Pu Publications of L.N. Vaserstein

 Updated Jun 30,  2023

Abstract journals: MR = Math. Reviews by Amer.Math.Soc.     Z = Zbl = zbMath .   R Zh= Ref. Zhurn. Mat. (Russian abstract journal). 

Other spellings for the last name: Vasershtein, Wasserstein, Waserstein, Vasserstein,  Vaseršteǐn, Vassershtejn,  Vasershtejn,  Васерштейн, Вассерштейн. 

this web[age URL:  https://lxv1.github.io/publications.html


1.  Subgroups of finite index of spinor groups of rank  ≥  2,
Mat. Sbornik  75:2 (1968), 178-184 = Math. USSR Sbornik 4, pp.161-166.
MR 37#1475. Z247.20050. RZh 1968.11A324.   1.25.67.

2.  The congruence subgroup problem for unitary groups of rank ≥  2,

Mat.Sbornuk 76:3 (1968), 362-367 = Math.USSR Sbornik 5 , pp. 351-355.
MR 37#5301Z256.20063.  RZh 1969.4A359.   7.17.67.

3.  On groups satisfying the property  T,
Funk.An. 2:2 (1968), p.86,
MR 37#4200. Z232.20087.  RZh 1968.12A333.    12.24.67.

4.  Stabilization in algebraic K-theory and the congruence subgroup problem  for   classical groups,
Dissertation, 28 pages, Moscow State University, 1968.
Defended April  11,   1969.

5.  Stabilization in algebraic K-theory and the congruence subgroup problem
for  classical  groups,   Abstract of Dissertation, Moscow State University Press, Moscow 1969,
7 pages.  12.04.68.

6.  On stabilization in algebraic K-theory,
Funct. Anal. 3:2 (1969), 85-86 = Funct.Anal.Appl. 3 , 153-154.
MR 42#1910. Z208 p.44. RZh 1969.10A215.  10.25.68.

7.  On the congruence subgroup problem for classical groups,
Funk.Anal. 3:3 (1969), 88-89 = Funct,. Anal.Appl. 3, 244-246.
    MR 41#1894Z279.20037. RZh 1969.12A512.   11.12.68.

  8.   K1-theory and the congruence subgroup problem,
Mat.Zametki 5:2 (1969), 233-244 = Math. Notes 5, 141-148.
     MR0246941 (40 #210)    MR 42 p.1823.     Z177.04301. Z195.32202.                                   RZh 1969.7A320.   12.23.67.

9.  On stabilization for general linear groups over a ring,
Mat. Sbornik 79:3 (1969), 405-424 = Math. USSR Sbornik 8, 383-400.
    MR 42#1911Z238.20057.  RZh 1969.12A487.   12.12.68. Cited by 160

10.  Markov processes on countable space products describing large systems of   automata,
Probl.Pered.Inform. 5:3 (1969), 64-72 = Probl. Inform.Transm. 5:3, 47-52.
MR0314115 (47 #2667)
  Z273.60054. RZh 1970.2V388.    2.24.69.
Cited in 33 publications in Math Reviews including  51 #7055    |  50 #1326  |  48 #7324   |  , Cited by 281 by Google Scholar
Cited by 255
Related articles Google Scholar

Wasserstein distance or metric:  |   866  references in MR with Wasserstein anywhere (excluding one with Wasserstein-Robbins); 17 with Vasershtein.
1131  results
    from  Web of Science   with Wasserstein in topic; 6 with Vasershtein.

11.  (with A.Leontovich) On  invariant measures of Markov operators
describing  a  homogeneous  random medium,
Probl.Per.Inform. 6:1 (1970), 71-80 = Probl. Inform. Transm. 6:1, 61-69.
 Z306.60043. MR0530400  (58 #26621)  RZh 1970.10V49.    3.27.69.

12.  Stabilization for unitary and orthogonal groups over a ring with involution,
Mat.Sbornik 81:3 (1970), 328-351 = Math. USSR Sbornik 10, 307-326.
MR 42#4617
. Z253.20066. RZh 1970.7A365.   1.29.69.

13.  (with A.Mikhalev) On normal subgroups of orthogonal groups over rings
with  involution,
Algebra i Log. 9:6 (1970), 629-632 = Algebra & Logic, pp.375-377.
MR 44#2844. Z239.20059. RZh 1971.9A337.   4.21.70.

14.  The stable range of rings and the dimension of topological spaces,
Funk.Anal. 5:2 (1971), 17-27  = Funct.An.Appl. 5, 102-110.
 MR 44#1701
. Z239.16028.  RZh 1971.12A482.   4.16.70.

cited in 99 publications in Math Reviews

15. On even unimodular lattices, App. to "Torelli's theory for algebraic
surfaces of type K3"  by  I.I. Piatetski-Shapiro and I.R.Shafarevich,
Izv. Akad.Nauk, ser.mat. 35 (1971), 530-572,   pp. 561-564.
MR 44 #1666
Z253.14006. cited in 110 publications in Math. Reviews

16. (with Z.V.Tsuypenko, V.I.Chmil, E.B.Sherman) An experiment of posing and
solution of    a non-linear many-extremal problem in development and
allocation of industrial production,
Electrotechnical Industry, General, 388 (1971)    (in Russian).

17  (with Sherman) A many-extremal problem of development and allocation
with concave   objective function,
Abstracts of Talks, The First Conference on Optimal Planning and  Control
in Economy,    Central Econom.-Mat. Instit. Moscow, 1971.

18.  (with A.N.Parshin) Translation of "Basic Number Theory" by A.Weil,
"Mir", Moscow,  1972, 408 pages,
 MR 50#4525
. Zbl 0238.12001

19.  On the group SL2 over Dedekind rings of arithmetic type,
Mat.Sbornik  89:2 (1972), 312-322 = Math. USSR Sbornik 18, 321-332 (1973).
 MR 55#8253
.  Z359.20027. RZh 1973.2A369.   12.13.71. Cited by 141

20.  (with Gemintern, Sherman) Methods of solution of problems in
development and allocation  of manufactoring (in Russian),
"INFORMELECTRO", Moscow, 1972, 44 pages.  7.01.71.

21.  (with Sherman) An algorithm for approximate solution of a
multi-extremal problem of    development and allocation of  manufactoring,
Electrotechn. Industry, General (1972) 14, pp.11-13 (in Russian).

22.  Structure of the classical arithmetic groups of rank > 1,
Mat.Sbornik 91:3 (1973), 445-470 = Math. USSR Sbornik 20, 465-492 (1974).
 MR 50#2357
. Z277.14018, Z291.14016. RZh 1973. 12A382.     5.27.71.

23.  (with Rudnev, Sherman) Parametric models of optimization of advanced
sectoral planning,    Electrotechnology 11 (1975), 57-60 (in Russian).

24.  Foundations of algebraic K-theory,
Uspekhi Mat.Nauk   28:2 (1973), 231-232.
RZh 1973.10A324.

25.  Foundations of algebraic K-theory,  Abstract of Address to Moscow Math.
Soc., Uspekhi Mat.Nauk  28:4 (1973), p.203.

26. Stabilization for classical groups over rings,
Mat.Sbornik 93:2 (1974), 268-295 = Math. USSR Sbornik 22, 271-303.
 MR 49#2974
. Z287.18015, Z305.18007. RZh 1974.9A454.   6.01.71.

27.  (with A.A. Suslin) Serre's problem on projective modules over
polynomial rings and   algebraic K-theory,
Funk. An. 8:2 (1974), 65-66 = Funct.Anal.Appl. 8, 148-150.
MR 50#303
Z293.13007.  RZh 1974.10A336.  Sem.Bourbaki No. 448.    11.28.73.

28.  (with Chmil, Sherman) A multi-extremal problem for growth and
allocation of production   with a concave objective function,
in Math. Methods in Economical Research , "Nauka",  Moscow,  1974, pp.138-143.
MR 53#15379
.    2.08.72.

29.  (with co-authors) Methodology of elaboration of optimal plans for
development,     specialization, and placing of manufactoring in electric
"INFORMELECTRO",  Moscow,  1974,  116 pages.    12.12.73.

30  (with co-authors) Problems of advanced planning in electric industry,
"INFORMELECTRO",  Moscow,  1974,  96 pages.    6.18.74.

31. (with A.A. Suslin) Serre's problem on projective modules over polynomial
rings,  Abstract of Address to Moscow Math. Soc.,
Uspekhi Mat.Nauk 30:5 (1975), p.193.

32. On stabilization for the Milnor functor  K2,
Uspekhi Mat.Nauk 30:1 (1975), p.224.
MR 53#8198
. Z326.18009. RZh 1976.9A326.

33.  (with Sherman) On formation of variants in discrete problems of optimal
sectoral planning,    Economics and Mat. Met. 11:4 (1975), 669-680.

34.  (with A.A. Suslin) Serre's problem on projective modules over
polynomial rings and  algebraic K-theory,
Izv.Akad.Nauk, ser.mat. 40:5 (1976), 993-1054 = Math.USSR Izv. 10:5, 937-1001.
MR 56#5560
.   Z338.13015, Z379.13009. RZh 1972.2A459.     4.4.75. Cited by 130

35.  Foundations of algebraic K-theory,
Uspekhi Mat.Nauk 31:4 (1976), 87-149 = Russian Math. Surveys 31:4, 89-156.
MR 55#458
. Z356.18015, Z359.18015. RZh 1977.1A374.     2.26.75.

36.  (with Pavlova) An optimization experiment in advanced planning of
manufactoring,    development, specialization, and placing in electroceramics industry,
Electr. Industr. General 5 (444) (1976), 19-21.

37.  (with Rudnev, Sherman) Parametric models of development and placing of
manufactoring,    Economics and Mat. Met. 13:5 (1977), 1008-1021.

38.  (with Sherman) Problems of formation of variants for development and
specialization of   industrial plants in optimal sectoral planning,
"INFORMELECTRO", Moscow, 1977, 76 pages.

39. (with Rudnev,  Sherman) Parametric models of optimization in advanced
sectoral   planning,
"INFORMELECTRO", Moscow, 1978.

40. On systems of particles with finite-range and/or repulsive interactions,
Commun.Math.Physics  69 (1979), 31-56.
Physics Abstracts 83 (1980) #37. Physics Briefs 2 (1980), 17535.

In particular, a conjecture posed  by van der Waals in his Nobel lecture on Dec. 12, 1910  is proved.

41. On the normal subgroups of  GLn  over a ring,
in Springer Lecture Notes in Math.  #854, 1981 (Algebraic K-theory), pp.454-465.
 MR 83c 20058
.    Z464.20030. Cited by 137

42. On full subgroups in the sense of O'Meara,
J. Algebra  75 (1982), 437-444.
 MR 83c 20051
.     Z488.20035.  RZh 1982.11A312.     4.10.81.

43. Book review of  "Recurrence in ergodic theory and combinatorial  number
by  H.Furstenberg and  "Rudiments of Ramsey theory"  by R.L. Graham,
Bull.  London Math.Soc. 14 (1982),  458-460.

44. Classical groups over rings,
Abstracts of papers presented to A.M.S.  3:2 (1982),  p.164.

45. (with B.Magurn,  R.Oliver) Units in Whitehead groups of finite groups,
Prep.Ser. Aarhus Univ. 27 (1982),  56 pp.
.  RZh 1982.11A314.

46.  On K1-theory of topological spaces,
Abstracts of papers presented to A.M.S.  4:7 (November 1983), 524-525.

47.  (with B.Magurn,  R.Oliver) Units in Whitehead groups of finite groups,
J. Algebra  84:2 (1983),  324-360.
. MR 85a:18015.  RZh 1984.3A488.   2.15.82, 9.29.82.

48. (with R.K.  Dennis,  B. Magurn)  Generalized Euclidean group rings,
J.Reine Ang. Math.  351 (1984),  113-128.
 MR 85f:16012
Z527.16007.   RZh 1985.1A484.

49. (with  C.Matthews,  B.Weisfeiler) Congruence properties of
Zariski -dense  subgroups, I,
Proc.London Math.Soc.  48:3 (1984),   514-532.
 MR 85d:20040
Z551.20029.  RZh 1984.12A449.     5.9.83, 9.20.83.

50.  (with R.Herman) The stable range of C*-algebras,
Invent. Mathem. 77:3 (1984),  553-555.
 MR 86a:46074
Z559.46025. RZh 1985.6B821.

51. Bass's first stable range condition,
J.Pure Appl.Algebra  34:2-3 (1984), 319-330.
 MR 86c:18009
Z547.16017.  RZh 1985.8A442. Cited by 128

52. Classical groups over rings,
Canad.Math.Soc.Confer.Proc.  v.4 (1984),  131-140.
 MR 86d: 20056
.   Z577.20033.

53. On normal subgroups of the general linear groups over Banach  algebras
and von Neumann  regular rings,
Abstracts of A.M.S. 6:2  (1985),  p.185.

54. Computation of K1  via Mennicke symbols,
Abstracts of A.M.S. 6:2 (1985), p.185.

55. On arithmetic subgroups of simple algebraic groups,
Linear Algebra Appl. 72 (Dec.1985), 93-96.
MR 87b:22023
.   Z594.20038.  RZh.1986.8A459.

56.  On full subgroups of Chevalley groups,
Tôhoku Mathem.J.  37:4 (1985), 423-454.
 MR 87b:20058.    Z598.20051.  RZh.1986.8A457.

57.  Quadratic forms over rings of continuous functions,
Abstracts of  Conf. on  "Surgery and  L-theory" ,
Oberwolfach, March 17-23, 1985,  p.11.

58. On catching a moving particle by narrow strips,
Geometr. Dedicata  20:2 (1986), 143-146.
MR 87g:52020
.    Z586.51017.  RZh.1986.9A646.

59. Normal subgroups of the general linear groups over von Neumann  regular rings,
Proc.  Amer. Math. Soc. 96:2 (1986), 209-214.
 MR 87g:16020
.   Z594.16007.  RZh.1986.10A207.

60. On normal subgroups of Chevalley groups over commutative rings,
Tôhoku Mathem.J.  38:2  (1986),  219-230.
 MR 87k:20081

61. Vector bundles and projective modules,
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 294:2 (1986), 749-755.
 MR 87c:18010
Z592.55012.  RZh. 1986.11A.652.

62. Operations on orbits of unimodular vectors,
J. of Algebra 100:2  (1986), 456-461.
 MR 87j:13018
. Z592.20053.  RZh. 1986.11A.481.

63.  On K1-theory of topological spaces,
 in Amer. Math. Soc. Cont. Math. 55 (1986),  729-740
 MR 87m:18025

64.  (with R.Swan)  On absolute stable range of rings of continuous functions,
in Amer. Math .Soc. Cont. Math. 55 (1986),  689-692.
MR 88f:18017

65. (with R.Herman) K1  of compact operators is zero,
in Geometric Methods in Operator Algebras,
Proc. of US-Japan Sem.(Kyoto, July 1983), Pitman,1986, p.237-241.
 MR 88f:46135

66.  (with J.Anderson) Commutators in ideals of trace class operators,
Ind. Univ. Math. J.  35:2 (1986),  345-372.
MR 87f:47025
.   Z602.47032.

67. Normal subgroups of the general linear groups over Banach  algebras,
J. Pure Appl.  Algebra  41:1 (1986),  99-112.
 MR 88a:18023

68.  (with T.Bridges) The local evaluation of the derivative of a determinant,
J. of Comput. Physics    65:1 (July 1986), 107-119.
MR 87h:65074
.   Z593.65028.  RZh. 1986.12B1578.

69. Every integral matrix is the sum of three squares,
Linear and Mult. Algebra   20(1986), 1-4.
MR 88e:15009

70.  (with W.Thurston) On K1-theory of the Euclidean space,
Topology and Appl. 23:2 (July 1986), 145-148.
MR 87m:18023

71.  The subnormal structure of general linear groups,
Math. Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 99:3 (1986), 425-431.
MR 87k:20080
Z601.20046. RZh.1986.9A172.

72.  An answer to the question of M. Newman on matrix completion,
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.  97:2 (1986), 189-196.
MR 88e:18012
Z601.15011.    RZh.1986.12A441.

73. Computation of  K1  via Mennicke symbols,
Commun.in Algebra  15:3 (1987),  611-656.
MR 88m:18019

74.  On the sum of powers of matrices,
Linear and Mult. Algebra  21:3 (1987),  261-270.
MR 89a:15016
.   Z637.10041.

75.  Waring's problem for algebras over fields,
J.  Number Theory  26:3 (July 1987),  286-298.
MR 89e:11059

76.  Waring's problem for commutative rings,
J. Number Theory   26:3 (July 1987),  299-307.
 MR 89e:11060

77. (with B.A. Magurn)  Prestabilization for K1 of Banach algebras,
Linear Algebra  95  (Oct.1987),  69-96.
MR 89c:16034
. Z629.20021.  RZh. 1988.5A360.

78.  Normal and subnormal structure of classical groups over rings,
Abstract of talk   at  conference  in Bejijng,  May 1987.  6 pages.

79. (with R.K. Dennis) On a question of M. Newman on the number of
J.  Algebra   118:1 (1988), 150-161.
 MR 89k:20062

80.  Every integer is a sum or difference of 28 integral eighth powers,
J. Number Theory  28:1  (1988), 66-68.
 MR 89f:11139
Z634.10042. R.Zh. 1989 7A122.

81. Structure of gauge groups,  Abstract  in "Algebraic K-theory" ,
Oberwolfach, June 5-11, 1988,  p.5.

82.   Subnormal structure of the general linear groups over  Banach algebras,
J. Pure Appl. Alg. 52 (1988), 187-195.
MR 89i:18008
.   Z653.20050.

83.  Normal subgroups of classical groups over Banach algebras,
Comm.Math. Helv.  63:1  (1988), 103-107.
 MR 89f:46105
.   Z708.46047.  R.Zh.1988.8A411.

84.  Normal subgroups of orthogonal  groups over commutative rings,
Amer. J. Math.  110:5  (1988), 955-973.
MR 89i:20071

85. Reduction of a matrix depending on parameters to a diagonal form by
addition operations,
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 103:3 (1988), 741-746.
 MR 89h:18015

86. (with B. A. Magurn and W. van der Kallen)  Absolute stable rank and Witt
cancellation for  noncommutative rings,
Inv.  Math.  91:3 (1988),   525-542.
 MR 88m:18017

87.   On the best choice of a damping sequence in iterative optimization methods,
Publ. Matem.  Univ. Aut. Barcelona  32 (1988), 275-287.
MR 90d:90077

88.  (with G.Dafni) Matrix zeros of quadratic polynomials.
J.Number Theory   30 (1988),  27-50.
 MR 89j:13008
. Z657.13005.

89.   Normal subgroups of gauge groups,
in  Classical groups and related topics,
Amer. Math. Soc. Cont.Math., 82 (1989), 199-220
MR 89m:22001
.   Z679.22013.

90.  Linear algebra and algebraic  K-theory,
in  Classical groups and related topics,
Amer. Math. Soc. Cont.Math., 82 (1989), 191-198.
 MR 89k:18025

91.  Non-commutative number theory,
in Algebraic K-theory and algebraic number theory,
Amer. Math. Soc. Cont. Math.  83  (1989), 445-449.
MR0991989 MR 90d:11033 Z666.10032.

92.  Normal subgroups of classical groups over rings and gauge groups,
in Algebraic K-theory  and algebraic number theory,
Amer. Math. Soc. Cont. Math.  83  (1989), 451-459.
 MR 90e:20041

93.  Normal subgroups of symplectic groups over rings,
K-theory  2  (1989),  647-673.
MR 90f:20064
.   Z669.20040.

94. (with R.K. Dennis)  Commutators in linear groups,
K-theory   2  (1989), 761-767 .
 MR 90h:20045
. Z676.20024.

95.  (with P.Menal) On subgroups of  GL2 over non-commutative local rings
which are normalized by elementary matrices,
Math. Ann.  285:2 (1989), 221-231.
MR 90k:20085

96.  On normal subgroups of GL2 over rings with many units,
Composito Mathematica  74 (1990), 157-164.
 MR 91j:19004

97.  The subnormal structure of general linear groups over rings,
Math. Proc. Cambridge Phil.  Soc.  108:2 (Sept. 1990), 219-230.
MR 92d:20064

98.  (with P.Menal) On the structure of GL2 over stable range one rings,
J. P. A. Algebra  64:2 (June 1990), 149-162.
MR 92a:20058.

99.  (with E.Wheland) Factorization of invertible matrices over rings of
stable rank one,
J. Australian Math. Soc.  A48 (1990), 455-460.
 MR 91d:15028

100.  (with E.Wheland) Commutators and  companion matrices over rings of
stable rank 1,
Linear  Algebra  142 (1990), 263-277.
 MR 92a:19002
. Z713.15003.

101.  I. I. Piatetski-Shapiro, my advisor and friend,
in  Israel Proc. Math. Conf. vol. 2 (1990),  p. 1-4.
 MR 93g:01089b
.   Z0699.01028.

102. (with Grunewald and Mennicke) On symplectic groups over polynomial rings,
Math. Zeitschrift 206:1 (1991), 35-56.
MR  92a:19001

103.   On sums of cubes in polynomial rings,
Mathem. of Computation   56 (1991) , 349-357. 

MR 91e:11106 Z711.11013.

104. (with P.Menal) On subgroups of  GL2 over Banach algebras and von
Neumann regular rings  which are normalized by elementary matrices,
J. Algebra    138:1 (1991), 99-120.
MR 92h:16009
.   Z724.20034.

105.  (with C. Byrne)  An improved algorithm for finding saddlepoints of
two-person  zero-sum games,  Game Theory,   20:2 (1991), 149-159.
MR 93b:90113
.   Z754.90067.

106.   Unstable K1-theory of topological spaces is nilpotent,
in Algebraic  K-theory, Commutative  Algebra, and Algebraic Geometry,
Amer. Math. Soc. Cont. Math. 126 (1992), 193-196.
MR 93c:19002
. Z762.19002.

107. Ramsey's theorem and the Waring's problem for algebras over fields,
pp. 435-442 in Proceedings of workshop "The Arithmetic of Function Fields,"
1991,Ohio State University, Walter de Gruyter Verlag, 1992.
MR 94a:11155
. Z817.12002.

108. (with G. Payne) Sums of three cubes,
pp. 443-454 in Proceedings of workshop "The Arithmetic of Function Fields"    1991,  Ohio State University,  Walter de Gruyter Verlag,  1992.
MR 93k:11090
. Z799.11039.

109. (with F.A. Arlinghaus) Work of Pere Menal on normal subgroups,
Publ. Matem.  Univ. Aut. Barcelona  36 (1992), 389-400.
MR 94k:20085
. Z790.20064.

110.  (with E.Wheland)  Products of conjugacy classes of two by two matrices,
Abstracts of "Algebraic K-theory" conference in Oberwolfach,
June 27-July 3, 1993, page 22.

111. (with Yu. Lyubich)  Isometric embeddings between classical Banach
spaces, cubature formulas, and spherical designs,
Geom. Dedicata   47:3 (Sept. 1993), 327-362.
MR 94j:46017

112. (with F. Grunewald and  J.Mennicke)  On the groups  SL2(Z[x]) and   SL2(k[x, y]),
Isr. J.  Math., 86:1-3 (1994), 157-194.
 MR 95h:20061
. Z805.20042.

113. (with W. Conn)  On sums of three integral cubes,
in Proceedings of Radamacher Conference, Penn State Univ. 1992,  AMS Cont. Math. 166 (1994), 285-294.
MR 95g:11128
. Z808.11075.

PSU Report No. PM 131  March 1992 10 pages. scanned to 


114.  (with F.A. Arlinghaus  and H. You) Normal subgroups of classical groups
over von Neumann regular  rings,
Journal of Algebra   169:3 (1994), 863-873.
 MR 95k:20082
. Z819.20052.

115. (with F.A. Arlinghaus and H. You) Products of involutary matrices
over stable range one rings,
Linear Algebra  229:1 (1995), 37-48.
MR 96f:15015

116. (with E.Wheland)  Products of conjugacy classes of two by two matrices,
Linear Algebra 230 (1995), 165-188.
MR 96j:20061
. Z840.20040.

117. (with F.A. Arlinghaus and H. You) Commutators in psueudo-orthogonal  groups
J. Austral. Math .Soc.   Sr.A  59:3 (1995), 353-362.
MR 96c.20094

118. (with H. You ) Normal subgroups of classical groups over rings,
J.P. Appl. Algebra   105:1 (1995),  93-106.
MR 96k:20096
. Z843.20037.

119. (with coauthors) Solving quadratic equations over polynomial rings of characteristic two,
Publ. Math. Barcelona 41:1 (1998), 131-142.
MR 99e:13030

120. (with E. Wheland) Rigid relations in SL(2),
Linear Algebra Appl. 28:1-3 (1998), 25-31.
MR 99f:20076
.     Z944.20028.

121. On recollections of Yu.Suhov, in the book `R.L.Dobrushin, To 70th Birthday,'
Editorial URSS, Moscow 1999 (in Russian), pp.64-65. 
(AMS  Translations--Series 2, Advances in the Mathematical Sciences Volume: 198 , 2000.) [http://www.iitp.ru/ru/about/432.htm in Russian]

122. (with  E. Wheland)  Two-dimensional representations of the free group in
two generators over an arbitrary field,
Linear Algebra, 307 (2000), 145-150.
MR 2001c:20013
.   Z1007.20021.

123. Quantum (abc)-theorems,
J. Number Theory 81:2 (2000), 351-368.
 MR 2001d:11039
.    Z990.11015.

124. (with R. Gar-El)  On the Diophantine equation  a³+b³+c³+d³ = 0,
J. Number Theory, 94:2  (June 2002),  219-223.
   | ps | pdf | MR 2003d:11039 Z1031.11015.

125. (with E.R.Wheland), Vanishing polynomial sums,
Comm. Algebra, 31:2 (2003), 751 - 772.
    | ps | pdf | TeX |   MR1968922 .     Z1073.12001.


126. Introduction to Linear Programming,  Prentice Hall, 2003. 

Publication Date: November 17, 2002 | ISBN-10: 0130359173 | ISBN-13: 978-0130359179 |
title page: ps | pdf ||  copyright page:  ps | pdf ||  contents&preface: ps | pdf || student's manual: ps | pdf |
Chinese translation by Mechanical Industry Publishing House,  ISBN: 7111173295 .


127. (with L. Gallardo and E. Wheland) Berlekamp's discriminant and cubic equations in characteristic two,
JP Journal  of Algebra, Number Theory and Appl., 2:3 (2003), 169-178.
.   MR1999157.

128. On the Whitehead determinant for semi-local rings,   Journal of Algebra  283:2 (2005), 690-699.
| pdf .      Z1059.19002 .  MR2111217.

129. (with U. Onn and A.Prasad)  A note on Bruhat decomposition of GL(n) over local principal ideal rings
Communications in Algebra,  34  (2006),  no. 11, 4119--4130. 
.     Zbl 1112.15020.    arXiv GR/0506094 [abs, ps, pdf, other]


130. (with L. Gallardo and O. Rahavandrainy)  
Representations of polynomials over finite fields of characteristic two as  A2+ A + BC + D3,   
Finite Fields and Their Applications., 13 (2007), 648-658.        

Zbl 1127.11079 .          MR2391463.  MR2332492.



131. Linear Programming, Chapter 50 in Handbook  of Linear Algebra, Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, 24 pp.
(October, 2006) # ISBN: 1584885106.  amazon

MR2279160 (2007j:15001) Zbl 1122.15001

132. (with S. Frisch) Parametrization of Pythagorian triples by a single triple of polynomials,  J. P A Alg. 212 (2008), 271-274.
 arXiv:0706.0290 [ps, pdf, other]       MR2391463         MR2355049       Zbl 05201873


133. (with M. Car, L. H. Gallardo, O. Rahavandrainy) About the period of Bell numbers modulo a prime, Bull Korean Math. Soc., 45:1 (2008), 143-155.
.  Zbl 1195.11034


134. Polynomial parametrization  for the solutions of Diophantine equations   and
arithmetic groups , Annals of Math.  171:2 (March of 2010),   979–1009.  abstract

MR2630059. Zbl 05712747

135. (with L. Gallardo) The strict Waring problem for polynomial rings, 
J. Number Theory
128 (2008), no. 12,  2963--2972.
    Zbl 05486357 


136. (with  Nir Avni, Uri Onn, Amritanshu Prasad)     Similarity classes of 3x3 matrices over a local principal ideal ring
Comm. in Algebra    37:8 (2009),    2601--2615.   

MR2543507.   Zbl 1176.15013

137. (with L.Gallardo) Sums and strict sums of biquadrats in Fq[t],  Rocky Mountain Journal. 40: 6 (2010), 1863-1874. 

Zbl 05837630. MR2764225  


138. (with    R. T. Farouki  and   T. Sakkalis )  Non-existence of rational arc length parameterizations for curves in n,
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 228:1 (2009), 494-497.   

MR2514307.    Zbl 1166.53002


139.  (with S. Frisch  and   T. Sakkalis)   Polynomial parametrization of Pythagorean tuples.,   Int. J. Number Theory.Vol. 6 (6) (2010), 1261-1272.
Zbl 05802994MR2726581


140. Book review: Additive Combinatorics by T.Tao and V.H.Yu, SIAM Review 92:1 (March 2010), p.215-216.


141.  The stable rank of pullbacks, J. of Algebra. Volume 410, 15 July 2014, Pages 239–243

MR3201051 Zbl 06335822

142. (with S.Frisch) Polynomial parametrization of Pythagorean quadruples, quintuples and sextuples,  

Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 216 (2012) 184–191.

MR2826432 (2012k:11035). Zbl 1273.11053

143. Linear Programming, Chapter 68 in Handbook  of Linear Algebra, Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, 24 pp. Second Edition 2013

Publication Date: November 26, 2013 | ISBN-10: 1466507284 | ISBN-13: 978-1466507289 | Edition: 2


Journal of Combinatorics and Number Theory 5:1 (2013) , 1-9.

Zbl 06242291   MR3113617

145. (with L. Gallardo)  Polynomial parametrization of the integer matrices with given determinant

Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra . 218,:2 (2014,), 321 - 322.

Zbl 1273.11053  MR3120632 



Reduction of Linear Programming to Linear Approximation, 3 pp,   
[ps, pdf, other] 15 Feb 2006.

Matrix Games, Linear Programming, and Linear Approximation, 5 pp. 
[ps, pdf, other]      abstract 12 Sep 2006.

(with  Nir Avni, Uri Onn, Amritanshu Prasad)     Similarity classes of 3x3 matrices over a local principal ideal ring

arXiv:0708.1608 [ps, pdf, other]    13 pp. Submitted on 12 Aug 2007. published [136]

Linear Approximation, Matrix Games, and Linear Programming, 35 pp.

Bounded reduction of invertible matrices over polynomial rings by addition operations, 12 pp.


Interview conducted in August of 1980 by Dynkin.

Five  talks at Gelfand seminar in 1972 (2/14, 3/6, 3/13, 10/13, 10/19), notes by A. Kirillov.  L.N. Vasserstein. http://www.mccme.ru/gelfand/notes/by-author-000158.html#begin

A problem in Quant

Задачник <Кванта> по математике pdf


-----------Translations -----------

Besides the book translation [18] above from English to Russian, I translated many articles, including 

MR0244257 (39 #5574)      Bass, H.; Milnor, J.; Serre, J.-P.  Solution of the congruence subgroup problem for ${\rm SL}_{n}\,(n\geq 3)$ and ${\rm Sp}_{2n}\,(n\geq 2)$.  Inst. Hautes Études Sci. Publ. Math. No. 33 1967 59--137.  14.50 (20.00)  

(translated from the English by L. N. Vaseršteĭn) Matematika 15:1  1971 (pp. 44–60)     MR0429414 (55 #2431)

MR0272790 (42 #7671) Serre, Jean-Pierre Le problème des groupes de congruence pour SL2. (French) Ann. of Math. (2) 92 1970 489–527. 14.50. 

(translated from the French by L. N. Vaseršteĭn) Matematika 15:6 1971  (pp. 12–45)    MR0339966  (49 #4723)

and  24 translations from Russian to English, see  loca link.   

----- Reviews (more than 1160)  ------

242  reviews (of [apers published since 1977)  in Math Reviews by L.Vaserstein
since 1982.
781 reviews (of papers published since 1977)   in Zentralblatt  Mat.(mow zbMath)  by L.Vaserstein
; including 330  publications since 2010;

here are additional 99 scanned reviews (local link)  of papers published in 1974-1982.

Numerous reviews in Ref. Zh. Mat. by Vaserstein; 

partial list of 62 articles local link.

------ Citations and Impact -----

My name in title.

There are 

20,105 titles with my name

in three html files at my website.  13MB, 13MB, and 12MB:

6,961  titles appeared till 2018

6,796  titles appeared   in 2019-2020,

6,348 titles since 2021.

   These 3 files contain most of 

1288  titles at arXiv, 640 titles at zbMATH ,  

106  books,  256  theses/dissertations, 445  patents,

485   videos, and 686 ƒmr reviews from Math Reviews.

By comparison,  arXiv has

604 titles with Archimedes OR archimedean  


163 titles with Pythagoras OR pythagorean.

Most of titles  and more can be found at Google Scholar or WorldCat. They include    

500   titles from Math Reviews   (with my name spelled as Vaserstein, Wasserstein.

 Vasershtein, Vasserstein , or Vasseršteĭn),

  470 titles from ZbMath (with my name spelled as  Vaserstein | Wasserstein),

875  titles from arXiv (with my name spelled as Vaserstein, Wasserstein, or WGAN.


2204  papers in arXiv with my name in abstract my  page

2,154+  reviews in Math Reviews with Wasserstein (1378),Vaserstein (618), Vasserstein (5), Vasershtein (17), or Vassershtein  (1)  anywhere.

2.5K  reviews in Zentralblattt Math. with Wasserstein (1505  excluding 1 by  Wasserstein-Robbins, and  1 by Wasserstein, Ronald ), Vaserstein (992),  Vasserstein (6),  

Vasershtein (27), or WGAN (2)  anywhere.
2K preprints   with Wasserstein  anywhere in  arXiv.org

23  preprints with Vaserstein anywhere  in arXiv.org

2 preprints with Vasershtein anywhere  in arXiv.org

106  papers with WGAN in arXiv
756 +  28+5+6  results from  Web of Science  with Wasserstein, (excluding history), Vaserstein, Vasserstein, or Vasershtein in topic 

2150  books (local link, mostly from google books) mentioning my name including books on differential equations, statistics, computing, computer vision, machine learning,  networks, probability, sociology, physics, optimization, data analysis, actuarial theory, health science, life sciences, quantum field theory.

My name in encyclopedia, 133 including 62 wiki articles

number of citations (local link)

88  newspapers articles mentioning WGAN = Wasserstein GAN

from google news   

Google search results

August 11, 2020


Wasserstein AI 813K

Wasserstein brain 1M

Wasserstein  learning  1450K   Wasserstein & distance   789K  

wasserstein duality  151K   wasserstein geometry  231K

wasserstein IE  362K Wasserstein  teaching  110K  Wasserstein dynamics  396K

Wasserstein loss 354K  improving wasserstein 387K

Wasserstein clustering  136K   wasserstein  algebra  74K   

Wasserstein  GAN  354K   

Vaserstein metric 13K   vaserstein symbol  31K 

    Mallows-Wasserstein 37K  

google, google scholar

"Wasserstein autoencoder" 7K  "Wasserstein autoencoders" 4K

"Wasserstein ball" 5K Wasserstein balls" 25K

"Wasserstein barycenter" 8K,641      "Wasserstein barycenters" 10K, 733   

"Wasserstein based"  3K, 416    "Wasserstein-based" 4K, 416

"Wasserstein contraction"  3K, 182
"Wasserstein convergence" 1K, 117

"Wasserstein diffusion" 2K ,84

"Wasserstein discrepancy"  1K, 123

"Wasserstein distance"  162K, 1540  "Wasserstein distances" 34K, 3370

"Wasserstein distance matlab"  4K

"Wasserstein divergence"  2K, 114

"Wasserstein dynamics" 1K , 19

"Wasserstein-Fisher" 1K, 58  "Wasserstein Fisher" 1K,58

"Wasserstein flow"   1K, 30

"Wasserstein GAN"  63K, 6850 "Wasserstein GANs"  38K, 4510

"Wasserstein generative adversarial network"  15K, 494

"Wasserstein generative adversarial networks" 19K , 1

"Wasserstein geodesics" 3K,240

"Wasserstein geometry" 1K, 301 

"Wasserstein gradient" 15K, 903

"Wasserstein learning" 3K, 193

"Vaserstein linear" 1K, 3  

"Wasserstein loss"  9K 877

 "Wasserstein metric"  47K,6090    "Wasserstein metrics"  7K    , 1080 

"Wasserstein pseudodistance" 3K, 109   "Wasserstein pseudodistances" 1K, 43

 "Wasserstein pseudometric" 5K, 15    "Wasserstein pseudometrics" 4K, 32

 "Wasserstein space" 26K, 2310    "Wasserstein spaces" 9K , 7790

"Wasserstein statistics"   340K,248

"Wasserstein training" 2K, 117

"Wasserstein type"  2K, 285     "Wasserstein -type" 3K, 285

"wgan divergent" 20K

"wgan-gp"  32K   2K

"wgan-e"  1K  53

 "Vaserstein  metric" 44K, 48

"Vasershtein distance" 1K  69


Dennis-Vaserstein  23K  Swan-Vaserstein  5K

Vaserstein-Suslin 3K   Bass-Vaserstein  5K

Serre-Vaserstein 10K  Gromov-vaserstein  2K


"conditional Wasserstein"  12K. 2K

"deep Wasserstein" 5K 35

"discrete Wasserstein" 3K, 132    

"dual Wasserstein"      1K ,  38 

"entropic Wasserstein" 2K G   66 GS

"euclidean Wasserstein" 1K 105

"estimation of Wasserstein"  24K,132

"estimating Wasserstein" 443, 28

"generalized Wasserstein"  2K 166

 "improved Wasserstein"  1`M  58K

 "improved Wasserstein GAN" 1K

"learning Wasserstein"  1K

"learning with Wasserstein"  6K

"lp Wasserstein" 3K   "l1 Wasserstein" 1K  "l2 Wasserstein" 13K

  "quantum Wasserstein"  2K

"relaxed Wasserstein"   1K  89

"robust Wasserstein"   3K   165

"sliced  Wasserstein"   17K 687

"training with Wasserstein" 1K "training   Wasserstein" 1K

“using Wasserstein”  21K 588

"weighted Wasserstein" 2K  271



"Bures-Wasserstein" 1K  "Bures-Wasserstein's" 31K

 "Gromov-Wasserstein" 6K "Gromov-Wasserstein's" 19K

"Gromov  Wasserstein" 8K

"Kantorovich-Wasserstein"  7K   

"Rubinstein-Wasserstein" 1K

"Wasserstein -Fisher" 1K  63


------ my talks——

talks partial list (local link)@vstein15, check out the notifications you have on Twitter


—Ph.D. papers, Vaserstein advisor—



The Pennsylvania State University, 1984

  An urn model is defined as follows: n balls are thrown at an infinite array of urns, where each ball has probability p(,k) > 0 of independently hitting the...

Ann. Probab. 17, No.3, 1255-1263 (1989).



The Pennsylvania State University, 1987

 Linear Algebra Appl. 128, 1-26 (1990). 

Involutions in classical groups and related topics

by Arlinghaus, Francis Anthony

The Pennsylvania State University, 1993

New modeling principles for games and a social dilemma example

by Byrne, Christopher C

The Pennsylvania State University, 1995

Particle systems and generalized billiards

by Semenovich, Asya

The Pennsylvania State University, 1996

Patterns, codes and quasi-randomness

by Caragiu, Mihai

The Pennsylvania State University, 1996

Matrix factorization

by Wheland, Ethel Ruth

The Pennsylvania State University, 1996

Waring's problem for forms over fields of nonzero characteristic

by Bloy, Greg John

The Pennsylvania State University, 1997


------ honor students (partial list of honor papers)

Pricing methods for American put options

by Valdivia, Lauren; Vaserstein, Leonid Nison  2014

An examination of the Assignment Scheduling Capability for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (ASC-U) model

by Immendorf, Robert; Vaserstein, Leonid Nison  2012



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