preconditioned 1 proxy 1 spherical 1 summaries 1 gradual 1
125 arXiv 61 portfolio 5 reserve 3 asymmetry 2 symmetrization 2 optimización 2
124 Mullins 1 equidistribution 1 graphons 1 mechanics i1 quantification 1
123 Operating 1 Establishment 1 aggregate 1 lysine 1 physically 1
122 planning 7 coalescing 6 association 3 morphological 2 sites 2
121 multiple 9 modified 7 sensitive 3 human 2 CCHP 2 P2G 2
120 scheduling 7 Fragmentating 5 considering 4 uncertainties 4
119 compressive 2 conversion 2 Bounding 2 y -wendy 6 12
118 variable 7 con measuring 6 extension 4 particles 4 trolling 2 19
117 M 16 Dissimilarity 2 Classifiers 2 bottleneck 2 dominance 2 24
116 traffic 4 Tracial 3 versus 2 Augmented 5 Metropolis 3 17
115 posedness 9 safe 3 factorization 5 17
114 flat 2 torus 4 financial 3 structural 5 biology 3 17
113 their 11 chemotaxis 2 shot 4 17
112 multivariate 2 couplings 2 Dispatch 3 Zone 3 HVAC 7 Contingencies 2
111 Approximating 6 Minimization 2 restoration 4 tracial contrastive 3
110 Physics 3 variational 4 Prior 3 impact 3 interacting 3 production, 2 18
109 regularized 31 area 2 generated 2 without 2 shift 2 CLT 4
108 feature 13 atomic 2 environments 2 mathematical 6
107 economic 19 adapted 5 gamma 3 transferred 1 sparsity 1
106 policy 10 elliptical 7 MDP 2 ensemble 5 PET/CT 1 sig 1
105 EEG 12 equivalence 7 RSVP 3 infinitesimal 3 satellite 1
104 scalable 7 stationary 5 nested 3 revised 3 rethinking 2 solver 1 21
103 EEG 12 differentiability 3 acoustic 3 interpretable 2 digital 1 21
102 dispatch 8 scene 5 cutoff 2 dissipative 2 others 1 splitting 1 merge 1 20
101 consistency 9 sum 5 alignment 4 streaming 1 adjacency 1 quantitative 1
100 sums 3 length 7 construction 8 ariants 1 classical 1 tensor 1 20
98 reformulations 8 hardness 5 media 1 walks 1 surgery 1 forrests 1 macro 1 18
97 parallel 8 subgeometric 4 conformal 4 which 3 passing 4 reaction 2
96 deviations 8 overview 5 uniform 5 orthogonal 4 explore 3 mcro 2
95 inverse 14 calorimeter 3 showers 3 simulations 3 uncoupled 1 isotonic 1
94 definite 11 dictionary 6 consensus 4 template 3 fermionic 1 SVGD 1 chi 1
93 alignment 11 anomaly 3 conversion 2 stereo 2 unlabeled 2 PAM 1
92 modeling 17 WAE: 2 effect 2 again 2 subspace 2 interior 1
91 source 11 derivation 2 quasineutral 3 severity 3 insufficient 2
90 dose 9 guarantees 8 screening 1 teams 1 swarming 1 autonomous 1 detector 1
89 invariant 8 seismic 6 dice 4 Illegible 1 posterior 1 SEAM 1 acoustic 3
88 review 34 functional 12 report 6 hierarchical 6 beyond 2 survey 1
87 over 45 stage 10 conic 4 review s 2 style 2 similarity 2 readable 1
86 wireless 1 defense 1 growing 1 watch 1 intelligece 1 principal 1
85 improved 49 progressive 3 unified 3 multimodal 3 bridging 1 texture 1
84 algorithm 36 boundary 7 nets 6 squares 4 rigidity 1 PCA 1
83 algorithms 25 algorithmic 5 chains 13 direct 3 chain 5 net 3
82 intelligent 6 how 4 hand 4 pose 4 trace 2 hourglass 2 missing 2
81 bearing 8 PET 5 cloud 5 clouds 4 distillation 2 abnormal 2
80 diagnosis 21 WRGAN 2 decisions 2 smoothing 2 simplex 2 RGB 2
79 adaptive 16 compact 4 synthesis 4 unpaired 3 resolution 3
78 w 11 discriminant 7 α 4 decision 4 making 3 event 2
77 histogram 13 uniqueness 2 combination 4 node 1
76 properties 10 histograms 10 trees 1 reconstruction 10 separability 4
75 aware 13 lingual 6 property 3 mode 2 modes 2 completeness 4 walk 1 inexact 1
74 consistent 10 science 2 sciences 3 hashing 2
73 Images 16 cnn 2 hyperspectral 3 merge 1
72 finance 3 series 21 hidden 3 works 4 private 1 insights 1
71 goodness 7 scheme 8 schemes 10 simulation 4 resilient 1
70 assimilation 3 oversampling 3 denoising 7 joint 8 cycle 6 integer 2 peacock 1
69 matching 23 inequalities 6 since 8 they 4 basic 2 where 1
68 signals 7 signal 7 average 3 topics 3 subject 1 bitcoins 1
67 bearing 8 clouds 4 intrinsic 3 among 2 storage 2 synthetic 1 prescriptive 1
66 partial 10 partitioning 2 averaging 7 coarsening 1 hypergraph 1 benefits 1
65 why 2 sensitivity 4 standard 2 simplex 2 expression 3 coefficients 2 globally 2
64 total 16 public 1 hypothesis 3 transition 1 harmonic 1 demand 1
63 between 57 symmetric 3 asymmetric 1 gap 4 gaps 4 typical 6 singular 1
62 gas 2 forecast 3 forecasting 3 translation 9 ergodic 4 wave 4 horizons 1
61 diffusions 12 concentration 7 monte 6 carlo 6 Mullins 1 locally 1 wall 1
60 hybrid 3 framework 14 vector 7 vectors 1 powers 1 integral 2 realistic 2
59 fair 3 fairness 5 free 7 averaging 6 balancing 1 balanced 1 expressions 1
58 CT 13 pixel 2 highly 1 dehazing 1 money 3 budget 1 tropical 1scan 1 average
57 fidelity 2 bias 4 music 4 dose 8 privacy 1 rotating 1 acceleration 1
56 interpolation 8 tighter 2 moment 7 semi 14 porous 6 medium 6 ergodicity 4
55 mixture 17 mixtures 1 young 1 abnormal 1 normality 1 disorder 1 moments 1
54 aspects 5 well 11 inclusions 2 front 1 nonparametric 7 topics 3
53 alpha 2 pixel 2 look 3 ahead 2 location 7 perimeter 1 hard 1
52 some 13 intrinsic 3 unbalanced 3 cold 1 decay 1 singular 1 nose 1 arms 1
51 tracking 5 hypothesis 3 testing 5 useful 2 perturbation 1 homogeneou 1
50 fusion 9 norms 1 abnor mal 1 noises 1 variant 1 invitation 1damped 1 meta 1
49 super 10 norms 1 abnor mal 1 noises 1 variant 1 invitation 1damped 1 meta 1
48 structure 16 structures 8 supplement 8 supplementary 4 simple 6 sense 1
47 guided 12 extraction 4 augmentation 19 guide 4 forces 1 forced 1
46 rank 2 costs 2 partial 9 intrinsic 2 Perron 1 gaps 1 hard 1
45 approximation 69 observation 1 patch 1 covering 1
44 calculus 7 variation 20 cross 13 remarks 2 sketch 2
43 document 5 retrieval 9 tree 10 variants 4 3D 9 2D 8 1D 2 1D 1 no 1
42 central 14 thin 5 side 2 hand 4 against 1 front 1 head 1 edition 1
41 net 3 correction 7 correlation 3 group 4 groups 3 elementary 3 education 1
40 none 25 heat 3 soft 2 complete 2 dataset 2 datasets 2
39 disparity 2 norm 4 single 6 gap 6 homology 1 surgery 1 relation 1
38 validation 3 vanishing 8 relative 2 relations 2 belief 2 vectors 1
37 vector 7 operators 6 brain 5 irregularity 2 ipcc 2 liver 2 operator 1
36 spectral 14 design 7 how 4 what 3 mixed 4 operation 2
35 chances 5 functions 16 stability 18 filter 3 diagram 1 above 1 crowd 1
34 process 8 processes 36 time 35 rolling 2 supports 2
33 prediction 9 interaction 10 imitation 5 formulations 2 mode 2
32 reinforcement 10 existence 11path 6 perturbations 4 depth 4 short 3
31 absolutely 5 under 33 uncertainty 9 semigroups 7 shallow 1
30 resolution 19 ormulation 11 support 10 continuous 12 smooth 11
29 dans 7 map 4 maps 7 mapping 3 mappings 3 forward 2 classes 1 adopting 1
28 generating 8 super 10 trajectory 2 theory 8 example 1 abstract 1
27 generating 8 generator 7 sequence 8 semantic 6 sequence 4 drug 2 song 2
26 band 4 guided 11 dependent 3 dependence 3 maximal 3 sticky 3 das 2
25 domain 29 adaptation 19 selection 7 automatic 5 active 2
24 regression 21 fault 14 diagnosis 17 une 5 par 6 breast 2 implement 1
23 robustness 8 examples 4 deviation 4 independent 4
22 law 5 laws 6 maximum 7 minimum 6 uniform 5 independence 5
21 constrained 31 protein 5 class 13 CT 13 der 17 die 6
20 classification 43 condition 8 conditions 9 clarification 1 er
19 manifold 16 manifolds 16 all 3 des 4 structured 9 auction 1 block 1
18 fault 14 pour 5 other 5 matrix 15 matrices 10 normal 4 precise 4
17 y 10 e 36 para 1 con 9 filter 3 filters 2 families 11 connectivity 4 displacement 3
16 distancia 1 spanish 距離 2 japanese 距離 2 chinese distância 1 port 거리 2 korean\
15 brain 5 general 5 driving 4 green 2 help 2 transform 2 transformation 2
14 rates 14 system 10 descent 9 error 9 multilevel 7 mass 6 part 6
13 multivariate 25 means 20 kernel 15 case 15 minimax 15
12 via 90 without 34 performance 10 computing 11 any 2 estimator 4 la 14 per 2 3 13 4 6
11 value 6 valued 12 flexible 2 cancer 2 medical 2
10 parameter 3 horizon 4 finitte 16 infinite 6 effective 2 regularisation 2
9 terminal 5 covariance 6 curve 2 curves 11 response 7 confidence 8 fixed 8 true 6
8 type 34 types 1 line17 curvature 17 labeling 3 profile 2
7 nonlinear 29 density 13 drift 8 upper 3 expected 2 tool 2 d
6 control 27 dimension 10 new 9 dimensions 2 iterations 2 graphical 2
5 local 15 density 13 error 9 sample 16 samples 5 global 3 normal 4
4 under 35 probability 33 form 3 forms 3 closed 3 open 3 flexible 2
3 risk 21 type 34 task 4 facial 6 minimum 6 terms 4 proximal 9
2 large 18 scale 17 material 7 decomposition 7 real 11 3 OR 4 OR 5 18
1 transfer 11 smooth 11 divergence 13 like 6 strong 6 done √
wasserstein's 35 wgans 10 vaserstein's 3 cwgan 3 ewgan 1 done
1 √ 2 √
about 3√ All 2 approximate 12√ approximative 1√
approach 5√ are 4√ art 8 attack 2√ attention 9√
best 1√ bound 5√ bounds 28√ by 9√
chance 16 √ circle 1 climate 2√ code 1√ coding 1√
complexity 9√ control 26 √ constraint 6 √ constraints 8√
contraction 28√ convergent 4√ convex 12√ convexity 6√
coupling 5√ cost 11 √ critical 1 cryptocurrency 1
de √ detection 15√ diagrams 13√
discrepancy 2√ discrete 19√ down 1 √ du √
dual 18√ duality 7√ dynamics 10√
elliptic 1√ embedding 12√ embeddings 18 √
emotion 5 √ energy 12 √ entropic 21√ entropy 26 √
equilibria 1√ equilibrium 5 √ estimating 6 √ evolution 13 √
face 5√ fast 20√ faster 6√ filtering 8√ fit 10√ fixed 8√
formula 13 √ formulae 1 √ formulas 3 √ fuzzy 3 √
gain 1√ game 2 √ games 3 √ gaps 5
generate 3√ geodesics 1√ gradients 4 √ grid 2 √
health 1√ high 10√ higher 2√ hyperbolic 5 √
identity 4√ into 2 √ improving 7√ input 3√ inequality 23√
interactions 1√ is 4 √ it 5 √
l1 √ l2 √ life 21√ limit 17√ limited 6 √ limits 4√
low 9√ lower 6√ lp √
machine 14√ mean 13√ measure 30√ moving 1√ MRI 3√
multi 27√ multivariate 25√
natural 9√ negative 5√ no 2√ noise 9 √ non 27√ norm 4 √ norms 1 √
note 2√ notes 4√
object 10√ objects 3√ one 13√ optimality 5√
optimisation 1√ order 23√
parabolic 5√ PDE 5√ PDEs 6 √ p √ penalty 14 √ persistence 1√ phase 3√
point 16√ positive 10√ power 14√ predictive 1√ precise 4√ precision 1 √
primal 9 √ principle 7 √
programming 10 √ problem 22√ problems 12√ projection 11√ pseudo 1√
quantum 27 quasi 1√
rate 15√ recognition 16√ regularization 27√ reinforced 2√
relaxed √ random 17√ regularity 1 √ remote 6 √ results 1 √
return 1√ robustness 8√
sampling 6√ self 14√ sensing 6√ shape 15√ sharp 3√
small 6√ sparse 10 √ stability 13√ statistics 8√
strict 1√ strong 5√ stronger 1 √ supervised 17√
test 15√ text 13√ through 10 √ topic 4 √ transportation 8√ trends 1√ two 24√
un 1√ unsupervised 22 √ up 2√
view 3√ visual 4√ vision 1√ voice 5√ von 7√
war 6 √ way 4√ wind 5√ wise 1 √
6ero 6 zeta 1√
Exact phrases search in titles by google scholar
Wasserstein followed by:
approach 5; ball 2;balls 7; based 32; barycenter 43;
barycenters 73; clustering 4; contraction 14;
convergence 9; coupling 1; diffusion 18;
discrepancy 1; distance 445, distances 97;
divergence 8; distribution 1; driven 2;
dynamics 5 √; flow 3 √; flows 4 √;
gain 1; GAN 89; GANs 65; geodesics 4;
geometry 21; gradient 79; graph √;
identity 1; learning 16; like 3; loss 23;
space 139; spaces 85; statistics 4;
training 9;
1 1
Wasserstein preceded by:
1 5; 2 38; discrete 11; dual 3√;
entropic 6; estimating 1; estimation 4;
generalized 10; improved 12; improving 1;
p 17; training 3 ;reinforced 2; relaxed 4;
robust 19; sliced 40; smooth 4; via 88;
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Wendy Wasserstein 92 playwright sister of Bruce
David OR D.J. Wasserstein 46 history Vanderbilt U
Bernard Wasserstein 39 history son of Abraham. Chicago, Amsterdam
Kleinwort OR Bruce OR Perella OR Lazard Wasserstein 31
Abraham Wasserstein 10 history
Ron OR Ronald Wasserstein 2 statistics
Jeanette Wasserstein 2 psyhaetry
G.Wasserstein 1
Jack E. Wasserstein dentist
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By: Yang, Qingsong; Yan, Pingkun; Zhang, Yanbo; et al.
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MEDICAL IMAGING Volume: 37 Issue: 6 Special Issue: SI Pages: 1348-1357 Published: JUN 2018
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Introduction to the Wasserstein distance
Introduction to the Wasserstein distance - YouTube
Title: Introduction to the Wasserstein distance Abstract: I give an introduction to the Wasserstein distance, which is also called the ...
YouTube · Applied Algebraic Topology Network ·
Oct 26, 2020
Introduction to the Wasserstein distance
Oct 25, 2020
Wasserstein generative adversarial networks
M Arjovsky, S Chintala, L Bottou - … conference on machine …, 2017 -
… before each generator update (line 10 in Algorithm 1), the loss function at this point is an
estimate of the EM distance, up to constant factors related to the way we constrain the Lipschitz …
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... AI) on the theory of generative adversarial networks, biological plausibility of deep credit assignment, and his ...
Jun 12, 2017
I Gulrajani, F Ahmed, M Arjovsky, V Duoulin…m - arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2017 -
Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) are powerful generative models, but suffer from
training instability. The recently proposed Wasserstein GAN (WGAN) makes progress toward
stable training of GANs, but sometimes can still generate only low-quality samples or fail to …
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2015 see 2004 2005 book
gradient Flows: In Metric Spaces and in the Space of ... › ~sayan › ambrosio
Jan 1, 2015 — II Gradient Flow in the Space of Probability Measures. 103 ... 7 The Wasserstein Distance and its Behaviour along Geodesics. 151. 7.1 The ... parts, the first one concerning gradient flows in metric spaces and the second one.
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