] My name in books (mostly from google books)

including some preprints and dissertations 

As of October 2015, the number of scanned book titles was over 25 million, but the scanning process has slowed down in American academic libraries.STOC

Google estimated in 2010 that there were about 130 million distinct titles in the world, Google Books


New website (since 2017)  https://lxv1.github.io

My name in title from Math Reviews 

My name in title from other sources

My publications

this page

My name in titles of  videos 


Russian versions for the last name:

Васерштейн (official sync since 1960)  Вассерштейн (after my father);

Васерштейна  Вассерштейна;

Васерштейну  Вассерштейну.     

Васерштейном  Вассерштейном.      

 Вассерштейновское,    Васерштейновское. 

Latin versions for letters in Russian last name  Васерштейн :

versions for  first letter   В: V. W.

versions for   third letter  c: s, ss,ß.

versions for sixth letter   ш: s, sh  š.      

versions for ninth letter  й:  , i, j, y, ĭ.


Most common examples of my last name:

Васерштейн ,  Вассерштейн; Vaserstein (official since 1978),

Wasserstein (especially, in probability theory, statistics, computer science, engendering);

W (like in WGAN), V (like in Dr. V).

Versions of  my first name: 

Леонид,Леонида, Леониду, Леонидом, Леонидовское, 

Лёня, Лёни,  Лёне,  Лёню,  Лённо, Л,

Leonid, Leon, L.

Versions of my middle name:

  Нисонович, Нисоновча, Нисоновичу,  Нисоновичем Н,

Nisonovich, Nison, N.


WGAN = Wasserstein GAN

GAN =   Generative adversarial network,

= Генеративно-состязательная сеть

res-WGA  = residual WGAM

DAE-WGAN  does anybody else WGAN

CS-WGAN compressed sensing WGAN

WGAN-GP = WGAN + + Gradient Penalty

WGAN-E = WGAN Enhaced


Сборник задач московских математических олимпиад. - Составитель А.А.Леман, редактор В.Г.Болтянский. 1965   384 pages 


A. A. Leman


Владимир Григорьевиč Болтянский


Просвещение, 1965


382 pages

Настоящая книга представляет собой плод многолетней коллективной работы школьного 

математического кружка при МГУ, работы, активное участие в которой принимали многие 

студенты и преподаватели Московского Университета, а также школьникиучастники кружка. 

Установление авторства отдельных задач потребовало бы в настоящий момент совершенно 

непосильной исследовательской работы.

Составитель и редактор считают, однако, своим долгом выразить благодарность 

следующим лицам, принявшим участие в составлении решений и указаний, а иногда 

и в выяснении смысла «темных» задач подготовительных сборников: 

Г.М.;Адельсону-Вельскому, В.Л.;Арлазарову, В.И.;Арнольду, Д.Н.;Бернштейну, 

И.Н.;Бернштейну, Л.Н.;Вассерштейну, А.М.;Габриэлову, А.М.;Леонтовичу, 

С.В.;Казакову, А.А.;Кириллову, О.А.;Котию, Ю.И.;Манину, 3.А.;Скопецу, 

Е.И.;Славутину, Г.В.;Смирновой, А.Л.;Тоому, Д.Б.;Фуксу, А.X.;Хованскому, 



start 1966  4 books

Dissertationes Mathematicae: Rozprawy Matematyczne

1966 · ‎Snippet view

Found inside

[ 7 ] X . Fernique , Sur le Théorème de Kantorovich - Rubinstein dans les espaces polonaises , Lecture Notes in Math . ... [ 9 ] C . R . Givens and R . M . Shortt , A class of Wasserstein metrics for probability distributions , Michigan Math .

books.google.com › books

Математика в школе: научно-методический журнал Министерства ...

1966 - ‎Snippet view

Found inside - Page 87

Нам остается только позавидовать члену жюри Л. Н. Вассерштейну, который на разборе задач для участников с нескрываемым удовольствием обыграл, к удивлению большинства присутствовавших, одного из приверженцев ...

Surgery on Compact Manifolds

Charles Terence Clegg Wall - 1966 

2. a surgery obstruction theory for manifolds with arbitrary fundamental group ... characterisation of the simple homotopy types of compact manifolds. ... Such results were subsequently obtained by Bak [B1], [B3], Vaserstein [V1] and Sharpe.

by CTC Wall - ‎Cited by 1554 - ‎Related articles

ICM Moscow 1966 International Congress of Mathematicians, Moscow, 16-26 August 1966 volume 1

И. И. Пятецкий-Шапиро  Автоморфные функции и арифметические группы ,.   p. 232-250        

Ilya I Piatetski-Shapiro, Automorphic Functions and Arithmetic Groups. (Russian)

in  djvu:1.0 M      pdf:1.9 M   - Page 242  

Л. Н.Васерштейн


start 1967  2 books

Успехи математических наук - Volume 22, Part 2 - Page 208

Кроме того, Л. Н. Вассерштейн прочитал лекцию о подгруппах конечного индекса арифметических дискретных групп.

Lectures on topics in algebraic k-theory

Hyman Bass, ‎Amit Roy - 1967

start 1968  5 books

Proceedings - Page 242

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Found inside – Page 242

... с некоторой квадратичной формой с пятью или большим числом переменных , в которой число отрицательных квадратов , так же как число положительных квадратов , не меньше двух ( Л . Н . Васерштейн , готовится к печати ) 

Проблемы кибернетики - Volume 20 - Page 122

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1968 - ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 122

Из (26), (28), (29), (30) и (31) следует справедливость (10) для случая III. Этим завершается доказательство. Автор благодарит Я. Г. Синая, Л. Н. Вассерштейна и Ю. М. Сухова за ценные обсуждения. ЛИТЕРАТУРА 1. С та в ская О.

Found inside – Page 122

МОЖеМ на ПИСаТь h0,56;1/з— n1/2 н(in Go",—в("=")) 1 1/3,0,01 1 k(1n (п0 /з) — (п0*/з)0, ] - e < e < 2 " (25) Последнее неравенство ... Автор благодарит Я. Г. Синая, Л. Н. Вассерштейна и Ю. М. Сухова за ценные обсуждения.

Thirty-One Invited Addresses (Eight in Abstract) at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Moscow, 1966

M. A. Aĭzerman, D. V. Anosov, V. I. Arnol'd, A. A. Borovkov, E. M. Braverman, G. S. Ceĭtin, N. V. Efimov, Ju. L. Eršov, V. M. Gluškov, E. S. Golod, A. A. Gončar, M. I. Graev, I. A. Ibragimov, A. P. Juškevič, A. A. Kirillov, M. G. Kreĭn, O. A. Ladyženskaja, A. I. Mal'cev, Ju. I. Manin, G. I. Marčuk, B. S. Mitjagin, N. N. Moiseev, S. P. Novikov, V. P. Palamodov, A. Pełczyński, I. I. Pjateckiĭ-Šapiro, V. I. Ponomarev, A. G. Postnikov, L. I. Rozonoèr, N. A. Šanin, A. B. Sidlovskiĭ, S. L. Sobolev, A. N. Tihonov, V. A. Toponogov, I. M. Vinogradov, M. I. Višik, A. G. Vituškin, and I. D. Zaslavskiĭ

American Mathematical Society Translations--Series 2

1968; 266 pp; hardcover  Volume: 70

Летопись журнальных статей - Issues 14-26 - Page 72


46492 Васерштейн Л. Н. 63526 Васецкнй В. 79246 Васнков П. 83458

Ресуеил матхéматикуе де ла Социéтé матхéматикуе де Моско


большего. или. равного. 2. Л. Н. Васерштейн (Москва) Настоящая ^заметка представляет собой продолжение заметки [1]. Высказанная там гипотеза доказывается здесь для случая специальной унитарной (т. е. эрмитовой) группы ...

start 1969  8 books

Avtomatika i telemekhanika: organ Komissii avtomatiki i ...

1969 · ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 103

Авилы УДК 62-50 моДЕЛИРОВАНИЕ ГОЛОСОВАНИЯ СО СЛУЧАЙНОЙ ОШИБКОЙ Н. Б. ВАСИЛЬЕВ , М. Б. ... Как заметил Л. Н. Вассерштейн , это можно доказать следующим методом , применимым и во многих других случаях .

Bulletin signalétique: Mathématiques pures et appliquées - Page 12, 21, 150

1969 Centre de documentation du C.N.R.S.

Varopoulos, N. T., 1093. Varshavskij, V. I„ 2575. Vasconcelos, W. V., 441, 448. Vasershtejn, L. N"., 305, 609. Vasic, P. M., 14U8, 1755, 1756, 1948, 1949, 1950, 1951, 1953. Vasilescu, F.-H., 822. Vasil'ev, V. G., 2394. Vasquez, A. T., 2128.

Автоматика и телемеханика: орган Комиссии автоматики и телемеханики, Volume 30, Issues 9-12 - Page 103


С другой стороны, естественно ожидать, что при е, близких к 7г, система эргодична. Как заметил Л. Н. Вассерштейн, это можно доказать следующим методом, применимым и во многих других случаях. 

Советско-японский симпозюм по теории вероятностей,  Хабаровск, август, 1969 г, Volume 1- Page 11, 30

Akademia nauk SSSR. - 1969 

Japan-USSR Symposium on Probability Theory. Khabarovsk

Л И Т В Р- А Т У Р . А 1. Добрушин Р. Л. 2. Вассерштейн Л.Н. 3. Аверинцев М., 4. Досадшин Р. Л. 5. V.;;- . п Р. Л. 6. Беляев Ю.К. Малышев В. А. Громак Ю.И. 7. Ставе кая О.Н. Пятецкий-Шапиро 8. Шнирман М.Г. 9. Тоом А. Л. 10.

Recueil mathématique de la Société mathématique de Moscou - Page 422, 424, 463


2. Н. В аз з, Л. МПпог апй Л.-Р. Зегге, 5о1иИоп сГ 1Ье сопдгиепсе виЬдгоир ргоЬ- 1ет !ог 51„ (л>3) апй 5Р2п (л^2), РиЫ. МаШ., 33 (1967), 59—137. 3. Л. Н. Васерштейн, Кртеория и конгруэнцпроблема, Матем. заметки, 5, вып. 2 (1969) ...

Книжная летопись: Дополнительный выпуск - Page 13


... А. А. 14881 Варлинский Н. Н. 17339 Вартанян В. арм 16430 Вартанян В. А. 15173 Васадзе Б. И. 18127 Васенев С. А. 16501 Васерштейн Л. Н 10925 Василевич А. П. 14882 Василенко В. В. 17340 Василенко Е. Д. 15435 Василишин ...

Летопись журнальных статей - Issues 1-5 - Page 19

Васерштейн, Л. Н. Контруэнцпроблема для унитарной группы ранга, ...

Introduction to Probability and Statistics (with CD-ROM)

William Mendenhall - 1969 


start 1970  9 books

Алгебра и логика - Volume 9 - Page 145

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Институт математики (Академия наук СССР. Сибирское отделение) · 

1970 · ‎Snippet view


Одно из них было предложено ( следуя Стейнбергу ) Милнором [ 3 ] . У нитарные и ортогональные функторы К . и К , рассматривались Х . Бассом [ 2 ] , а также Л . Н . Васерштейном [ 4 ] , [ 5 ] в связи с проб - лемой стабилизации .

Albegra i logika: Seminar - Volume 9 - Page 166

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Institut matematiki (Akademia nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otdelenie) · 1970 · ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 166

Л.Н.ВАСЕРШТЕЙН , Стабилизация унитарных и ортогональных групп над кольцом с инволюцией , Матем . сб . , 81 , No3 ( 1970 ) , 328-351 . 8. С.П.НОВИКОВ , Алгебраическое построение и свойства эрмитовых аналогов Қ - теории ...

Задание системы случайных величин при ... - MathNet.Ru

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by РЛ Добрушин - ‎1970 - ‎Cited by 27 - ‎Related articles

Расстояние Васерштейна. Для формулировки] основного резуль тата о единственности случайного поля удобно ввести специальную метри.

Ресуеил матхéматикуе де ла Социéтé матхéматикуе де  Москоу   Page 322, 336, 351

Л. Н. Васерштейн, /(1 -теория и конгруэнцпроблема, Матем. заметки, 5, No 2 (1969), 233—244.

Летопис ьжурналńых статей - Issues 27-39 - Page 79

Васерштейн Л. Н. 116150

Problems of information transmission: Volume 6   Page 61, 69  

Consultants Bureau  Faraday Press, 1970  


Automation express - Volume 12 -International Physical Index., 1970  Page 16, 37


Экономика и математические методы - Volume 18, Issues 1-3 - Page 287

Институт проблем рынка (Академия наук СССР), Институт проблем рынка (Российская академия наук) - 


Л.: Машиностроение, 1970. 2. Васерштейн Л. Н., Шерман Э. Б. О формировании вариантов в дискретных задачах оптимального отраслевого планирования. — Экономика и матем. методы, 1975, т. XI, вып. 4. 3. Васерштейн Л. П.

Итоги науки: Алгебра, топология, геометрия - Page 84, 99


... понижению степени матриц в конгруэнц-проблеме. Обычно задачу удается свести к 81,(3, о) и 5/7 (4, о). Сюда относятся работы [10, 14, 194]. Л. Н. Васерштейн [12, 13, 15] с помощью ортогональных и 84.

Васерштейн Л. Н., /Сртеория и конгруэнц-проблема, Мат заметки 1969, 5, No 2, 233—244 (РЖМат, 1969, 7А330) Ю. — , Конгруэнцпроблема для унитарной группы ранга, большего или равного 2. Мат. сб., 1968, 76, No 3, 362—367 ...


start 1971  8 books

MR0429414   Математика: Периодический сборник переводов иностранных статей 15, вып. 1. (Russian) [Mathematics: Periodical collection of translations of foreign articles 15, no. 1] Izdat. "Mir'', Moscow, 1971. 160 pp. 00A10


MR0339966   Математика: Периодический сборник переводов иностранных статей. Том 15 (1971), вып. 6. (Russian) [Mathematics: Periodical collection of translations of foreign articles. Vol. 15 (1971), no. 6] Izdat. "Mir'', Moscow, 1971. 166 pp. 00A10


Рюэль Д. Статистическая механика. Строгие результаты  - Page 355, 356

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Пер. с англ. И.Д. Новикова и В.М. Герцика. Под ред. Р.А. Минлоса. М.: Изд-во Мир , 1971. 367 с. Книга Рюэля является первой в мировой литературе ...

Вассерштейн Л. Н. [1] Марковские процессы на счетном произведении пространств, ...

Arithmetic groups - Page 117

James E. Humphreys   Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University, 1971 - 121 pages ISBN: 0387099727


MR0339966 \cyr Matematika: Periodicheskiĭ sbornik perevodov inostrannykh stateĭ. Tom 15 (1971), \cyr vyp. 6. (Russian) [Mathematics: Periodical collection of translations of foreign articles. 

Vol. 15 (1971), no. 6] Izdat. ``Mir'', Moscow, 1971. 166 pp. 00A10

MR0429414  \cyr Matematika: Periodicheskiĭ sbornik perevodov inostrannykh stateĭ 15, vyp. 1. (Russian) [Mathematics: Periodical collection of translations of foreign articles 

15, no. 1] Izdat. ``Mir'', Moscow, 1971. 160 pp. 00A10

Модули - Issues 1-4 - Page 4

Институт математики (Академия наук СССР. Сибирское отделение)

9А28в) 14. БУРБАКИ Н. Коммутативная алгебра. М, 'Мир', 1971. 707 с. 15. ВАССЕРШТЕЙН Л.Н. О стабилизации в алгебраической К-те- ории. - 'Функцион. анализ и его прил.', 1989, т. 3, вып. 2, с. 85-88. (РЖМат, 1989, 10А215) 18.


- Issues 1-4 - Page 59

Introduction to Algebraic K-theory - Page vii

John Willard Milnor - 1971 

86 (1967), 16-73 R. Swan, Algebraic K-theory, Lecture Notes in Math. 76, Springer 1968- R. Swan (with E. G. Evans), K-theory of finite groups and orders, Lecture Notes in Math. 149, Springer 1970. L. N. Vaserstein, On the stabilization of the ...

Found inside – Page viii

L. N. Vaserstein, On the stabilization of the general linear group over a ring, Mat. Sbornik 79 (121), 405-424 (1969). (Translation v. 8, 383-400 (A. M.S.).) The main purpose of the present notes is to define and study an analogous functor K2, ...

start 1972   78 books

Tezisy dokladov - Volume 6 - Page 149

1972 · ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 149

... Ватиев 26 А . Н . Варченко 27 , 28 Л . Н . Васерштейн 28 А . И . Векслер 28 Н . В . Величко 29 А . М . Виноградов 29 О . Я . Виро 30 С . М . Вишик 30 И . А . Володин 30 Б . Д . Гельман 31 , 32 , 33 С . Г . Гиндикин 35 Ю . Е . Гликлих 36 Л ...

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Priroda - Volume 61 - Page 121

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1972 - ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 121

... магнитного поля этих объектов , а также получить в лаборатории магнитное поле в 250 тыс . эрстед , т . е . в полмиллиона раз превос • — все это найА. Вейль . Основы ТЕОРИИ ЧИСЕЛ . Перев . с англ . Л. Н. Вассерштейна ...

MR0352037 (50 #4525)   

Veĭlʹ, Andrè

Основы теории чисел. (Russian) [Fundamentals of number theory] 

Translated from the English by L. N. Vasseršteĭn and A. N. Paršin. Edited by I. I. Pjateckiĭ-Šapiro. Izdat. "Mir'', Moscow, 1972. 408 pp. 

Séminaire de probabilités VI: Université de Strasbourg  1971/72, Volume 11 -  Page 286, 290

Springer - 1972 - 253 pages Lecture Notes in Mathematics 258

References. M. DOBRUSIN, R. L. : Description of a random field by means of conditional probabilities and conditions of its regularity. ... WASSERSTEIN, L. N. : Probl. peredaci informacii 5,3 (1969), 64-73.

Introduction to Algebraic K-Theory  By JOHN W AUTOR MILNOR  Princeton University Press 1972 - Page viii


Found inside – Page vii

... A. Roy ) , Lectures on topics in algebraic K - theory , Tata Institute , Bombay 1967 . H. Bass and M. P. Murthy , Grothendieck ... 149 , Springer 1970 . L. N. Vaserstein , On the stabilization of the general vii Preface and Guide to the Literature.

MR0352037  Veĭlʹ, Andrè \cyr Osnovy teorii chisel. (Russian) [Fundamentals of number theory] Translated from the English by L. N. Vasseršteĭn and A. N. Paršin.

Edited by I. I. Pjateckiĭ-Šapiro. Izdat. ``Mir'', Moscow, 1972. 408 pp. 12-XX

Челябинская областная универсальная НАУЧНАЯ  БИБЛИОТЕКА

Методы решения задач развития и размещения производства [Текст] / Л. Н. Вассерштейн, В. И. Геминтерн, Э. Б. Шерман. - М. : 

Информэлектро, 1972. 45 с.

Вассерштейн Л. Н., Геминтерн В. И., Шерман Э. Б

Тезисы докладов - Volume 6 - Page 28, 149


АЛГЕБРАИЧЕСКИХ МНОГООБРАЗИИ Л. Н. ВАСЕРШТЕЙН (Москва) ОСНОВЫ АЛГЕБРАИЧЕСКОЙ /С-ТЕОРИИ О различных определениях Кп -функторов и свяаях между ними. А. И. ВЕКСЛЕР (Ленинград) О РАЗЛОЖИМОСТИ ...

ezisy dokladov - Volume 6 - Page 149

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1972 - ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 149

Бузаши - Богдюкевич 141 В . К . Булитко 23 М . С . Бургин 24 , 25 В . М . Бухштабер 26 А . Г . Вайнштейн 26 В . А . Ватиев 26 А . Н . Варченко 27 , 28 Л . Н . Васерштейн 28 А . И . Векслер 28 Н . В . Величко 29 А . М . Виноградов 29 О ...

Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena - Volume 10

Cyril Domb, ‎Melville S. Green - 1972

start 1973  10 books

Prirecheni berutʹ zbroiu: roman - Page 59

Yehiel Faliḳman · 1973 · ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 59

І саме в той час прибіг захеканий посланець і сказав Вассерштейну, що його кличе Зільберт. Старий повільно ... Вассерштейн поцілував онука, передав його матері і, взявши з жінчиних рук капелюх, а з доччиних — палицю й білу пов'язку, ... З учорашнього дня у Вассерштейна був особливо гнітючий настрій.


Algebraic K-Theory III. Proceedings of the Conference Held ...

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Hyman Bass · 1973 · ‎Snippet view


Such results have been proved by Bak [ 1 ] and by Wasserstein ( 15 ) . Moreover Wasserstein has even proved the much more difficult fact that the homomorphisms s , are eventually injective as well ; we do not treat this matter here .

Moduli - Issues 1-4 - Page 9

1973 - ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 9

Басс [ 176 ] выяснил , что свобода коАвторы Выражают благодарность Л . Н . Васерштейну , любезно согласившемуся прочитать эту часть обзора и сделавшему ряд ценных замечаний . нечно - порожденного проективного модуля ...

Found inside – Page 4

15 . ВАССЕРШТЕЙН Л . Н . Остабилизации в алгебраической К - теории . - “ функцион . анализ и его прил . " , 1989 , т . 3 , вып . 2 , с . 85 – 88 . ( РЖМат , 1989 , 10А215 ) 16 . ВАССЕРШТЕЙН Л . Н . Остабилизации общей линейной 

Theoretical and Mathematical Physics - Volume 12 - Page 703


To prove that the left-hand side in (2.4) majorizes the Wasserstein distance (see [9]), note that for any ...

Hermitian K-theory and geometric applications: -  Page 125, 156, 212

proceedings of the  conference held at the Seattle Research Center of the Battelle Memorial Institute, from August 28 to September 8, 1972 Hyman Bass - 1973 - 572 pages 


Séminaire de probabilités VII: Université de Strasbourg 1971/72, Vo;une 11 - Page 286

 edited by A. Dold, B. Eckmann

Paul André Meyer - 1973 - 322 pages Lecture Notes in Mathematics 321


Topics in stability and bifurcation theory - Page 89

David H. Sattinger Springer-Verlag, 1973 - - 190 pages


Proceedings of the Conference on Orders, Group Rings and Related Topics / Edition 1 by J. S. Hsia (Editor), M. L. Madan (Editor), T. G. Ralley (Editor)

1973 - Springer       Institute in Seattle, Washington, August 28- September 8, 1972). 

Stability for K 2 R Dennis 

[14] LN Vaserstein, On the stabilization of the general linear grOup over

a ring~ Mat. Sbornik 79 (1969), 405-424 (Amer. Math. Soc. Translation v. 8, 383-4oo. ) ...

Found inside – Page 94

[ll] L. N. Vaserstein, On the stabilization of the general linear group over a ring, Mat. Sbornik 79 (1969), 105-42 (Amer. Math. Soc. Translation v. 8, 385-l.00.) [15] , Stable rank of rings and dimensionality of topological spaces, Funkcion

Conference on Commutative Algebra, Lawrence, Kansas, 1972 - Page 89

James W. Brewer, ‎Edgar A. Rutter - 1973 

Dubriel-Pisot. t. l4 , 1960-l96l, no. 2 . Seshadri, C. [Ses] "Triviality of Vector Bundles over the Affine Space K^" Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 44(l958), 456-458. Vaserstein, L. [Vas] "Stable Rank of Rings and Dimensionality of Topological Spaces?

Итоги науки и техники: Техническая кибернетика - Page 343


11971, No 10, 95 — 107 143. Докл. II Всес. совёщ. по статиетич. методам теории управл. Ташкент, 1970. М., «Наука», 1970 144. Реф. докл. V Всес. совещ. по проблемам управл. М., «Наука», 1971 145. Васерштейн Л. Н. Марковские ...

start 1974  11 books

Metodika razrabotki optimalʹnykh perspektivnykh planov ... - Page 114

1974 · ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 114

13. Березин А. А. Факторы, влияющие на размещение подотраслей электротехнической промышленности.— «Электротехн. пром-сть. Сер. Общеотраслевые вопросы», 1972, вып. 378. 14. Вассерштейн Л. Н., Геминтерн В. И., ...

Found inside – Page 4

... следующем составе: М. Н. Акбулатова (ИЭ и ОПП СО АН СССР), Э. П. Амосёнок (ИЭ и ОПП СО АН СССР), канд. эконом. наук В. Е. Астафьев (Минэлектротехпром), канд. физ.-мат. наук Л. Н. Вассерштейн (Информэлектро), Р.

Contents of Contemporary Mathematical Journals


Found inside – Page 9

Number 2 3 18 27 4.4 Баблоян А. А. , Гулканян Н. О.— Плоская задача теорги упругости для прямоугольника со смешанными граничными ... Тючением Агаловян Л. Л. -0 погранслое ортотропных пластинок Вольмир А. С. , Пономарев А. Т .-- Нелинейные параметрические ... Васерштейн , Основы алгебраической К - теории В. М. Галкин , Об одном идеале в групповом кольце циклической ...

Queen's Papers in Pure and Applied Mathematics - Issue 41 - Page 147

Queen's University (Kingston, Ont.) - 1974 - ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 147

SWAN, R. G. , Vector Bundles and Projective Modules. Trans. A. M. S. lo 5 , (1962), pgs. 264-277. WASERSHTEIN, L. N. Stable Rank of Rings and Dimensionality of Topological Spaces, Functional Analysis and its Applications 5 , (l.871), pgs.

Regional conference series in mathematics - Issues 19-24 - Page 8, 19, 87


The definitive form (above) of (b) is due to Vasserstein [Va] . It is by far the most difficult of the results I shall discuss here. Its proof is too long and technical to give in detail within the scope of these lectures. The proof of (a), which is quite easy, ...

Bulletin signalétique:   - Page 291, 312

Informatique, automatique, recherche opérationnelle, gestion, Volume 35, Issues 1-7061

Centre national de la recherche scientifique (France). Centre de documentation scientifique et technique, Centre national de la recherche scientifique (France). Centre de documentation - 1974

distance de Wasserstein

Introduction to some methods of algebraic K-theory - Page 8

Hyman Bass, Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences - 1974 - 68 pages

Volume 20 of Regional Conference series in mathematics

The definitive form (above) of (b) is due to Vasserstein [Va] . It is by far the most difficult of the results I shall discuss here. Its proof is too long and technical to give in detail within the scope of these lectures. 

Lecture notes on discrete Markov systems - Page 57, 70 

Volume 10 of Carleton mathematical lecture notes

D. A. Dawson - Carleton University, 1974 - 144 pages

Vasserstein metric

Snirman, Vasserstein, Leontovich and others have shown that li^pi £ 2 . Furthermore there exists 6 ...

Found inside – Page 129

L. G. Mi tyushin , Nonergodicity 02 uniform threshold networks for small self excitation , Problemy Peredachi Informatici 6 ... L. N. Vasserstein , Markovian processes on a countable product of spaces describing a large system of automata ..

Matematicheskie metody v ėkonomicheskikh issledovaniiakh [Sbornik stateĭ - Page 138, 143, 172

MR0395739  \cyr Matematicheskie metody v èkonomicheskikh issledovaniyakh. (Russian) [Mathematical methods in economic research] Supplement to Èkonom. i Mat. Metody. 

Edited by E. G. Golʹšteĭn. \cyr Seriya "\cyr Optimalʹnoe Planirovanie i Upravlenie''. [Optimal Planning and Control Series] Izdat. ``Nauka'', Moscow, 1974. 172 pp. 90-06

Математические методы в экономических исследованиях: сборник ...

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Nikolaĭ Prokofʹevich Fedorenko - 1974 - ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 138

Л . А . Вааг , С . Н . Захаров . Методы экономической оценки в энергетике . ... ВАСЕРШТЕЙН , В . И . Чмиль , Э . Б . ШЕРМАН ( Москва , Донецк ) В большинстве отраслей промышленности в настоящее время успешно проводится ...

MR0395739   Математические методы в èкономических исследованиях. (Russian) [Mathematical methods in economic research] Supplement to Èkonom. i Mat. Metody. Edited by E. G. Golʹšteĭn. Серия "Оптимальное Планирование и Управление''. [Optimal Planning and Control Series] Izdat. "Nauka'', Moscow, 1974. 172 pp. 90-06

 Book Vaserstein

Методика разработки оптимальных перспективных планов  развития, специализации и размещения производства в электротехнической промышленности - Kazakevich, David Moiseevich. Page 4, 114   

Moskva : OVNIIĖM (Informėlektro), 1974.  114 pages

13. Березин А. А. Факторы, влияющие на размещение подотраслей электротехнической промышленности. — «Электротехн. пром-сть. Сер. Общеотраслевые вопросы», 1972, вып. 378. 14. Вассерштейн Л. Н., Геминтерн В. И., ...

Algebraic Geometry, Arcata 1974 - Page 111, 112, 114

Robin Hartshorne - 1974

Suslin-Vaserstein all announced important progress, The detailed history is very well portrayed in Bass' paper [2]; the reader may also find there a very complete exposition of the new results, (The material exposed here comes, in fact, from ...

Carleton Mathematical Lecture Notes - Issue 10 - Page 57, 70, 73

1974  Department of Mathematics, Carleton University,

... and N(a) = fa, a +l) • The measure 6^ is clearly an invariant measure. In a series of papers ([1.11], [1.231, [1.25], [1.28], [1.29], [l.2l], [1.26], [l.3l] Snirman, Vasserstein, Leontovich and others have shown that li^pi £ 2 . Furthermore there exists 6 ...

Found inside – Page 129

L. G. Mityushin , Nonergodicity or uniform threshold networks for small self excitation , Problemy Peredachi Informatici 6 ( 1970 ) , 99-103 . 22. L. M. Rozopoer , Aut . and Remote Control ... Math . 9 ( 1968 ) , 1338-1341 . 27. L. N. Vasserstein ..

start 1975   17 books

Теория вероятностей и ее применения - Volume 20 - Page 847

1975 · ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 847

[ 9 ] С. С. Валландер , Вычисление расстояния по Васерштейну между распределениями вероятностей на прямой ... ( 11 ) Л. Н. Васерштейн , арковские процессы на м произведении пространств , описывающих большие системы ...

Found inside – Page 647

4 . Валландер С . С . Вычисление расстояния по Вассерштейну между распределениями на прямой . — Теория вероятн . и ее примен . , 1973 , т . XVIII , в . 4 , с . 827 — 829 . 5 . Вассерштейн Л . Н . Марковские процессы на счетном ..


Доказательство основной теоремы В доказательстве используется идея построения « двойного » процесса , применявшаяся ранее Васерштейном в [ 3 ] и Добрушиным в [ 7 ] . В измеримом фазовом пространстве ( X , 3 ) ...

Itogi nauki i tekhniki: Algebra, topologiia, geometrii

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1976 - ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 71

Первыми успехами в решении проблемы Серра для п = 3 добились Л . Н . Вассерштейн и А . А . Суслин [ 24 ] ... Доказательство Л . Н . Вассерштейна и А . А . Суслина [ 24 ] существенно опирается на работу второго автора [ 145 ] ...

Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians

Ralph Duncan James - 1975 

Found inside – Page 27

... что всякий нетривиальНЫЙ нормальный делитель группы Гимеет конечный индекс в Г ? Васерштейн [ 2 ] доказал , что ответ утвердителен для широкого класса арифметических Подгрупп классических групп Положительного Q 

Found inside – Page 33

Литература. 1 . И . Н . Бернштейн и Д . А . Каждан , Об одномерных когомологиях дискретных подгрупп , Функц . анализ 4 ( 1970 ) , 1 - 5 . 2 . Л . Н . Васерштейн , О группах , обладающих свойством Т , Функц . анализ 2 ( 1968 ) , 86 . 3 .

Found inside – Page 329

Л. Н. Васерштейн , Стабильный ранг колец и размерность топологических пространств Функц . Анализ и Приложен 5 ( 1971 ) , No 2 , 17—27 . 5 . о стабилизации общей линейной группы над кольцом , Мат . Сб . 79 ( 1969 ) , No 3 ...

Летопись Журнальных статей - Issues 40-52 - Page 79


... Я. 175532 Васенко С. А. 165373 Васерштейн Л. Н. 147684 Васецкая M. Н. 139734 Васечко Г. И. 175584 Васечко Ю. А. 142379 Василев В. А. 148133 Василев С. 160531а Василевская В. К. 161551

Abstracts and summaries of reports by participants and observers

by U.S.-Japan Seminar on Applications of Automorphic Forms to Number Theory Ann Arbor, Mich.


Limit theorems of probability theory - Page 152, 162

Pál Révész, Bolyai János Matematikai Társulat 

Volume 11 of (Colloquia mathematica Societatis János Bolyai)

North-Holland Pub. Co., 1975 IEEE, 1975 - 420 pages 

p.152   Wasserstein - distance 

Found inside – Page 162

APPLICATIONS ( a ) The Wasserstein metric . Inequalities ( 3 . 1 ) and ( 3 . 5 ) remain valid if we substitute the Prohorov metric p by the Wasserstein metric po defined by ( 1 . 12 ) . The coupling given by Theorem B depends on the level x ...

IEEE transactions on communications: Volume 23

IEEE Communications Society, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - 1975


Computer and information systems: Volume 14  1975 Cambridge Scientific Corporation


Proceedings: Eighth Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences  - Page 80, 81

conference held January 7, 8, 9, 1975 Western Periodicals Co.2975 , 

Found inside – Page 81

The mismatch bound is in terms of a measure for any vzi of the distance between random variables which is a generalization of the Vasershtein distance [ 1 , 2 ] and a special case of the distance between random processes [ 3 ] . Given two ...

Algebraic Geometry: Arcata 1974 - Page 111, 112, 114

 edited by Robin Hartshorne, American Mathematical Society 1975

Suslin-Vaserstein all announced important progress.

Vsesoiuznyĭ algebraicheskiĭ simpozium:  - Page 352, 353

30- iiunia - 2 iulia 1975 g. : tezisy dokladov, Volume 2

N. G. Kokhen, ‎Instytut matėmatyki (Akadėmiia navuk Belaruskaĭ SSR), ‎Instytut matėmatyki (Akadėmiia navuk Belaruskaĭ SSR) Gomelʹskiĭ filial - 1975

Вассерштейн Л.Н.Стабильный рант колец и размерность топологических пространств, Функц. анализ, 1971,5,12,17-27. 4. Вассерштейн Л.Н.,Суслин А.А. Проблема Серра о проективных модулях над кольцами многочленов и ...

Found inside – Page 353

По всей видимости утверждение I ) теоремы останется справедливым , если заменить условие к ( F } } О на более слабое ... Однако полностью отбросить это условие нельзя , поскольку как показал Л . Н . Вассерштейн [ 4 ] s .


Issue 42 of Queen's papers in pure and applied mathematics - Page 1, 3, 45, 59

A. V. Geramita editor

Kingston, Ont. Queen's University 1975 268 pages

Found inside – Page 60

A. A. Suslin and L. N. Vaserstein , Serre's problem on projective modules over polynomial rings and algebraic K - Theory , Func . Analysis and its Appl . 8 ( 1974 ) . 19 . R. G. Swan , A cancellation theorem for projective modules in the ...

Peterson's Annual Guides/graduate Study - Page 424

Charles Granade - 1975

Amitai Regeu, Ph.D., Hebrew of Jerusalem. Ring theory, combinatorics. Donald C. Rung, Ph.D., Notre Dame. Analysis, complex variables. Stephen G. Simpson, Ph.D., MIT. Logic, recursion theory. Leonid N. Vaserstein, Ph.D., Moscow. Algebra ...

Knizhnaia lietopisʹ - Issues 1-8 - Page 34

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1975 - ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 34

200 экз . 43 к . — ( 74 - 86728 ] п 621 . 3 . 012 . 11 2955 . Милях А . Н . , Волков И . В . Системы неизменного тока на осноF€ ... На 5 - й с . авт . : Э . П . Амосенок , М , Н , Акбулатова , Л . Н . Васерштейн и др . — 21 см , 1 , 200 экз . 12 к .

Knizhnaa letopisʹ: Osnovnoĭ vypusk - Issues 1-13 - Page 34

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1975 - ‎No preview

The Evolution of the Euclidean Elements: A Study of the ... - Page 114

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W.R. Knorr - 1975

Found inside – Page 114

Wasserstein suggests that Theaetetus recognized this fault in Theodorus' proof and via the appropriate studies in number theory at last provided the correct demonstration. This is close to Zeuthen's view of Theaetetus as the founder of the ...

The Administration of Injustice - Page 169

Melvin P. Sikes - 1975 - ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 169

Bu PART TWO Bruce Wasserstein and Mark J . Green , eds . , With Justice for Some : An Indictment of the Law by Young Advocates , Beacon , Boston , 1970 , p . 193 . Copyright © 1970 by Bruce Wasserstein and Mark J . Green . Reprinted by ...

Algebraic Geometry, Arcata 1974 - Page 112

Robin Hartshorne, ‎American Mathematical Society - 1975

Found inside – Page 112

Robin Hartshorne, American Mathematical Society. Suslin-Vaserstein all announced important progress. The detailed history is very well portrayed in Bass' paper [2]; the reader may also find there a very complete exposition of the new results, ...

———1975——1975———    16    end 1975


start 1976   17 books


Zapiski nauchnykh seminarov LOMI - Volumes 64-65 - Page 152

1976 · ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 152

( Фо ) = 4 он Следовательно с = 1 и с = 1 . Литература I . Басс х . ... Васерштейн л . н . , суслин А . А . Проблема Серра о проективных модулях над кольцами многочленов и алгебраическая К - теория . - Функц . анализ и его прил .

Itogi nauki i tekhniki: Algebra, topologiia, geometriia

1976 · ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 71

Первыми успехами в решении проблемы Серра для п = 3 добились Л . Н . Вассерштейн и А . А . Суслин [ 24 ] , показавшие , что все проективные модули над кольцом К [ x1 , . . , xn ] многочленов над полем к свободны , если : 1 ) п ...


Это было сделано В . Н . Сережкиным ( [ 129 ] для случая поля и [ 130 ] для случая тела ) и , независимо , Васерштейном [ 421 ] . Оказалось , что всякая подгруппа GeGL ( п , Т ) , богатая трансвекциями , содержит E ( n , R ) для ...

Итоги науки и техники: Алгебра, топология, геометрия

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1976 - ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 71

... ее с помощью ЭВМ (для п=3 и |К| =2). В настоящее время Квиллен (1128) и А. А. Суслин (146) полностью решили проблему Серра, дав утвердительный ответ на нее для всех К и любых п. Доказательство Л. Н. Вассерштейна ..

On coupling of Markov chains | SpringerLink

by JW Pitman - ‎1976 - ‎Cited by 89 - ‎Related articles

Thesis, Cornell University (1975). 6. Griffeath, D.: ... Vasershtein, L.N.: Markov processes on countable product spaces describing large systems of automata.

МОДУЛИ Л. А. Скорняков, А. В. Михалев ... - MathNet.Ru

by АВ Михалёв - ‎1976 - ‎Cited by 3 - ‎Related articles

добились Л- Н- Вассерштейн и А. А. Суслик [24], показавшие, что все проективные модули над кольцом /C[x1, . ., хп] мно гочленов над полем К свободны, ...

Introduction to ergodic theory: - Page 15

 Akov Grigorʹevich Sinaĭ - Princeton University Press 1976 - 144 pages


Found inside – Page 15

A large number of results was obtained on these problems by I. I. Piatetski-Shapiro and his colleagues: Wasserstein, Leontovich, Stavskaya, Toom, and others. See, for example, I. I. Pjatecki-Shapiro, O. N. Stawskaya, A. L, Toom, About some ...

Coupling methods for Markov processes - Page 24, 45, 71  

David Scott Griffeath - 1976 - 158 pages

Once again, straightforward computations show that (l6) leads to a coupling, the version for Markov processes of a more general construction due to 

Vasershtein; call it the Vasershtein coupling.

Soviet electrical engineering: Volume 46, Issues 7-12  1976. Page 103, 104, 111

1975 Allerton Press, 1976


L. N. Vasershtein, Yu. A. Rudnev, and E. B. Sherman Eiektrotekhnika, V01. 46, No. T1, pp. 57-59, T975 UDC 65.0T2.2 Fundamentally new parametric models ...

Proceedings of the 1975 IEEE-USSR Joint Workshop on Information Theory, December 15-19, 1975, Moscow, USSR  - Page 48, 49, 63

Akademiia nauk SSSR. Working Group on Information Theory, IEEE Information Theory Group, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Information Theory Group - 1976 - 247 pages

The V distance can also be interpreted as a natural adaptation of the Vasershtein distance [22] to random processes.

Found inside – Page 49

Vasershtein , L . N . , Probl . Pered . Inf . , 5 : 3 98 . Griffiths , R . , Hurst , C . , and Scherman , S . , . ( 1969 ) , 64 - 72 . J . Math . Phys . , 3 ( 1970 ) , 790 - 796 . 80 . Wong , E . , Ann . Math . Stat . , 40 : 5 ( 1969 ) , 1625 - 99 . Lanford , O . E

Probabilities and metrics:  - Page 20-1, 20-2

convergence of laws on metric spaces, with a view to statistical testing Richard M. Dudley  

University of Aarhus    126 pages

Wasserstein norm

Probabilities and Metrics: Convergence of Laws on Metric ... - Page 197

Richard M. Dudley · 1976 · ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 197

completely additive functions " ( in Russian " , Vestnik Leningrad Univ . , 13 No . 7 ( Ser . Mat . Astron . 2 ) , pp . 52 - 59 . Vallander , s . s . ( 1973 ) , " Calculation of the Vasserštein distance between probability distributions on the line " , Theor .

Lecture Notes Series

Probabilities and Metrics : Convergence of Laws on Metric Spaces, with a View to Statistical Testing · Issue 45


Sufficient conditions for unique invariant measures for discrete time local lattice processes - Page iv, 11, 201

University of Wisconsin--Madison, 1976 - John David Prange - 402 pages

The basic result used in the dual operator approach is due to Vasershtein and ...

Geometric algebra over local rings - Page 415

Bernard R. McDonald M. Dekker, 1976 - 421 pages


Algebraic K-theory: proceedings of the conference held at Northwestern University, Evanston, January 12-16, 1976  - Page 77, 78, 153

Michael R. Stein Springer-Verlag, 1976 - 409 pages


Proceedings of symposia in pure mathematics - Volume 28 - Page 47, 49


L. N. Vaserstein and A. A. Suslin, Serre's problem on projective modules over polynomial rings and algebraic K-theory (announcement) (to appear) (Russian). X. Finite groups (M. Asbacher). The major problem in the theory of finite groups is ...

Annual report - Page 12

National Science Foundation (U.S.) - 1976

In 1973, following a period of intense activity, three young Soviet mathematicians, A. A. Roitman, V. N. Suslin, and L. N. Vaserstein contributed significantly to important extensions, including the cases n ^ 4. Some of this work extends ...

Newsletter - Volumes 11-15 - Page 181

Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences - 1976 

In l973, following a period of intense activity, three young Soviet mathematicians, A. A. Roitman, V. N. Suslin, and L. N. Vaserstein contributed significantly to important extensions, including the cases n < 4. Some of this work extends ...

Soviet Electrical Engineering - Volume 46 - Page 104


PARAIEETRIC NODELS FOR OPTII-'IIZING FUTURE INDUSTRY-WIDE PLANNING L. N. Vasershtein, Yu. A. Rudnev, and E. B. Sherman Eiektrotekhnika, V01. 46, No. T1, pp. 57-59, T975 UDC 65.0T2.2 Fundamentally new parametric models ...

Found inside – Page 104

DADAN PARAMETRIC MODELS FOR OPTIMIZING FUTURE INDUSTRY - WIDE PLANNING L . N . Vasershtein , Yu . A . Rudnev , and E . B . Sherman Elektrotekhnika , Vol . 46 , No . 11 , pp . 57 - 59 , 1975 UDC 65 . 012 . Fundamentally new ...

———————1976 —— 1976————15   end 1976

  start 1977   22 books   

Knizhnia letopisʹ: Dopolnitelʹnyĭ vypusk - Page 39

77 · ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 39

3 ( 048 . 8 ) 14312 . Васерштейн Л . Н . - - Проблемы формирования вариантов разВнтия и специализации производственных объектов в задачах оптимального отраслевого планирования | [ Л . Н . Васерштейн , Э . Б . Шерман 1 .


i tekhniki: Algebra, topologiia, geometriia

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1977 - ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 22

Отсюда следует ( без применения результата Л . Н . Васерштейна ) , что f ( 21 , 2 , ) является параболической формой для SL ( 2 , 0 ) . Цагир изучает линейное отображение нЇ пространства S ( D , x ) в пространство

Автоматизация плановых расчетов:  - Page 132

(Опыт использования ЭВМ в практике планирования)

Илья Павлович Романенко  Экономика, 1977

Avtomatizatsiia planovykh raschetov

by Romanenko, Il'ia Pavlovich 144 pages

Амосенок Э. П., Акбулатова М. Н., Васерштейн Л. Н: и др. Проблемы оптимизации перспективного планирования в электротехнической промышленности. М., Информэлектро, 1974.

Metody pogruzhenia v zadachakh optimizasii

by Bulatov, V. P 1977


Quantitative Wirtschaftsforschung: - Page 200, 203, 205

Wilhelm Krelle zum 60. Geburtstag

Wilhelm Krelle, ‎Horst Albach, ‎Ernst Helmstädter - 1977

auf £ und eine stetige Funktion / auf £ gilt nach einem Lemma von Vasser- stein \ifdß-ifdv\^liPa(f)\na(l)-y.(l)\. amA Dabei ist Pa(f) = s\ip\f(x)-f(y)\, x.y X~y und x~y bedeutet x(b) = y(b) für alle b4=a; (Vasserstein [1969]). Wenn wir das auf die ...

ACM Guide to Computing Literature Association for Computing Machinery - 1977 - 1695 pages

Ergodic and information theory   - Page 329, 339, 387, 402

Robert M. Gray, Lee D. Davisson - 1977 - 387 pages

As suggested by Kailath (1973), p" can be interpreted as the Vasershtein distance (Vasershtein (1969)) between [is and // with ... Hence Theorem 1 demonstrates the equivalence of the p distance with the appropriate Vasershtein distance.

The Annals of probability: Volume 5  Institute of Mathematical Statistics - 1977 - Page 678, 692


Controlled spin-flip systems  Lawrence Firman Gray - 1977 - 104 pages - Page 52


Proceedings of the ... Conference on Information Sciences and Systems - Volume 11 - Page 158, 159, 161

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, Johns Hopkins University, 1977

Abstract The Bhattacharyya, l—divergence, Vasershtein, variational and Levy distances are evaluated, compared and used for the reduction of n data to one feature. 

Found inside – Page 158

Abstract The Bhattacharyya , I - divergence , Vasershtein , variational and Levy distances are evaluated , compared and used for the reduction of n data to one feature . This reduction is obtained through a restricted linear transformation and ...

Annales: Calcul des probabilités et statistique - Volume 13 - Page 157

Institut Henri Poincaré - Gauthier-Villars., 1977

A. L. Toom, Nonergodic multidimensional systems of automata. Problemy Peredachi Informatsii, t. 10, no. 3. 1974. p. 229-246. [12] L. N. Vasershtein, A. M. Leontovich, Invariant measures of certain Markov operators describing a homogeneous ...

—1977—— —1977———————10

General Legislation of the University Faculty and Extracts from its Records - Page 3236

Cornell University - 1977

... Fall Term Vaserstein, Leonid Academic Year Villareal, Ruben L 2/1/79- 12/21/79 Vietorisz, Thomas 1/10/80-5/31/80 Vladeck, Judith 10/18/79-6/16/80 Voight, K 6/25/80-8/8/80 Wagner, Cyrus H Academic Year Ward, Larry D Academic Year ...

Modular functions of one variable: - Page 192

proceedings international conference, University of Bonn, Sonderforschungsbereich Theoretische Mathematik, July 2-14, 1976, Volume 2

Jean Pierre Serre, ‎Don Bernard Zagier - 1977 

This theorem is proved in [4] and depends on Vaserstein's theorem cited above [12]. The proof being long and very technical will not be reproduced here. However in the particular case q = 1 it can be proved rather shortly. Let us now put ...

Итоги науки и техники: - Volume 15 - Page 63


О суммах модулей коэффициентов некоторых модулярных форм. Сообщ. АН ГрузССР, 1955, 16, No 7, 497—502 (РЖМат, 1956, 3620) 22. Васерштейн Л. Н., О группе З1-2 над дедекиндовыми кольцами арифметического типа.

Методы погружения в задачах оптимизации - Page 153, 154

Валерьян Павлович Булатов, ‎Владимир Иосифович Гурман - 1977

Абрамов В. В., Крумм Л. А., Мурашко Н. А. Комплексная оптимизация режима и состава работающего оборудования сложных ... Моисеев Н. Н. Нелинейное программирование. ... 43. Васерштейн Л. Н., Чмиль В. И., Шерман Э. Б. 153.

Новая советская литература по общественным наукам:- Page 44


Мальцев В.Н. .Аветисян А. Г. Информационные следящие системы в планировании и управлении. -"Пром- сть Армении", Ереван, ... Васерштейн Л.Н.,Шерман Э.Б. Проблемы формирования вариантов развития и специализации ...

Васерштейн Л. Н., Руднев Ю.А.,Шерман Э.Б. Параметрические модели развития и размещения производства .- "Экономика и мат .методы" , 1977 , т . 13, вып. 5, с . 1008- 1021 .

Летопись журнальных статей - Issues 5-7 - Page 24


23321. Васерштейн Л. Н. Основы алгебраической К-теорнн. — Успехи мат. наук, 1976, т. 31, вып. 4 ©, с. 87—149. Список лит.: 126 назв. 23322. Васин В. В. Метод невязки и конечномерная аппроксимация приближенных решений ...

Летопись Журнальных статей - Issues 1-13 - Page 73


Ресуеил матхéматикуе де ла Социéтé матхéматикуе де 

Москоу, Volume 102; Volume 144 - Page 550, 598


Васерштейн Л. Н. Конгруэяцпроблема для унитарной группы ранга, большего или равного 2, 76(113) (1968), 362— 367. Васерштейн Л. Н. О группе над дедекиндовыми кольцами арифметического типа, 89(131) (1972), 313—322.

Экономика и математические методы - Page 821, 1021, 1132


Л. Н. Васерштейн, Ю. А. Руднев, 9. Б. Шерман. Сущность и основные направления параметрического подхода к задачам развития и размещения производства. В сб. Проблемы оптимизации перспективного планирования в ...

Panorama des mathématiques pures: le choixbourbachique (1977) 

by Jean Alexandre Dieudonné

Knizhnaia letopisʹ: Dopolnitelʹnyĭ vypusk - Page 39

1977 · ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 39

зданий и сооружений из монолитного железобетона | [ Шумейко Л . И . , Бабнченко . В . Я . ] . — Киев ... Васерштейн Л . Н . - - Проблемы формирования вариантов разВнтия и специализации производственных объектов в задачах ...

—1977—— —1977———————21   end 1977 books

start 1978  19 books


Locally Interacting Systems and Their Application in ... - Page 112

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R. L. Dobrushin, ‎V. I. Krukov, ‎V. I. Kryukov - 1978 - ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 112

Vaserstein L. N. Markov processes on countable products of spaces, describing large systems of automata. Problemy Peredači Informacii (Russian) 5 (I969), vyp.3, 64-72. Vaserstein L. N. and Leontovich A. M. On invariant measures of some ...


Annual Report for Fiscal Year ... - Page 12

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National Science Foundation (U.S.) - 1978

Found inside – Page 12

In 1973, following a period of intense activity, three young Soviet mathematicians, A. A. Roitman, V. N. Suslin, and L. N. Vaserstein contributed significantly to important extensions, including the cases n < 4. Some of this work extends ...


Analele științifice ale Universității "Al. I. Cuza" din ...

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Universitatea "Al. I. Cuza" din Iași - 1978 - ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 195

Capitolul III conține demonstraţiile elementare ale lui Suslin şi Vaserstein . Teorema lui Horrock şi demonstraţiile date de Swan şi Roberts sînt expuse în capitolul IV . Studiul detailat al demonstrației lui Quillen este efectuat în capitolul V ...


The Soviet Review - Volumes 19-20 - Page 44

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1978 - ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 44

... N . Vasershtein and E . B . Sherman , " O formirovanii variantov v diskretnykh zadachakh optimal ' nogo otras levogo planirovaniia , " Ekonomika i matematicheskie metody , 1975 , vol . 11 , no . 4 . 21 . A . M . Alekseev , V . A . Volkonskii , and ...


Matekon: translations of Russian & East European ... - Page 64

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1978 - ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 64

L . N . Vasershtein and E . B . Sherman , " O formirovanii variantov v diskretnykh zadachakh optimal ' nogo otraslevogo planirovaniia , " Ekonomika i matematicheskie metody , 1975 , vol . 11 , no . 4 . 21 . A , M . Alekseev , V . A . Volkonskii , and ...


Analele sțiintif̦ice ale Universitatii̦ "Al. I. Cuza" din ...

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1978 - ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 195

În capitolul II sînt expuse cîteya rezultate particulare asupra ipotezei lui Serre . Capitolul III conţine demonstraţiile elementare ale lui Suslin şi Vaserstein . Teorema lui Horrock şi demonstraţiile date de Swan şi Roberts sînt expuse în capitolul IV ...

Kachestvennyĭ analiz povedeniia slozhnykh sistem metodom ..

Vladimir Viacheslavovich Kalashnikov - 1978  

Found inside - Page 242

Валл а н д е р С. С., Вычисление расстояния по Вассерштейну между распределениями вероятностей на прямой. Теория вероятностей и ее применения, 1973, т. 18, No 4. . Гих м а н И. И., Скороход А. В., Теория случайных ...

Cybernetics Abstracts - Issues 1-4 - Page 28

1978 -

Authors' abstract 3 T702 Vasershteyn LN., Rudnev Yu.A., Sherman E.B. PARAMETRIC MODEL OF INDUSTRY GROWTH AND LOCATION "Ekonomika i mat. metody", 1977, 13, No. 5, 1008-1021 (Russian) 3 T703 Litvinchuk G.S., Karlovich Yu ...

Locally Interacting Systems and Their Application in Biology: - Page 36, 55

Proceedings of the School-Seminar on Markov Processes in Biology, Held in Pushchino, Moscow Region, March, 1976

Roland L. Dobrušin, V. I. Kriukov, A. L. Toom

Springer-Verlag, 1978 - 202 pages


Integer Programming and Related Areas: A Classified Bibliography 1976-1978  - Page 127

Volume 2 of Integer programming and related areas

Lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems ; 160 : Operations research

Volume 160 of Lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems

Dirk Hausmann Springer-Verlag, 1978

Knnn-regular curves

Vorst, Antonius Cornelis Franciscusr  PhD in Mathematics   1978   

the University of Utrecht  under supervision of Jan Rustom Strooker and Wilberd van der Kallen.


Application of mathematical methods and computers in social sciences : 

international bibliographical index, 1975-1977

by European Coordination Centre for Research and Documentation in Social Sciences  1978

Matekon - Volume 15 - Page 64


L. N. Vasershtein and E. B. Sherman, "O formirovanii variantov v ... 11, no.

Studies in probability and ergodic theory    Page 14, 26, 39

Gian-Carlo Rota - Academic Press, 1978 - 293 pages 

Note that the classical coupled process is "weaker" than the Vasershtein coupled process since the former moves from (x, y) $ A ... In fact, the Vasershtein coupling is characterized by the property that at each step it sends us to the diagonal as ...

Found inside – Page 14

Once again , straightforward computations show that ( 16 ) leads to a coupling , the version for Markov processes of a more general construction due to Vasershtein ; call it the Vasershtein coupling . Note that the classical coupled process is ...

Locally interacting systems and their application in biology: - Page 55, 112

proceedings of the School-Seminar on Markov Interaction Processes in Biology, held in Pushchino, Moscow Region, March 1976

R. L. Dobrushin, V. I. Kriukov, A. L. Toom - Springer-Verlag, 1978 - 202 pages Lecture notes in mathematics 653

Vasershtein L.N., Markov processes on a conutable space product describing large automata systems, Problemy Peredaci Informacii, 5_, (1969) , vyp. 3, 64-72.

Transactions of the Eighth Prague Conference: on Information ...

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J. Kozesnik - 1978 - ‎ 

MR0536824 (81e:60003) Szulga, Alicja On the Wasserstein metric. Transactions of the Eighth Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions, Random Processes (Prague, 1978), Vol. B, pp. 267--273, Reidel, Dordrecht-Boston, Mass., 1978. (Reviewer: V. J. Paulauskas) 60B05 (90A05)


Ergodic theory and information - Page 129

Patrick Billingsley - 1978 

Книжная летопись: Дополнительный выпуск - Issues 10-12 - Page 31


24 с.; 20 см. — 17 к. 1.500 экз. — [78-37466] оп 389.1:620.9(083.131) ч 23.1.1 Экономика энергетики 12763. Васерштейн Л. Н. и др. Параметрические модели развития и размещения производства / {Васерштейн Л. Н., Руднев Ю. А., ...

Новая советская литература по общественным наукам: - Page 16


116-122. Задачи календарного планирования. 185. Васерштейн Л. Н., Руднев Ю. А. .Шерман Э.Б. Параметрические модели развития и размещения производства. -"Экономика и мат. методы" , 1977 ,т . 13. вып. 5 ,с. 1008- 1021. 186 ...


start 1979   16  books

MR0605493   Analytic varieties and various problems on stratified spaces. (Japanese) Proceedings of a Symposium held at the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University, Kyoto, May 22–25, 1978. Sûrikaisekikenkyûsho Kôkyûroku No. 372 (1979). Kyoto University, Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto, 1979. pp. i–ii and 1–307. 32-06 (81-06)

 Book Vaserstein

Ring theory Waterloo, 1978:  - Page 329, 333, 338

proceedings, University of Waterloo, Canada, 12-16 June 1978

Springer-Verlag, 1979 - Lecture Notes in Mathemstics 734  352 pages

For example, if X is a topological space, Vaserstein [26] has proved that s. r. (A) = 1+dim X for A the ring of continuous functions on X.

Random walks with stationary increments and renewal theory: Volume 1972 - Page 29, 221

H. C. P. Berbee - 1979 - 223 pages


The stochastic time evolution of Gaussian interacting systems - Page 91

Cheng-tan Hsiao Cornell University, Aug., 1979 - Mathematics - 182 pages

Wasserstein Distance

Vallander, S. S., Calculation of the Waser stein Distance Between

Sūri kagaku kōkyūroku: Volumes 371-374 - Page 124

Kyōto Daigaku. Sūri Kaiseki Kenkyūjo - 1979


An Introduction to Homological Algebra - Volume 85 - Page xi, 138

 By Joseph J. Rotman Academic Press 1979

R. Treger told me of Vaserstein's proof of Suslin's solution of Serre's problem, and was kind enough to translate it for me from the Russian.

Remarkably, the problem was solved simultaneously, in January 1976, by Quillen in the United States and Suslin in the Soviet Union. We first present Vaserstein's version of Suslin's proof ; afterwards, we shall outline Qui1len's solution.

Additive and cancellative interacting particle systems - Page 19, 26, 106, … (6 pages)

David Griffeath - 1979  Lecture notes in mathematics 724

L. N. Vasershtein (1969). Markov processes over denumerable products of spaces

Found inside – Page 106

L. N. Vasershtein (1969). Markov processes over denumerable products of spaces, describing large systems of automata, Problemy Peredachi Informatsii 5 (3), 64-73. L. N. Vasershtein and A. M. Leontovich (1970). Invariant measures of ...

IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory - Page 135

IEEE Xplore (Online service)., IEEE Information Theory Group, IEEE Information Theory Society - 1979

THE VASERSHTEIN DISTANCE AS THE STABILITY CRITERION IN ROBUST ESTIMATION, P. Papantoni-Kazakos (School of Engineering, U-l57, University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut 06268). In the models used by Hampel as well as

Commutative rings whose finitely generated modules decompose - Page 28, 46, 105, 106

Willy Brandal - 1979

L. N. Vasershtein (1969). Markov processes over denumerable products of spaces, describing large systems of automata, Problemy Peredachl Informatsll 5 (3), 64-73. L. N. Vasershtein and A. M. Leontovlch (1970). Invariant measures of ...

Lecture Notes in Mathematics  733 - Page 329, 333, 338

Modern Differential Geometric Techniques in the Theory of Continuous Distributions of Dislocations

Albrecht Dold, ‎Frederick Bloom - 1979 

3540095284, 9783540095286

For example, if X is a topological space, Vaserstein [26] has proved that s . r . (a) = 1+dim X for A the ring of continuous functions on X. The connection between stable rank and more traditional concepts of dimension is given by the following ...

Homological Group Theory - Page 136

C. T. C. Wall. [6°] [61] Notes in Math. 386, Springer-Verlag (1974). J. Tits. On buildings and their applications, Proc. Int. Congress _Mgth_., Vancouver (1974), t. 1, 209-20. L. Vaserstein. On the group SL2 over Dedekind rings of arithmetic type, ...


London Mathematical Society lecture note series- Page 136


Notes in Math. 386, Springer-Verlag (1974). J. Tits. On buildings and their applications, Proc. Int. Congress Math. , Vancouver (1974), t. I, 209-20. L. Vaserstein. On the group SL2 over Dedekind rings of arithmetic type, Math. USSR Sbornik 18 ...

The Soviet Review - Volume 20 - Page 44


18. Matematiko-ekonomicheskie metody i modeli (biblio- graficheskii ukazatel'), Leningrad, "Nauka" Publishers, 1968. 19. W. Zassman and E. Kummerow, Produktsionplanopti- mierung, Berlin, Verlag die Wirtschaft, 1977. 20. L. N. Vasershtein ...

Preprint Series: Mathematics - Issues 1-5 - Page 50

Universitetet i Oslo. Matematisk institutt - 1979

[50] L.N. VASERSHTEIN: "Markov Processes over a Countable Product Space describing large Systems of Automata". Prob. in Trans of Information, Vol. 5, no 3, 64-72 (1969) (Enlish translation) [51] M. LOEVE: "Probability Theory" . Van No ...

Found inside – Page 37

... the proposition V . 1 it is enough to prove that VI . 22 implies 4 + = 4 _ • Let f = ( fx ' XER be a positive rapidly decreasing sequence on Rand o ( f ) = £oxfx VI . 23 . XER X X Let Rp be the corresponding Wasershtein distance ( see Appendix ) .

Planovo stopanstvo - Volume 34 - Page 48


Васерштейн, В. А. Руднсв и др., Параметрнческие молели развития и размещения производства, „Зкономика и математические методи", т. XIII, кн. 5, 1977 г.: Кр. Радева, Б. Данкова, Оптимално райониране на производствените ...

Annales scientifiques de l'École normale supérieure - Page 377

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- Translate this page

1979 - ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 377

[ 34 ] L. N. WASSERSTEIN , Stability of Unitary and Orthogonal Groups Over Rings with Involution ( Math . Sborn . , vol . 81 , 1970 , p . 328-351 ( en russe ) ) . [ 35 ] G. W. WHITEHEAD , Generalized Homology Theories ( Trans . A.M.S. , vol .

—————1979———1979—————15   end 1979   books

start 1980  19 books

SK1 von Schiefkörpern: Seminar Bielefeld, Göttingen, 1976 - Page 108

P. Draxl, ‎M. Kneser · 1980  

Found inside – Page 108

Nun zu (b): im dann vorliegenden endlich dimensionalen Fall verdankt man L.N. Wasserstein (Vaserétein) die Bemerkung (8) SWs d = UT Telgt d =[5]1 6) (vgl. dazu auch [16], Prop. 1 ); damit und unter Benutzung der Tat"i"o (i) ( o (i) 4 i ) bzw.

Economics and mathematical methods - Volume 16 - Page 745

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1980 - ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 745

Многоуровневые системы отраслевой оптимизации. Новосибирск, «Наука», 1975. 5. Л. Н. Васерштейн, В. И. Геминтерн, Э. Б. Шерман. Методы решения задач развития и размещения производства. М., 1972 (Инфор

Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians

Olli Lehto - 1980 - ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 329

Л. Н. Васерштейн , Стабильный ранг колец и размерность топологических пространств Функц . Анализ и Приложен 5 ( 1971 ) , No 2 , 17—27 . 5 . о стабилизации общей линейной группы над кольцом , Мат . Сб . 79 ( 1969 ) , No 3 ...

Found inside – Page 310

By Vaserstein A satisfies SR2 , so that K ( 4 , A ) –K ; ( A ) for i = 1 , 2 . ... By Dennis there is a “ noncanonical ” homomorphism p : H2 ( GL , ( A ) ) - K ( A ) whose composition with H , ( Ex ( A ) ) - H ( GL , ( A ) ) is the usual map H , ( Ex ( A ) ) --

Стохастические модели и управлени


Found inside - Page 161

Валандер С. С. Вычисление расстояния по Вассерштейну между распределениями вероятностей на прямой, | "Теория вероятностей и ее применение". 1973, ХУШ, No 4, с. 824—827. 14. Золотарев В.М. О близости распределений ...



Princeton University, 1980

The one-component result leads us to our main objective in this thesis: to derive the mean field condition on the uniqueness of the equilibrium state for the classical N-vector models, N > 2. Applying Dobrushin's uniqueness theorem to these models, we are able to obtain the mean field result up to a constant numerical factor. The essential ingredient in our analysis is an estimate of the Vaserstein distance between single-site Gibbs states corresponding to different exterior spin configurations.

Arithmetic groups - Page 156

by Humphreys, James E

Lecture notes in mathematics 789, 1980

Einführung in die kommutative Algebra und algebraische Geometrie  - Page 105

Ernst Kunz - 1980

... Homomorphismus M(r x t; R[X]) -* M(r x t; Rs [X]) in die Nullmatrix über. Es gibt daher nach III.4.1 ein s G S, welches alle Koeffizienten der Matrix annulliert. Dann ist aber Ai(sX)A2(sX)-A3(sX) = 0. Satz 1.18: (Vaserstein) A G M(r x s; ...

Quantum fields: algebras, processes - Page 297

Ludwig Streit - 1980

We have thus shown: Theorem (3.5) Under (D) the unique Gibbs state P € G(tt) has the global Markov property. Remark (3.6) The same argument holds if we define agfc in terms of a Wasser- stein distance and replace (D) by conditions (5.2), ...

INIS atomindeks: Volume 11, Issues 5-6 

International Atomic Energy Agency, International Nuclear Information System -1980

Proceedings of the Conference on Information Sciences and Systems: Volume 14 - Page 262

Johns Hopkins University. Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University. Electrical & Computer Engineering, Princeton University. Dept. of Electrical Engineering - 1980


The Soviet review: Volumes 20-21  1980  - Page 44

LN Vasershtein and EB Sherman, "O formirovanii variantov v diskretnykh zadachakh optimal'nogo otraslevogo planirovaniia," Ekonomika i matematicheskie metody, 1975, vol. 11, no. 4. 21.

Multicomponent random systems Page 42, 58, 468, 502, 574

R. L. Dobrushin, Akov Grigorʹevich Sinaĭ, David Griffeath - Marcel Dekker, 1980 - 606 page 

Found inside – Page 58

Y. G. Sinai R. L. Dobrushin, IAkov Grigorʹevich Sinaĭ, David Griffeath. 8 . 10 . L N. Wasserstein , Markov processes over denumerable products of spaces describing large systems of automata , Problemy Pekedaci Informacii 5 , 64-73 ...

SK1 von Schiffskörpern: Peter Draxl, Martin Kneser -   Springer-Verlag, 1980 - 123 pages - Page 108

Found inside – Page 108

Nun zu (b): im dann vorliegenden endlich dimensionalen Fall verdankt man L.N. Wasserstein (Vaserétein) die Bemerkung (8) SWs d = UT Telgt d =[5]1 6) (vgl. dazu auch [16], Prop. 1 ); damit und unter Benutzung der Tat"i"o (i) ( o (i) 4 i ) bzw.

Markov random fields and their applications - Page 141

Ross Kindermann, James Laurie Snell, American Mathematical Society, 1980 - 142 pages

Vasershtein, L.N. (l969) : "Markov processes over ...

Publications - Volumes 25-27 - Page 30, 40

Université de Paris. Institut de statistique 1980

Wasserstein distance

Biological growth and spread: - Page 144

mathematical theories and applications : proceedings of a conference held at Heidelberg, July 16-21, 1979

Willi Jäger, Hermann Rost, Petre Tăutu Springer-Verlag, 1980 - Science - 511 pages

Vasserstein Wasserstein

Экономика и математические методы - Volume 16 - Page 745


Многоуровневые системы отраслевой оптимизации. Новосибирск, «Наука», 1975. 5. Л. Н. Васерштейн, В. И. Геминтерн, Э. Б. Шерман. Методы решения задач развития и размещения производства. М., 1972 (Информэлектро) . 


Sergei Mikhailovich Nikol'skii - 1980 

L. N. Vaserstein and A. A. Suslin, Serre's problem on projective modules over polynomial rings, and algebraic K-theory, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Mat. 40 (1976), 993-1054; English transl. in Math. USSRIzv. 10(1976). 7. Richard G. Swan and ...

Летопись журналńых статей - Issues 10-18 - Page 65


... 56271 Варшавский В. Я. 44490 Варшавский П. Т. 39039 Варшавский Ю. С. 47136 Варшавчик М. А. (42456) Варшал Б. Г. 56283 Варшалович Д. А. 54854 Варюхин В. А. 37218 Васев А. В. 52043 Ваоенков Н. В. 37854 Васерштейн Л.

start 1981  24 books

Random Fields: Rigorous Results in Statistical Mechanics and ...

J. Fritz, ‎Joel Louis Lebowitz, ‎D. Szász · 1981 · ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 367

Assume that a uniform DobrushinWasserstein condition SEO ( 15 ) a = supa ( i , k ) < 1 u , k i holds , and that the dependence in P on the macroscopic distribution pr is continuous : ( 16 ) sup | | Q ( x , M , . ) – Q ( x , v , • ) | | < Bd ( u , v ) ( u , ve .

Order and Convexity in Potential Theory: H-Cones

N. Boboc, ‎G. Bucur, ‎A. Cornea · 1981 · ‎Snippet view

Found inside

Table of Contents S. BLOCH , The Dilogarithm and Extensions of Lie Algebras B.H. DAYTON & C.A. WEIBEL , 1 A Spectral Sequence for the K - theory of Affine Glued ... N . VASERSTEIN , On the Normal Subgroups of Gin over a Ring .

Reviews in Ring Theory - Volumes 1-3 - Page 1103

Lance W. Small · 1981 · ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 1103

06 . 034 ( 19 . 02 ) ( with Rege , Mangesh B . ) Chain conditions and pure - exactness . Pacific J . Math . 72 ( 1977 ) , no . 1 , 223 - 235 . ( W . G . Leavitt ) 56 # 8632 23 . 20 . 015 Vaserstein , L . N . The stable range of 1103 VAR AUTHOR INDEX.

 МОДУЛИ Настоящий обзор составлен по ... - MathNet.Ru

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by ВТ Марков - ‎1981 - ‎Cited by 2 - ‎Related articles

шли далеко не все работы по теории колец, где модули играют служебную' роль ... Васерштейн Л. Н., Суслик А. А„ Проблема Серра о проективных мо.

Математические и имитационные модели сложных систем: ...

1981 - ‎Snippet view

Found inside - Page 78

М.: Наука, 1978. 2. ВАЛЛАНДЕР С.С. Вычисление расстояния по Вассерштейну между распределениями вероятностей на прямой. — Теория вероятностей и ее применения, 1973, т.18, No 4, с.824—827, 3. НЕЧЕПУРЕНКО М.И. Об ...

Normal subgroups of four-dimensional hyperbolic orthogonal groups over arithmetic domains

by Pilkington, Anne Bernadette

University of Notre Dame, 1991

  Let R be a commutative ring and let M be a finitely generated projective module over R with quadratic form q:M $\to$ R. Vaserstein (12...




Cornell University, 1981

This thesis extends the results of L. Gross' paper, "Decay of Correlations in Classical Lattice Models at High Temperature" {Commun. Math. Phys. 68, 9-27...

Research Publications and Professional Activities - Page 164

Pennsylvania State University - 1981

Proc. Am. Math. Soc. 75:23l-234 (l979): Singh, S. An R-Stable ANR Which Is Not FR-Stable. Fund. Math. lD3:l77- l34 .(l979). Vaserstein, L. N. On Systems of Particles with Finite-Range and/or Repulsive Interactions. Commun. Math. Phys.

Algebra Omologica in “Enciclopedia Italiana - V Appendice” – Treccani

Enciclopedia Italiana - V Appendice (1991) ..... teorema furono date successivamente da A. A. Suslin (maggio 1976), e da L. N. Vaserstein nello stesso anno.

Prove elementari di questo teorema furono date successivamente da A. A. Suslin (maggio 1976), e da L. N. Vaserstein nello stesso anno

Random fields:  - Page 250, 367, 369, 371

rigorous results in statistical mechanics and quantum field theory, Issue 27, Volume 1

J. Fritz, Joel Louis Lebowitz, D. Szász - North-Holland Pub. Co., 1981  1111 pp

rigorous results in statistical mechanics and quantum field theory J. Fritz, Joel Louis Lebowitz, D. Szász 

... Assume that a uniform Dobnishin — Wasserstein condition (15) a = sup 21 a (/, A:) < 1 holds, and that the dependence in P on the ...


American Mathematical Society Translation - Page 11


Vaserstein [4], for example, proved s.r. R[XU . . . , Xn] = n + 1; however for the field C topological methods allow us to establish the inequality s.r. C[Xv . . . , X„] > 1 + n/2. The pi value of the stable rank of a polynomial ring of two variables is ...

Statistical theory and method abstracts - Volume 22/2554

International Statistical Institute - 1981 

... the corresponding versions of the Blackwell-Orey equivalence, and to prove criteria of Dobrushin-Wasserstein type. ... and the probability of ultimate extinction is approximated using a diffusion approximation with the backward diffusion ...

Found inside – Page 22-2557

The purpose of this paper is to introduce some suitable modifications , to prove the corresponding versions of the Blackwell - Orey equivalence , and to prove criteria of Dobrushin - Wasserstein type . 22/2554 10.12 FUJIMAGARI , T.

Proceedings of the Conference on Probability Theory Page 140, 149, 152, 159 (6 pages)

Academia Republicii Socialiste România. Centre of Mathematical Statistics - 1981

The Vasershtein metric, which we denote by Ar, is defined by Ar(n, v) = inf U S(x, y)p(dx, dy) where the infimum is taken over all couplings p. of ^ and ... 

For more facts about the Vasershtein metric see Vasershtein (1969) and Dobrushin (1970).

1981 - ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 154

no João Niso of the theorem now follows from Lemma 1-1 and the defi-, * or of the Wasershtein metrie. Q-e-d\o ovo of Lemma 3.1. Let s = C(K). What we have to do is to powe obs: the sequence : Tow: * converses to a co-start. For any or = B[H] ...

Dobrushin uniqueness techniques and the decay of correlations in continuum statistical mechanics - Page 1, 19, 20, 67

David Michael Klein Cornell University, Aug., 1981 - Science - 134 pages

Following Gross [6] and Vasershtein [17], we manipulate these inequalities in matrix form.

Eight lectures delivered at the Inernational Congress of Mathematicians  in Helsinki  By G. S. Makanin, Lev IAkovlevich - Page 11

Algebraic K-Theory. Evanston 1980: Proceedings of the Conference Held at Northwestern University Evanston, March 24-27, 1980 - Page 247, 465

Eric M. Friedlander, Michael R. Stein Springer, May 26, 1981 - Mathematics - 517 pages

Inst. Steklov (LOMI) 64^ (1976), 131-152. (Russian). [13] L.N. Vaserstein, On the group ...

MR0618297   Algebraic K-theory, Evanston 1980. Proceedings of the Conference held at Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill., March 24–27, 1980. Edited by Eric M. Friedlander and Michael R. Stein. Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 854. Springer, Berlin, 1981. ii+517 pp. ISBN: 3-540-10698-7 18-06 (12-06 14-06 18F25)

 Book Vaserstein

Found inside – Page 247

Algebra 3 ( 1975 ) , 481 - 524 . [ 4 ] R . K . Dennis and M . R . Stein , K , of discrete valuation rings , Advances in Math . ... ( 13 ) L . N . Vaserstein , On the group SL , over Dedekind rings of arithmetic type , Mat . Sb . 89 ( 131 ) ( 1972 ) , 313 - 322 ...

Methods of representation theory- Page 77, 81, 82, 129, 941, 947

with applications to finite groups and orders Volume 2  1987

Charles W. Curtis, Irving Reiner Wiley, 1981 - 951 pages

In (44.17), we shall prove: (40.44) Injective Stability Theorem (Bass, Vaserstein). If the ring A has stable range d, then EH(A) = GL„(A)r\E(A) < GLn(A) for n>d+\, and there is an isomorphism The map GLn{A)-*Kx(A) is obviously surjective for n ...

Found inside – Page xiv

... Izmir, Turkey R.T. Curtis, University of Birmingham, U.K. J.F. Humphreys, University of Liverpool, U.K. A.C. Hibbard, Central College, Pella, IA, U.S.A. D.G. James, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, U.S.A. L.N. Vaserstein, ...

Found inside – Page 81

Charles W. Curtis, Irving Reiner. n > d + 1 , we ... 44 ) Injective Stability Theorem ( Bass , Vaserstein ) . If the ring A ... ( For other treatments of the preceding theorem , see also Bass [ 68 ] , Vaserstein [ 69 ] , or Suslin - Tulenbaev [ 76 ] . ) In special ...

Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society - Volume 3 - Page 164

American Mathematical Society - 1981

(Received January 11, 1982 ) 793-20-70 L. N. VASERSTEIN, Department of Mathematics, PennijlTania State UniTersity, University Park, PA 16802. Cluneal groupt over rinjt. • The classical groups over rings include the general linear groups

Analele științifice ale Universității "Al. I. Cuza" din Iași: - Page 211

Matematică, Volumes 27-28

Universitatea "Al. I. Cuza" din Iași - 1981

H. Dayton, E. M. Friedlander & B. Parshall, H. Gillet, D. R. Grayson, D. Guin- Walerv &".J. -L. Lodav, W. van der Kallen, C. Kassel, J. -L. Loday, R. J. MiUram, R. Oliver, S. Priddy, C. Sherman, C. Soule (2), J. Stienstra, L. N. Vaserstein, C. A. ...

Revue roumaine de mathématiques pures et appliquées - Volume 26, Issues 6-10 - Page 1090

Academia Republicii Socialiste România, Academia Republicii Populare Romîne - 1981 

... coupling and since Vasershtein seems to have been the first to construct this coupling we call it Vasershtein's diagonal coupling [63]. We shall usually denote it by fe. The next little lemma is basic in the theory of couplings. Lemma 3.1.

Lecture notes in mathematics - Issue 882 - Page 268

Albrecht Dold - 1981

106, 1977, 599-612. 11 R. G. Swan, Projective modules over group rings and maximal orders, Ann, of Hath. 76, No. 1, 1962, 55-61. 12 L. K. Vaserstein, On the stabilization of the general linear group over a ring, Hath. USSR, Sbornik 8, 1969, ...

American Mathematical Society translations - Volume 117 - Page 12

American Mathematical Society, ‎United States. Office of Naval Research - 1981 

L. N. Vaserstein, 77ie stable rank of rings and the dimension of topological spaces, Funkcional. Anal, i Prilozen. 5 (1971), no. 2, 17-27; English transl. in Functional Anal. Appl. 5 (1971). 5. , On the stabilization of the general linear group over a ...

Integral representations and applications: - Page 278

proceedings of a conference held at Oberwolfach, Germany, June 22-28, 1980

Klaus W. Roggenkamp - 1981 

Volume 882 of Lecture notes in mathematics

106, 1977, 599-612. 11 R. G. Swan, Projective modules over group rings and maximal orders, Ann, of Math. 76, No. 1, 1962, 55-61. 12 L. N. Vaserstein, On the stabilization of the general linear group over a ring, Hath. USSR, Sbornik 8, 1969, ...

Экономико-организационные основы отраслевого управления - Page 185

Борис Александрович Лагоша - 1981

... долгосрочного плана развития промышленных узлов в Литовской ССР. — Экономика и математические методы, 1975, т. XI, вып. 4. 29. Бусленко И. П. Моделирование сложных систем. М.: Наука, 1968. 30. Васерштейн Л.

start 1982  27 books

Grants and Awards for Fiscal Year... - Page 27

National Science Foundation (U.S.) · 1982

Found inside – Page 27


Analele științifice ale Universității "Al. I. Cuza" din ...

Universitatea "Al. I. Cuza" din Iași · 1982 · ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 211

Autorii lucrărilor sìnt : S. Bloch , B. H. Dayton & C. A. Weibel , B. H. Davton & L. G. Roberts , B. H. Dayton , E. M. ... der Kallen , C. Kassel , J.-L. Loday , R. J. Milgram , R. Oliver , S. Priddy , C. Sherman , C. Soulé ( 2 ) , J. Stienstra , L. N. Vasers

Economics and mathematical methods - Volume 18 - Page 287

1982 · ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 287

Карлик Е. М. , Градов А. П. Экономическая эффективность концентрации и специализации производства в машиностроении ( основы теории и методики планирования ) . Л .: Машиностроение , 1970 . 2. Васерштейн Л. Н.

Itogi nauki i tekhniki: Algebra, topologiia, geometriia

1982 · ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 71

Рассмотрению конструкции Володина посвящена большая работа Васерштейна [ 10 ] . К сожалению , Васерштейн прилагает усилия , достойные лучшего применения , для того , чтобы не произносить слово топологическое ...

Zapiski nauchnykh seminarov LOMI - Volumes 114-116 - Page 194

1982 · ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 194

Математика , период . сб.пер , ин , статей , 1970 , 14 , No 6 , с . 146-159 ; 1971 , 15 , # I , с.44-60 . 3. Васерштейн ден . Стабилизация общей линейной группы над кольцом . Мат.co. , 1969 , т.79 , No 3 , с.405-42А . 4. Васерштейн Л.н.

Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences: Strata chart to ... - Page 533

1982 · ‎No preview


MR0697232   Fernández Bermejo, Emiliano Espacios simplécticos sobre β-anillos y anillos de Hermite, trasvecciones simplécticas. (Spanish) [Symplectic spaces over β-rings and Hermitian rings, symplectic transvections] Monografías del Instituto de Matemáticas [Monographs of the Institute of Mathematics], 12. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City, 1982. ii+69 pp. (Reviewer: Enzo R. Gentile) 15A63 (10C02 13C99)

 Book  Vaserstein

Economics and mathematical methods - Volume 18 - Page 722

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1982 - ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 722

... 0) F(dx) < oo, (ка»- } Для F, Gела рассмотрим расстояние Канторовича — Рубинштейна (называемое также расстоянием Вассерштейна) (см. ... ных в метрике оз, совпадает с пространством функционалов, представимых в виде ...

Перспективное планирование в угольной промышленности -  Page 170

Иван Петрович Ромашкин - 1982

... программирование и множители Лагранжа. — Экономика и математические методы, 1974, No 3, с. 592—610. 37. Вассерштейн Л. И., Руднев Ю. А., Шерман Э. Б. Параметрические модели развития и размещения производства.



The Pennsylvania State University, 1982

  Let C('n) denote the n-dimensional complex affine space. A map (phi):C('n) (--->) C('n) is smooth if its Jacobian has rank n at each point. The Jacobian...

Ph.D. committee member Vaserstein

High temperature differentiability of lattice Gibbs states by Dobrushin uniqueness techniques - Page v, 5, 39, 40, … (11 pages)

hetan Prakash

Cornell University, 298 pages Jan., 1982


Планирование и организация воспроизводства основных фондов в промышленности

by Иванов, Николай Иванович; Бреславцев, А.В; Левина, Е.В. Киев : Наук. думка, 1982 366 pages

Planirovanie i organizasia vosproizvodstva osnovnykh fondov v promyshlennosti / [avtory N.I. Ivanov ... et al.].

Информационная база перспективного планирования в ОАСУ

Сергей Алексеевич Кузнецов, Валерий Леонидович Макаров, Валентин Давыдович Маршак

Экономика, 1982 - Database management - 207 pages

The arithmetic theory of algebraic groups

by VP Platonov - 1982 

The major part of Humphrey's book [149] concerns the congruence problem, which is ...... Linear algebraic groups, W.A. Benjamin Inc., New York 1969. ... [17] L.N. Vasershtein, The group SL2 over Dedekind rings of arithmetic type, Mat. Sb.

MR0662823 (83e:00003) Dieudonné, Jean Alexandre A panorama of pure mathematics. As seen by N. Bourbaki. Translated from the French by I. G. Macdonald. Pure and Applied Mathematics, 97. 

Academic Press, Inc. [Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers], New York-London, 1982. x+289 pp. ISBN: 0-12-215560-2 00A05.       

p.181 (L. Wasserstein),   p,259 (P.Vaserstein).

IEEE transactions on information theory: Volume 28

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Professional Technical Group on Information Theory, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Information Theory Group, IEEE Information Theory Group - 1982

Dissertation abstracts international: The sciences and engineering Page 3294

University Microfilms, University Microfilms International - 1982

Ecole d'été de probabilités de Saint-Flour X--1980: Volume 10, Issue 1980 Page 204

Jean-Michel Bismut, L. Gross, Klaus Krickeberg - 1982 - 313 pages 

High temperature differentiability of lattice Gibbs states by Dobrushion uniqueness techniques Page v, 39, 49

Chetan Prakash - 1982 - 298 pages -

Definition of Vasershtein Matrices

Séminaire d'algèbre Paul Dubreil et Marie-Paule Malliavin:  - Page 88

proceedings, Paris 1981 (34ème année)

Units in Whitehead groups of finite groups

Bruce Magurn, Robert Oliver, Leonid Vaserstein Matematisk Inst., Univ., 1982 - 56 pages

Zbl 0482.18005 Magurn, Bruce; Oliver, Robert; Vaserstein, Leonid

Units in Whitehead groups of finite groups. (English)

Prepr. Ser., Aarhus Univ. 27, 56 p. (1982). MSC2000: *18F25 16E20 16S34

Algebraic K-theory - Page 73

proceedings of a conference, held at Oberwolfach, June 1980


Espacios simplécticos sobre [beta]-anillos y anillos de Hermite,  tra[n]svecciones simplécticas - Page 39, 68



American men and women of science: The physical and biological sciences, Volume 7; Volume 15, Issue 7 Bowker, 1982    Page 297


Итоги науки и техники: - Volume 20 - Page 71, 131


ЛИТЕРАТУРА. 1. Бейлинсон А. А., Высшие регуляторы и значения /.-функций кривых. Функц. анализ и его прил., 1980, 14, No 2, 46—47 (РЖМат, 1980, 1 1А457) 2. Васерштейн Л. Н., К\ -теория и конгруэнцпроблема. Матем. заметки ...

Информационная база перспективного планирования в ОАСУ

Сергей Алексеевич Кузнецов, ‎Валерий Леонидович Макаров, ‎Валентин Давыдович Маршак -    Moskva : Ėkonomika, 1982.

Informasionnaa baza perspektivnogo planirovania v OASU / S.A. Kuznesov, V.L. Makarov, V.D. Marshak.

Новосибирск: Наука, 1979. 4. Васерштейн Л. Н, Шерман Э. Б. Проблемы формирования вариантов развития и специализации производственных объектов в задачах оптимального отраслевого планирования. М.: Информ- электро ...

Летопись журнальных статей - Issues 1-9 - Page 67


Вараксин А. А. 20229 Варвак А. П. 8101 Варвак Л. П. 8101 Варвак П. М. 8101-02, 8759-61 Варвянский С. М. 7680 ... Васекина В. Ф. 25422 Васенин А. П. 6402 Васенин В. Л. 30369 Васенков Н. В. 16864 Васерштейн 3648 Василев В. А.

start 1983  22 books

Ocherki razvtiia matematiki v SSSR: teoreticheskai

1983 · ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 211

чах, примыкающих по методам к работам С. П. Новикова. В. Л. Голо построил пример открытого многообразия, ... Л. Н. Вассерштейн доказал, что определения Володина эквивалентны другим, алгебраическим, определения

Pliska; Bŭlgarski Matematicheski Studii: - Volumes 5-8 - Page 162

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1983 - ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 162

С . Т . Рачев . Минимальные метрики в пространстве вещественных случайных величин Доклады АН СССР , 257 ... С . С . Валландер . Вычисление расстояния по 

Вассерштейну между распределениями вероятностей на прямой .

Студия Матхематика Булгарика

- Volumes 5-9 - Page 162  1983  

Found inside - Page 162

Теория вероятн. примеч., 1, 1956, 261—290. 20. V. Strassen. The existence of probability measures with given marginals. Ann. Math. Statist., 36. 1965, 423—439. 21. С. С. Валла и дер. Вычисление расстояния по Вассерштейну между ...

Исследование и разработка алгоритмов управления процессом штамповки радиоэлектронных панелей

Попушкин, Александр Маркович — 05.13.01 — Харьков, 1983

... .-M.s Сов.радио, т. 1, 1961, 782 с. 

79. Вассерштейн JI.H. Марковские процессы на счетном произведении ... -497. 

81. Валландер С.С. Вычисление расстояний по Вассерштейну между распределениями вероятностей. Теория ...

Построение динамической модели развития и размещения производства при неполной информации (на примере нефтеперерабатывающей промышленности)

Антонова, Елена Михайловна — 08.00.13 — Москва, 1983

... нефтеперерабатывающей и нефтехимической промышленности. /СКБАНН, М., 1969, вып. 1-2, с. 28-41. 

26. Вассерштейн Л., Шерман Э.В. Проблемы формирования вариантов развития и специализации ... ... . - Новосибирск.: Наука, 1978. - 126 с. 

16. Вассерштейн Л., Шерман Э.В. Проблемы формирования вариантов ...

Модели экономико-организационной части ОАСУ

Лагоша, Борис Александрович — 08.00.13 — Москва, 1983

... систем. М.: Наука, 1968. - 356 с. 

46. Васерштейн Л.Н., Шерман Э.Б. О формировании вариантов в дискретных ...

Skew Fields - Page 172

P. K. Draxl - 1983 

SLn(D) = [A*,A*]EZI(A) if n z 2 (the case n = l is covered by Vaserstein's Lemma). Indeed, if the latter were false, Lemma 1 would imply that ZI(A) fi SLn(D) is a proper normal subgroup of SLn(D), hence (see Theorem 2 in §21.) z (A) n SL (D) c ...

Report - Issues 8301-8329 - Page 1, 36


(1.4) A Theorem of Dennis [1] and Vasershtein [6] implies that the canonical homomorphism Kjfn^) » K^ln+^R) is surjective for n > 2, whereas from a theorem of Suslin and Tulenbaev [5] it follows that it is injective for n > 3. Equivalently , the ...

Found inside – Page 36

K - Theory , Oberwolfach 1980 , Lecture Notes Math . , Springer - Verlag of Pure and A . A . Suslin and M . S . Tulenbaev , " Stabilization J . of Soviet Math . , Vol . 17 ( 1981 ) , No . 2 , 1804 - 1819 . [ 6 ] L . N . Vasershtein , " Stabilization for the ...

Low Dimensional Topology - Page 162

Samuel J. Lomonaco - 1983 -

B. Magurn, R. Oliver and L. Waserstein, "Units in Whitehead groups of finite groups", (to appear). 17. R. Oliver, "SK for finite group rings I", Invent. Math. 57 (1980), 183-204. 18. R. Oliver, "SK for finite group rings II", Math. Scand. 47 (1980) ...

Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics: - Page 97

Proceedings of the Fourth USSR-Japan Symposium Held at Tbilisi, USSR, August 23-29, 1982

Kiyosi Itō, ‎Uriĭ Vasilʹevich Prokhorov, ‎Jurii V. Prokhorov - 1983 

Let 3V - {u*ZV : u^v, min |u- v| < k} v £V — be the boundary of a set V c Z . We denote by |w| the distance in some translation The term Vasserstein distance used in [4] is not justified by the history of the problem. V V V invariant metric on Z ...

Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society - Volume 4 - Page 524, 526, 632

Samuel J. Lomonaco, Jr., American Mathematical Society - 1983

B. Magurn, R. Dliver and L. Vaserstein, "Units in Whitehead groups of finite groups", (to appear). 17. R. Dliver, "SK. for finite group rings I", Invent. Math. 57 (1gBD), 1B3-2D4. 1B. R. Dliver, "SK, for finite group rings II", Math. Scand. 47 (1gBD) ...

Introduction to robust and quasi-robust statistical methods - Page 205, 226

William J. J. Rey - 1983 - 236 pages

Vasershtein distance

Cabal Seminar 79-81: proceedings, Caltech-UCLA Logic Seminar 1979-81 - Page 97

Alexander S. Kechris, D. A. Martin, Yíannis N. Moschovakis - 1983 - 284 pages

Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Issues 1019-1021

Vasserstein distance 

Low Dimensional Topology: Proceedings of the Special Session  - Page 162

special session on Low Dimensional Topology organized and conducted by Dr. Lomonaco at the American Mathematical Society meeting held in San Francisco, California, January 7-11, 1981.

B. Magurn, R. Dliver and L. Vaserstein, "Units in Whitehead groups of finite groups", (to appear). 1

Semi-infinite programming and applications:  - Page 77, 82

an international symposium, Austin, Texas, September 8-10, 1981

Anthony V. Fiacco, K. O. Kortanek Springer-Verlag, 1983 - 322 pages

Wasserstein distance

Étude et calcul de quelques distances en probabilités et statistique et applications:

séparation asymptotique des chaînes de Markov

Bernard Garel Université scientifique et médicale de Grenoble, Institut national polytechnique de Grenoble, 1983 - 169 pages

On étudie la distance de Prokhorov, la distance de Geffroy et la distance de Fortet-Mourier-Wasserstein.

Lond Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series. 81 , Skew Fields - Page 172

SL (D) = [ A* ,A*] c z ( A) if n — I n ^ 2 (the case n = 1 is covered by Vaserstein's Lemma). Indeed, if the latter were false, Lemma 1 would imply that Ej(A) D SLn(D) is a proper normal subgroup of SLn(D), hence (see Theorem 2 in §21.) ET(A) fl ...

MR0696937  Draxl, P. K. Skew fields. London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, 81. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1983. ix+182 pp. ISBN: 0-521-27274-2 (Reviewer: Jean-Pierre Tignol) 16A39 (12E15 18F25)

Экономико-математические модели в системе управления предприятиями - Page 171

Николай Прокофьевич Федоренко, И. П. Шубкина, Центральный экономико-математический институт (Академия наук СССР) - 1983

Shubkina, I. P. , Fedorenko, N. P. Moskva : Izd-vo "Nauka", 1983.

Оптимизационные и экономико-статистические методы в перспективном отраслевом планировании. Новосибирск: Наука, 1975. 18. Васерштейн Л. Н., Шерман Э. В. Проблемы формирования вариантов развития и специализации ...

Ėkonomiko-matematicheskie modeli v sisteme upravleniia predpriiatiiami

Очерки развития математики в СССР: - Page 211, 742

Ĭосип Захаровых Штокало, ‎Институт истории естествознания и техники (Академия наук СССР), ‎Инстытут историï (Академия наук Украïнськоï РСР). Сектор прыродознавства и техникы - 1983   Kiev : Nauk. dumka, 1983. 762 [ages

Л. Н. Вассерштейн доказал, что определения Володина эквивалентны другим, алгебраическим, определениям нысших /Г-групп. Такую же прямую конструкцию, связывающую группы Уолла эрмитовой /Г-теорип с гомотопическими ...

... 692 Васильев В. А. 424 Васильев В. В. 459 Васильев В. Г. 352, 702 Васильев О. Ф. 731 Васильев Ф. П. 366, 499, 558, 712 Васильев Ю. Л. 547 Васильева А. Б. 296, 345, 577, 701, 726 Васпп В. В. 705 Вассерштейн Л. Н. 211 Ватажин ...

Ocherki razvitiia matematiki v SSSR : teoreticheskaia matematika : prikladnye voprosy matematiki

Algebraic K-Theory. Proceedings of a Conference Held at Oberwolfach, June 1980 - Page 168, 197, 332, ...

R. Keith Dennis - 1983

L. N. Vaserstein, On the stabilization of the general linear group over a ring, Mat. Sb. 79 (UV) ( 1969). No. 3 , 405-424 = Math. USSR Sb. 8 (1969) , No. 3, 383-400. 23. L. N. Vaserstein, Stabilization for classical groups over rings, Mat. Sb. 93 ...

Introduction to robust and quasi-robust statistical methods - Page 226

William J. J. Rey - 1983 

Papantoni-Kazakos P., The Vasershtein distance as the stability criterion in robust estimation, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, IT-26 (1980) 620-625. Papantoni-Kazakos P. and Kazakos D., Nonparametric Methods in Communication, Electrical ...

Annales scientifiques de l'Université de Clermont-Ferrand II.:

Probabilites et applications, Volumes 1-5


1 - RAPPELS SUR LA DISTANCE DE FORTET-MOURIER Soit (X,D) un espace métrique séparable que l'on ... Cette définition est souvent attribuée à Wasserstein quoique elle soit plus ancienne [11] ; en fait cette distance fut d'abord ...

start 1984   33 books

1984 1

FluidDynamics: Lectures given at the 3rd 1982 Session of ... - Page 63

H. Beirao da Veiga · 1984 · ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 63

( I ) There is the so - called " bounded Lipschitz distance " pa defined by ( 4 ) Ply , V ) : = sup 1sodu - odv | WED where D = { 0 R6 10 , 1 ) , 10 ( P ) - 4 ( 0 ) | s | | P - Q | | for all P , QER 63 . ( II ) Dobrushin and Braun - Hepp used the Wasserstein ...

Cônes autopolaires et algèbres de Jordan: 

Bruno Iochum, ‎Carlo Cercignani, ‎Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo. Session · 1984 · ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 63

( I ) There is the so - called " bounded Lipschitz distance " pa defined by ( 4 ) P ( Hov ) : = sup 1Svdu - s • dv | φED where D = { 0 Ro ( 0 , 1 ) , 14 ( P ) - ( Q ) | s | | P - Q | | for all P , Q ER } . ( II ) , 

Dobrushin and Braun - Hepp used the Wasserstein ...

Seminaire de Theorie des Nombres, Paris 1982-83 - Page 1

Bertin, ‎Catherine Goldstein · 1984 · ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 171

... Tata Institute , Bombay ( 1964 ) . [ S ] C . L . Siegel . - Bemerkungen zu einem Satz von Hamburger über die Funktionalgleichung der Riemannschen Zetafunktion , Math . Ann . 86 ( 1922 ) , 276 - 279 . [ Va ] L . Vaserstein . - On the group SL ...

Алгебра, математическая логика, теория чисел, топология: к ...

1984 · ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 169

Васерштейн Л. Н. , Суслин А. А. Проблема Серра о проективных модулях над кольцами многочленов и алгебраическая К - теория . - Функцион . анализ и его приложения , 1974 , т . 8 , с . 65 — 66 . 21. Васерштейн Л. Н. , Суслин А.


... определение см . , например , в [ 45 ] ) . При i = 1 проблема стабилизации была решена Бассом [ 46 ] и Васерштейном [ 47 ] . Теорема Басса — Васерштейна утверждает , что естественное отображение К1 , n ( A ) = GL ( A ) / E ...

1984 5

The Michigan Mathematical Journal - Volumes 31-32 - Page 231

1984 · ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 231

The Wasserstein metric seems to have arisen first in connexion with the transport of mass problem . ... The present paper contains a calculation of the L ? Wasserstein distance between arbitrary n - dimensional Gaussian distributions .

1984 6 book

MR0772053   Proceedings of the Luminy conference on algebraic K-theory. Held at Luminy, May 23–28, 1983. Edited by E. M. Friedlander and M. Karoubi. J. Pure Appl. Algebra 34 (1984), no. 2-3. Elsevier B. V., Amsterdam, 1984. pp. 117–343. 18-06 (00A11 18F25)

1984 7 book

Technical Report Series of the Laboratory for Research in ...

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Found inside

X X , y Alternately the Vasserstein metric is given by : Polhou ) - inf { ' ( / x - y | 11 ) ? F ( dxdy ) } F 2d R where f ( B x R , = u ( B ) and F ( RoxB ) v ( B ) . Let M denote the collection of probability measures on Rd such that x P u ( dx ) < « .

Теория вероятностей и ее применения

- Volume 29 - Page 647

1984 - ‎Snippet view

Found inside - Page 647

Боровков А. А. Асимптотические методы в теории массового обслуживания. М.: Наука, 1980, 381 с. 4. Валландер С. С. Вычисление расстояния по Вассерштейну между распределениями на прямой.— Теория вероятн. и еепримен.,

Dinamika proizvodstvennykh obʺedineniĭ i modeli planirovania ikh deatelʹnosti 

 A.A. Modin, N.V. Makhrov, V.I. Danilin ; otvetstvennyĭ redaktor N.A. Petrakov. Moskva : Izd-vo "Nauka", 1984.


1984 10

Диссертация на тему «Стабилизация высшей К-теории 

Нестеренко, Юрий Петрович Ленинград 1984

www.dissercat.com › МатематикаTranslate this page

6. Вассерштейн Л.Н. 0 стабилизации общей линейной группы ... . Мат.сб., 1969, т.79, №3, с.405-434. 

7. Вассерштейн Л.Н. О стабилизации для ^-функтора Милнора ...

Noncooperative abstract games

by Ferro C., José Joaquín

M.A. Dissertation advisor: Vaserstein  1984

Pennsylvania State University Library Catalog



The Pennsylvania State University, 1984

  The goal of this dissertation is to find an infinite family of counterexamples to the following statement: If M, a smooth manifold with boundary and a smooth...

Ph.D. committee member Vaserstein



The Pennsylvania State University, 1984

  This dissertation is an analysis of the boundary layer adjacent to an infinitely smooth, semi-infinite flat plate, situated in a free stream composed of a...



The Pennsylvania State University, 1984

  An urn model is defined as follows: n balls are thrown at an infinite array of urns, where each ball has probability p(,k) > 0 of independently hitting the...

Ph.D. advisor Vaserstein

1984 15



The Pennsylvania State University, 1984

  This dissertation deals with four important theorems in Ramsey Theory: the Simpson-Carlson dual Ellentuck theorem: Hindman's theorem; van der Waerden's...

T he following p e o p le a ll a n s w e re d q u e s tio n s o r m a d e t e c h n i c a l s u g g e s tio n s

t h a t c o n tr ib u te d t o th is w ork: A shok A garw al, C arlo s Alves, G eo rg e A ndrew s,

M ichael B e e le r, Neil B ec h d e l, T. C. B row n, P a u l E rd b s, N a th a n F in e. E d w a rd

F o r m a n e k , K. F o s te r , F r a n k G arv an , C ara t e n H a n se n , Jeff H irs t, S te v e n K ra n tz ,

G e ra r d L a lle m e n t, W innie Li, R ic h a rd M ansfield, W illiam M itchell, J o h n Olson,

T o r r e n c e P a rs o n s , C lifford R e ite r , R oss R ic h a rd s o n , C. C. R o u ss e a u , C arl R u p e r t,

G eorg S c h n itg e r, D avid S ibley, J a n o s S im o n , S te p h e n S im p so n , P ie r r e T re m b la y ,

L eo n id V a s e rs te in , a n d W illiam W a te rh o u s e .

Order properties of attractive spin systems - Springer

by LL Helms - ‎1984 

Order properties of attractive spin systems ... 291-309; Holley, R. (1971) Free Energy in a Markovian Model of a Lattice Spin System. ... Vasershtein, L. N. (1969) Processes over Denumerable Products of Spaces Describing Large Systems.

Dinamika proizvodstvennykh obʺedineniĭ i modeli planirovaniia ikh deiatelʹnosti

by Modin, Anatoliĭ Andreevich 1984

Reviews in number theory 1973-83: as printed in Mathematical Reviews - Page 305

Richard K. Guy, ‎American Mathematical Society - 1984

Another aim is a generalization of VaserStein's computation of G/E to certain subrings B of A and ideals /,,/, of B. A typical result is as follows: If B is an order in a totally imaginary ... 327(1981), 156-183. , Colin J.; Reiner, Irving nations for /.

Thermodynamic Formalism: 

The Mathematical Structures of Classical Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics

David Ruelle - 1984 Cambridge University Press, 1984 - Science - 183 pages

This book is aimed at mathematicians interested in such topics as ergodic theory, topological dynamics, constructive quantum field theory, the study of certain differentiable dynamical systems, notably Anosov diffeomorphisms and flows.

1984 20

Atti Del ... Congresso Internazionale Dei Matematici ... - Volume 1 - Page 385

S. D. Chatterji, Ichirō Satake, Zbigniew Ciesielski, Czesław Olech Springer-Verlag, 1984

The vast literature on the Serre conjecture contains many negative and a few special positive results on the problem of extending to vector bundles on X for X regular: one may consult the articles of Horrocks, Swan, Murthy, Vasserstein, Bass, ...

Positive semigroups of operators, and applications - Page 384, 390

Ola Bratteli, Palle E. T. Jørgensen - 1984 - 188 pages  2011 2012


Robust and nonlinear time series analysis:  - Page 221, 222, 223

proceedings of a workshop organized by the Sonderforschungsbereich 123 "Stochastische Mathematische Modelle", Heidelberg 1983

Jürgen Franke, Wolfgang Härdle, Douglas Martin - 1984 - 286 pages


Vortex methods in two-dimensional fluid dynamics - Page 36, 46

Carlo Marchioro, Mario Pulvirenti - 1984 - 137 pages


Quadratic and Hermitian Forms: 1983 - Page ix, 131, 140 (10 pages)

 By Carl R. Riehm, Ian Hambleton, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, McMaster University 1984

L.N.Vaserstein, Stabilization in algebraic K-theory and the congruence subgroup problem, Thesis, Moscow State Univ. 1968 (see Funk. ... L.N.Vaserstein, On the normal subgroups of GL over a ring, in Lecture Notes in Math. #854,456-465.

MR0776444   Quadratic and Hermitian forms. Proceedings of the conference on quadratic forms and Hermitian K-theory held at McMaster University, Hamilton, Ont., July 11–22, 1983. Edited by C. R. Riehm and I. Hambleton. CMS Conference Proceedings, 4. Published by the American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI; for the Canadian Mathematical Society, Ottawa, ON, 1984. xviii+338 pp. ISBN: 0-8218-6008-9 11-06


2984 25

Linear algebra over commutative rings - Page 51

 By B R McDonald

Vaserstein, On K -theory of topological ... Recently, K. 0ennis, B. Magurn, and L. Vaserstein (Generalized Euclidean Group Rings, to appear in J. reine Angev. Math.) ...

Report PM - Issues 101-110

Penn State, Department of Mathematics


Positive Semigroups of Operators and Applications - Page 384, 390

O. Bratteli, P.E.T. Jørgensen - 1984

Vasershtein, L. N.: 'Processes over Denumerable Products of Spaces Describing

Algebraic K-theory, number theory, geometry, and analysis:  - Page 51, 54, 193, 228, 249

proceedings of the international conference held at Bielefeld, Federal Republic of Germany, July 26-30, 1982

Springer 1984 Volume 1046 of Lecture notes in mathematics

[6] L.N. Vasershtein, "Stabilization for the Milnor ...


Kinetic Theories and the Boltzmann Equation   - Page 63

Lectures Given at the 1st 1981 Session of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.), Held at Montecatini, Italy, June 10-18, 1981, Issue 1048

Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo Springer-Verlag, 1984 - 243 pages LNM 1048

II) Dobrushin and Braun-Hepp used the Wasserstein-metric p, ...

1984 30

Cellular automata:  - Page 50, 51

proceedings of an interdisciplinary workshop, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545, USA, March 7-11, 1983


Stochastic analysis and applications:   - Page 37

proceedings of the international conference held in Swansea, April 11-15, 1983

Aubrey Truman, David Williams - 1984 

Dobrushin later extended this theorem, replacing the total variation by the Vasserstein distance between probability ... 

If we take the usual metric |c-n| on the real line, the Vasserstein distance of two probability measures n1 , ir„ on <3 (F) can

Динамика производственных объединений и модели планирования их деятельности - Page 122, 227

Анатолий Андреевич Модин, ‎Николай Васильевич Махров, ‎Вâчеслав Иванович Данилин - 1984 -1; Васерштейн Л. Н., Шерман Э. В. Проблемы формирования вариантов развития и специализации производственных объектов в задачах оптимального отраслевого планирования. М., 1977; Оптимизация развития и размещения ...

1984 33

Abstracts of Papers Presented to the American Mathematical Society - Page 219


Let P and Q be probabilities on R . Their Wasserstein distance is W2 (P, Q) - inf | | |x - y| |2 dy (x, y) >/2 , k k the infimum being taken over all u on R x R with marginals P and Q . Suppose that P and Q are Gaussion with means m and n and ...

<—1984   33  end 1984 books

start 1985  23  books

Introduction to Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry - Page 100

 By Ernst Kunz 1  1985

Found inside – Page 100

(Vaserstein) A C M(r x serial) is equivalent to A(0) if and only if A is locally equivalent to A(0) for all m C Max(/?). Proof. Let A and A(0) be locally equivalent for all m C Max(.R). Let f denote the set of all a C R with the following property: For all f, ..

MR0873502   Deuschel, Jean-Dominique Lissage de diffusions à dimension infinie et leurs propriétés en tant que mesure de Gibbs. (French) [Smoothing of infinite-dimensional diffusions and their properties as a Gibbs measure] Dissertation, École Polytechnique Federale de Zurich, Zurich, 1985. With an English summary. Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Zürich, 1985. iv+89 pp. 60J60 (60K35)

Ėkonomicheskaia otsenka tekhnologicheskogo razvitiia ...

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Ėrikh Borisovich Golland - 1985 - ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 124

Вассерштейн Л. Н., Шерман Э. Б. О формировании вариантов в дискретных задачах оптимального отраслевого планирования. — Экономика и математические методы, 1975, т. XI, вып. 4, с. 681—694. Хижняк Л. Т., Гончаров Н. Н.

Chetvertaia Mezhdunarodnaia Vilʹniusskaia ... - Page 247

- Translate this page

1985 - ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 247

ПустьX- метрическое пространство с метрикой р (c,2c) измеримой по паре переменных x&eХ и 6 — алгеброй ... расстоянием Вассерштейна и является метрикой в совокупности всех распределений вероятностей на (ХФ) (см./2/).

Сетевые подгруппы групп Шевалле и вопросы стабилизации К1-функтора

Плоткин, Евгений Борисович — 01.01.06 — Ленинград, 1985

... , г. 114, с. 62 -76. 

36. Васерштейн Л.Н. О стабилизации общей линейной группы ... т.79 , № 3, с. 405 424. 

37. Васерштейн Л.Н. K-теория и конгруэнцпробдема. — Матем. заметки ... 2, с. 233 244. 

38. Васерштейн Л.Н. Стабилизация унитарных и ортогональных ...

Экономическая оценка технологического развития угледобычи - Page 124

Эрих Борисович Голланд, ‎Татьяна Анатольевна Рыбакова, ‎Виктор Владимирович Радченко - 1985 

Вассерштейн Л. П., Шерман Э. Б. О формировании вариантов в дискретных задачах оптимального отраслевого планирования. — Экономика и математические методы, 1975, т. XI, вып. 4, с. 681 — 694. 48. Хнжняк Л. Т., Гончаров Н.

Science education in global perspective: - Page 187

lessons from five coutries

Margrete Siebert Klein, ‎Floyd James Rutherford - 1985 

Strumilin's research indicated a return of 5 rubles in the Soviet GNP for every ruble invested in education. ... D.A. Kazhdan, G.A. Margulis, A. Suslin, and L.N. Vasershtein, to name a few — are former winners of the olympiads in Moscow.

Abstracts of Papers Presented to the American Mathematical Society - Page 127, 185


(Received December 17, 198*0 819-18-73 LEONID NISON VASERSTEIN, the Pennsylvania State University, Dept. of Mathematics, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802 and the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey 08540.

Kōchi Daigaku Rigakuby Kiyō: Sūgaku - Volumes 6-10 - Page 6


178]). Now let F be a cyclic cubic field in which prime number 2 is decomposed, the notations o, X, \i, t, and <P as in section 3. Put Proposition 4. a- <** = m* (mod 1) (a e #(SL(2, *))). Proof. From Vaserstein [7] we know that SL(2, o) is generated ...

Klassifikation Hilbertscher Modulflächen zur symmetrischen Hurwitz-Maass-Erweiterung

by Bassendowski, Dieter 1985

Tezisy dokladov = Abstracts of communications

by International Conference on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics Vilnius, Lithuania 1985

At head of title: Akademia nauk SSSR. Akademia nauk Litovskoĭ SSR. Vilʹnusskiĭ gos. universitet im. V. Kapsukasa.

Found inside – Page 247

Х » , гдө нижняя грань берется по всем парам случайных величин и 3 со значениями в ( X ) таким , что имеет распределение Р и . 3 - . распределение называется расстоянием Вассерштейна и являөтся метрикой в совокупности ...

Tezisy dokladov: K-O - Page 247

- Translate this page

1985 - ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 247

Х » , гдө нижняя грань берется по всем парам случайных величин и 3 со значениями в ( X ) таким , что имеет распределение Р и . 3 - . распределение называется расстоянием Вассерштейна и являөтся метрикой в совокупности ...

Statistics and control of stochastic processes - Volume 2 - Page 377

Nikolaĭ Vladimirovich Krylov, ‎Robert Shevilevich Liptser, ‎Anatoliĭ Aleksandrovich Novikov - 1985 

METRIC DISTANCES BETWEEN COUNTING PROCESSES 1. ... Moreover, we get an upper bound also for the corresponding Wasserstein distance and for the total variation distance between one- dimensional distributions. We start by giving ...

Proceedings of the seventh Conference on Probability  - Page 220 

Aug. 29 - Sept. 4, 1982, Braşov, Romania

Marius Iosifescu, Tiberiu Postelnicu, Serban Grigorescu - 1985 - 674 pages

Vallender, S.S. , Calculation of the Wasserstein distance between probability distributions on the line. Theory Probab. Appl., 18, 784- 786 (1973). 15. Wasserjtein, L.N., Markov processes with countable state space describing large systems of ...

Time series in the time domain - Page 125

Edward James Hannan, Paruchuri R. Krishnaiah, Malempati Madhusudana Rao - 1985 - 490 pages

Papantoni-Kazakos and Gray (1979) proposed the use of the Vasershtein distance on P(X"). The Vasershtein distance utilizes a so-called 'per-letter' metric d = d{xt,

Interacting particle systems - Page 176, 486

Thomas Milton Liggett - 1985 - 488 pages

Vasershtein, L. N. 1969 Markov processes over denumerable products of spaces, describing large systems of automata. Problems ... 

Vasershtein, L. N. and Leontovich, A. M. 1970 Invariant measures of certain Markov operators describing a

Science education in global perspective: lessons from five countries - Page 187

Margrete Siebert Klein, Floyd James Rutherford - 1985 - 231 pages

Found inside – Page 187

Many of today's most prominent Soviet research mathematicians -- I.N. Bernshtein, E. B. Dynkin, D. A. Kazhdan, G. A. Margulis, A. Suslin, and L. N. Wasershtein, to name a few -- are former winners of the olympiads in Moscow. Since 1960 ...

Reviews in K-theory, 1940-84: as printed in Mathematical reviews Page 4, 5, 12, 108, 678, 775

Bruce A. Magurn - 1985 - 811 pages 

Found inside – Page 108

B15–3 Wasershtein, L. N. [Waserstein, L. N.] Stabilization in algebraic K-theory. Funkcional. Anal. i Prilošen. 3 (1969), no. ... B15-4 Waserstein, L. N. on the stabilization of the general linear group over a ring. Mat. Sh. (N.S.) 79 (121) (1969), ...

Topology proceedings - Volume 10 - Page 140, 150

Auburn University Mathematics Department and the Institute for Medicine and Mathematics at Ohio University, 1985


Statistics and control of stochastic processes - Volume 2 - Page 377

Chetvertaia Mezhdunarodnaia Vilʹniusskaia konferentsiia po teorii veroiatnosteĭ i matemeticheskoĭ statistike, Vilʹnius, 24-29 iiunia 1985: A-Z [rom - Page 320, 321

Wasserstein metric

Cancer treatment reports - Volume 69, Issues 9-12 - Page 1066

National Institutes of Health (U.S.), National Cancer Institute (U.S.), National Cancer Institute (U.S.). Division of Cancer Treatment - 1985

A convenient class of distance functions are the so-called LP Wasserstein metrics, p > 1, which can be motivated as follows. ... If Fz and Fw are two such distributions functions, 

then their LP Wasserstein distance is the minimum of computed for ...

Found inside – Page 1066

tions , then their L Wasserstein distance is the minimum of Z WI computed for all Z , W defined on the same probability space , with 2 distributed as Fz and Was Fw . The LP Wasserstein distance between empirical distributions figures in a ...

Quantization - Page 200, 202

Peter F. Swaszek  Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1985 - 335 pages

Wasserstein distance

On the Distance between Mixed Poisson and Poisson Distributions

Dietmar Pfeifer

Defense Technical Information Center, 1985 - 20 pages

Estimations and asymptotic expansions for several distances between mixed Poisson and Poisson distributions are given, such as the total variation distance, the 

Kolmogrov distance and a specific Wasserstein distance (Fortet-Mourier distance). As an example, the author generalizes and improve results of Vervaat (1969) 

on the total variation distance between negative binomial and Poisson

—end 1985

start 1986   31 books

Teoreticheskaa i matematicheskaa fizika

1986 · ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 439

... различающихся в одной точке t€ Z " , вычислить расстояние Канторовича — Рубинштейна – Орнштейна – Вассерштейна R ( qvP ( - o ' ) , qv * ( - | о " ) ) между ними и рассмотреть функцию k , Y = sup . аст , - R ( qvP ( - | o ' ) , qvP ...

Proceedings of Groups - St. Andrews 1985 - Page 29

E. F. Robertson, ‎C. M. Campbell, ‎University of St. Andrews · 1986

Found inside – Page 29

UGSR. Izvestia 1 1 (1977), 221-238, L. N. Vaserstein, K1 - theory and the congruence problem, Math. Notes 5. (1969), 141-148. L. N. Waserstein, On the stabilization of the general linear group over a ring, Math. USSR Sb. 8 (1969), 383-400.

Algebraic K-Theory I. Proceedings of the Conference Held at ...

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Hyman Bass · 1986 · ‎Snippet view


L. N. Wasserstein, On the stabilization of the general linear group over a ring, Math. Sbornik 79 (121), 405-424 (1969) translation v. 8, 383-400 (AMS). I. A. Volodin, Algebraic K-theory as extraordinary homology theory on the category of  ...

More editions

Stochastic Spatial Processes: Mathematical Theories and Biological Applications- Page 31

Petre Tăutu - 1986 

Found inside – Page 31

The collective behaviour of SAS is then interpreted as a game : automaton games are defined by specifying not only the ... between infinite systems of 2 - state CAs , homogeneous Markov networks and infinite particle systems ( Vasershtein ...

Collected Mathematical Papers, 1976-1985 - Page 27

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Boris Weisfeiler - 1986 - ‎Snippet view


Bourbaki 1972 / 73 " exp . ... amitomo J . Tits , Travaux de Margulis sur les sous - groupes discrets de groupes de Lie , in " Sém . Bourbaki , 1975 / 75 " , exp . ... Vaserstein , B . Weisfeiler , on full subgroups of Chevalley groups , in preparation .

PDF  1986  amarskii.ru › books › book1986 



вычислительнойматематикии кибернетики м о с к о в ск о го ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОГО   университета

Под редакцией акад. A. Н. ТИХОНОВА, акад. А. А. САМАРСКОГО
page 54   в) метрика Вассерштейна: р(Х,Г) = . inf М {|Х-.Г|} = pxy Gpx y.

from:  Жуковский. 

Статистическая регуляризация решени^обратных некорректно поставленных задач обработки иинтерпретации, результатов эксперимента . . 47

Proceedings of groups: St. Andrew's 1985 (1986) 

by Unknown author


Random Matrices and Their Applications: Proceedings of the ...

Joel E. Cohen, ‎Harry Kesten, ‎Charles Michael Newman - 1986

Found inside – Page 180

It is not difficult to show that relative to the Wasershtein metric (see, e.g., [BF] for definition and basic properties), the distance between o and u tends to 0 as c/VK. The calculation above can be extended to higher dimensions, but the algebraic ...

Основы моделирования перспективного и текущего планирования в производственном объединении

Данилин, Вячеслав Иванович — 08.00.13 — Москва, 1986

... научно-технического прогресса, М.: 1980. 

28. Васерштейн JI.H., Шерман З.В. Проблемы формирования вариантов ...



The Pennsylvania State University, 1986

  In this thesis we discuss theorems of existence and uniqueness of an optimal strategy for N-person differential games. Equivalently we discuss theorems of...

Ph.D. committee member Vaserstein



The Pennsylvania State University, 1986

  In 1984, G. Chen et al. studied the N-person ordinary differential game with distributed strategies. They utilized primal method to show the existence,...

Ph.D. committee member Vaserstein

Applications of algebraic K-theory to algebraic geometry and number theory: 

proceedings of the AMS-IMS-SIAM joint summer research conference held June 12-18, 1983, with support from the National Science Foundation

by Bloch, Spencer Contemporary mathematics,v. 55, 1986

MR0862626   Applications of algebraic K-theory to algebraic geometry and number theory. Part I, II. Proceedings of the AMS-IMS-SIAM joint summer research conference held at the University of Colorado, Boulder, Colo., June 12–18, 1983. Edited by Spencer J. Bloch, R. Keith Dennis, Eric M. Friedlander and Michael R. Stein. Contemporary Mathematics, 55. American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 1986. Part I: xvi+406 pp.; Part II: pp. i–xvii and 407–818. ISBN: 0-8218-5054-7 18F25 (18-06)

 Book 3 Citations

Oeuvres: Collected Papers - Page 715, 724, 725

Jean Pierre Serre - 1986 Springer 2088 pages

553.2 L. Vaserstein a démontré un résultat plus précis: rA 724.

Oeuvres - Collected Papers: Volume 3: 1972 - 1984 - Page 534

Volume 3: 1972 - 1984 Jean-Pierre Serre. Springer, 1986 731 pages

 Notes in Math. 386, Springer-Verlag (1974). [52] J. Tits. On buildings and their applications, Proc. Int. Congress Math. , Vancouver (1974), t. I, 209-20. [53] L. Vaserstein. On the group SL? over ...

Regression trees based on rank statistics - Page 22

Mark Robert Segal - Stanford University, 1986  146 pp

 Instead of using two-sample statistics, their splitting criteria utilizes Wasserstein metrics.

The IMA volumes in mathematics and its applications - Page 67 

Mathematical Methods in Computer Vision

University of Minnesota. Institute for Mathematics and Its Applications - 1986 - 394 pages

Wasserstein metric

Markov processes: characterization and convergence - Page 273, 518, 528

Stewart N. Ethier, Thomas G. Kurtz - Willey 1986, 2005, 2009   - 534 pages  online

The notion of duality given by (4.36) was developed first in the context of infinite particle systems by Vasershtein (I969), Vasershtein and Leontovitch (I970),

Differential analysis in infinite dimensional spaces:  - Page 179, 180, 187

proceedings of AMS Special Session held August 8 - 10, 1983

Kondagunta Sundaresan, Srinivasa Swaminathan, American Mathematical Society  Cont Math 54, - 1986 - 122 pages

It is not difficult to show that relative to the Vasershtein metric (see, e.g., [BF] for definition and basic properties),

Random matrices and their applications:  - Page 179, 180, 187

proceedings of the Research Conference held June 17 - 23, 1984

Joel E. Cohen, Harry Kesten, Charles Michael Newman - 1986 - 358 pages  AMS Cont Math 50

It is not difficult to show that relative to the Vasershtein metric (see, e.g., [BF] for

Group theory, Beijing 1984: - Page 100, 117, 278

proceedings of an International symposium held in Beijing, Aug. 27-Sep. 8, 1984

Tuan Hsio-Fu Springer, 1986 - 403 pages

[59] L. Vaserstein, Stabilization of unitary and orthogonal groups over a ring with involution, Math. USSR Sbornlk, Vol. ... USSR Sbornlk 22, (1971), 271-303- [61] L. Vaserstein, Foundations of algebraic K-theory, Russian Math. Surveys, 31:1 ...

London Mathematical Society lecture note series - Issues 121-122 - Page 14, 26, 29

1986 L.N. Vaserstein

Algebra, mathematical logic, number theory, topology:  - Page 167, 169, 175, 176

collection of survey papers : on the 50th anniversary of the institute, Volume 168

Ivan Matveevich Vinogradov American Mathematical Society, 1986 - Mathematics - 266 pages

L.N. Vaserstein

13 Papers in Algebra and Number Theory - Page 55, 105

 By Lev IAkovlevich Leĭfman

I. K. Zhuk, I. Sh. Slavutskiĭ, V. A. Lipnitskiĭ, V. I. Chernousov, O. M. Adamovich, Yu. A. Drozd, V. M. Bondarenko, A. G. Zavadskiĭ, L. A. Nazarova, V. M. Turchin, B. P. Komrakov, A. A. Premet, 

T. I. Pirashvili, S. A. Chunikhin, A. A. Kirilyuk, V. P. Rud'ko, and A. S. Rapinchuk

Izv. 6 (1972). Translated by L. N. VASERSTEIN (2) Vol. 128. 1986 On

Algebraic Geometry and Its Applications:  - Page 226

Tpуды Ордена Ленина Математического Института Имени В.А.Стеклова

(Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics) by S. M. Nikolskii and E. A. Volkov (Oct 1986)

Translated by L.N. Vaserstein

Geometric methods in operator algebras - Page 237, 238, 241

proceedings of the US-Japan seminar, Kyoto, July 1983

Huzihiro Araki, Edward G. Effros Longman Scientific & Technical, 1986 - 439 pages

If t denotes the algebraic functor (Vaserstein, 1976) then we have Theorem. IC(K) = 0. 2. PROOFS Recall that K is a C -algebra and so has a square root operation (Takesaki, 1979)- As a result we see that Yr = K.

Zbl 0632.00012 Araki, H. (ed.); Effros, E.G. (ed.)

Geometric methods in operator algebras. Proceedings of the US-Japan Seminar, Kyoto (Japan), July 1983. (English)

Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics Series, 123. Harlow, Essex: Longman Scientific \& Technical. Copubl. in the U.S. with John Wiley \& Sons, Inc., New York. VII, 439 p.; \sterling 27.00 (1986). MSC2000: *00B25 46-06

MR0866488   Geometric methods in operator algebras. Proceedings of the U.S.-Japan seminar held in Kyoto, July 1983. Edited by H. Araki and E. G. Effros. Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics Series, 123. Longman Scientific & Technical, Harlow; John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1986. viii+439 pp. ISBN: 0-582-99456-X 46Lxx (46-06)

Book 1 Citation

Automation and remote control - Volume 47;  - Page 692

Consultants Bureau, Consultants Bureau Enterprises, Massachusetts Institute of Technology - 1986

L. N. Vasershtein and E. B. Sherman, "Problems of forming variants in development and specialization of industrial plants in problems of optimum industrial planning," 

Review information, TS-30. Economic-mathematical modeling [in Russian], ...

Empirical processes with applications to statistics - Page 62, 63, 933

Galen R. Shorack, Jon A. Wellner Wiley, May 7, 1986 - 938 pages

Wasserstein distance

Mathematical programming study - Issues 26-30 - Page 182

North-Holland Publishing Company, 1986

Wasserstein metric

Duality in stochastic linear and dynamic programming - Page 218

Willem K. Klein Haneveld  Springer-Verlag, 1986 - Business & Economics - 295 pages

Wasserstein metric

Probability and mathematical statistics - Volumes 7-9 - Page 113

Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1986


Found inside – Page 121

The author expresses his gratitude to Professor R . V . Ambartzumian and Professor R . L . Dobrushin for their useful ... [ 5 ] S . S . Vallander , Calculation of the Wasserstein distance between probability distributions on the line , Theory Prob .

Итоги науки и техники: - Volume 21 - Page 115


Ананасов Б. Н., Дискретные группы преобразований и структуры много* образий. Новосибирск: Наука, 1983, 242 с. 2. Боревич 3. И., Шафаревич И. Р., Теория чисел. 2-е изд., М.: Наука, 1972, 495 с. 3. Вассерштейн Л. Н., Группы, ...

——end 1986

start 1987  25 books

Number Theory :proceedings of the 1985 Montreal Conference ...

H. Kisilevsky, ‎Conference in Number Theory, ‎J. Labute · 1987 · ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 369

H. Kisilevsky, Conference in Number Theory, J. Labute. [ Sh3 ] G . Shimura , " On certain zeta ... [ so ] C . Soulé , " Opérations en K - théorie algébrique " , Canadian Journal of Math . , XXXVII , 488 - 550 ( 1985 ) . [ SK ] H . Stark , " Derivatives of L ...

Number Theory :proceedings of the 1985 Montreal Conference ...

H. Kisilevsky, ‎Conference in Number Theory, ‎J. Labute · 1987 · ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 369

H. Kisilevsky, Conference in Number Theory, J. Labute. [ Sh3 ] G . Shimura , " On certain zeta ... [ so ] C . Soulé , " Opérations en K - théorie algébrique " , Canadian Journal of Math . , XXXVII , 488 - 550 ( 1985 ) . [ SK ] H . Stark , " Derivatives of L ...

Abstracts of Papers Presented to the American Mathematical ...

American Mathematical Society · 1987 · ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 551

... the zeroes of Bloch functions , 168 . Ulrich , Bernd . Sums of linked ideals ( Preliminary report ) , 384 . Ulrich , Bernd . ... Vaserstein , Leonid . See Magurn , Bruce . Vatsala , A. S. Monotone iterative technique for periodic boundary value ...

Zapiski nauchnykh seminarov - Volumes 160-163 - Page 228

Matematicheskiĭ institut im. V.A. Steklova. Leningradskoe otdelenie · 1987 · ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 228

Литература П. , I. Басс Н. Алгебраическая к - теория . - М .: Мир , 1973 . 2. Вассерштейн Л , Н. Стабилизация унитарных и ортогональных групп над кольцом синволюцией . Мат , сб . , 1970 , т.8I , 33 , с.328-35 . 3. Вассерштейн Л.Н.

Chetvertaia Mezhdunarodnaia Vilʹniusskaia ... - Page 5

- Translate this page

1987 - ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 5

... по всем парам случайных величин і со значениями в ( Х . ) таким , что имеет распределение P в 3 - распределение называется расстоянием Вассерштейна и являөтся метрикой в совокупности всех распределений вероятностей ...

Current trends in matrix theory: Page 398

proceedings of the Third Auburn Matrix Theory Conference, held March 19-22, 1986 

at Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama, U.S.A.

by Uhlig, Frank; Grone, Robert 1987

Frank Uhlig, ‎Robert Grone - 1987 - ‎Snippet view

L. N. Vaserstein and A. Souslin, Serre's problem on projective modules over polynomial rings and algebraic K theory. Math. USSR Izvestija 10, 937-1001 (1976). 9. 0. Zareski and P. Samuel, Commutative algebra 1, (van Nos- trand. New York ...



The Pennsylvania State University, 1987



University of Pretoria (South Africa), 1987

.... The main results of this work are proved in Chapter 3. These include several important results such as Vaserstein's Theorem, the Local Horrocks' Theorem and its global version...

Записки научных семинаров ЛОМИ - Page 228


Вассерштейн Л.Н. Стабилизация унитарных и ортогональных групп над кольцом с инволюцией. - Мат. сб. , 1970, т.61, .» 3, с. 328-351. 3. Вассерштейн Л.Н. Стабилизация для классических групп над кольцами. - Мат. сб. , 1974, т.

Operator algebras and mathematical physics:  - Page 271, 277, 278

proceedings of a summer conference held June 17-21, 1985 

with support from the National Science Foundation and the University of Iowa

by Jørgensen, Palle E. T; Muhly, Paul S

Contemporary mathematics (American Mathematical Society), 1987

Séminaire de probabilités XXI - Page 570

J. Azéma, ‎Paul André Meyer, ‎Marc Yor - 1987 

Cette métrique fut introduite par Mallows [11] et Tanaka Cl7] et reliée à la métrique de Vassershtein introudite par Dobrushin [4]. Pour des détails supplémentaires sur la métrique d,, voir Bickel et Freedman [2]. Théorème 4.4: Soit {Q^} une ...

Integer matrices as sums of squares ; and, Matrices as sums of kth powers - Page 8, 14, 15

David R. Richman, ‎Centre for Research in Algebra and Related Fields  Carleton University, Mathematics and Statistics, - 1987 

[Vlj L. N. Vaserstein, Every integral matrix is a sum of three squares, Linear and Multilinear Algebra 20 (1986), 1-4. [V2] L. N. Vaserstein, On the sum of powers of matrices, preprint. (V3] L. N. Vaserstein, Non-commutative number theory, ...

Noncommutative Noetherian Rings - Page 443

J. C. Robson - 1987 . 1988, 2001

J.C. McConnell, and J.C. Robson, with the cooperation of L.W. Small. ISBN 0471915505 :

8.5 (a) A good source for the topics in the first half of the section is [Suslin 81] where it is noted that 5.8(h) is due to Vaserstein, (b) The second half, concerning matrices, originates from [Vaserstein 71] where, in particular, 5.17 appears.

Introduction to probability and statistics for engineers and scientists

Sheldon M. Ross - 1987

Elements of probability; Random variables and expectation; Special; random variables; Sampling; Parameter estimation; Hypothesis testing; Regression; Analysis of variance; Goodness of fit and nonparametric testing; Life testing; Quality ...


VIII International Congress on Mathematical Physics:  - Page 723

July 16-25, 1986, Marseille, France

M. Mebkhout, R. Sénéor - 1987 

L.N. Vasershtein, Prob. Inform. Transm. 5, 64 (1969); O.E. Lanford III, in Statistical Mechanics and Mathematical Problems (Lecture Notes in Physics #20), ed. A. Lenard (Springer, Berlin, 1973). 39. M. Aizenman and R. 

Theory of Linear Operations: S. Banach ; 

English Translation by F. Jellett Elsevier, 1987 - 237 pages

Yuri I Lyubich, Leonid N Vaserstein - 1993 - Geometriae Dedicata ...

Linear Algebra

Serge Lang Springer, Jan 26, 1987 - 296 pages


Introduction to signals and systems

Edward W. Kamen Macmillan Pub. Co., Jan 1, 1987 - 634 pages


Probability, random variables, and random signal principles

Peyton Z. Peebles McGraw-Hill, 1987 - 349 pages


Statistical data analysis based on the L1-norm and related methods - Page 181, 184

Yadolah Dodge - 1987 - 464 pages

It has origins in the papers of Kantorovich [lo] and Vasershtein [23] and it was introduced to mathematical statistics by Sudakov [17] and Zolotarev [24] ...

The status of Soviet civil science: - Page 38

proceedings of the Symposium on Soviet Scientific Research, NATO Headquarters, Brussels, Belgium, September 24-26, 1986

Craig Sinclair - M. Nijhoff, 1987 -- 289 pages


Percolation theory and ergodic theory of infinite particle systems - Page 126

Harry Kesten - 1987 - 323 pages

Thus (Y£(t))t>0 is Cauchy in distribution (in, say, the Vasserstein norm based on the Skorohod metric on path space) and hence converges in distribution to a process which we denote by Y(t). (In fact, it is not difficult to simultaneously realize all ...

Number theory :- Page 357

proceedings of the 1985 Montreal conference held June 17-29, 1985

H. Kisilevsky, J. Labute, Canadian Mathematical Society - 1987 - 466 pages

Vaserstein's theorem

Statistics & decisions: Volume 5   Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, 1987

New perspectives in theoretical and applied statistics - Page 447

Madan Lal Puri, José Pérez Vilaplana Wiley, Mar 12, 1987 - 544 pages

Wasserstein distance

Proceedings of Groups: St. Andrew's 1985 - Page 3, 14, 29, 262

 edited by E. F. Robertson, Colin Matthew (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 121)

Cambridge University Press (February 27, 1987)

USSR Izvestia I\_ (l977), 22l-238. 23. L.N. Vaserstein, K1-theory and the congruence problem. Math. iJotes 5 (l969) , l4l-l48. 24. L.N. Vaserstein, On the stabilization of the general linear group over a ring, Math. USSR Sb. jl (l969), 383-400.

start 1988  28 books

Ecole d'Ete de Probabilites de Saint-Flour XV-XVII, 1985-87 - Page 193

Persi Diaconis, ‎Paul-Louis Hennequin, ‎David Elworthy - 1988 - ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 193

2 Applying the contraction technique Let us now look at the system of conditional probabilities ( ook ) from the point of ... For two probability measures 4 and v on S = C [ 0 , 1 ] , let 1 Sedu - sedu / R ( 4 , 0 ) = sup 6 ( f ) denote the Vasserstein ...

On a Formula for the L2 Wasserstein Metric Between Measures ...

Matthias Gelbrich - 1988 

ublisher: Sekt. Mathematik der Humboldt-Univ.




Stochastic Processes in Epidemic Theory

Proceedings of a Conference held in Luminy, France, October 23–29, 1988

Editors n  (view affiliations)   Jean-Pierre Gabriel  Claude Lefèvre  Philippe Picard

Some epidemic systems are long range interacting particle systems

C Léonard - Stochastic Processes in Epidemic Theory, 1990 - Springer

… Here, {..C(z,s,u)(·);z E Z,s E S,u E II(Z x S)} is a Levy kernel on the set of jumps (Z- Z) \ {0}. The

epidemic system fits this model with … the function: u ~ { f(ti)C(z,s,u)(dil) is Lipschitz on II(Z X S).

j(ZZ)\{0} In ( 4.6), IT( Z X S) is endowed with the Wasserstein metric … 

Cited by 18 Related articles All 4 versions

Stable rank and approximation theorems in H(infinity) Page 1, 6, 51

by Laroco, Leonardo Adlao, Jr

University of California, Berkeley, 1988

  This dissertation presents work towards the calculation of the Bass stable rank (bsr) and the topological stable rank (tsr) of $H\sp{\infty}$, the Banach...

Report PM, Issues 21-30 - Page 61, 62

Penn State, Department of Mathematics, 1988 


Perspektivnoe planirovanie v ugolʹnoĭ promyshlennosti

by Romashkin, I. P 1982

Encyclopaedia of Mathematics: C - Page ii

Michiel Hazewinkel - 1988 

... F. Takens, R. J. Takens, N. M. Temme, S. H. Tijs, B. Trakhtenbrot, L. N. Vaserstein, M. L. J. van de Vel, F. D. Veldkamp, P. M. B. Vitanyi, N. J. Vlaar, H. A. van der Vorst, J. de Vries, F. Waldhausen, B. Wegner, J. J. O. O. Wiegerinck, J. Wiegold, ...

Classical Dirichlet forms on topological vector spaces 

Closability and a Cameron-Martin Formula

Sergio Albeverio, Michael Röckner - 1988  - 53 pages

Contractions in the 2-Wasserstein Length Space and Thermalization ...

José A Carrillo, Robert J McCann, Cédric Villani - 2006 - Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis

Normal subgroups of gauge groups

L. N. Vaserstein Max-Planck-Inst. f. Mathematik, 1988 - 26 pages

Normal subgroups of symplectic groups over rings

L. N. Vaserstein Max-Planck-Inst. f. Mathematik, 1988 - 34 pages

Annual report - Page 33, 37, 42, 43

Cornell University. Dept. of Mathematics 1988

An introduction to linear programming and game theory

Paul R. Thie  Wiley, Mar 8, 1988 - 396 pages


Zbl 0691.60031 Fiebig, Doris  Über very weak Bernoulli-Prozesse mit schnellen Raten. (On very weak Bernoulli processes with fast rates). (German)

Göttingen: Univ. Göttingen, Math.-Naturwiss., Diss. 77 S. (1988). MSC2000: *60G10 28D05, Reviewer: E.Slud

Wasserstein distance

Zbl 0659.60044 Kirschfink, Heribert  Konvergenz von Verteilungen von Summen abhängiger Zufallsvariablen in verschiedenen Wahrscheinlichkeitsmetriken mit Ordnungen.

(Convergence of distributions of sums of dependent random variables in different probability metrics with order). (German)

Aachen (FRG): Technische Hochschule Aachen, Mathematisch- Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, viii, 121 S. (1988). MSC2000: *60F05 60B10 60B05, Reviewer: L.Hahn

Wasserstein metric

Unit Groups of Classical Rings - Page 240


super-cyclic fields. Bull. Am. Math. Soc. 40, 855-8. Vaserstein, L. N. (1969). 

MR0978631  Karpilovsky, Gregory Unit groups of classical rings. Oxford Science Publications. The Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, New York, 1988. xiv+370 pp. ISBN: 0-19-853557-0 (Reviewer: Carl Riehm) 20C05 (11R27 11R33 12E15 16A25)

Probability, random processes, and ergodic properties - Page 272, 274, 283, 288, 295 315

Robert M. Gray - Springer-Verlag, 1988 295 pp ISBN0387966552, 9780387966557

In the optimal transportation literature, the German spelling of Vasershtein, Wasserstein, also caught on as a suitable name for the Monge/Kantorovich distance and remains so. The Monge/Kantorovich optimal cost provides a distortion or ...

Zbl 0644.60001 Gray, Robert M.

Probability, random processes, and ergodic properties. (English)

New York etc.: Springer-Verlag. xvi, 295 p. DM 98.00 (1988). MSC2000: *60A10 94A15 60-02, Reviewer: U.Krengel

On a formula for the L_p Wasserstein metric between messures on Euclidean and Hilbert spaces

Matthias Gelbrich  Humboldt-Univ., Sekt. Mathematik, 1988 - 26 pages

École d'été de probabilités de Saint-Flour XV-XVII, 1985-87 - Page 193

Persi Diaconis, David Elworthy, Paul-Louis Hennequin - 1988 - 459 pages

For two probability measures n and v on S « C[0,1] , let iJfdn-Jfdv) R(M,w) = sup denote the Vasserstein distance as in Ch. I (2.18);

Group representations in probability and statistics - Page 110 

Persi Diaconis Institute of Mathematical Statistics, 1988 - 198 pages

Wasserstein… metric

Journal of statistical planning and inference - Page 5, 6, 22

North Holland, 1988

Wasserstein metric

Reviews in partial differential equations, 1980-86,  - Page 1519

as printed in Mathematical reviews, Volume 1

American Mathematical Society - 1988 - 3998 pages

Funaki, Tadahisa (J-NAGO) A certain class of diffusion processes associated with nonlinear parabolic equations. ... op(ui,uj) is a Wasserstein type metric between U|,uj using pth moments and k(r) is a function with / dr/fc2(\/f) divergent at zero.

Encyclopedia of statistical sciences: Volume 9

Samuel Kotz, Norman Lloyd Johnson, Campbell B. Read - 1988

Logarithmic Descriptions of Whitehead Groups and Class Groups for p-Groups - Page 96

By Robert Oliver, Larry Taylor

Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 1988; 97 pp; softcover Volume: 76

Operator Algebras and Applications: Structure theory, K-theory, Geometry and Topology  - Page 54

 edited by David E. Evans, Masamichi Takesaki


Whitehead Groups of Finite Groups - Page 34, 35, 56, 241, 343, 349

 By Robert Oliver 1988


Ring theory. 2 (1988) - Page 26

 By Louis Halle Rowen


Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society - Volumes 392-397 - Page 96

MR0938472  Oliver, Robert; Taylor, Laurence R. Logarithmic descriptions of Whitehead groups and class groups for $p$-groups. Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. 76 (1988), no. 392, vi+97 pp. (Reviewer: Bruce A. Magurn) 18F25 (19A22 19A31 19B28)


Итоги науки и техники: - Volume 21 - Page 115


Апанасов Б. Н., Дискретные группы преобразований и структуры много- образий. Новосибирск: Наука, 1983, 242 с. 2. Боревич 3. И., Шафаревич И. Р., Теория чисел. 2-е изд., М.: Наука, 1972, 495 с. 3. Вассерштейн Л. Н., Группы, ...

1989     25 books

Model Theoretic Algebra With Particular Emphasis on Fields,  Rings, Modules

Christian. U Jensen, ‎Helmt Lenzing - 1989 - ‎Mathematics

[189] A. A. Suslin and L. N. Vasershtein. Serre's problem on projective modules over ... Dissertation Berlin 1978. [Zbl. 432,03019 (G. Fuhrken)). [195] L. van den ...


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Model Theoretic Algebra With Particular Emphasis on Fields, Rings, Modules - Page 272, 425, 430

Christian. U Jensen, Helmt Lenzing

CRC Press, Jul 26, 1989 - Mathematics - 464 pages


Found inside – Page 425

[189] A. A. Suslin and L. N. Vasershtein. Serre's problem on projective modules over polynomial rings and algebraic K-theory. Izv. Akad. Nauk. SSSR, Ser. Mat., 40:993–1054, 1976. [190] R. G. Swan. Algebraic K-theory. Springer Lecture Notes ...

La propriété (T) de Kazhdan pour les groupes localement compacts - Page 22. 23, 150

by La Harpe, Pierre de; Valette, Alain; Burger, Marc

Astérisque, 1989


Model Theoretic Algebra With Particular Emphasis on Fields, Rings, Modules  Page 272, 425, 430 

Christian. U Jensen, ‎Helmt Lenzing - 1989

[189] A. A. Suslin and L. N. Vasershtein. Serre's problem on projective modules over polynomial rings and algebraic K-theory. Izv. Akad. Nauk. SSSR, Ser. Mat., 40:993-1054, 1976. [190] R. G. Swan. Algebraic K-theory. Springer Lecture Notes ...

Numerical Analysis and Parallel Processing:  - Page 122

Lectures given at The Lancaster Numerical Analysis Summer School 1987

Peter R. Turner - 1989 

At present, it is not clear whether further modifications of our method will produce more information about the structure gap off the real axis. 3. We report on some joint work with F. Grunewald and L. Vaserstein, which belongs to unstable ...

Annual Report - Page 13

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research - 1989 

If d=3, the Vasserstein symbol was shown to yield an isomorphism of the group of unimodular 3-vectors modulo elementary operations with the symplectic elementary Witt group. Vector bundles of rank at least n—l over the complements, in the ...

Lp-Wasserstein-Metriken [Lp-Wasserstein-Metriken] und  Approximationen stochastischer Differentialgleichungen

Matthias Gelbrich, Matthias Gelbrich - 1989

Algebraic K-theory: connections with geometry and topology - Page 519, 549

J. F. Jardine, Victor Percy Snaith - 1989 - 550 pages

Volume 279 of Nato Science Series C:


Algebraic K-Theory and Algebraic Number Theory:  - Page 449

Proceedings of a Seminar held Januaey 12 -16, 1987

AMS Cont Math 83

 By Michael R. Stein, R. Keith Dennis

Classical Groups and Related Topics: Proceedings of a Conference .in Honor of L.K. Hua - Page 198 (28 pages)

AMS Cont Math 82

R.K. Dennis, B. Magum and L.N. Vaserstein, 0eneralized Euclidean group rings, J.Reine Ang. Math. 35l (l9s4), ll3-l2s ...

Found inside – Page 220

L.N. VASERSTEIN, On the normal subgroups of GLn over a ring, in Springer Lecture Notes Math. #854,1981(Algebraic K-theory), p. 454-465. MR 83c 20058. Z.464. 20030. L.N. VASERSTEIN, Normal subgroups of the general linear groups ...
MR0982271   Classical groups and related topics. Proceedings of the China-United States Conference in honor of L. K. Hua [Luo Geng Hua] held at Tsinghua University, Beijing, May 18–23, 1987. Edited by Alexander J. Hahn, Donald G. James and Zhe Xian Wan. Contemporary Mathematics, 82. American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 1989. xvi+254 pp. ISBN: 0-8218-5089-X 20-06 (00A11

Report PM - Issues 71-80

Penn State, Department of Mathematics, 1989

Encyclopaedia of Mathematics (4) 

Springer Science & Business Media, 1989

L.N. Vaserstein

Theory of statistical inference and information - Page 10, 98, 111

Igor Vajda - 1989 - 432 pages

Kantorovich — Vasershtein distance and related functions of measures In this section we apply Theorem (4.35) and other results of Sec. 4 to convex functions of measures defined by means of certain distances of measures.

Zbl 0711.62002 Vajda, Igor

Theory of statistical inference and information. Transl. from the Slovak by the author. (English)

Theory and Decision Library, Series B: Mathematical and Statistical Methods, 11. Dordrecht etc.: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 432 p. Dfl. 305.00; \$ 149.00; \sterling 95.00 (1989). MSC2000: *62B10 62-01, Reviewer: J.Virtanen

Model theoretic algebra: with particular emphasis on fields, rings, modules  - Page 425, 430  

Christian U. Jensen, Helmut Lenzing - 1989 - 443 pages

[189] A. A. Suslin and L. N. Vasershtein. Serre's problem on projective modules over polynomial rings and algebraic K-theory. Izv. Akad. Nauk. SSSR,

Stochastic analysis, path integration, and dynamics: - Page 57

emanations from "Summer Stochastics", Warwick 1987

K. D. Elworthy, Jean-Claude Zambrini - 1989 - 265 pages

Wasserstein distance

Dynamical systems and ergodic theory - Page 40

Karol Krzyżewski, Instytut Matematyczny (Polska Akademia Nauk) - 1989 - 479 pages

Wasserstein distance

Probability and mathematical statistics - Volumes 10-11 - Page 312

Wasserstein distance

Stability Problems for Stochastic Models:  - Page 170

Proceedings of the 11th International Seminar Held in Sukhumi (Abkhazian Autonomous Republic) USSR, Sept. 25-Oct. 1, 1987, Issue 1412

Wasserstein distance

Technical report series of the Laboratory for Research in Statistics and Probability - Issues 131-140 - Page 3

Laboratory, Carleton University, 1989

Wasserstein distance      First International Conference on Stochastic Geometry,

Representation Theory, Group Rings, and Coding Theory:  - Page 347

Papers in Jonor of S.D. Berman (1922-1987)

Irving Martin Isaacs - 1989 AMS Cont Math 93

L. N. Vaserstein, The structure of classic arithmetic groups of rank greater than one, Math. USSR Sbornik 20 (1973), 465-492.

Found inside – Page 347

[3] C. Curtis and I. Reiner, Representation theory of finite groups and associative algebras, Interscience, N.Y. (1962). [4] M. Hall, The theory of ... [12] L. N. Vaserstein, The structure of classic arithmetic groups of rank greater than one, Math.

London Mathematical Society lecture note series - Issues 134-135 - Page 32, 51

1989 ISBN0521369193, 9780521369190


The classical groups and K-theory - Page 161, 177, 519

We point out that Vaserstein's theory

MR1007302 Hahn, Alexander J.; O'Meara, O. Timothy The classical groups and $K$-theory. With a foreword by J. Dieudonné.

 Grundlehren der Mathematischen Wissenschaften [Fundamental Principles of Mathematical Sciences], 291. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1989. xvi+576 pp. ISBN: 3-540-17758-2 (Reviewer: James E. Humphreys) 20-02 (11E57 19-02 20G15 20H25)

IMS bulletin - Volume 18, Issues 102-107 - Page 86

nstitute of Mathematical Statistics - 1989 

... Uniform large deviation property of the empirical process of a Markov chain R. ARRATIA & M.S. WATERMAN: The ... urn models Juan Antonio CUESTA: Notes on the Wasserstein metric in Hilbert spaces Articles STATISTICAL SCIENCE a ...

MR0999391 Proceedings of Research Symposium on $K$-Theory and its Applications. Held at the University of Ibadan, Ibadan, August 10–15, 1987. Edited by A. O. Kuku and C. Weibel. $K$-Theory 2 (1989), no. 5. This is a Historical Journal, Ann Arbor, MI, 1989. pp. i–ii and 557–673. 18-06 (19-06)


MR0991972  Algebraic $K$-theory and algebraic number theory. Proceedings of the seminar held in Honolulu, Hawaii, January 12–16, 1987. Edited by Michael R. Stein and R. Keith Dennis. Contemporary Mathematics, 83. American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 1989. xiv+488 pp. ISBN: 0-8218-5090-3 18F25 (19-06)

start 1990   30 books

Rozprawy Matematyczne - Volumes 299-303 - Page 34

1990 · ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 34

70 (3) (1953), 267 285. [9] C. R. Gi vens and R. M. Shortt, A class of Wasserstein melrics for probability distributions, Michigan Math. ... Semi-infinite Programming and Applications 1981, Lecture Notes in Economics and Math. "Systems 215 ...

Stochastic Modelling In Biology: Relevant Mathematical ... - Page 120

Petre Tautu - 1990

Found inside – Page 120

The existence and the uniqueness of a fixed point for F are obtained through a contraction argument. Let us endow P(Q) with the Wasershtein distance dr. (P(a), dr) is a complete metric space. T Lemma 1 1 : 3 K2O, V m, m” e P(Q), dr(m, m') < K ...

MR1074632 (92d:60007) Rachev, S. T.; Shortt, R. M. Duality theorems for Kantorovich-Rubinstein and Wasserstein functionals. Dissertationes Math. (Rozprawy Mat.) 299 (1990), 35 pp. (Reviewer: Donald L. Cohn) 60B10 (60F05 60F17)

Duality theorems for Kantorovich-Rubinstein and Wasserstein functionals 

S.T. Rachev and R.M. Shortt.  google books

Warszawa : Państwowe Wydawn. Naukowe, 1990. 39 pp 8301099704 9788301099701

Zbl 0716.60005  Rachev, S.T.; Shortt, R.M. Duality theorems for Kantorovich-Rubinstein and Wasserstein functionals. (English)

[J] Diss. Math. 299, 35 p. (1990). ISSN 0012-3862

Duality Theorems for Kantorovich-Rubinstein and Wasserstein Functionals

Svetlozar Todorov Rachev, ‎Rae Michael Shortt - 1990   book
Rachev, S. T.; Shortt, R. M.

Duality theorems for Kantorovich-Rubinstein and Wasserstein functionals. (English) Zbl 0716.60005

Diss. Math. 299, 35 p. (1990).

Reviewer: J.Szulga

MSC:  60B05 54E70 90C05 28A35

Found inside – Page 33

Svetlozar Todorov Rachev, Rae Michael Shortt. ( 1 ) f is b ' - integrable ; ( 2 ) S f db ' = 5 fdb . Then E ( b , F ) is a convex set whose extreme points are described in the well - known 8.1 . THEOREM . A measure b'e Eib , F ) is an extreme point of .

Recueil mathématique de la Société mathématique de Moscou

1990 - ‎Snippet view

Found inside - Page 1709

... С. С. Вычисление расстояния по Вассерштейну между распределениями вероятностей на прямой//Теория вероятностей и ее применения. 1973. Т. 18. Вып. 4. С. 824—827. 8. РйзсНепа'ог} Ь. ТЬе МаззегзЫп (Нз1апсе апй 

On a formula for the L2 Wasserstein metric between measures on Euclidean and Hilbert spaces

M Gelbrich - Mathematische Nachrichten, 1990 - Wiley Online Library Vol 147 Issue 1 

Abstract. For a separable metric space (X, d ) LP WASSERSTEIN metrics between probability 

mea-sures p and v on X arc defined by ... The LP WASSERSTEIN metrics form a special family 

among the great variety of distances between probability measures. They may be ...

Территориальная организация хозяйства в современных условиях:

Т.М Калашникова - 1990 - ‎Snippet view

Несмотря на простоту постановки, решение задачи довольно сложное: она не является не только задачей линейного программирования, но даже и задачей выпуклого программирования. В частности, критерий качества Р может иметь несколько локальных экстремумов, и выделение среди них глобального экстремума может представлять значительные трудности. Задачи такого рода рассмотрены, например, в работе (Васерштейн, Ч миль, Шерман, 1974).

Bulletin - Page 412 

1990 - ‎Snippet view

For probability measures P and Q on Euclidean space IR"1 and 1 < p < <*>, let Jp(P, Q): = inf[(£IIX - Y\V)1,p : L(X) = P, L(Y) = Q] denote the generalized Wasserstein distance between P and Q. Exact order rates of convergence are found for ytp(Xlv A), where A„ is the nth empirical measure for Lebesgue measure A on the d-dimensional unit cube. This resolves a long-open problem in empirical measures. Hall's marriage theorem is used . The results extend to provide exact order rates ...

Grothendieck Festschrift, Volume III: Page 494

 A Collection of Articles Written in Honor of the 60th Birthday of Alexander Grothendieck

by Cartier 01/1990

K-Theory and Homological Algebra:  - Page 56

A Seminar Held at the Razmadze Mathematical Institute in Tbilisi, Georgia, USSR 1987-88, Issue 1437

Hvedri Inassaridze - 1990

 by D(R.) denote the subgroup In Shx(fL) ... Lemma 2.2 (Vasershtein. [191),. Let 1 and 5 be any natural numbers, T be an ideal in R ...

Algebraic structures and number theory: 

proceedings of the first international symposium, Hong Kong, August 8-13, 1988

by Lam, S. P; Shum, K. P  1990

Matematicheskie bilʹardy : bilʹardnye zadachi i smezhnye voprosy matematiki i mekhaniki

by Galʹperin, G. A; Гальперин, Г. А  G.A. Galʹperin, A.N. Zemliakov. Moskva : Nauka, Fizmatlit, 1990.

Ergodic Theory and related topics, III (1990)

Lecture Notes in Math. 1514

L . N. Vaserstein, On Systems of particles with finite - range and/or repulsive

Duality theorems for Kantorovich-Rubinstein and Wasserstein functionals 

S.T. Rachev and R.M. Shortt.  google books

Warszawa : Państwowe Wydawn. Naukowe, 1990. 39 pp  ISBN 8301099704 9788301099701

Found inside - Page 27

Comparison of Wasserstein functional and Kantorovich–Rubinstein norm; completeness We begin this section by proving the following form of an unpublished result of Neveu and Dudley. 6.1. THEOREM. Suppose that conditions (C1)–(C8) ...
Found inside - Page 14

In this case, si, (P1, P2) is identically zero (the trivial pseudo-metric). It is an amusing exercise to prove directly that the infimum that defines ||Pi—P2 ||, is . Zer0. For example, suppose that P1 = 60 and P2 = 61. For each n = 1, 2, ... consider a ...

Zbl 0718.60057 Gelbrich, Matthias  L${}\sp p$-Wasserstein-Metriken und Approximationen stochastischer Differentialgleichungen. $(L\sp p$ 

Wasserstein metrics and approximations of stochastic differential equations). (German)  Berlin: Humboldt-Universität Berlin, Mathematisch- Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, 

Diss. 77 S. (1990). MSC2000: *60H10 60B10, Reviewer: M.Gelbrich

Probability theory and mathematical statistics:  - Page 142, 388

proceedings of the fifth Vilnus conference: Volume 1

Bronius Grigelionis - 1990 - 646 pages

Now we define the so-called Vasershtein metric between two probability measures

Number-Theoretic Analysis Seminar, Vienna, 1988-89 - Page 6, 17, 18

Edmund Hlawka, Robert F. Tichy - 1990 - 220 pages

We so get the rate of convergence of a sample path to with regard to the Vasserstein metric cf. [14]: The Vasserstein distance ...

System modelling and optimization - Page 690, 695, 696

proceedings of the 14th IFIP-Conference, Leipzig, GDR, July 3-7, 1989

Hans-Jürgen Sebastian, K. Tammer, International Federation of Automatic Control - 1990 - 960 pages


Séminaire de mathématiques Rouen: Comptes rendus des séances: - Page 105

septembre 1988-juin 1989

Université de Rouen. Laboratoire d'analyse et modèles stochastiques - 1990 - 180 pages ISBN2877750175, 9782877750172


Les Annales des sciences mathématiques du Québec: Volumes 14-15  1990 - Page 33

Centre de Recherches Mathématiques, Université de Montréal, 1990

Wasserstein distance

Uppsala abstracts:  - Page 143

abstracts of papers presented in Uppsala, Sweden, 13-18 August 1990

Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability. World Congress, Institute of Mathematical Statistics. Meeting

The Institute of Mathematical Statistics and the Bernoulii Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability, 1990 - Mathematics - 216 pages 

Wasserstein distance

Bulletin / Institute of Mathematical Statistics - Volume 19 - Page 412


Wasserstein distance

Séminaire de mathématiques Rouen: - Page 105

 Comptes rendus des séances septembre 1988 


Cette distance, dite ici de Wasserstein, se généralise aux espaces lP par d(P,Q) - a IX-YI ...

System modelling and optimization:  - Page 690, 695

proceedings of the 14th IFIP-Conference, Leipzig, GDR, July 3-7, 1989

Hans-Jürgen Sebastian, International Federation of Automatic Control Springer-Verlag, 1990 - 960 pages

Wasserstein distance

Stochastic Cellular Systems: Ergodicity, Memory, Morphogenesis - Page 179, 182

By R. L. Dobrushin, V. I. Kriukov, A. L. Toom Manchester University Press, 1990 - 541 pages


Proceedings of the Symposium on algebra and number theory held on  27 - 29 July 1990 at Kochi, Kerala, India - Page 33, 35, 38

Centre for Mathematical Sciences (Trivandrum, India) Centre for Mathematical Sciences, 1990  - 129 pages


Found inside – Page 38

Pamphlets 4 , Tata Institute , Bombay . ( 6 ) Newman , M . ( 1985 ) . Sums of squares of matrices . Pacific J . Math . 118 , 497 ... of Algebraic Numbers , The Carus Math . Monographs , No . 9 , Second Edition . ( 8 ) Vaserstein , L . N . ( 1986 ) ...

Israel mathematical conference proceedings - Volume 2 - Page 1, 4, 326

Weizmann Science Press of Israel, 1990  MR1159095



Found inside

PERSONAL REMINISCENCES I . I . Piatetski - Shapiro , My Advisor and Friend L . N . Vaserstein Siegel Domains etc . ... Hervé Jacquet and Joseph Shalika The Smallest Representation of Simply Laced Groups D . Kazhdan and G . Savin O

Topology and combinatorial group theory - Page 90

proceedings of the Fall Foliage Topology Seminars, held in New Hampshire 1986-1988

P. Latiolais  Springer-Verlag, Oct 18, 1990 - 207 pages

Also I want to thank Leonid Vaserstein for

his interest and encouragement, and George Bergman for his helpful correspondence.

Found inside – Page 90

... is a short proof by geometric methods, which works with an algorithmic reduction of the diameter of generators of an ideal. ... Also I want to thank Leonid Vaserstein for his interest and encouragement, and George Bergman for his helpful ...

Festschrift in Honor of I.I. Piatetski-Shapiro on the Occasion of His Sixtieth Birthday: - Page 338

Papers in representation theory

I. I. Pi͡atet͡skiĭ-Shapiro, Stephen S. Gelbart, Roger Howe - 1990 


Оптимизация системных решений в распределенных базах данных: - Page 178

В.Л Макаров, ‎Валентин Давыдович Маршак, ‎Сергей Матвеевич Анцыз - 1990

Васерштейн Л. Н., Шерман Э. Б. О формировании вариантов в дискрет- пых задачах оптимального планирования ... Васерштейн Л. Н. Проблема формирования вариантов развития и специализации производственных объектов в ...

Территориальная организация хозяйства в современных условиях  - Page 149

Т.М Калашникова - 1990 

... несколько локальных экстремумов, и выделение среди них глобального экстремума может представлять значительные трудности. Задачи такого рода рассмотрены, например, в работе (Васерштейн, Ч миль, Шерман, 1974).

—— end 1990 books

start 1991    28  books


Nonassociative Algebras And Related Topics - Proceedings Of ...

K Yamaguti, ‎N Kawamoto - 1991

Found inside – Page 333

Vaserstein L.N. Stabilization of unitary and orthogonal groups over a ring. — Math. U.S.S.R. Sbornik, 1970, V.10, P.307-326. Vaserstein L.N. The stable rank of rings and the dimension of topological spaces. Funct.Anal.Applic., 1971, V.5, N.2, ...

Found inside – Page 280

For the classical groups the second formula was discovered independently by L.N. Vaserstein and Z.I.Borewicz and ... In 1987 my Ph.D. student A.V.Stepanov has discovered a remarkably elemen— tary proof of the Suslin's normality theorem.

Current Topics In Operator Algebras - Proceedings Of The ... - Page 406

Y Nakagami, ‎Huzihiro Araki, ‎Kimiaki Saito - 1991

Found inside – Page 406

The ber case of Theorem 3.2 is an immediate consequence of a result of Vaserstein [11]. His Theorem 4 states that there is a function 80 such that every homotopically trivial continuous function from X to SL(C) is a product of at most go(dim(X), ...

Zapiski Nau. Sem. POMI239 - Page 166

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Found inside – Page 166

Основной вклад в этой области принадлежит А. Баку , Л. Н. Васерштейну , Р. К. Деннису , В. ван дер Каллену и А. А. Суслину . Следующий крупный скачок в изучении нормального строения полной линейной группы над кольцом ...

Zapiski nauchnykh seminarov POMI - Volumes

272-275 - Page 84

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Found inside – Page 84

Таким образом , мы нашли в ннеединичную матрицу у є 2 и , осталось снова сослаться на Лемму 11 . ... Л.Н.Васерштейн , А. А. Суслин , Проблема Серра о проективных модулях над кольцами многочленов и алгебраическая к - т ...

International Congress of Mathematicians - Page 826, 827, 832      pdf

Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians :

 August 21-29, 1990, Kyoto, Japan : ICM-90 Kyoto / 2.

Ichiro Satake; International Congress of Mathematicians (1990, Kyōto)Publisher: Tokyo [u.a.] : Springer, (1991)


Generators and relations in groups and geometries : Page xv, 40. 44, 99 (and 5 more)

 [proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Generators and Relations in Groups and Geometries, Castelvecchio Pascoli (Lucca), Italy, April 1-14, 1990]  1991


0792311612 (U.S. : alk. paper)


Generators and relations in groups and geometries - Page 40, 44, 120, 123

Adriano Barlotti Kluwer Academic, 1991 - 447 pages

Springer Netherlands  hardcover

9780792311614, 0792311612  Page count: 447

By Advanced Study Institute on Generators and Relations in Groups and Geometries, NATO Advanced Study Institute on Generators, Relations in Groups, Italia) Geometries (1990 : Lucca · 1991

Using the Dennis-Vaserstein results, the bounds in [20] can be greatly improved for large n.

Von Neumann regular rings - Page 383,  410, 412

by Goodearl, K. R 1991, 2nd ed.


Летопись журнальных статей - Issues 6-10 - Page 119


Knots bibliography - University of Glasgow, Department of Mathematics

Joyce A. Riley Penn State 1991

University of Glasgow

Leonid N. Vaserstein - Advisor.

Report PM - Issues 121-130 - Page 14, 24, 31


PM 116: BRYNE, C.C. k VASERSTEIN, L.N. May 1991 An improved algorithm for finding saddlepoints of two-person zero-sum games. PM 117: BRYLINSKI, J.-L. k McLAUGHLIN, D. May 1991 A geometric construction of the first Pontryagin ...

Skorohod Representation Theorem and Wasserstein Metrics

J. A. Cuesta Albertos, ‎Carlos Matrán Bea - Universidad de Cantábria, 1991

Moscow University Computational Mathematics and Cybernetic  - Page 58, 60, 61

Moskovskiĭ gosudarstvennyĭ universitet im. M.V. Lomonosova

Allerton Press, 1991

13) it is stated that the maximal coupling in Markovian case {i.e., each component is Markovtan with identical transition probabilities and different initial aistributions) cannot be {Griff eath's) Markovian. Theorem 2. Wassershtein's coupling is ...

Algebraicheskie gruppy i teoriia chisel

by Platonov, V. P. 1939 1991

Moskva : "Nauka," Glav. red. fiziko-matematicheskoĭ lit-ry, 1991. 654 pages ISBN 5020141917

Algep.597 with Vasersteinbraic groups and number theory / Vladimir PlatonovAndrei Rapinchuk ; translated by Rachel Rowen. 1994

Discrete Subgroups of Semisimple Lie Groups - Page 268, 383

Gregorij Aleksandrovič Margulis - 1991 

In particular, in case rankK G ^ 2, this was proved by Vasserstein [Va 2] for all classical groups and by Raghunathan [Rag 7] for all G. In [Va 2] some results on normal subgroups were also announced, e.g., in case G is a K'-rank 1 classical ...

Found inside – Page 383

C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 310 (1990) 33–36 Tong, G.L.; Wang, S.P.: Harmonic forms dual to geodesic cycles in quotients of SU(p, 1). Math. Ann. 258 (1982) 289–318 Vaserstein, L.N.: On the group SL2 over Dedekind rings of arithmetic type. Math.

Ergodic theory and dynamical systems: Volume 11, Issues 3-4

University Press, 1991

École d'été de probabilités de Saint-Flour XIX, 1989 - Page 173, 176

Donald L. Burkholder, Étienne Pardoux, Alain-Sol Sznitman - 1991 - 259 pages 

Vaserstein metric, Vasershtein metric

Probability metrics and the stability of stochastic models - Page 249, 423

Svetlozar Todorov Rachev - 1991 - 494 pages 

... f |x( - yt\ x, yeM" i=i (13.2.3) see (3.2.2), (3.3.3) and (5.2.18). Remark 13.2.2. Dobrushin (1970) called £x the Vasershtein (Wasserstein) distance. 

Found inside – Page 249

... Ye X ( RM ) | | x – yll : = Ï \ x ; – yil x , ye RTM ( 13 . 2 . 3 ) see ( 3 . 2 . 2 ) , ( 3 . 3 . 3 ) and ( 5 . 2 . 18 ) . Remark 13 . 2 . 2 . Dobrushin ( 1970 ) called by the Vasershtein ( Wasserstein ) distance . In our terminology l , is the Kantorovich metric , see .

Advances in probability distributions with given marginals: beyond the copulas - Page vii, xiii, 182, 185 , 186

Dall'aglio, G.; Kotz, S.; Salinetti, G. (Eds.)  1991, XVIII, 232 p. 5 illus.

Limit theorems and some applications in statistical physics - Page 134 ,135, 137, 142, 243

Boris Nahapetian - 1991 - 244 pages

If the sequence of distributions Pa converges to P in a sense of Kantorovich-Vasershtein metric,

Statistics: Volume 22   Taylor & Francis, 1991


Singularity Theory and Its Applications: Geometric aspects of Singularities - Page 176

Warwick 1989  David Mond, James Montaldi, Mark Roberts - 1991 - 408 pages


Stochastic orders and decision under risk - Page 310

 edited by Karl C. Mosler, Marco Scarsini 1991

Wasserstein distance

Comparison of Statistical Experiments - Page 664

By Erik Torgersen 1991

Wasserstein distance

Probability metrics and the stability of stochastic models - Page 249, 426, 443, 460, 491

Svetlozar Todorov Rachev Wiley, May 13, 1991 - 494 pages

Wasserstein metric, Wasserstein normFound inside – Page 426

The term “ Wasserstein metric ' appeared first in Dobrushin ' s 1970 paper to denote the Kantorovich metric ( in our notations ) . The work of Wasserstein ( 1969 ) was very influential among specialists in statistical physics , dynamical systems ...

Thirteen Papers in Algebra, Functional Analysis, Tipology and Probability - Page 192

 translated by V. Valentin Senderovich Afraimovich AMS 1991


Groups St Andrews 1989: - Page 375

 edited by C. M. Campbell, E. F. Robertson 1991


Additive number theory of Polynomials over a finite field - Page 11, 153, 157

Gove W. Effinger, David R. Hayes

Oxford University Press, Nov 7, 1991 - 157 pages


Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians, ... - Volume 1 - Page 385, 826, 827, 832

Ichirō Satake - University of Toronto Press, 1991

The vast literature on the Serre conjecture contains many negative and a few special positive results on the problem of extending to vector bundles on X for X regular: one may consult the articles of Horrocks, Swan, Murthy, Vasserstein, Bass, ...

— end 1991

start 1992   29 books

Report PM - Issues 131-140 - Page 78

1992 · ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 78

1992 Young-derived sequences of 5„-characters. PM 128: LYUBICH, Y.I. k VASERSTEIN, L.N. Jan. 1992 Isometric embeddings between classical Banach spaces, cubature formulas, and spherical designs. PM 129: JAMES, DONALD G. Feb.

Poisson Approximation - Page 16

A. D. Barbour, ‎Professor of Biomathematics A D Barbour, ‎Lars Holst · 1992 · ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 16

This is not the fault of the method , but reflects the difference between the total variation and Wasserstein distances : it is the case that drv ( Bi ( n , p ) , Po ( np ) ) = P , whereas dw ( Bi ( n , p ) , Po ( np ) ) = PVnp : see Deheuvels and Pfeifer ...

ort PM - Issues 131-140

books.google.com › books

1992 - ‎PSU Dept of Math

Found inside

PM 116 : BRYNE , C . C . & VASERSTEIN , L . N . May 1991 An improved algorithm for finding saddlepoints of two - person zero - sum games . PM 117 : BRYLINSKI , J . - L . & MCLAUGHLIN , D . May 1991 A geometric construction of the first ...

The Arithmetic of Function Fields (sited on 5 pages)

Proceedings of the Workshop at the Ohio State University, June 17-26, 1991

By Ohio State University · 1992

Ramsey's Theorem and Waring's Problem for Algebras over Fields  by Vaserstein, L. N

Algebraic K-theory, Commutative Algebra, and Algebraic Geometry:   (3 pages)  

 Proceedings of the U.S.--Italy Joint Seminar Held June 18-24, 1989 at Santa Margherita Ligure, Italy,

R. Keith Dennis, ‎Claudio Pedrini, ‎Michael R. Stein - 1992 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions

2. I. M. James, On homotopy-commutativity, Topology 6 (1967), 405–410. 3. L. N. Vaserstein, K1-theory and the congruence subgroup problem, Mat. Zametki 5:2 (1969), 233–244 = Math. Notes 5, 141–148. 4. L. N. Vaserstein, The stable range of rings and the dimension of topological spaces, Funk. Anal. 5:2 (1971), 17–27 = Funct. An. Appl. 5, 102–110. 5. L. N. Vaserstein, Normal subgroups of the general linear groups over Banach algebras, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 41:1 (1986), 99–112.

MR1156497   Algebraic K-theory, commutative algebra, and algebraic geometry. Proceedings of the U.S.-Italy Joint Seminar held in Santa Margherita Ligure, June 18–24, 1989. Edited by R. Keith Dennis, Claudio Pedrini and Michael R. Stein. Contemporary Mathematics, 126. American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 1992. xvi+230 pp. ISBN: 0-8218-5130-6 19-06 (00B25 14-06)

 Book 1 Citation


Applied Probability: Complete author and subject index - Page 62

1992 -

transition probabilities of a diffusion process A. Milian JAP 29 (1992) 334-342 of Markov circuit processes S. ... Szczotka and K. Topolski AAP26 (1994) 242-257 Wald's equation, validity M. Roters JAP 31 (1994) 949-957 Wasserstein metric G.

Publications du Centre international de rencontres  mathématiques, Issue 2 - Page 198


... sont fournies par des solutions au problème de Tarry- Escott, sauf deux d'entre elles, dues à Rao et Vaserstein. ... notions de déterminants non commutatifs (déterminant quantique, Bérézinier, déterminant de Dieudonné) à la théorie des ...

continuous approximation schemes for stochastic programs - Page 12

john r. birge, liqun qi - 1992

We next use the assumptions to obtain bounds on the Wasserstein metric. ..

Applied Stochastic Analysis:  - Page 260, 261

Proceedings of a Us-French Workshop, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J., April 29-May 2, 1991

Ioannis Karatzas, Daniel Ocone - 1992

Cuesta J.A. and Matran C. (1989) Notes on the Wasserstein metric in Hilbert spaces. ... Kantorovich, L.V. and Rubinstein G. Sh. (1958) On the space of completely additive functions, Vestnik LGU, Ser. Mat. ... The distance between two 260.

Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society - Volume 13 - Page 332

American Mathematical Society - 1992 

Exact convergence rates for the bounded law of the Iterated logarithm in Hilbert space. ... Rate of Convergence of Empirical Measures in the Wassersfein Metric. ... observations from an i.i.d. sequence of rvs in with underlying law P, and let W be the Wasserstein distance (of order 2) between Pn and P. Then, under very mild ...

Lectures on the Coupling Method - Page 177

Torgny Lindvall - 1992  The Vasershtein coupling.

Atti del Seminario matematico e fisico dell'Università di Modena - Volume 40 - Page 98

Università di Modena. Seminario matematico e fisico - 1992

... R. Herman - L. N. Vasershtein, The stable range of C*-algebras, Invent. Math., 77 (1984), 553-555. [13] E. Hewitt - K. Ross, Abstract harmonic Analysis I, Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1963. [14] K. Hoffman, Lectures on sup ...

Poisson approximation  - Page 17, 254, 274

A. D. Barbour, Lars Holst, Svante Janson - 1992 - 277 pages

Wasserstein distance Suppose that the state space is a separable metric space (X,d) equipped with its Borel c-field, and ...

MR1163825   Barbour, A. D.; Holst, Lars; Janson, Svante Poisson approximation. Oxford Studies in Probability, 2. Oxford Science Publications. The Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, New York, 1992. x+277 pp. ISBN: 0-19-852235-5 (Reviewer: Dietmar Pfeifer) 60F05 (60C05 60J80 62E17)

Book 419 Citations

Probability in Banach spaces, 8:  - Page 57 

proceedings of the eighth international conference, [held at Bowdoin College in summer 1991]

Richard M. Dudley, Marjorie G. Hahn, James Kuelbs - 1992 - 510 pages

Wasserstein distance

From Markov chains to non-equilibrium particle systems - Page 200, 542, 578, 585

Mufa Chen - 1992 - 550 pages

Givens, C. R. and Shortt, R. M.(1984), A class of Wasserstein metrics for probability distributions, Mishigan Math. J. 31 ...

Stochastic approximation and optimization of random systems - Page 56

Lennart Ljung, Georg Ch Pflug, Harro Walk - 1992 - 113 pages


Stochastic optimization:  - Page 118

numerical methods and technical applications : proceedings of a GAMM/IFIP-workshop held at the Federal Armed Forces University Munich, Munich, FRG, May 29-31, 1990

Kurt Marti, Hochschule der Bundeswehr München - 1992 - 182 pages

Wasserstein metric

Automata, languages, and programming: - Page 410

19th International Colloquium, Wien, Austria, July 13-17, 1992. Proceedings

Werner Kuich - 1992 - 719 pages

The resulting general metric between functions is known as the Kantorovich-Rubinstein distance or the Wasserstein ...

Numerical solution of stochastic differential equations - Page 607

Peter E. Kloeden, Eckhard Platen - 1992 - 632 pages

If- Wasserstein-Metriken und Approximation stochastischer Differentialgleichungen. Ph. D. thesis, Dissert

Probability and mathematical statistics: Volume 13 - Page 319

Instytut Matematyczny (Polska Akademia Nauk) - 1992

[2] M. Gelbricht, On a formula for the L1 Wasserstein metric between measures on euclidean and Hilbert spaces, Math. Nachr. ...

Algebraic K-Theory, Commutative Algebra, and Algebraic Geomey - Page 196

Proceedings of the U.S.-Italy Joint Seminar Held June 18-24, 1989 at Santa Margheri (Google eBook)

R. Keith Dennis, Claudio Pedrini, Michael R. Stein - 1992

L. N. Vaserstein, The stable range of rings and the dimension of topological spaces. Funk. Anal. 5:2 (1971) ... L. N. Vaserstein, Normal subgroups of the general linear groups over Banach algebras, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 41:1 (1986), 99-112. 6.

Topology '90 - Page 459

Boris Apanasov, Walter D. Neumann, Alan W. Reid - 1992

... Transform Approach - D. Thakur: On Gamma Functions for Function Fields - A. Thiery: Indépendance Algébrique des Périodes et Quasi-périodes d'un Module de Drinfeld - L. Vaserstein: Ramsey's theorem and Waring's problem for algebras ...

Found inside – Page 459

... Transform Approach - D. Thakur: On Gamma Functions for Function Fields - A. Thiery: Indépendance Algébrique des Périodes et Quasi-périodes d'un Module de Drinfeld - L. Vaserstein: Ramsey's theorem and Waring's problem for algebras ...

Azumaya algebras, actions, and modules:  - Page 246, 250

proceedings of a Conference in honor of Goro Azumaya's seventieth birthday : proceedings of a Conference held May 23-27, 1990 with support from the National Science Foundation .

Darrell E. Haile, Gorō Azumaya Darrell Haile James Osterburg - 1992

Replacing 6rj by 6'^6rj we see that P w ©Pj where PI is of rank 1 and Pi for i > 1 is the pullback of (4) and hence isomorphic to A. It remains to prove the lemma. We will deduce it from the following well known result of Vaserstein [V]. LEMMA ...

Fuchsian Groups - Page x

Svetlana Katok - 1992 

I wish to express my appreciation to Peter Sarnak and Leonid Vaserstein for discussions on arithmetic groups. I would like to thank Ozlem Umamoglu and Yves Martin, graduate students from my class at the University of California at Santa ...

Galois Theory, Rings, Algebraic Groups and Their Applications: Collection of Papers - Volume 183 - Page 35, 41, 269

Simeon Ivanov - 1992

... where the degree of the group is sufficiently large in comparison with the stable rank of the ring, these formulas and even the more precise one were proved by Bass and Vaserstein. The first of the formulas is equivalent to the normality of £(<

Translations. Ser. 2, 154. Selected papers in K-theory - Page 62, 67

American Mathematical Society - 1992

L. N. Vaserstein, Stabilization of unitary and orthogonal groups over a ring with involution. Mat. Sb. 81 (1970), no. 3, 328-351; English transl. in Math. USSR-Sb. 10 (1970). Institute of Mathematics Academy of Sciences of the Belorussian SSR ...

Cyclic homology - Page 352, 376, 443

Jean-Louis Loday - 1992

11.2.14 Theorem. For any ring A the connected space X(A) is acyclic (H.(X(A)) = 0) and is simple in dimension > 2. Proof (absence of). The original proof is due to Volodin [1971], see also Vaser- stein [1976]. We refer to Suslin [1981] for a short ...

Sensitivity analysis and optimization of discrete event systems - Volume 39, Issues 1-4 - Page 179

Søren Asmussen, Reuven Y. Rubinstein, Alexander Shapiro - 1992 

We introduce the Wasserstein distance for probability measures Vi and v2 on the Borel a- algebra of (R, r): r(Vi, V2) :=sup{ < G, Vi ) - < G, v2 > : G is a real function on /? with £(G) ^ 1 } . There is no ambiguity in denoting the distance in R and the ...

The Arithmetic of Function Fields: Proceedings of the ... Page p/443

MR1196508 The arithmetic of function fields. Proceedings of the workshop held at The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, June 17–26, 1991. Edited by David Goss, David R. Hayes and Michael I. Rosen. Ohio State University Mathematical Research Institute Publications, 2. Walter de Gruyter & Co., Berlin, 1992. viii+482 pp. ISBN: 3-11-013171-4 11-06 (11G09 11R58)

1993  24 books 

Princeton Legacy Library: Statistical Mechanics of Lattice Gases, Volume 1

by Simon, Barry 09/1993  0691607915, 9780691607917

Semigroups presented by a single relation

by Bouwsma, Janet Brugh

The Pennsylvania State University, 1993

Ph.D. committee member Vaserstein

Involutions in classical groups and related topics

by Arlinghaus, Francis Anthony

The Pennsylvania State University, 1993


.... We use a result of Vaserstein and Wheland to obtain bounds on the number of involutory matrices needed to express any invertible matrix in this case...

Semigroups presented by a single relation

by Bouwsma, Janet Brugh

The Pennsylvania State University, 1993


by Lang, Serge, 1927-2005


Involutions in classical groups and related topics

by Arlinghaus, Francis Anthony  Dissertation :

The Pennsylvania State University, 1993

.... We use a result of Vaserstein and Wheland to obtain bounds on the number of involutory matrices needed to express any invertible matrix in this case...

Mathematical Theory of Incompressible Nonviscous Fluids - Page 184, 283

Carlo Marchioro, Mario Pulvirenti - 1993 

It can be proved that the topology induced by the metric (3.8) is equivalent to the topology of the weak convergence of the measures. 

This metric is called the Kantorovich-Rubistein (K-R) distance (sometimes called the Vasershtein distance).

Theoretical and Mathematical Physics - Volume 96 - Page 826


7. V. V. Kozlov and D. V. Treshchev, Billiards. Genetic Introduction to the Dynamics of Systems with Collisions [in Russian], Izd-vo MGU, Moscow (1991). 8. G. A. Gal'perin, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 245, 285 (1979). 9. L. N. Vaserstein, Commun.

K-Theory for Real C*-Algebras and Applications - Page 46, 47, 154

Herbert Schroder - 1993 

... and L. Vaserstein [HrV] have shown that sr(>4) and tsr(.4) coincide if A is a C*-algebra. Although the condition of 1.6.2 guarantees weak stability, the size of the stable range depends on far subtler properties of the C*-algebra in question.

Resenhas Do Instituto de Matemática E Estatística Da Universidade de São Paulo, Volumes 1-3 - Page 121


In fact, it is a result of Bass-Milnor-Serre-Vaserstein that (i) and (ii) always hold if rij > 3 and for n,- = 2 they hold provided that Di ^ Q or imaginary quadratic or a definite quaternion algebra. We shall further assume that if n, = 1 then D, is a totally ...

Subgroup growth - Page 46, 397

Alexander Lubotzky - 1993

[MaSh] A. Mann, A. Shalev, Maximal subgroups of finite simple groups and positively finitely generated groups, preprint [MVW] C.R. Matthews, L.N. Vaserstein, B. Weisfaler, Congruence properties of Zariski dense subgroups I, Proc. Lond.

Dissertation Abstracts International: The sciences and engineering. - Page 2531

Adviser: Leonid N. Vaserstein Order Number DA9326805 The problem of writing matrices as products of involutory matrices has been investigated over fields by many people. In this thesis, we investigate this problem when the base ring ...

Report PM - Issues 151-160

Pennsylvania State University. Dept. of Mathematics - 1993

Found inside

3 , ( 1973 ) , 77 - 84 R . K . Dennis and L . N . Vaserstein , On a question of M . Newman on the number of commutators , J . Algebra 118 : 1 ( 1988 ) , 150 - 161 . 4 . T . Y . Lam , The algebraic theory of quadratic forms , Benjamin 1973 . 5 . A . Lev ..

K-theory for real C*-algebras and applications - Page 46, 47, 154

Herbert Schröder - 1993

... and L. Vaserstein [HrV] have shown that sr(>4) and tsr(.4) coincide if A is a C*-algebra. Although the condition of 1.6.2 guarantees weak stability, the size of the stable range depends on far subtler properties of the C*-algebra in question.

Shape recognition using metrics on the space of shapes

David Spotts Fry - 1993 

Large deviations for discrete-time processes with averaging - Page 115, 185

O. V. Gulinsky, A. Yu Veretennikov - 1993 - 186 pages

Vaserstein, L. N. Markov processes over denumerable products of spaces, describing large systems of automata. Problems of Information Transmission (1969) 5, 47-52. Veretennikov, A. Yu. Bounds for the mixing rate in the Bibliography 185.

Cellular automata and cooperative systems - Page 453

Nino Boccara - 1993 - 546 pages

Gazette - Australian Mathematical Society: Volumes 20-21

Australian Mathematical Society - 1993

Encyclopaedia of Mathematics (9) - Page ii

Michiel Hazewinkel - 1993 

... L. Streit, K. Stromberg, L. G. Suttorp, D. Tabak, F. Takens, R. J. Takens, N. M. Temme, S. H. Tijs, B. Trakhtenbrot, L. N. Vaserstein, M. L. J. van de Vel, F. D. Veldkamp, P. M. B. Vitanyi, N. J. Vlaar, H. A. van der Vorst, J. de Vries, F. Waldhausen, ...

Topological methods in modern mathematics - Volume 3 - Page 55, 83

a symposium in honor of John Milnor's sixtieth birthday, Volume 3

John Willard Milnor, Lisa R. Goldberg, Anthony Valiant Phillips - 1993 

Early results of the author [HB2, 3] and Vaserstein [Vasl] showed, under suitable "finite dimensionality" assumptions on A, ... It was later shown by Suslin and Vaserstein that, for A a finitely generated Z(/4)-module, (1) and (2) hold for all n > 3.

Units in Integral Group Rings

Sudarshan K. Sehgal · 1993 · ‎No preview

For fairly general classes of groups, explicit generators of large subgroups of the unit group of the integral group are given.

MR1242557 Sehgal, S. K. Units in integral group rings. With an appendix by Al Weiss. Pitman Monographs and Surveys in Pure and Applied Mathematics, 69. Longman Scientific & Technical, Harlow; copublished in the United States with John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1993. xii+357 pp. ISBN: 0-582-23081-0 (Reviewer: E. Jespers) 16U60 (16-02 16S34 20-02 20C05 20C07 20C10 20C12)

Book 200 Citations

On Lower Bounds for the L2-Wasserstein Metric in a Hilbert Space 

J. A. Cuesta-Albertos, Carlos Matrán Bea, Universidad de Cantabria - 1993

Commutative Ring Theory - Page 67, 70, 73

Cahen - 1993

Wilson in [11], for n > 3 hy Borevich and Vavilov in [2,3], and generalized and finalized hy Vaserstein in [10]. The main tool in this characterization is the notion of the level ideal of a matrix in GL(n, A). lfX = [ay] is in GL(n, A), the level ideal f(X] of ...

Algebraic Groups and Number Theory - Page 597, 606

Vladimir Platonov, ‎Andrei Rapinchuk, ‎Rachel Rowen - 1993

Matthews C. R., Vaserstein L. N., Weisfeiller B. [1] “Congruence properties of Zariski-dense subgroups I,” Proc. London Math. Soc. 483 (1984), 514–532. Matveev G. V. [1]. “The genus of the elements of an orthogonal group,” Mat. Zametki 135 ...

Vasserstein L. N. [1] “On SL2 over an arithmetic Dedekind ring,” Mat. Sb. 89 2 (1972), 313-322. [2] “On full subgroups of Chevalley groups,” Tohéku Math. J. 37 4 (1985), 423-454. [3] “On arithmetic subgroups of simple algebraic groups,” Linear ...

1994  30 books  

Analysis of Censored Data:  

Proceedings of the Workshop on Analysis of Censored Data, December 28, 1994-January 1, 1995, University of Pune, Pune, India

Hira L. Koul, ‎J. V. Deshpande, ‎Workshop on Analysis of Censored Data - 1995 - ‎Full view - ‎More editions

10 Note that small differences in the tails of the distributions will have a large effect on the Lp Wasserstein distance. Now consider the ordinary Lp metric. For 1 < p < oo the Lp distance between proper distribution functions FI and F2 is ...

Unsolved problems in number theory - Page 151, 152

by Guy, Richard K

Problem books in mathematics, 1994, 2nd ed.

Topics in matrix theory

by Reams, R

University College Dublin (Ireland), 1994

... as A.The idea for the problem came from a paper by L. Vaserstein [V], wherein he conjectured that the same result was true for n x n matrices with integer entries...

Weak Convergence of Stochastic Integrals and Stochastic Integrals and Stochastic Differential Equations Driven by Martingale Measure and Its Applications - Page 114

Nhansook Cho - 1994

Definition 4.1. X is a solution to the McKean-Vlasov stochastic differential equation starting at Xo, if (4.4.2) dXt = a[t,Xt,Pt]dBt + b[t,Xt,Pt]dt where Pt = P o X^~l is the law of Xt- Pt is the (so called) McKean-measure. Recall the Vasserstein( or ...

Selected Papers on Analysis, Probability, and Statistics - Page 101

Katsumi Nomizu - 1994 

The Vasserstein distance for two probability distributions fi\, fi: on 5, is defined as 2) = sup Also, the oscillation at a coordinate / of a function / on the product space g" is defined as follows S/(/ ) = sup{|/(**) - /(>'*)|/r(.v;,>'*);x* = >** except at the ...

Combined Membership List - Page 318

American Mathematical Society - 1994 

... John D, Jr Tseng, Zachary S Tsygan, Boris Lvovich Tyler Howard, Anna Kathleen Vaserstein, L N Wang, Feng Ware, Roger P Waterhouse, William C Wayne, Clarence Eugene Weiss, Howard N Witzany, J if I Wood, Warren T Xu, Hang Xu, ...

Zur Strukturtheorie der projektiven Verbandsgeometrie - Page 56

Marcus Greverath - 1994

1 (1969), 177-183. [51] F. W. Stevenson, Projective Planes. W. H. Freeman and Company. San Francisco 1972. [52] L. N. Vaserstein, Stable Rank of Rings and Dimensionality of Tbpological Spaces. Functional Anal. Appl. 5 (1971), 102-110.

Mitteilungen aus dem Mathem. Seminar Giessen - Issue 217- Page 55

Mitteilungen aus dem Mathem. Seminar Giessen, Justus Liebig-Universität Giessen. Mathematisches Seminar


W. H. Freeman and Company. San Francisco 1972. [52] L. N. VAseRsteIN, Stable Rank of Rings and Dimensionality of Topological Spaces. Functional Anal. Appl. 5 (1971), 102-110. [53] O. Veblen, W. H. Bussey, Finite Projective Geometries.

CWI Quarterly - Volume 7 - Page 326


... first solution (134476,117367,-159380), so this case could be removed from the list of values of k for which no solution was known. We remark that this solution was also found, independently, by Conn and Vaserstein [32], and by K. Koyama ...

Selected topics in discrete mathematics:  - Page xii

 Proceedings of the Moscow Discrete Mathematics Seminar, 1972-1990

Alexander K. Kelmans - AMS 1994

... M. Burstein (now in the USA), M. Goldberg (now at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), L. Levin (now at Boston University), L. Vaserstein (now at Pennsylvania State University), B. Weisfeiler (later at the Institute of Advanced Study, Princeton, ...

$C^*$-Algebras: 1943--1993: 1943-1993 :  - Page 382, 396, 397, 298, 399

a Fifty Year Celebration : AMS Special Session Commemorating the First Fifty Years of C*-algebra Theory, January 13-14, 1993, San Antonio, Texas

Contemporary mathematics, ISSN 0271-4132

Volume 167 of Contemporary mathematics: American Mathematical Society

Robert S. Doran - 1994

In [28], Dennis and Vaserstein proved several purely algebraic results on lengths of products of commutators in matrix algebras. Here is an excerpt from their Theorem 2. In it, Bsr(A) is the Bass stable rank of A (for an arbitrary unital ring A); ...

Report PM - Issues 171-180 - Page 44, 69, 94, 107, 


PM 156: ARLINGHAUS, F. A., VASERSTEIN, L. N., k YOU, H. July 1993 Normal subgroups of classical groups over von Neumann regular rings. PM 157: VASERSTEIN, L. N. k YOU, H. July 1993 Normal subgroups of classical groups over ...

The Rademacher Legacy to Mathematics: - Page vii, x1, 286, 292, 293, 294

The Centenary Conference in Honor of Hans Rademacher, July 21-25, 1992, the Pennsylvania State University George E. Andrews, David M. Bressoud, L. Alayne Parson. 11. G.Payne and L.Vaserstein, Sums of three cubes, Proceedings of ...

MR1284046 The Rademacher legacy to mathematics. Papers from the Centenary Conference in Honor of Hans Rademacher held at the Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania, July 21–25, 1992. Edited by George E. Andrews, David M. Bressoud and L. Alayne Parson. Contemporary Mathematics, 166. American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 1994. xxxvi+369 pp. ISBN: 0-8218-5173-X 11-06 (01-06)

Simultaneous stabilization of linear systems - Page 180

Lecture notes in control and information sciences, 1994

Vincent Blondel - 1994 

[106] Vardulakis A., Limebeer D. and Karcanias N., Structure and Smith MacMillan form of a rational matrix at infinity, Int. J. Control, vol. 35, pp. 701-725, 1982. [107] Vaserstein L., Bass's first stable range condition, J. Pure Applied Algebra, vol.

Encyclopaedia of Mathematics (set) - Page ii 

Michiel Hazewinkel - 1994 - ‎Mathematics

ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF MATHEMATICS Managing Editor M. Hazewinkel ... Takens, N. M. Temme, S. H. Tijs, B. Trakhtenbrot, L. N. Vaserstein, M. L. J. van de Vel, ...

Partial Differential Equations of Elliptic Type: Cortona, 1992 - Page 132

Angelo Alvino, ‎E. B. Fabes, ‎Giorgio Talenti - 1994

Remark 1 We can define the Kantorovich-Wasserstein distance (see [RR] for example) between po and p\ by setting x (5)

Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics:  - Page 90, 130m 142

Proceedings of the Sixth Vilnius Conference (1993) : Vilnius, Lithuania, 28 June-3 July, 1993

Bronius Grigelionis - 1994 

Another approach is connected with the property of "contraction" of transition probabilities (see (Dobrushin, 1970)). It means that Kantorovich-Wasserstein distance R(P(xi,-),P(x2,-)) between P(XI,-) and P(x2,-) has to be less than p(x\,x2), />(*,.) ...

Translations. Ser. 2, 161. Selected papers on analysis,Probability, and Statistics  - Page 101

Katsumi Nomizu - AMS 1994 ISBN0821875124, 9780821875124

The Vasserstein distance for two probability distributions fi\, fi: on 5, is defined as 2) = sup Also, the oscillation at a coordinate / of a function / on the product space g" is defined as follows S/(/ ) = sup{|/(**) - /(>'*)|/r(.v;,>'*);x* = >** except at the ...

K-theory: Strasbourg, 1992 - Page 412, 414, 420

Colloque international de K-théorie - 1994

A beautiful theorem of L. N. Vaserstein [SV, Corollary 7.4], identifies Um.z(A)/Ez(A), the coset space of unimodular 3-vectors Umz{A) modulo action of the Elementary matrices E${A), with the Symplectic Elementary Witt group We(A) when ...

The Vaserstein symbol V = Va : Umz{A) / E$(A) — WE(A) is the map [(a,b,c)]~[V(v,w)], where v = (a,b,c), w = (a',b',d) with aa' + bb' + cd = 1. In [SV, Theorem 5.2], L. N. Vaserstein has shown that this map is well defined (i.e. it is independent of ...

MR1297782 (95d:52002)  First International Conference on Stochastic Geometry, Convex Bodies and Empirical Measures. 

Proceedings of the conference held in Palermo, April 25–May 2, 1993. Edited by M. I. Stoka. Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo (2) Suppl. No. 35 (1994). Circolo Matematico di Palermo, Palermo, 1994. pp. 1–358. 

52-06 (60-06)

Juan A. Cuesta-Albertos [Juan Antonio Cuesta] and Carlos Matrán-Bea [Carlos Matrán], Stochastic convergence through Skorohod representation theorems and Wasserstein distances (89–113);

Analysis, Algebra, and Computers in Mathematical Research:  - Page 127

Proceedings of the Twenty-First Nordic Congress of Mathematicians

Mats Gyllenberg, Lars Erik Persson - CRC Press 1994  408 pp

[22] D.W. Stroock and S.R.S Varadhan, "Multidimensional Diffusion Processes". Springer- Verlag, Berlin, 1979. [23] A. Szulga, On the Wasserstein metric, Trans. 8th Prague Conference, B, D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht, Holland, ...

Probability theory and mathematical statistics:  - Page 30, 90, 130, 142, 190

Proceedings of the Sixth Vilnius Conference (1993) : Vilnius, Lithuania, 28 June-3 July, 1993

Bronius Grigelionis - VSP 1994 - 742 pages ISBN9067641782, 9789067641784

Wasserstein, L.N. (1969). Markov processes on a countable product

Thus, this coupling means that at each step, the components maintain the same length of jumps with the biggest possible rate. In the time-discrete case, the classical coupling and the basic coupling are due to Doeblin (1938) and Wasserstein ...

Collected works of Pere Menal - Page 245, 435, 436

Pere Menal, Manuel Castellet, Warren Dicks - 1994 - 639 pages

INTRODUCTION Let R be a ring and let I be an ideal of R. In [ 5 ] Vasershtein proves that ...

ound inside – Page 401

Mason , A.W .: On GL , of of a local ring in which 2 is not a unit . Can . Math . Bull . 30 , 165–176 ( 1987 ) 12. Mason , A.W .: On GL2 of a local ring in which 2 is not a unit . II . Comm . Algebra 17 , 511-551 ( 1989 ) 13. Menal , P. , Vaserstein , L.N .

Mathematical theory of incompressible non-viscous fluids - Page 184, 283

Carlo Marchioro, Mario Pulvirenti - 1994 - 283 pages

Vasershtein distance

Kybernetika: Volume 30 - Page 85

Československá akademie věd. Kybernetická komise, Československá kybernetická společnost - 1994

Vasershtein distance

Algebraic Groups and Number Theory - Volume 139 - Page 606

Vladimir Petrovich Platonov, Andreĭ Stepanovich Rapinchuk - 1994

Vasserstein L. N. [1] “On SL2 over an arithmetic Dedekind ring,” Mat. Sb. 89 2 (1972), 313-322. [2] “On full subgroups of Chevalley groups,” Tohéku Math. J. 37 4 (1985), 423-454. [3] “On arithmetic subgroups of simple algebraic groups,” Linear ...

Discrete Groups, Expanding Graphs and Invariant Measures: - Page 39, 192

Appendix by Jonathan D. Rogawski (Google eBook)

Alex Lubotzky - 1994 

To be more precise, Kazhdan announced it only for rank > 3, but it was very quickly realized by Wang [Wanl], Delaroche-Kirillov [DKi] and Vaserstein [Vs] that the same holds for rank > 2 and over every local field. Some of the R-rank one real ...

Commutative ring theory:  - Page 67, 70, 73

Proceedings of the Fès International Conference

Paul-Jean Cahen - CRC Press, 1994 - 256 pages

Klingenherg, Lineare Gruppen iiher lokalen Ringen, Amer. J. Math. 83(1961), 137-153. [9] N. H. J. Lacroix, Two-dimensional linear groups over local rings, Canad. J. Math. 21(1969), 106-135. [10] L. N. Vaserstein, On the normal suhgroups of ...

Lecture notes in pure and applied mathematics - Volume 153 - Page 73

Cahen - 1994 

J. Math. 83(1961), 137-153. [9] N. H. J. Lacroix, Two-dimensional linear groups over local rings, Canad. J. Math. 21(1969), 106-135. [10] L. N. Vaserstein, On the normal subgroups of GLn over a ring, L. N. S. 854, Springer (1981), 456-465.

The Mathematical scientist - Volumes 19-22 - Page 51, 69, 71

Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (Australia). Division of Mathematics and Statistics - 1994

[24] Cuesta-Albertos, J. A., MatrAn, C. and Tuero-Diaz, A. (1993) Optimal maps for the Z. 2 -Wasserstein distance. Preprint. ... (to appear) [26] Cuesta-Albertos, J. A., Ruschendorf, L. and Tuero-Diaz, A. 

(1993) Optimal coupling of multivariate distributions and stochastic processes. ... [35] GELBRICH, M. (1990) On a formula for the L2-Wasserstein metric between measures on Euclidean and Hilbert spaces.

start 1995  27 books 

Stochastic Programming - Page 38

András Prékopa · 1995 · ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 38

[ 18 ] C . R . Givens and R . M . Shortt , A class of Wasserstein metrics for probability distributions , Michigan Math . J . 31 ( 1984 ) 231 ... [ 27 ] W . Römisch and R . Schultz , Stability analysis for stochastic programs , Ann . Oper . Res . 31 ( 1991 ) .

Global Methods in Optimal Control Theory 

Vadim Krotov · 1995

This work describes all basic equaitons and inequalities that form the necessary and sufficient optimality conditions of variational calculus and the theory of optimal control.

Abstract : Two processes of random fragmentation of an interval are investigated. For each of them, there is a splitting probability at each step of the fragmentation process whose overall effect is to stabilize the global number of splitting events. More precisely, we consider two models. In the first model, the fragmentation stops which a probability

𝑝  witch can not depend on the fragment size. The number of stable fragments with sizes less than a given

. For this model we utilize the contraction method to show that the distribution of a suitably normalized version of the number of stable fragments converges in law. It's shown that the limit is the fixed-point solution (in the Wasserstein space) to a distributional equation. An explicit solution to the fixed-point equation is easily verified to be Gaussian.

Trudy - Volume 56 - Page 106

books.google.com › books

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Moskovskoe matematicheskoe obshchestvo - 1995 - ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 106

Н . Б . Васильев , Корреляционные уравнена ди стационарной меры одной марковской цепи , Теория вероятности и се применения 15 ( 3 ) ( 1970 ) , 536 - 540 . 11 . Л . Н . Васерштейн , А . М . Леонтович , Об инвариантных мерах ...

Anales de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales, Volumes 47-48 - Page 23

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En 1972 Vasserstein, usando ideas de Swan y Serré, observa que para un espacio compacto X hay una estrecha relación entre la dimensión topológica de X y el rango estable del álgebra C(X). Con precisión Jsr(C(X,R))= dim(X) + l |sr(C(X …

Труды Математического института имени В.А. Стеклова - Page 290


... изоморфизмом при » < р и эпиморфизмом при I = р+ 1. Проблеме вырезания посвящено большое количество работ разных авторов. Так, Вассерштейн [11] доказал, что условие А = А2 достаточно для вырезания в К \- теории (в ...


При i = 1 проблема стабилизации была решена Бассом ( 46 ) и Васерштейном [ 47 ] . Теорема Басса — Васерштейна утверждает , что естественное отображение Кі , т ( А ) = = GL ( A ) / Е . ( А ) » К ( А ) = GL ( A ) / E ( A ) ...

New modeling principles for games and a social dilemma example

by Byrne, Christopher C

The Pennsylvania State University, 1995

On the Martingale Problem for Interactive Measure-Valued Branching Diffusions, - Page 48, 49

Volume 549 of American Mathematical Society: Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society

Edwin Arend Perkins - 1995 

The Vasershtein metric d, on MF(E) is defined by do(u, v) = sup{|u(b) – v(d):

Dissertationes mathematicae: rozprawy matematyczne - Page 98, 100

Dissertationes Mathematicae: Rozprawy Matematyczne, Instytut Matematyczny (Polska Akademia Nauk) 1995 

L. Vesely, L. Zaj icek, Delta-convex mappings between Banach spaces and applications, 1989, 52 pp. CCXC. ... S. T. Rachev, R. M. Shortt, Duality theorems for Kantorovich-Rubinstein and Wasserstein polynomials, 1990, 39

Annales de L'I.H.P.: Probabilités et statistiques - Volume 31 - Page 306


Since Mj (D([0, T], Z)) and D([0, T], M1 (Z)) are metric spaces, it is enough to check that when J (Q) < +00 and Qn Q in n — >oo Mj (£>([0, T], Z)), then n ... Making use of Wasserstein's metric (or Dudley's metric as well) (see [Rac], corollary ...

Number theory, algebra, and algebraic geometry - Page 255, 279

Igorʹ Rostislavovich Shafarevich - 1995 

A. A. Suslin Received October, 1993 The algebraic K-theory of a ring with identity R can be denned in terms of the ... In particular, Wasserstein [11] proved that the condition A = A2 is sufficient for the excision in the ifi-theory (in [11], it is ...

Analysis of Censored Data:  - Page 61, 62, 63, 64, 65

Proceedings of the Workshop on Analysis of Censored Data, December 28, 1994-January 1, 1995, University of Pune, Pune, India

American Oriental Series

Volume 27 of Institute of Mathematical Statistics: Lecture notes, monograph series

Hira L. Koul, ‎J. V. Deshpande - 1995

10 Note that small differences in the tails of the distributions will have a large effect on the Lp Wasserstein distance. Now consider the ordinary Lp metric. For 1 < p < oo the Lp distance between proper distribution functions FI and F2 is ...

Mathematical Models in Finance - Page 31, 32, 150

S.D. Howison, ‎F.P. Kelly, ‎P. Wilmott - 1995

For a # 0 a hasic convergence theorem of Vassershtein (19fi9) implies convergence of the process with transition prohahility Q to a unique equilihrium distrihution M on E. Using a perturhation of the Dohrushin-Vassershtein contraction ...

Handbook of Incidence Geometry: Buildings and Foundations - Page 1084, 1371

Francis Buekenhout - 1995 

Van der Kallen, W. [1976] Injective stability for K2, in: Algebraic K-theory, Evanston, 1976, Lecture Notes in Mathematics. Vol. 551, Springer, Berlin, pp. 77-154. Vasershtein, L.N. [1969] On the stabilization of the general linear group over rings, ...

Exercises in classical ring theory - Page 15, 16, 222

Tsit-Yuen Lam - 1995

Comment. This interesting exercise is a special case of a result of L. N. Vaserstein in algebraic if-theory (see his paper "Stable rank of rings and dimensionality of topological spaces", Funct. Anal. Appl. 5 (1971), 102- 110). The above solution is ...

p.352  .. W., 222 Sjogren, J., 284 Skolem, T., 207 Skornyakov, L.A., 63 Small, L.W., 47, ... W.V., 283, 333 Vaserstein, L.N., 17, 285  

Vaserstein on 5 pages

Festschrift in Honour of Lennart Carleson and Yngve Domar:  - Page 203

Proceedings of a Conference at the Department of Mathematics, Uppsala University, May 1993 : Organizer, Matts Essén

Lennart Carleson, ‎Yngve Domar, ‎Anders Vretblad - 1995

[Roy80] G. Royer, Croissance exponentielle de produits markoviens de matrices alea- toires, Ann. Inst. Henri Poincar6, Probability et Statistique 16 (1980), 49-62. [V69] L. Vaserstein, Markov processes over denumerable products of spaces ...

Panoramas of mathematics: colloquia 93-94 - Page 80, 87

Bronisław Jakubczyk, ‎Stanisław Janeczko, ‎Bogdan Ziemian - 1995 

Lyubich, L. Vaserstein, Isometric imbeddings between classical Banach spaces, cubature formulas, and spherical designs, Geom. Dedicata 47 (1993), 327-362. [M] V. Milman, A few observations on the connections between local theory and ...

Vector Bundles in Algebraic Geometry: Durham, 1993, Volume 36  - Page 136

Charles Terence Clegg Wall, Nigel J. Hitchin, P. E. Newstead, W. M. Oxbury

CUP Archive, 1995  SBN0521227291, 9780521227292   345 pp

L. Vaserstein

Topics in contemporary probability and its applications - Page 127, 157

James Laurie Snell - 1995 - 380 pages

p. 157 [42] Vaserstein, Leonid, Markov Processes over Denumerable Products of Spaces, Describing Large Systems of Automata, ... [43] Vaserstein, Leonid and Leontovitch, Andrei, Invariant Measures of Certain Markov Operators Describing a ...

Found inside – Page 157

G. Sinai, Eds.) Advances in Probability and Related Topics, 6, Dekker, 549– 575, 1980. Toom ... Vaserstein, Leonid, Markov Processes over Denumerable Products of Spaces, Describing Large Systems of Automata, Problems of Information ...

Found inside – Page 157

G. Sinai, Eds.) Advances in Probability and Related Topics, 6, Dekker, 549– 575, 1980. Toom ... Vaserstein, Leonid, Markov Processes over Denumerable Products of Spaces, Describing Large Systems of Automata, Problems of Information ...

Handbook of incidence geometry: buildings and foundations - Page 1084, 1371

Francis Buekenhout - 1995 - 1420 pages

Canadian Mathematical Society, 1945-1995: Invited papers - Page 52

Canadian Mathematical Society, Peter A. Fillmore - 1995 - 286 pages

.. denotes the Vasserstein metric. (Mf(Rd),do) is a Polish space and do

Second International Conference on Algebra:  - Page 14

Dedicated to the Memory of A.I. Shirshov

Leonid A. Bokut, Alekseĭ Ivanovich Kostrikin, Semen Samsonovich Kutateladze - 1995

The theorem over general commutative rings has been investigated by many mathematicians and in particular by L. N. Vaserstein [38, 39]. For the Chevalley groups, some partial solutions have been given by E. Abe [1], E. Abe and K. Suzuki ...

L. N. Vaserstein, On the Normal Subgroups of GLn over a Ring, Lecture Notes in Math., 854, Springer, 1980, pp. 454-465.

Groups '93 Galway/St Andrews: - Page 402, 605

C. M. Campbell, E. F. Robertson, T. C. Hurley - 1995

The theorem of Dennis and Vaserstein also applies to many other groups such as Q = li_m Aut(F,,) where F,, is the free group of rank n. Is every element of Q a single commutator? Keith Dennis Problem 16. Let {1,p°, . . . ,p'} be a set of powers ...

Number Theory: Fourth Conference of the Canadian Number Theory Association - Page 91

Canadian Number Theory Association. Conference, Dilcher, Karl H. - 1995 

Acknowledgement: I am grateful to the referee for providing the references [7], [8], to Koyama, and the reference to Conn and Vaserstein [3], who discover the solution 416396113 + (-41531726)3 + (-8241191)3 = 84. REFERENCES 1. APECS

Acknowledgement: I am grateful to the referee for providing the references [7], [8], to Koyama, and the reference to Conn and Vaserstein [3], who discover the solution 416396113 + (-41531726)3 + (-8241191)3 = 84. REFERENCES 1. APECS

A Primer of Algebraic D-Modules - Page 30

S. C. Coutinho - 1995

This follows an idea of L. Vaserstein and V. Katz; see [Bass, Connell and Wright 82, p.297]. The next section is a digression on results about derivations that will be required in §4. 3. 

Different Aspects of Coding Theory:  - Page 201, 205

American Mathematical Society Short Course, January 2-3, 1995, San Francisco, California

Robert Calderbank - 1995 

Y. I. Lyubich and L. N. Vaserstein, Isometric embeddings between classical Banach spaces, cubature formulas, and spherical designs, Report PM 128, Penn. State Univ., Philadelphia PA, 1992. [57] A. L. Mackay, The ...

Columbia University number theory seminar: New York, 1992 - Page 171, 178

Columbia University Number Theory Seminar (, Dorian Goldfeld, Columbia University - 1995 

That such questions are topical is clear from the recent work of Batyrev, Duke, Fomenko, Franke, Golubeva, Heath-Brown, Hooley, Iwaniec, Manin, Moroz, Rudnik, Sarnak, Schulze-Pillot, Silverman, Tschinkel, Vaserstein, and others (cf.

Analysis of censored data:  - Page 61, 62, 63, 64, 65

Proceedings of the Workshop on Analysis of Censored Data, December 28, 1994-January 1, 1995, University of Pune, Pune, India

(Lecture Notes-Monograph Vol. 27) 

Hira L. Koul, J. V. Deshpande, Institute of Mathematical Statistics - 1995 - 291 pages ISBN0940600390, 9780940600393

Wasserstein metrics, Wasserstein statistics

——end 1995

start 1996   22 books

Optimization of stochastic models: 

the interface between simulation and optimization

by Pflug, George Ch

Kluwer international series in engineering and computer science, 1996 reprinted in 2012

MR1492446   Pflug, Georg Ch. Optimization of stochastic models. The interface between simulation and optimization. The Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science, 373. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, MA, 1996. xiv+382 pp. ISBN: 0-7923-9780-0 (Reviewer: Kurt Marti) 90-02 (60K99 90C15)

Book 63 Citations

Matrix factorization

by Wheland, Ethel Ruth

The Pennsylvania State University, 1996

Patterns, codes and quasi-randomness

by Caragiu, Mihai

The Pennsylvania State University, 1996

The Mathematical Scientist - Volumes 21-23 - Page 51, 69, 72

Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Organization. 1996 

[21] Cuesta-Albertos, J. A. and Matran, C. (1991) Skorohod representation theorem and Wasserstein metrics. Preprint. [22] Cuesta-Albertos, J. A. and MatrAn, C. (1992) A review on strong convergence of weighted sums of random elements ...

Monte Carlo Methods in Statistical Mechanics Foundations and New Algorithms

Alan D. Sokal Department of Physics New York University

Lectures at the Cargese Summer School on \Functional Integration: Basics and Applications" September 1996 These notes are an updated version of lectures given at the Cours de Troisieme Cycle de la Physique en Suisse Romande (Lausanne, Switzerland) in June 1989.

... vol. 8, ed. C. Domb and J.L. Lebowitz (Academic Press, London ... R. Brooks, P. Doyle and R. Kohn, in preparation. 94] L.N. Vasershtein, Prob. Inform ...

Rings and Radicals - Page 98, 104

Proceedings of the International Conference, Shijiazhuang '94

R. Wiegandt, ‎J.W. Gardner, ‎Shao-Xue Liu - CRC Press, 1996

... cancellation of modules (esp., of projective modules) comes from the well-known Serre's conjecture. In this paper, we will give a brief survey of some works of Evans, Goodearl, Menal, Vaserstein and Warfield, etc, on this area of research.

In 1980, Warfield [20] characterized the module M such that EndR(M) G srl : EndR(M) G srl iff M satisfies substitution property. In 1971, Vaserstein [18] studied srl condition and obtained the following results: srl condition is left-right symmetric;

ECE papers - Page xiv, xv

University of Wisconsin--Madison. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - 1996 

We first follow Jensen (1993b) and give a precise definition of the the metric r and the Vasserstein metric R introduced in Section 3. Let p\ be the discrete metric on ft, i.e, p\{t,s) = 1 if i / s and zero otherwise. Define the symmetric metric p? on ft ...

Distributions with fixed marginals and related topics - Page xvi,, xvii,  97, 98, 99, 106, 118, 119


MR1485518 (98g:60004) Distributions with fixed marginals and related topics. Proceedings of the AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference on Distributions with Fixed Marginals, 

Doubly Stochastic Measures and Markov Operators held in Seattle, WA, August 1–5, 1993. Edited by Ludger Rüschendorf, Berthold Schweizer and Michael D. Taylor.

Institute of Mathematical Statistics Lecture Notes—Monograph Series, 28. Institute of Mathematical Statistics, Hayward, CA, 1996. xx+364 pp. ISBN: 0-940600-40-4, 60-06 (62-06)

Random discrete structures - Page 22 , 83, 87

Volume 76 of Lecture Notes in Statistics

David J. Aldous, Robin Pemantle - Springer-Verlag GmbH, 1996 -  225 pages ISBN 0387946233, 9780387946238

Identification, adaptation, learning: the science of learning Models from Data - Page 519, 532 

Sergio Bittanti, Giorgio Picci, North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Scientific Affairs Division -   1996 - 552 pages

Wasserstein distance

———1996————— 10

Stochastic modelling in physical oceanography - Page 276, 277

Robert J. Adler, Peter Müller, Boris Lʹvovich Rozovskiĭ - 1996 - 466 pages

Wasserstein metric, Wasserstein case

Mathematics in St. Petersburg - Page 128, 129, 139

Andrej A. Bolibruch, A. S. Merkur'ev, N. Yu Netsvetaev - 1996 

L. Vasserstein, On the stabilization of the general linear group over a ring, Mat. Sb. 79 (1969), 405-424; English transl., Math. USSR-Sb. 8 (1969), 383-400. 13. M. Wodzicki, Excision in cyclic homology and in rational algebraic K-theory, Ann.

The Mathematical scientist - Volumes 21-23 - Page 51, 69, 72


[24] Cuesta-Albertos, J. A., MatrAn, C. and Tuero-Diaz, A. (1993) Optimal maps for the Z. 2 -Wasserstein distance. Preprint. [25] Cuesta-Albertos, J. A., MatrAn, C. and Tuero-Diaz, A. (1993) On lower bounds for the L2-Wasserstein metric in a Hilbert space. J. Theor. Prob. (to appear) 

[26] Cuesta-Albertos,J.A.,ROschendorf,L. and Tuero-Diaz, A. (1993) Optimal coupling of multivariate distributions and ...

Group Theory in China - Page 44, 46, 47, 48, 52, 53, 54

Zhexian Wan, Sheng-Ming Shi - 1996 

[39] Magum, B., Van der Kallen, W. and Vaserstein, L., Absolute stable rank and Witt cancellation for non-commutative rings, Inv. Math., 91 (1988), 525-543. [40] O'Meara, O.T., The automorphisms of the orthogonal groups fln(V) over fields, ...

Interaction between functional analysis, harmonic analysis, and probability - Page 286

Nigel J. (Nigel John) Kalton, Elias Saab, Nigel Kalton Elias Saab Stephen Montgomery-Smith - 1996 

One can find results on Banach spaces with polynomial norms and on the structure of suhspaces of L^* with fc € N in the papers Reznick (1979), Lyuhich and Vaserstein (1993), Konig (1994). Let us formulate the result of Proposition 6 in the

Masters abstracts - Volume 34, Issues 1-2 - Page 770

University Microfilms International, University Microfilms - 1996 

Adviser: Richard Arratia Order Number MA1376449 We discuss the coupon collector's problem: Coupons are of m ... R we compute approximations for the total variation distance d-rv (£(T), £(T')) and the Wasserstein distance dw(£(T), £(r')).

Probabilistic Models for Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations: - Page 55, 71

Lectures Given at the 1st Session of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.) Held in Montecatini Terme, Italy, May 22-30, 1995, Issue 162

Carl Graham, ‎Denis Talay, ‎Luciano Tubaro - 1996 

Q-*°0<t<T t-a<,<t+a Then we have convergence in probability of the flow (/x?)t>o to (Qt)t>o *» E)([0,T],V(M )) endowed with the uniform topology. Proof. Let p be the Vaserstein distance on JR . We have to prove that suPo<i<TP(At?, Qt) tends in ...

Found inside – Page 71

Let p be the Vaserstein distance on R*. We have to prove that supo.2121' p(us, Q.) tends in probability to zero when n tends to infinity. The convergence in probability is equivalent to the fact that from every subsequence one can extract a ...

Progress in algebraic combinatorics - Page 310, 320

Eiichi Bannai, ‎Akihiro Munemasa - 1996

In the present Section 4 this is put into the natural framework of isometric linear maps from real spaces with the 2-norm into real Banach spaces with the g-norm, following Reznick and Lyubich- Vaserstein. This leads to the main Theorem 4.4 ...

Dissertation Abstracts International: The sciences and engineering - Page 5145


Adviser: Leonid N. Vaserstein Order Number DA9600144 The goal of this paper is to introduce a game theoretic modeling framework which allows the inclusion of empirically observable human tendencies other than rationality, and which ...

Memòria d'activitats: curs 1994-1995 - Page 183, 264


L. Vaserstein, de la Universitat de l'Estat de Pennsilvania, EUA: «Products of conjugacy classes». Febrer de 1995. J. M. Burgués, de la Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona: «El problema de Neumann a dominis estrictament pseudoconvexos ...

———1996————— 20

Lectures on Probability Theory and Statistics:  - Page 58

Ecole D'été de Probabilités de Saint-Flour XXIV, 1994

R. L. Dobrúshín, ‎P. Groeneboom, ‎Michel LeDoux - 1996 

For example, in applications to Markov interaction processes the Kantorovich distance is often called the Vasserstein distance. Below we discuss the main properties of the Kantorovich distance, but omit nontrivial proves of the facts which will ...

Found inside – Page 211

(9.7) where PT is a shift invariant probability measure on A., X A., r > 0, defined by 1 so Pond):-} | p(n) move (Zoe animal. O The first marginal of Pr is p" and the second one is IV. Thus (9.7) implies that the Vaserstein distance between p' and IV ..

Simulation of Random Processes and Rate-Distertion Theory - IEEE Xplore Abstract

by Y Steinberg - ‎1996

Jan 15, 1996 - Prohorov and other distances of the Kantorovich-Vasershtein type, we show that the finite-precision resolvability is equal to the rate-distortion function with a fidelity criterion derived from the accuracy measure. This connection leads to new ...

—— end 1996   books

——1996——   end 1996    22 books

start 1997   31 books 

Memoirs of the Scientific Sections of the Academy of the ... - Page 2

1997 · ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 2

R.L. GRAHAM , Recent trends in Euclidian Ramsey theory . ... a brief summary of several results in Euclidian Ramsey theory . ... due to Resznick and to Lyubich and Vaserstein , brings together objects from various mathematical disciplines .

Proceedings of the 16th annual international conference of the Center for Nonlinear Studies on Landscape paradigms in physics and biology : concepts, structures and dynamics: concepts, structures and dynamics

MR1491963   Jordan, Richard; Kinderlehrer, David; Otto, Felix Free energy and the Fokker-Planck equation. Landscape paradigms in physics and biology (Los Alamos, NM, 1996). Phys. D 107 (1997), no. 2-4, 265–271. (Reviewer: Yuriĭ Raikher) 82C31

  Article 25 Citations 

From the free energy point of view, the Fokker-Planck equation is the gradient flow of the free energy on the probability space with 2-Wasserstein metric. From the viewpoint of stochastic processes, the Fokker-Planck equation describes the time evolution of the probability density function.

учасні проблеми механіки та математики modern ... - ІППММ


1987. – 286 с. 2. Temlyakov V. N. Greedy approximation. ... стабільний ранг. Л. Васерштейн [2], досліджуючи властивості стабільного рангу, зокрема,.

Current Developments in Mathematics - Page 86, 90

Raoul Bott, ‎Arthur Jaffe, ‎S. T. Yau - 1997  

diffusion. An interesting emerging theme in much current research is the interplay between Monge-Kantorovich mass transform ... Preparatory to describing this procedure, let us first define for the functions /+, /" € V the Wasserstein distance ...

Sequences, Discrepancies and Applications - Page 410

Michael Drmota, ‎Robert F. Tichy - 1997 -

This concept is based on the so-called Lipschitz discrepancy which is also known in probability theory under the name Vaserstein metric; see also Bliimlinger [233]. In [826, 835, 834] Hlawka provides a detailed investigation of the Radon ...

Waring's problem for forms over fields of nonzero characteristic

by Bloy, Greg John

The Pennsylvania State University, 1997

Functional integration: basics and applications - Page 191

Cécile DeWitt-Morette, ‎Pierre Cartier, ‎Antoine Folacci - 1997 

... V. J. Emery, Phys. Rev. B23, 429 (1981); B. Nienhuis, J. Stat. Phys. 34, 731 (1984). [92] A. Sinclair and M. Jerrum, Information and Computation 82, 93 (1989). [93] R. Brooks, P. Doyle and R. Kohn, in preparation. [94] L. N. Vasershtein, Prob.

Internationale Mathematische Nachrichten - Volumes 51-54 - Page 44


Theorem (Matthews, Vaserstein, Weisfeiler). If G is an almost simple, simply connected closed subgroup of Gln(Q) and T a finitely generated subgroup of G(Q), which is Zariski dense in G, tnen but for a finite number of primes p, r/p = GP(FP).

Dissertation Abstracts International: The sciences and ... - Page 5087, 5098


Adviser: Leonid N. Vaserstein Order Number DA9702416 In this work, different factorisations of matrices are considered. Initially, we consider the group GLnR of all invertible n by n matrices over a ring R satisfying the first Bass stable range ...

Found inside – Page 5087

The source of the categories we study is the work of Gelfand and Kazhdan , Esamples of tensor categories , Invent . ... Adviser : Leonid Vaserstein Order Number DA9702262 In the first chapter , which is introductory in nature , we review a ...

Resenhas IME-USP - Volume 3 - Page 356


[2] Leontovich, A. M. and Vaserstein, L. N. (1970) On invariant measures of some Markov operators which describe a homogeneous random medium. Problems of Information Transmission 6, 1, pp. 71-80 (in Russian). [3] Toom A. L. A Family of ...

Sequences, Discrepancies and Applications - Page 410

Michael Drmota, ‎Robert F. Tichy - 1997

This concept is based on the so-called Lipschitz discrepancy which is also known in probability theory under the name Vaserstein metric; see also Bliimlinger [233]. In [826, 835, 834] Hlawka provides a detailed investigation of the Radon ...

Reviews in Number Theory, 1984-96: - Page 222, 523

As Printed in Mathematical Reviews, Volume 5


It is proved that every nun matrix over R is a sum of 3 squares if and only if the discriminant of R is congruent to I modulo 4. The proof uses Vaserstein's descriptions of sums of squares in the matrix ring over an arbitrary commutative ring R with ...

Found inside – Page 537

( English summary ) New trends in probability and statistics , Vol . 2 ( Palanga , 1991 ) , 173 – 179 , VSP ... Vaserstein ( in Algebraic K - theory and algebraic number theory ( Honolulu , HI , 1987 ) , 445 – 449 . Contemp . Math . , 83 , Amer . Math .

Computational Science for the 21st Century - Page 7

Marie Odile Bristeau, ‎Garret J. Etgen, ‎W. Fitzgibbon - 1997

The Wasserstein distance, [12], between two probability measures u,, and m on R is dOi,,^)2 = inf J I x - y I2 dp(x,y), ... The variational problem (3.4) is an example of a Monge-Kantorovich mass transference problem with the cost function c(x,y) ...

Geometry of Cuts and Metrics - Page 34, 161

M. Deza, ‎Monique Laurent - Springer, 1997 ISBN 354061611X, 9783540616115  587 pages

Isometric embeddings among the Lp-spaces. There is a vast literature on the topic of isometric embeddings among the various Lp-spaces; see, e.g., Wells and Williams [1975], Dor [1976], Ball [1987] , Lyubich and Vaserstein [1993].

... among them, the following are based on the Li-metric: q The usual Li-metric between the random variables: ) = E(\X -Y\)= \x(u) - y Jn • The Monge-Kantorovich-Wasserstein metric (i.e., the Lj-metric between the distribution functions): k(X,Y)= I ...

Found inside – Page 569

The geometry of graphs and some of its algorithmic applications. In 35th ... In G. Rinaldi and L.A. Wolsey, editors, Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization, pages 221–234, 1993. ... [165] [1993] Y.I. Lyubich and L.N. Vaserstei

Model Theory of Groups and Automorphism Groups - Page 90, 106

David M. Evans - 1997  052158955X, 9780521589550052158955X, 9780521589550

... 0 lemmas relating simplicity properties of an algebraic group G to its restriction G(F) to a pseudofinite field F (§6); 0 a fast though non-effective model-theoretic proof of a result of Matthews, Vaserstein and Weispfeiler on reduction at primes ...

Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society - Volume 18 - Page 390

American Mathematical Society - 1997  052158955X, 9780521589550

On the connections between the Wasserstein metric and diffusions.

Encyclopedia of statistical sciences: Update: Volume 1  - Page 518

Samuel Kotz, Campbell B. Read, David L. Banks - 1997 - 582 pages

Differential equations and applications: - Page 109, 117, 118, 120

proceedings of the US-Chinese conference, held in Hangzhou, June 24-29, 1996

P. W. Bates - 1997 - 363 pages

 The Wasserstein metric is equivalent to a topology on the ... Finally, we offer an observation about the Tsallis entropy, [37] recently introduced to investigate Levy like super-diffusion and fractal generation. 

Geometry of cuts and metrics - Page 34, 161

 M. Deza, Monique Laurent - 1997 - 587 pages


Gaussian Hilbert spaces - Page 207

Svante Janson - 1997 - 340 pages

Wasserstein distance

Real and stochastic analysis: recent advances - Page 217 

Malempati Madhusudana Rao - 1997 - 393 pages

Wasserstein metrics

Stochastics and stochastics reports: Volumes 61-62 1997

Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, 1997

Thirty-one invited addresses at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Moscow, 1966  - Page 196

Volume 70 of American Mathematical Society Translations Series 2

M. A. Aizerman, D. V. Anosov, V. I. Arnold - 1997  ISBN0821817701, 9780821817704  266 pp

3) F is the group of integral points of a spinor group connected with a quadratic form, in which the number of negative squares, and also the number of positive squares, is not less than two (L. N. Waserstein, in press). In all the cases ...

Modern Theory of Summation of Random Variables - Page 400

Vladimir M. Zolotarev - 1997 

Givens, GR, and Schorff, R.M. (1984). A Class of Wasserstein Metrics for Probability Distributions. Dept. Math. ... A generalization to Ornstein's distance with applications to information theory. Ann. Probab. 3, 315-318. Grigorevskii, N.V. (1986).

Found inside – Page 400

A Class of Wasserstein Metrics for Probability Distributions . Dept . Math . Comp . Sci . Michigan Tech . Univ . , Houghton . Gnedenko , B . V . ( 1943 ) . Sur la distribution limite du terme maximum d ' une serie aleatoire . Ann . Math . 44 , 423 ...

Mathematics of Stochastic Manufacturing Systems:  - Page 221, 223

1996 Ams-Siam Summer Seminar in Applied Mathematics, June 17-22, 1996, Williamsburg,Virginia

Volume 33 of Lectures in applied mathematics, v. 33

G. George Yin, George Yin Qing Zhang -  AMS 1997 ISBN0821807552, 9780821807552 399 pp

Wasserstein metric

In fact one may base a distance concept on the existence of couplings: We define the Wasserstein distance r for inner regular probability measures ^i and /i2 on a general metric space (R, r): r(^1,^2) = inf{E(r(Xi,X2)) : (Xi,Xi) is a bivariate ...

Strassen.s construction suggests the close relation between distances of probability measures and coupling constructions. In fact one may base a distance concept on the existence of couplings: We define the Wasserstein distance r for inner regular probability measures ^i and /i2 on a general 

metric space (R, r): r(^1,^2) = inf{E(r(Xi,X2)) : (Xi,Xi) is a bivariate random variable (2) with given marginals Xi ...

Stochastic Differential and Difference Equations - Page 336

I Csiszár, György Michaletzky - 1997

[KMW] G. Kallianpur, I. Mitoma and R. L. Wolpert, Diffusion equation in duals of nuclear spaces, Stochastics, 29 (1990), 1-45. [EK] S. ... [Sz] A. Szulga, On the Wasserstein metric, Transactions of the 8th Prague Conference, (1978), 267-273.

Advances in Ring Theory - Page 212, 219

Surender Kumar Jain, S. Tariq Rizvi - 1997 

The following lemma is due to Vaserstein M. Let us note that if i, j and k are pairwise distinct integers, and a, b are in our ring, then the commutator [/ + aEij,I + 6F/j^] is equal Lemma 2.2. Let W be any nonzero ideal in (n. Then, for any natural

Found inside – Page 219

E. Jespers, G. Leal, Generators of Large Subgroups of the Unit Group of Integral Group Rings, Manuscripta Math. 78 (1993) ... L.N. Vaserstein, The Structure of Classical Arithmetic Groups of Rank Greater Than One, Math. USSR Sbornik 2

Projective Modules and Complete Intersections - Volume 1672 - Page 65, 113

Satya Mandal - 1997 

Theorem 5.1.1 (Suslin) En(j4) is a normal subgroup of GLn(A) for any integer n > 3. We need the following lemmas to prove Theorem 5.1.1. Lemma 5.1.2 (Vaserstein) Let a be an r x s -matrix and 0 be an 8 x r-matrix. Suppose I + a/3 is in GLr(A) ...

Cyclic Homology - Page 356, 380, 497

Jean-Louis Loday - 1997 

The original proof is due to Vaserstein [1976] and Wagoner [1977]. We refer to Suslin [1981] for a short proof of this technical and important result. D 11.2.15 Corollary. The Volodin space fits into a natural homotopy fibration

Memòria d'activitats: curs 1994-1995 - Page 183, 264

Institut d'Estudis Catalans, Institut d'Estudis Catalans (Barcelona) - 1997

... 175 Vaquero, T. 205 Vaserstein, L. 183 Vayreda, J. 204, 207 Vázquez i García, Merce 119 Veciana Tormo, Robert 144 Veerman, J. J. P. 176, 193 Vegara i Carrió, Josep M. 142 Velickovic, B. 

Multivariate approximation: recent trends and results :  - Page 26

Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Multivariate Approximation Theory Held at Witten-Bommerholz, Germany, September 29-October 4, 1996

Werner Haussmann, K. Jetter, Manfred Reimer - Akademie Verlag, 1997   ISBN3055017706, 9783055017704

Lyubich, L. Vaserstein: Isometric imbeddings between classical Banach spaces, cubature formulas, and spherical designs, Geom. Dedicata 47 (1993), 327-362. [10] B. Reznick: Sums of even powers of real linear forms, Memoirs Amer. Math.

start 1998 24 books 

Karl der Grosse und sein Nachwirken: Mathematisches Wissen

Paul Leo Butzer, ‎Walter Oberschelp · 1998 · ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 360

[ 8 ] Garey , M . R . , Graham , R . L . , Johnson , D . S . : The complexity of computing Steiner Minimal Trees ; SIAM J . Appl . Math . ... [ 22 ] Lyubich , Y . I . , Vaserstein , L . N . : Isometric Embeddings between Classical Banach Spaces , Cubature ...

Alexandrov geometry and dynamics of semi-dispersing billiards on Riemannian manifolds

by Ferleger, Serge

The Pennsylvania State University, 1998


  We explore a connection between theory of semi-dispersing billiards on smooth Riemannian manifolds and non-regular Riemannian geometry. We construct several...

Particle systems and generalized billiards

by Semenovich, Asya

The Pennsylvania State University, 1996

Mass Transportation Problems: Volume I: Theory - Page ix, 40, 436, 442, 446, 461, 464, 468, 469, 481, 496, 507

Svetlozar T. Rachev, ‎Ludger Rüschendorf - 1998 

On a formula for the V Wasserstein metric between measures on Euclidean and Hilbert spaces. Preprint 179, 1988. Sek- tion Mathematik der Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin. 180] M. Gelbrich. V- Wasserstein- Metriken und Approximationen sto- ...

p. 117 Wasserstein distance

Bulletin - Issues 40-45 - Page 26, 29, 30


Using Bass's result, Dennis and Vaser- stein, [2], show that for n sufficiently large (one can check that n > 82 will do), every A £ SL(n, Z) can be written as a product U1L1U2L2U3L3 where Ui, U2, U3 are unipotent upper-triangular and L\, L2, ...

Publications du Laboratoire d'analyse numérique - Page 32, 34, 35


-Interpolation of the L2 and the Wasserstein distances

World directory of mathematicians - Page 851

International Mathematical Union, ‎Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, ‎Tata Institute of Fundamental Research. School of Mathematics - 1998 

Vaserstein, Leonid N..

Proceedings of the International Congress of  Mathematicians: - Page 298. 676

Invited lectures

L.N.Vaserstein. On systems of particles with finite range and/or repulsive interactions. Comm.

Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Lie Groups and Ergodic Theory, Mumbai, 1996  - Page 157

S. G. Dani, ‎Tata Institute of Fundamental Research - 1998 

We remark that this result was previously obtained by Vaserstein in the case of classical simple groups for a number field K and 5-arithmetic subgroups with K- rank > 2 (1973) and by Tits in the case of Chevalley groups (1976). This result ...

Probability Toward 2000 - Page 337

Luigi Accardi, C. C AUTOR HEYDE - 1998

[10] Cuesta, J. A. and Matran, C. (1994). Stochastic convergence through Skorohod representation theorems and Wasserstein distances. ... The impossible coupling: on hidden variables models in quantum mechanics. Proceedings of the 51st ...

K-Theory for Operator Algebras - Page 36, 290

Bruce Blackadar - 1998 

... and Vaserstein 1984] R. H. Herman and L. N. Vaserstein, "The stable range of C*-algebras", Invent. Math. 77:3 (1984), 553-555. [Higson 1983] N. Higson, On Kasparov Theory, M.a. thesis, Dalhousie University, Halifax, 1983. [Higson 1988] ...

Quantum symmetries on operator algebras - Page 129, 790, 814

David E. Evans, Yasuyuki Kawahigashi - 1998 

(Herman and Vaserstein 1984) have shown that (for C* -algebras) topological stable rank is the same as Bass stable rank and (Villadsen (preprint 1997)) has shown that for each n € N, there is a simple C* -algebra of topological stable rank n.

Markov processes and related fields - Volume 4 - Page 70, 71, 647


... (x,y) = A^(y,x) pm(y) Pm(z)' and apply the previous results. We omit details. Proposition 6.3 is proved. The Vaserstein distance. For any x and x' in [0, £] we set (7.1) and then we define the Vaserstein distance D,t(<m(n, u) of. 70 A. De Masi, ...

Mass Transportation Problems: Volume I: Theory - Page 404, 436, 442, 464, 469, 481

Svetlozar Todorov Rachev, Ludger Rüschendorf - 1998 - 508 pages

Wasserstein norm

llUllu U#(<P) (separable) metric space 92 333 shift operator 65, 390 SkorohodI Lebesgue metric 34 97 dual form of SP(P1> P2) 97 measure space 36 392 ... optimal value 252 total variation distance in X(IRd) 134 optimal value of the dual problem 253 absolute pseudomoment 

194 105 Brownian motions 278 LP-Wasserstein metric / LP-Kantorovich metric 40 354 transposed function 172 “output” fiow 71 ...

On a formula for the L2-Wasserstein metric between measures on Euclidean and Hilbert spaces. Math. Nachr., 147:185— 203, 1990.

Encyclopedia of biostatistics: SPI-Z, Index: Volume 6 - Page 4569

Peter Armitage, Theodore Colton - 1998 - 690 pages

Encyclopedia of biostatistics: SPI-Z, Index - Volume 6 - Page 4569

Peter Armitage, ‎Theodore Colton · 1998 ·  J. Wiley 

Found inside – Page 4569

They used the so-called Lp Wasserstein metrics, dp(-, •). as the measure of discrepancy between the two survival functions. Specifically, for p = 1, the Wasserstein distance, d\(S\^, Sr), between two Kaplan-Meier curves, Sl and ...

Page 4569 Wasserstein metrics

Microsurveys in discrete probability: DIMACS workshop, June 2-6, 1997 - Page 32, 39

David J. Aldous, James Propp - 1998 - 220 pages

Springer, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, vol. 1117. [3] Arratia, R. (1996) Independence of small prime factors: total variation and Wasserstein metrics, insertions ...

Methods in ring theory: proceedings of the Trento conference - Page 168 , 432

Vesselin S. Drensky, A. Giambruno, Sudarshan K. Sehgal - 1998 - 314 pages

[97] L.N. Vaserstein, On the group SLo over Dedekind rings of arithmetic type, Math. USSR Sbornik 18 (1972), 321-332. 

[98] L.N. Vaserstein, The structure of classic arithmetic groups of rank greater than one, Math. USSR Sbornik 20 (1973),

Found inside – Page 432

L. N. Waserstein, On the nouma & Subghoup4 of GL, ovelt a Jućng, appeared in "Algebraic K-theory", Evanstön 1980, (Proc. Conf. Northwestern Univ. Evanston), Lecture Notes in Mathematics 851, Springer, Berlin, 1981, pp. 156–165.

Found inside – Page 168

[ 86 ] J . Ritter , S . K . Sehgal , Construction of units in integral group rings of finite nilpotent groups , Trans . Amer . Math . Soc . 324 ( 2 ) ... [ 97 ] L . N . Vaserstein , On the group SL2 over Dedekind rings of arithmetic type , Math . USSR Sbornik 18 ..

Automorphic forms and representations - Page 119, 566

Daniel Bump  1998 - 574 pages It is a deep theorem of Vaserstein (1972) that the Hilbert modular group is always generated by these elements, so this ... 

Although we cannot prove Vaserstein's result in these notes, we will show that it is true for K = Q(\/5) (Exercise 1.10.1), ...

Found inside – Page 566

58 (1987), 257–287. Soudry, D., Rankin-Selberg convolutions for SO2+1 × GLn: local theory, Memoirs of the AMS 500 (1993). Spanier, E. ... Vaserstein, L., The group SL2 over Dedekind rings of arithmetic type, Mat. USSR Sbornik 18 (1972), ..

Zbl 1138.35002 Santambrogio, Filippo

Variational problems in transport theory with mass concentration. (English)

Tesi. Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa (Nuova Serie) 4. Pisa: Edizioni della Normale; Pisa: Scuola Normale Superiore (Dissertation). xxxii, 198~p. EUR~18.00/net; SFR~30.00; \$~24.95; \sterling~14.00 (2007). MSC2000: *35-02 90B20 49N60, 

Reviewer: Giuseppe Buttazzo (Pisa)

Wasserstein distances

Module theory: endomorphism rings and direct sum decompositions in some classes of modules. - Page 111, 261

Alberto Facchini - 1998, 2012  - 285 pages

Then sr(C(X)) = sr(C(X)) = dim(X) + 1 [Vasershtein]. Hence the stable range of the

[Vasershtein] L. N. Vasershtein, Stable rank of rings and dimensionality of topological spaces, Funct. Anal. Appl. 5 (1971), 102I110. [Warfield 69a] R. B. Warfield, ...

Found inside – Page 281

[Vasershtein] L. N. Vasershtein, Stable rank of rings and dimensionality of topological spaces, Funct. Anal. Appl. 5 (1971), 102–110. [Warfield 69a] R. B. Warfield, Jr., A Krull-Schmidt theorem for infinite sums of modules, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.

Cyclic Homology - Page 356, 380, 497

Jean-Louis Loday - 1998

The original proof is due to Vaserstein [1976] and Wagoner [1977]. We refer to Suslin [1981] for a short proof of this technical and important result. D 11.2.15 Corollary. The Volodin space fits into a natural homotopy fibration X(A) -> BGL(A) ...

Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians:  - Page 298, 676

August 18-27, 1998, Berlin, Germany, Volume 2

Gerd Fischer, ‎Ulf Rehmann - 1998 

Phys., 124, No.2, 217-227, 1989. [Th-Sa] W.Thurston, G.Sandri. Classical hard sphere 3-body problem. Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc, 9, 386, 1964. [Va] L.N.Vaserstein. On systems of particles with finite range and/or repulsive interactions. Comm.

Wavelet Applications in Signal and Image Processing - Page 149

Andrew Laine, ‎Michael A. Unser, ‎Akram Aldroubi - 1998 

K. Dennis, B. Magurn, and L. Vaserstein, "Generalized euclidean group rings," J. reine angew. Math. 351, pp. 113-128, 1984. 15. M. Nelson, "Data compression with the Burrows- Wheeler transform," Dr. Dobb's Journal , September 1996. 16.

Charlemagne and his heritage - Volume 2 - Page 360

Paul Leo Butzer, ‎Max Kerner, ‎Walter Oberschelp - 1998

[22] Lyubich,Y.I., Vaserstein.L.N.: Isometric Embeddings between Classical Ba- nach Spaces, Cubature Formulas, and Spherical Designs; Geometriae Dedicata. 47(1993),327-362. [23] Schreiber,P.: Zur Geschichte des sogenannten Steiner- ...

start 1999   28 books

 Monte Carlo generators for HERA physics. Proceedings 

Workshop, Hamburg, Germany, 1998-1999

A.T. Doyle (DES)(ed.), 

Guenter Grindhammer (DESY)(ed.), G. Ingelman (DESY)(ed.), 

H. Jung( DESY)(ed.)
Dec 19, 1999 714 pages

Published in: Hamburg DESY - DESY-PROC-1999-02 (99,rec.Nov.) 714 p

Contribution to: Workshop on Monte Carlo Generators for HERA Physics (Plenary Starting Meeting)

Report number: DESY-PROC-1999-02


senhas IME-USP - Volume 4 - Page 307

1999 - ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 307

As an example of this , consider a process with X = { 0 , 1 } and with probability 1 / 2 of jumping from any state to any other . ... Every homogeneous ergodic Markov process admits an F yielding a finite coalescence time , e . g . the Vaserstein ...

 Shape Recognition Via Wasserstein Distance

Wilfrid Gangbo, ‎Robert J. MacCann - 1999 - ‎No preview

Advances in Applied Probability -Volume 31, Issues 1-2 - Page 448 


Algebras and combinatorics: 

an international congress, ICAC'97, Hong Kong

by Shum, K. P; Taft, Earl J; Wan, Zhexian 1999

Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences , Update - Page 848

Samuel Kotz, ‎Campbell B. Read, ‎David L. Banks - 1999

Found inside – Page 733

... ( MME ) estimators , v2 : 512 Metrics : Mallows ' distances , v2 : 377 - 378 Wasserstein distance , v2 : 377 Michaelis - Menten equation , v2 : 672 Michaelis - Menten model , v2 : 87 Minimum - covariance determinant ( MCD ) , v1 : 491 , v2 : 405 ..

Jacobi forms over number fields

by Skogman, Howard, 1972


Applicationes Mathematicae - Volume 26 - Page 299, 300, 314


... marginal distributions are, respectively, P and Q. Another form of mass transport problem, formulated by Kantorovich (cf. ... and phrases: Monge-Kantorovich transportation problem, optimal coupling, cyclic monotonicity, Levy-Wasserstein ...

Seminaire de Probabilites XXXIII - Page 379, 386

J. Azema, M. Emery, M. Ledoux - 1999

Nachr., 147:185-203, 1990. Givens, C. R., and Shortt, R. M . A class of Wasserstein metrics for probability distributions. Michigan Math. J., 31:231-240, 1984. GOLDSTEIN, S. Maximal coupling. Z. Wahrscheinltchkeitstheor. Verw. Geb., 46:193- ...

Found inside – Page 386

[22] GELBRICH, M . On a formula for the lo-Wasserstein metric between measures on Euclidean and Hilbert spaces. Math. Nachr., 147:185–203, 1990. [23] GIVENS, C. R., AND SHORTT, R. M. A class of Wasserstein metrics for probability ...

Monge Ampere Equation: Applications to Geometry and Optimization :  - Page 2, 4, 82, 87, 95, 96, 102, 103 

NSF-CBMS Conference on the Monge Ampère Equation, Applications to Geometry and Optimization, July 9-13, 1997, Florida Atlantic University

Luis A. Caffarelli, Mario Milman - AMS 1999 - 172 pages ISBN0821809172, 9780821809174

More precisely they show that the heat equation is the gradient flow of the Dirichlet integral with respect to the L2 distance as well as the gradient flow of the entropy with respect to the Wasserstein distance. A weighted combination of these ...

Surgery on Compact Manifolds - Page 297

CTC Wall, A Ranicki - 1999 


[VI] VASERSTEIN, L. Stability of the unitary and orthogonal groups over rings with involution. Math. S6. 81 (1970), 328-351.

Metric structures for Riemannian and non-Remannian spaces:

based on "Structures métriques des variétés Riemanniennes"

Gromov Springer, Springer, 1999 - 585 pages ISBN0817638989, 9780817638986

 Contractions in the 2-Wasserstein Length Space and Thermalization

Current developments in mathematics, 1997 - Page 86, 90

Raoul Bott, Arthur Jaffe, S. T. Yau - 1999 

diffusion. An interesting emerging theme in much current research is the interplay between Monge-Kantorovich mass transform ... Preparatory to describing this procedure, let us first define for the functions /+, /" € V the Wasserstein distance ...

Differential Equations Methods for the Monge-Kantorovich Mass Transfer Problem  - Issue 653 - Page 4

Lawrence C. Evans, Wilfrid Gangbo - 1999 

The resulting distance and its variants are called the Monge-Kantorovich-Rubinstein-Wasserstein-etc. metrics; see Rachev [R] ... We can consequently interpret the limit of (1.21) as p — » oo as an "infinitely fast/infinitely slow" diffusion limit (cf.

Shape recognition via Wasserstein distance - Page 1, 5, 9,34, 35

Wilfrid Gangbo, Robert J. MacCann - 1999 - 34 pages

Abstract. The Kantorovich-Rubinstein-Wasserstein metric ...

Séminaire de probabilités XXXIII - Page 381, 385

Jacques Azéma, M. Emery, Michel Ledoux - 1999 - 418 pages

[2] Abdellaoui, T., et Heinich, H. Sur la distance de deux lois dans le cas vectoriel. C. R. Acad ... 3] Aldous, D. J. Shift-coupling. ... 6] Cuesta-Albertos, J. A., and Matran, C. Notes on the Wasserstein metric in Hilbert spaces. ... 

J. A., Matran, C, and Tuero-Diaz, A . On lower bounds for the i2-Wasserstein metric in a Hilbert space.

Stochastic dynamics - Page 402, 427, 440

Hans Crauel, Matthias Gundlach - 1999 - 440 pages

This extension will be achieved by a combination of Wasserstein metric and weighted Sobolev norm estimates.

Stochastic partial differential equations: six perspectives - Page 87

René Carmona, Boris Rozovskii - 1999 - 334 pages -

Let Lip(Rd) = {/ : Rd -> K : \f(*)-f(v)\ < k-y|, l/MI < i, v*,y e Rd}. if w e MF(Rd), d^v) = sup{ \n(f)-v(f) I : / £ Lip(Ud)} denotes the Vasserstein metric.

Monge Ampère equation: applications to geometry and optimization :  - Page 2, 4, 82, 87, 95, 96, 102, 103 (8 pages)

Applications to Geometry and Optimization : NSF-CBMS Conference on the Monge Ampère Equation, Applications to Geometry and Optimization, July 9-13, 1997, Florida Atlantic University

Luis A. Caffarelli, Mario Milman - 1999 - 172 pages Volume 226 of Contemporary mathematics - American Mathematical Society  ISBN0821809172, 9780821809174

-Interpolation of the L2 and the Wasserstein distances. When two densities P0 and pr must be compared, it is very natural to use the Wasserstein distance.

 However, sometimes, the simpler L2 distance : (1-18) d/Xpo, Pr)2 = j \po(x) - pr(x)fdx ...

Recursive partitioning in the health sciences - Page 94, 95

Heping Zhang, Burton Singer - 1999 - 226 pages

Wasserstein distance

RAIRO.: Modélisation mathématique et analyse numérique :    - Page 837, 838, 849, 860

M2N. Mathematical modelling and numerical analysis, Volume 33, Pages 651-1319

Association française pour la cybernétique économique et technique, Centre national de la recherche scientifique (France), Société de mathématiques appliquées et industrielles - 1999

We can introduce a Wasserstein metric for this purpose. ... is the metric we shall introduce (the Wasserstein metric). ... is the classical convection diffusion

Algebra, K-Theory, Groups & Education:  - Page 112, 124, 216, 237

On the Occasion of Hyman Bass's 65th Birthday 

Hyman Bass, T. Tsit-Yuen Lam, Andy R. Magid - 1999 

88, Birkhauser, 1990, pp. 247-435. [Va69] L. Vaserstein, On the stabilization of the general linear group over a ring, Math. USSR- Sb. 8 (1969), 383-400. [Va71] L. Vaserstein, The stable range of rings and the dimension of topological spaces, ...

Looking forward, Bass' stable range results were improved in [Bass] and again in Vaserstein's work [Va69] [Va71]

Difference Sets, Sequences and Their Correlation Properties - Page 46, 84

A. Pott, P. Vijay Kumar, Tor Helleseth - 1999 

While constructing the isometric embedding ^ _> gNW+W (see Lyubich and Vaserstein (1993)) he augmented the set of N2/2 lines from Cameron and Seidel (1973) by the standard coordinate frame. This did not increase the set of prescribed

Surgery on Compact Manifolds - Page 297

Charles Terence Clegg Wall, Andrew Ranicki - 1999 

[VI] VASERSTEIN, L. Stability of the unitary and orthogonal groups over rings with involution. Math. S6. 81 (1970), 328-351. [Wl] WAGONER, J. B. Smooth and piecewise linear surgery. Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 73 (1967), 72-77. [lY2] WAGONER

Introduction to the Theory of Games: Concepts, Methods, Applications - Page 128, 326, 339

Ferenc Forgó, Jeno Szép, Ferenc Szidarovszky - 1999 

[17] Byrne, C.C. and Vaserstein, L.N., An improved algorithm for finding sad- ...

 48 Vaserstein, 128 veto player, 231 von Neumann, 122, ...

Found inside – Page 128

Though linear programming is very effective for finding optimal strategies of any matrix game, even more efficient methods can ... Byrne and Vaserstein give an algorithm in [17] for finding a strict saddlepoint of an m by n game matrix A = [ay].

Number Theory:  - Page 33

Fifth Conference of the Canadian Number Association, August 17-22, 1996, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Canadian Number Theory Association. Conference, Rajiv Gupta, Kenneth S. Williams - 1999

A. Bremner, Integer points on a special cubic surface, Duke Math. J. 44 (1977), no. 4, 757-765. 4. W. Conn and L. N. Vaserstein, On sums of three integral cubes, The Rademacher Legacy to Mathematics (University Park, PA, 1992), Contemp.

Wolfgang Krull: gesammelte Abhandlungen - Volume 1 - Page 35

Wolfgang Krull, Paulo Ribenboim - 1999 

Dabei hat man zum Beweis von (i) nur ganz elementare Schlußweisen der kommutativen Algebra anzuwenden, (ii) benutzt dagegen das Resultat von Q u i 1 1 e n - Suslin-Vaserstein [32], [40], 1976: Jeder projektive Modul über einem ...

Number theory in progress:  - Volume 2 - Page 1128

proceedings of the International Conference on Number Theory organized by the Stefan Banach International Mathematical Center in honour of the 60th birthday of Andrzej Schinzel, Zakopane, Poland, June 30-July 9, 1997. Elementary and analytic number theory, Volume 2

Andrzej Schinzel, Kálmán Györy, Henryk Iwaniec - 1999

[A96] Arratia, R., Independence of small prime factors of a uniformly distributed integer : total variation and Wasserstein metrics. Manuscrit, 1996. [AS97] Arratia, R., Stark, D., A total variation distance invariance principle for primes, ...

start 2000  31 books 

Featured eviews in Mathematical Reviews 1997-1999: With ...

Donald G. Babbitt, ‎Jane E. Kister · 2000

Found inside – Page B-107

With Selected Reviews of Classic Books and Papers from 1940-1969 Donald G. Babbitt, Jane E. Kister. a discussion of the Kostant ... results of C. R. Matthews, L. N. Vaserstein and B. Weisfeiler [Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 48 (1984), no.

Statistical Theory and Method Abstracts

2000 · ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 9

... the asymptotic behaviours of the generalized total variation, Fortet-Mourier (or Wasserstein), Kolmogorov & Matusita (or Hellinger) distances are explicitly characterized. ... (1988) 25, 175–184] and Deheuvels & Pfeifer [J. Multivariate Anal.

Zapiski nauchnykh seminarov POMI - Volumes 271-272 - Page 84

2000 · ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 84

Таким образом , мы нашли в Hнеединичную матрицу у є 2 и , осталось снова сослаться на Лемму 11 . ... Л.Н.Васерштейн , А. А. Суслин , Проблема Серра о проективных модулях над кольцами многочленов и алгебраическая к ..

On logarithmic Sobolev inequalities. With a preface of ...

(Sur les inégalités de Sobolev logarithmiques.) | Find, read and cite ... 

Convergence to equilibrium in Wasserstein distance for Fokker-Planck equations. Article.

MR1845806   Ané, Cécile; Blachère, Sébastien; Chafaï, Djalil; Fougères, Pierre; Gentil, Ivan; Malrieu, Florent; Roberto, Cyril; Scheffer, Grégory Sur les inégalités de Sobolev logarithmiques. (French) [Logarithmic Sobolev inequalities] With a preface by Dominique Bakry and Michel Ledoux. Panoramas et Synthèses [Panoramas and Syntheses], 10. Société Mathématique de France, Paris, 2000. xvi+217 pp. ISBN: 2-85629-105-8 (Reviewer: Emmanuel Russ) 46N20 (26D15 46E99 58J60 60J10 60J60)

 Book 252 Citations

Первичный радикал классических групп над ассоциативными кольцами

Голубков, Артём Юрьевич — 01.01.06 — Москва, 2000

... ; Т.2, Новосибирск: Изд-во НГУ, 1981. 

3. Л. Н. Васерштейн, Стабилизация унитарных и ортогональных групп ...

Wendy Wasserstein: Dramatizing women, their choices and their boundaries 

Vsesoi︠u︡znyĭ algebraicheskiĭ simpozium: - Page 352, 353

30- ii︠u︡ni︠a︡ - 2 i︠u︡li︠a︡ 1975 g. : tezisy dokladov, Volume 2

N. G. Kokhen, ‎Instytut matėmatyki (Akadėmii︠a︡ navuk Belaruskaĭ SSR), ‎Instytut matėmatyki (Akadėmii︠a︡ navuk Belaruskaĭ SSR) Gomelʹskiĭ filial - 1975 - ‎Snippet view - ‎More editions

Вассерштейн Л.Н.Стабильный рант колец и размерность топологических пространств, Функц. анализ, 1971,5,12,17-27. 4. Вассерштейн Л.Н.,Суслин А. А. Проблема Серра о проективных модулях над кольцами многочленов и ...

Записки научных семинаров ПОМИ - Volumes 272-275 - Page 84

Математический институт им. В.А. Стеклова. С.-Петербургское отделение - 2000 - ‎Snippet view - ‎More editions

Н. А. Вавилов, О подгруппах расщепимых классических групп. — Тр. Мат. ин- та им. В. А. Стсклова АН СССР 183 (1990), 29-41. 9. Л Н.Васерштейн, А. А. Суслин, Проблема Серра о проективных модулях над кольцами многочленов и ...

Early vision using distributions - Page 43, 105

Mark A. Ruzon, ‎Stanford University. Computer Science Dept - 2000 -

3.5.1 A Faster Earth Mover's Distance The match distance used by Shen and Wong finds the difference between two one- ... This metric was described earlier by Vallender [112], who showed it as a restricted case of the Wasserstein distance ...

Mathematics and Computer Science: Algorithms, Trees - Page 247

Danièle Gardy, ‎Abdelkader Mokkadem - 2000 

... Z* to prove convergence towards this fixed point in some appropriate metric. Recall that the L2-Wasserstein (or Mallows) distance between two probability measures Q and 0 on R with finite second moment is defined as X=a, Y=0 := inf ^E(X ...

Suid-Afrikaanse Statistiese Tydskrif - Volumes 34-35 - Page 192


The nature and structure of print- based material will have to be versatile for use in distance and contact tuition. Goodness-of-fit tests for location and scale families based on a weighted L2-Wasserstein distance measure T.deWfet Dept. of ...

Algebraic function fields with asymptotically many rational places and improvements of the Gilbert-Varshamov bound

by Maharaj, Hiren

The Pennsylvania State University, 2000

Denote by A (q ) the upper limit of the ratio of the maximum number of points of an algebraic curve (smooth, projective, absolutely irreducible) defined over...

Ph.D. committee member Vaserstein

On Dobrushin's Way: From Probability Theory to Statistical Physics - Page 237

R. Robert Adolfovich Minlos, ‎S. B.. Chlosman, ‎Yu. M. Suhov - 2000 

Leonid Vaserstein. Nikolai Vassiliev and others). ... The talk quickly turned to a dispute between Dobrushin and Pyatecky 's group, and at a certain point somebody (I think it was Vaserstein) said, addressing his colleagues. "Let's postpone the ...

Hard Ball Systems and the Lorentz Gas - Page 26, 27, 34, 48, 88, 126, 143

L.A. Bunimovich, D. Szasz - 2000 

[Se-Va] A. Semenovich, L. Vaserstein. Uniform estimates on the number of collisions in particles' systems. preprint. [St-1] L. Stojanov. An estimate from above of the number of periodic orbits for semi-dispersed billiards. Comm. Math. Phys. 124
Found inside – Page 2[ 

Re] Yu.G. Reshetnyak (ed.). Geometry 4, non-regular Riemannian geometry. Encyclopedia of Mathematical Sciences, ... [Se-Va] A. Semenovich, L. Vaserstein. Uniform estimates on the number 26 D. Burago, S. Ferleger and A. Kononenko.

Units in Skew Fields - Page vii, 32,  78

 By Ernst Kleinert    2000

Maximal Subgroups of infinite index in finitely generated linear groups, J. of Algebra 69 (1981) 1-23 [MOV] Magurn, B., R. Oliver and L. Vaserstein. Units in Whitehead Groups of Finite Groups, J. of Algebra 84 (1983) 324-360 [MVW] Matthews, ...

Stable paretian models in finance - Page 294, 295

Svetlozar Todorov Rachev, S. Mittnik - 2000

The methods employed are based on the evaluation of drift and diffusion coefficients over grid points. ... method by replacing the increments of the Wiener process by other "simpler" i.i.d. random variables: He uses Lf- Wasserstein metrics

Found inside – Page 772

... C. R. and Shortt , R. M. ( 1984 ) . A Class of Wasserstein Metrics for Probability Distributions , Michigan Math . J. , 31 , 231-240 . 393. Gnedenko , B. V. ( 1938 ) . On Convergence of Laws of a Distribution of Sums of Independent Summands .

Skorokhod's ideas in probability theory - Page 318, 333

Vladimir Semenovich Koroli͡uk, Vladimir Semenovich Koroliuk, Nikolaĭ Ivanovich Portenko - 2000

and let (Xt) and (Xi) be two diffusion processes with L and L as their generators. We show thai the Kantorovich- Wasserstein's distance of these two processes is dominated by C{log[2 + log" (||.4 -.4||L2 )]}-> where 7 and C are positive ...

Algebra colloquium - Volume 7 - Page 161, 189, 196

Zhongguo ke xue yuan. Shu xue yan jiu suo - 2000

[66] L.N. Vaserstein, Stabilization of unitary and orthogonal groups over a ring, Math. USSR Sbornik 10 (1970) 307-326. [67] L.N. Vaserstein, On normal subgroups of GL„ over a ring, in: Algebraic K-Theory, Lecture Notes in Mathematics,

Polynomial Automorphisms: And the Jacobi Conjecture - Page 263

A R P Van Den Essen - 2000 

A first relationship with rings of differential operators was found by Vaserstein and Kac. They observed that if every ^-endomorphism of the n-th Weyl Algebra A„ is surjective, then JC(k, n) follows! It was later remarked by the author that in fact ...

Algorithmic Number Theory:  - Page 62, 63

4th International Symposium, ANTS-IV Leiden, The Netherlands, July 2-7, 2000 Proceedings

Volume 1838 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Wieb Bosma - 2000

[CV] Conn, W., Vaserstein, L.N.: On sums of integral cubes. Pages 285-294 in The Rademacher legacy to mathematics (University Park, 1992), Contemp. Math. 166, AMS 1994.

[PV] Payne, G., Vaserstein, L.N.: Sums of three cubes. Pages 443-454 in The Arithmetic of Function Fields, de Gruyter, 1992. [S] Stahlke, C: Algebraic curves over (Q) with many rational points and minimal automorphism group. Lnternational

Advances in Steiner Trees - Page 13

Ding-Zhu Du, J.M. Smith, J. Hyam Rubinstein - 2000 

17] Y.I. Lyubich and L.N. Vaserstein, Isometric Embeddings between Classical Banach Spaces, Cubature Formulas, and Spherical Designs, Geome- triae Dedicata, 47(1993), pp. 327-362. 18] CM. Petty, Equilateral sets in Minkowski space, ...

An Introduction to Superprocesses - Page 130

Alison Etheridge - 2000

The Wasserstein metric on MF (R . ) is given by , v) = sup {|{0, ft)-(4,,v}\:4,€ Lip (Rd) } . REMARK 7.3. For any metric space, (S,d), we can define the corresponding Wasserstein metric on Mp(S) in an obvious way. The topology induced on Mp(S) ...

Sorting: a distribution theory - Page xi, 161, 164, 174, 191, 192, 343, 345, 385, 394

Hosam Mahmoud Mahmoud - 2000 - 394 pages

Found inside – Page xi

Over the millennia people have been yearning to find fast efficient sorting algorithms. ... themselves, giving rise to a fascinating variety of methods, ranging from standard treatment such as elementary probability theory, combinatorial counting, and graph-theoretic methods, to instances of more modern techniques such as martingales, Poissonization, Wasserstein's metric space, and the Mellin transform.

An introduction to superprocesses - Page 130, 187

Alison Etheridge - 2000 - 187 pages 

Wasserstein metric 

Suid-Afrikaanse statistiese tydskrif: Volumes 34-35 - Page 192

South African Statistical Association - 2000

Wasserstein distance

Probability for statisticians - Page 114. 585

Galen R. Shorack - Springer 2000 - 585 pages ISBN0387989536, 9780387989532

Exercise 3.4 (Wasserstein distance) For k = 1 or 2, define Fk {F : F is a df, and ...

Foundations of Quantization for Probability Distributions …

Characterization of probability distribution convergence in Wasserstein distance ... 

We refer to [4, 6] for rigorous mathematical foundations of quantization theory.

MR1764176 (2001m:60043) Graf, Siegfried; Luschgy, Harald Foundations of quantization for probability distributions. Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1730. 

Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2000. x+230 pp. ISBN: 3-540-67394-6 (Reviewer: Kalev Pärna), 60E99 (60F25 62H05 94A12)

Book 224 Citations

Coupling, stationarity, and regeneration - Page 56

Hermann Thorisson - Springer New York, 2000 - 517 pages

Information theory: 50 years of discovery: Volume 1 - Page 37, 49, 739

Sergio Verdú, Steven W. McLaughlin, IEEE Information Theory Society - 2000


Development of mathematics 1950-2000 - Page 1299

Jean-Paul Pier - 2000 - 1372 pages 

Vasershtein L.N., Foundations of algebraic K-theory, 89-156.

Selected Works of Ilya Piatetski-Shapiro - Page 154, 283

Ilʹia Iosifovich Piatetskiĭ-Shapiro, James Wesley Cogdell, S. Semen Grigor'evich Gindikin - 2000

is the group of integral points of a spinor group connected with a quadratic form, in which the number of negative squares, and also the number of positive squares, is not less than two (L. N. Waserstein, in press). In all the cases considered ...

Amenable groupoids - Page 85

C. Anantharaman-Delaroche, Jean Renault - 2000

[L-V] Lyubich, Y.I. and L.N. Vasserstein. Isometric embeddings between classical Banach spaces, cubature formulas and spherical designs. Geom. Dedicata 47 (1993), 327-362. [M] Martinet, J. Les reseaux parfaits des espaces euclidiens.

start 2001   32  books

The Concentration of Measure Phenomenon-Page 117

Michel Ledoux · 2001

This book offers the basic techniques and examples of the concentration of measure phenomenon. The concentration of measure phenomenon was put forward in the early seventies by V. Milman in the asymptotic geometry of Banach spaces.

Wasserstein  distance

Hyperbolic Manifolds and Discrete Groups - Page 84

Michael Kapovich, ‎Mikhail Kapocivh - 2001

Found inside – Page 84

Kazhdan-Margulis-Zassenhaus. theorem. In this section, we discuss several results that are fundamental for studying discrete groups acting on symmetric spaces. The first was proven by H. Zassenhaus in 1938 and the second by D. Kazhdan ..


New Measure of Conditional Dependence for Causal ...

Book. Jan 2001. Peter Spirtes · Clark Glymour · Richard Scheines · View ... A Class of Wasserstein Metrics for Probability Dis

The John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation 1925-2000: a seventy-fifth anniversary record - Page 250, 481

by Tanselle, G. Thomas; Kardon, Peter Franklin; Schwager, Eunice R 2001


The Steiner Ratio - Page 283

by Cieslik, Dietmar 2001

Steiner's Problem concerns finding a shortest interconnecting network for a finite set of points in a metric space. A solution must be a tree, which is called...

[157]  Y.I. Lyubich and L.N. Vaserstein. Isometric … 1993. 

Mathematical studies: - Volumes 15-16 - Page 13, 24


8. rcwiy6HHK H. 3. 0 noAHoU Aune&HoU zpynne Had accouuamuenbiM KOAbtfOM // YMH. - 1973. - T.27, J03. - C. 179-180. 9. Vaserstein L. N. On the normal subgroups GL„ over a ring // Springer Lecture Notes. 854 (Algebraic K-theory).

Markov Processes and Related Fields - Volume 7 - Page 169


We consider on ^(R2) and ^(Dr) the Vaserstein metrics: p{Qi,Q2) = M{E{\V-W\2)ll2/C{V)=qu C(W)=q2}, (4.1) Pt(QiM = inf {E{sup\Vt-Wt\2)1/2/C(V) = Qu C(W) = Q2\. (4.2) 1 fnTI ' A(0) = /W[t,„](|0|). We set (4.3) Let us remark that b - bi tends to 0 ...

Handbook of stochastic analysis and applications - Page 264, 339

 Kannan, V. Lakshmikantham - 2002 - 763 pages

Wasserstein metric

Annales de L'I.H.P.: Probabilités et statistiques - Volume 37 - Page 225, 234


The Vassershtein distance: We let V(RA) denote the set of Borel probability measures on RA. For a finite set A and v, v e V(RA), we define ftA(v,TJ) = inf{^ J n{dada)\ax-ax\\n&K,(y,v)Y (1.15) JC€ARAxRA where £(v, v) = {m eV(RA xRA);^((/ff xRa) ...

Oscillating Patterns in Image Processing and Nonlinear Evolution Equations:

The Fifteenth Dean Jacqueline B. Lewis Memorial Lectures

Yves Meyer - 2001 

The first chapter of this book considers image processing, more precisely algorithms of image compression and denoising. This research is motivated in particular by the new standard for compression of still images known as JPEG-2000.

Eighth IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision:- Page 251

July 7-14, 2001, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, Volume 1


Earth Mover's distance was first introduced as a purely empirical way to measure texture and color similarities. ... And there is an equivalent metric on probability distributions known as Mallows, or Wasserstein, distance, which has a clear ...

The Earth Mover's Distance is the Mallows Distance: Some Insights from Statistics Elizaveta Levina, Peter Bickel ... And there is an equivalent metric on probability distributions known as Mallows, or Wasserstein, distance, which has a clear ...

Medical Imaging: Image processing - Parts 1-3 = 2 pages

Josien P. W. Pluim, ‎Kenneth M. Hanson, ‎Milan Sonka - 2001

A common denominator of both previous approaches is the use of KL as a "distance" between joint intensity distributions. ... When applied to normalized histograms, EMD can be seen as the discrete version of the so-called Wasserstein ...

Asymptotics of locally interacting Markov chains with global signals pdf - Page 23, 24, 28

by Horst, Ulrich Dissertation  May 31, 2001

... with a perturbation of the Dobrushin-Vasserstein contraction technique we show that macroscopic convergence...

Réseaux euclidiens, designs sphériques et formes modulaires - Page 85

Boris Borisovich Venkov, ‎Jacques Martinet - 2001

Symmetric squares and lattice minima. Preprint, Essen. [L-V] LYUBICH, Y. I. and L.N. VASSERSTEIN. Isometric embeddings between classical Banach spaces, cubature formulas and spherical designs. Geom. Dedicata 47 (1993), 327-362.

Variational and Level Set Methods in Computer Vision:  - Page 30, 31, 33

Proceedings : IEEE Workshop on Variational and Level Set Methods in Computer Vision : 13 July, 2001, Vancouver, Canada


1 Finding an Initial Mapping We will now propose an explicit algorithm to solve the Monge—Kantorovich problem. So we want to minimize the L2 KantorovichWasserstein distance functional over MP functions from (fl0,#0) to (Q1,#1).

VLSM - Volume 1 - Page 30, 31, 33

Siemens Corporate Research, ‎Institut national de recherche en informatique et en automatique (France), ‎IEEE Computer Society. Technical Committee on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence - 2001

mt #(1--)=u1- (22) It is shown in [3] that this infimum is attained for some am," and z;,,,,~,,, and that it is equal to the L2 KantorovichWasserstein distance between no and ,u1. Further, the flow X = X(:c.t) corresponding to the minimizing velocity ...

Geometric And Combinatorial Aspects Of Commutative Algebra - Page 224, 225

Jürgen Herzog, Gaetana Restuccia - 2001

As mentioned, the special case of Theorem 6 for free commutative monoids is due to Suslin [8] (the case of a trivial monoid being the Bass-Vaserstein classical results on surjective KI stabilizations, see Ch. 5, §4 in [1] and [11]). In [4] we have

Ramanujan: Essays and Surveys - Page 224, 253

Bruce C. Berndt, Robert A. Rankin - 2001

R. Gar-el and L. Vaserstein, On the Diophantine equation a3 + b3 + c3 + d3 = 0, J. Number Thy. (to appear).

Found inside – Page 253

Essays and Surveys Srinivasa Ramanujan Aiyangar, Bruce C. Berndt, Robert Alexander Rankin. 66. A. Choudhry , On equal ... R. Gar - el and L. Vaserstein , On the Diophantine equation a3 + b3 + c3 + d = 0 , J. Number Thy . ( to appear ) . 95.

Codes On Euclidean Spheres - Page 533

T E O Ericson, Victor Zinoviev - 2001

Y.I. Lyubich and L.N. Vaserstein, Isometric embeddings between classical Banach spaces, cubature formulas and spherical designs, Geom. Dedic., Vol. 47, pp. 327-362, 1993. A.L. MacKay, The packing of three-dimensional spheres on the ...

A First Course in Noncommutative Rings - Page 24, 300, 376

Tsi-Yuen Lam - 2001

If we assume the result of Vaserstein in Ex. ( 1 .25), it will follow that left and right stable range 1 are equivalent properties. ... To show that it is not essential here to assume Vaserstein's result, we shall continue to work with the notion of left ...

Large deviations and idempotent probability - Page 74, 266, 472, 496, 497

Anatolii Puhalskii - Taylor & Francis, 2001 - 500 pages ISBN 1584881984, 9781584881988


Hyperbolic problems: theory, numerics, applications ;  - Page 179 

Eighth International Conference in Magdeburg, February/March 2000, Volume 1

Michael Fey, Heinrich Freistühler, International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems - Springer 2001 - 472 pages 

Springer, 2002 ISBN 3764367091, 9783764367091

Wasserstein distance

Probability and statistical models with applications - Page 64, 65

Ch. A. Charalambides, Markos V. Koutras, N. Balakrishnan - 2001 - 624 pages

establishing asymptotic results is the Kolmogorov distance (instead of the Wasserstein or the total variation distance).

Stochastics in finite and infinite dimensions: in honor of Gopinth Kallianpur - Page 241 

G. Kallianpur, Takeyuki Hida - 2001 - 410 pages ISBN0817641378, 9780817641375

Wasserstein metric

Stochastic processes: theory and methods - Page 102, 106

D. N. Shanbhag, Calyampudi Radhakrishna Rao - 2001 - 967 pages

Noncommutative Noetherian rings - Page 443 , 618 ; 413, 414, 577

John C. McConnell, James Christopher Robson, Lance W. Small - 2001 - 636 pages

8.5 (a) A good source for the topics in the first half of the section is [Suslin 81] where it is noted that 5.8(h) is due to Vaserstein, (b) The second half, concerning matrices, originates from [Vaserstein 71] where, in particular, 5.17 appears.

Universite de Paris VII publications mathematiques: Volume 92

Institut des hautes études scientifiques (Paris, France) - 2001

Research in stochastic programming - Page 69, 70, 72

John R. Birge, N. C. P. Edirisinghe, W. T. Ziemba - 2001 - 306 pages

Wasserstein distance

Found inside – Page 81

[ 19 ] C . E . Blair and R . J . - B . Jeroslow , The value function of a mixed integer program : I , Discrete Mathematics 19 ( 1977 ) ... [ 31 ] J . Dupačová , Stability and sensitivity analysis for stochastic programming , Annals of Operations Research 27 ( 1990 ) ... [ 38 ] C . R . Givens and R . M . Shortt , A class of Wasserstein metrics for probability distributions , Michigan Mathematical Journal 31 ( 1984 ) 231 - 240 .

State of the art in probability and statistics:  - Page 483, 498

Festschrift for Willem R. Van Zwet

Mathisca de Gunst, Chris Klaassen, A. W. van der Vaart - 2001 - 616 pages

Wasserstein distance

Ring Theory And Algebraic Geometry - Page 209, 210

A. Granja, ‎J.A. Hermida Alonso, ‎A Verschoren - 2001

1 (1999) 178-184. II] A. A. Suslin, On the structure of the special linear group over polynomial rings, Math. USSR Izv. 11 (1977) 221-238. [12] L.N. Vaserstein and A. A. Suslin, Serre's Problem on Suslin's Stability Theorem for IV,,...,',,.) 209.

Handbook of the Geometry of Banach Spaces - Volume 1 - Page 916, 917, 938, 989

William B. Johnson, ‎Joram Lindenstrauss - 2001

... 793, 831 [50] Vaaler, J.D. 175, 194 [38] van Dulst, D. 515, 529 [50] van Mill, J, 603, 669 [I65] van Rooij, A.C,M. 91, 121[II8];121[119] Vanderwerff, J. 434 [36]; 828, 835 [I72] Varga, R. 555, 559 [41] Vargas, A. 222, 231 [44] Vaserstein, L. 916, ...

SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization - Page 144

Boris Borisovich Venkov, ‎Jacques Martinet - 2001

Symmetric squares and lattice minima. Preprint, Essen. [L-V] LYUBICH, Y. I. and L.N. VASSERSTEIN. Isometric embeddings between classical Banach spaces, cubature formulas and spherical designs. Geom. Dedicata 47 (1993), 327-362.

  end 2001

start 2002   31 books


Proceedings of the Second Internet Measurement Workshop: IMW ...

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2002 · ‎Snippet view


For the moment though , this heuristic idea has no ground under its feet . eet Can we make more use of the Wasserstein distance ? For example , if we get a method to decide , that the probability that FENE is very high , where Ne is the e ...

   Леонид Витальевич Канторович: человек и ученый

- Translate this page

В. Л Канторович - 2002 - ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 144

Г. Ш. Рубинштейн рассказал мне, что он наконец понял, как можно использовать теорему Л. В. Канторовича о ... очень много названий (метрика Вассерштейна, Орнштейна и т. д., не знавших о работе Леонида Витальевича)

A Distribution-Free Theory of Non-Parametric Regression 

Jan 2002   526 citations

Request PDF | A Distribution-Free Theory of Non-Parametric Regression | Why is ... Density estimation of multivariate samples using Wasserstein distance.

Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians:  Page 131 184 185

Beijing 2002, August 20-28, Volume 1

Higher Education Press, 2002

Wasserstein distance,

Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics, Applications  - Page 179

Eighth International Conference in Magdeburg, February/March 2000, Volume 1

H Freist]hler, ‎Gerald Warnecke - 2002

We construct, in the framework of Electromagnetism, an Action which is analogous to the Monge-Kantorovich (or Wasser- stein) distance. From this Action, we derive a system of PDEs that look like non-linear Maxwell equations. Then, through ...

FUSION - Page 152, 153, 155, … (5 pages)

Proceedings of the ... International Conference on Information Fusion, Volume 5 2002

Wasserstein distance

Rigidity in Dynamics and Geometry:  -Page 482

Contributions from the Programme "Ergodic Theory, Geometric Rigidity and Number Theory" Isaac Newton Institute for the Mathematical Sciences Cambridge, United Kingdom 5 January - 7 July 2000

Marc Burger, ‎Alessandra Iozzi - 2002 

1, 121-123. 32. L. N. Vaserstein, Groups having the property T, Funkcional. Anal, i Prilozen. 2 1968 no. 2 86. 33. R. J. Zimmer, Ergodic theory and semisimple groups, Monographs in Mathematics, 81, Birkhauser, Basel-Boston, Mass., 1984. 34.

Classical Groups and Geometric Algebra - Page 154

Larry C. Grove - 2002 

... Golubchik, and L. Vaserstein. See [31] or [33] for references. The proof relies on the K1 functor. Theorem 15.1. Suppose that n is greater than both 2 and the stable rank of R, and that H is a subgroup of GL(n, R) that is normalized by E(n, R).

Invitations to Geometry and Topology - Page 25

Martin R. Bridson, ‎Simon Salamon - 2002 

R.K. Dennis and L.N. Vaserstein: On a question of M. Newman on the number of commutators, J. Algebra 118 (1988), 150-161. 31. A.N. Dranishnikov and D. Repovs: Cohomological dimension with respect to perfect groups, Topology and its ...

Process Algebra and Probabilistic Methods. Performance . - Page 62, 63

Holger Hermanns, ‎Roberto Segala - 2002 

[CV] Conn, W., Vaserstein, L.N.: On sums of integral cubes. Pages 285-294 in The Rademacher legacy to mathematics (University Park, 1992), Contemp. Math. 166, AMS 1994. [Dl] Danilov, L.V.: The Diophantine equation x3 — y2 = k and ...

Distant Mirrors: America as a Foreign Culture - Page 125

Philip R. DeVita, ‎James D. Armstrong - 2002 - ‎Snippet view - ‎More editions

When I advised Ph.D. and other students, I gave them problems that interested me, and we solved them together. The main pressure that students put upon teachers was to tell them something new. A vivid example was Leonid Vaserstein ...

The National Faculty Directory - Volume 3 - Page 4992


... VASERSTEIN Leonid N. Math. Penn St U, 228 Mcallister Bldg, University Park PA 16802-6401 Ph 814-865-4700

Partial Differential Equations: Mark Vishik's Seminar - Page 162

M. I. Vishik, M. S. Agranovič, M. Mikhail Aleksandrovich Shubin - 2002 

KPS01] the author of this paper and his collaborators developed a coupling approach to study the systems under ... acting in the space of probability measures, given the Kantorovich(-Wasserstein) metric, defines a contraction of this space.

Handbook of Mathematical Fluid Dynamics - Volume 1 - Page 194, 279

S. Friedlander, D. Serre - 2002 

For instance, if W stands for the Wasserstein distance (244), then solutions of (273) satisfy ∫ +∞1 W ( f(t),f S(t) ) dt = +∞. ... Quantum kinetic theory Very recently, Lu [328], Escobedo, and Mischler [210,211] have begun to apply the techniques ...

An Algebraic Introduction to K-Theory - Page 82, 119, 122, 131, 342, 348, 367, 665, 669

Bruce A. Magurn - 2002

The theorem (10.15) of Vaserstein. presented below, shows these are isomorphisms for n > sr(R). As with the surjective stability theorem of Bass, we only present a special case of Vaserstein "s theorem here. The general form of hoth theorems ...

FUSION 2002 - Volume 5 - Page 150, 151, 155, 156

Proceedings of the ... International Conference on Information Fusion, Volume 5

International Society of Information Fusion, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - 2002

Conclusions In this paper we have borrowed the concept of Wasserstein distance from theoretical statistics to introduce what we believe is the first comprehensive L,type theory of distance metrics for ...

Distributions with given marginals and statistical modelling - Page v, vii, ix, xxi, 50, 51, 52, 55, 57, 61, 244

Carlos María Cuadras, Josep Fortiana, José A. Rodríguez-Lallena - 2002 - 244 pages

1996) that the square of the L2-Wasserstein distance between two probabilities is greater than or equal to the sum of the squares of the distances ... Tarpey, T. and B. Flury (1996), 'Self-Consistency: A Fundamental Concept in Statistics'. Statist.

Found inside - Page 51

SHAPE OF A DISTRIBUTION THROUGH THE L2-WASSERSTEIN DISTANCE Juan A. Cuesta-Albertos Departamento de Matemdticas, Universidad de Cantabria, Espana Carlos Matran Bea and Jesus M. Rodriguez Rodriguez Departamento ...

Real analysis and probability - Page 425 , 438, 553

Richard M. Dudley - 2002 - 555 pages

Wasserstein distance

Goodness-of-fit tests and model validity - Page 327, 328, 507

Catherine Huber-Carol - 2002 - 507 pages -

Wasserstein distance

Contemporary combinatorics - Page 29, 40, 42, 43, 49, 88

Béla Bollobás - 2002 - 301 pages

Springer, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, vol. 1117.

R. ARRATIA* How much dependence is there in the prime factorization of a random integer distributed uniformly from 1 to n? ... respect to total variation distance, considering only small components, 

and with respect to a Wasserstein distance, considering ... of changes — insertions and deletions — needed to change the dependent system into an independent system. ... 

A corollary of this construction is the first metric bound on the distance to the Poisson-Dirichlet in Billingsley's 1972 ...

Found inside – Page 88

[2] Arratia, R. (1996) Independence of prime factors: total variation and Wasserstein metrics, insertions and deletions, and the ... [5] Arratia, R., Barbour, A. D., and Tavare, S. (2001) Logarithmic combinatorial structures. ... [13] Bach, E. (1985) Analytic Methods in the Analysis and Design of Number-theoretic Algorithms.

Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians:  - Volume 1 - Page 185

August 20-28, 2002, Beijing, Volume 1

Daqian Li - Higher Education Press, 2002 - 2439 pages -

a) It was pointed out by Otto, that the Wasserstein metric can be used to describe

Partial differential equations: Mark Vishik's seminar - Page 162 

M. I. Vishik, M. S. Agranovich, Mikhail Aleksandrovich Shubin - 2002 - 278 pages


Numerical methods and stochastics: Volume 1999 - Page 56

T. J. Lyons, Thomas Stephenson Salisbury - 2002 - 121 pages

Wasserstein distance


Decision making under uncertainty: energy and power - Page 41, 65

Claude Greengard, Andrzej Ruszczyński - 2002 - 154 pages

Wasserstein dis-

Lectures on the coupling method - Page vi, 38, 41, 177, 255, 256 

Torgny Lindvall - 2002 - 272 pages

Vasershtein coupling

Lectures on probability theory and statistics:  - Page 307

Ecole d'Ete de Probabilites de Saint-Flour XXIX - 1999

Erwin Bolthausen, Edwin Arend Perkins, A. W. van der Vaart - 2002 - 466 pages

Lecture notes in mathematics, 1781 ISBN: 978-3-540-43736-9 (Print) 978-3-540-47944-4 (Online)

Sankhyā: methods and techniques: Volume 64, Pages 509-901 

Statistical Publishing Company, 2002

Geometric Analysis and Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations - Page 483

Stefan Hildebrandt, Hermann Karcher - 2002

 The Dobrushin approach is based on a comparison of these measures for different boundary conditions in the Kantorovich(- Ornstein-Rubinstein-Vasserstein) metric

Higher Franz-Reidemeister Torsion - Page 4

Kiyoshi Igusa - 2002

It is a theorem of Wagoner and Vasserstein best explained by Suslin [SusS1], [Sus82] that the higher Volodin A'-theory of R also gives the usual algebraic A'-theory groups of R as defined by Quillen.

Algebra - Page 846

Serge Lang - 2002

We give here a simplification of Suslin's proof b> Vaserstein, also using a previous result of Horrocks.

MR1878556   Lang, Serge Algebra. Revised third edition. Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 211. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2002. xvi+914 pp. ISBN: 0-387-95385-X 00A05 (15-02).  Lang19.djvu  8MB

Нерешенные вопросы теории групп: Коуровская тетрадь - Page 163


Nereshennye voprosy teorii grupp : Kourovskaa tetradʹ / [sostaviteli V.D. Mazurov, E.I. Khukhro]. 172 pages 15th edition

4.2, 4.5, 7.1, 7.3, 13.34, А: 1.24, 1-63, 1.82, 2.13, 2.15, 2.39, 3.9, 4.1, 4.3-5, 7.2, 7.2 Азаров Д. Н. А: 11.10 АлеевР. ... Е. А: 3.29 Васильев А.Ф. 14.28-29, 15.38-39, А: 11.21, 11.24, 12.7 Вассерштейн Л. Н. 14.15 Вдовин Е. П. 3.62, 15.40, ...

————end 2002

start 2003   43 books

Probastat '02 - Part 2 - Page 355

2003 · ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 355

3 ) , an ( a , 0 ) ali 1 7 " ( t ( 1 – t ) ] ni - a2020 ( t ) ) 02 ( t ) al nti n91 , 1 * * [ t ( 1 – t ) 10 dt + 0 , ml - 8 , 0219 - 1 ( t ) ) 41 70 ... ( 3 ] CSÖRGŐ , S . : Testing for Weibull scale families as a test case for Wasserstein correlation tests , Discussion of del ..

Subgroup Growth

Alexander Lubotzky, ‎Dan Segal · 2003

In the last two decades this topic has developed into one of the most active areas of research in infinite group theory; this book is a systematic and comprehensive account of the substantial theory which has emerged.

Vaserstein 392, 441

Representations of Algebraic Groups - Page 445

Jens Carsten Jantzen, ‎American Mathematical Society · 2003

Found inside – Page 445

P. 87–109. [73, 79, 427] [183] Bogachev, V. I., Shaposhnikov, S. V., Veretennikov, A. Yu., Differentiability of ... [228, 401] [189] Bolley, F., Gentil, I., Guillin, A., Convergence to equilibrium in Wasserstein distance for Fokker–Planck equations.

Труды Математического института имени В.А. Стеклова

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2003 - ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 180

Нам остается использовать следующий весьма нетривиальный результат Л.Н. Васерштейна (см. [1, 22]). Теорема 2. Пусть X = 8рес(А) — неособая аффинная поверхность над полем Р9 (или арифметическая поверхность над Ъ).

Travaux de l'institut mathématique Stekloff

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2003 - ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 180

Нам остается использовать следующий весьма нетривиальный результат Л.Н. Васерштейна (см. [1, 22]). Теорема 2. Пусть X = 8рес(А) — неособая аффинная поверхность над полем Р9 (или арифметическая поверхность над Ъ).

CONCUR 2001 - Concurrency Theory: 12th International ... - Page 337

books.google.com › books

Kim G. Larsen, ‎Mogens Nielsen - 2003

Found inside - Page 337

Our pseudometric is similar to one presented by Desharnais, Gupta, Jagadeesan and Panangaden [3]; for a detailed ... statistics and fractal geometry, and under different names including the Kantorovich metric and the Wasserstein metric.

Revista Matemàtica Iberoamericana - Volume 19, Issue 3 - Page 975  (6 pages) 

2003 - ‎Snippet view - ‎More editions

This identification is natural both because y/D(p) measures the rate of change of F(p\p0O) with respect to Wasserstein distance along the geodesic joining p to p^ [27] , and also because F(p\poo) is a convex function of arelength along such geodesies according to McCann's displacement convexity inequalities [25], [26, Remark 3.3] — the prerequisites for (1.10-1.11). The second known approach towards inequalities such as (1.9) is what we shall refer to as the "HWI method", because ...

Cooperative Control: Models, Applications and Algorithms - Page 238, 239, 240, 248, 

by Butenko, Sergiy; Murphey, Robert; Pardalos, P. M 2003  ISBN: 978-1-4419-5241-7 (Print) 978-1-4757-3758-5 (Online)

Found inside – Page 248

[12] M. Branicky, Studies in Hybrid Systems: Modeling, Analysis and Control, Ph.D dissertation, MIT, June, 1995. ... 317, Serie I, pp.981–986, 1993 [18] W. Gangbo and R.J. McCann, “Shape recognition via Wasserstein Distance”, ... [22] Y.C. Ho and R.C.K. Lee, “A Bayesian approach to problems in stochastic estimation and control”, IEEE Trans. AC, AC-9: 333-339, 1964. [23] H.J. Hooker, Logic-based methods for optimization: Combining optimization and constraint satisfaction, Wiley, ...

Number theory, algebra, and algebraic geometry: 

collected papers dedicated to the 80th birthday of academician Igorʹ Rostislavovich Shafarevich  2003

Found inside – Page 175

To complete the proof of the theorem ( its assertion ( i ) ) , it remains to apply the Vaserstein theorem from Section 1 . ... Grunewald , F. , Mennicke , J. , and Vaserstein , L. , On the Groups SL2 ( Z [ 2 ] ) and SL2 ( k [ I , y ] ) , Isr . J. Math . , 1994 ...

Introduction to linear programming

by Vaserstein, Leonid Nison; Byrne, Christopher Cattelier 2003

Introduction to the Ergodic Theory of Chaotic Billiards

Nikolai Chernov, ‎Roberto Markarian - IMPA 2003 

Convergence towards equilibrium of Probabilistic Cellular Automata

WIAS Preprint No. 823, (2003)

On some particular examples of this PCA class, we verify that our assumption (A) is weaker than the Dobrushin-Vasershtein ergodicity condition. For some precise PCA, the `exponential ergodicity' holds as soon as there is no phase transition.

An advanced surface-potential-based compact MOSFET model

by Chen, Ten-Lon

The Pennsylvania State University, 2003

The aggressive reduction of the power supply voltage implies that popular threshold-voltage-based approach to compact modeling is close to its limits and the...

Ph.D. committee member Vaserstein

The congruence subgroup problem : an elementary approach aimed at applications

by Sury, B 2003 xv, 301 p. ; 23 cm. ISBN 8185931380

Recent advances in group theory and low-dimensional topology 

edited by Jung Rae Cho and Jens Mennicke. - Page 136, 140

Heldermann, 2003.

Handbook of the Geometry of Banach Spaces - Page 1846

William B. Johnson, ‎J. Lindenstrauss - 2003 - ‎Mathematics

... 1514 [115]; 1639, 1641–1643, 1646, 1647, 1649–1652, 1654–1658, ... N.Th. 1363, 1423 [95] Vašák, L. 1764, 1770, 1815 [325] Vaserstein, L. 916, 917, 938 ...

Oeuvres: Collected Papers - Volume 2 - Page 55, 715

Jean Pierre Serre - 2003 

... plus ou moins complets ont été obtenus entre 1973 et 1975 par M. P. Murthy, M. Roitman, A. Suslin, R. Swan et L. N. Vaserstein. ... clos lOl.i Le cas d'un corps résiduel non algébriquement clos est traité dans la thèse de M. Hazewinkel.

Peut-être donnerai-je aussi la démonstration du théorème de Matthews- Vaserstein-Weisfeiler et Nori : si F est un sous-groupe Zariski dense de type fini de Sp2n(Q), son adhérence dans le groupe adélique H Sp2n(Qf) est ouverte, i.e. F a la ...

Topics in Optimal Transportation - Page 300, 368. 372 )39 pages)

Cédric Villani - 2003

differentiability of Wasserstein distance, 262 differential cost, 144 Dirichlet boundary condition, 127 Dirichlet form, 278, ... convexification trick, 51, 60 duality for c-concave functions, 33, 87 Kantorovich, 19 Legendre-Fenchel-Rockafellar, 24, 56, ..

Found inside – Page 362

Nauk. 3 (1948), 225–226. Kinderlehrer, D., and Walkington, N. J. Approximation of parabolic equations using the Wasserstein metric. M2AN Math. Model. Numer. ... Séminaire Bourbaki, Vol. 1992/93. Ledoux, M. Concentration of measure and ..

Communications in Applied Analysis - Page 488


THE MONGE-KANTOROVICH-WASSERSTEIN DISTANCE It is simply to verify that S)(/ilt Hi) :=(2.8) defines a distance on the set of probability measures on M. Analogously, reseating in (2.8) one could obtain a distance on the set of Radon ...

Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention - Page 279, 280

Randy E. Ellis, ‎Terry M. Peters - 2003 

Hence, the KantorovichWasserstein metric may be thought of as the cost associated with transporting, via u, a distribution of material given by μ0. 3: 6th International Conference, Montréal, Canada, November 15-18, 20

03, Proceedings, Part II 2003: 6th International Conference, Montréal, Canada, November 15-18, 2003, Proceedings, Part II



Leonid Nison Vaserstein, 泽斯坦利奥尼德·尼森, Christopher Cattelier Byrne - 2003 

书覆盖了线性规划的基本主题, 时包含许多高级主题。通过不同难易程度的习题, 为学生提供逐步提高的机会, 并使优秀的学生完成更具挑战性的任务.

Subgroup Growth - Page 392, 397, 441, 453

Alexander Lubotzky, Dan Segal - 2003

However, different versions of this important result have been proved in [Nori 1 987] , [Mathews, Vaserstein k, Weisfeiler 1984], [Weisfeiler 1984] and [Hrushovski & Pillay 1995], and we would like to illustrate three quite different ways of ...

Записки научных семинаров ПОМИ: - Volumes 304-307 - Page 224

Математический институт им. В.А. Стеклова. С.-Петербургское отделение - 2003 

W. van der Kallen, B. Magurn, and L. N. Vaserstein, Absolute stable rank and Witt cancellation for non-commutative rings. — Invent. Math. ... L. N. Vaserstein, Normal subgroups of orthogonal groups over commutative rings. — Amer. J. Math.

Ultrametric Functional Analysis:  - Page 70, 73, 74

Seventh International Conference on P-Adic Funcional Analysis, June 17-21, 2002, University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Volume 319 of Contemporary mathematics - American Mathematical Society

Wilhelmus Hendricus Schikhof, C. Pérez García, Alain Escassut - 2003 ISBN0821833200, 9780821833209 422 pp

( abc)-Theorems for entire functions and polynomials In [34] and [37] Mason and Vaserstein considered the afec-problem for polynomials. In [26] P. C. Hu and C.-C. Yang gave a solution to the abc-problem in the set of p-adic entire functions in ...

Applicable Mathematics In The Golden Age - Page 243, 246

J. C. Misra - 2003 

... by W^A) and W(A) respectively. Moreover, the surjective map W^A) to W(A) is a group homomorphism. Keeping the above notation in mind, we state the following beautiful theorem of Vaserstein ([S-V], Theorem 5.2 (d)) which says that if dim ...

Mathematical Methods in Computer Vision - Page 69, 85

Peter J. Olver, Allen Tannenbaum - 2003 

D. Fry, Shape Recognition Using Metrics on the Space of Shapes, Ph.D. Thesis, Harvard University, 1993. ... W. Gangbo and R. McCann, "Shape recognition via Wasserstein distance," Technical Report, School of Mathematics, Georgia ...

Advanced Medical Statistics - Page 1041. 1096

Ying Lü, Ji-Qian Fang - 2003

Use of the difference I begin the introduction of splitting rules with the use of Wasserstein metrics to measure the between-nodes distributional ... 

Exercises in Classical Ring Theory - Page 17, 285, 352

T.Y. Lam - 2003 

Ex. 1.2,'i. (Vaserstein) Let a, b, c be such that ab + c = 1 in a ring R. If there exists x C R such that a + ex C U(/?), show that there exists y € /? such that; 6 + T/c C 

Solution. Write u = a + ex C U(/?). We claim that the element y : = (1 - 6x)u-1 works,

Introduction to linear programming

Leonid Nison Vaserstein, Christopher Cattelier Byrne - 2003 

This book makes Linear Programming easily accessible to any reader, regardless of his or her mathematical background.

Logarithmic combinatorial structures: -- Page ix, 5, 67, 68, 185, 279, 359 (18 pages)

 a probabilistic approach Richard Arratia, A. D. Barbour, Simon Tavaré

IBN3037190000, 9783037190005

Wasserstein distance

Zbl 1040.60001 Arratia, Richard; Barbour, A. D.; Tavaré, Simon

Logarithmic combinatorial structures: A probabilistic approach. (English)

EMS Monographs in Mathematics. Zürich: European Mathematical Society (EMS). xi, 363~p.  (2003). MSC2000: *60-02 05-02 05A05, Reviewer: Hsien-Kuei Hwang (Taipei)

Wasserstein distances

MR2032426   Arratia, Richard; Barbour, A. D.; Tavaré, Simon Logarithmic combinatorial structures: a probabilistic approach. EMS Monographs in Mathematics. European Mathematical Society (EMS), Zürich, 2003. xii+363 pp. ISBN: 3-03719-000-0 (Reviewer: Lyuben R. Mutafchiev) 60-02 (05-02 05A05 05A16 05D40 60C05 60F17)

Book 199 Citations    

Found inside – Page 68

the minimum being taken over all couplings of X and Y; that is, over all constructions of (X,Y) on a common probability space ... Another example is given by the relation (1.26) for the Feller coupling, which implies a bound for the Wasserstein ...

Topics in optimal transportation - Page 264, 357, 368

Cédric Villani - 2003 - 370 pages

Kinderlehrer, D., and Walkington, N. J. Approximation of parabolic equations using the Wasserstein metric. M2AN Math. Model. Numer. Anal. 33, 4 (1999), 837–852.

Challenges in scientific computing--CISC 2002: proceedings of the conference - Page 32, 33, 36

Eberhard Bänsch - 2003 - 285 pages


Mathematical aspects of evolving interfaces:  - Page 2, 5, 16, 28, 49 

Lectures Given at the C.I.M.-C.I.M.E. Joint Euro-Summer School Held in Madeira, Funchal, Portugal, July 3-9, 2000, Issue 1812 (Google eBook)

Luigi Ambrosio, Pierluigi Colli, José-Francisco Rodrigues - 2003 - 243 pages Lecture notes in mathematics (Springer-Verlag) ; 1812

Kantorovich-Wasserstein distance

Spin glasses: a challenge for mathematicians: - Page 548, 554 

Cavity and Mean Field Models, Volume 46

Michel Talagrand - 2003 - 586 pages ISBN3540003568, 9783540003564

Cooperative control: models, applications, and algorithms - Page 248 

Sergiy Butenko, Robert Murphey, Panos M. Pardalos - 2003 - 364 pages

Multidisciplinary research in control:  - Page 135, 141

The Mohammed Dahleh Symposium 2002

Laura Giarré, Bassam Bamieh, Mohammed A. Dahleh - 2003 - 229 pages

W. Gangbo and R. McGann, “Shape recognition via Wasserstein distance,” Technical Report, School of Mathematics, Georgia ...

Optimal transportation and applications:  - Page v, 44, 45, 59, 64, 65, 67, 68, 70, 71, 74, 80, 83, 88

Lectures Given at the C.I.M.E. Summer School Held in Martina Franca, Italy, September 2-8, 2001, Issue 1813

Luigi Ambrosio, Luis A. Caffarelli, S. Salsa - 2003 - 171 pages Volume 1813 of Lecture Notes in Mathematics ISBN354040192X, 9783540401926

Wasserstein metric

Found inside – Page 83

It was noticed by Otto that theorem 5.1 leads to the re-interpretation of the Wasserstein distance as the geodesic distance for some “Riemannian” structure on the set of probability densities: 1. W2(po, p1)* = inf (s O where the “metric” on the ...

IUTAM Symposium on Computational Mechanics of Solid Materials at Large Strains - Page 39, 40

Christian Miehe - 2003 - 478 pages

Wasserstein metric

Evolution equations:  - Page 362 

Applications to Physics, Industry, Life Science and Economics : Eveq2000 Conference in Levico Terme (Trenton, Italy) October 30-November 4, 2000 (Google eBook)

Mimmo Iannelli, Günter Lumer - 2003 - 423 pages

Wasserstein distance

Geometric analysis and nonlinear partial differential equations - Page 657 

Stefan Hildebrandt, Hermann Karcher - 2003 - 673 pages -

Recent advances and trends in nonparametric statistics - Page 124, 137

Michael G. Akritas, Dimitris N. Politis - 2003 - 512 pages

theorems for the Wasserstein distance between the empirical and the true distributions,

Trends in nonlinear analysis - Page 159, 188, 189 

Markus Kirkilionis - 2003 - 419 pages

The author uses the Wasserstein metric. He gets an evolution ...

RAIRO.: Modélisation mathématique et analyse numérique :  - Page 78, 79, 80, 686 (8 pages) 

M2N.. Mathematical modelling and numerical analysis, Volume 37, Pages 1-556

Dunod, 2003  Association française pour la cybernétique économique et technique, Centre national de la recherche scientifique (France), Société de mathématiques appliquées et industrielles 

One of these metrics is known as the Vasershtein distance [19,32]. ... The Vasershtein distance between n and v can be rewritten as the L2-distance of the

Handbook of Algebra - Volume 3 - Page 196, 540

Michiel Hazewinkel - 2003 

L. Vaserstein, On the stabilization of the general linear group over a ring, Math. USSR-Sb. 8 (1969), 383–400. L. Vaserstein, The stable range of rings and the dimension of topological spaces, Funktsional. Anal. i Prilozhen. 5 (1971), 17–27 (in

Found inside – Page 196

L. Vaserstein, On the stabilization of the general linear group over a ring, Math. USSR-Sb. 8 (1969), 383–400. L. Vaserstein, The stable range of rings and the dimension of topological spaces, Funktsional. Anal. i Prilozhen. 5 (1971), 17–27 (in 
Found inside – Page 540

Sehgal, S.K., Units of integral group rings – a survey, Algebraic Structures and Number Theory, World Sci. Publishing, Teaneck, NJ ... Vaserstein, L.N., The structure of classic arithmetic group of rank greater than one, Math. USSR Sbornik 20 ...

start 2004   40 books

Kybernetika - Volume 40 - Page 638

2004 · ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 638

( 6 ) M. Houda : Stability and Estimates in Stochastic Programming ( Special Cases ) ( in Czech ) . ... [ 12 ] V. Kaňková : A remark on the analysis of multistage stochastic programs : Markov dependence . ... ( 24 ) S. S. Vallander : Calculation of the Wasserstein distance between probability distributions on the line ( in Russian

Algebra i analiz - Volumes 4-6; Volume 16 - Page 83

2004 · ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 83

такого , что эти включения выполнены для всех подгрупп Н . Например , для GLn > 3 в 1973 - 1989 гг . т последовательно принимало следующие значения : т = 7 ( Дж . Уилсон ) , т = 6 ( Л . Н . Васерштейн ) , т = 5 ( Н . А . Вавилов ) , т ...


Для интересующих нас исключительных случаев эта лемма была доказана Таддеи ( 37 ) и Васерштейном [ 39 ] . В работах [ 40 , 20 , 26 ] можно найти другие доказательства и дальнейшие ссылки . Пусть S — мультипликативная ...

Séminaire de Probabilités XXXVIII - Page 333

Michel Émery, ‎Michel Ledoux, ‎Marc Yor · 2004

Found inside – Page 333

We can now calculate the Wasserstein distance from An to TW , using the expression given by lemma 1 d ( An , TW ) = 1 * exp ( 739/2 ) \ n ( s ) – Vrw ( 9 ) | ds cs . * ) ! ! exp ( y $ 3 / 2 ) ( || 45,7 – All || 4s + || B [ 9 ] – A1 || us ) ds . First deal with the ..

MR2126983   Aubrun, Guillaume A sharp small deviation inequality for the largest eigenvalue of a random matrix. 

Séminaire de Probabilités XXXVIII, 320–337, Lecture Notes in Math., 1857, Springer, Berlin, 2005. 15A52 (15A42 60F99 82B31)

 Chapter 16 Citations 

Algebras, Rings and Modules - Volume 1

Michiel Hazewinkel, ‎Nadiya Gubareni, ‎V.V. Kirichenko - 2004

Orlicz centenary volume. Volume I, Plenary lectures : 

proceedings of the conferences : The Wladyslaw Orlicz Centenary Conference and Function Spaces VII, Poznan, 20-25 July 2003 / editors of the volume: Zbigniew Ciesielski, Aleksander Pełczyński, Leszek Skrzypczak.2004

Skrzypczak, Leszek, 1958-, Pelczynski, Aleksander. , Ciesielski, Zbigniew, 1934-

Séminaire Bourbaki: volume 2002/2003 : exposés 909-923 - Page 99, 124 

by Société mathématique de France Astérisque, 2004

Found inside – Page 99

Un groupe localement compact G a la propriété ( T ) , ou est un groupe de Kazhdan , si toute représentation de G qui ... dû à Kazhdan ( 35 ) en rang > 3 , et complété en rang 2 par Delaroche - Kirillov ( 15 ) , Vaserstein [ 51 ] , et Wang ( 53 ) .

An introduction to internal stabilization of infinite-dimensional linear systems - Inria pdf -

by A Quadrat  2004

vious results to infinite-dimensional linear systems (e.g. delay systems .... BIBO-stable causal digital filter, i.e. W+ is the algebra of ... filters [78]: • Let MDn be the ring of structural stable multidimensional linear systems, namely. MDn = {n/d | 0 = d, ...... [75] L. N. Vasershtein, “Stable range of rings and the dimension of topologi-.

Recent Advances in the Theory and Applications of Mass Transport - Page 16, 17, 24, 97 (11 pagea)

Summer School on Mass Transportation Methods in Kinetic Theory and Hydrodynamics, September 4-9, 2000, Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal

Volume 353 of Contemporary mathematics - American Mathematical Society

Maria da Conceicao Vieira de Carvalho, ‎José-Francisco Rodrigues - 2004 

P. Seppechere, Shape Optimization Solutions via Monge- Kantorovich, C.R.Acad.Sci. Paris ... Partial differential equations and Monge-Kantorovich mass transfer. ... [16] W. Gangbo, R.J. McCann, Shape recognition via Wasserstein distance.

Interacting Particle Systems - Page 486 

Thomas M. Liggett - 2004 

Vasershtein, L. N. 1969 Markov processes over denumerable products of spaces, describing ... When I wrote this book twenty years ago, it was 486 Bibliography.

Contractivity of Wasserstein-type distances:  - Page title

 asymptotic profiles, equilibration rates and qualitative properties.

File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat

José A. Carrillo. Instituci`o Catalana de. Recerca i ...

Paris 2004

Stochastic analysis and related topics in Kyoto:  - Page 51

in honour of Kiyosi Itô

Kiyosi Itō, H. Kunita, Shinzō Watanabe - 2004 

to Ito Calculus, hence also to the problems originating from Physics, quantum chemistry, large deviations, etc. ... Note that inf { J(0) : 0 € E(p, v)} is the square of Wasserstein metric dj{(p,v) with respect to the Cameron-Martin space H. Any ...

MR2083703   Feyel, Denis; Üstünel, Ali Süleyman Monge-Kantorovitch measure transportation, Monge-Ampère equation and the Itô calculus. 

Stochastic analysis and related topics in Kyoto, 49–74, Adv. Stud. Pure Math., 41, Math. Soc. Japan, Tokyo, 2004. (Reviewer: Wilfrid Gangbo) 60H07 (35R60 46N30 60H05)

Chapter 8 Citations 

Markov processes and related fields - Volume 10 - Page 446


The canonical choice for a d-sensitivity matrix is: C,j{f) = sup — , j<i, (4.11) and Cij(f) = 0 otherwise. Here || • ||d is the Vasserstein- Kantorovich- Rubin- o stein distance and ft ( • | £) is the restriction of each singleton measure to If d is the discrete ...

Analele Universității din Craiova: Seria Matematică, informatică - Issues 31-32 - Page 44, 45

Universitatea din Craiova. Faculty of Mathematics & Informatics, Universitatea din Craiova. Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science - 2004 

1 in terms of the law of the process Xt by introducing the Wasserstein distance Wk, k being a positive integer (see [1]). For k = 1, the Wasserstein distance W\ between two measures \i and v can be defined as the dual of the \.]\iP-norm: Wx{n,u) ...

Remark 3.3 (Convergence in the Wasserstein distance Wk, k > 1). We can state the result of Proposition 3. 1 in terms of the law of the process Xt by introducing the Wasserstein distance Wk, k being a positive integer (see [1]). For k = 1, the ...

Stochastic inequalities and applications - Page v, 33, 34, 278, 279 , 281, 283, 285, 287, 289, 293, 295

Evarist Giné, Christian Houdré, David Nualart - Springer, 2004 - 365 pages ISBN3764321970, 9783764321970

In the present paper we modify d(Fn, F) into a finite quantity for all F by an adaptation of the notion of trimming from statistics, and study the asymptotic distributions of these trimmed Wasserstein distances for appropriate classes of distribution ...

MR2073421   Stochastic inequalities and applications. Papers from the conference held in Barcelona, June 18–22, 2002. Edited by Evariste Giné, Christian Houdré and David Nualart. Progress in Probability, 56. Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 2003. viii+365 pp. ISBN: 3-7643-2197-0 60-06 (60E15)


MR2073437   Haeusler, Erich; Mason, David M. Asymptotic distributions of trimmed Wasserstein distances between the true and the empirical distribution function. Stochastic inequalities and applications, 279–298, Progr. Probab., 56, Birkhäuser, Basel, 2003. (Reviewer: Lajos Horváth) 60F05 (62G30)


MR2073437   Haeusler, Erich; Mason, David M. Asymptotic distributions of trimmed Wasserstein distances between the true and the empirical distribution function. Stochastic inequalities and applications, 279–298, Progr. Probab., 56, Birkhäuser, Basel, 2003. (Reviewer: Lajos Horváth) 60F05 (62G30)


Partial Differential Equations and Inverse Problems:  - Page v, 144, 145, 147, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 170, 172, 186

Pan-american Advanced Studies Institute On Partial Differential Equations, Nonlinear Analysis And Inverse Problems, January 6-18, 2003, Santiago, Chil

Issue 362 of Contemporary Mathematics Series

Carlos Conca - American Mathematical Soc., 2004 - 410 pages ISBN0821834487, 9780821834480

More precisely, one can estimate the Wasserstein distance by computing directly the equation for the pseudo-inverse of the distribution function. This technique has been recently applied to general diffusion equations (see the review paper ...

MR2091498   Ghoussoub, Nassif; McCann, Robert J. A least action principle for steepest descent in a non-convex landscape. Partial differential equations and inverse problems, 177–187, Contemp. Math., 362, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2004. 37L05 (34G20 35K55 47H20 47J35 49N15)

Chapter 8 Citations 

MR2090749   Partial differential equations and inverse problems. Proceedings of the Pan-American Advanced Studies Institute on Partial Differential Equations, Nonlinear Analysis and Inverse Problems held in Santiago, January 6–18, 2003. Edited by Carlos Conca, Raúl Manásevich, Gunther Uhlmann and Michael S. Vogelius. Contemporary Mathematics, 362. American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 2004. xiv+410 pp. ISBN: 0-8218-3448-7 35-06


MR2091496   Di Francesco, Marco; Markowich, Peter A. Entropy dissipation and Wasserstein metric methods for the viscous Burgers' equation: convergence to diffusive waves. Partial differential equations and inverse problems, 145–165, Contemp. Math., 362, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2004. (Reviewer: Alp O. Eden) 35Q53 (35B40 35K55)

 Chapter 4 Citations

From Markov chains to non-equilibrium particle systems - Page 8, 173, 223, 542, 578, 586, 595

Mufa Chen - 2004 - 597 pages 2nd edition

Vallender, S. S.(1973), Calculation of the Wasserstein distance between probability distributions on line, Theory Prob.

Nonlinear differential equation models - Page 180, 191, 192 

Ansgar Jüngel - 2004 - 192 pages

Commun Math Phys 203: 667-706 [26] Vasershtein LN (1969) Markov processes on countable product space describing large systems of automata (in Russian).

Recent advances in the theory and applications of mass transport:  - Page 1, 2, 16, 17, 24, 97, 98, 101, 103 , 104, 107

Summer School On Mass Transportation Methods In Kinetic Theory And Hydrodynamics, September 4-9, 2000, Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal

Volume 353 of Contemporary Mathematics Series

Maria da Conceição Vieira de Carvalho, José-Francisco Rodrigues - American Mathematical Soc., 2004 - 109 pages ISBN0821832786, 9780821832783

Wasserstein distance, Wasserstein metric

Applied mathematics entering the 21st century:  - Page 37, 38, 47

Invited Talks from the ICIAM 2003 Congress

James M. Hill, Ross Moore - SIAM, 2004 - 413 pages ISBN0898715598, 9780898715590

... dissipative equations (porous medium equations, lubrication equations, limited flux diffusion equations, granular flow equations,...) were discovered to be gradient flows of some suitable functionals with respect to the Wasserstein distance.

A modern treatment of this problem was initiated by Kantorovich in 1942, based on a probabilistic approach to reduce it to an infinite dimensional linear program. ... and the related concept of Wasserstein distance, as referred, for instance, 

in the recent book by Rachev and Riischendorf.

Numerical mathematics and advanced applications: proceedings of Enumath 2003  - Page 574, 577

Miloslav Feistauer - 2004 - 863 pages 

Wasserstein distance

MR2121402  Klouček, Petr; Romerio, Michel V.; Wightman, Jennifer L. A dynamical system describing evolution of the implicit surfaces in incompressible viscous liquids. advancedNumerical mathematics and applications, 569–579, Springer, Berlin, 2004. 76D05 (35Q35 49Q20 76M25 76M30)


Free boundary problems: theory and applications - Page 285 

Pierluigi Colli, Claudio Verdi, Augusto Visintin - 2004 - 346 pages

Operations research proceedings 2003:  - Page 381, 382, 383

Selected Papers of the International Conference on Operations Research (Or 2003) Heidelberg, September 3-5 2003 (Google eBook)

Dino Ahr, Roland Fahrion, Marcus Oswald - 2004 - 490 pages

Wasserstein metric

Discrete geometric analysis:   - Page 147 

Proceedings of the First JAMS Conference, Discrete Geometric Analysis, December 12-20, 2002, Sendai, Japan (Google eBook)

Motoko Kotani, Tomoyuki Shirai, Toshikazu Sunada - 2004 - 258 pages

Wasse rstein distance

Unusual applications of number theory:  - Page 96 

Dimacs Workshop, Unusual Applications of Number Theory, January 10-14, 2000, Dimacs Center (Google eBook)

Melvyn B. Nathanson - 2004 - 264 pages


Young measures on topological spaces: with applications in control  theory and probability theory. (English) - Page vii, 77

Charles Castaing, Paul Raynaud de Fitte, Michel Valadier - 2004 - 320 pages

Zbl 1067.28001 Castaing, Charles; Raynaud de Fitte, Paul; Valadier, Michel

Young measures on topological spaces. With applications in control theory and probability theory. (English)

Mathematics and its Applications (Dordrecht) 571. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. xii, 320~p. (2004). MSC2000: *28-02 28A33 28C15, Reviewer: Riccardo De Arcangelis (Napoli)

Parametrized Lévy-Wasserstein distances

The space Lip^ef) can be ... 3.4. PARAMETRIZED LEVY-WASSERSTEIN DISTANCES 77.

MR2102261   Castaing, Charles; Raynaud de Fitte, Paul; Valadier, Michel Young measures on topological spaces. With applications in control theory and probability theory. Mathematics and its Applications, 571. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2004. xii+320 pp. ISBN: 1-4020-1963-7 (Reviewer: Georg K. Dolzmann) 28-02 (28C15 46G12 46N10 49J45 49J52 60B10

Advances in survival analysis - Page 57 

 Balakrishnan, Calyampudi Radhakrishna Rao - 2004 - 795 pages

Wasse rstein distances

Functional analysis and its applications:  - Page 46

Proceedings of the International Conference on Functional Analysis and Its Applications, Dedicated to the 110th Anniversary of Stefan Banach, May 28-31, 2002, Lviv, Ukraine, Issue 197

ladimir M. Kadet͡s͡, Wiesław Żelazko, Stefan Banach - Elsevier, 2004 - 326 pages ISBN0444513736, 9780444513731

Wasserstein distances

Handbook of computational statistics: concepts and methods - Page 830, 1070

 James E. Gentle, Wolfgang Härdle, Yuichi Mori - 2004 - 1070 pages 

Australian Research Counci   Centre of Excellence for Mathematics and Statistics of Complex Systems Anual Report 2004  pdf  - Page 48


Aihua Xia (Chief Investigator), Tim Brown (Australian National University) and Mark Fackrell (The University of Melbourne)

Rings and things and a fine array of twentieth century associative qlgebra - Page 136, 345, 346,  370, 436, 445, 447, 448

Carl Clifton Faith - 2004 - 475 pages

This answered a question of Handelman and Vasershtein, and the proof required a theorem of Vasershtein [71].

Eigenvalues, Inequalities, and Ergodic Theory - Page 28, 35, 171, 215, 222

Mu-Fa Chen - 2004 

When 7 is a distance, EX.y7(X«, Yt) is nothing but the Wasserstein metric W = W\ with respect to 7 of the distributions at time t. 

Found inside – Page 222

L. N. Wasserstein. Markov processes on a countable product space, describing large systems of automata (in Russian). Problem Peredachi Informastii, 5:64–73, 1969. A. Wedestig. Some new Hardy type inequalitities and their limiting ...

Discrete Geometric Analysis:  - Page 147

The First JAMS Conference, Discrete Geometric Analysis, December 12-20, 2002, Sendai, Japan

Motoko Kotani, Tomoyuki Shirai, Toshikazu Sunada - 2004 ISBN0821833510, 9780821833513

 Let (X,d) be a crystal lattice with the graph distance d. ... 2-Wasserstein distance.

Rendiconti Lincei: Matematica e applicazioni - Page 327 

Accademia nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di scienze fisiche, matematiche e naturali - 2004

Advances in mathematical sciences and applications - Volume 14, Pages 1-712 - Page 151, 153, 154, 155, 158

Gakkōtosho, 2004

1.2 Gradient flow and Wasserstein distance The notion of gradient flow, or steepest descent, only has meaning when an appropriate metric is defined on the manifold. Consequently, a certain evolution problem can be given different gradient

Otto proves in [21] that dm is equivalent to the Wasserstein distance of order two defined on M. We recall the definition of the Wasserstein distance of order p > 1 as found in [19]. For this purpose we introduce P(ui,U2) := < nonnegative Borel ...

Dynamics and Randomness - Page 152, 193

Alejandro Maass, Servet Martínez, Jaime San Martín - 2004

We endow C^ with the uniform metric and P(C^) with the Vaserstein metric ( f i, v) = inf < / d(x, y) A l)R(dx, dy)\ R has marginals // and compatible with the topology of the weak convergence. Hence By Proposition 4.13, and (4.32) lim E (d (((T1, ...

Seminar of Mathematical Analysis: - Page 117

proceedings, Universities of Malaga and Seville (Spain), September 2003-June 2004

Genaro López Acedo, Rafael Villa Caro - 2004 

Lyubich, L. Vaserstein, Isometric imbeddings between classical Ba- nach spaces, cubature formulas, and spherical designs, Geom. Dedic. , 47 (1993), 327-362. 16] V.D. Milman, A

Group Theory: Selected Problems - Page 30

B. Sury - 2004

ASIDE This proof is due to Vaserstein. 

Geometric Aspects of Functional Analysis: Israel Seminar 2002-2003 - Page 192

Vitali D. Milman, Gideon Schechtman - 2004

I., Vaserstein, L.N.: Isometric embeddings between classical Banach spaces, cubature formulas and spherical designs. Geom. Dedicata, 47, 327-362 (1993) [M] Milman, V.D.: A few observations on the connections between local theory and ...

Found inside – Page 226

For all real number p > 1, the LP Kantorovich or Wasserstein distance between pu and v is W,(v, u) = inf E(IX – Y|P)'''. (10.1.11) (X,Y) X^ ly Y^pu Note that Wo (v, ... Hol...!, where L = A – (x, V) (10.1.14) * . . . » is the infinitesimal generator of the ...

Unsolved Problems in Number Theory - Page 151, 152, 216, 233

Richard Guy - 2004

Barry Cipra, Science, 239(1988) 464; and James Glieck, New York Times, 88-04-17. Rachel Gar-el k. Leonid Vaserstein ...

Proceedings of the International Conference on Algebraic Groups and Arithmetic, Mumbai, 2001 - Page 30

S. G. Dani, Gopal Prasad, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research - 2004

Following the ideas of Bass, Milnor and Serre, L. Vaserstein proved this, by a case-by-case analysis, for most of the classical groups. In his first, and very important, paper [17] on the congruence subgroup problem, Raghunathan proved the ...

Found inside – Page 440

Discrete Subgroups of Lie Groups and Applications to Moduli , ( Tata Institute , Bombay , 1973 ) , pp . 225 - 321 , Tata Inst . Fund . ... Val L . N . Vaserstein , On the group SL2 over Dedekind rings of arithmetic type , Math . USSR Sb . 18 ( 1972 ) ...

Nanjing da xue xue bao: - Volume 21 - Page 196, 197, 200


and only if R/JCR) satisfies stable range one (see Vaserstein [7]) . Thus a ring R is u- nit semiregular if and only if R is a weakly unit-regular ring and idempotents can be lifted modulo J(i?) . The following lemma dues to [3, Lemma 3.

—————————end 2004


start 2005   50  books

Abstracts of Papers Presented to the American Mathematical ...

American Mathematical Society · 2005 · ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 493

It has arisen recently in synthetic notions of Ricci curvature . The talk will be about some relations between the Wasserstein space of a Riemannian manifold and Perelman's modified Ricci flow . ( Received February 10 , 2005 ) 1007-58-112 ...

Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences, Volume 4 - Page 2175

2005 · ‎No preview

Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences, Volume 15 - Page 9038

Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences, Volume 13 - Page 8168

2005 · ‎No preview

Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences - Volume 14 - Page 8812

Samuel Kotz · 2005 · ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 8812

Institute of Mathematical Statistics Lecture Notes-Monograph Series, 11. ... Levy Distance (Metric); Metrics and Distances on Probability Spaces; Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient; Total Variation, Distance of; and Wasserstein Distance.

Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences, Volume 7 - Page 4462

2005 · ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 4462

Institute of Mathematical Statistics , Hayward , Calif . ( For general theory of ... ( 6,5 ) , also known as the Wasserstein distance between F and G. For random X and Y having marginals F and G , respectively , we define pr ( X , Y ) = pr ( F , G ) .

Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences, Index, Volume 16 - Page 9415

2005 · ‎No preview

New Trends In Mathematical Physics: In Honour Of The ... - Page 240

Paolo Fergola, ‎Florinda Capone, ‎Maurizio Gentile · 2005

Found inside – Page 240

(18) The functions H and K are deeply linked to Wasserstein metric any time we are considering distribution functions with the same momentum. In this case in fact one can rewrite Wasserstein metric in the following form 1 1. *(For=#|s des ...

Found inside – Page 244

support from the Italian MIUR project “Mathematical Problems of Kinetic Theories”. ... J.A. Carrillo, M.P. Gualdani, G. Toscani, Wasserstein metrics and the propagation of the support in nonlinear diffusion equations, (work in preparation) ... W. Hoeffding, Schriften des Math. Inst, und ... 20, L.N. Vasershtein, Probl. Pered. Inform., 5, 64 (1969). 21. J.L. Vázquez, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 277, 507 (1983). 22.

MR2163961   New trends in mathematical physics. In honour of the Salvatore Rionero 70th birthday. Proceedings of the International Meeting held in Naples, January 24–25, 2003. Edited by Paolo Fergola, Florinda Capone, Maurizio Gentile and Gabriele Guerriero. World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Hackensack, NJ, 2004. x+263 pp. ISBN: 981-256-077-7 00B30 (74-06 76-06)


MR2163983  Carrillo, J. A.; Toscani, G. Wasserstein metric and large-time asymptotics of nonlinear diffusion equations. 

New trends in mathematical physics, 234–244, World Sci. Publ., Hackensack, NJ, 2004. 35K57 (35B40 45K05 76T25 82C40 82C70)

European Congress of Mathematics: Stockholm, June 27-July 2, ...

Ari Laptev · 2005

Found inside – Page 153

Invent. Math.152: 433–459 (2003) [4] P. Biane, D. Voiculescu; A free probability analogue of the Wasserstein metric on the trace-state space Geom. Funct. Anal., 11,1125–1138 (2001) [5] N. Brown; Finite free entropy and free group factors ..

Proceedings: Twentieth National Conference on Artificial ... - Page 935


Found inside – Page 935

Twentieth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-05) : Seventeenth Innovative Applications of Artificial ... higher dimensional metric, the Kantorovich-Wasserstein distance dw: Consider the reverse projections for two regions in SA.

New Trends In Mathematical Physics:     (11 pages)  

: In Honour Of The Salvatore Rionero 70th Birthday - Proceedings Of The International Meeting 

Fergola Paolo, ‎Capone Florinda, ‎Gentile Maurizio - 2005 - ‎Preview

Recalling now that [F-4 (U), GT" (U)) has joint distribution function H" ", we conclude that the Wasserstein distance between F and G can be rewritten as the L*-distance of the pseudo inverse functions 1/2 d2(F,G)= (so to -Gora) - (10) The previous result can be generalized to any convex cost instead of the quadratic cost as pointed out in *. Therefore, do(F,G)” = Tr(F,G) for any 1 < p < oo. Moreover, Wassertein distances T}/* form an increasing sequence in p by Hölder inequality and thus ...

Found inside - Page 240

(18) The functions H and K are deeply linked to Wasserstein metric any time we are considering distribution functions with the same momentum. In this case in fact one can rewrite Wasserstein metric in the following form 1 1. *(For=#|s des ...
Found inside – Page 243

By mimicking the procedure in previous sections we derive the formal equation verified by the pseudo-inverse distribution ... It is indeed possible to prove that the new term coming from the convection is negligible for large times and in fact, the Wasserstein d2 distance between any two ... Italia–Spagna, “Models of diffusion in partial differential equations for thin films, viscous fluids and semiconductors”.

Sūgaku Expositions - Volume 18 - Page 98


M. Gelbrich and S. T. Rachev : Discretization for Stochastic Differential Equations, Lp Wasserstein Metrics, and Econometrical Models. ... K. Ito and H. P. McKean : Diffusion Processes and Their Sample Paths, Springer- Verlag, Berlin, 1974


BIRS Proceedings 2005 - Banff International Research Station

M. Lyubich has spoken on a new progress on this front in his recent joint ...... a few evolutionary highlights of algebraic topology/homotopy theory, and ...... is the convergence of ρnum to ρ under an appropriate norm (e.g., Wasserstein norm).

Надгруппы классических групп

Петров, Виктор Александрович — 01.01.06 — Санкт-Петербург, 2005

... в смысле определения Бака они были доказаны Васерштейном и Ю Хонгом [55], Баком и Вавиловым [31]. Новое доказательство структурных ... ... Ep(2l,R) j j Алгебра и Анализ. — 2003. — т. 15. — по. 4. — с. 72-114. 

11. Васерштейн Л.Н. Стабильный ранг колец и размерность ... приложения. — 1971. — т. 5.- с. 102-110. 

12. Васерштейн J1.H. О стабилизации для ^-функтора Милнора ...

Elliptic and parabolic problems: a special tribute to the work of Haim Brezis - Page 405, 437, 438, 402, … (8 pages)

by Brézis, H; Bandle, Catherine 2005

The Porous Medium Equation. New Contractivity Results ...

Porous Medium Equation contractivity Wasserstein metrics. Dedicated to ... D.G. Aronson, L.A. Caffarelli, J.L. Vázquez. Interfaces with ... K.A. Lee, J.L. Vázquez.

by JL Vázquez - ‎2005 - ‎Cited by 15 - ‎Related articles

book chapter in  Elliptic and Parabolic Problems 53, pp 433 - 451

MR2176731    Rieger, Marc Oliver A model for hysteresis in mechanics using local minimizers of Young measures. 

Elliptic and parabolic problems, 403–414, Progr. Nonlinear Differential Equations Appl., 63, Birkhäuser, Basel, 2005. 74N30 (49Q20 74G65 74R10)

 Chapter 1 Citation

Eigenvalues, inequalities, and ergodic theory -  Page 23 28 ,  35, … (10 pages)

by Chen, Mufa Springer 2005  238 pages  Full Text Online

Lectures on Probability Theory and Statistics: . - Page 211

Ecole D'Eté de Probabilités de Saint-Flour XXXIII - 2003

Volume 33 of Ecole d'Eté de Probabilités de Saint-Flour, ISSN 0721-5363

Issue 1869 of Lecture Notes in Mathematics / École d'Été de Probabilités de Saint-Flour

Lecture notes in mathematics (Springer-Verlag) ; 1869

Lectures on Probability Theory and Statistics: Ecole D'Eté de Probabilités de Saint-Flour XXXIII - 2003, Tadahisa Funaki

Lectures on probability theory : Ecole d'été de probabilités de Saint-Flour

Amir Dembo, ‎Tadahisa Funaki, ‎Jean Picard - Springer Science & Business Media, 2005

ISBN 3540260692, 9783540260691

... Xr,r > 0, defined by Pt(dndfj) :=^J P({7h(b),fjt(by,be (Zd)*} C drjdfj) dt . The first marginal of Pf is mv and the second one is /xv. Thus (9.7) implies that the Vaserstein distance between fi*7 and /xv vanishes and hence /xv = /iv, see, e.g., [109], p.


Dong bei shu xue - Volume 21 - Page 356


As we know, Goldbacb's conjecture is discussed over the ring Z, and it is a very hard problem. But if one changes the point of view and considers the similar problem in matrix rings, then things might go smoothly. For example, in [1], Vaserstein ...

Recent Advances in Operator Theory, Operator Algebras, andTheir Applications: - Page 319

XIXth International Conference on Operator Theory, Timisoara (Romania), 2002

Volume 153 of Operator Theory: Advances and Applications

Dumitru Gaspar - Springer Science & Business Media, 2005

Math. 291 (1977), 128-132. [2] J. Anderson, L.N. Vaserstein, Commutators in Ideals of Trace Class Operators. Indiana University Mathematics Journal 35 (2) (1986), 345-372. [3] J. Anderson, Commutators in Ideals of Trace Class Operators.

Fourier Analysis in Convex Geometry - Page 167

ssue 116 of Mathematical surveys and monographs, ISSN 0076-5376

Alexander Koldobsky - AMS 2005

Math. Soc. 356 (2004), 4359-4370. [LYZ4] E. Lutwak, D. Yang and Gaoyong Zhang, Volume inequalities for subspaces of Lp, J. Diff. Geom., to appear. [LV] Y. Lyubich and L. Vaserstein, Isometric embeddings between classical Banach spaces, ...

The Europa world of learning - Page 2463

Driss Fatih, ‎[Anonymus AC04823960] - 2005 

... A. Katok, S. Lallement, G. J. Levi, M. Li, W.-C. Mullen, G. L. Nistor, V. Nouri, M. OCNEANU, A. Pesin, Y. B. Roe, J. Simpson, S. Swiatek, G. Vaserstein, L. Vaughan, R. Ware, R. P. Waterhouse, W. C. Xu, J. Zarhin, Y. Zheng, Y. Physics: Banavar, ...

Quantile Regression - 2 pages

Roger Koenker - 2005 

The latter L 2 form of the test is closely related to Wasserstein distance; see, for example the discussion by Shorack and Wellner (1986) in their Section 2.6. Aswe have seenin Chapter 2,thequantile treatmenteffect in the twosamplemodel, ...


American Men & Women of Science

2005 (also 2007, 2010)  Vaserstein

MICCAI 2005: - Page 153

James Duncan, ‎Guido Gerig - 2005

In the present work, the pure L2 Kantorovich-Wasserstein functional is proposed as the similarity measure. A modified energy functional penalizing the intensity change can also be implemented [12]. Other types of distance measures, e.g. ...

Acta Academiae Aboensis: Mathematica et physica - Page 7, 18, 27


A commonly used metric in the theory of iterated function systems is the so-called Wasserstein metric (Hutchinson metric, Kantorovich ... Definition 3 Define the generalized Wasserstein distance dw,a, 0 < a § 1 by dW',n(/1'1”) =52? fdll—/fd,\] ...

Proceedings of the Twentieth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the Seventeenth Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Conference - Page 934, 935


Instead, we measure the difference in the spatial distributions of region projections using a higher dimensional metric, the Kantorovich-Wasserstein distance dw- Consider the reverse projections for two regions in SA: "<0 = "„,,,(•*») and tf(r,) ...

New Trends in Mathematical Physics : In Honour of the Salvatore Rionero 70th Birthday Proceedings of the International Meeting Naples, Italy 24 - 25 January 2003 

(2005, Hardcover) World Scientific Publishing Company, Incorporated ISBN-10: 9812560777 | ISBN-13: 9789812560773

J.A. Carrillo, G. Toscani, Wasserstein metric and large--time asymptotics of nonlinear diffusion equations, New Trends in Mathematical Physics, (In Honour of the Salvatore Rionero 70th Birthday), 234-244, 2005. 


Gradient Flows: In Metric Spaces and in the Space of Probability Measures - Page 1, 15, 18, 155, 160, 168 (36 pages)

Luigi Ambrosio, Nicola Gigli, Giuseppe Savaré - 2005 

V.Bogachev kindly pointed out to us that the correct spelling of the name Wasserstein should be “Vasershtein” [124] and that the attribution to Kantorovich and Rubinstein is much more correct. We kept the attribution to Wassertein and the

Zbl 1090.35002 Ambrosio, Luigi; Gigli, Nicola; Savaré, Giuseppe

Gradient flows in metric spaces and in the space of probability measures. (English)

Lectures in Mathematics, ETH Zürich. Basel: Birkhäuser. vii, 333~p. EUR~34.24 (2005). MSC2000: *35-02 49-02 49J40, Reviewer: Giuseppe Buttazzo (Pisa)

MR2129498  Ambrosio, Luigi; Gigli, Nicola; Savaré, Giuseppe Gradient flows in metric spaces and in the space of probability measures. Lectures in Mathematics ETH Zürich. Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 2005. viii+333 pp. ISBN: 978-3-7643-2428-5; 3-7643-2428-7 49-02 (28A33 35K55 35K90 49Q20 60B10)

Book 546 Citations :   Full Text Online

Operator Algebras: Theory of C*-Algebras and von Neumann Algebras - Volume 13 - Page 501

Bruce Blackadar - 2005

Birkhauser Verlag, Basel, 2002. [Vas69] L. N. Vaserstein. On the stabilization of the general linear group over a ring. Math. USSR-Sb., 8:383-400, 1969. [vD82] Alfons van Daele. Celebration of Tomita's theorem. In Operator References 501.

Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry:   - Page 18, 29, 120

Joint International Meeting of the American Mathematical Society and the Indian Mathematical Society on Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry, Bangalore, India, December 17-20, 2003

Sudhir R.. Ghorpade, Hema Srinivasan, Jugal Verma - 2005  Volume 390 of Contemporary mathematics - American Mathematical Society

Vaserstein, LN..; Suslin, A.; Serre's problem on projective modules over polynomial rings, and algebraic A'-theory.

L.N. Vaserstein also gave an alternative approach to the Local-Global analysis by a ...

In a letter to H. Bass, L.N. Vaserstein also gave an alternative approach to the Local-Global analysis by a method of adding an extra variable to handle the inverted element. The reader can find his elegant treatment in the book [32] of T.Y. Lam ...

Mathematical Apocrypha Redux: More Stories and Anecdotes of Mathematicians  - Page 211, 293

Steven George Krantz - 2005

One need only imagine the three of them, often fully clothed, laid out side by side. j/Wathematician Leonid Vaserstein ... One day there was a seminar being given by a mathematician who had heard nothing of Vaserstein's emigration; but the ...

[Correction to p.211:  My "first parking  place"n was U of Chicago, not U of Maryland. The story  like described by Kranz did happened  many times at Penn State and other places.]

Current trends in potential theory: - Page 60

conference proceedings, Bucharest (Romania), September 2002 and 2003

Dominique Bakry - 2005

 measurable pseudometric, ... We also mention the deep study [10] of the L2 -Wasserstein metric on abstract Wiener spaces related to transportation ...


Kinetic methods for nonconservative and reacting systems - Page 169, 225, 234

Gíuseppe Toscani - 2005

 The decay of Wasserstein metric for 7 > 0 We will start the analysis of ...

Found inside – Page 313

Math . Phys . 225 ( 2002 ) , 551 - 571 . ( 41 ] CARRILLO , J . A . and TOSCANI , G . : Wasserstein metric and largetime asymptotics of nonlinear diffusion equations , in New Trends in Mathematical Physics , World Scientific , Singapore ( 2004 ) ...

Eigenvalues, inequalities, and ergodic theory - Page 23, 28, 35, 171 , 215, 220, 221, 222

Mufa Chen - Springer 2005 - 228 pages ISBN1852338687, 9781852338688

Wasserstein distance

Actuarial theory for dependent risks: measures, orders and models: Volume 10 - Page xii 

Michel Denuit - 2005 - 440 pages

9.6  Wasserstein distance

Elliptic and parabolic problems: a special tribute to the work of  Haim Brezis - Page 405, 437

Haim Brézis, Catherine Bandle - 2005 - 470 pages

RN) as follows: for any number p > 0 we define the Wasserstein distance dp between two probability measures Mi, ^ by the ...

MR2176734   Vázquez, J. L. The porous medium equation. New contractivity results. 

Elliptic and parabolic problems, 433–451, Progr. Nonlinear Differential Equations Appl., 63, Birkhäuser, Basel, 2005. 35K57 (35-02 35K65)

  Chapter 10 Citations

Probability and partial differential equations in modern applied Mathematics - Page 53 , 54

Edward C. Waymire, Jinqiao Duan - 2005 - 262 pages


Interacting stochastic systems - Page 305, 307, 308, 309,  318, 321

Jean-Dominique Deuschel, Andreas Greven - 2005 - 450 pages

The space P(M) will always be equipped with the Lθ-Wasserstein distance. . Full Text Online

Seminaire de Probabilites: Volume 38 - Page 320, 322, 324, 333

M Emery, Michel Ledoux, Marc Yor - 2005 - 392 pages

Wasserstein distance

An introduction to Stein's method - Page 80, 110

A. D. Barbour, Louis Hsiao Yun Chen - 2005 - 225 pages

However, no "magic factors" as good as those in Theorem 2.3 are known. If the total variation distance is replaced by the Wasserstein ^-metric ...

Found inside – Page 80

methods from stochastic calculus to derive the following bound, presented here without proof. valid for any A > 0. Here, AAS = As — As_ , d2 is the Wasserstein d2 distance, and Vs and V~ are random probability measures on Z+ such that, ...

Stein's method and applications: Volume 5 - Page 99, 133

A. D. Barbour, Louis Hsiao Yun Chen, National University of Singapore. Institute for Mathematical Sciences - 2005 - 297 pages

... being of order 0(1) (Arratia, Goldstein & Gordon 1989; Barbour, Hoist & Janson 1992, p. 203). With respect to a more natural Wasserstein distance between point processes, uniform bounds of order 0(X~1cx) for the second differences can ...

Séminaire sur les équations aux dérivées partielles - Page VE-17

Centre national de la recherche scientifique (France), Collège de France - 2005

la fonctionnelle H de Boltzmann : H(fi) = / / log / dvol, où f est la densité de H par rapport au volume ; - la distance de Wasserstein quadratique : W^^i, u) = \/C^JJi^


Séminaire équations aux dérivées partielles - Page 12


Found inside – Page 12

Definition 7 ( espace de Wasserstein ) . Soit ( x , d ) un espace de longueurs compact . L ' espace de Wasserstein 

( d ' ordre 2 ) associé à X est l ' espace des mesures de probabilités sur X , muni de la distance de Wasserstein d ' ordre 2 .

MR1843410   Kuksin, Sergei B. On exponential convergence to a stationary measure for a class of random dynamical systems. 

Journées "Équations aux Dérivées Partielles'' (Plestin-les-Grèves, 2001), Exp. No. IX, 10 pp., Univ. Nantes, Nantes, 2001. 37H10 (35Q30 37L40 60J05)


Variational analysis and applications: Volume 79 - Page 498, 511

 Giannessi, A. Maugeri - 2005 - 1184 pages

Kinderlehrer, D. and Walkington, N. (1999) Approximation of parabolic equations based upon Wasserstein's variational ...

MR2159989   Hastings, S.; Kinderlehrer, D. Remarks about diffusion mediated transport: thinking about motion in small systems. 

Variational analysis and applications, 497–511, Nonconvex Optim. Appl., 79, Springer, New York, 2005. (Reviewer: Gabriella Tarantello) 35F20 (35A15)

  Chapter 3 Citations

Applications of stochastic programming - Page 283, 323

 Stein W. Wallace, W. T. Ziemba - 2005 - 709 pages

Philpott, Henderson, and Teirney [13] discuss an alternative approach based on Vasershtein coupling (see [10]), but this is shown to produce unrealistic weather

Applied combinatorics on words: Volume 105 - Page 351, 352

M. Lothaire - 2005 - 610 pages

Wasserstein distance

Ideals and reality: projective modules and number of generators of Ideals  - Page vii, 101, 102, 103, 109,  254, 273, 331, 336, 342

Friedrich Ischebeck, Ravi A. Rao - Springer 2005 - 336 pages ISBN3540230327, 9783540230328

4.5 Vaserstein's Proof of Serre's Conjecture Quillen's proof of Serre's conjecture does not use the fact that projective ... But using this fact and Quillen's ideas, one obtains a remarkably short proof of Serre's conjecture, as L.N. Vaserstein wrote ...

4.5 Vaserstein's Proof of Serre's Conjecture Quillen's proof of Serre's conjecture does not use the fact that projective ... But using this fact and Quillen's ideas, one obtains a remarkably short proof of Serre's conjecture, as L.N. Vaserstein wrote ...

Found inside – Page 329

Szpiro L.: Lectures on equations defining space curves (Notes by N. M0han Kumar). Tata Inst. Lecture Notes in Math., Bombay (1979); by SpringerVerlag, Berlin-New York, 1979, ISBN: 3-540-09544-6. Vaserstein L.N.: Vector Bundles and Pro ...


Modern Differential Geometry in Gauge Theories: Maxwell fields - Page 91, 279

Anastasios Mallios - 2005 - 293 pages

Remark] as well as L.V. Vaserstein [1]) can be applied instead, all these spaces having the desired property (viz. the Serre-Swan theorem is in force) as before.

Gradient Flows - Page 1, 329

V.Bogachev kindly pointed out to us that the correct spelling of the name Wasserstein should be “Vasershtein” [124] and that the attribution to Kantorovich and Rubinstein is much more correct. We kept the attribution to Wassertein and the

Zbl 1090.35002 Ambrosio, Luigi; Gigli, Nicola; Savaré, Giuseppe

Gradient flows in metric spaces and in the space of probability measures. (English)

Lectures in Mathematics, ETH Zürich. Basel: Birkhäuser. vii, 333~p. EUR~34.24 (2005). MSC2000: *35-02 49-02 49J40, Reviewer: Giuseppe Buttazzo (Pisa)

Wasserstein metric

[BOOK] Eulerian calculus for the contraction in the Wasserstein distance - Page title

[PDF] from psu.eduF Otto… - 2005 - Citeseer

Abstract. We consider the porous medium equation on a compact Riemannian manifold and 

give a new proof of the contraction of its semigroup in the Wasserstein distance. This proof is 

based on the insight that the porous medium equation does not increase the size of ...

Methods and applications of analysis - Volume 12 - Page 203

Project Euclid - 2005 

This sequence converges weakly, because our distance functional is stronger than the Kantorovich-Waserstein metric which induces the topology of weak convergence on spaces of measures. Therefore, fi„ — UNIQUENESS FOR THE ...

—2005 —2005———————   -44  end 2005

start 2006  64 books

Probability for Statisticians
- Page 114, 585

Galen R. Shorack · 2006

The choice of examples used in this text clearly illustrate its use for a one-year graduate course.

Path functionals over Wasserstein spaces 

By: Brancolini, A.; Buttazzo, G.; Santambrogio, F. 


Times Cited: 172  

PDF 2006   16th edition

число m. Существует ли абелева группа без кручения U = U(T, m) мощности ... группы G (то есть оставляющая на месте только единичный класс), разреши- ма? Проблема ... L. N. Vaserstein, K-Theory, 2, N 6 (1989), 761–767).

Matematicieni români de pretutindeni - Societatea Româna de ...

PDF 2006

D.c.: statistică matematică, recunoaşterea formelor, econometrie, bio- ... Art.şt.: 57: On derivation of some commutation algebras, Mem. ... Leonid Vaserstein. D.c.:.

Algebraic K-Theory. Proceedings of a Conference Held at ... - Page 129

R. Keith Dennis · 2006

Found inside – Page 129

Part 1 R. Keith Dennis. In X = n. - x* = p !" (Cn (aiy) Rn (b1)) Ist xy = 0. (Cn (ai) : Rn (ybi)) In with y É. A., ... As a consequence we get the result of Dennis-Vaserstein. Moreover, we show, that W (n, A) is trivial, if n 2 sin (A) +2. The rest of the paper ...

Science in China: - Volume 36, Issues 5-8 - Page 587

· Translate this page

2006 · ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 587

1 Magurn B , van der Kallen W , Vaserstein L . Absolute stable rank and witt cancellation for noncommutative rings . Invent Math , 1988 , 91 : 525 – 543 2 Vaserstein L N , You H . Normal subgroups of classical groups over rings . J Pure Appl ...


Zapiski nauchnykh seminarov POMI - Volumes 330-331 - Page 40

2006 · ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 40

... этот метод применялся для исследования ранней стабилизации , но в [ 61 ] Леонид Васерштейн сделал важное ... Здесь можно упомянуть , в частности , важные работы Ли Фуаня [ 48 ] , [ 49 ] и Васерштейна ю Хона [ 65 ] .


... первая коммутационная формула впервые доказана Суслиным и Копейко [ 20 ] , [ 21 ] , [ 16 ] , а вторая Васерштейном и Боревичем -Вавиловым [ 61 ] , [ 2 ] , [ 6 ] , а для исключительных групп Таддеи [ 60 ] и Васерштейном [ 62 ] .

Found inside – Page 75

A. S. Sivatski , A. V. Stepanov , On the word length of commutators in GLn ( R ) . K - theory 17 ( 1999 ) , 295-302 . 55. ... L. N. Vaserstein , On normal subgroups of Chevalley groups over commutative rings . Tôhoku Math . J. 36 , No. 5 ( 1986 ) ...

MR2483723 Séminaire de Probab ilités XLI. [Seminar on Probability Theory XLI] Including papers from the Journées de Probabilities held at the University of Nancy I, Nancy, September 5–9, 2005, and in Luminy, September 18–22, 2006. Edited by Catherine Donati-Martin, Michel Émery, Alain Rouault and Christophe Stricker. Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1934. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2008. x+462 pp. ISBN: 978-3-540-77912-4 60-06 (60B11 60F10 60G15 60H10 60J60)

  Book 2 Citations  2006

MR2599206   Schachermayer, Walter; Schmock, Uwe; Teichmann, Josef Non-monotone convergence in the quadratic Wasserstein distance. 

Séminaire de Probabilités XLII, 131–136, Lecture Notes in Math., 1979, Springer, Berlin, 2009. (Reviewer: Liviu Constantin Florescu) 60F99 (28A99 91B24)

Chapter  2006

Mass Transportation Problems: Applications - Page 391

Svetlozar T. Rachev, ‎Ludger Rüschendorf · 2006

Found inside – Page 391

L.N. Wasserstein. Markov processes over denumerable products of spaces describing large systems of automata. Problems of Information Transmission, 1969. [580] [581] [582] [583] [584] [585] [586] [587] [588] [589] References 391.

Quantum Probability - Page 199

Marek Bożejko, ‎Wojciech Młotkowski, ‎Janusz Wysoczański · 2006 · ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 199

... Professor András Prékopa on the occasion of his 75th birthday The relative entropy S ( u , v ) : = { / log out du if u « v , | + otherwise , and the Wasserstein distance are useful distances between measures . For probability measures y and v on ...

MR2423127   Hiai, Fumio; Petz, Dénes A free analogue of the transportation cost inequality on the circle. 

Quantum probability, 199–206, Banach Center Publ., 73, Polish Acad. Sci. Inst. Math., Warsaw, 2006. 46L54 (15A52 60E15 94A17)

Chapter 1 Citation 

Proceedings: Twenty-first National Conference on Artificial ...

American Association for Artificial Intelligence · 2006 · ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 1455

Twenty-first National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-06) : Eighteenth Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Conference (IAAI-06) American Association for Artificial Intelligence ... The Similarity distance between // and v is: Here, Dw is the Kantorovich-Wasserstein distance [9]: Dw {(i,v) = inf {d(x,y) : L(x) = ft, L(y) = v} where the infimum is taken over all joint distributions J on x and y with ...

The Sato-Tate conjecture - International Press of Boston   pdf

by L Clozel - ‎Cited by 8 - ‎Related articles

Introduction. In April 2006, Richard Taylor has completed the proof of the Sato-. Tate conjecture for elliptic curves over totally real fields, under a mild assumption (see below). This is the completion of a project started sev- eral years ago by Taylor and Michael Harris, aiming at developing the higher-dimensional automorphic ...


ICM 2006 Short Communications Abstracts Section 03

ICM 2006. Short Communications. Abstracts. Section 03. Number Theory ... [3] Von Koch, H., Sur la distribution des nombres premiers, Acta Math. 24, 159–. 182 (1901). ICM 2006 – Madrid, 22-30 August 2006. 1 ..... 4 (1933), 52–63. [2] L. N. Vaserstein, Sums of cubes in polynomial rings, Math. Comp. 56

”Kolmogorov and Contemporary Mathematics”, Moscow, June 16–21, 2003,. Abstracts ..... [2] L. N. Vaserstein, Sums of cubes in polynomial rings, Math. Comp.

Group Theory: Beijing 1984.   (8 pages) 

Proceedings of an International Symposium Held in Beijing, August 27 - September 8, 1984

Volume 1185 of Lecture Notes in Mathematics

Hsio-Fu Tuan - 2006 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions

L. Vaserstein, Classical groups over rings, in Canadian Mathematical Society Conference Proceedings, Volume 1 (T3 - L. Vaserstein and A. Suslin, Serre's problem on projective modules over polynomial rings and algebraic K-theory, Math. USSR Izves – tija, Vol. 10 (1976), No. 5, 937–1001. A. Wadsworth, Merkurjev 's elementary proof of Merkurjev 's theorem, Boulder Conference in Algebraic K-theory, to appear . C.T. C. Wall, Surgery on Compact Manifolds, Academic Press, 1970.

Found inside – Page 117

L. Vaserstein, Stabilization of unitary and orthogonal groups Over- sons with involution, Math. USSR Sbornik, Vol. 10 (1970), 307-326. L. Vas erstein, The stabilization for classical groups over rings, Math. USSR Sbornik 22, (1974), 271-303

Dictionary of Distances (5 pages)

Michel-Marie Deza, ‎Elena Deza - 2006 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions

This book comes out of need and urgency (expressed especially in areas of Information Retrieval with respect to Image, Audio, Internet and Biology) to have a working tool to compare data.

JASA - Volume 101 - Page 846


In 1II.4 asymptotic distributions of trimmed Wasserstein distances between the true and the empirical distribution ... that a more appropriate title would be The Asymptotic Theory for the Statistical Inference of Ergodic Diffusion Processes. I agree ...

Mathematical and computational methods in biology:   - Page 183, 185, 204

Cours de l'école d'été du CIMPA-UNESCO de l'Université de Valdivia

Alejandro Maass, ‎Salomé Martínez, ‎Élisabeth Pécou - 2006 

Diffusion-mediated transport and the flashing ratchet, Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal. 161, pp. 149-179 (2002). [23] D. Kinderlehrer and N. Walkington. Approximation of parabolic equations based upon Wasserstein's variational principle, Math. Model.

Additive and Cancellative Interacting Particle Systems - Page 106 (6 pages)

D. Griffeath - 2006 

L. N. Vasershtein (1969). Markov processes over denumerable products of spaces, describing large systems of automata, Problemy Peredachi Informatsii 5 (3), 64-73. L. N. Vasershtein and A. M. Leontovich (1970). Invariant measures of ...

[PDF] Flat multidimensional linear systems with constant coefficients are equivalent to controllable 1-D linear systems

A Fabianska, A Quadrat - Proceedings of MTNS, 2006 - wwwb.math.rwth-aachen.de

Abstract—Based on constructive proofs of the Quillen-Suslin theorem, the purpose of this 

paper is to show that every flat multidimensional linear system with constant coefficients is 

equivalent to a controllable 1-D linear system. This result looks like the classical result in


Scientia Magna, Vol. 1, No. 2, 2005: international book series

Zhang Wenpeng, ‎W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy - 2006 

[8] L.N.Vaserstein, Quantum (abc)-Theorems, Journal of Number Theory, 81(2000), 351- 358. [9] H.N.Shapiro and G.H.Sparer, Extention of a Theorem of Mason, Comm. Pure and Appl. Math., 47(1994), 711-718. [10] M.Bayat and H.Teimoori, ...

Found inside – Page 88

[8] L.N.Vaserstein, Quantum (abc)-Theorems, Journal of Number Theory, 81(2000), 351- 358. [9] H.N.Shapiro and G.H.Sparer, Extention of a Theorem of Mason, Comm. Pure and Appl. Math., 47(1994), 711-718. [10] M.Bayat and H.Teimoori, ...

Подгруппы гиперболических унитарных групп

Дыбкова, Елизавета Владимировна — 01.01.06 — Санкт-Петербург, 2006

... время, ссылаясь на статью Титса, московские математики Jl. Н. Васерштейн, А. В. Михалев и И. С. Клейн опубликовали несколько работ об ортогональной ... ... Ер(2/, К). — Алгебра и анализ, 15:4 (2003), 72-114. 

27. Л. Н. Васерштейн, Стабилизация для классических групп ... . — Ма-тем. сб., 93:2 (1974), 268-295. 

28. Л. Н. Васерштейн, А. В. Михалев, О нормальных подгруппах ортогональной ...

Некоторые вопросы теории групп Шевалле над полями и конечными кольцами

Колесников, Сергей Геннадьевич — 01.01.06 — Красноярск, 2006

... (О'Мира, Ю.И. Мерзляков, A.B. Михалёв, В.М. Петечук, И.З. Голубчик, Е.И. Зельманов, JI.H. Васерштейн, Е. Абэ и др.). 

В группе Шевалле Ф(К), ассоциированной с системой корней ...

Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Algorithmic Number Theory : Page 83

 7th International Symposium, ANTS-VII, Berlin, Germany, July 23-28, 2006.


Current Developments in Mathematics - Page 19, 33

David Jerison, ‎Barry Mazur, ‎Tomasz Mrowka - 2006 

[8] P. Deligne, J.S. Milne, A. Ogus, K-y. Shih, Hodge cycles, motives, and Shimura varieties, ... [20] C.R. Matthews, L.N. Vaserstein, B. Wesfeiler, Congruence properties of Zariski dense subgroups I, Proc. London Math. Soc. 48 (1984) 514-532.

Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences - Volume 7 - Page 4462


In the special case where k = l, Pr(F,G) = ^jf 1 \F~Ht) - G-Ht)\rdt^J [6,5], also known as the Wasserstein distance between F and G. For random X and Y having marginals F and G, respectively, we define pr(X,Y) = pr(F,G). Thus, Mallows' distance ...

Encyclopedia of mathematical physics - Volume 3 - Page 204, 636

Jean-Pierre Françoise, ‎Gregory L. Naber, ‎Sheung Tsun Tsou - 2006 

The Wasserstein Distance Optimal transportation theory is strongly related to the geometric analysis of probability measures. For simplicity, let us just consider the space Prob(B) of all Borel probability measures p supported by some fixed ball ...

Found inside – Page 523

... Wasserstein distance 3 : 636 Optimal transportation maps with convex potentials 3 : 632 isoperimetric inequality proof 3 ... Clifford algebras 1 : 524 Orthogonal wavelets , and multiresolution analysis 5 : 429 Orthonormal bases , and quantum ...

Infinite Groups: Geometric, Combinatorial and Dynamical Aspects - Page 265

Laurent Bartholdi, ‎Tullio Ceccherini-Silberstein, ‎Tatiana Smirnova-Nagnibeda - 2006

Laurent Bartholdi, Tullio Ceccherini-Silberstein, Tatiana ... Y.I. Lyubich and L.N. Vaserstein, Isometric embeddings between classical Banach spaces, cubature ...

Value Distribution Theory Related to Number Theory - Page 525

Pei-Chu Hu, ‎Chung-Chun Yang - 2006 - ‎Mathematics

Vaserstein, L.N., Quantum (abc)-theorems, Journal of Number Theory 81 (2000), 351–358. Vitter, A., The lemma of the logarithmic derivative in several complex ...

Recent Trends in Partial Differential Equations: - Page 17, 19, 31

UIMP-RSME Santaló Summer School, July 12-16, 2004 Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo, Santander, Spain

Juan Luis Vazquez, ‎Xavier Cabré, ‎José Antonio Carrillo - 2006

Optimal transport and Wasserstein distance

Found inside – Page 17

The Wasserstein distance arises as a powerful tool to analyze the asymptotic behaviour of solutions of PDE's of diffusion type, to obtain new general proofs of geometric and functional inequalities and to characterize solutions of shape ...

MR2243947  Ambrosio, Luigi Steepest descent flows and applications to spaces of probability measures. 

Recent trends in partial differential equations, 1–32, Contemp. Math., 409, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2006. 49Q20 (28A33 35K55 35K90 49-02 60B10)


Eigenvalues, Inequalities, and Ergodic Theory - Page 172, 215, 220, 221, 228

Mufa Chen - 2006

Uniqueness of Gibbs states and the L2-convergence of infinite-dimensional reflecting diffusion processes. Sci. Sin. Ser (A) ... On order preservation for couplings of multidimensional diffusion processes. Chinese J. ... L. N. Wasserstein. Markov ...

Ischia Group Theory 2004: Proceedings of a Conference in Honor of Marcel Herzog, March 31-April 3, 2004, Naples, Italy - Page 209

Contemporary mathematics - American Mathematical Society   SSN 0271-4132

Israel mathematical conference proceedings, ISSN 0792-4119EditorsZvi Arad, Marcel HerzogEditionillustrated Publisher American Mathematical Soc., 2006 ISBN0821887033, 9780821887035   263 pages

Proceedings - Volume 44, Part 2 - Page 913, 915, 917

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Coordinated Science Laboratory - 2006 

Proofs using Coupling Techniques A. Coupling Lemma For each fixed x, y € X, let ps(-|x, y) be an optimal coupling of the update rules pg( |x) and ps(-|y) that achieves the Wasserstein distance W(pB(-|x),pB(-|y))- We call the family {ps( |x,y)} the ...


We call the family { PB ( - x , y ) } the Wasserstein couplings for the update rule { PB ( - 1x ) } . Note that PB ( - 1x , y ) is a probability measure on the subspace X8 X XB , which induces a coupling 2 ) Contraction of P under | | . | | 1 : We will show  ...

Problems on Mapping Class Groups and Related Topics - Page 36

Benson Farb - 2006

... useful ingredient is a theorem of Grunewald-Mennike-Vaserstein [GMV] which gives free quotients of arbitrarily high rank for the group SL2(Z[i]) and the group SL2(A'[s,i]), where K is an arbitrary finite field. Since we know for g > 3 that Ig is ...

Vaserstein on 2 pages

Tutorials in Operations Research: Models, Methods, and Applications for Innovative Decision Making  - Page 75

I N F O R M S: Institute for Operations Research & the Management Sciences, Michael P. Johnson, Bryan Norman - 2006

... for Innovative Decision Making I N F O R M S: Institute for Operations Research & the Management Sciences, Bryan Norman Michael P. Johnson ... Wasserstein (Kantorovich) Metric Suppose Q is a metric space with metric d. dw(P,P) = sup< ...

ISBN1877640204, 9781877640209

Encyclopedia of Actuarial Science

Hermann Thorisson Published Online: 15 SEP 2006 Coupling - Wiley Online Library

Compstat 2006 - Proceedings in Computational Statistics

17th Symposium Held in Rome, Italy, 2006   Alfredo Rizzi, Maurizio Vichi   ISBN: 978-3-7908-1708-9

Chapter Dynamic clustering of histograms using Wasserstein metric IRPINO A, VERDE R, LECHEVALLIER Y

Dependence in Probability and Statistics - Page 156

Patrice Bertail, Paul Doukhan, Philippe Soulier - 2006 

Academic Press, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Publishers, New York, 1980. Probability and Mathematical Statistics. ... 

The Wasserstein distance and approximation theorems. Zeitschrift für Wahrscheinligkeits Theorie und Verwandte Gebiete, ...

Advances in Database Technology -- EDBT 2006:  - Page 866

10 International Conference on Extending Database Technology, Munich, Germany, 26-31 March 2006, Proceedings (Google eBook)

Yannis Ioannidis, Marc H. Scholl, Joachim W. Schmidt - 2006  ISBN3540329609, 9783540329602

Earlier works (e.g., [6,7]) call it the match distance, and statistics literature uses Mallows or Wasserstein ...

Quantum probability - Page 199, 206

Marek Bożejko, Wojciech Młotkowski, Janusz Wysoczański - 2006

and the Wasserstein distance are useful distances between measures. .

Ph. Biane and D. Voiculescu, A free probabilistic analogue of the Wasserstein metric on the trace-state space, Geom.

Lifting Modules: Supplements and Projectivity in Module Theory - Page 192, 383

John Clark - 2006 , 2008

by Clark, John; Lomp, Christian; Vanaja, Narayanaswami

Some of the basic properties of stable range 1 appear first in [35], in Vaserstein's [350], [351], and in notes by Kaplansky [187]. 

The proof of the symmetry of the condition in 15.4 is taken from Goodearl's [129] and, as he says, is adapted from ...

Serre's Problem on Projective Modules - Page 137. 391

T.Y. Lam - 2006

Our exposition of Vaserstein's elementary proof follows the lecture notes of Ferrand's Bourbaki talk [Ferrand: 1976]. ... In the literature, this proof of Serre's Conjecture has sometimes been fondly referred to as "Vaserstein's 8-line proof" (see, ...

Topics on Concentration Phenomena and Problems with Multiple Scales - Page 291

Andrea Braides, Valeria ChiadÚ Piat - 2006 

Ambrosio, L.; Gigli, N.; Savar`e, G. Gradient flows in metric spaces and in the Wasserstein spaces of probability measures, Birkhaüser, 2005. 2. ... X. Generation and propagation of interfaces for reaction-diffusion equations, J. Diff. Eq. 96 ...

Analysis, Modeling and Simulation of Multiscale Problems - Page 361

Alexander Mielke - 2006 

Semiconductor simulations using a coupled quantum drift-diffusion Schrödinger-Poisson model. SIAM J. Appl. Math. ... A fourth-order nonlinear PDE as gradient flow of the Fisher information in Wasserstein spaces. In preparation, 2006.

Diffusion, quantum theory, and radically elementary mathematics - Page 243

William G. Faris - 2006

... 28 optimal, 141-154 Trotter product formula, 76, 85 twelve-tone row, 215 ultracontractive, 59 variance, 36 Wasserstein distance, 144 Wasserstein space, 149 wave function, 6, 1 1 8 Wick power, 20, 26, 39, 82 Wick product, 

About 1,340 results (0.35 seconds) 

Search Results

Trusted Systems: 6th International Conference, INTRUST 2014, ...

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Moti Yung, ‎Liehuang Zhu, ‎Yanjiang Yang · 2016

Found inside – Page 212

ICDE 2007, pp. 106–115 (2007) 8. Li, N., Li, T., Venkatasubramanian, S.: Closeness: a new privacy measure for data publishing. ... Security (TISSEC) 13(3), 24 (2010) Shmueli, E., Tassa, T., Wasserstein, R., Shapira, B., Rokach, L.: Limiting disclosure of sensitive data in sequential releases of ... In: Proceedings of the 12th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining.

NETWORKING 2011: 10th International

DCDS-B - Volume 6, Pages 1-649 - Page 311

American Ins

Found inside – Page 327

In: ACM SIGKDD (2007) 5. Boyd ... J. of Computer-Mediated Communication 13(1), 210 (2007) 6. ... In: WWW 2007 (2007) Rüschendorf, L.: The Wasserstein Distance and Approximation Theorems (1985) Scott, J.P.: Social Network Analysis: A ...

Trusted Systems: 6th International Conference, INTRUST 2014, ...

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Moti Yung, ‎Liehuang Zhu, ‎Yanjiang Yang · 2016

Found inside – Page 212

ICDE 2007, pp. 106–115 (2007) 8. Li, N., Li, T., Venkatasubramanian, S.: Closeness: a new privacy measure for data publishing. ... Security (TISSEC) 13(3), 24 (2010) Shmueli, E., Tassa, T., Wasserstein, R., Shapira, B., Rokach, L.: Limiting disclosure of sensitive data in sequential releases of ... In: Proceedings of the 12th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining.

NETWORKING 2011: 10th Internationaltitute of Mathematical Sciences - 2006

Weak topology implicit schemes based on Monge-Kantorovich or Wasserstein metrics have become prominent for their ability to solve a variety of diffusion and diffusion-like equations. They are very flexible, encompassing a 

Functional Inequalities Markov Semigroups and Spectral Theory - Page 292, 293, 299, 332, 336, 377

Fengyu Wang - 2006

... inf dn, 1( ) 7r€(€(/H/) EXEP which is well-known in probability theory as the L1-Wasserstein distance between /.7 and 1/. ... In the smooth case the Dirichlet form of the diffusion process generated by div(AV) + AVV, 

Groups, Rings And Group Rings - Page 136

ntonio Giambruno, César Polcino Milies, Sudarshan K. Sehgal - 2006 -

L.N. Vaserstein, The structure of classic arithmetic groups of rank greater than One, Math. USSR Sbornik 20 (1973),

Found inside – Page 136

(In Russian) Z.S. Marciniak and K.W. Roggenkamp, The normalizer of a finite group in its integral group ring and C ̆ech cohomology, ... [42] Z.S. Marciniak and S.K. Sehgal, Generic units in abelian group rings, preprint 2004. [43] M. ... L.N. Vaserstein, The structure of classic arithmetic groups of rank greater than One, Math.

Markov processes and related fields: Volume 12 Polymat, 2006

Simulation - Page 85 , 677, 678

Handbooks in Operations Research And Management Science:

Shane G. Henderson, Barry L. Nelson - 2006 - 678 pages

Wasserstein metric

Recent trends in partial differential equations:  - Page  vii, 1,2, 11, 16,  17, 18, 19, 21, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32

UIMP-RSME Santaló Summer School, July 12-16, 2004 Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo, Santander, Spain

Juan Luis Vázquez, Xavier Cabré, José Antonio Carrillo - 2006  123 pages  Volume 409 of Contemporary mathematics - American Mathematical Society ISBN0821838911, 9780821838914

The Wasserstein distance arises as a powerful tool to analyze the asymptotic behaviour of solutions of PDE's of diffusion type, to obtain new general proofs of geometric and functional inequalities and to characterize solutions of shape ...

Nonsmooth mechanics and analysis: theoretical and numerical advances - Page 14 , 16, 18, 19, 20, 320

 Alart, O. Maisonneuve, R. Tyrrell Rockafellar - 2006 - 320 pages

Wasserstein distance

A mathematical theory of large-scale atmosphere/ocean flow - Page 103 

Michael J. P. Cullen - Imperial College Press, 2006 - 259 pages ISBN186094518X, 9781860945182

Time series and related topics: in memory of Ching-Zong Wei - Page 238 

Ching-Zong Wei, Hwai-Chung Ho, Ching-Kang Ing - 2006 - 294 pages

To measure the error of approximation, we use Wasserstein pseudo-metric which has the advantage of allowing us to lift the carrier space to a bigger carrier space. Of course, other metrics such as the total variation distance can also be ...

Dictionary of distances - Page 29, 98, 188, 267, 384, 391

M. Deza  Elena Deza, - 2006 - 391 pages

he state space of any unital C *-algebra) of the Kantorovich— Mallows—Monge—Wasserstein metric defined as the Lipschitz ... Let the commutator [D, f] for f G A be the Clifford multiplication by the gradient V f so that its operator norm ||.

Variational problems in materials science - 2 pages

Gianni Dal Maso, Antonio DeSimone, Franco Tomarelli - 2006 - 159 pages

... path functionals over Wasserstein spaces, variational approaches to quasi-

… systems Giuseppe Buttazzo (Universit`adiPisa) Path functionals over 

Wasserstein spaces Antonin Chambolle

Data science and classification - Page  , 183, 189, 191, 355

International Federation of Classification Societies. Conference, Vladimir Batagelj - Springer 2006 - 358 pages ISBN3540344160, 9783540344162

Wasserstein based

COMPSTAT: proceedings in computational statistics :  - Page xvi 

17th Symposium Held in Rome, Italy, 2006 

lfredo Rizzi, Maurizio Vichi - 2006 - 537 pages

Wasserstein metric

Lectures on the Ricci flow - Page 61 

Peter Topping - 2006 - 113 pages

Wasserstein metric

Found inside – Page 61

where f(T) is arbitrary, but g(T) is the result of the Ricci flow over the time interval [0, T], and is thus necessarily very smooth. Remark ... entropy. So far in Chapter 6, our exposition has been an expansion of the original comments of Perelman [31]. ... the gradient flow for this entropy on the space of probability densities endowed with the Wasserstein metric – see the discussion and references in [42].) In this ...

Stochastic partial differential equations and applications--VII - Page 116 

Giuseppe Da Prato, Luciano Tubaro - 2006 - 347 pages

In Section 12.5, the results from previous sections are applied to stochastic reaction- diffusion equations. ... norm intermediate between the total variation metric and Wasserstein metric has been obtained for stochastic Navier–Stokes equation.

Handbook of differential equations: evolutionary equations - Page v, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 29, 30, 38, 40, 45, 46, 52, 55, 58, 80, 81, 104, 105, 106, 107, 109, 113, 115, 116, 117, 120, 122, 123, 131, 134, 135, 136, 634, 638

Constantine M. Dafermos, Eduard Feireisl - Elsevier, 2006 - 652 pages  ISBN0444528482, 9780444528483

J.A. Carrillo, R.J. McCann and C. Villani, Contractions in the 2-Wasserstein space and thermalization of granular media, Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. (2006).

In this way we recover in a more general framework the Riemannian interpretation of the Wasserstein distance developed by Otto in [74] (see also [57,73]) and used to study the long time behavior of the porous medium equation. In the original ...

Journal de mathématiques pures et appliquées

Joseph Liouville, Henri Amé Résal, Camille Jordan - Gauthier-Villars, 2006


DCDS-B: Volume 6, Pages 1-649   - Page 311, 313, 325

American Institute of Mathematical Sciences - 2006 

Wasserstein metric, Wasserstein space

44th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing 2006

Proceedings: Volume 44, Part 2 - Page 913, 915, 917

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Coordinated Science Laboratory - 2006

Wasserstein coupling


Porto Ercole (Grosseto, Italy) June 4-10, 2006  

Large time asymptotics for nonlinear diffusion and kinetic equations       José A. Carrillo

The main goal of this course is to give an overview of the recent ideas of contractivity of Wasserstein and Fourier-type distances applied to the asymptotic behavior of nonlinear diffusion, scalar conservation laws and granular flow models based on kinetic equations with inelastic interactions.

  1. Basics of the Wasserstein distance & Model equations: nonlinear diffusions and homogeneous inelastic kinetic equations; description of models and main formal properties of their solutions; contractivity for 1-D models: consequences on qualitative properties of the solutions.
  2. Gradient flows for the euclidean Wasserstein distance: asymptotic behavior for nonlinear diffusions and simplified homogeneous inelastic kinetic models; formal ideas behind gradient flows; contractivity in several dimensions; quantified displacement convexity and decay rates; entropy method versus mass transportation method for large time asymptotics.
  3. Large time asymptotics for general nonlinear diffusion equations and scalar conservation laws: asymptotic profiles and identification of universal behavior; applications to the large time asymptotics of scalar conservation laws with integrable bounded positive initial data and decay rates towards N-waves.
  4. Contractivity for the inelastic Boltzmann equation: Wassertein and Fourier-based metrics: conditions for being "equivalent"; contractivity of Wasserstein and Fourier-based distances for the inelastic homogeneous Boltzmann operator in the maxwellian approximation; existence, uniqueness, nonlinear asymptotic stability and decay rates for diffusive equilibria and homogeneous cooling states.

Lecture 1: Main Models & Basics of Wasserstein Distance

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Presentation of models. Wasserstein Distance: Basics. Contractivity in 1D. Lecture 1: Main Models & Basics of. Wasserstein Distance. J. A. Carrillo ...

—end 2006

start 2007  49 books

Foundations of Quantization for Probability Distributions- Page 2, 33, 228

Siegfried Graf, ‎Harald Luschgy · 2007

The book gives the first mathematically rigorous account of the fundamental theory underlying these applications.

Algebra i analiz - Volumes 1-3; Volume 19 - Page 50

2007 · ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 50

[ 83 ] Stepanov A. , Vavilov N. , Decomposition of transvections : a theme with variations , KTheory 19 ( 2000 ) , 109–153 . ... [ 87 ] Vaserstein L. N. , On the normal subgroups of the Gen over a ring , Algebraic K - Theory , Evanston 1980 ( Proc ...

The Grothendieck Festschrift, Volume III: A Collection of ... - Page 494

Pierre Cartier, ‎Luc Illusie, ‎Nicholas M. Katz · 2007

Found inside – Page 494

A Collection of Articles Written in Honor of the 60th Birthday of Alexander Grothendieck Pierre Cartier, Luc Illusie, Nicholas M. Katz, ... My special thanks go to L. Vaserstein and N. Katz for invaluable help in the preparation of the manuscript.

Abstracts of Papers Presented to the American Mathematical ...

American Mathematical Society · 2007 

Found inside – Page 104

In this paper we study the gradient Ricci shrinking soliton equation on rotationally symmetric manifolds of dimension n > 3 ... flow with respect to the Wasserstein distance in the space of probability measures with finite second - order moments .




Proceedings of the Thirty-ninth Annual ACM Symposium on ... - Page 80,81, 84

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ACM Special Interest Group for Algorithms and Computation Theory · 2007 · ‎Snippet view


Wasserstein Distance. To apply the sensitivity framework to clustering, we have to be able to compute distances between sets of cluster centers. To this end, we equip the output space of a clustering algorithm, M = (R')". with a meaningful ...

Found inside – Page 84

|20 L. N. Wasserstein. Markov processes over denumerable products of spaces describing large systems of automata. Probl. Inform. Transmission, 5:47 52, 1969. [4] |5 [6] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] Cynthia Dwork dwork(3) microsoft.com ...

Found inside – Page 84

As above, we use the Wasserstein distance (Sec. 4.1) to measure the distance ... In STOC 2005, pages 684-693, 2005. [3] A. Blum, C. Dwork, ... In 47th IEEE Symposium on the Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS), 2006. A. Slavkovic.


Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica

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Zhong yang yan jiu yuan. Shu xue yan jiu suo - 2007 - ‎Snippet view

Found inside – Page 277

U. Gianazza , G. Savaré and G. Toscani , A fourth - order nonlinear PDE as gradient flow of the Fisher information in Wasserstein spaces , Preprint , Università di Pavia , Italy , 2004 . 53. H. Grubin and J. Kreskovsky . Quantum moment balance

Absolutely Continuous Curves in Wasserstein Spaces: With ...

Stefano Lisini - 2007 - 

Собрание сочинений. Т. III Серр Ж. П. читать онлайн и в ...

Translate this page

Москва: МЦНМО, 2007

Т. III Серр Ж. П. электронная книга для чтения онлайн и в мобильном ... Переводчик: Казарян М.Э., Житницкий Б.Л., Бельский А.А., Васерштейн Л.Н., ...

Том 4 - Page 163  Перев. Л. Н. Вассерштейна

Том 3 - Page 326  (n Bass H., Milnor J., Serre J.-P. Solution of the congruence subgroup problem for SLn Sp2n (n 2) //Publ. Math. I.H.E.S. 1967. V. 33. P. 59–137. Перев. Л. Н. Васерштейна. 3) and 1) U(A) — группа единиц кольца A. — Прим. перев.

Statistical Multisource-multitarget Information Fusion- Page 511

Ronald P. S. Mahler - 2007 - ‎Snippet view

(14.157) \x6Xx'6X v ' x'eX'xeX J Hausdorff distance has a possible disadvantage: It is relatively insensitive to deviation in target number: |X| ^ |-X*|fc|- Hoffman and Mahler [87] have introduced the family of 

Wasserstein dis- tances, that ...

Found inside – Page 856

... 120 Unknown target type , 196 , 232 Unnormalized Dempster ' s combination , 137 fuzzy , 145 Unresolved target , 289 ... 478 Voorbraak probability , 142 , 173 , 186 , 193 Bayes interpretation of , 279 Wasserstein distance , 511 , 562 Zadeh ...


Brownian Agents and Active Particles: 

Collective Dynamics in the Natural and Social Sciences

Springer Series in Synergetics, ISSN 0172-7389

Frank Schweitzer - 2007 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions (2003)

Their complexity is far beyond that of the simple systems usually studied in physic "This book lays out a vision for a coherent framework for understanding complex systems'' (from the foreword by J. Doyne Farmer).

Spectral Methods: - Page 539,  550

Evolution to Complex Geometries and Applications to Fluid Dynamics

Claudio Canuto, ‎M. Yousuff Hussaini, ‎Alfio Quarteroni - 2007  

This book is a companion to Spectral Methods: Fundamentals in Single Domains. Spectral methods, particularly in their multidomain version, have become firmly established as a mainstream tool for scientific and engineering computation.  

Bridges and Vaserstein

Metric and comparison geometry 

edited by Jeffrey Cheeger and Karsten Grove.

Somerville, MA : International Press, c2007.  347 pages

ISBN 1571461175  9781571461179

Spectral Methods: - Page 539, 550

Evolution to Complex Geometries and Applications to Fluid Dynamics

Claudio Canuto, ‎M. Yousuff Hussaini, ‎Alfio Quarteroni - 2007 

Standard algorithms may be applied to extract the full spectrum. Bridges and Morris (1984) discuss a factorization approach to produce a subset of the eigenvalues, and Bridges and Vaserstein (1986) describe several methods based on ...

Galois and motivic Galois groups

by Wallace, Christopher

The University of Chicago, 2007

Matthews, C. R., Vaserstein, L. N., Weisfeiler, B., Congruence Properties of

Zariski Dense Subgroups I, Proc. London Math. Soc. X L V III (1984) 385-576

---------2007 books ———10

Decentralized algorithms for search and routing in large-scale networks

by Thadakamalla, Hari Prasad

The Pennsylvania State University, 2007

 During the past decade, advances in technology and science have led to many large-scale distributed systems which can be characterized as networks. Some...

Ph.D. committee member Vaserstein

Google book

Applications of Information Theory to Computer Graphics  pdf - Page 636

Part I: Introduction

by Mateu Sbert  Miquel Feixas  Jaume Rigau Ivan Viola and Miguel Chover

cretized is critical for the efficiency of the result. We define ... and stability are defined, as well as methods for the selection of best n-views and ...... Vasershtein-Ornstein probability .... since they are specific constants for each scene and are im-.

Vasershtein-Ornstein divergence

Measure Theory - Volume 1 - Page 541, 559

Vladimir I. Bogachev - 2007 

... Mill J. van van Os C.H.: see Os C.H. van van Rooij A. CM.: see Rooij A. CM, van Van Vleck E.B. I: 425 Varadarajan V.S. II: 166, 197, 250, 443, 447, 452, 455, 458 Varadhan S.R.S. II: 453 Vasershtein L.N. II: 454 Vath M. I:  Full Text Online

Found inside – Page 570

... Wasserstein, II: 454 metric Boolean algebra, I: 53 metrically separated sets, I: 104 metrizable space, II: 2 Michaels' selection theorem, II: 228, 229 Milyutin lemma, II: 201 space, II: 201 Minkowski inequality, I: 142, 226, 231 Minlos–Sazonov ...

Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision: - Page vii, 699, 703, 705, 707

First International Conference, SSVM 2007, Ischia, Italy, May 30 - June 2, 2007, Proceedings

Volume 4485 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Image Processing, Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, and Graphics, ISSN 0302-9743

Fiorella Sgallari, Almerico Murli, Nikos Paragios - 2007 

Wasserstein. Distance. The original Monge-Kantorovich problem was first posed in 1781 by G. Monge in [11]: what is the minimum work required to move a pile of dirt into a hole with the same volume? The original mathematical formulation ...

 ISBN3540728236, 9783540728238 931 pp 

To overcome this issue, we propose to use the Wasserstein distance (Monge-Kantorovich distance) to compare ...  :

Full Text Online

Found inside – Page 183

ACM (2007) Kwatra, V., Schödl, A., Essa, I., Turk, G., Bobick, A.: Graphcut textures: image and video synthesis using graph cuts. In: SIGGRAPH ... 4852–4856 (2014) Rabin, J., Peyré, G.: Wasserstein regularization of imaging problem. In: IEEE ...

Financial optimization - Page 262, 265, 266

Hercules Vladimirou - 2007

3.2 Kolmogorov-Smirnov (Uniform) distance Besides the moment matching method, a common approach is to ... 3.3 Wasserstein distance and the facility location problem Due to the Kantorovich-Rubinstein theorem (Section 2.2.1) the problem ...

2.2.2 Fortet-Mourier and Wasserstein distance It is possible to relate the Fortet-Mourier distance to the Wasserstein distance. ... Let B denote a set of all Borel subsets of Q. The ^-discrepancy is the distance defined by dD(G,G) = sup\G(B)-G(B)\.

Variational Analysis and Applications - Page 498

F. Giannessi, ‎A. Maugeri - 2007 

The novelty in our development is that the dynamical process is set in a weak topology as described by a Kantorovich-Wasserstein metric. This owes in part to a result of Brenier and Benamou, [3]. It illustrates the feasibility of mesoscale ...

Frontiers in Number Theory, Physics, and Geometry II:  - Volume 1 - Page 276

On Conformal Field Theories, Discrete Groups and Renormalization, 

Volume 2 of Frontiers in Number Theory, Physics, and GeometryEditorsPierre Cartier, Bernard Julia, Pierre Moussa, Pierre Vanhove Publisher Springer, 2007ISBN3540303081, 9783540303084 817 pages

Entropy Methods for the Boltzmann Equation:  - Page 47

Lectures from a Special Semester at the Centre Émile Borel, Institut H. Poincaré, Paris, 2001, Issue 1916

Fraydoun Rezakhanlou, Cédric Villani, François Golse - Springer 2007

in particular ^2(Q+(/, /),M) < W(/,M). Here VK2 is the (improperly called) Wasser- stein distance with exponent 2 W2(f ... 0(e-(A-°)*). (A = spectral gap of the

Discrete and continuous dynamical systems: Series B. - Volume 8, Pages 529-1026 - Page 877

American Institute of Mathematical Sciences - 2007

[11] U. Gianazza, G. Savar6 and G. Toscani, The Wasserstein gradient flow of the Fisher information and the quantum drift- diffusion equation, Preprint, Universita di Pavia, Italy, (2006). [12] M. P. Gualdani, A. Jiingel and G. Toscani, A nonlinear ...

Topological algebras and applications:  - Page 7, 8, 14

5th International Conference on Topological Algebras and Applications, June 27-July 1, 2005, Athens, Greece, Volume 10

Volume 427 of Contemporary mathematics - American Mathematical Society

Anastasios Mallios, Marina Haralampidou - 2007 ISBN0821838687, 9780821838686 442 pp

Amer. Math. Soc. 105 (1962), 264-277. [13] L. N. Vaserstein, Vector bundles and projective modules, Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 294 (1986), no. 2, 749-755.

Found inside – Page 14

[13] L. N. Vaserstein, Vector bundles and projective modules, Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 294 (1986), no. 2, 749–755. 2 LIIVI STR., ROOM 615, INSTITUTE OF PURE MATHEMATICS, UNIVERSITY OF TARTU, 50409 TARTU, ESTONIA E-mail ...

---------2007 books ———20

OPERATIONS RESEARCH, jilid 1 - Page 71

Operation Research jilid 1 / Siswanto -- Jakarta , Erlangga , 2007. xii , 428 hal; 26 cm. ISBN, : 9789797818357. Lokasi, : Perpustakaan Kementerian Keuangan ...

Vaserstein, Leonid Nison, Introduction to Linear Programming, Prentice Hall, New Jersey 2003.

Certain Number-Theoretic Episodes In Algebra - Page iv, v, 544, 631

R. Sivaramakrishnan - 2007 

He has also extended this result to a residue class ideal of a number ring. Mn(Z) denotes the ring of n×n matrices with entries from Z. L. N. Vaser- stein has shown that given an integer p and A M2(Z), one can find matrices X,Y M2(Z) such ...

Алгебра и анализ: - Volumes 1-3; Volume 19 - Page 49, 50

Академия наук СССР. Отделение математики - 2007 

Paris Ser. A-B 283 (1976), A693-A695. Vaserstein L. N., On the normal subgroups of the GL„ over a ring, Algebraic ... Vaserstein L. N., Normal subgroups of orthogonal groups over commutative rings, Amer. J. Math. 110 (1988), no. 5, 955-973.

Gröbner Bases in Control Theory and Signal Processing - Page 105

L. N. Vaserstein and A. A. Suslin, Serre's Problem on projective modules over polynomial rings and algebraic if-theory, Math. USSR Izviestija ...

Combinatorics and Probability - Page 82

Graham Brightwell, Imre Leader, Alex Scott - 2007

References [1] Arratia, R. (1996) Independence of prime factors: total variation and Wasserstein metrics, insertions and deletions, and the ... 51 800–832. [14]

Asymptotic methods in nonlinear wave phenomena:  - Page 36 

In Honor of the 65th Birthday of Antonio Greco, Palermo, Italy, 5-7 June 2006

Tommaso Ruggeri, Marco Sammartino - World Scientific, 2007 - 216 pages

Found inside – Page 36

In this talk, we shall focalize on an important step in Perelman's strategy: the coupling of the Ricci flow 3 – (X, g(3)) with ... Perelman's analysis but rather in the fact that it directly calls into play in such a setting the role of the Wasserstein metric.

Lectures on empirical processes: theory and statistical applications - Page 44 , 68

Eustasio Del Barrio, Paul Deheuvels, Sara A. Geer - 2007 - 254 pages

5. Tests based on Wasserstein distance

MR2284824   del Barrio, Eustasio; Deheuvels, Paul; van de Geer, Sara Lectures on empirical processes. Theory and statistical applications. With a preface by Juan A. Cuesta Albertos and Carlos Matrán. EMS Series of Lectures in Mathematics. European Mathematical Society (EMS), Zürich, 2007. x+254 pp. ISBN: 978-3-03719-027-2 (Reviewer: M. Csörgő) 60-02 (60-06 60B11 60B12 60F17 62F03 62G30)

Book 11 Citations

Amplitude equations for stochastic partial differential equations - Page 71 

Dirk Blömker - World Scientific, 2007 - 126 pages ISBN9812706372, 9789812706379

Volume 3 of Interdisciplinary mathematical sciences, 

Selected contributions in data analysis and classification - Page 1131, 34 

E. Diday, Paula Brito, Patrice Bertrand - 2007 - 634 pages

MR2423885  Verde, Rosanna; Irpino, Antonio Dynamic clustering of histogram data: using the right metric. 

Selected contributions in data analysis and classification, 123–134, Stud. Classification Data Anal. Knowledge Organ., Springer, Berlin, 2007. 62H30


Found inside – Page 134

All metrics, except for the Wasserstein based one, allow to find prototypes that are represented by a combination of ... In this way, the description of a cluster k is done accordingly to a suitable choice of a set of weights to be associated with the ...

Surveys in differential geometry: metric and comparison geometry - Page 233, 237, 240

Jeff Cheeger, Karsten Grove - 2007 - 347 pages

Wasserstein distance

Found inside – Page 240

12 ) $ ( 1 ) = e ^ U ( e - A ) is convex on ( - 00 , 00 ) . ... length space ( X , d , v ) has nonnegative N - Ricci curvature if for all do , MI E P ( X ) with supp ( uo ) C supp ( v ) and supp ( ui ) c supp ( v ) , there is some Wasserstein geodesic { ut } te10 .

MR2408268  Lott, John Optimal transport and Ricci curvature for metric-measure spaces. 

Surveys in differential geometry. Vol. XI, 229–257, Surv. Differ. Geom., 11, Int. Press, Somerville, MA, 2007. (Reviewer: Chloé Jimenez) 53C23 (49Q20)

 Chapter 10 Citations 

---------2007 books ———30

The porous medium equation: mathematical theory - Page 250, 251, 597

Juan Luis Vázquez - 2007 - 624 pages

The idea proposed by F. Otto [413] sees the HE, the PME and other nonlinear diffusion equations as gradient flows in a space of measures endowed with a convenient metric given by the Wasserstein distance, a tool developed in probability ...

Found inside – Page 597

Math. J., 49, 113–141. [156] J.A. Carrillo and G. Toscani (2005). Wasserstein metric and large–time asymptotics of nonlinear diffusion equations. New Trends In Mathematical Physics in Honour of the Salvatore Rionero 70th Birthday, 220– 254 ...

Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians:: Volume 2 - Page 618, 623

Madrid, August 22-30, 2006, Volume 1

Marta Sanz Solé - 2007 - 4500 pages Amer Mathematical Society

If we replace the exponent 2 by p e [1 , oo] in the Wasserstein formula (13), we get the Wasserstein non-quadratic distances. ...

Wasserstein distance

Found inside – Page 198

Wasserstein generative adversarial networks”. In: Proceedings of the 34th International ... In: Proceedings of the 49th Annual ACM SIGACTSymposium on Theory of Computing (STOC). MR: 3678236 (cit. on pp. 174, 175). James P. Bailey 

Control methods in PDE-dynamical systems - Page 288, 292

Fabio Ancona - 2007 - 404 pages 

Wasserstein-metric-based, Wasserstein distance

Meshfree methods for partial differential equations III - Page 6 

Michael Griebel, Marc Alexander Schweitzer - 2007 - 306 pages

Wasserstein distance

Modeling, estimation and control - Page 114 

Festschrift in Honor of Giorgio Picci on the Occasion of His Sixty-Fifth Birthday

Alessandro Chiuso, Augusto Ferrante, Stefano Pinzoni - 2007 - 355 pages

Volume 364 of Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences

Combinatorics and probability - Page 56, 82

celebrating Béla Bollabás's 60th birthday

Papers presented at the conference "Combinatorics in Cambridge," held in Cambridge, Aug. 4th-7th, 2003

 edited by Graham Brightwell, Imre Leader, Alex Scott, Andrew Thomason -  Cambridge University Press, 2007 - 633 pages ISBN0521872073, 9780521872072

Wasserstein distance, Wasserstein metrics

Dynamics in models of coarsening, coagulation, condensation and quantization  - Page 39

Weizhu Bao, Jian-Guo Liu - 2007 - 294 pages

Volume 9 of Lecture Notes Series, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, National University of Singapore

Transport phenomena and kinetic theory - Page 35 

Applications to Gases, Semiconductors, Photons, and Biological Systems

Carlo Cercignani, Ester Gabetta - 2007 - 271 pages

Perspectives in nonlinear partial differential equations: in honor Haïm - Page 482 

Henri Berestycki - 2007 - 495 pages

. L. Ambrosio, N. Gigli, G. Savare, Gradient Flows in Metric Spaces and in the Wasserstein Spaces of Probability Measures, Birkhaiiser, (2005). .

Jahresbericht: Volume 109 Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung - 2007

August Gutzmer, Ernest Wölffing Georg Reimer, 2007

---------2007 books ———40

Handbook of Linear Algebra - Page 49-18

... Holmes and T. Y. Tarn 68-1 69 Nonassociative Algebras Murray R. Bremner, Lucia I. Murakami, and Ivan P. Shestakov 69- 1 70 Lie Algebras Robert Wilson 70-1 Applications to Optimization 50 Linear Programming Leonid N. Vaserstein 50-

MR2279160 (2007j:15001) Handbook of linear algebra. Edited by Leslie Hogben. Associate editors: Richard Brualdi, Anne Greenbaum and Roy Mathias.

 Discrete Mathematics and its Applications (Boca Raton). Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, FL, 2007. xxx+1370 pp. 

ISBN: 978-1-58488-510-8; 1-58488-510-6, 15-00 (00A20)

MR2279160   Handbook of linear algebra. Edited by Leslie Hogben. Associate editors: Richard Brualdi, Anne Greenbaum and Roy Mathias. Discrete Mathematics and its Applications (Boca Raton). Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, FL, 2007. xxx+1370 pp. ISBN: 978-1-58488-510-8; 1-58488-510-6 15-00 (00A20)

 Book 46 Citations

Measure theory: Volume 1 - Page 541, 559

Vladimir Igorevich Bogachev - 2007 - 575 pages

52, 455] [1919] Vasershtein L.N. Markov processes over denumerable products of spaces describing large system of automata. Probl. Peredaˇci Inform. 1969.

nuaire du Collège de France - Page 98

Collège de France · 2007 · ‎No preview  Wasserstein

Geometric Aspects of Functional Analysis: Israel Seminar ... - Page 272

Vitali D. Milman, ‎Gideon Schechtman · 2007

Found inside – Page 272

The assumptions can be verified for the geometric measures described above (see Anttila, Ball and Perissinaki [ABP]) for ... has proved some results concerning convergence in the Wk2 Wasserstein metric. where *0-J wo". n = 3 The geometric ...

MR2349609   Meckes, M. Some remarks on transportation cost and related inequalities. 

Geometric aspects of functional analysis, 237–244, Lecture Notes in Math., 1910, Springer, Berlin, 2007. (Reviewer: Alessio Figalli) 49Q20 (26D15 28A75 60D05)



Operations Research Proceedings 2006: Selected Papers of the ...

Karl-Heinz Waldmann, ‎Ulrike M. Stocker · 2007

Found inside – Page 600

In: Proceedings of 11th joint Czech–Germany–Slovak Conf.: Mathematical Methods in Economy ... Pflug GCh (2001) Scenario tree generation for multiperiod financial optimization by optimal discretization. Math Program ser B 89: 251–271. 11.

…. Valander … Wasserstein

---------2007 books ———    end 2007    

start 2008    

Proceedings "WASCOM 2007", 14th Conference on Waves and ...

Natale Manganaro, ‎Roberto Monaco, ‎Salvatore Rionero · 2008

Found inside – Page 232

Equivalently, the Wasserstein distance between f and g can be defined as the infimum of the costs for transportation, ... fee) s C exp (#) (13) with some finite, time-independent constant C > 0 Estimate (12) is a consequence of Theorem 3.3 in ...

MR2484766   Düring, B.; Matthes, D.; Toscani, G. Exponential and algebraic relaxation in kinetic models for wealth distribution. 

"WASCOM 2007''—14th Conference on Waves and Stability in Continuous Media, 228–238, World Sci. Publ., Hackensack, NJ, 2008. 91B80 (82C40 91B84)

 Chapter 3 Citations 

The Wasserstein Distance and its Behaviour along Geodesics 

by Ambrosio, Luigi; Gigli, Nicola; Savaré, Giuseppe 

Gradient Flows, 2008

Book ChapterFull Text Online

Separability and completeness for the Wasserstein distance 

by Bolley, F 

Séminaire de Probabilités XLI, 2008

We give an elementary proof that the Wasserstein distances, which play a basic role in optimal transportation issues, turn some, spaces of probability measures...

Book ChapterFull Text Online 2008
Lecture Notes in Mathematics (Séminaire de Probabilités), vol 1934. 

Séminaire de Probabilités XLI

Catherine Donati-Martin, ‎Michel Émery, ‎Alain Rouault · 2008

Found inside

Proof of a Tanaka-like formula stated by J. Rosen in Séminaire XXXVIII Greg Markowsky ................................................. 199 Une ... 349 Separability and completeness for the Wasserstein distance F. Bolley
Bolley, F. Separability and completeness for the Wasserstein distance. 

Séminaire de probabilités XLI, 371–377, Lecture Notes in Math., 1934, Springer, Berlin, 2008. 60B05

  Chapter 37 Citations 

Numerical Geometry of Non-Rigid Shapes

Alexander M. Bronstein, ‎Michael M. Bronstein, ‎Ron Kimmel - 2008

A gallery of colored images enhances the text. This book will be of interest to graduate students, researchers and professionals in different fields of mathematics, computer science and engineering.

umerical geometry of non-rigid shapes Invariant Correspondence & Calculus of Shapes. Invariant Correspondence ... Gromov-Wasserstein. Distance between .

Serre's Conjecture - Page ix   (10 pages)  

T.Y. Lam - 2006 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions

(13) Using the powerful method of symplectic modules, A. Suslin and L. N. Vaserstein proved, in l973/71, that P must be free in the following cases: (a) if rank P = + + 1 . (b) if n 3. l, 5, (c) if n = 6 and k is a finite field. (See [Vaserstein-Suslin: 1971, j, or [Bass : 1973/7]]). Independently of Vaserstein and Suslin, R. Swan proved certain cancellation theorems in 1971, which also led to (a) above if k is infinite, and to the case n = H if k is infinite of characteristic # 2. Swan's argument refined that ...

Computational Conformal Geometry 

Xianfeng David Gu, ‎Shing-Tung Yau - 2008 - ‎Snippet view - ‎More editions

Computational conformal geometry is an emerging inter-disciplinary field, with applications to algebraic topology, differential geometry and Riemann surface theories applied to geometric modeling, computer graphics, computer vision, medical ...

Data Analysis, Machine Learning and Applications:  - Page xvi, xv, 709, 711, 716

Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Gesellschaft für Klassifikation e.V., Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, March 7-9, 2007 

A New Interval Data Distance Based on the Wasserstein Metric 711

by Verde, Rosanna; Irpino, Antonio  Book Chapter:  Full Text Online

Расположение подгрупп полной линейной группы степени два над полем рациональных функций, содержащих квадратичный тор

Дзигоева, Валентина Созрыкоевна — 01.01.06 — Владикавказ, 2008

... над кольцами и нормальностью элементарной подгруппы, рассматривались 

Л.Н.Васерштейном, А.В.Михалевым, И.З.Голубчиком, А.А.Суслиным, З.И.Боревичем, Н.А.Вавиловым и многими ... ... . Владикавказский Мат.Журн.,10(2008),10-23. 

59. Васерштейн Л.Н., Михалев А.В., О нормальных подгруппах ортогональной ...

Stochastic Analysis - EMS  Oberwolfach Reports

European Mathematical Society Publishing House

by JD Deuschel - ‎2008

... equation), thaed in tt appearalks on scaling scaling limits of dynamical percolation, ... where the space of measures is equipped with the Wasserstein distance.

Suites de Sturm, indice de Maslov et périodicité de Bott Page 41, 201

Jean Barge, Jean Lannes

ISBN: 978-3-7643-8709-9 (Print) 978-3-7643-8710-5 (Online) Zbl 1151.55001 

——2008 books       -10

Logistics engineering handbook

by Taylor, G. Don  2008

Suites de Sturm, indice de Maslov et périodicité de Bott - Page 35, 197

Jean Barge, ‎Jean Lannes - 2008 - ‎Mathematics

Soit a un élément de £l(R[T]) avec a(0) = L et a(l) = A. Si l'anneau R est ... Grunewald, Mennicke et Vaserstein montrent dans [GMV] que l'évaluation en (0,0 . . .

Three essays in economics

by Karavaev, Andrei

The Pennsylvania State University, 2008

  This dissertation consists of three essays in economics. The first essay studies information trading in fixed networks of economic agents who can only...

Ph.D. committee member Vaserstein

COMPSTAT 2008: - Page vii, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 83, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 561 (15 pages)

Proceedings in Computational Statistics 

Paula Brito - 2008 

Comparing Histogram Data Using a Mahalanobis–Wasserstein Distance Full Text Online

Found inside – Page 77

Comparing Histogram Data Using a Mahalanobis–Wasserstein Distance Rosanna Verde and Antonio Irpino Department of European and Mediterranean Studies Second University of Naples Via del Setificio 15, 81100 Caserta, Italy, ...

MR2547459   COMPSTAT 2008—Proceedings in Computational Statistics. Held in Porto, August 24–29, 2008. Edited by Paula Brito. With 1 CD-ROM (Windows, Macintosh and UNIX). Physica-Verlag/Springer, Heidelberg, 2008. xviii+573 pp. ISBN: 978-3-7908-2083-6 62-06

Book 3 Citations

COMPSTAT 2008: Proceedings in Computational Statistics - Page 77

books.google.com › books

books.google.com › books

Paula Brito · 2008


Proceedings in Computational Statistics Paula Brito. Comparing Histogram Data Using a Mahalanobis–Wasserstein Distance Rosanna Verde and Antonio Irpino Department of European and Mediterranean Studies Second University of ...

MR2509579 Indexed Verde, Rosanna; Irpino, Antonio Comparing histogram data using a Mahalanobis-Wasserstein distance. 

COMPSTAT 2008—Proceedings in Computational Statistics, 77–89, Physica-Verlag/Springer, Heidelberg, 2008. 62G09 (62H11)

 Chapter  2008

Scenarios for Risk Management and Global Investment Strategies  - Paga x, xvii, 256, 270, 273, 315

Rachel E. S. Ziemba, ‎William T. Ziemba - 2008 

Figure 26.4 Approximation of a t-distribution with a Kolmogrov-Smirnov distance on the left and the Wasserstein distance measure on ...

Found inside – Page 273

... the Wasserstein distance measure on the right The second approach, due to Hochreiter and Pflug (HP) (2003), generates scenario trees using a multidimensional facility location problem that minimizes a Wasserstein distance measure from .

Kazhdan's Property (T) - Page 465

Bachir Bekka, ‎Pierre de la Harpe, ‎Alain Valette - 2008 

[Vaser–68] L.N. Vaserstein. Groups having the property (T). Funct. Anal. Appl., 2:174, 1968. [Vaser–88] L.N. Vaserstein. Reduction of a matrix depending on parameters to a diagonal form by addition operators. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc, 103:741– ...

Proceedings - Volume 11 - Page 37, 39

Association for Computing Machinery, 2008

Finally, we compare fixed-PRR links of the various simulation methods to the Kantorovich-Wasserstein distance on conditional packet delivery functions (CPDFs). CPDFs describe packet delivery probability given n consecutive successes or ...

The Essence of Ricci Curvature - Page 15, 18

Colin Douglas Hinde - 2008

Let W2(M,m) = (W2(M,m),dw) be the L2-Wasserstein space of probability measures on M absolutely continuous with respect to m ... If no, fii E W2{M, m) the distance between them has ^(^0,^1) = fMxMd2(p,q)du where u, an optimal coupling, ...

Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society - Volume 29 - Page 507

American Mathematical Society - 2008 

Some probabilistic and topological properties of the free quantum orthogonal group A0(n). The free ... Our proof involves obtaining an Otto-Villani type estimate on the Biane-Voiculescu-Wasserstein distance for free diffusion starting at the ...

Efficient Transient Noise Analysis in Circuit Simulation - Page 144

Thorsten Sickenberger - 2008

A class of Wasserstein metrics for probability distributions. Michigan Math. ... Sixth quantum 1/F noise and other low frequency fluctuations in electronic devices, volume 371 of AIP conference proceedings, Woodbury, 1993. American Institute ...

——2008 books       -20

Finite Fields and Applications:  - Page 61, 77

Eighth International Conference on Finite Fields and Applications, July 9-13, 2007, Melbourne, Australia

Gary L. Mullen, Daniel Panario, Igor E. Shparlinski - 2008 

Volume 461 of Contemporary mathematics - American Mathematical Society

[22] L.N. Vaserstein. Waring's problem for algebras over fields, J. Number Theory 26 (1987). 286-298. [23] L.N. Vaserstein, Ramsey's Theorem and Waring's Problem, in The Arithmetic of Function Fields (eds D. Goss and al), de Gruyter.

Intro To The Theory Of Numbers 6E - Page 449

Godfrey Harold Hardy, Edward M. Wright, David Rodney Heath-Brown - 2008 

Vaserstein has shown that ν(8) 28 (J. Number Theory 28 (1988), 66–68), and A. Choudhry has proved that ν(7) 12 (J. Number Theory 81 (2000), 266–9). Both conclusions depend on the existence of remarkable polynomial identities too ...

Variational PDE-based image segmentation and inpainting with Applications in Computer Graphics  - Page 8, 35

Kang-Yu Ni, University of California, Los Angeles - ProQuest, 2008  120 pp ISBN0549980636, 9780549980636 

The optimal transport distance, commonly called the Wasserstein distance with exponent p, is Wp(p, v) = Tp(n, v)1/p. ... The goal of this work is to understand low-order feature segmentation, which is based on the statistics of image intensity ...

Compstat: Proceedings in Computational Statistics 2008 - Page xii, 74, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 83, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 561

Paula Brito - 2008 

Proceedings in Computational Statistics 2008 Paula Brito. of histogram data. The Mahalanobis–Wasserstein distance and the proposed interdependency measures between histogram variables can be considered as new useful tools for ... 


3790820849, 9783790820843

Wasserstein Space Over the Wiener Space

Shizan Fang, Jinghai Shao, Karl-Theodor Sturm - 2008 

Алгебра и анализ - Volumes 4-6; Volume 20 - Page 161


Сходным образом в случае нерасщепимых классических групп над кольцами Васерштейн [28, 29] определил элементарную подгруппу как подгруппу, порождённую всеми трансвекциями Эйхлера-Зигеля-Диксона.

A Level-set Method for Solving Elliptic Eigenvalue Problems on  Hypersurfaces, And, Finite-time Blow-up of L(infinity) Weak Solutions of an Aggregation Equation  - Page 51

Jeremy Brandman - 2008 

Global-in-time solutions of (2.1), with the addition of a density-dependent diffusion used to model repulsion, were studied ... 

by viewing solutions as gradient flows in the Wasserstein metric and long-time behavior of solutions was also studied.

Probability theory: a comprehensive course - Page 384

Achim Klenke - 2008 - 616 pages

Wasserstein metric

Recent advances in learning and control - Page 129 

Vincent Blondel, Stephen P. Boyd, Hidenori Kimura - 2008 - 277 pages

Wasserstein distance

Mathematical Analysis of Urban Spatial Networks - Page 52 , 53, 180

Philippe Blanchard, Dimitri Volchenkov - 2008 - 181 pages

Wasserstein distance

——2008 books       -30

Gradient flows: in metric spaces and in the space of probability measures - Page 9, 151, 168, 324 (40 pages)

Luigi Ambrosio, Nicola Gigli, Giuseppe Savaré - 2008 - 334 pages 

E. A. Carlen and W. Gangbo, Constrained steepest descent in the 2- Wasserstein metric, Ann. of Math. ...

Zbl 1145.35001 Ambrosio, Luigi; Gigli, Nicola; Savaré, Giuseppe

Gradient flows in metric spaces and in the space of probability measures. 2nd ed. (English)

Lectures in Mathematics, ETH Zürich. Basel: Birkhäuser. vii, 334~p.   (2008). MSC2000: *35-02 49-02 49J40

Wasserstein distances;

Found inside - Page 151

In this chapter we will introduce the p-th Wasserstein distance Wp (μ, ν) between two measures μ, ν Pp(X). The first section is devoted to its preliminary properties, in connection with the optimal transportation problems studied in the previous ...

No image available

MR2401600   Ambrosio, Luigi; Gigli, Nicola; Savaré, Giuseppe Gradient flows in metric spaces and in the space of probability measures. Second edition. Lectures in Mathematics ETH Zürich. Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 2008. x+334 pp. ISBN: 978-3-7643-8721-1 (Reviewer: Pietro Celada) 49-02 (28A33 35K55 35K90 49Q20 60B05)

 Book 631 Citations  : Full Text Online

Stochastic ordinary and stochastic partial differential equations: - Page 60, 66, 197, 349, 437,

Transition from Microscopic to Macroscopic Equations 

Peter Kotelenez - 2008 - 458 pages

Wasserstein distance

Mathematical modeling, simulation, visualization and e-learning:  - Page 155, 162

Proceedings of an International Workshop Held at Rockefeller Foundation's Bellagio Conference Center, Milan, Italy 2006 

Approximation of parabolic equations based upon Wasserstein's variational principle,

Statistical advances in the biomedical sciences: - Page 268

Clinical Trials, Epidemiology, Survival Analysis, and Bioinformatics

Atanu Biswas - 2008 - 582 pages  

Atanu Biswas, Sujay Datta, Jason P. Fine, Mark R. Segal Wiley, Dec 14, 2007 - 640 pages

Bayesian inference and maximum entropy methods in science and engineering - Page 61, 62

28th International Workshop on Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering, Boracéia, São Paulo, Brazil, 6-11 July 2008

Marcelo de Souza Lauretto, Carlos Alberto de Bragança Pereira, Julio Michael Stern - 2008 - 384 pages

Asymptotic theory of statistics and probability - Page  464, 486, 707  (8 pages)

Anirban DasGupta - 2008 - 722 pages

Kolmogorov's zero-one law, 6 Kolmogorov and Wasserstein metrics, ... 536–537 infinite-order kernels, 537 kernel density estimation consistency of, 533–535 ...


X<OO (ii) Mallows-Wasserstein metric 152(F,G) I inf (EIY — Xlzfi, F2,F,G where X ~ F, Y ~ G, and F27F7G is the class of all joint distributions of (X, Y) with ...


Computational intelligence in decision and control - Page 66 

Proceedings of the 8th International Flins Conference : Madrid, Spain, 21-24 September2008

Da Ruan, Javier Montero, Jie Lu - 2008 - 1173 pages

Computational methods in biomedical research - Page 82 

Ravindra Khattree, Dayanand N. Naik - 2008 - 408 pages

Wasserstein metric

Data analysis, machine learning and applications - Page xv, xvi , 711

Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Gesellschaft für Klassifikation e.V., Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, March 7-9, 2007

Christine Preisach, Hans Burkhardt, Lars Schmidt-Thieme - 2008 - 719 pages

Last row: Corrected Rand Index (CRI) of the obtained partition compared with the expert partition c L2 Wasserstein Adaptive L2 HausdorffL1 distance ... 

MR3776790   Mardare, Radu; Panangaden, Prakash; Plotkin, Gordon Quantitative algebraic reasoning. 

Proceedings of the 31st Annual ACM-IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS 2016), 10 pp., ACM, New York, 2016. 08B05 (68N15)

 Chapter 6 Citations 

Mathematical models of granular matter - Page 70

Gianfranco Capriz, Pasquale Giovine, Alain Barrat - 2008 - 212 pages

Wasserstein distance

——2008 books       -40

Mathematics - key technology for the future:  - Page 43 

Joint Projects Between Universities and Industry 2004-2007 (Google eBook)

Willi Jäger, Hans-Joachim Krebs - 2008 - 357 pages

Wasserstein metric

Analysis and stochastics of growth processes and interface models - Page 259 

Peter Mörters - 2008 - 336 pages

Wasserstein distance

Seminar on Stochastic Analysis, Random Fields and Applications V:  - Page 21  (16 pages)

Centro Stefano Franscini, Ascona, May 2005

Robert C. Dalang, M. Dozzi, Francesco Russo - 2008 - 519 pages

A stochastic spatial model for invasive plants and a general Theory of Monotonicity for Interaction Map Particle Systems - Page 50

Joseph Patrick Stover, The University of Arizona. Applied Mathematics - 2008 

The coupling to follow is essentially the same as the Vasershtein coupling[37] given for spin systems, also known as the basic coupling [23].

An introduction to sequential dynamical systems - Page 242

Henning S. Mortveit, Christian M. Reidys - 2008 - 248 pages

26. L. N. Vasershtein. Markov processes over denumerable products of spaces describing large system of automata.

Statistical Models and Methods for Biomedical and Technical Systems - Page 188

Filia Vonta, Mikhail. Nikulin, Nikolaos. Limnios - 2008

We consider the Kantorovich metric (one of the most-used Vasserstein metrics) /c(/ii, H2) [see Kantorovich (1942)], 

Calculus of Variations and Nonlinear Partial Differential ... - Page 38

Centro internazionale matematico estivo. Summer School, ‎Luigi Ambrosio, ‎E. Mascolo · 2008

Found inside – Page 38

L. Ambrosio: Lecture notes on transport equation and Cauchy problem for BV vector fields and applications. Preprint, 2004 (available at ... PDE, 29 (2004), 1635–1651. 11. L. Ambrosio, G. ... L. Ambrosio, N. Gigli & G. Savar ́e: Gradient flows in metric spaces and in the Wasserstein space of probability measures. Lectures in ...

 Actes du séminaire Théorie Spectrale et Géométrie | UMR ...

Actes du séminaire Théorie Spectrale et Géométrie. Chaque année le séminaire Théorie Spectrale et Géométrie propose l'édition de ses actes diffusés par le CEDRAM (Centre de diffusion de revues académiques mathématiques). Accéder ...

Missing: wasserstein

MR2478810   Juillet, Nicolas Transport de mesure et courbures de Ricci synthétiques dans le groupe de Heisenberg. (French) [Measure transport and synthetic Ricci curvatures in the Heisenberg group] 

Actes du Séminaire de Théorie Spectrale et Géométrie. Vol. 25. Année 2006–2007, 85–104, Sémin. Théor. Spectr. Géom., 25, Univ. Grenoble I, Saint-Martin-d'Hères, 2008. (Reviewer: Alessio Figalli) 53C23


Nicolas Juillet - Irma - Université de Strasbourg

Jul 31, 2020 — I am a "Maître de conférence" of the "Université de Strasbourg" at the ... of the Heisenberg group in a way that the Wasserstein distance induced by the ... The related survey was published in the"Actes du Séminaire de Théorie ...

 ——2008 books       -48     end 2008            

start 2009  45 books

BIRS Proceedings 2009 - Banff International Research Station


24 Ted Lewis Workshop on SNAP Math Fairs 2009 (09w2150). 233 ... problem was studied and solved by THURSTON and VASERSTEIN. It is natural to consider the ... Math. USSR Izvestiya 21 (1983), 307–340. (English ... speaker. Dr. Tonoyan has been involved with the International Math Olympiad for many years and he.

krainian mathematical congress 7 international algebraic ...

PDF 2009 Kharkov 

Arbitrary element of the commutator subgroup is a commutator of certain ... A linear group over an algebra A is, by definition, the group of automorphisms ... [1] Vaserstein L.N. Stable range of rings and dimension of topological spases // Funk.

by К Сушкевича

Trends in Stochastic Analysis - Page 188

Jochen Blath, ‎Peter Mörters, ‎Michael Scheutzow · 2009

Found inside – Page 188

The digital representation is to be stored on a computer or to be sent over a channel, and one needs to find a good ... by the expectation IEf Provided one knows all possible outcomes of X including the corresponding probability weights, one can explicitly express the latter expectation as a finite sum. Now the aim is to find PX that is supported on a small set and that is close to PX in a Wasserstein metric.

Further Progress In Analysis - Proceedings Of The 6th ... - Page 443

A Okay Celebi, ‎Robert Pertsch Gilbert, ‎Heinrich G W Begehr · 2009

Found inside – Page 443

The distance will be thus a sort of Wasserstein [17] distance between measures. References 1. A. Bressan and M. Fonte, Methods Appl. Anal. 12, 191 (2005). M. Fonte, Analysis of singular solutions for two nonlinear wave equations, Ph.D.

MR2581645   Fonte, M. An optimal transportation metric for two nonlinear PDE's. 

Further progress in analysis, 434–443, World Sci. Publ., Hackensack, NJ, 2009. 35Q53 (35B30)



Regularity and Asymptotics for Strongly Nonlinear Parabolic Partial Differential Equations - 5 pages

Maxim Trokhimtchouk

University of California, Berkeley, 2009 - 164 pages

Wasserstein asymptotics

Found inside – Page 10

Porous medium flow turn out to be gradient flows in some sense of a convex functional in Wasserstein space . Otto was the first to formalize this in ( Ott ) . However , gradient flows in Wasserstein space and a notion of geodesic convexity in that

Строение изотропных редуктивных групп

Ставрова, Анастасия Константиновна — 01.01.06 — Санкт-Петербург, 2009

... , в случае нерасщепимых классических групп над кольцами Васерштейн ([70, 71]) определил элементарную подгруппу как подгруппу, порожденную ...

Теги: Математическая логика, алгебра и теория чисел - Диссертация

Supply chain management and knowledge management:

integrating critical perspectives in theory and practice

by Butcher, Tim; Dwivedi, Ashish N  2009

Vaserstein  p.189   2008

Asymptotically periodic L^ 2 minimizers in strongly SEGREGATING DIBLOCK COPOLYMERS   


by A Chmaj - ‎2009 

Jan 7, 2009 - We also improve the derivation done by van der Waals and use it and the ... parameters in the Vaserstein pseudoassociation potential to get ...

Symplectic and subriemannian geometry of optimal transport

by Lee, Paul Woon Yin

University of Toronto (Canada), 2009  137 pages

  This thesis is devoted to subriemannian optimal transportation problems. In the first part of the thesis, we consider cost functions arising from very...


flow on the subriemannian Wasserstein spac


Hamiltonian systems and the calculus of differential forms on the Wasserstein space

by Kim, Hwa Kil

Georgia Institute of Technology, 2009

  This thesis consists of two parts. In the first part, we study stability properties of Hamiltonian systems on the Wasserstein space...


Le Hasard et la Courbure - Yann Ollivier pdf


sary; in case of torsion, the critical density can be lower than ...... transport et leur a donné le nom de distances de Vasershtein, qu'elles ont conservé à la transcription ...... integer part, or choose two constants C1 and C2 and consider taking any number of words between ...... Without the stability of cogrowth, in order to get ...

Polytopes, Rings, and K-Theory  Page 358,458

Joseph Gubeladze, Winfried Bruns Springer Monographs in Mathematics 2009


corrections pdf

The Wasserstein distances

by Villani, C

OPTIMAL TRANSPORT: OLD AND NEW  Book Series: Grundlehren der Mathematischen Wissenschaften   Volume: 338   Pages: 93-111   Published: 2009 Full Text Online

DCDS-A - Volume 24, Pages 1-651 - Page 66


3.1. Wasserstein distances. Let us denote by P(RN) the set of probability measures. Given two probability measures f,g & P(RN), the Euclidean Wasserstein Distance is defined as W2(f,g)= inf •(// \v-x\2<m(v,x)\ ' (25) where II runs over the set of ...

Differential Equations - Geometry, Symmetries and Integrability:  - Page 49, 51, 57

The Abel Symposium 2008

Boris Kruglikov, ‎Valentin Lychagin, ‎Eldar Straume - 2009 

By construction, when Prob (resp. Diff) is endowed with the Otto (resp. Arnol'd) metric, the map Vi becomes a Riemannian submersion (see e.g. [C-E75, pp. 65-68], [FIP04] and references therein). 3.5 The L2 Wasserstein Distance Given (y, v) e ...

Found inside - Page 57

Arnol'd) metric, the map Vi becomes a Riemannian submersion (see e.g. [C-E75, pp. 65-68], [FIP04] and references therein). 3.5 The L2 Wasserstein Distance Given (y, v) e Prob x Prob, recall that the L2 Wasserstein distance W2(/x, v) is given ...

Probability, Random Processes, and Ergodic Properties - Page 272

Robert M. Gray - 2009 

The problem of (9.3) is widely known as the Monge/Kantorovich optimal transportation or transport problem, and when the ... of Vasershtein, Wasserstein, also caught on as a suitable name for the Monge/Kantorovich distance and remains so.

Found inside – Page 272

In the optimal transportation literature, the German spelling of Vasershtein, Wasserstein, also caught on as a suitable name for the Monge/Kantorovich distance and remains so. The Monge/Kantorovich optimal cost provides a distortion or ...

Probability, Random Processes, and Ergodic Properties - Page x, xxxiii, 272, 315

Robert M. Gray - 2009 - 322 pages - In the optimal transportation literature, the German spelling of Vasershtein, Wasserstein,

Found inside – Page 272

In the optimal transportation literature, the German spelling of Vasershtein, Wasserstein, also caught on as a suitable name for the Monge/Kantorovich distance and remains so. The Monge/Kantorovich optimal cost provides a distortion or ...

The 12th International conference on information fusion  Seatle 6-9 July 2009

Information Fusion, 2009. FUSION '09. 12th International Conference on

IEEE Conference Publications 2009

Wasserstein distance for the fusion of multisensor multitarget particle filter clouds

[PDF] from isif.orgD Danu, T Kirubarajan… - Information Fusion, 2009. …, 2009 - ieeexplore.ieee.org

12th International Conference on Information Fusion Seattle, WA, USA, July 6-9, 2009

Abstract In a multisensor multitarget tracking application, the evaluation of the cost of 

assigning particle filter clouds of different sensors as being estimates of the same target is 

an essential part in the particle cloud association. This paper treats the problem of ...

Modern Differential Geometry in Gauge Theories: Yang-Mills Fields - Volume 2 - Page 107

Anastasios Mallios - 2009

481, Theorem 4.2], as well as L.N. Vaser- stein [1]. Yet, setting (5.28) A CAX in (5.27), one then obtains, by the very definitions, (5.29) CMn(A)X = Mn(CAX) Mn(A), so that we can still write (5.27) in the form (5.30) EfA(X)EfMn(A)(X), ...

[PDF] Entropy and Information - Electrical Engineering - Stanford University

Jul 16, 2009 – This book is devoted to the theory of probabilistic information measures and their application ...... 

Breiman's and Billingsley's approach requires the martingale convergence theorem ......

Levenshtein [95] and Vasershtein [146] ...

[PDF]  Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference - Page 846

on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering

Gijón (Asturias), Spain June 30, July 1-3, 2009 . Editor J. Vigo-Aguiar

The Kantorovich-Wasserstein distance between ρ0 and ρ1 verifies: d2(ρ0,ρ1) = ...

Transport Equations for Semiconductors - Page 273

Ansgar Jüngel - 2009 

The Wasserstein gradient flow of the Fisher information and the quantum drift-diffusion equation. To appear in Arch. Rat.Mech. Anal., 2009. 263 24. A. J ̈ungel

Theory of Stochastic Processes:  - Page 247, 249

With Applications to Financial Mathematics and Risk Theory 

Dmytro Gusak, Alexey Kulik, Yuliya Mishura - 2009 -Springer, 2010-  375 pages ISBN0387878629, 9780387878621

Wasserstein metric

Differential equations: geometry, symmetries and integrability :  - Page , iii, vii, viii, 1, 2, 9, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 37, 40, 42, 47, 48, 49, 52, 72, 73, 75, 77, 105, 106, 107, 151, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 167, 169, 170. ...

Proceedings of the Fifth Abel Symposium, Tromsų, Norway, June 1722, 2008

Boris Kruglikov, Valentin Lychagin, Eldar Straume - Springer, 2009 - 386 pages ISBN3642008739, 9783642008733

The Otto distance do coincides on Prob with the L2 Wasserstein distance W2. ... a distance. Moreover, recalling the definition of the Arnol'd metric, we may Differential Geometric Heuristic 57 3.4 The Otto Metric 3.5 The L2 Wasserstein Distance.

MR2562574  Delanoë, Philippe Differential geometric heuristics for Riemannian optimal mass transportation. 

Differential equations: geometry, symmetries and integrability, 49–73, Abel Symp., 5, Springer, Berlin, 2009. (Reviewer: Giovanni Pisante) 58D20 (49Q20 58D05 58E30)

 Chapter 2 Citations

Optimal transport: old and new - Page ii, xiii, xxi, 32, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 106, 110, 926, 941… (38 pages)

Cédric Villani - 2009 - 973 pages Full Text Online

... (b) the explicit definition of this distance is not so easy to find in Wasserstein's work; and (c) Wasserstein was only interested in the case p = 1. By the way, also the spelling of Wasserstein is doubtful: the original spelling was Vasershtein.

Springer 2008 ISBN 3540710507, 9783540710509

MR2459454 (2010f:49001) Villani, Cédric Optimal transport. Old and new. Grundlehren der Mathematischen Wissenschaften [Fundamental Principles of Mathematical Sciences], 338. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2009. xxii+973 pp. ISBN: 978-3-540-71049-3 (Reviewer: Dario Cordero-Erausquin), 49-02 (28A75 37J50 49Q20 53C23 58E30)

Book 1465 Citations

Zbl 1156.53003 Villani, Cédric Optimal transport. Old and new. (English)

Grundlehren der Mathematischen Wissenschaften 338. Berlin: Springer. xxii, 973~p. EUR~99.95/net; SFR~166.00; \$~159.00; \sterling~79.00 (2009). MSC2000: *53-02 49-02 90-02, Reviewer: Mihail Voicu (Iaşi)

(6) The Wasserstein distances,

Empirical Processes with Applications to Statistics - Page xii, 23

Galen R. Shorack, Jon A. Wellner - 2009 - 948 pages

Wasserstein Distance, 62 Definition of Wasserstein distance d2; Mallow's

The statistical mechanics of quantum lattice systems: a path integral approach - Page 239, 256 , 257, 260, 374, 379

Sergio Albeverio - European Mathematical Society, 2009 - 379 pages ISBN3037190701, 9783037190708

Found inside – Page 256

This matrix is expressed by means of the Wasserstein distance between the kernels Ab , A ( + 18 ) with different Ę . The Wasserstein distance between measures on Euclidean spaces was introduced in

Comparing Distributions - Page 148 

Olivier Thas - 2009 - 353 pages

Calculation of the Wasserstein distance between probability distributions on the line. Theory of Probability ...

Encyclopedia of Distances - Page 51, 147, 253, 254, 571, 580, 590

Michel M. Deza, Elena Deza - Springer 2009 - 590 pages ISBN 364200234X, 9783642002342

fLip≤1 ∫ If μ and ν are probability measures, then it is the Kantorovich–Mallows–Monge-Wasserstein metric (cf. Chap. 14).

Random Matrices: High Dimensional Phenomena - Page 437

Gordon Blower 

... 150 symmetric powers 374 symmetric diffusion semigroup 381 symmetric group, infinite 352 symmetric tensor powers ... Wallis's product 29 Wasserstein metric 100 Wasserstein metric dual form 101 Wasserstein metric in

MR2566878 Blower, Gordon Random matrices: high dimensional phenomena. London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, 367. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2009. x+437 pp. ISBN: 978-0-521-13312-8 (Reviewer: Michael Stolz), 60B20  page 100

Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie - Page 386

Achim Klenke - 2009 - 624 pages

Markov chains and mixing times - Page 199, 361

With a Chapter on Coupling from the Past by James G. Propp and David B. Wilson

David Asher Levin, Yuval Peres, Elizabeth Lee Wilmer - 2009 - 371 pages

Vasershtein, L. N. 1969. Markov processes over denumerable products of

Markov Chains and Mixing Times - University of Oregon  pdf

Selected papers on probability and statistics - Page 77, 92

American Mathematical Society, United States. Office of Naval Research - 2009 - 231 pages

... Stochastic convergence through Skorohod representation theorems and Wasserstein metrics, Suppl. Rendic. Circolo Matem. Palermo II, 35 (1994), 89-113. 

The geometry of infinite-dimensional groups - Page 109, 144

Boris A. Khesin, Robert Wendt - 2009 - 304 pages

Optimal transportation networks: models and theory - Page 18, 21, 22, 23, 55, 61 

Marc Bernot, Vicent Caselles, Jean-Michel Morel - 2009 - 200 pages

Random trees: an interplay between combinatorics and probability - Page xii, 347, 352, 458

Michael Drmota - Springer, 2009 - 458 pages ISBN3211753575, 9783211753576

Wasserstein metric

MR2484382 (2010i:05003) Drmota, Michael Random trees. An interplay between combinatorics and probability. SpringerWienNewYork, Vienna, 2009. xviii+458 pp. ISBN: 978-3-211-75355-2 (Reviewer: Lyuben R. Mutafchiev), 05-02 (05C80 60-02 60C05 68P05 68P10 68W40)

Book 146 Citations

Operations research proceedings 2008:  - Page 352

Selected Papers of the Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society (GOR), University of Augsburg, September 3-5, 2008 (Google eBook)

Bernhard Fleischmann, Karl-Heinz Borgwardt, Robert Klein - Springer, 2009 - 580 pages ISBN3642001424, 9783642001420

Wasserstein metric

Large random matrices: lectures on macroscopic asymptotics :  - Page 275

École D'Été de Probabilités de Saint-Flour XXXVI – 2006 (Google eBook)

Alice Guionnet - 2009 - 294 pages Lecture notes in mathematics (Springer-Verlag) ; 1957

Necessary optimality conditions for geodesics in weighted Wasserstein spaces.

Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods 2008 - Page 133 

Pierre L'Écuyer, Art B. Owen - 2009 - 672 pages

Since the latter two quantities can equivalently be defined in terms of the Wasserstein distance on the space of Borel

Computing and Combinatorics:  - Page 337 

15Th Annual International Conference, Cocoon 2009 Niagara Falls, Ny, Usa, July 13-15, 2009: Proceedings

Hung Q. Ngo - 2009 - 540 pages

Wasserstein metric

Applied Shape Optimization for Fluids - Page 159 

B. Mohammadi, Olivier Pironneau - OUP Oxford, 2009 - 304 pages


Labelled Markov processes - Page 127 

Prakash Panangaden - Imperial College Press, 2009 - 199 pages

Vaserstein (or Wasserstein) metric

Found inside – Page 127

The definition is based on what is variously called the Kantorovich metric, the Vaserstein (or Wasserstein) metric and the Hutchinson metric on probability measures; we have merely simplified the definition for our context of discrete finite state ...


Séminaire de Probabilités XLII - Page 130

Catherine Donati-Martin, Michel Émery, Alain Rouault - 2009

Non-monotone Convergence in the Quadratic Wasserstein Distance Walter Schachermayer1, Uwe 130 L. Miclo.

MR2599203 (2010h:60007) Séminaire de probabilités XLII. [Seminar on Probability Theory XLII] Edited by Catherine Donati-Martin, Michel Émery, Alain Rouault and Christophe Stricker. Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1979. 

Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2009. xiv+449 pp. ISBN: 978-3-642-01762-9, 60-06  Full Text Online

Séminaire de Probabilités XLI - Page 131, 370

Catherine Donati-Martin, Michel Émery, Alain Rouault - 2008

Wasserstein. distance. F. Bolley Ecole Normale Sup ́erieure de Lyon,

Zbl 1213.60002 Andres, Sebastian Diffusion processes with reflection. (English)

Berlin: TU Berlin, Fakultät II, Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften (Diss.). 114~p. (2009). MSC2000: *60-02 60J60

whose associated empirical measure process converges weakly to the Wasserstein diffusion in the high-density limit

MR2547644 (2011a:20055) Segal, Dan Words: notes on verbal width in groups. London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, 361. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2009. xii+121 pp. ISBN: 978-0-521-74766-0 (Reviewer: Benjamin Klopsch), 20E10 (20-02 20F10 20F12 20G25 20G35 20M05)

As the author notes, this is as yet a largely unexplored direction, apart from many interesting results on commutator width [see, e.g., R. K. Dennis and L. N. Vaserstein, J. Algebra 118 (1988), no. 1, 150–161; MR0961333 (89k:20062)]

 Book 72 Citations

Scaling limits in statistical mechanics and microstructures in Continuum Mechanics - Page vii, x, xii, xiv, 86, 88,  89, 91, 93, 94, 95, 97, 240, 242, 247, 361, 367, 368, 369, 370, 377 (23 pages with Vaserstein)

Errico Presutti - Springer 2009 - 467 pages  ISBN3540733051, 9783540733058

Springer Science & Business Media, 2008 470 pages

Vaserstein. distance. The theory is much more general than the applications to statistical mechanics that we discuss in this book, as a general reference see the book by Villani [208]. This is Part I because our presentation continues in Sect.

The phase diagram of Ising systems by Presutti, Errico

Table of contents (pdf, 112 kB) - Springer

Zbl 1156.82001    Presutti, Errico   Scaling limits in statistical mechanics and microstructures in continuum mechanics. (English)    

Theoretical and Mathematical Physics. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 978-3-540-73304-1/hbk). xvi, 467 p. EUR 69.95/net; SFR 116.50; £ 52.50; $ 109.00 (2009).

———  end 2009 books

Wasserstein  start 2010  75 books

Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: ...

José L. Balcázar, ‎Francesco Bonchi, ‎Aristides Gionis · 2010

Found inside – Page 254

Proceedings, Part I José L. Balcázar, Francesco Bonchi, Aristides Gionis, Michèle Sebag ... (Ranking Stability) In the same way as Wasserstein-Kantorovich probability metrics turned to be quite adapted to the study of stability of stochastic ...

Stability, Approximation, and Decomposition in Two- and ... - Page 5

Christian Küchler · 2010

Found inside – Page 5

In particular, FortetMourier and Wasserstein metrics are relevant for two-stage stochastic programs (cf. Römisch ... in two-stage stochastic programs without integrality requirements (Dupačová et al., 2003; Heitsch and Römisch, 2003, 2007).

Proceedings of COMPSTAT'2010: 19th International Conference ...

Yves Lechevallier, ‎Gilbert Saporta · 2010

Found inside – Page 588

19th International Conference on Computational StatisticsParis France, August 22-27, 2010 Keynote, Invited and Contributed Papers Yves Lechevallier, Gilbert Saporta. and Irpino ... BILLARD, L. and DIDAY, E. (2007): Symbolic Data Analysis: Conceptual Statistics and Data Mining. ... IRPINO, A., LECHEVALLIER, Y. and VERDE, R. (2006): Dynamic clustering of histograms using Wasserstein metric.

MR3307681   Proceedings of COMPSTAT'2010. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computational Statistics held in Paris, August 22–27, 2010. Edited by Yves Lechevallier and Gilbert Saporta. Physica-Verlag/Springer, Heidelberg, 2010. xxx+621 p

p. ISBN: 978-3- -2603-6; 978-3-7908-2604-3 62-06

 Book 3 Citations

tochastic Integrals and SDE Driven by Nonlinear Lévy Noise ...

Oct 27, 2010 - Stochastic Integrals and SDE Driven by Nonlinear Lévy Noise ... where the measures are metricized by the Wasserstein–Kantorovich metrics W ...

by VN Kolokoltsov - ‎2011 - ‎Cited by 7 - ‎Related articles


Ordinary Least Squares for Histogram Data Based on Wasserstein Distance 

by Verde, Rosanna; Irpino, Antonio 

Proceedings of COMPSTAT'2010, 2010

Book ChapterFull Text Online

Theory of Stochastic Processes:  

With Applications to Financial Mathematics and Risk Theory

Problem Books in Mathematics

Dmytro Gusak, ‎Alexander Kukush, ‎Alexey Kulik - 2010 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions

We remark that some authors insist that, from the historical point of view, the correct name for dw p is the Kantorovich metric (or the Kantorovich-Rubinstein metric). We keep the term “Wasserstein metric” which is now used more frequently.

Differential Forms on Wasserstein Space and Infinite-dimensionall Hamiltonian Systems Hamilopnian Systems

ilfrid Gangbo, ‎Hwa Kil Kim, ‎Tommaso Pacini - 2010 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions

For $D=2d$ the authors then define a symplectic distribution on $\mathcal{M}$ in terms of this calculus, thus obtaining a rigorous framework for the notion of Hamiltonian systems as introduced by Ambrosio and Gangbo.

Found inside - Page 23

... given in Equation 4.6, should now be compared to Equation A.19. Notice that the sign discrepancy between these equations is explained by the fact that the Lie bracket on g is the opposite of the usual Lie bracket on Xc, cf. LemmaA.19.

Found inside – Page 76

MR1471480 (98i:58015) John Lott, Some geometric calculations on Wasserstein space, Comm. Math. Phys. 277 (2008), no. 2, 423–437. MR2358290 (2009b:58014) John Lott and Cédric Villani, Ricci curvature for metric-measure spaces via ...

Contributions to Stein's method and some limit theorems in probability    pdf

Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences

by PS Dey - ‎2010  dissertation Berkeley

In the second part, we consider first-passage percolation across thin cylinders of the ...... for Xn. Here we consider the rate of convergence w.r.t. Wasserstein.

Mathematical Modeling of Collective Behavior in Socio-Economic and Life Sciences- Page 83, 87, 88, 89, 90, …, 431, 435

by Naldi, Giovanni; Pareschi, Lorenzo; Toscani, Giuseppe 2010

Computer Vision — - Page 772, 777,… (8 pagers, 17 matches for Wasserstein)

– ECCV 2010: 11th European Conference on Computer Vision, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, September 5-11

by Daniilidis, Kostas; Maragos, Petros A; Paragios, Nikos  Springer 2010

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, ISSN 0302-9743

Mutational Analysis: A Joint Framework for Cauchy Problems in and Beyond Vector Spaces - Page 106, 353,361

A Joint Framework for Cauchy Problems in and Beyond Vector Spaces

by Lorenz, Thomas  2010  pdf

Social Economics - Page 623, 643

Jess Benhabib, ‎Matthew O. Jackson, ‎Alberto Bisin - 1600 pages  2010 

Topa, G., 2001. Social Interactions, Local Spillover and Unemployment. The Review of Economic Studies 68, 261–295. Vasserstein, L.N., 1969. Markov Processes over Denumerable Product of Spaces Describing large Systems of Automata.

Measures on Hilbert Spaces and Applications to Hydrodynamics

by Kahl, John David

University of Missouri - Columbia, 2010  Dissertation

.... Homogeneous and isotropic measures are approximated in the 2nd Wasserstein metric by measures supported on finite dimensional subspaces...


Proceedings of COMPSTAT'2010:  - Page xix, 582, 588, 621

19th International Conference on Computational StatisticsParis France, August 22-27, 2010 Keynote, Invited and Contributed Papers

Proceedings in computational statistics

Yves Lechevallier, ‎Gilbert Saporta - 2010  Full Text Online

BILLARD, L. and DIDAY, E. (2007): Symbolic Data Analysis: Conceptual Statistics and Data Mining. ... IRPINO, A., LECHEVALLIER, Y. and VERDE, R. (2006): Dynamic clustering of histograms using Wasserstein metric. In: Rizzi, A., Vichi, ...

MR2827884 Indexed Yau, Horng-Tzer The work of Cédric Villani. Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians. Volume I, 87–98, Hindustan Book Agency, New Delhi, 2010. 01A70 (35Qxx 82Cxx)

19 Aug, 2010,  Duration: 00:27:34  Horng-Tzer Yau  Work of Fields Medallist Cédric Villani

Wasserstein space

Large deviations and idempotent probability - Page 74, 266, 472, 496, 497

Anatolii Puhalskii - CRC Press, 2010 - 520 pages ISBN 420035800, 9781420035803


Geodesic Methods in Computer Vision and Graphics - Page 166, 175, 196

Gabriel Peyré, ‎Mickael Pechaud, ‎Renaud Keriven - 2010 

In order to take into account the position of the index in the descriptors, one can use the Wasserstein distance, also called the earth mover's distance [246] which is more complicated to compute. The lp Wasserstein distance is defined as a ...

Serre's Problem on Projective Modules - Page 374 (39 pages)

T. Y. Lam - 2010

Amer. Math. Monthly 85, 357–359. 216. Gustafson, W. H.; Moore, M. E.; Reiner, I. (1981): Matrix completions over Dedekind rings. Lin. ... MR 1125204 (Reviewers: L. N. Vaserstein and E. R. Wheland) 224. Hinson, E. K. (1991b): Word length in ...

Found inside - Page 137

Our exposition of Vaserstein's elementary proof follows the lecture notes of Ferrand's Bourbaki talk [Ferrand: 1976]. For the original source of this proof, see [Vaserstein: 1976]. In the literature, this proof of Serre's Conjecture has sometimes ...

No image available

Control Theory and Systems Biology - Page 251, 252

Pablo A. Iglesias, ‎Brian P. Ingalls - 2010

Figure 12.2 (a) Graphical interpretation of the Wasserstein pseudometric as the area between two inverse cumulative ..

Found inside – Page 331

Genes & Development 4:2202–2209. Swain, P. (2004). E‰cient attenuation of stochasticity in gene expression through post-transcriptional control. Journal of ... Model reduction of stochastic processes using Wasserstein pseudo- metrics.

Probability and Partial Differential Equations in Modern Applied Mathematics

Edward C. Waymire, ‎Jinqiao Duan - 2010

This volume will be useful to researchers and graduate students interested in probabilistic methods, dynamical systems approaches and numerical analysis for mathematical modeling in the sciences and engineering.

Data Analysis and Classification: - Page xi, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48

Proceedings of the 6th Conference of the Classification and Data Analysis Group of the Società Italiana di Statistica

Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization

Francesco Palumbo (Editor), Carlo Natale Lauro (Editor), Michael Greenacre (Editor)

Springer; 1st Edition. edition (December 17, 2009) 504 pp  ISBN-10: 3642037380 ISBN-13: 978-3642037382

Clustering linear models using Wasserstein distance

Wasserstein. Distance. Antonio Irpino and Rosanna Verde Abstract This paper deals with the clustering of complex data. ... We show the properties of the proposed metric and an application to real data using a dynamic clustering algorithm. ... is a set of probability distributions associated with the sample space S, while a parameterized statistical model is a parameter set Θ together with a function

MR2664206   Data analysis and classification. Proceedings of the 6th Conference of the Classification and Data Analysis Group of the Società Italiana di Statistica (CLADAG) held in Macerata, September 12–14, 2007. Edited by Francesco Palumbo, Carlo Natale Lauro and Michael J. Greenacre. Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2010. xxii+482 pp. ISBN: 978-3-642-03738-2 62-06

Book 1 CitationGreenacre. Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2010. xxii+482 pp. ISBN: 978-3-642-03738-2, 62-06

Antonio Irpino and Rosanna Verde, Clustering linear models using Wasserstein distance (41–48) MR2655156;

MR2655156 Indexed Irpino, Antonio; Verde, Rosanna Clustering linear models using Wasserstein distance. 

Data analysis and classification, 41–48, Stud. Classification Data Anal. Knowledge Organ., Springer, Berlin, 2010. 62H30 (62J05)


Measure Theory: Sigma-Algebra, Cantor Set, Measure, Dirac Delta Function, Measurable Function, Null Set, Borel-cantelli Lemma

Books, LLC, Books Group - 2010

Metric Geometry: Metric Space, Complete Metric Space, Cauchy Sequence, Euclidean Distance, Triangle Inequality, Curve, Hausdorff Dimension

Books, LLC General Books, 2010 1156531802, 9781156531808 332 pages

26Th Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference Sbec 2010, April 30 - May 2, 2010, College Park, MD - Page 353

Keith E. Herold, Jafar. Vossoughi, William E. Bentley - 2010 

... approach to digital pathology that relies on measuring the optimal transportation (Kantorovich-Wasserstein) metric between pairs of ...

Comparing distributions - Page 341, 348

Olivier Thas - 2010    See 2009

An extension of the Anderson-Darling k-sample test to arbitrary sample space partition sizes. Journal of Statistical Computation and ... Calculation of the Wasserstein distance between probability distributions on the line. Theory of Probability ...

Probability Theory: Doomsday Argument

Source Wikipedia, Books Llc, Books Group - 2010

ISBN1156574188, 9781156574188

Control Theory and Systems Biology - Page 246, 252, 253, 259

Pablo A. Iglesias, Brian P. Ingalls - 2010 

minimize the Wasserstein pseudometric W1dðP1;P3ðk1;k2ÞÞ, where P3ðk1;k2Þ is the probability measure generated by the simple reaction network in figure 12.1a. This algorithm is an extension of the standard gradient descent method that ...

Found inside - Page 252

In particular, the Wasserstein pseudometric W2d is a generalization of the root-mean-square distance between a parameter y and a set of data ... Similarly, the Wasserstein pseudo- metric W1d is a generalization of the mean absolute error.

Probabilistic Approach to Geometry

Motoko Kotani, Masanori Hino, Takashi Kumagai - 2010 ISBN4931469582, 9784931469587

On Wasserstein Geometry of Gaussian Measures (A Takatsu)

Entropic Measure and Wasserstein Diffusion  Max von Renesse Technische Universit¨at Berlin

The Poisson-Dirichlet Distribution and Related Topics:  - Page 209, 210

Models and Asymptotic Behaviors

Shui Feng -  Springer 2010  ISBN3642111947, 9783642111945

Wasserstein metric

The logarithmic Sobolev inequality for the Wasserstein diffusion. Probab. Theory Relat.

Found inside – Page 210

Continuity and weak convergence of ranked and size-biased permutations on the infinite simplex. Stoc. Proc. Appl. 31, 89–104. P. Donnelly and P. ... The logarithmic Sobolev inequality for the Wasserstein diffusion. Probab. Theory Relat.

Handbook of Mathematical Methods in Imaging - Page 1404, 1430 

Otmar Scherzer - 2010 - 1607 pages 

Gromov–Wasserstein Distances.

Mathematical Modeling of Collective Behavior in Socio-Economic and Life Sciences - Page 87, 88, 333, 351

Giovanni Naldi, Lorenzo Pareschi, Giuseppe Toscani - 2010 - 438 pages

Carrillo, J.A., McCann, R., Villani, C.: Contractions in the 2-Wasserstein length space and thermalization of granular media.

Wasserstein distance is O(δ). ... interpreted as an explicit Euler discretization in time of a gradient flow on the Wasserstein space, at least for sufficiently smooth motion mappings, cf. [1,38,50]. 

Therefore, the Wasserstein metric may be

... Kac equation, Tanaka [301] introduced into kinetic theory the concept of a metric nowadays known by the German version of the name of the Russian mathematician L.N. Vasershtein, who introduced it independently in a different field [325].

Computational topology: an introduction - Page 180, 184 , 185 (7 pages)

Herbert Edelsbrunner, John Harer - 2010 - 241 pages 

Wasserstein stability. Although a general stability result like the one for the bottleneck distance is out of reach, we get stability under the Wasserstein distance for a reasonably large class of functions. Let X be a metric space, that is, ...

MR2572029 (2011e:00001) Edelsbrunner, Herbert; Harer, John L. Computational topology. An introduction. American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 2010. xii+241 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8218-4925-5 (Reviewer: Andrzej Kozlowski),

 Book 177 Citations

 00-02 (05C10 52-02 55-02 57-02 65D18 68U05)

Mean Field Models for Spin Glasses: Volume I: Basic Examples - Page 414, 458, 460, 477

Michel Talagrand - 2010 - 485 pages

Wasserstein distance

Recursive Partitioning and Applications - Page 117, 120, 121, 259

Heping Zhang, Burton H. Singer - 2010 - 259 pages

Wasserstein distance

Shapes and Diffeomorphisms - Page 252 , 429, 434, 552

Laurent Younes - 2010 - 434 pages

Wasserstein distance

Nonlinear Markov Processes and Kinetic Equations - Page xi, 322, 323

Vassili N. Kolokoltsov - 2010 - 400 pages

Another convenient way to metricize the weak topology of measures is using Wasserstein–Kantorovich distances.

Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations and Hyperbolic Wave Phenomena - Page 35, 43 

H. Holden, Kenneth Hvistendahl Karlsen - 2010 - 389 pages

Before that, let us remind the reader the definition of the euclidean Wasserstein distance

Found inside – Page 51

Wasserstein metric and large–time asymptotics of nonlinear diffusion equations. New Trends in Mathematical Physics, (In Honour of the Salvatore Rionero 70th Birthday), World Scientific, 2005. E. DiBenedetto. Degenerate parabolic equations ...

Stochastic Analysis 2010 - Page 5, 54, 227, 229 

Dan Crisan - 2010 - 390 pages

... coefficients (diffusion, drift and L ́evy measure) depending Lipschitz continuously on its parameters generates a Markov semigroup, where the measures are metricized by the Wasserstein–Kantorovich metrics Wp. The analysis of SDE driven    Full Text Online

Mutational Analysis:  - Page 134, 413, 421

A Joint Framework for Cauchy Problems in and Beyond Vector Spaces, Issue 1996 (Google eBook)

Thomas Lorenz - 2010 - 509 pages

Wasserstein distance

Hyperbolic Conservation Laws in Continuum Physics - Page 370, 610

Constantine M. Dafermos - 2010 - 708 pages

Asymptotics in terms of the Wasserstein metric is discussed by Carrillo, DiFrancesco and Lattanzio [1].

Contractivity of Wasserstein metrics and asymptotic profiles for scalar conservation laws. J

Financial Economics - Page 351 

Thorsten Hens, Marc Oliver Rieger - 2010 - 373 pages

Wasserstein metric

Normal Approximation by Stein's Method - Page 64, 386, 404

 Louis H. Y. Chen, Larry Goldstein, Qi-Man Shao - 2010 - 405 pages

Wasserstein distance

Stochastic Programming:  - Page 141 , 362

The State of the Art in Honor of George B.  Dantzig

George B. Dantzig, Gerd Infanger - 2010 - 362 pages

Wasserstein distances

Found inside – Page 141

The approach of (v) is based on probability distances that are relevant for the stability of multistage models. ... (2003), Hochreiter and Pflug (2007), and Pflug (2001) employ Fortet–Mourier or Wasserstein distances, our recent work (Heitsch and Römisch 2009) is based on the rigorous stability result for linear multistage stochastic programs in Heitsch et al. ... Finally, we also mention the importance of evaluating the quality of scenario trees and of a postoptimality analysis (Dupaˇcová et ...

Algorithmic Learning Theory:  - Page 272 

21st International Conference, ALT 2010, Canberra, Australia, October 6-8, 2010. Proceedings (Google eBook)

Marcus Hutter, Frank Stephan, Vladimir Vovk - 2010 - 421 pages

Wasserstein Distances


Mathematics In Industry / the European Consortium for Mathematics In Industry:

Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering SCEE 2008 - Page 172 

Janne Roos, Luis R. J. Costa - 2010 - 588 pages

Wasserstein metric

Combining Soft Computing and Statistical Methods in Data Analysis - Page 582 

Christian Borgelt, Gil González Rodríguez, Wolfgang Trutschnig - 2010 - 644 pages


Séminaire de Probabilités XLIII - Page 39, 74, 94

Catherine Donati-Martin, Antoine Lejay, Alain Rouault - 2010 - 503 pages

This includes all Wasserstein distances with respectto the time- dependent Riemannian metric generated by the symbol of the ...

Discrete Groups, Expanding Graphs and Invariant Measures - Page 39 

Alexander Lubotzky - 2010 - 208 pages 


Collected Papers of John Milnor: V. Algebra - Page 317

John Milnor, Hyman Bass, T. Y. Lam - 2011 - 408 pages

The result was extended to all split (Chevalley) groups by Matsumoto [18]. Some nonsplit isotropic groups of classical types were treated by L.N. Vaserstein. A proof of Serre's conjecture for general isotropic groups was given by Raghunathan ...

Finite fields:  - Page 160 

Theory and Applications: Ninth International Conference Finite Field and Applications, July 13-17, 2009, Dublin, Ireland 

Gary McGuire, Gary L. Mullen, Daniel Panario - 2010 - 384 pages


Ideals and Reality: Projective Modules and Number of Generators of Ideals . Friedrich Ischebeck, Ravi A. Rao - 2010 - 336 pages

Wasserstein Metric: Mathematics, Metric

Mathematics, Metric (mathematics), Measure (mathematics), Metric Space, Computer Science, Earth Mover's Distance, Radon Measure, Conditional Probability, Expected Value

Lambert M. Surhone, Miriam T. Timpledon, Susan F. Marseken -Betascript Publishing, 2010 - 100 pages

ISBN 10: 6130361807  ISBN 13: 9786130361808

Advances in Multimedia Modeling: 16th International Multimedia Modeling - Page 295, 296, 297, 301 

Susanne Boll, Qi Tian, Lei Zhang - 2010 - 806 pages

Wasserstein distance

Computer Vision -- ECCV 2010:  Part 5 - Page 771, 777, 783

11th European Conference on Computer Vision, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, September 5-11, 2010, Proceedings 

Kostas Daniilidis, Petros Maragos, Nikos Paragios - 2010

The resulting high dimensional distributions are matched to perform retrieval using a fast approximate Wasserstein metric. ... It is possible to replace the geodesic distance by a diffusion distance [15] computed by solving a linear Poisson PDE.

Medical Imaging and Augmented Reality:  - Page 183 

5th International Workshop, MIAR September 19-20, 2010, Beijing, China

Hongen Liao, P. J. Edwards, Xiaochuan Pan - 2010 - 573 pages

he Earth Mover's Distance The Earth Mover's Distance, also called Kantorovich-Wasserstein distance, can be visualized as

26th Southern Biomedical Engineering Conferencesbec 2010, April 30 - May 2 - Page 353 

Keith E. Herold, Jafar Vossoughi, William E. Bentley - 2010 - 1000 pages,


Numerical Solution of Stochastic Differential Equations with Jumps in Finance - Page 608, 807 

Eckhard Platen, Nicola Bruti-Liberati - 2010 - 856 pages 

Discretization for stochastic differential equations, Lp Wasserstein metrics, and econometrical models. In Distributions with fixed ... 

Differentiable Measures and the Malliavin Calculus - Page 447, 470

Vladimir I. Bogachev - 2010 - 501 pages

 Sturm K.-T. Entropic measure and Wasserstein diffusion. 

Fang S., Shao J., Sturm K.-Th. Wasserstein space over the Wiener space.

Paris-Princeton Lectures on Mathematical Finance 2010 - Page 211 

Areski Cousin, Stéphane Crépey, Olivier Guéant - 2010 - 359 pages

Wasserstein space

Differential Forms on Wasserstein Space and Infinite-Dimensional Hamiltonian Systems - Page 1, 2, 20, 80 (44 pages)

Wilfrid Gangbo, Hwa Kil Kim, Tommaso Pacini - 2010 - 77 pages AMS Mem book ebook

MR2808856 Gangbo, Wilfrid; Kim, Hwa Kil; Pacini, Tommaso Differential forms on Wasserstein space and infinite-dimensional Hamiltonian systems. Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. 211 (2011), no. 993, vi+77 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8218-4939-2, 37Kxx (53Dxx 58Axx).  Zbl 1221.53001

Wasserstein space, Wasserstein theory  Full Text Online

MR2605602 (2010m:58002) Probabilistic approach to geometry. Papers from the 1st Conference of the Seasonal Institute of the Mathematical Society of Japan held at Kyoto University, Kyoto, July 28–August 8, 2008. Edited by Motoko Kotani, Masanori Hino and Takashi Kumagai. 

Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics, 57. Mathematical Society of Japan, Tokyo, 2010. xvi+514 pp. ISBN: 978-4-931469-58-7, 58-06 (58J65 60-06)

Asuka Takatsu, On Wasserstein geometry of Gaussian measures (463–472) MR2648273

MR2648273  Takatsu, Asuka On Wasserstein geometry of Gaussian measures. 

Probabilistic approach to geometry, 463–472, Adv. Stud. Pure Math., 57, Math. Soc. Japan, Tokyo, 2010. (Reviewer: Jonathan Henry Jordan) 60D05 (28A33)

  Chapter 6 Citations 

Differential forms on Wasserstein spaceand infinite-dimensional Hamiltoniansyste

Wilfrid Gangbo, ‎Hwa Kil Kim, ‎Tommaso Pacini - 2010

Found inside - Page 3

In recent years Wasserstein spaces have also been very useful in the field of Geometric Inequalities, cf. e.g. [1], [16], [17], [30]. Most recently, the theory of Wasserstein spaces has started producing results in Metric and Riemannian Geometry, ...

———2010 Wasserstein —  end 2010 Wasserstein

Vassershtein and Vasershtein 2010    11 books

annual report - The Institute of Mathematical Sciences


Mar 13, 2010 — Nir Avni, Uri Onn, Amritanshu Prasad, and Leonid Vaserstein. ... Participated in Valedictory function of International Mathematical Olympiad training ... Participated in Indo-Russian Workshop on Complex Networks: ...

Probability, Random Processes, and Ergodic Properties - Page 283, 288

Robert M. Gray

Springer, Apr 17, 2010 - Coding and Information Theory - 360 pages

ISBN 1441910913, 9781441910912

pdf January 2, 2010  xii+205 pages - Page 176,  200

1987 by Springer Verlag. Revised 2001, 2006, 2007, 2008 by Robert M. Gray Full Text Online

Social Economics - Page 623, 643

Jess Benhabib, ‎Matthew O. Jackson, ‎Alberto Bisin - 2010 

Topa, G., 2001. Social Interactions, Local Spillover and Unemployment. The Review of Economic Studies 68, 261–295. Vasserstein, L.N., 1969. Markov Processes over Denumerable Product of Spaces Describing large Systems of Automata.

Newnes, 2010 ISBN 0444537139, 9780444537133  1600 pages

Handbook of Social Economics SET: 1A, 1B: 1A, 1B - Page 623, 643

Jess Benhabib, Alberto Bisin, Matthew O. Jackson - Newnes, 2010  ISBN 0444537139, 9780444537133  1600 pp

Random Fields and Interacting Particle Systems. Providence: Mathematical Association of America, 1971. G. Topa. Social Interactions, Local Spillover and Unemployment. The Review of Economic Studies. 2001;68:261-295. L.N. Vasserstein.

Elsevier, 2010 JSBN 0444537147, 9780444537140 

Volume 1, Part 1 of Handbook of Social Economics

Elsevier, 2010 ISBN   0080932444, 9780080932446

Interacting particle systems on graphs - PUB - Universität Bielefeld pdf

Bielefeld University

by NH Tekmen - ‎2010 dissertation

is above a known critical value Tc = 1 βc. , and multiple Gibbs ... mial growth condition and Assumption (U) the so-called stability condition. Since we consider ... in [KaRu 1958] and by Vasershtein in [Va 1969]. A detailed ..... constants P >R and A, B > 0, such that for all x V and s Rν, we have. A|s|P + B ≤ Ux(s) ≤ U(s).

Characteristic Functions, Scattering Functions and Transfer Functions - Page 143, 144 , 148

Daniel Alpay, Victor Vinnikov - 2010 - 389 pages 

The second result we need is due to Vasershtein ([14], Theorem 3) Theorem 5.4. 

Given a ring A with stable rank k, let Mn(A) denote the ring of nxn matrices with

An Outline of Ergodic Theory - Page 67

Steven Kalikow, Randall McCutcheon - 2010 

The dbar distance is closely related to various distance metrics that have been around for a long time, going by the names Vasershtein distance, Monge–Kantorovich transportation metric, earth mover's distance, etc. 

Quantum Mechanics and Path Integrals: Emended Edition

Richard Phillips Feynman, Albert R. Hibbs, Daniel F. Styer - 2010

—————end 2010 Vaserstein Vaserstein


Vaserstein 2010     14 items

Asymptotic Methods - MFO, Oberwolfach  pdf

The workshop 'Actions and Invariants of Residually Finite Groups: Asymptotic. Methods' organized by Miklos Abert (Budapest), Damien Gaboriau (Lyon) and. Fritz Grunewald (Dusseldorf) was held September 5 - September 11, 2010. Fritz. Grunewald tragically and unexpectedly passed away in March 2010. Fritz was a.


European Congress of Mathematics, Amsterdam, 14-18 July, 2008 - Page xxv

André C. M. Ran, ‎H. J. J. te Riele, ‎Jan Wiegerinck - 2010

... and Villani obtained a new characterization of Riemannian manifolds with bounded Ricci curvature from below, in terms of convexity of the Boltzmann entropy with respect to optimal transportation (Monge-Kantorovich-Wasserstein) metrics.

Found inside – Page 15

Mat . Iberoamericana 19 ( 2003 ) , 971 – 1018 . [ 15 ] J . A . Carrillo , R . J . McCann , and C . Villani , Contractions in the 2 - Wasserstein length space and thermalization of granular media . Arch . Rat . Mech . Anal . 179 ( 2006 ) , 217 – 263 .

European Congress of Mathematics , Amsterdam, 14–18 July, 2008 - Page xxv, 7, 15

Andre Ran, A.C.M. Ran, Herman te Riele, Jan Wiegerinck, editors, Herman Te Riele - 2010 

Wasserstein Distances

European Congress of Mathematics, Amsterdam, 14-18 July, 2008 - Page xxv, 15

André Ran, H. J. J. te Riele, Jan Wiegerinck - 2010

J. A. Carrillo, R. J. McCann, and C. Villani, Contractions in the 2-Wasserstein length space and thermalization of granular ...


Complex Analysis - Page 131, 143, 144

Several Complex Variables and Connections With Pde Theory and Geometry

Peter Ebenfelt, Norbert Hungerbühler, Joseph J. Kohn - Springer 2010 - 340 pages ISBN3034600097, 9783034600095

Every null-homotopic holomorphic map f : X B = SLm (C) admits a continuous lifting F : X E for a suitably chosen N N (Vaserstein [31]), and the goal is to deform F to a holomorphic lifting G = (G1 ,...,G N ): X E. 

Collected Papers of John Milnor: Algebra - Page 317

John Willard Milnor, Hyman Bass, T. Y. Lam - 2010 - 425 pages 

Some nonsplit isotropic groups of classical types were treated by L.N. Vaserstein. A proof of Serre's conjecture for general isotropic groups was given by Raghunathan ...

Discrete Groups, Expanding Graphs and Invariant Measures - Page 39, 192

Alexander Lubotzky - 2010 - 208 pages


Finite fields: theory and applications : Ninth International Conference - Page 160

Gary McGuire, American Mathematical Society - 2010 - 384 pages 

L. N. Vaserstein, Quantum (abc)-theorems, J. Number Theory 81, 2000, pp. 351 – 358.

Ideals and Reality: Projective Modules and Number of Generators of Ideals 

 Friedrich Ischebeck, Ravi A. Rao - 2010 - 350 pages

A study of projective modules and their connections with topological vector bundles in a form due to Vaserstein is included.

Banach Space Theory: The Basis for Linear and Nonlinear Analysis - Page 766 

Marián Fabian, Petr Habala, Petr Hajek - Springer 2010 - 820 pages 

J. Lukeš and J. Malý, Measure and integral, Matfyzpress, Prague 1994. Y. Lyubich and L. N. Vaserstein, Isometric embeddings between classical Banach spaces, cubature formulas, and spherical designs, Geom. Dedicata 47 (1993), 327–362.

Geometry of Cuts and Metrics - Page 34, 569

2010 ISBN3642092438, 9783642092435 Springer 2010 580 pp

There is a vast literature on the topic of isometric embeddings among the various Lp-spaces; see, e.g., Wells and Williams [1975], Dor [1976], Ball [1987] , Lyubich and Vaserstein [1993]. 

Introduction to Linear Algebra 

Lee Johnson, R. Dean Riess, Jimmy T. Arnold - 2010

This book's flexible table of contents makes it suitable for students majoring in science and engineering as well as students who want an introduction to mathematical abstraction and logical reasoning.


Encyclopedia of business information sources - Volume 2 - Page 553

Virgil L. Burton - 2010 

Leonid N. Vaserstein and others. Prentice Hall. ' 2002. $8l.0O. Publisher: "...enables those with little mathematical background to learn to use linear programming in their respective fields (business. economics. operations research. etc.).".

Linear Programming, Sensitivity Analysis and Related Topics Marie-France Derhy - 2010 

This book covers all aspects of linear programming from the two-dimensional LPs and their extension to higher dimensional LPs, through duality and sensitivity analysis and finally to the examination of commented software outputs.

Information Technology: Project Management Kathy Schwalbe - 2010

This text provides up-to-date information on how good project management and effective use of software can help you manage projects, especially information technology projects.

Pythagorean-Hodograph Curves: Algebra and Geometry Inseparable Rida Farouki - Springer 2010 

This book offers a comprehensive and self-contained treatment of the mathematical theory of PH curves, including algorithms for their construction and examples of their practical applications.

ISBN3642092438, 9783642092435 728 pp also 2007, 2008

——end 2010

Wasserstein start 2011  82 books

Computational topology - School of Mathematics

PDF 2o11

The more abstract the context the more general the insight. Now, generality is good but ... School for the opportunity to teach computational topology to their students. ... The inside together with the image of the curve is homeo- morphic to a ... to prove an upper bound on the 

Wasserstein distance that implies stability for q>k.

by H Edelsbrunner · ‎Cited by 1859 · ‎Related articles

Sorting: A Distribution Theory - Page 174

Hosam M. Mahmoud · 2011

Found inside – Page 174

A Distribution Theory Hosam M. Mahmoud. Proof The proof of Theorem 7.7 goes along the main lines of that of Theorem 7.4. Having guessed a functional equation for the limit, we proceed by showing that the second-order Wasserstein ..

Time Series, Fuzzy Analysis and Miscellaneous Topics - Page 665

Peter G. Hall, ‎Marc Hallin, ‎George G. Roussas · 2011

Found inside – Page 665

(1.3) d1(P,Q) = inf{EL|X - Y| | £(X, Y) = L, L(X) = P, £(Y) = Q} (Fortet—Mourier or Wasserstein metric). Here Fp denotes the cumulative distribution function of the measure P, EL means expectation with respect to the measure L, and L(X, ...

Nonlinear PDE’s and Applications: C.I.M.E. Summer School, ...

Stefano Bianchini, ‎Eric A. Carlen, ‎Alexander Mielke · 2011

Found inside – Page 193

As shown in [34] (as a development of the works in [9, 33]), the inequality Ric > 0 can be reformulated in terms of the convexity of H along Wasserstein geodesics: Theorem 4.3. Let (M, g) be a compact Riemannian manifold. Then Ric > 0 if and .

MR2883682   Figalli, Alessio; Villani, Cédric Optimal transport and curvature. 

Nonlinear PDE's and applications, 171–217, Lecture Notes in Math., 2028, C.I.M.E. Summer Sch., Springer, Heidelberg, 2011. (Reviewer: Micah Warren) 49Q20 (53C23)

  Chapter 3 Citations 

Found inside – Page 191

More precisely, Ricci curvature bounds can be reformulated in terms of convexity inequalities for certain nonlinear functionals of the ... 2-Wasserstein. Space. Let (M,g) be a compact Riemannian manifold, equipped with its geodesic distance d .

Geometric Approach to Evolution Problems in Metric Spaces

Product Formulas in CAT(0) spaces Fokker-Planck equation Maximal Monotone Operators on Wasserstein spaces

I. Stojkovic  Published 2011  Mathematics book/Ph.D. thesis   book 7dd kr

This PhD thesis contains four chapters where research material is presented. In the second chapter the extension of the product formulas for semigroups induced by convex functionals, from the classical Hilbert space setting to the setting of general CAT(0) spaces. In the third chapter, the non-symmetric Fokker-Planck equation is treated as a flow on the Wasserstein-2 space of probability measures, and it is proven that its semigroup of solutions possesses similar properties to those of the… CONTINUE READING


Fusion Analysis: Merging Fundamental and Technical Analysis for  Risk-Adjusted Excess Returns Page 39 , 423, 460

. John Palicka CFA CMT - 2011 - ‎Snippet view - ‎More editions

See Weighted average cost of capital (WACC) Wachovia, 292 Wall, P. Q., 225 Wall ofWorry, 41, 49, 310 Wall Street, 205, 218 Wasserstein, Dresdner Kleinwort, 39 Waste collection, 247 Wave analysis, 289 Wave Principle analysis, 266, 268 ...

Stability of the Global Attractor Under Markov-Wasserstein Noise

Martin Kell - 2011 - ‎No preview

We develop a weak Waz.ewski principleʺ for discrete and continuous time dynamical systems on metric spaces having a weaker topology to show that attractors can be continued in a weak sense.

Optimal Vector Quantization in Terms of Wasserstein Distance

Wolfgang Kreitmeier - 2011 - ‎No preview

Fusion Analysis:  - Page 39, 423, 460

Merging Fundamental and Technical Analysis for Risk-Adjusted Excess Returns

V. John Palicka CFA CMT - 2011 

I also thank Dean Elliott for the opportunity to teach an advanced Fusion stock course for the top students at the MBA program at Baruch Behavioral ... Currently he is the Global Equity Strategist at Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein in London.

Handbook of mathematical methods in imaging - Page 1404, 1430, 1441

by Scherzer, Otmar 2011

Springer Science & Business Media,ISBN 0387929193, 9780387929194 2010   1512 pages

Probability Metrics and their Applications 1 INTRODUCTION pdf

by H Mostafaei - ‎2011 

Keywords: Sprobability metrics, Relative entropy ,Wasserstein metric, ... Corresponding author: Department of statistics Islamic Azad University North Tehran.

MR2729922 Gigli, Nicola Introduction to optimal transport: theory and applications. Publicações Matemáticas do IMPA. [IMPA Mathematical Publications] 28

Colóquio Brasileiro de Matemática. [28th Brazilian Mathematics Colloquium] Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada (IMPA), Rio de Janeiro, 2011. 218 pp. ISBN: 978-85-244-0323-1 (Reviewer: Benoît Kloeckner) 49Q20 (28A33 49-02 53C21 53C44)

This book gives a nice and easy-to-read introduction to optimal transport and Wasserstein spaces, and then proceeds to some specific topics and applications. Some emphasis is in particular given to gradient flows in Wasserstein spaces and their differential structure. The proofs vary greatly in the amount of details that are given, making the text a good read before one gets into more developed articles or books.

   Given X=Y a metric space and c= d 2 the distance squared, the above minimum becomes the square of a distance W2 on the space of probability measure with finite second moment. This new metric space is usually called the Wasserstein space of X , introduced in the second chapter. After the first definitions, the author proves the classical result that when X is Polish (complete and separable), then so is its Wasserstein space.

After the first definitions, the author proves the classical result that when X is Polish (complete and separable), then so is its Wasserstein space. Then McCann's displacement interpolation (if X is geodesic, so is its Wasserstein space) is treated in a more general framework than previously available (without assuming local compactness of X ). The chapter ends with a first approach to the differential structure of the Wasserstein space of a Riemannian manifold, studying its absolutely continuous curves and introducing tangent spaces.   Chapter 5 is a quick overview of some variants of the Wasserstein distance. Branched optimal transport, the case of an action functional where mass tends to spread, and the case when mass can be exchanged with the boundary are treated. 

Chapter 6 is a detailed description of the differential structure of the Wasserstein space of Rd , originally noticed by F. Otto

Introduction to Optimal Transport Theory pdf

Problèmes inverses pour les modèles de croissance tumorale pdf

by Lombardi, Damiano

2011 Dissertation 

... décrit, avec des cas test numérique. Des applications concernants l'application de la distance de Wasserstein à la...

F]An Introduction to the Mass Transportation Theory and its Applications  pdf  - Cimpa - Page 1, 16

by W Gangbo - ‎2011

the Wasserstein space as recently developped by A. Tudorascu and myself. ... It is a pleasure to thanks the organizers of 2011 CIMPA school in Dakar for their ...


www.cimpa-icpam.org/IMG/pdf/Rapport Senegal2 2011_Eng.pdf

9h-10h30 Cours8: W. Gangbo 10h30-11h Pause 11h-12h30 Cours8: W. Gangbo 12h30-15h Déjeûner A partir de ... Dynamical systems on the Wasserstein space: ...

Cours8 (W. Gangbo): Dynamical systems on the Wasserstein space: Adapting Mather theory to a special class of PDEs

Seminar on Stochastic Analysis, Random Fields and Applications VI:  - Page vi, 109, 116, 244, 245, 246, 247, 249, 251, 253, 256, 260, 262, 265, 276, 277

Centro Stefano Franscini, Ascona, May 2008 

 Robert C. Dalang, Marco Dozzi, Francesco Russo, editors. Basel : Birkhäuser, 2011. 492pp

Keywords. Wasserstein diffusion, 

ISBN 9783034800204 (alk. paper) 3034800207 (alk. paper) 9783034800211 (ebk.)  3034800215 (ebk.)

We give an alternative representation of the Wasserstein Dirichlet form that was introduced by von Renesse and Sturm in [7]. Based on this ... Recall that the Wasserstein distance is compatible with the weak topology. In order to give the ...

Functional Inequalities for the Wasserstein Dirichlet Form / W. Stannat

MR2742592  Full Text Online

Handbook of Mathematical Methods in Imaging: Vol. 1 - Page 1404, 1430, 1441

Otmar Scherzer - 2011 Wasserstein Distances Let the sets X and Y be further equipped with measures μ X and fly, respectively. ... (32.39) r relso(Z) Wasserstein distances are intimately related to Monge–Kantorovich optimal transportation problems.

On Asymptotically Optimal Source Coding and Simulation of Stationary Sources - Page 3, 10

Zhenyu Mao - 2011 

It is the extension to general distortion measures of Ornstein's d (d-bar) distance (which is based on the the Hamming distortion) or, equivalently, the extension of the classic Monge/Kantorovich/Wasserstein (or Vasershtein) distance [43, 31, 61] ...

Handbook of Differential Equations: Evolutionary Equations: - Page 4, 7, 30, 107, 134, 135, 136, 634

C.M. Dafermos, ‎Eduard Feireisl - 2011

E.A. Carlen and W. Gangbo,   Full Text Online

Constrained steepest descent in the 2-Wasserstein metric, Ann. of Math. (2) 157 ... E. Chasseigne and J.L. Vazquez, Theory ofextended solutionsforfast-diffusion equations in optimal classes of data. Radiation from ...

.... After an introduction reviewing the properties of the Wasserstein space and corresponding subdifferential calculus, applications are given to evolutionary partial differential equations...

MR2549368   Ambrosio, Luigi; Savaré, Giuseppe Gradient flows of probability measures. 

Handbook of differential equations: evolutionary equations. Vol. III, 1–136, Handb. Differ. Equ., Elsevier/North-Holland, Amsterdam, 2007. (Reviewer: Filippo Santambrogio) 49Q20 (35K57 58J65 60B05 60H99)

 Chapter 41 Citations

Handbook of Empirical Economics and Finance - Page 268, 270, 272, 279

Aman Ullah, David E. A. Giles - 2011 

In the case of Wasserstein, the distance is defined in the Lj norm and in the Mallows in the Li norm. When considering Equation 10.34, D(hXl, fiXj) will be calculated by implementing the Wasserstein or Mallows distance. By using the definition ...

Image Processing (ICIP), 2011 18th IEEE International Conference on

Date: 11-14 Sept. 2011 Rabin, J. CMLA, ENS de Cachan, Cachan, France 

Peyre, G. Wasserstein regularization of imaging problem 1541 - 1544

DF (608 KB)

Studies In Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization - Page 370

Classification and Multivariate Analysis for Complex Data Structures

Bernard Fichet - Springer, 2011 473 pp ISBN3642133126, 9783642133121 

Irpino, A., Verde R., Lechevallier Y.: Dynamic clustering of histograms using Wasserstein metric. In: Rizzi, A., Vichi, M. (eds.) ...

Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition - Page 74, 76, 80, 81, 85,86 (28 pages)

8th International Conference, EMMCVPR 2011, St. Petersburg, Russia, July 25-27, 2011, Proceedings 

Sptiger 2011  450 pages

We present comparisons of the un-normalized model (3), our new normalized model (5), CV and LBF models (12), using the 1-D Wasserstein distance ...

full Text Online

Found inside – Page 123

Object Segmentation by Shape Matching with Wasserstein Modes Bernhard Schmitzer and Christoph Schnörr Image and Pattern Analysis Group, Heidelberg ... Keywords: Wasserstein distance, non-convex optimization, convex relaxation.

Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians 2010  (ICM 2010) (in 4 Volumes) - Vol. I:  - Page 91, 92, 653, 2275  (4 pages)

Plenary Lectures and Ceremonies, Vols. II-IV: Invited Lectures

Rajendra Bhatia, Arup Pal - 2011 

In a study of nonlinear heat equations, F. Otto [38] defined a formal Riemannian structure on P2 (M) and interpreted these equations as gradient flows on the Wasserstein space P2 (M) with this formal Riemannian structure.

Wasserstein geodesic, distance, space, metric


(3.1) The square root of the minimal transportation cost with the squared distance transportation cost function c(x, y) = d(x,y)2 is called the 2-Wasserstein distance, W2, between these two measures. The minimizer T is called the optimal ...

Found inside – Page 92

Notice that this definition depends only on the concept of geodesic on the Wasserstein space which can be defined on any metric space. There is no need for a Riemannian structure on M if we take (3.2) as the definition that the Ricci curvature ...

Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Field Theory and Perturbative String Theory - Page 249, 250. 268, 270, 271

Hisham Sati, Urs Schreiber - 2011

In the “probabilisticapproach (see a good review in [L], or original proofs in [LV], [St]) one uses the ideas of optimal transport (different point of view is presented in [AGS]). ... 

More precisely the space P(X) carries a family Wp ,p ≥ 1 of the so-called Wasserstein metrics. ... on C(X) discussed in the Introduction, thus making a connection with Connes's approach to noncommutative Riemannian geometry.

Hisham Sati, ‎Urs Schreiber - 2011

Found inside – Page 270

Wasserstein metric and N-curvature tensor. Here we recall definitions and results of [LV], [St]. Let f : R20 G R be a continuous convex function, such that f(O) I 0. If fo(x'N) is convex on (0,00), we will say that the function f is N-convex, where 1 g ...

Nonlinear PDE’s and Applications: C.I.M.E. Summer School, Cetraro,, Italy - Page 80 (9 pages)

Stefano Bianchini, Eric A. Carlen, Alexander Mielke - 2011

Volume 2028 of Lecture Notes in Mathematics / C.I.M.E. Foundation Subseries  224 pages

Unlike the critical fast diffusion equation that came discussed in Sect.2, this fast diffusion equation is particularly nice: Both terms in the entropy are “displacement convex” – convex along geodesics in the Wasserstein space – and the second ...

Hamiltonian Systems and the Calculus of Differential Forms on the  Wasserstein space

Hwa Kil Kim - Proquest, Umi Dissertation Publishing, 2011 - 90 pages  ISBN1244090794, 9781244090798

This thesis consists of two parts. In the first part, we study stability properties of Hamiltonian systems on the Wasserstein space. Let H be a Hamiltonian satisfying conditions imposed in [2]. We regularize H via Moreau-Yosida approximation to get Htau and denote by mutau a solution of system with the new Hamiltonian Htau. Suppose Htau converges to H as tau tends to zero. We show mutau converges to mu and mu is a solution of a Hamiltonian system which is corresponding to the Hamiltonian H. At the end of first part, we give a sufficient condition for the uniqueness of Hamiltonian systems. In the second part, we develop a general theory of differential forms on the Wasserstein space. Our main result is to prove an analogue of Green's theorem for 1-forms and show that every closed 1-form on the Wasserstein space is exact. If the Wasserstein space were a manifold in the classical sense, this result wouldn't be worthy of mention. Hence, the first cohomology group, in the sense of de Rham, vanishes.

Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie - Page 386, 624 

Achim Klenke - 2011 - 624 pages

Für zwei W-Maße P und Q auf (E,B(E)) schreiben wir K(P,Q) C M\{E x E) für die Menge der Kopplungen von P und Q. Wir können dann einen Abstand, die so genannte Wasserstein Metrik, auf M.\(E) definieren durch dw(P,Q):=mi(J 

05 Wasserstein Metrik 

Variational Pde-Based Image Segmentation and Inpainting with Applications to Computer Graphics 

Kang-Yu Ni,   BiblioBazaar, 2011 - 142 pages  ISBN1243579633, 9781243579638

This dissertation explores the applications of variational PDE models to image processing, computer vision, and computer graphics, and also to building efficient numerical algorithms and schemes. In particular, the areas of contributions are segmentation, inpainting, and matting. There are three separate topics in segmentation. The first is unsupervised segmentation, in which we propose and analyze a nonparametric region-based active contour model for segmenting cluttered scenes. The novelty is the use of the Wasserstein distance in segmentation,

Geometric Approach to Evolution Problems in Metric Spaces : 

Product Formulas in CAT(0) Spaces Fokker-Planck Equation Maximal Monotone Operators on Wasserstein Spaces

Igor Stojkovi - 2011 - 240 pages

This PhD thesis contains four chapters where research material on a range of different topics is presented.

Partial Differential Equations and Spectral Theory - Page 19 , 68

Michael Demuth, Bert-Wolfgang Schulze, Ingo Witt - 2011 - 342 pages

The Wasserstein gradient flow of the Fisher information and the quantum drift-diffusion equation. Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal., 194:133–220, 2009. [55] J. Glimm. Solutions in the large for nonlinear hyperbolic systems of equations. Commun.

Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics: Theory and Applications  - Page 363, 369

nternational Joint Conference, VISIGRAPP 2009, Lisboa, Portugal, February 5-8, 2009. Revised Selected Papers (Google eBook)

Alpeshkumar Ranchordas, Joao Madeiras Pereira, Hélder J. Araújo - 2011 - 369 pages

Ni, K., Bresson, X., Chan, T., Esedoglu, S.: Local histogram based segmentation using the Wasserstein distance. In: Scale ... Rousson, M., Brox, T., Deriche, R.: Active unsupervised texture segmentation on a diffusion based feature space.

Distributed Video Sensor Networks - Page 357, 358, 485

Bir Bhanu, Chinya V. Ravishankar, Amit K. Roy-Chowdhury - Springer  2011 - 485 pages

Wasserstein distance

Zbl 1213.62027 Chen, Louis H. Y.; Goldstein, Larry; Shao, Qi-Man  Normal approximation by Stein's method. (English)  Probability and Its Applications. Berlin: Springer. xii, 405~p. (2011). MSC2000: *62E20 62-02 60-02, Reviewer: Thorsten Dickhaus (Berlin)

[BOOK] Differential forms on Wasserstein space and infinite-dimensional Hamiltonian systems - Page 25

 [PDF] from arxiv.orgW Gangbo, HK Kim… - 2011 

MR2808856  Gangbo, Wilfrid; Kim, Hwa Kil; Pacini, Tommaso Differential forms on Wasserstein space and infinite-dimensional Hamiltonian systems. Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. 211 (2011), no. 993, vi+77 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8218-4939-2 (Reviewer: Koji Kikuchi) 37K25 (58B20 58D05)

Stochastic Optimization Methods in Finance and Energy - Page xii, 333, 353, 354, 357, 359, 360, 363, 368, 387, 388, 390, 392, 394, 397, 400, 401, 402, 406, 407, 414, 415, 474

New Financial Products and Energy Market Strategies

Series: International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, Vol. 163

Bertocchi, Marida; Consigli, Giorgio; Dempster, Michael A. H. (Eds.) Springer, 2011 ISBN1441995862, 9781441995865

2012, 2011, XXIII, 474 p. 133 illus., 65 in color.

Found inside – Page 392

The motivation for minimizing the Wasserstein distance between the sampled and the continuous underlying path space in generating scenario trees for a DSP can be found in (Heitsch and Romisch 2005; Hochreiter and Pflug 2007; Romisch ...

Energy Minimazation Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition - Page 74, 75, 76, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 88

Yuri Boykov, Victor Lempitsky, Frank R. Schmidt - 2011 - 450 pages

Wasserstein distance

Passing to the limit in a Wasserstein gradient flow: from Diffusion to Reaction  

Issue 1593 of Preprint, Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik Berlin PublisherWIAS, 2011 32 pages

Complex Analysis and Dynamical Systems IV:    - Page 213

General Relativity, Geometry, and PDE

Mark Agranovsky, Matania Ben-Artzi, Greg Galloway - 2011 - 284 pages 

The Wasserstein space P2 (X) is defined as (3.4) P2(X) = { μ P(X) ∫ X d(

Random Finite Sets for Robot Mapping and SLAM:  - Page 49

New Concepts in Autonomous Robotic Map Representations

John Stephen Mullane, Ba-Ngu Vo, Martin David Adams - 2011 - 148 pages 

Wasserstein construction, Wasserstein distance

Markov Processes, Semigroups and Generators - Page 41, 42, 240, 430

Vassili N. Kolokoltsov - 2011 - 430 pages

Wasserstein metric

Classification and Multivariate Analysis for Complex Data Structures - Page 370  

Bernard Fichet, Domenico Piccolo, Rosanna Verde - 2011 - 473 pages 


Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns:  Part 1 - Page 256

14th International Conference, CAIP 2011, Seville, Spain, August 29-31, 2011, Proceedings

Ainhoa Berciano, VARIOS AUTORES, Daniel Diaz-Pernil - 2011 - 611 pages -

Wasserstein distance

Found inside - Page 32

1–71 (2011) 10.1007/s10208-011-9093-5 Mémoli, F.: Some properties of gromov-hausdorff distances. Technical report, Department of Mathematics. Stanford University (March 2011) Mémoli, F.: A spectral notion of Gromov-Wasserstein ...

Advances in Swarm Intelligence: Part 2 - Page 490

Second International Conference, ICSI 2011, Chongqing, China, June 12-15, 2011, Proceedings

Ying Tan, Yuhui Shi, Yi Chai - 2011 - 587 pages -

Wasserstein distances

Cellular and Biomolecular Mechanics and Mechanobiology - Page 358 

Amit Gefen - 2011 - 560 pages 

Wasserstein distance

Q-Valued Functions Revisited - Page 2 , 83

Camillo De Lellis, Emanuele Nunzio Spadaro - 2011 - 79 pages


Partial Differential Equations and Spectral Theory - Page 19, 68

Michael Demuth, Bert-Wolfgang Schulze, Ingo Witt - 2011 - 341 pages


Video Tracking: - 2 pages

Theory and Practice Emilio Maggio, Andrea Cavallaro - 2011 - 292 pages 

Wasserstein distance is an evaluation metric for multi-target algorithms and has been used to evaluate trackers based on the RFS framework [

Wiener Chaos: Moments, Cumulants and Diagrams: A Survey with computer implementation - Page 203

Giovanni Peccati, Murad S. Taqqu - 2011 - 200 pages

Wasserstein distance

Probability for Statistics and Machine Learning:  - Page 506, 693, 763, 771, 779

Fundamentals and Advanced Topics (Google eBook)

Anirban DasGupta - 2011 - 641 pages

Wasserstein metric

Hyperfinite Dirichlet Forms and Stochastic Processes - Page 266, 276, 277

Sergio Albeverio, Ruzong Fan, Frederik Herzberg - 2011 - 284 pages

Entropic measure and Wasserstein diffusion.

Rearranging Dyson-Schwinger Equations - Page 86 

Karen Yeats - 2011 - 82 pages 

Differential forms on Wasserstein space and infinite-dimensional Hamiltonian systems

On Systems of Equations Over Free Partially Commutative Groups - Page 157

Montserrat Casals-Ruiz, Ilya Kazachkov - 2011 - 153 pages 

Wasserstein space

Positive Definiteness of Functions With Applications to Operator Norm Inequalities - Page 84

Hideki Kosaki - 2011 - 80 pages

Wasserstein space

Dynamics, Games and Science, in Honour of Maricio Peixoto and David Rand - Page 242

Conference Dyna 2008, September 8-12, 2008, Universidade Do Minho, Braga, Portugal 

Maurício Matos Peixoto, Alberto Adrego Pinto, David A. J. Rand - 2011 - 830 pages

Wasserstein metric

Random perturbation of PDEs and fluid dynamic models:  - Page 166, 175

École D'été de Probabilités de Saint-Flour XL-2010

Franco Flandoli - 2011 - 176 pages

Wasserstein distance, Wasserstein control

Iwasawa Theory, Projective Modules, and Modular Representations - Page 189

Ralph Greenberg - 2011 - 185 pages 

Wasserstein space

Valuations and Differential Galois Groups - Page 72

Guillaume Duval - 2011 - 68 pages

Wasserstein space

Two Kinds of Derived Categories, Koszul Duality, and Comodule-Contramodule Correspondence - Page 137 

Leonid Positselski - 2011 - 133 pages Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society Series ISBN0821852965, 9780821852965

Wasserstein space

Supported Blow-Up and Prescribed Scalar Curvature on Sn - Page 103 

Man Chun Leung - 2011 - 99 pages -

Iterated Function Systems, Moments, and Transformations of Infinite Matrices - Page 109

Palle E. T. Jorgensen, Keri A. Kornelson, Karen L. Shuman - 2011 - 105 pages

ations of Infinite Matrices

Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society Series, Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society Series

 ISBN0821852485, 9780821852484

Axes in Outer Space - Page 108 

Michael Handel, Lee Mosher - 2011 - 104 pages 

Kil Kim, and Tommaso Pacini, Differential forms on Wasserstein space and infinite-dimensional Hamiltonian systems, ...

Multicurves and Equivariant Cohomology - Page 121

N. P. Strickland - 2011 - 117 pages

Fonction Zêta des Hauteurs des Variétés Toriques non Déployées - Page 155 

David Bourqui - 2011 - 151 pages 

Zbl 05954668           Franek, Marzena Magdalene          Variational methods using transport metrics and applications. 

(English)  Münster: Univ. Münster, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik (Diss.). 183 p. (2011).

Furthermore, the connection to the gradient flow theory is developed in this thesis and several evolution equations are identified as Wasserstein gradient flow equations.

Zbl 1213.62027       Chen, Louis H. Y.;           Goldstein, Larry;                  Shao, Qi-Man            

Normal approximation by Stein's method. (English)   Probability and Its Applications. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 978-3-642-15006-7/hbk; 978-3-642-15007-4/ebook). xii, 405 p.

(in Wasserstein ($L^1$) and Kolmogorov ($L^\infty$) distances)

book - Page 64, 386, 494

Ergodic Control of Diffusion Processes - Page 72, 322

books.google.comAri Arapostathis, Vivek S. Borkar, Mrinal K. Ghosh - 2011 - 335 pages


Quasi-Actions on Trees II: Finite Depth Bass-Serre Trees - Page 109

Lee Mosher, Michah Sageev - 2011 - 105 pages


Parabolic Systems with Polynomial Growth and Regularity - Page 122

MR2866816  Duzaar, Frank; Mingione, Giuseppe; Steffen, Klaus Parabolic systems with polynomial growth and regularity. 

Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. 214 (2011), no. 1005, x+118 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8218-4967-5 (Reviewer: Luca Lorenzi) 35K40 (35B65 35D30 35K59 35K92)

forms on Wasserstein space and infinite-dimensional Hamiltonian systems, ...

Numerical Analysis of Multiscale Computations:  - Page 316

Proceedings of a Winter Workshop At the Banff International Research Station 2009

Björn Engquist, Olof Runborg, Yen-Hsi Richard Tsai - 2011 - 420 pages

Wasserstein distance

Stochastic Optimization Methods in Finance and Energy:  - Page 394 (24 pages)

New Financial Products and Energy Market Strategies 

Giorgio Consigli, Marida Ida Bertocchi, Michael A. H. Dempster - 2011 - 474 pages 

Fundamentals of Object Tracking - Page 261, 262. 263, 375

Subhash Challa, Mark R. Morelande, Darko Mušicki - 2011 - 392 pages 

Probability for Statistics and Machine Learning:  - Page 506, 693, 782

Fundamentals and Advanced Topics 

Anirban DasGupta - 2011 - 782 pages

Wasserstein metric

Technological Innovation for Sustainability:  - Page 122, 123 

Second IFIP WG 5.5/SOCOLNET Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems, DoCEIS 2011, Costa de Caparica, Portugal, February 22-24, 2011, Proceedings

Luis M. Camarinha-Matos - 2011 - 615 page

Wasserstein or other metrics

On asymptotically optimal source coding and simulation of  Stationary Sources - Page 3, 10  

Zhenyu Mao, Stanford University. Dept. of Electrical Engineering - 201

It is the extension to general distortion measures of Ornstein's d (d-bar) distance (which is based on the the Hamming distortion) or, equivalently, 

the extension of the classic Monge/Kantorovich/Wasserstein (or Vasershtein) distance [43, 31, 61] ...

Advances in Computer Science, Environment, Ecoinformatics, and Education: Part 1 - Page 277, 283

 Song Lin, Xiong Huang - 2011 - 664 pages

Wasserstein distance

Permutations with interval restrictions - Page 15 

Olena Bormashenko, Stanford University. Dept. of Mathematics - 2011

... has utilized the idea of curvature, which requires contraction of the transportation metric (also known as the Wasserstein distance.) I

Networking 2011: Part 2 - Page 318, 327  

10th International IFIP TC 6 Networking Conference, Valencia, Spain, May 9-13, 2011, Proceedings

Jordi Domingo-Pascual, Pietro Manzoni, Sergio Palazzo - 2011 - 381 pages

Wasserstein rank distance

When comparing two users and their ranking of topics, we use the number and distance of permutation steps required to transform one list into the other (the Waserstein rank distance [18]) as a measure of user similarity. A network-wide ...

Jumping Numbers of a Simple Complete Ideal in a Two-Dimensional Regular Local Ring - Page 82  

Tarmo Järvilehto - 2011 - 78 pages  AMS Mem

Wasserstein space

On the Algebraic Foundation of Bounded Cohomology - Page 101 

Theo Bühler - 2011 - 97 page

Wasserstein space

Hardy Spaces Associated to Non-Negative Self-Adjoint Operators Satisfying Davies-Gaffney Estimates - Page 82 

Steve Hofmann, Guozhen Lu, Dorina Mitrea - AMS  2011 - 78 pages ISBN0821852388, 9780821852385

Wasserstein space

Spectral methods for isometric shape matching and symmetry detection - Page 90

Maksims Ovsjanikovs, Stanford University. Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering - Stanford University, 2011


Vaserstein 2011   13 items   

 Rational Number Theory in the 20th Century: From PNT to FLT

From PNT to FLT Władysław Narkiewicz ... H.S.: On the class number of the field Ω(e2iπ/pn ) and the second case of Fermat's last theorem. ... J. Number Theory 26, 299–307 (1987) Vaserstein, L.N.: Every integer is a sum or difference of 28 ...

Władysław Narkiewicz - 2011 - ‎Mathematics

5 pages with Vaserstein

[PDF] Linear groups over rings

N Vavilov - 2011 - thuvien.due.udn.vn

§ 1. Basic notation........................................................... § 2. Action of groups....................................

..................... § 3. Conjugates.............................................................. § 4. Commutators and 

commutator subgroups................................ § 5. Commutator identities.........

Rational Number Theory in the 20th Century: From PNT to FLT

Wladyslaw Narkiewicz - 2011 

From PNT to FLT Wladyslaw Narkiewicz. 6314. 6315. 6316. ... 15, 389–400 (1953) Vaserstein, L.N.: Waring's problem for commutative rings. J. Number Theory ...

Zbl 1242.13002 Lombardi, Henri; Quitté, Claude

Commutative algebra. Constructive methods. Finite type projective modules. (Algèbre commutative. Méthodes constructives. Modules projectifs de type fini. Cours et exercices.) (French)

Mathématiques en Devenir. Paris: Calvage et Mounet. xxxi, 991~p. EUR~69.00 (2011). MSC2000: *13-01 13C10 13C11, Reviewer: Werner Kleinert (Berlin)


Stein Manifolds and Holomorphic Mappings:  - Page ix, 291, 312, 313, 471, 472

The Homotopy Principle In Complex Analysis (Google eBook)

Franc Forstneric - 2011 - Springer, Jan 1, 2011 - 489 pages 3642222501, 9783642222504

7.7 The Holomorphic Vaserstein Problem . .

In this section we outline the solution to Gromov's Vaserstein problem obtained by Ivarsson and Kutzschebauch [272, 273].



Functional inequalities for the Wasserstein Dirichlet Form - Page 1, 3, 5

[PDF] from tu-darmstadt.deW  Stannat - Seminar on Stochastic Analysis, Random Fields and …, 2011 - Springer ISBN 978-3-0348-0020-4

Abstract We give an alternative representation of the Wasserstein Dirichlet form that was introduced by von Renesse and Sturm in [7].


MR2742592   Seminar on Stochastic Analysis, Random Fields and Applications VI. Proceedings of the 6th Seminar held in Ascona, May 19–23, 2008. Edited by Robert C. Dalang, Marco Dozzi and Francesco Russo. Progress in Probability, 63. Birkhäuser/Springer Basel AG, Basel, 2011. x+492 pp. ISBN: 978-3-0348-0020-4 60-06 (60H15 60H30 91-06 93-06)



MR2857030   Stannat, Wilhelm Functional inequalities for the Wasserstein Dirichlet form. Seminar on Stochastic Analysis, Random Fields and Applications VI, 245–260, Progr. Probab., 63, Birkhäuser/Springer Basel AG, Basel, 2011. (Reviewer: Ren Ming Song) 60J60 (28A33 35A23 35P15 47D07 58J65 60J35)

  Chapter 2 Citations

MR2857021   Hairer, Martin; Mattingly, Jonathan C. Yet another look at Harris' ergodic theorem for Markov chains. 

Seminar on Stochastic Analysis, Random Fields and Applications VI, 109–117, Progr. Probab., 63, Birkhäuser/Springer Basel AG, Basel, 2011. (Reviewer: Wojciech Bartoszek) 60J05 (37A30 37A50 47D07)

 Chapter 85 Citations 

Computer Vision - ACCV 2010:    Part 2 - Page 487

10th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Queenstown, New Zealand, November 8-12, 2010, Revised Selected Papers

Ron Kimmel, Reinhard Klette, Akihiro Sugimoto - Springer, May 3, 2011 - 726 pages LNCS 6492-6495


Found inside – Page 477

The two-class clustering problem is formulated as an integer convex optimisation problem which determines the maximum ... Testing the algorithm on real world images from commonly used databases reveals that it is competitive to state-of-theart methods, while it ... between two probability distributions, which later became known as the Wasserstein metric, was formulated by L.N. Vaserstein in 1969 [1].

Gibbs Measures and Phase Transitions - Page 466, 644

Hans-Otto Georgii - Walter de Gruyter, May 13, 2011 - 545 pages ISBN3110250292, 9783110250299

... references also deal with the more general case that the total variation distance (8.1) is replaced by the more general Vaserstein-Kantorovich-Rubinstein distance relative to some metric on the state space. (If this metric is the discrete metric, ...

Rings Related to Stable Range Conditions - Page 426, 644 , 652Serre's Conjecture

Huanyin Chen - World Scientific, 2011 ISBN9814329711, 9789814329712


Zbl 1245.16002 Chen, Huanyin Rings related to stable range conditions. (English)

Series in Algebra 11. Hackensack, NJ: World Scientific. xviii, 661~p. \$~148.00, \sterling~92.00; \$~192.00 (2011). MSC2000: *16-02 16D70 16E20, Reviewer: Kenneth R. Goodearl (Santa Barbara)

Aspects of operator algebras and applications:  - Page 70

UIMP-RSME Lluís A. Santaló Summer School, Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo, Santander, Spain, July 21-25, 2008

Pere Ara, Fernando Lledo, Francesc Perera - 2011 - 168 pages ISBN 9780821849057


Perspectives on Noncommutative Geometry - Page 108, 109, 110, 112, 113, 115,116

Masoud Khalkhali, Guoliang Yu - 2011 - 163 pages

In [36], Suslin extended the Bass–Vaserstein theorem to higher algebraic Ktheory.

Found inside – Page 112

Bass [5] devised his “stable range” condition as a way to control the sequence ··· GLn(R)/En(R) GLn+1(R)/En+1(R) ... Bass proved the surjectivity part, whereas the injectivity part, significantly more difficult, is due to Vaserstein [42].

Number Theory, Analysis and Geometry: In Memory of Serge Lang - Page 321, 346, 347, 352, 

Dorian Goldfeld, Jay Jorgenson, Peter Jones - Springer Science & Business Media, 2011 - 704 pages  ISBN 1461412609, 9781461412601

Report on the irreducibility of L-functions by Katz, Nicholas M

Non-Abelian Fundamental Groups and Iwasawa Theory - Page 114, 1310 131

John Coates, Minhyong Kim, Florian Pop - 2011 - 320 pages 

[47] Vaserstein, L. N. On stabilization for general linear groups over a ring. Math. USSR Sbornik, 8:383–400, 1969. [48] Vaserstein, L. N. On the Whitehead determinant for semi-local rings. J. Algebra, 283:690–699, 2005. [49] Venjakob, O.

Found inside – Page 130

Huber, A. and Kings, G. Equivariant Bloch-Kato conjecture and non-abelian Iwasawa main conjecture. In Proceedings of the International ... Ann. of Math., [47] Vaserstein, L. N. On stabilization for general linear groups 130 Mahesh Kakde.

Banach Space Theory: The Basis for Linear and Nonlinear Analysis - Page 766 

Marián Fabian, Marián J. Fabian - 2011

J. Lukeš and J. Malý, Measure and integral, Matfyzpress, Prague 1994. Y. Lyubich and L. N. Vaserstein, Isometric embeddings between classical Banach spaces, cubature formulas, and spherical designs, Geom. Dedicata 47 (1993), 327–362.

Waserstein 2011

Networking 2011: Part 2 - Page 318

10th International IFIP TC 6 Networking Conference, Valencia, Spain, May 9-13, 2011, Proceedings

Jordi Domingo-Pascual, Pietro Manzoni, Sergio Palazzo - 2011 - 381 pages

Waserstein rank distance

Vasershtein  Vassershtein 2011 5 books

Exploring Data Tables, Trends, and Shapes - Page 23

David C. Hoaglin, ‎Frederick Mosteller, ‎John W. Tukey - 2011 

0 Bickel and Freedman also discuss appropriate generalizations (Vassershtein metrics) for multivariate data. Table 1-1 gives the squared inaccuracy i2(8, x) for several common descriptors of a batch based on this distance. The entries in the ...

MÚSICA, MATEMÁTICA Y CONCERTISMO - Emilio Lluis Puebla pdf - 2 pages

2011 enciclopedia clásica, adecuada para sus volúmenes de textos, se generaliza a la ...... [V] Vaserstein L.N. Vector bundles and projective modules revisited. Trans.

Extreme Value Methods With Applications to Finance - Page 136, 317, 371

Serguei Y. Novak - 2011 CRC Press, 2012

Estimate of the accuracy of approximation (8.11) in terms of a Vasershtein-type distance is given by Barbour et al. [30].

Entropy and Information Theory - Page 131, 132 , 222, 325, 402

Robert M. Gray - Springer 2011        ISBN1441979700, 9781441979704  - 409 pages 

Monge/Kantorovich/Vasershtein. Distance.

In this formulation the coupling of two random objects by a joint measure is replaced by a deterministic mapping of the first into the ... In the optimal transportation literature, the German spelling of Vasershtein, Wasser- stein, also caught on as a ...

Found inside – Page 402

... families of proper regular conditional probabilities. Z. Wahrsch. Verw. Gebiete, 56:537–548, 1981. H. Steinhaus. Sur la division des corp materiels en parties. Bull. Acad. ... L. N. Vasershtein. Markov processes on countable product space

Found inside – Page 131

In the optimal transportation literature, the German spelling of Vasershtein, Wasserstein, also caught on as a suitable name for the Monge/Kantorovich distance and remains so. The Monge/Kantorovich optimal cost provides a distortion or ...

2011 School of Information Theory  pdf - Page 55, 116

27–30 May 2011, UT Austin    Shannon meets Ornstein

Robert M. Gray   Stanford University el eng

Vasershtein/Wasserstein (1969)

- end 2011

start 2012  Vaserstein  Wasershtein      20 books

Generators and Relations in Groups and Geometries - Page 120

A. Barlotti, ‎E.W. Ellers, ‎P. Plaumann · 2012

Found inside – Page 120

Using the Dennis-Vaserstein results, the bounds in [20] can be greatly improved for large n. The problem of expressing an element of SL(n, R) as a product of a bounded number f(n) of elementary matrices arises in K-theory and has been ...

Equations aux dérivées partielles: Séminaire 2009-2010

By Centre de mathématiques Laurent Schwartz (Palaiseau, Essonne) · 2012


MR3098634   Santambrogio, Filippo Gradient flows in Wasserstein spaces and applications to crowd movement. 

Seminaire: Equations aux Dérivées Partielles. 2009–2010, Exp. No. XXVII, 16 pp., Sémin. Équ. Dériv. Partielles, 

École Polytech., Palaiseau, 2012. 49Q20 (35F15 35Q84)

 Chapter 4 Citations 

Filippo Santambrogio[1]

Séminaire Équations aux dérivées partielles (2009-2010)

Mathematical Introduction to Linear Programming and Game Theory

Louis Brickman - 2012


K-Theory for Operator Algebras

Bruce Blackadar - 2012

We will not treat applications in detail; however, we will outline the most striking of the applications to date in a section at the end, as well as mentioning others at suitable points in the text.

Units in Skew Fields - Page 78

Ernst Kleinert - 2012

Found inside – Page 78

La propriété (T) de Kazhdan pour les groupes localement compacts, Astérisque 175 (1989) Janusz, G., Algebraic ... of infinite index in finitely generated linear groups, J. of Algebra 69 (1981) 1–23 Magurn, B., R. Oliver and L. Vaserstein.

Introduction to Robust and Quasi-Robust Statistical Methods - Page 205

books.google.com › books

W.J.J. Rey - 2012

Found inside – Page 205

It is not even very clear sometimes what type of robustness is required, which induced Papantoni-Kazakos (1980) to suggest the use of the 

Wasershtein distance rather than the Prokhorov distance. Papantoni-Kazakos and Kazakos (1979) feel ...

Quadratic and Hermitian Forms over Rings - Page 518  

Max-Albert Knus - 2012 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions

Math. 5, 19–41 (1968) Towber, J.: Composition of oriented binary quadratic form-classes over commutative rings. Adv. in Math. 36, 1–107 (1980) - Trautman, A.; Furlan, G. (Editors): Spinors in physics and geometry. Singapore: World Scientific 1988 Vaserstein, L.N.: The congruence subgroup problem for unitary groups of rank > 2. Mat. Sbornik. N. ser, 76, 362–367 (1968) [English translation: Math. USSR Sb. 5, 351–355 (1969)] Vaserstein, L.N.: Ki-theory and the congruence subgroup ...

Found inside – Page 140

37. A. Weil, Algebras with involutions and the classical groups, J. Indian Math. Soc. 24 (1960), 589–623. Dept. of Math. Penn State University, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802, USA It is well known that AL ~ D . Since 140 L. N. Waserstein.

Found inside – Page 518

Singapore: World Scientific 1988 Vaserstein, L.N.: The congruence subgroup problem for unitary groups of rank > 2. Mat. Sbornik. N. ser, 76, 362–367 (1968) [English translation: Math. USSR Sb. 5, 351–355 (1969)] Vaserstein, L.N.: Ki-theory
5 pages with Vaserstein

Algebra - Page 846

Serge Lang - 2012 

We give here a simplification of Suslin's proof by Vaserstein, also using a previous result of Horrocks. The method is by induction on the number of variables, in some fashion. We shall write f = (f1, ..., f.) for the column vector. We first remark that ...

Large Scale Dynamics of Interacting Particles - Page 137

Herbert Spohn - 2012 - ‎Science

Vaserstein, L.N. (1969). Markovian processes ... 5, 64–71 Vaserstein, L.N. (1979). On a system of ... Gordon and Breach, New York Voigt, J. (1980). Functional ...

A Computational Approach to the Quillen-Suslin Theorem, Buchsbaum-Eisenbud Matrices, and Generic Hilbert-Burch Matrices

by Barwick, Jonathan Brett

University of South Carolina, 2012

.... We give special attention to the algorithms when R is the ring of integers and provide a constructive proof of a result of Suslin-Vaserstein, for which we could not find a constructive proof in the literature...

Introduction to Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry - Page 100

Ernst Kunz - 2012 - ‎Mathematics

(Vaserstein) A e M(r x s, R[X]) is equivalent to A(0) if and only if A is locally equivalent to A(0) for all m e Max(R). Proof. Let A and A(0) be locally equivalent for all ...


by Bohdan Zabavsky pdf

Publisher: Mathematical Studies Monograph Series VOLUME XVI, VNTL Publishers, Editor: Michael Zarichnyi, ISBN: 966-8849-19-1 / VNTL Publishers 2012

Rational Number Theory in the 20th Century: From PNT to FLT - Page 227, 228, 255, 424, 600, 641, 642

Wladyslaw Narkiewicz - Springer 2012  - 654 pages ISBN0857295322, 9780857295323

Springer Science & Business Media, 2011 668 pages

15, 389–400 (1953) Vaserstein, L.N.: Waring's problem for commutative rings. J. Number Theory 26, 299–307 (1987) Vaserstein, L.N.: Every integer is a sum or difference of 28 integral eighth powers. J. Number Theory 28, 66–68 (1988) ...

Conn, W., Vaserstein, L.N.: On sums of three integral cubes. ...... Nauk SSSR 30, 687–689 (1941); Márki, L., Steinfeld, O., Szép, J.: Short ...

Issues in Mathematical Theory and Modeling: 2011 Edition - Page 202

Q Ashton Acton, PhD   ScholarlyEditions, 2012 ISBN1464966931, 9781464966934

Vaserstein and colleagues published their study in International Journal of Number Theory (Polynomial ... Additional information can be obtained by contacting L. Vaserstein, Pennsylvania State University, Dept. of Math, University Park, PA ...

Issues in Algebra, Geometry, and Topology: 2011 Edition

Q Ashton Acton, PhD ScholarlyEditions, 2012     ISBN1464966346, 9781464966347

R, Lambda), which is an analog for the results existing in the general linear groups; see [L.N. Vaserstein, The subnormal structure of general linear groups over rings, Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc., 108 (1990) 219-229; N.A. Vavilov, ...

Noncommutative Iwasawa Main Conjectures Over Totally Real Fields:  - Page 32

Münster, April 2011

John Coates, Peter Schneider, R. Sujatha - 2012

The following result of Vaserstein is very useful. Proposition 2.4. Let R be a semilocal ring. Then the natural inclusion of R D GL1.R/ into GL.

Number Theory, Analysis and Geometry - Page 321, 346,347, 352

In Memory of Serge Lang

D. Goldfeld - 2012 - 704 pages  ISBN: 978-1-4614-1259-5 (Print) 978-1-4614-1260-1 (Online)

We may now apply the theorem of Mathews, Vaserstein, and Weisfeller [MVW], to , to conclude that for all sufficiently large l prime to N, say for all 

l not in the finite set S, Γ maps onto . For any such l, Γ3 maps onto the image of in , i.e., Γ3 maps ...

[PDF] Stable range adequate Bezout duo-ring- Page 120

I Vasiunyk - International Mathematical Conference, 2012 - mmk.mdu.edu.ua

... Студ., 1998.–9.–№ 2.–С. 115-119. [3] Vaserstein LN The stable rank of rings and dimensionality

of topological spaces// Functional Anal. Appl., 1971.–5.–P. 102-110. [4] Васюник I. С, Забавський

БВ Стабiльний ранг дуо-кiльця Безу та його узагальнення//Прикл. пробл. мех. ...


[PDF] Notes on thin matrix groups - Page 17

P Sarnak - Proceedings of MSRI conference on Thin Groups and … - math.princeton.edu

Page 1. Notes on Thin Matrix Groups Peter Sarnak Prepared for the MSRI hot topics

workshop on superstrong approximation (Feb. 2012). My aim is to give an overview

of the developments in the theory and its applications. ...

L. Vaserstein

Geometric And Combinatorial Aspects Of Commutative Algebra - Page 224, 225

Jurgen Herzog, ‎Gaetana Restuccia - 2012

As mentioned, the special case of Theorem 6 for free commutative monoids is due to Suslin [8] (the case of a trivial monoid being the Bass-Vaserstein classical results on surjective KI stabilizations, see Ch. 5, §4 in [1] and [11]). In [4] we have ...

— end 2011

Wasserstein  start 2012  91 books  

Computing and Combinatorics: 18th Annual International ... - Page 264

Joachim Gudmundsson, ‎Julián Mestre, ‎Taso Viglas · 2012

Found inside – Page 264

... a subset Cp of prescribed volume and (ii), the average distance of all points z of C from their respective sites p is minimized. ... Keywords: Monge-Kantorovich transportation problem, earth mover's distance, Voronoi diagram with additive weights, Wasserstein metric. ... More precisely, given two measures μ and ν, find a map f satisfying μ(f −1(·)) = ν(·) that minimizes ∫ d(z,f(z))dμ(z), where d(z,z) ...

Contemporary Theory and Pragmatic Approaches in Fuzzy ... - Page 40

books.google.com › books

Chen, Toly · 2012

Found inside – Page 40

Computational Statistics & DataAnalysis, 50(6), 1496–1523. doi:10.1016/j.csda.2004.12.002 De Oliveira, J. V., ... Advances in fuzzy clustering and its applications. ... 

Dynamic clustering for interval data using a Wasserstein-based distance.

MR3149935  Vellaisamy, P.; Čekanavičius, V. Nonuniform approximations for sums of discrete

m-dependent random variables. Contemporary developments in statistical theory, 375–393, Springer Proc. Math. Stat., 68, Springer, Cham, 2014. (Reviewer: Sreenivasan Ravi) 62E17 (60G50 62F10)


Stochastic Analysis and Applications to Finance: Essays in ...

Tusheng Zhang - 2012

Found inside - Page 414

Finally, we introduce the Wasserstein coupling which is optimal when ρ is the discrete distance on E. In this case Wp (μ − ν)p = μ − νvar, where · var is the total variation norm. Proposition 20.1.7 (Wasserstein coupling). Let ρ(x, y)=1 {x=y}.

Physics, Cosmology and Astronomy, 1300–1700: Tension and ...

Sabetai Unguru - 2012

Found inside - Page 43

The truly remarkable capacity of Epicurean physics to fit into moral theory is paralleled by that of Stoic physics. See A. Wasserstein, Greek Scientific Thought in Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society, N.S. 8 (1962), pp. 51ff.

Семинары Лаборатории Чебышëва 

Dec 6, 2012 - риантному распределению в метрике Васерштейна (Канторовича-Рубинштейна). В то время как подобного рода оценки в метрике полной вариации хорошо изуче- ны, об оценках в метрике Васерштейна известно меньше. Нами получены субгео- метрические 66. Оценки скорости сходимости марковских процессов в метрике Васерштейна с приложениями к стохастическим дифференциальным уравнениям с запаздыванием Олег Бутковский

Семинар Лаборатории Чебышёва «Теория вероятностей»

published in MR3071388 Butkovsky, O. A.; Veretennikov, A. Yu.; On asymptotics for Vaserstein coupling of Markov chains. Stochastic Process. Appl. 123 (2013), no. 9, 3518–3541.

Large-Scale Scientific Computing:  Page 134, 136 

8th International Conference, LSSC 2011

van Lirkov, ‎Svetozar D. Margenov, ‎Jerzy Wasniewski - 2012 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions

We notice that Theorem |2|applies for Li, yielding a sufficiently smooth solution pe of (2) and the optimal interpolating vector field vi(a) = Vp Hi(w, D, p=(t, x)) for a.e. v. We associate to this cost a generalized Wasserstein distance, defined, for two given probability a. 1/2 measures u0, 11, by W. (110, u1) = inf (I.e. ci (a, y) diT : T € II (u0, m)} In this second model, we modify the infinitesimal metric on R” in order to take into account the anisotropic character of the diffusion as expressed by the ...

MR3763531   Cavagnari, Giulia; Marigonda, Antonio; Piccoli, Benedetto Superposition principle for differential inclusions. 

Large-scale scientific computing, 201–209, Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., 10665, Springer, Cham, 2018. (Reviewer: Pietro Celada) 34A60 (35F05 49Q20)

  Chapter 2 Citations

A Theory of Generalized Donaldson-Thomas Invariants - Page 203

Dominic D. Joyce, ‎Yinan Song - 2012 - ‎Preview

1022 1021 1020 1019 1018 1017 1016 1015 1014 1013 1012 1011 1010 1009 1008 1007 1006 1005 1004 1003 1002 1001 1000 999 998 997 996 995 994 993 992 991 Maurice Duits, Arno B. J. Kuijlaars, and Man Yue Mo, The Hermitian two matrix model with an even quartic potential, 2012 Arnaud Deruelle, Katura Miyazaki, and Kimihiko Motegi, Networking Seifert surgeries on knots, 2012 Dominic Joyce and Yinan Song, A theory of generalized Donaldson-Thomas invariants, ...

BIRS Proceedings 2012 - Banff International Research Station

8 Algebraic K-Theory and Equivariant Homotopy Theory (12w5116). 87 .... Research Station (BIRS) on recent developments and challenges in ...... to progress from study of single devices to quantum networks and to develop a ...... [8] J. A. Carrillo, R. J. McCann, C. Villani, Contractions in the 2-Wasserstein length space and.

Proceedings of the 2011 Joint Workshop of Fraunhofer IOSB and Institute for Anthropomatics, Vision and Fusion Laboratory- Page 182

Volume 11 of Karlsruher Schriften zur Anthropomatik

Jürgen Beyerer, ‎Alexey Pak  

KIT Scientific Publishing, 234 pages 2012

Alternatively, the value similarity can be calculated with a normalized Wasserstein metric L2: ... NArAc − NArAc NArAc , 2NArAc NAr + NAc , International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems,.

Wasserstein metric

Distributed Data Fusion for Network-Centric Operations - Page 211, 478

David Hall, ‎Chee-Yee Chong, ‎James Llinas - 2012 

... 437–438 classification, 439 communication, 437 context-based approaches, HLIF, see Highlevel information fusion ... distributed fusion model, 210 multidimensional Gaussian distribution, 209 optimization approaches, 212 Wasserstein ...

Computer Vision -

 ECCV 2012. Workshops and Demonstrations: Florence, Italy, October 7-13, 2012, Proceedings, Part I

by Fusiello, Andrea; Murino, Vittorio; Cucchiara, Rita  Springer 2012

Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7583 e

Optimization of Stochastic Models: - Page 104, 362, 382,… (14 pages)

The Interface Between Simulation and Optimization

Georg Ch. Pflug - 2012   reprint of original 1996  edition

The field is quite new and yet the number of publications is enormous. This book does not even try to touch all work done in this area.

Wasserstein distance

Found inside – Page 209

Sensitivity Analysis of Discrete Event Systems by the ”Push Out” Method. Ann. Oper ... Infinitesimal perturbation analysis for general discreteevent systems. ... Calculation of the Wasserstein distance between probability distributions on the line.

e-Study Guide for Introduction to Probability and Statistics,

 textbook by William Mendenhall: Statistics, Statistics

Cram101 Textbook Reviews - 2012 - ‎Education Edition 14

For tossing two coins, the ______ is {(head,head), (head,tail), (tail,head), (tail,tail)}. a. Standard probability space b. Sample space c. Wasserstein metric d.


Leyes de conservación escalar, un enfoque probabilístico / Contractive metrics for scalar conservation laws

by Andrade Perez, David Eugenio

2012 Dissertation 

... métrica de Wasserstein o métrica de Monge Kantorovich y estudiamos como se comporta la solución respecto al dato inicial./ Abstract...

Transport optimal : régularité et applications - Page vii (14 pages, 22 matches for Wasserstein)

by Gallouët, Thomas

2012 Dissertation 

... considérées comme des flots gradients dans l’espace de Wasserstein W2. C’est le cas de l’équation de Keller-Segel en dimension 2. Pour cette...

An Optimal Transport Approach to Nonlinear Evolution Equations

by Kamalinejad, Ehsan

University of Toronto (Canada), 2012

  Gradient flows of energy functionals on the space of probability measures with Wasserstein metric has proved to be a strong tool in studying certain mass conserving evolution equations...

Pattern Recognition:  - Page 254

Joint 34th DAGM and 36th OAGM Symposium, Graz, Austria, August 28-31, 2012, Proceedings

Volume 7476 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Image Processing, Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, and Graphics

Axel Pinz, ‎Thomas Pock, ‎Horst Bischof - 2012 

The presented approach outperformed nine other saliency detection methods on the widely used Achanta subset of the ... In future work, we will investigate how the feature distributions computed for saliency can be reused for graph-based segmentation of the object located around the most salient point. ... Givens, C.R., Shortt, R.M.: A class of wasserstein metrics for probability distributions. ... Lin, Y., Fang, B., Tang, Y.: A computational model for saliency maps by using local entropy.

Analysis and Numerics of Partial Differential Equations - six pages

Franco Brezzi, ‎Piero Colli Franzone, ‎Ugo Gianazza - 2012 Full Text Online

On the other hand, by a result of Benamou and Brenier [3], given two probability densities f*,fon Q, the Wasserstein distance d(f,f*) ... Let us briefly review the notion of Kantorovich-Rubinstein-Wasserstein metric, or simply Wasserstein metric.

Encyclopedia of Distances - Page 53, 143, 245, 638, 649

Michel Marie Deza, ‎Elena Deza - 2012  3642309585, 9783642309588  650 pages

11). o KMMW metric Given a metric space (X, d), the Kantorovich-Mallows-Monge-Wasserstein metric, or KMMW metric, for short, or transportation distance, is defined by W1(P1,P2)Iinf1ES[d(X,Y)]Iinf/ d(X, Y)dS(X, Y), 5 (X,Y)GXXX where the ... Full Text Online

Probability and Partial Differential Equations in Modern Applied Mathematics

Edward C. Waymire - 2012

This volume is devoted to the role of probabilistic methods in modern applied mathematics from the perspectives of both a tool for analysis and as a tool in modeling.

Survival trees - a new method in innovation theory:  - Page 49, 50

A successful introduction of a method commonly used in survival analysis into the field of innovation diffusion theory

Burkhard Freiherr von Wangenheim - 2012 

A successful introduction of a method commonly used in survival analysis into the field of innovation diffusion theory ... Graphically, whenp :1, the Wasserstein metrics d1(S1, S2) between two KapIan-Meier curves 8; and S2 is the shaded area ...

Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision 

This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the Third International Conference on Scale Space Methods and  Variational Methods in Computer Vision Location: Ein Gedi, ISRAEL Date: MAY 29-JUN 02, 2011 

Book Editor(s): Bruckstein, AM; Romeny, BMT; Bronstein, AM; et al.

Alfred M. Bruckstein, ‎Bart ter Haar Romeny, ‎Alexander M. Bronstein - 2012

The Wasserstein distance together with the optimal assignment can thus be computed in O(Nlog(N)) operations using a fast sorting algorithm. 2.2 Sliced Wasserstein Distance The computation of the Wasserstein distance W2 is however ...

Title: Wasserstein Barycenter and Its Application to Texture Mixing book chapter  Page 435

Author(s): Rabin, Julien; Peyre, Gabriel; Delon, Julie; et al.

  Volume: 6667   Pages: 435-446 Published: 2012

Issues in Applied Mathematics: 2011 Edition

... a method for numerical integration of Wasserstein gradient flows based on the classical minimizing movement scheme. ... to the nonlinear fourth-order Derrida-Lebowitz-Speer-Spohn equation, which arises in quantum semiconductor theory.

ScholarlyEditions, 2012

Handbook of Computational Statistics: Concepts and Methods - Page 869, 1192

James E. Gentle, Wolfgang Karl Härdle, Yuichi Mori - 2012 

There are well established statistics that measure the difference in distribution. In survival analysis, we ... Gordon and Olshen used the so-called Lp Wasserstein metrics, d p .; /; 

as the measure of discrepancy between the two survival functions.

A Varian of Kolmogorovian Probability Emerging from Quantum Theory

MF Rosyid - Asian Physics Symposium, 2012 - prosiding.papsi.org

... The metric di defined on Ωi induced the Wasserstein metric W i d on PW(Ωi) through ... Now Let

ˆ ˆ :ε Σ × × Σ D P P W 1 W N A A ( ( )) . be a maping from the set of all density operators into

the product space of Wasserstein spaces ˆ Σ PW i A ( ( )) defined by ...

Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision:  - Page  xi, 250, 252, 254, 435, 436, 438, 439, 442, 445

Third International Conference, SSVM 2011, Ein-Gedi, Israel, May 29 -- June 2, 2011, Revised Selected Papers

Alfred M. Bruckstein, Bart Ter Haar Romeny, Alexander M. Bronstein - Springer 2012 - 798 pages 3642247849, 9783642247842    

Moreover, W2 is too difficult to handle in problems requiring the optimization of point clouds with functional involving the Wasserstein distance.

To overcome the time complexity involved by the numerical solving of such problem, the original Wasserstein metric is replaced by a sliced approximation over 1D distributions. 

Recent Advances in Computer Science and Information Engineering: Volume 5 - Page 325

an, Lei Cao, Weilian Su - 2012 - 766 pages - Google eBook 

The Wasserstein miss-distance is proposed to evaluate the multitarget tracking performance [3]. Fig. 1. Plot of x and y components of position estimates (star) against time, superimposed on ground truth (solid line) (single experiment result) ...

Issues in Statistics, Decision Making, and Stochastics: 2011 Edition - Page 240

Q. Ashton Acton, PhD  ScholarlyEditions, 2012

ISBN 1464967040, 9781464967047 286 pages

Wuhan University: Sanov's theorem in the Wasserstein distance: A necessary and sufficient condition “Let (X-n)(n >= 1) be a sequence of i.i.d.r.v.'s with values in a Polish space (E, d) of law mu,” investigators in Wuhan, People's Republic of ...

Second Order Analysis on (P2(M), W2) - Page vii, xi, 2, 5, 6, 15, 16, 18, 49, 50, 51, 113, 123, 125, 154, 158

Nicola Gigli - 2012 - 154 pages 

MR2344814 (2008j:49113) K.-T. Sturm, M.K. von Renesse, Entropic Measure and Wasserstein Diffusion, Ann. Probab. 37 (2009), pp. 1114–1191.

Robotics: Science and Systems VII - Page 166

e.comHugh Durrant-Whyte, Nicholas Roy, Pieter Abbeel - 2012 - 384 pages 

C. Belief space metric To compute distance between beliefs in B (line 11 & 15 of Algorithm 1), GCS uses Wasserstein ... The Wasserstein distance WD(b,b) between two beliefs b,b B is the minimum expected distance in S among all ...

Visual Indexing and Retrieval - Page 25

books.google.comJenny Benois-Pineau, Frédéric Precioso, Matthieu Cord - 2012 - 107 pages - Google eBook

In that case, the EMD is equivalent to the 1st Mallows distance or 1st Wasserstein distance between the two distributions. Recently, Pele and Werman [163] proposed a modified version of EMD extending standard EMD to non-normalized ...

Professional Media Understanding:  - Page 215

The Common Methods of Audio Retrieval, Biosignal Processing, Content-Based Image Retrieval, Face Recognition, Music Classification, Speech Recognition, Text Retrieval and Video Surveillance

books.google.comHorst Eidenberger - 2012 - 256 pages

M5 inf x sup y mi(x, y) Bottleneck distance. M6 max sup x infy m i (x, y) , sup y ... j mi( ̄xj, yj )c( ̄xj, y j ) K Mallows distance [133] (a.k.a. Wasserstein distance, earth mover's distance), where c() is the cost function weighting the distances. B.3.

Issues in Mathematical Theory and Modeling: 2011 Edition - Page 186

books.google.com2012 - Google eBook

“We use a probabilistic interpretation to obtain convergence towards equilibrium in Wasserstein distance with an explicit exponential rate. We also prove a propagation of chaos property for an associated particle system, and give rates on the ...

Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations: The Abel Symposium 2010 - Page 315, 355

Helge Holden, Kenneth H. Karlsen - 2012 - 360 pages

... Wasserstein distance of order 1, W1(μ,ν) = sup: {∫ φdμ − ∫ φdν;φ1-Lipschitz } . Estimates of this sort are found in [95, Chap. 5] and date back to 

the 1970s (Dobrushin [48], Braun and Hepp [24], Neunzert [87]).

Gangbo, W.: Hamiltonian ODE's in the Wasserstein space of probability

Foundations of Software Science and Computational Structures:  - Page 451

15th International Conference, FOSSACS 2012, Held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2012, Tallinn, Estonia, March 24 -- April 1, 2012, Proceedings

Lars Birkedal - 2012 - 484 pages 

... 7. van Breugel, F., Worrell, J.: Approximating and computing behavioural distances in probabilistic transition systems. ... (1986) Thorsley, D., 

Klavins, E.: Approximating stochastic biochemical processes with Wasserstein pseudometrics.

Found inside – Page 45115th International Conference, FOSSACS 2012, Held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ... Technical Report AIB-2011-26, RWTH Aachen (2011) Giacalone, A., Jou, C.-C., Smolka, S.A.: Algebraic reasoning for probabilistic concurrent systems. ... (1986) Thorsley, D., Klavins, E.: Approximating stochastic biochemical processes with Wasserstein pseudometrics.

Finite Frames: Theory and Applications - Page 416, 417, 423, 424, 483

Peter G. Casazza, Gitta Kutyniok - 2012

Given any nonzero vectors Φ = {φi }Mi=1, there are two natural embeddings into the space of probability measures, namely 1 ∑Mi=1φi2 M∑ i=1 φi 2 δφi/φi. 

The 2-Wasserstein distance between μΦ and μΨ satisfies μΦ= 1 M M∑ i=1δφi and ...

Issues in Calculus, Mathematical Analysis, and Nonlinear Research: 2011 Edition - Page 107

ScholarlyEditions, Jan 4, 2012

“The coupling arises from the Stokes drag force exerted by a phase on the other. ... (2010 DEC 7) SISSA, Trieste: Estimates On Path Functionals Over 

Wasserstein Spaces “In this paper we consider the class a functionals (introduced in ...

Baratchart and colleagues published their study in the Journal of Functional Analysis (Hardy spaces of the conjugate Beltrami equation. ... with a distance that is defined by generalizing the dynamical formulation of the Wasserstein distance to concave, nonlinear mobilities. ... “Several proof techniques are explored, from infinitesimal geometry, to quasi-sure analysis (including a connection to Stein's ...

Advances in Dynamic Games:  - Page 44

Theory, Applications, and Numerical Methods for Differential and Stochastic Games

Pierre Cardaliaguet, Ross Cressman - 2012

An example of such a distance could be the classical Wasserstein distance or the Monge–Kantorovich distance between ... additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) multiple-access channel with N senders with coupled constraints (or actions).

Metric and Differential Geometry: The Jeff Cheeger Anniversary Volume - Page 106

Xianzhe Dai, Xiaochun Rong - 2012

In 2005, Sturm introduced a new distance between metric measure spaces which leads to such limits more naturally and also interacts well with mass transport notions mentioned above [65]. He uses the Wasserstein distance, Wp, to measure

Integrated Tracking, Classification, and Sensor Management: Theory and Applications - Page 93, 94

Mahendra Mallick, Vikram Krishnamurthy, Ba-Ngu Vo - 2012

3. Bayesian Multiple Target Filtering Using Random Finite Sets

This distance was termed the Wasserstein metric in [44] because it yields the pth order Wasserstein metric between the empirical distributions of the point patterns Xand Y. The OMAT metric is not necessarily better than the Hausdorff ...

Operator Theory:  - Page 310, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321

Advances and Applications, Mathematical Methods in Systems, Optimization, and Control: Festschrift in Honor of J. William Helton

Harry Dym, Mauricio C. de Oliveira, Mihai Putinar - 2012 

Now noting the characterization of the Wasserstein norm from Equation (16), we see that the steepest gradient direction (with respect to the Wasserstein metric) is given by μt = div(μlogμ)=Δμ, which is the linear heat equation. 

Thus inspired by the Benamou and Brenier [4], given two “points,” [14],}11 G D, the geodesic (Wasserstein) distance is: 1 ...

Mathematical Methods in Systems, Optimization, and Control: - Page 319

Festschrift in Honor of J. William Helton

Volume 222 of Operator Theory: Advances and Applications

Harry Dym, ‎Mauricio de Oliveira, ‎Mihai Putinar - Springer 2012 

(20) μ The steepest gradient direction with respect to the Wasserstein metric

MR2962791   Tannenbaum, Emmanuel; Georgiou, Tryphon; Tannenbaum, Allen Optimal mass transport for problems in control, statistical estimation, and image analysis. 

Mathematical methods in systems, optimization, and control, 311–324, Oper. Theory Adv. Appl., 222, Birkhäuser/Springer Basel AG, Basel, 2012. (Reviewer: Luca Granieri) 49Q20 (62B10 94A08)

 Chapter 1 Citation 

Multi-Scale and High-Contrast PDE: From Modelling, to Mathematical Analysis, toInversion - Page 93, 94

Habib Ammari, Yves Capdeboscq, Hyeonbae Kang - 2012 AMS Cont Math 577

We consider a nonlinear fourth-order diffusion equation that arises in denoising of image densities as the Wasserstein gradient flow of the total variation.

Here, W2 (u0 Ld,uLd) is the 2–Wasserstein distance between u0Ld and uLd (Ld denotes the Lebesgue measure in Rd, d = 1,2) and defines a distance within the space of probability measures [3, 20, 21, 1, 17]. This minimisation problem can be interpreted as a discrete in time approximation of a solution of the gradient flow (1.1) of E(u) with respect to the L2 Wasserstein metric.

MR2985068   Düring, Bertram; Schönlieb, Carola-Bibiane A high-contrast fourth-order PDE from imaging: numerical solution by ADI splitting. 

Multi-scale and high-contrast PDE: from modelling, to mathematical analysis, to inversion, 93–103, Contemp. Math., 577, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2012. 35K35 (35C06 35K59)

Chapter 2 Citations

Problems in Probability - Page 229, 243

Al'bert Nikolaevich Shiriaev - 2012

O (a) Prove that the function d2 I d2(F, G), which is known as the Wasserstein metric, is indeed a metric and the space 82 is complete for the metric d2.

e-Study Guide for: Asymptotic Theory of Statistics and Probability for Statistics and Machine Learning: Fundamentals and Advanced Topics by Anirban DasGupta

ISBN 9780387759708 Cram101 Reviews, Anirban DasGupta - 2012 - 43 pages

Eigenfunction Cell David V. Hinkley Wasserstein deterministic or essentially probabilistic) which is 

analyzable in terr ... one pile into the other, Vi assumed to be the amount of dirt that needs to be moved times the distance it has to be moved

The name 'Wasserstein/Vasershtein distance'

Just the FACTS101 E-Study Guide For: Probability for Statistics and Machine Learning

ISBN 9781441996336 Cram101 Reviews, Anirban DasGupta - 2012 - 43 pages 

Wasserstein Wasserstein Distance In mathematics, the Wasserstein (or Vasershtein) metric is a distance function defined between probability distributions on a given metric space M. Intuitively, if each distribution is viewed as a unit amount of ...

e-Study Guide for: Introduction to Probability and Statistics by William Mendenhall

Cram101 Textbook Reviews - 2012

Wasserstein metric d. Infinite monkey theorem 4. A ______ is a single measure of some attribute of a sample (e.g. its arithmetic mean value). It is calculated by applying a function (statistical algorithm) to the values of the items comprising the

e-Study Guide for: Elementary Statistics, A Brief Version by Allan Bluman

Cram101 Textbook Reviews - 2012

For tossing two coins, the ______ is {(head,head), (head,tail), (tail,head), (tail,tail)}. a. Sample space b. Subjectivism c. Wasserstein metric d. Christopher Cattan ...

e-Study Guide for: Probability, Statistics, and Stochastic Processes by  Peter Olofsson

Cram101 Textbook Reviews - 2012 -

Standard probability space b. Subjectivism c. Wasserstein metric d. Sample space 5. In mathematics, a ______ is a set with some added structure. Mathematical _________s often form a hierarchy, i.e., one

e-Study Guide for: Stats: Modeling the World by David E. Bock. 

ISBN 9780321570444

Cram101 Textbook Reviews - 2012 

... if the experiment is tossing a coin, the ______ istheset {head, tail}. For tossing two coins, the ______ is {(head,head), (head,tail), (tail,head), (tail,tail)}. a. Standard probabilityspace b. Subjectivism c. Wasserstein metric d. Sample space 3. In.

e-Study Guide for: Statistical Ideas and Methods by Jessica M Utts

Cram101 Textbook Reviews - 2012 

... (tail,tail)}. a. Standard probability space b. Subjectivism c. Wasserstein metric d.Sample space Chapter 8. Random Variables ANSWER KEY 0. b.

e-Study Guide for: Discrete Calculus: Applied Analysis on Graphs for Computational Science by Leo J. Grady 

Cram101 Textbook Reviews - 2012 

Total variation c. Typical set d.Wasserstein metric 3. ______ is a class ofmachine learning techniques that make use ofboth labeled and unlabeled data for training typicallya small amount oflabeled data with a large amount ofunlabeled data.

e-Study Guide for: Fundamentals of Biostatistics by Bernard  Rosner 

Cram101 Textbook Reviews - 2012 

 For tossing two coins, the ______ is {(head,head), (head,tail), (tail,head), (tail,tail)}. a. Standard probability space b. Subjectivism c. Wasserstein metric d. Sample space 5.

e-Study Guide for: Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists

Cram101 Textbook Reviews - 2012  ISBN147840180X, 9781478401803 47 pp

Wasserstein metric d. Structural equation modeling 5. In mathematics, a ______ is a setwith some added structure. Mathematical _________s often form a hierarchy, i.e., one ______ mayinherit all the characteristics ofa parent ______.

On the Shape of a Pure O-Sequence - Page 83 

Mats Boij - 2012 

... Kil Kim, and Tommaso Pacini, Differential forms on Wasserstein space and infinite-dimensional Hamiltonian systems, ... manifolds and applications, 2011 Mark Walsh, Metrics of positive scalar curvature and generalised Morse functions, part

N-Harmonic Mappings Between Annuli: The Art of Integrating Free Lagrangians - Page 110

Tadeusz Iwaniec, Tadeusz Iwaniec and Jani Onninen - 2012  Mem AMS

... Kil Kim, and Tommaso Pacini, Differential forms on Wasserstein space and infinite-dimensional Hamiltonian systems, ... manifolds and applications, 2011 Mark Walsh, Metrics of positive scalar curvature and generalised Morse functions, part

General Relativistic Self-Similar Waves That Induce an Anomalous Acceleration Into the Standard  Model of Cosmology - Page 74

Joel A. Smoller, Blake Temple - AMS  2012   69 pp

... Kil Kim, and Tommaso Pacini, Differential forms on Wasserstein space and infinite-dimensional Hamiltonian systems, ... manifolds and applications, 2011 Mark Walsh, Metrics of positive scalar curvature and generalised Morse functions, part

The Lin-Ni's Problem for Mean Convex Domains - Page 110

Olivier Druet, Frederic Robert, Juncheng Wei - 2012

... Kil Kim, and Tommaso Pacini, Differential forms on Wasserstein space and infinite-dimensional Hamiltonian systems, ... manifolds and applications, 2011 Mark Walsh, Metrics of positive scalar curvature and generalised Morse functions, part

Found inside – Page 110

... and Tommaso Pacini, Differential forms on Wasserstein space and infinite-dimensional Hamiltonian systems, 2011 Ralph Greenberg, Iwasawa theory, projective modules, and modular representations, 2011 Camillo De Lellis and Emanuele ...

The Goodwillie Tower and the Ehp Sequence - Page 95 

Mark Behrens - 2012

... Kil Kim, and Tommaso Pacini, Differential forms on Wasserstein space and infinite-dimensional Hamiltonian systems, ... manifolds and applications, 2011 Mark Walsh, Metrics of positive scalar curvature and generalised Morse functions, part

Gap Junctions in the Brain: Physiological and Pathological Roles - Page 276

Ekrem Dere - 2012 

Role of olivary electrical coupling in cerebellar motor learning. Neuron 58, 599e612. Vandecasteele ... coupling is required for proper insulin production. J. Cell Biol. 131, 1561e1572. ... Wasserstein, J., 2005. Diagnostic issues for adolescents ...

Asymptotic Methods in Statistical Decision Theory Lucien Le Cam - 2012

Springer London, Limited, Jul 31, 2012 - 772 pages

ISBN-13: 9781461293699


Stochastic Analysis and Related Topics - Page 203, 208

Laurent. Decreusefond, Jamal. Najim - 2012 

In the case of Wiener space, we can define a stronger Wasserstein metric using the Cameron–Martin norm as we have already done in [5, 6] as follows: d2H.P;Q/ D

Infinite-Dimensional Representations Of 2-Groups - Page 125

John C. Baez, Aristide Baratin, Laurent Freidel - 2012  Mem AMS

... 2011 Wilfrid Gangbo, Hwa Kil Kim, and Tommaso Pacini, Differential forms on Wasserstein space and infinite-dimensional Hamiltonian systems, 2011 Ralph Greenberg, Iwasawa theory, projective modules, and modular representations, ...

Vector Bundles on Degenerations of Elliptic Curves and Yang-Baxter Equations - Page 136

Igor Burban, Bernd Kreuler - 2012 

Extended Graphical Calculus for Categorified Quantum Sl(2) - Page 92

Mikhail Khovanov - 2012

... 2011 Wilfrid Gangbo, Hwa Kil Kim, and Tommaso Pacini, Differential forms on Wasserstein space and infinite-dimensional Hamiltonian systems, 2011 Ralph Greenberg, Iwasawa theory, projective modules, and modular representations, ...

Finite Order Automorphisms and Real Forms of Affine Kac-Moody Algebras in the Smooth and Algebraic Category - Page 71

Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, American Mathematical Society, ISSN 0065-9266

Ernst Heintze, Christian Gross - 2012 

... 2011 Wilfrid Gangbo, Hwa Kil Kim, and Tommaso Pacini, Differential forms on Wasserstein space and infinite-dimensional Hamiltonian systems, 2011 Ralph Greenberg, Iwasawa theory, projective modules, and modular representations, ...

Modular Branching Rules for Projective Representations of Symmetric Groups - Page 128

A S Kleshcheev, Vladimir Shchigolev - 2012 

Wasserstein space

The Reflective Lorentzian Lattices of Rank 3 - Page 113

Daniel Allcock - 2012  Mem AMS

Wasserstein space

Elliptic Integrable Systems: A Comprehensive Geometric Interpolation - Page 222

Idrisse Khemar - 2012 Mem AMS

... 2011 Wilfrid Gangbo, Hwa Kil Kim, and Tommaso Pacini, Differential forms on Wasserstein space and infinite-dimensional Hamiltonian systems, 2011 Ralph Greenberg, Iwasawa theory, projective modules, and modular representations, ...

Reifenberg Parameterizations for Sets With Holes - Page 106

Guy David, Tatiana Toro - 2012 Mem AMS

Wasserstein space

On L-Packets for Inner Forms of SLn - Page 101

Kaoru Hiraga, Hiroshi Saito - 2012  Mem AMS

Wasserstein space

Dimer Models and Calabi-Yau Algebras - Page 90

Nathan Broomhead - 2012 Mem AMS

Wasserstein space

Chevalley Supergroups - Page 68

MR2918543  Fioresi, R.; Gavarini, F. Chevalley supergroups. Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. 215 (2012), no. 1014, vi+64 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8218-5300-9 14M30 (17Bxx 58A50)

Wasserstein space

Weighted Shifts on Directed Trees - Page 111

Zenon Jan Jablónski, Il Bong Jung, Jan Stochel - 2012 Mem AMS

Wasserstein space

Resistance Forms, Quasisymmetric Maps and Heat Kernel Estimates - Page 136

Jun Kigami - 2012  Mem AMS

Wasserstein space

Towards a Modulo $p$ Langlands Correspondence for GL$_2$ - Page 118

Chistophe Breuil, Vytautas Paskunas - 2012   Mem AMS

Wasserstein space

The Hermitian Two Matrix Model with an Even Quartic Potential - Page 109

Maurice Duits, Maurice Duits, Arno B.J. Kuijlaars, and Man Yue Mo - 2012  Mem AMS

Wasserstein space

Networking Seifert Surgeries on Knots - Page 134

Arnaud Deruelle, Arnaud Deruelle, Katura Miyazaki, and Kimihiko Motegi - 2012  Mem AMS

Wasserstein space

Computational Modelling of Objects Represented in Images:  - Page 119, 312

Fundamentals, Methods and Applications (Rome, Italy, 5-7 September 2012).

Paolo Di Giamberardino, Daniela Iacoviello, Jo O Manuel R S Tavares - CRC Press, Aug 28, 2012 - 496 pages

Wasserstein distance

[PDF] Further Results on Probabilistic Model Validation in Wasserstein Metric - Page title

A Halder, R Bhattacharya - …IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Maui, Dec. 2012.  people.tamu.edu

Abstract—In a recent work [1], we have introduced a probabilistic formulation for the model 

validation problem to provide a unifying framework for (in) validating nonlinear deterministic 

and stochastic models, in both discrete and continuous time. As an extension to that work, ...

2011 International Conference in Electrics, Communication and Automatic Control Proceedings - Page 1710 

Ran Chen - Springer, 2012 - 1746 pages ISBN1441988491, 9781441988492

Multitarget PHD Particle Filter Tracker Based on Single-Target PHD

L Zhao, X Su, P Ma -

... The Wasserstein distance between the position estimates of the multitarget state and ground

truth at each time step is used as a multitarget miss- distance as shown in Fig. 221.2. ... 1710 L.

Zhao et al. Fig. 221.2 Wasserstein distances of the two trackers 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 ...

ISBN 978-1-4419-8848-5

[PDF] Power variations of heavy tailed jump diffusions in paleoclimatic time series - Page 2

J Gairing, P Imkeller - … Assembly Conference …, 2012 - meetingorganizer.copernicus.org

... The method compares the empirical variation paths with their theoretical limits in terms

of the Kolmogorov- Smirnov (uniform) and Wasserstein metrics. We subdivide the data

set into blocks and measure the power variation along these blocks. ...

Abstract: In a recent work [1], we have introduced a probabilistic formulation for the model validation problem to provide a unifying framework for (in)validating nonlinear deterministic and stochastic models, in both discrete and continuous time. As an extension to that work, this paper provides rigorous performance bounds for the model validation algorithms presented in [1]. Further, it is shown that the existing method of barrier certificate based nonlinear invalidation oracle, can be recovered as a special case of the proposed formulation. Some results are derived to quantify the effects of initial uncertainty on the Wasserstein gap. And finally, for discrete-time LTI and LTV systems, upper bounds on Wasserstein distance are derived in terms of the parameters of the systems under comparison, thus providing an offline estimate of the gap.


VI Chilin, BA Rakhimov - … Journal of Modern Physics: Conference …, 2012 - World Scientific

... Clustering methods traditionally applied to gene expression data. These methods require

a metric (Euclidean, Boolean metrics, the Wasserstein distance and many others) and study

of compactness in the spaces of the models of different choices. ...

ISSN: 2010-1945

Control and Decision Conference (CCDC), 2012 24th Chinese 23-25 May 2012 Taiyuan, China

Convergence analysis of asymmetric homogeneous Deffuant-Weisbuch model

J Zhang, G Chen, Y Hong - Control and Decision Conference ( …, 2012 - ieeexplore.ieee.org

... empirical opinion density will concentrate around the solution of a probability measure-valued

ordinary differential equation, which describes the system's mean-field dynamics, at an exponential

probability rate under the measure of first- order Kantorovich-Wasserstein distance. ...

ISBN  978-1-4577-2073-4

Information Reuse and Integration (IRI), 2012 IEEE 13th International Conference on 8-10 Aug. 2012 Las Vegas, USA

[PDF] Information neighbourhoods for visualization and monitoring strategies of real stochastic behaviour trajectories: computational aspects. Keynote Lecture

CTJ Dodson - … IEEE Conference on Information Reuse …, 2012 - maths.manchester.ac.uk

... IEEE Transactions on Informa- tion Theory 57, 8 (2011) 5455-5466. [24] J. Rabin and G. Peyré.

Wasserstein Regulariza- tion of Imaging Problem. In Proc. ... [28] Asuka Takatsu. On Wasserstein

geometry of the space of Gaussian measures. (2011) arXiv:0801.2250v3. ...

American Control Conference (ACC), 2012

27-29 June 2012 Fairmont Queen Elizabeth in Montréal.

Geometric methods for structured covariance estimation

L Ning, X Jiang, T Georgiou - American Control Conference (ACC), 2012 - ieeexplore.ieee.org

... Determine d2 W2 (px,py) := inf p { E(|x − y|2) | ∫ x p = py, ∫ y p = px } (9) The metric dW2

is known as the Wasserstein metric and, quite surprisingly, also induces a Riemannian

structure on proba- bility densities [14], [15] – a rather deep result. ...

RIMS meeting:  - Page 16, 17, 18

Potential Theory and its Related Fields

September 3 - 7, 2012 Research Building No. 8 Lecture Room 2, Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University

Organizers: Kentaro Hirata (Akita) Chair Jun Kigami (Kyoto)  Masaharu Nishio (Osaka)  Hiroaki Aikawa (Sapporo)

Program and Abstracts  pdf 

Lp-Wasserstein distance between µ0 and µ1 by Wp (µ0, µ1). ...

MR3220453   Kuwada, Kazumasa Gradient estimate for Markov kernels, Wasserstein control and Hopf-Lax formula. 

Potential theory and its related fields, 61–80, RIMS Kôkyûroku Bessatsu, B43, Res. Inst. Math. Sci. (RIMS), Kyoto, 2013. (Reviewer: Jing Wang) 60J35 (39B62 49N15 53C17 60B10 70H20)

 Chapter 4 Citations 

MR3234591 Potential theory and its related fields. Selected papers from the RIMS Workshop held at Kyoto University, Kyoto, September 3–7, 2012. Edited by Kentaro Hirata. RIMS Kôkyûroku Bessatsu [Series of Lecture Notes from RIMS], B43. Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences (RIMS), Kyoto, 2013. x+207. 31-06

Jérôme Bertrand and Benoît R. Kloeckner, A geometric study of Wasserstein spaces: an addendum on the boundary (405–412) MR3126070.

 Martin Benning, Luca Calatroni, Bertram Düring and Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb, A primal-dual approach for a total variation Wasserstein flow (413–421) MR3126071

Claire Caillerie, Frédéric Chazal, Jérôme Dedecker and Bertrand Michel, Deconvolution for the Wasserstein metric and geometric inference (561–568) MR3126088;

Combinatorial enlargement of ground-truth datasets and efficient evaluation of segmentation algorithms

VIGTA '12 Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Visual Interfaces for Ground Truth Collection in Computer Vision Applications

AR Shah, SR Dalal -RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, California… - ACM New York, NY, USA ©2012

ISBN: 978-1-4503-1405-3

... An example of a metric to compare how different two images are the Wasserstein metric [10],

that can be computed on 1- dimensional pixel intensity histograms or the related Earth Mover

Distance (EMD) on superpixels which preserve geo- metric and topological structure [1]. It ...

Topics in Random Matrix Theory - Page 35

Terence Tao - 2012 

There are other interesting modes of convergence on random variables and on distributions, such as convergence in total variation norm, in the Lévy-Prokhorov metric, or in Wasserstein metric, but we will not need these concepts in this text.

Normal Approximations with Malliavin Calculus: From Stein's Method to Universality - Page viii, 2, 16, 61, 67, 70, 68, 85,  100, 101, 103, 116, 117, 146, 210, 212, 238

Volume 192 of Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics, ISSN 0950-6284

Ivan Nourdin, Giovanni Peccati  Cambridge University Press, 2012 ISBN1107017777, 9781107017771 239 pages

MR2962301   Nourdin, Ivan; Peccati, Giovanni Normal approximations with Malliavin calculus. From Stein's method to universality. Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics, 192. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2012. xiv+239 pp. ISBN: 978-1-107-01777-1 (Reviewer: David Nualart) 60H07 (60F05 60G15)

Book 244 Citations

Robotic Navigation and Mapping with Radar - Page  ix, xxv, 107, 146, 147, 149, 204, 215, 219, 220, 220, 227, 275, 279, 337, 344, 346

Ebi Jose - 2012

This unique book demonstrates probabilistic radar models and detection algorithms specifically for robotic land vehicles. It examines grid based robotic mapping with radar based on measurement likelihood estimation.

Issues in General and Specialized Mathematics Research: 2011 Edition

Q. Ashton Acton, ScholarlyEditions,  2012 862 pages

Vasershtein  Vassershtein Vasserstein  2012        14  books

Interacting Particle Systems - Page 124, 175, 176, 486

Thomas Liggett - 2012 

Vasershtein, L. N. 1969 Markov processes over denumerable products of spaces, describing large systems of automata. Problems Inform. Transmission, 5, 47–52. Vasershtein, L. N. and Leontovich, A. M. 1970 Invariant measures of certain ...

Cellular Automata and Cooperative Systems - Page 453

N. Boccara, ‎E. Goles, ‎Servet Martínez - 2012 -

The convergence in (2.4) is exponentially fast and uniform in the initial data n e Q. The criterion y < 1 has been known for some time and goes back to work of Vasserstein and Dobrushin (see the discussion and references in (Lebowitz, Speer ...

Random Discrete Structures - Page 83, 87

David Aldous, ‎Robin Pemantle - 2012

See Section 4 below. D Remark 2.9. Very similar arguments give results similar to Lemma 2.8 for general m, n. 2.3. Vassershtein distance. The final metric considered in detail is the analog of a standard metrization of the weak star topology.

Rings and Geometry - Page 297, 349 (4 pages)

R. Kaya, ‎P. Plaumann, ‎K. Strambach - 2012 

7 (1975), 167–168. - Springer, T.A. and Veldkamp, F.D. : 'On Hjelmslev-Moufang Planes'. Math. Z. 107 (1968), 249-263. 

vasershtein, L. N. : "On the Stabilization of the General Linear Group over Rings'. Math. USSR Sbornik 8 (1969), 383-400.

Found inside – Page 297

Before we can prove this, we need a theorem of Wasershtein which gives an equivalent formulation of SRa. We start with some definitions and lemmas. 2. 12. We use the notation *n for the nxn identity matrix. An n×k-matrix A is called ...

Modelling and Optimisation of Flows on Networks: Cetraro - Page 58 (33 pages with Wasserstein)

Cetraro, Italy 2009, Editors: Benedetto Piccoli, Michel Rascle 

Volume 2062 of Lecture Notes in Mathematics

C.I.M.E. Foundation Subseries Springer, 2012

Authors Luigi Ambrosio, Alberto Bressan, Dirk Helbing, Axel Klar, Enrique Zuazua

Contributors Benedetto Piccoli, Michel Rascl

Vasershtein Wasserstein

Also, the spelling “Wasserstein” is questionable, as the original one was “Vasershtein”. Yet, this terminology is nowadays so common that it would be impossible to chang

Modelling and Optimisation of Flows on Networks: - Page ix, x, 1, 2,3,…

 Cetraro, Italy 2009, Editors: Benedetto Piccoli, Michel Rascle

by Ambrosio, Luigi; Bressan, Alberto; Helbing, Dirk; more... 2013

Springer, Dec 14, 2012   497 pages
  Ambrosio, Luigi; Gigli, Nicola A user's guide to optimal transport. 

Modelling and optimisation of flows on networks, 1–155, Lecture Notes in Math., 2062, Fond. CIME/CIME Found. Subser., Springer, Heidelberg, 2013. (Reviewer: Luca Granieri) 49Q20 (35R70 49-01)

 Chapter 102 Citations 

Found inside – Page 103

For the sake of simplicity, we are going to stick to the Wasserstein space on ... The “duality” between the Wasserstein and the Arnold Manifolds consists in the fact that there exists a Big Manifold BM which is flat and a natural Riemannian ..

Empirical Process Techniques for Dependent Data - Page 193

Herold Dehling, ‎Thomas Mikosch, ‎Michael Sörensen - 2012 

[49] Vasershtein, L.N., Markov processes on countable product spaces describing large systems of automata, Problemy Peredati Informacii, 3 (1969), 64–72. [50] Yu, B., Rates of convergence and central limit theorems forempirical processes ...

Robust and Nonlinear Time Series Analysis: Page 221, 222, 223

Proceedings of a Workshop Organized by the Sonderforschungsbereich 123 “Stochastische Mathematische Modelle”, Heidelberg 1983

Volume 26 of Lecture Notes in Statistics

J. Franke, ‎W. Härdle, ‎D. Martin - 2012 

pneP(u', u") Y” x"y 5 O 3 We note that the p distance in (4) is a supremum over Vasershtein distances on n-dimensional restrictions from the processes uo, u, and it bounds from above all the Prohorov distances in (5), for all n. We also note that ...

The Status of Soviet Civil Science:  - Page 38

Proceedings of the Symposium on Soviet Scientific Research, NATO Headquarters, Brussels, Belgium, September 24–26, 1986

Craig Sinclair - 2012 

Many of today's prominent Soviet research mathematicians – I.N. Bernshtein, E.B. Dynkin, D.A. Kazhdan, G.A. Margulis, A. Suslin, and L.N. Vasershtein, to name a few – are former winners of the olympiads in Moscow. Since 1960, All-Russian ...

Mathematical Theory of Incompressible Nonviscous Fluids - Page 184,  283

Carlo Marchioro, ‎Mario Pulvirenti - 2012

It can be proved that the topology induced by the metric (3.8) is equivalent to the topology of the weak convergence of the measures. This metric is called the Kantorovich–Rubistein (K-R) distance (sometimes called the Vasershtein distance).

Selected Works of Peter J. Bickel - Page 366

Jianqing Fan, Ya'acov Ritov, C.F. Jeff Wu -  Springer 2012

Calculation of the Vasershtein distance between probability distributions on the line.

ISBN1461455448, 9781461455448


Lectures on the Coupling Method- Page xi, 38, 41, 177, 255, 257

Torgny Lindvall - Courier Dover Publications, 1992, 2002, 2012 

... coupling Strong Fellerproperty Strong uniform time Successful coupling Tail σfield Threshold Tightness “Top torandom” shuffling Transition kernel Trivial σfield Trivial tail Upward kernel Vasershtein coupling Voter model Wald's lemma Weak ...

Found inside – Page 177

In Vasershtein coupling , also called the basic coupling , of two particle systems with flip rate functions c and c ' , respectively , we have transitions as follows : ( 12.3 ) from to with intensity ( m , V.11-12 177 INTERACTING PARTICLE SYSTEMS.

Mixing: Properties and Examples - Page 70, 72

Paul Doukhan - 2012 - ‎Mathematics

Properties and Examples Paul Doukhan. m and y = X. &G, with perhaps ... The Vasershtein metric is j=1 defined with the help of r(, .). For A in 3 we also define ...

Integer Programming and Related Areas  - Page 127

A Classified Bibliography 1976–1978: Compiled at the Institut für Ökonometrie und Operations Research, University of Bonn

Volume 160 of Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems

D. Hausmann - 2012     3642463835, 9783642463839


Encyclopaedia of Mathematics: Supplement - Volume 2 - Page 487, 488, 581, 620, 631 )19 pages)

Michiel Hazewinkel - 2012 

Martin Schlichenmaier MSC 1991: 17B68, 17B81, 81R10 WASSERSTEIN METRIC, Vasershtein metric – The 'Wasserstein metric has a colourful history with several quite different fields of applications. It also has various historical sources.

Wasserstein start 2013  57 books 

Biological Growth and Spread: Mathematical Theories and ... - Page 143

W. Jäger, ‎H. Rost, ‎P. Tautu · 2013

Found inside – Page 143

Under suitable contraction assumptions of Dobrushin-Wasserstein type, the convergence in (7) resp. (8) can then be extended to these general models. We refer to [3] for the details. References [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Bramson, M. 143.

Geometric Science of Information: First International ... - Page 404

Frank Nielsen, ‎Frédéric Barbaresco · 2013

Found inside – Page 404

... strongly polynomial minimum cost flow algorithm. In: STOC (1988) ... CRA (2005) Rabin, J., Peyré, G., Delon, J., Bernot, M.: Wasserstein barycenter and its application to texture mixing. SSVM (2012) Ricci, E., Zen, G., Sebe, N., Messelodi, .

Fractal Geometry and Dynamical Systems in Pure and Applied ...

David Carfi, ‎Michel Laurent Lapidus, ‎Erin P. J. Pearse · 2013

Found inside – Page 118

... the Ricci bound conditions precisely. Throughout this subsection, we fix a complete separable metric space (E, p) and a Borel measure in on E such that m(E) > 0 and E I UUcE Open in E m<U><oo U. DEFINITION 8.11 (Wasserstein space).

Functional Inequalities: New Perspectives and New ... - Page XI, XVIII, 171, …

Nassif Ghoussoub, ‎Amir Moradifam · 2013

"The book describes how functional inequalities are often manifestations of natural mathematical structures and physical phenomena, and how a few general principles validate large classes of analytic/geometric inequalities, old and new.

MR3052352   Ghoussoub, Nassif; Moradifam, Amir Functional inequalities: new perspectives and new applications. Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, 187. American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 2013. xxiv+299. ISBN: 978-0-8218-9152-0 (Reviewer: Jean Van Schaftingen) 35-02 (26D15 35A23 35J20 35J61 41A44 46E35)

Book 40 Citations


European Congress of Mathematics: Kraków, 2-7 July, 2012

Rafał Latała, ‎Andrzej Ruciński, ‎Paweł Strzelecki · 2013 · ‎No preview

The European Congress of Mathematics, held every four years, has become a well-established major international mathematical event.

MR3469131   Häggström, Olle Why the empirical sciences need statistics so desperately. 

European Congress of Mathematics, 347–360, Eur. Math. Soc., Zürich, 2013. (Reviewer: David R. Bickel) 62A01



Seminar on Stochastic Analysis, Random Fields and ... - Page 255

books.google.com › books

Robert C. Dalang, ‎Marco Dozzi, ‎Francesco Russo · 2013

Found inside – Page 255

[4] W. Stannat, Functional inequalities for the Wasserstein Dirichlet form. In Seminar on Stochastic Analysis, Random Fields and Applications VI, Ascona, May 2008, R. Dalang et al. (eds.), Progress in Probability, 63, Birkhäuser, 245–260, 

MR3380553   Seminar on Stochastic Analysis, Random Fields and Applications VII. Proceedings of the 7th Seminar held at the Centro Stefano Franscini, Ascona, May 23–27, 2011. Edited by Robert C. Dalang, Marco Dozzi and Francesco Russo. Progress in Probability, 67. Birkhäuser/Springer, Basel, 2013. xi+469 pp. ISBN: 978-3-0348-0544-5; 978-3-0348-0545-2 60-06


MR3380344   Stannat, Wilhelm Two remarks on the Wasserstein Dirichlet form. 

Seminar on Stochastic Analysis, Random Fields and Applications VII, 235–255, Progr. Probab., 67, Birkhäuser/Springer, Basel, 2013. (Reviewer: Ming Liao) 60J60 (31C25 58J65)

 Chapter 2 Citations 


Seminar on Stochastic Analysis, Random Fields and Applications  VII - Page 234, 237, 243, 245, 246, 249, 253, 254, 255

Robert Dalang, ‎Marco Dozzi, ‎Francesco Russo - 2013

c⃝ 2013 Springer Basel Two Remarks on the Wasserstein Dirichlet Form Wilhelm Stannat Abstract. The Wasserstein diffusion is an Ornstein–Uhlenbeck type process on the set of all probability measures with the Wasserstein metric as ... Full Text Online

Analysis and Numerics of Partial Differential Equations ...

www.springer.com › book

Analysis and Numerics of Partial Differential Equations. Editors: Brezzi, F., Colli Franzone, P., Gianazza, U.P., Gilardi, G. (Eds.) Free Preview. It is the first time a ...

MR3051398   Ambrosio, Luigi; Gigli, Nicola; Savaré, Giuseppe Heat flow and calculus on metric measure spaces with Ricci curvature bounded below—the compact case. 

Analysis and numerics of partial differential equations, 63–115, Springer INdAM Ser., 4, Springer, Milan, 2013. 53C44 (49L20)

Chapter 11 Citations 

Geometric Science of Information: First International ... - Page 563

Frank Nielsen, ‎Frédéric Barbaresco - 2013

Found inside – Page 563

The aim of this article is to propose a deconvolution estimator ˆμn close to μ for the Wasserstein metric, and then to use the levels sets of dˆμn,m0 to infer the topology of the sublevel ... the theoretical aspects of the paper. ... The second section presents some numerical experiments with applications to geometric inference.
Found inside – Page 119

Third International Conference, GSI 2017, Paris, France, November 7-9, 2017, Proceedings Frank Nielsen, Frédéric Barbaresco. Information Geometry of Wasserstein Divergence Ryo Karakida1(B) and Shun-ichi Amari2 1 National Institute of ...
MR3737806  Geometric science of information. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference (GSI 2017) held in Paris, November 7–9, 2017. Edited by Frank Nielsen and Frédéric Barbaresco. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 10589. Springer, Cham, 2017. xxv+877 pp. ISBN: 978-3-319-68445-1; 978-3-319-68444-4 94-06

  Book 1 Citation 

MR3126126   Geometric science of information. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference (GSI 2013) held in Paris, August 28–30, 2013. Edited by Frank Nielsen and Frédéric Barbaresco. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8085. Springer, Heidelberg, 2013. xix+879 pp. ISBN: 978-3-642-40020-9; 978-3-642-40019-3 94-06

Book 2 Citations


MR3126088   Caillerie, Claire; Chazal, Frédéric; Dedecker, Jérôme; Michel, Bertrand Deconvolution for the Wasserstein metric and geometric inference. 

Geometric science of information, 561–568, Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., 8085, Springer, Heidelberg, 2013. 94A17 (53C23)

Chapter 2 Citations \2013

MR3126071   Benning, Martin; Calatroni, Luca; Düring, Bertram; Schönlieb, Carola-Bibiane A primal-dual approach for a total variation Wasserstein flow. 

Geometric science of information, 413–421, Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., 8085, Springer, Heidelberg, 2013. 35K30 (35K59 49Q20)

 Chapter 2 Citations

MR3126070   Bertrand, Jérôme; Kloeckner, Benoît R. A geometric study of Wasserstein spaces: an addendum on the boundary. 

Geometric science of information, 405–412, Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., 8085, Springer, Heidelberg, 2013. (Reviewer: Tetsu Toyoda) 53C23 (28A33 49Q20)

 Chapter 1 Citation 


MR3126071   Benning, Martin; Calatroni, Luca; Düring, Bertram; Schönlieb, Carola-Bibiane A primal-dual approach for a total variation Wasserstein flow. 

Geometric science of information, 413–421, Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., 8085, Springer, Heidelberg, 2013. 35K30 (35K59 49Q20)

 Chapter 2 Citations

MR3126070   Bertrand, Jérôme; Kloeckner, Benoît R. A geometric study of Wasserstein spaces: an addendum on the boundary. 

Geometric science of information, 405–412, Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., 8085, Springer, Heidelberg, 2013. (Reviewer: Tetsu Toyoda) 53C23 (28A33 49Q20)

 Chapter 1 Citation 


Geometric Science of Information:  - Page xiv, xv, xvi, 146, … (23 pages more)

First International Conference, GSI 2013, Paris, France, August 28-30, 2013, Proceedings

Volume 8085 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Image Processing, Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, and Graphics

Frank Nielsen, ‎Frederic Barbaresco - 2013 

Springer, Heidelberg, 2013. xix+879 pp. ISBN: 978-3-642-40020-9; 978-3-642-40019-3 94-06

A. Geometric. Study. of. Wasserstein. Spaces: An. Addendum. on. the. Boundary. Jérôme Bertrand1 and Benoˆıt R. Kloeckner2, 1 Institut de Mathématiques, Université Paul Sabatier (Toulouse) et CNRS ...

MR3126126  Full Text Online


Regularity of Optimal Transport Maps and Applications

Guido Philippis - 2013 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions

In this thesis, we study the regularity of optimal transport maps and its applications to the semi-geostrophic system.

Stochastic Analysis for Poisson Point Processes - MFO, Oberwolfach Page 498, 514

Mini-Workshop: Stochastic Analysis for Poisson Point Processes: Malliavin Calculus, Wiener-Ito Chaos Expansions and Stochastic Geometry

Organised by Matthias Reitzner, Osnabru ̈ck Giovanni Peccati, Luxembourg

10 February – 16 February 2013

induces that the functional is Lipschitz with respect to the Wasserstein distance between configurations.

are constructed in the standard way using chaos expansions.
Unfortunately, the bounds for the Wasserstein distance to the normal law in

terms of the Malliavin operators of the Poisson case given in Peccati et al. [7] do not transfer directly to that context of random measures.


Cognitive Networked Sensing and Big Data - Page 232

Robert Qiu, ‎Michael Wicks - 2013 

Denote by P(A) the space of all probability measures supported in A, and by Pp (A) be the space of all probability measures with finite p-th moment, equipped with the Lp Wasserstein distance dp defined by dp(μ,ν)=infπ (∫ x−ypdπ(x,y) ) 1/p .

The Methods of Distances in the Theory of Probability and Statistics - Page 2, 3, 6, 51,  110, 115, 120, 130, 132, 489, 617, 619

Lev B. Klebanov, ‎Stoyan V. Stoyanov, ‎Frank Fabozzi - Springer, 2013 

Notation Description A, Kantorovich functional 73(1) “P 2) Space of all laws on U X U with marginals P1 and P2 or, ... mIm++mC 11-11w m1 Xm2 Jordan decomposition of signed measure m Kantorovich—Rubinstein or Wasserstein norm ...

... 62 upper topological limit, 76 V vague convergence, 279, 280 Varadarajan, 284, 285 Vasserstein, see Wasserstein W waiting time, 298 Wasserstein, 480 functional, 130 norm, 115, 132 Wellner, 284 generalized theorem, 284 theorem, 284 Z ...

... 62 upper topological limit, 76 V vague convergence, 279, 280 Varadarajan, 284, 285 Vasserstein, see Wasserstein W waiting time, 298 Wasserstein, 480 functional, 130 norm, 115, 132 Wellner, 284 generalized theorem, 284 theorem, 284 Z ...

This book covers the method of metric distances and its application in probability theory and other fields. The method is fundamental in the study of limit theorems and generally in assessing the quality of approximations to a given probabilistic ...

Statistical Models for Data Analysis - Page 27, 28, 30, 31, 34, 35, 161, 162, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 418, 419

Paolo Giudici, Salvatore Ingrassia and Maurizio Vichi - 2013 

II1 The parameters ,Bj are estimated using a LS method, where the Sum of Squared Errors (SSE) to minimize is computed by using the (squared) Z2 Wasserstein distance between distributions. We recall that this distance permits to explain ...

Matrix Information Geometry - Page 7, 8, 9, 239

by Nielsen, Frank; Bhatia, Rajendra

Optimal Transport with Proximal Splitting


by N Papadakis - ‎2013 

Oct 22, 2013 - The resulting distance is sometimes referred to as the Wasserstein ...... The Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM) is an algorithm.

Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition - Page 122, (28 pages)

9th International Conference, EMMCVPR 2013, Lund, Sweden, August 19-21, 2013. Proceedings

Volume 8081 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Anders Heyden, ‎Fredrik Kahl, ‎Carl Olsson - Springer 2013

Object Segmentation by Shape Matching with Wasserstein Modes Bernhard Schmitzer and Christoph Schnörr Image and Pattern Analysis Group, Heidelberg University Abstract. We gradually develop a novel functional for

Matrix-valued optimal mass transportation and its applications - Page iii

by L Ning - ‎2013 

Lipeng Ning 2013. ALL RIGHTS ... We introduce two formulations of matrix-valued Monge-Kantorovich optimal mass trans- port (OMT) problem. ... plan and we show that the induced Wasserstein metric is weakly continuous. The second for-.

Comportement asymptotique de processus avec sauts et applications pour des modèles avec branchement

by Cloez, Bertrand

2013 Dissertation 

L'objectif de ce travail est d'étudier le comportement en temps long d'un modèle de particules avec une interaction de type branchement. Plus précisément, les...

Keywords: Wasserstein distance and Wasserstein curvature

Perpetuities in Fair Leader Election Algorithms - Page v

by Kalpathy, Ravi

The George Washington University, 2013 Dissertation 

.... For the duration, the proof is established via convergence of the first-order Wasserstein distance from the geometric limit...

Unidimensional and Evolution Methods for Optimal Transportation - Abstract

by Bonnotte, Nicolas  2013

Sur une droite, le transport optimal ne pose pas de difficultés. Récemment, ce constat a été utilisé pour traiter des problèmes plus généraux. En effet, on a...

Wasserstein distance

Entropic Gradient Flows on the Wasserstein Space via Large Deviations from Thermodynamic Limits

by Laschos, Vaios

University of Bath (United Kingdom), 2013

Advances in Information Technology: . - Page  263, 264, 265

6th International Conference, IAIT 2013

Borworn Papasratorn, ‎Nipon Charoenkitkarn, ‎Vajirasak Vanijja -  Springer 2013   267 pages

Bangkok, Thailand, December 12-13, 2013. Proceedings Borworn Papasratorn, Nipon Charoenkitkarn, Vajirasak Vanijja, Vithida Chongsuphajaisiddhi. 

a) Wasserstein miss-distance at r=0 b) ...b) Wasserstein miss-distance at r=10 c) Wasserstein miss-distance at r=50

Distributions With Given Marginals and Statistical Modelling - Page v, vii, ixm xx1, … (10 more pages)

Carles M. Cuadras, ‎Josep Fortiana, ‎José A. Rodríguez-Lallena - Springer  2013  244 pages


MR2058972   Distributions with given marginals and statistical modelling. Papers from the meeting held in Barcelona, July 17–20, 2000. Edited by Carles M. Cuadras, Josep Fortiana and José A. Rodriguez-Lallena. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2002. xxiv+244 pp. ISBN: 1-4020-0914-3 62-06

Book 2 Citations

MR2058979  Cuesta-Albertos, Juan A.; Matrán Bea, Carlos; Rodríguez Rodríguez, Jesús M. Shape of a distribution through the

L2-Wasserstein distance. Distributions with given marginals and statistical modelling, 51–61, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht, 2002. 62E10 (62E17 62H05)

Chapter 4 Citations 

Found inside – Page vii

... as well as Arnold, Cambanis, Deheuvels, Genest, Frank, Joe, Kimeldorf, Nelsen, Rüschendorf, Sampson, Scarsini, Tiit, ... CuestaAlbertos, Matrán and others on transportation problems and Wasserstein distances since 1990, and Lafuerza, ...


Proceedings of the Meeting on Analytic Algorithmics and Combinatorics

MR3184204   Kalpathy, Ravi; Mahmoud, Hosam M. Perpetuities in fair leader election algorithms. ANALCO13—Meeting on Analytic 

Algorithmics and Combinatorics, 62–71, SIAM, Philadelphia, PA, 2013. 68M14


Wasserstein distance,

Singular Phenomena and Scaling in Mathematical Models - Pag6 vii, 6, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30, 3133, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 45, 47, 48

Michael Griebel - 2013  Springer, Cham, 2014 viii+434 pp.

Karl-Theodor Sturm 1 Introduction and Statement of the Main Results The Wasserstein space P.M/ on an Euclidean or Riemannian space M – i.e. the space of probability measures on M equipped with the L2-Wasserstein distance dW – offers ... Full Text Online

MR3185562  Singular phenomena and scaling in mathematical models. Edited by Michael Griebel. 

Springer, Cham, 2014. viii+434 pp. ISBN: 978-3-319-00785-4; 978-3-319-00786-1 00B15 (00A71 60-06 65-06)

 Book 1 Citation 

MR3205035  Sturm, Karl-Theodor A monotone approximation to the Wasserstein diffusion. Singular phenomena and scaling in mathematical models, 25–48, Springer, Cham, 2014. (Reviewer: Wilhelm Stannat) 60J60 (31C25 47D07)

Chapter 4 Citations

Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods 2012 - Page 96, 97, 101

Josef Dick, ‎Frances Y. Kuo, ‎Gareth W. Peters - 2013

6. Wasserstein. Metric. In the multilevel treatment of SDEs, the Brownian or Lévy increments for the coarse path are obtained by summing the increments for the fine path. Similarly, in the Markov Chain treatment, the Poisson variate for the ...  Full Text Online

Found inside – Page 97

Wasserstein. Metric. In the multilevel treatment of SDEs, the Brownian or Lévy increments for the coarse path are obtained by summing the increments for the fine path. Similarly, in the Markov Chain treatment, the Poisson variate for the coarse ...

Localisation de masse et espaces de Wasserstein

Thibaut Le Gouic - 2013  105 pages

Le travail de cette thèse est basé sur deux outils : le packing d'un ensemble et les espaces de Wasserstein.

Copulae and Multivariate Probability Distributions in Finance - Page 65

Alexandra Dias, ‎Mark Salmon, ‎Chris Adcock - 2013

Wasserstein metric and large-time asymptotics ofnonlinear diffusion equations, in new trends in mathematical physics, 234—44. Hackensack, NJ: World Science Publication. Cherubini, U., E. Luciano, and W. Vecchiato. 2004. Copula methods ...

Mean Field Simulation for Monte Carlo Integration - Page 41

Pierre Del Moral - 2013

... the convergence of the mean field IPS models (1.56) can alternatively be analyzed using more conventional coupling techniques, combined with the well ... In terms of Wasserstein metric, the estimate (2.8) implies that €1(LN71)— Xn m 1/m ...

Issues in General and Specialized Mathematics Research: 2013 Edition - Page 161, 1025


Wasserstein space

We measure convergence in the Wasserstein distance.” Our news journalists obtained a quote from the research from Autonomous University, “The rate of convergence towards selfsimilarity does not degenerate as we approach the critical ...

Contemporary Theory and Pragmatic Approaches in Fuzzy Computing Utilization - Page ix, 29, 30, 32

Toly Chen - 2013 - 382 pages 146661871X, 9781466618718

Irpino and Verde (2008) has derived Equation (10) from another point of view, using the Wasserstein distance. To be more specific, let F1 and F 2 be distribution functions, the Wasserstein L2 metric is defined as follows (Gibbs & Su, 2002): ...

This distance takes into account all the points in both intervals. Irpino and Verde (2008) has derived Equation (10) from another point of view, using the Wasserstein distance. To be more specific, let F1 and F 2 be distribution functions, the ...

Image Processing (ICIP), 2012 19th IEEE International Conference on

The International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP),

September 30 - October 3, 2012  at the Disney Coronado Springs Resort, located in Lake Buena Vista, Florida

SSN : 1522-4880 E-ISBN : 978-1-4673-2532-5 Print ISBN: 978-1-4673-2534-9

Wasserstein active contours Peyre, G. ; CEREMADE, Univ. Paris-Dauphine, Paris, France ; Fadili, J. ; Rabin, J.

pdf  Lectures on the Coupling Method

Aug 25, 2013 - 1'1111. Notes, 1'13. Interoeting Partiele Systems. A Signpost. Basics and Examples, 1?4. The Vasershtein Coupling, 1'1? Attreetiveness and Moootonietty. 1'13. fin the Esampie Processes. 1511. Notes. 131. Embedding in Poisson Processes.

Stochastic Networked Control Systems:  - Page 94

Stabilization and Optimization under Information Constraints

Systems & Control: Foundations & Applications

Serdar Yüksel, ‎Tamer Başar, ‎Tamer Ba ar - 2013

... o) I \/ EKZ I IV] is the quadratic Wasserstein distance between the two probability distributions N and I. Hence, inf {P1,Z:PIIN,PZII} ir;f J'( f) I igf[k[W2(N, 45)]2 + mmse(I)] I; igfF(I). For each fixed N, W2 (N, I) is weakly lower semicontinuous in I [7].

Hyperbolic Conservation Laws and Related Analysis with Applications: Edinburgh, September 2011

Volume 49 of Springer proceedings in mathematics & statistics

Gui-Qiang Chen, ‎Helge Holden, ‎Kenneth Hvistendahl Karlsen - 2013 

For or = 0, the notion of weak solution is sufficient for uniqueness and stability (at least in the Wasserstein distance, see [Q, $1), since the convolution introduces sufficient regularization to ensure that the advective velocity is Lipschitz ...

Innovations for Shape Analysis: Models and Algorithms - Page 341

Michael Breuss, ‎Alfred Bruckstein, ‎Petros A. Maragos - 2013

The Eurographics Association (2007) Memoli, F.: Spectral Gromov-Wasserstein distances for shape matching. In: Workshop on Non-Rigid Shape Analysis and Deformable Image Alignment (ICCV workshop, NORDIA'09), Kyoto, Japan 2009 ...

Compactness and Contradiction - Page 184

Terence Tao - 2013

In such cases, the correct notion of distance may need to take transport into account, e.g., by using metrics such as the Wasserstein metric. 2More succinctly: translation is a continuous but not uniformly continuous operation in most function ...

Time: Poincaré Seminar 2010 - Page 34, 97

Bertrand Duplantier - 2013 

... alors on peut faire mieux et établir une estimation de stabilité en topologie faible : si (ut) et (#2) sont deux solutions faibles de l'équation de Vlasov, alors W10”, #2) s eQmaXÜvLW W1 (,10, #5), où W1 est la distance de Wasserstein d'ordre 1, ...

... Wasserstein distance of order 1, W1(,a,1/) I sup : {/godu — /§0dI/; 30 1-Lipschitz} . Estimates of this sort are found in [95,

Interacting Multiagent Systems: - Page 56, 77, 78

Kinetic Equations and Monte Carlo Methods

Lorenzo Pareschi, ‎Giuseppe Toscani - 2013 

Exercise 2.6 Among other distances, the Wasserstein distance (of order one) of two density functions f1(w), f2 (w) is an extremely useful instrument. This distance is given by W[f1,f2]= ∫ R + F1(v)−F2(v) dv, (2.81) where the Fi denote ...

... Kac equation, Tanaka [301] introduced into kinetic theory the concept of a metric nowadays known by the German version of the name of the Russian mathematician L.N. Vasershtein, who introduced it independently in a different field [325].

Encyclopedia of Complexity and System Science. New York: Springer-Verlag. Yakovenko V.M. and Rosser J.B. (2009b). Colloquium: ... The circulation of money and holding time distribution. Physica A, 324: 665–677. Wasserstein L.N. (1969).

Complex Models and Computational Methods in Statistics - Page 6, 9

Matteo Grigoletto, ‎Francesco Lisi, ‎Sonia Petrone - 2013

For each case a test set of simulated curves has been designed and the algorithm performance in the estimation of the random effects has been evaluated computing the Wasserstein distance between the true and the estimated distribution of ...

Malliavin Calculus and Stochastic Analysis:  - Page 35, 53, 65, 75,  576

A Festschrift in Honor of David Nualart

Volume 34 of Springer proceedings in mathematics & statistics SpringerLink : Bücher

Frederi G. Viens, ‎Jin Feng, ‎Yaozhong Hu - 583 pages  2013 

However, before we do this we have to recall the definition of the Wasserstein distance. Definition 3.1. Let p and v be two probabilities on a Wiener space W (in the sequel we shall consider W : S or W : W). 

equation by the Wasserstein metric, Series 464 (1999). Available at ...

Analysis of Variations for Self-similar Processes:  - Page 126, 127, 209

A Stochastic Calculus Approach Probability and its applications, ISSN 1431-7028

Ciprian A. Tudor - Springer 2013 

151R If .A is the set of 1 B with B a Borel set, one has the total variation distance dTv(L(X),L(Y)) : sgp |P(x e B) _ P(Y e 3)]. Be (1R) If A: {h; ||h||L 51} (|| - H L is the Lipschitz norm) one has the Wasserstein distance. Other examples of distances ...

Functional Inequalities:  - Page xvii, xix, 171, 178

New Perspectives and New Applications: New Perspectives and New Applications

Volume 187 of Mathematical Surveys and Monographs

Nassif Ghoussoub, ‎Amir Moradifam - AMS 2013 

This convexity property translates into an inequality relating the relative total energy – internal, potential and interactive – of the initial and final configurations (probability densities), to their entropy production, their Wasserstein distance, and ...


Issues in General Physics Research: 2012 Edition - Page 127, 128


analysis of time series and dynamical systems “A new approach based on Wasserstein distances, which are numerical costs of an optimal transportation problem, allows us to analyze nonlinear phenomena in a robust manner. The long-term ...

Muskulus and colleagues published their study in Physica D - Nonlinear Phenomena (Wasserstein distances in the analysis of ... For given finite inertia and coupling strength, we present admissible classes of initial configurations and natural ...

Using Survival Trees to Forecast Innovation Diffusion - Page 47, 48, 93

Burkhard von Wangenheim - GRIN Verlag, 2013 - 108 pages  ISBN 3656191662, 9783656191667

Figure 3-3: The 1L Wasserstein distance between two Kaplan-Meier curves Source: Zhang, Singer (1999), p. 94 Now, let us take )(1)(11tStF−= 

and )(1)(22tStF−=. Note that F1 and F2 have all properties of a distribution function except that they ...

Issues in Medical Lasers, Imaging, and Devices Research and Application: 2012 Edition - Page 95


The approach is based on quantifying chromatin morphology in different groups of cells using the optimal transportation (Kantorovich-Wasserstein) metric in combination with the Fisher discriminant analysis and multidimensional scaling ...

A Mutation-Selection Model with Recombination for General Genotypes - Page vi, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 25, 27, 33, 40, 43, 44, 73, 103, 105, 126

Steven Neil Evans, ‎David Steinsaltz, ‎Kenneth W. Wachter - 2013 

The Wasserstein metric metrizes the topology of weak convegence of measures on the finite signed Borel measures on (E,d). ...

The Wasserstein distance between two probability measures is bounded above by their total variation distance.

The norms on our spaces of measures are based on a metric from the class of metrics named for Leonid Wasserstein (also transliterated as Vasershtein, or otherwise). In our investigations we have to deal with spaces of measures at a ...

Found inside – Page 15

... M with intensity measure π and Ππ for the distribution of this Poisson random measure. The norms on our spaces of measures are based on a metric from the class of metrics named for Leonid Wasserstein (also transliterated as Vasershtein ...

Handbook of Mathematical Fluid Dynamics - Volume 2 - Page 80

Susan Friedlander, ‎Denis Serre - 2003 

We can define the Kantorovich-Wasserstein distance (see [37], for

Issues in Computer Engineering: 2013 Edition - Page 95


The LOT can be used directly on pixel intensities, and is based on a linearized version of the Kantorovich-Wasserstein metric (an optimal transportation distance, as is the earth mover's distance). The new framework is especially well suited for ...

Frequency Domain Model Validation in Wasserstein Metric - Tamu.edu

Further Results on Probabilistic Model Validation in Wasserstein Metric. A. Halder and R. Bhattacharya Submitted, 2013. Preprint.

Abstract:This paper connects the time-domain uncertainty propagation approach for model validation in Wasserstein distance 2W2, introduced by the authors in [1], with the frequency domain model validation in the same. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first frequency domain interpretation of Monge-Kantorovich optimal transport. It is shown that the asymptotic 2W2 can be written as functions of the H2 norms of the system gains, which have intuitive meaning. A geometric interpretation for this newly derived frequency-domain formula is given. The geometric interpretation helps us in comparing Wasserstein distance with classical frequency-domain validation metrics like nu-gap.

A Mutation-Selection Model with Recombination for General Genotypes - Page vii, 15, 18, 19, 21, 25, 33, 40, 43, 44, 73, 104, 107, 114,  1126

Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society AuthorsSteven Neil Evans, David Steinsaltz, Kenneth W. Wachter 2013 American Mathematical Soc. ISBN 0821875698, 9780821875698    128 pages

The norms on our spaces of measures are based on a metric from the class of metrics named for Leonid Wasserstein (also transliterated as Vasershtein, or otherwise). In our investigations we have to deal with spaces of measures at a ...

Issues in Statistics, Decision Making, and Stochastics: 2012 Edition: ScholarlyBrief - Page 5


The upper and lower bound estimates are obtained for the total variation, local and Wasserstein norms,” scientists writing in the journal Bernoulli report. “In a special case, asymptotically sharp constants are calculated. For the upper bounds, ...

Issues in Computer Engineering: 2013 Edition - Page 92


The LOT can be used directly on pixel intensities, and is based on a linearized version of the Kantorovich-Wasserstein metric (an optimal transportation distance, as is the earth mover's distance). The new framework is especially well suited for ...

Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition  - Page 123, 321

 9th International Conference, EMMCVPR 2013, Lund, Sweden, August 19-21, 2013. Proceedings

Anders Heyden, Fredrik Kahl, Carl Olsson, Magnus Oskarsson, Xue-Cheng Tai (Eds.):  Springer 2013

Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 8081, 2013,  

Issues in Logic, Operations, and Computational Mathematics  and Geometry :  - Page 101, 825 1055, 1058

2012 Edition

2013 Q. Ashton Acton, PhD       ISBN  1490107495, 9781490107493

... can be considered formally as a second order ordinary differential equation on the Wasserstein space of probability measures,” scientists in the United States report. “This interpretation can be used to derive a variational time discretization.

... as the quasistatic limit of a second order evolution equation with a severe coupling of the damping and nondamping term. ... the research stated, “In this paper, we study the stability property of Hamiltonian systems on the Wasserstein space.

… using solely the Wasserstein gradient-flow structure

Issues in Logic, Probability, Combinatorics, and Chaos Theory: - Page 50, 830, 863, 864

2013 Edition 139 pages

(2013 Apr 01) University of Pavia: Speed of convergence to equilibrium in Wasserstein metrics for Kac-like kinetic ... present explicit exponential rates for the convergence to equilibrium in Kantorovich-Wasserstein distances of order p> alpha, ...

Computing Qualitatively Correct Approximations of Balance Laws :Page ix, 6, 117, 125, 128, 129, 259

 Exponential-Fit, Well-Balanced and Asymptotic-Preserving  

Laurent Gosse - 2013

7.1.3 Discrete Contraction in the Wasserstein Metric With [11, 13, 35], we study discrete contraction properties of (7.11) in the Wasserstein framework. Denoting Rp (R) the set of all probability measures on R with moments of order 1 g p < +00 ...

... Boltzmann equation, ma io voglio pure una bella equazione per la temperatural, which I partly achieved in 2011, he asked me to get involved in what he called “Wasserstein schemes”, that now people call Lagrangian schemes for diffusion.

Analysis and Geometry of Metric Measure Spaces:   - Page vii, ix, 2, 13, 21, 24, 141, 147, 175, 176, 179, 208, 210, 214, 215

Lecture Notes of the 50th Seminaire De Mathematiques Superieures (SMS), Montreal, 2011
Galia Devora Dafni, ‎Robert John McCann, ‎Alina Stancu - 2013

We will define A1/2 as a measure that lies midway between A0 and A1 in L2 Wasserstein distance. The latter is defined like the L1 Wasserstein distance introduced above [69]. Definition 2.10. Let μ1,μ2 be two measures with mass 1 in a metric ...

Analysis and Geometry of Metric Measure Spaces: Lecture ... - Page 25

Galia Devora Dafni, ‎Robert John McCann, ‎Alina Stancu · 2013

Found inside – Page 25

L. Ambrosio and N. Gigli, A user's guide to optimal transport, Lecture Notes in Math., Springer, Berlin, to appear, available ... S. Daneri and G. Savaré, Eulerian calculus for the displacement convexity in the Wasserstein distance, SIAM J. Math.

Issues in Calculus, Mathematical Analysis, and Nonlinear Research: 2013 Edition - 2 pages

Dept. of Math & Stat, Tampa, FL 33620, United States. (2012 Nov 06) Clermont Ferrand University: Convergence to equilibrium in Wasserstein distance for Fokker-Planck equations By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Journal of ...

—— end 2013 books Wasserstein

Vasershtein 2013  8 books

Probability, Random Processes, and Ergodic Properties - Page 254, 283, 288, 295

Robert M. Gray - 2013 

Probability Appl., vol. 18, pp. 824-827, 1973. 16. L. N. Vasershtein, “Markov processes on countable product space describing large systems of automata,” Problemy Peredachi Informatsii, vol. 5, pp. 64-73, 1969. BIBLIOGRAPHY 10. 11. 12. 13.

Probability Appl., vol. 18, pp. 824-827, 1973. 16. L. N. Vasershtein, “Markov processes on countable product space describing large systems of automata,” Problemy Peredachi Informatsii, vol. 5, pp. 64-73, 1969. BIBLIOGRAPHY 10. 11. 12. 13.

Found inside – Page 288

S.S. Vallender, “Computing the Wasserstein distance between probability distributions on the line,” Theor. ... L.N. Vasershtein, “Markov processes on countable product space describing large systems of automata,” Problemy Peredachi ... P. Walters, Ergodic Theory-Introductory Lectures, Lecture Notes in Mathematics No.

Functional Integration: Basics and Applications - Page 191

écile Dewitt-Morette, ‎Antoine Folacci - 2013

A. Sinclair and M. Jerrum, Information and Computation 82, 93 (1989). R. Brooks, P. Doyle and R. Kohn, in preparation. L. N. Vasershtein, Prob. Inform. Transm.5, 64 (1969). O. E. Lanford III, in Statistical Mechanics and Mathematical Problems ...

Limit Theorems and Some Applications in Statistical Physics -Page 134, 142


The Kantorovich-Vasershtein metric has a similar property, namely, the following statements (the second of which we give without proof) are valid. theorem 6.1.1 (Dobrushin). Let P be a probability distribution on 134 LIMIT THEOREMS ...

Found inside – Page 137

1 it follows immediately that the topology of Weak convergence is metrized by Kantorovich-Wasershtein metric. Now let us prove the completeness of space 11 (P.) . From Lemma 6.1. 1 it follows also that if some sequence P. is fundamen— tal ...

Kamerabasierte In-situ-Überwachung gepulster Laserschweißprozesse - Page 206, 246, 259

Sven Gerhard Dudeck - 2013 

Die earth-mover's-distance leitet sich von der Wasserstein-Distanz (oder auch Vasershtein-Distanz, benannt nach L. N. VASERSHTEIN [53, 162]), mit dem Koeffizienten 06 : 1 ab. Mahalanobis-Distanz Die Mahalanobis-Distanz [114] wurde ...

Found inside – Page 206

Die earth-mover's-distance leitet sich von der Wasserstein-Distanz (oder auch Vasershtein-Distanz, benannt nach L. N. VASERSHTEIN [53, 162]), mit dem Koeffizienten 06 : 1 ab. Mahalanobis-Distanz Die Mahalanobis-Distanz [114] wurde ...

The Monge-Kantorovich problem: achievements, connections, and perspectives - Page 796, 797, 852, 881

VI Bogachev, AV Kolesnikov - Russian Mathematical Surveys, 2013 - iopscience.iop.org

Page 1. The Monge-Kantorovich problem: achievements, connections, and perspectives This article

has been downloaded from IOPscience. Please scroll down to see the full text article. 2012 Russ.

Math. Surv. 67 785 (http://iopscience.iop.org/0036-0279/67/5/R01) ...

Particle Filters for Random Set Models - Page 21, 27

Branko Ristic - 2013 

... optimal assignment”, IEEE Trans. Systems, Man and Cybernetics - Part A, vol. 34, pp. 327—336, May 2004. L. Rueshendorff, “Wasserstein (Vasershtein) metric”, in Encyclopaedia of Mathematics (M. Hazewinkel, ed.), Springer, 2001. 36. 37.

Hoffman and Mahler [34] then proposed a new metric for sets, based on Wasserstein distance [35], which partly fixed the undesirable cardinality behavior of the Hausdorff metric. 

Hoffman and Mahler [34] then proposed a new metric for sets, based on Wasserstein distance [35], which partly fixed the undesirable cardinality behavior of the Hausdorff metric.

Mathematical Risk Analysis:  - Page 38, 396

Dependence, Risk Bounds, Optimal Allocations and Portfolios

Springer series in operations research and financial engineering, ISSN 1431-8598

Ludger Rüschendorf - 2013  

This metric is also called a Wasserstein metric denominated by an influential paper in ergodic theory after a transcript of its author Vasershtein (1969). (For the history of this notion see R11 (2001).) In the case that the solution of the mass ...

The Wasserstein distance and approximation theorems.

Interacting Multiagent Systems: - Page 43

Kinetic equations and Monte Carlo Methods

Lorenzo Pareschi, ‎Giuseppe Toscani - 2013 

... Kac equation, Tanaka [301] introduced into kinetic theory the concept of a metric nowadays known by the German version of the name of the Russian mathematician L.N. Vasershtein, who introduced it independently in a different field [325].

Vaserstein 2013   34  books

there - Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation

R.L. Karandikar, FNA, Director, Chennai Mathematical Institute, Tamil Nadu. ... Kolkata) Regional Mathematical Olympiad (RMO), 2013 o Date o Participants o ... Gupta Studies have been made on the Vaserstein symbol which describes an ... 28147-89) is a Russian standard for encryption and message authentication that ...

MR3076731   Weibel, Charles A. The K-book. An introduction to algebraic K-theory. Graduate Studies in Mathematics, 145. American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 2013. xii+618 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8218-9132-2 (Reviewer: L. N. Vaserstein) 19-01

 Book 137 Citations

Handbook of Linear Algebra, Second Edition

Chapter 68.  Linear Programming Leonid N Vaserstein

The Classical Groups and K-Theory - Page x, 110, 130, 149, 146, 147, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164,…, 519 (34 pages)

Alexander Hahn, ‎O.Timothy O'Meara - 2013

Abe-Suzuki [1] established a variant of the normal structure theory for Chevalley groups over commutative Noetherian rings. This has now been superseded by Vaserstein [14]. A special case of the results of Vaserstein provides a somewhat ...

Hard Ball Systems and the Lorentz Gas - Page 27, 34, 48, 88, 126, 143

L.A. Bunimovich, ‎D. Szasz, ‎D. Burago - 2013

|Se-Val |St-1] [St-2 [Ta] [Tr] Sa-Th] [Th] [Wol [Yo [Ze-Ka) A. Semenovich, L. Vaserstein. Uniform estimates on the number of collisions in particles' systems. preprint. L. Stojanov. An estimate from above of the number of periodic orbits for ...

Exercises in Classical Ring Theory - Page 15 16, 222, 279, 280

T.Y. Lam - 2013

This interesting exercise is a special case of a result of L. N. Vaserstein in algebraic K-theory (see his paper “Stable rank of rings and dimensionality of topological spaces”, Funct. Anal. Appl. 5 (1971), 102– 110). The above solution is an ...

Steiner Minimal Trees - Page 258, 261, 304

Dietmar Cieslik - 2013

[256] Y.I. Lyubich and L.N. Vaserstein. Isometric Embeddings between Classical Banach Spaces, Cubature Formulas, and Spherical Designs. Preprint 1/4/92, SUNY at Stony Brook and PSU at University Park, 1992. [257] Y.I. Lyubich and L.N. ...

Encyclopaedia of Mathematics - Volume 3

Michiel Hazewinkel - 2013 

... J. D. Stegeman, F. W. Steutel, P. Stevenhagen, I. Stewart, L. Streit, K. Stromberg, L. G. Suttorp, D. Tabak, F. Takens, R. J. Takens, N. M. Temme, S. H. Tijs, B. Trakhtenbrot, N. S. Trudinger, L. N. Vaserstein, M. L. J. van der

Handbook of Finite Fields - Page 911

Gary L. Mullen, ‎Daniel Panario - 2013 

<500>[1167] L. H. Gallardo and L. N. Vaserstein, The strict Waring problem for polynomial rings, J. Number Theory 128 (2008) 2963–2972. <499, 500> [1168] ́E. Galois, Sur la théorie des nombres, Bulletin des Sciences

Found inside – Page 911

<500>[1167] L. H. Gallardo and L. N. Vaserstein, The strict Waring problem for polynomial rings, J. Number Theory 128 ... <4, 6, 11, 377, 380> [1169] R. A. Games and A. H. Chan, A fast algorithm for determining the complexity of a binary ...

The Mathematical Theory of Dilute Gases - Page 106, 111

Carlo Cercignani, ‎Reinhard Illner, ‎Mario Pulvirenti - 2013

K. Uchiyama, “On the Boltzmann–Grad limit for the Broadwell model of the Boltzmann equation,” J. Stat. Phys. 521&2, 331–355 (1988). 26. L. Vaserstein, “On systems of particles with finite-range and/or repulsive interactions,” Commun. Math.

Disasters and the Networked Economy - Page 168, 190

J.M. Albala-Bertrand - 2013 

1982; Vaserstein 2003). Other types of studies are meant to be analytical rather than numerical, normally associated with two- or three-sector macroeconomic models. For example, Freeman et al. (2002) develop a variation of a two-gap macro ...

Unsolved Problems in Number Theory - Page 151, 152

Richard Guy - 2013

... email message Andrew Bremner tells me that 75 = 435203083°4-(–435203231)* + 4381159° (which gives an imprimitive solution for 600) while Conn & Vaserstein have discovered that 84 = 41639611* + (−41531726)* + (–8241191)*.

Algebraic K-Theory - Page xii, 5

Vasudevan Srinivas - 2013

... people on topics connected with these notes: Balwant Singh, Bhatwadekar, Coombes, Dalawat, Esnault, Lemaire, Levine, Parimala, Paranjape, Pati, Raghunathan, Ramanan, Roy, Simha, Soule, Sridharan, Stienstra, Suslin, and Vaserstein.

Found inside – Page xii

I began learning algebraic geometry and K-theory when I was a graduate student at Chicago, from Bloch, Murthy and ... Parimala, Paranjape, Pati, Raghunathan, Ramanan, Roy, Simha, Soule, Sridharan, Stienstra, Suslin, and Vaserstein.

Number Theory and Modular Forms: Papers in Memory of of Robert A. Rankin - Page 144

Bruce C. Berndt, ‎Ken Ono - 2013

7. J.-P. Serre, “Le problème des groupes de congruence pour SL2,” Ann, of Math, 92 (1970), 489–527. 8. M. Suzuki, Group Theory I, Springer-Verlag, 1982. 9. L.N. Vaserstein, “On the group SL2 over Dedekind rings of arithmetic type.” Math.

Found inside – Page 144

Papers in Memory of Robert A. Rankin Bruce C. Berndt, Ken Ono. The values of m(To) are listed in the book of ... L.N. Vaserstein, “On the group SL2 over Dedekind rings of arithmetic type.” Math. USSR-Sb 18 (1972), 321–332. 10. A. Weil, “On ...

Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis and ... - Page 8, 18

Le Hung Son, ‎Wolfgang Tutschke, ‎Chung-Chun Yang - 2013 

Vaserstein, L. N., Quantum (abc)-Theorems, J. Number Theory 81 (2000), 351-358.

Cyclic Homology - Page 497

Jean-Louis Loday - 2013 

Soc. Math. Belg. ser. A 41 (1989), 485-521. VASERSTEIN, L., The foundations of algebraic K-theory, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk 31 (1976), 87–149. VIGUE-POIRRIER, M., Sur l'algebre de cohomologie cyclique d'un espace 1-connexe, applications à ...

Advances in Steiner Trees - Page 13

Ding-Zhu Du, ‎J.M. Smith, ‎J. Hyam Rubinstein - 2013 

[17] Y.I. Lyubich and L.N. Vaserstein, Isometric Embeddings between Classical Banach Spaces, Cubature Formulas, and Spherical Designs, Geometriae Dedicata, 47(1993), pp. 327-362.

The Weil representation, Maslov index and Theta series - Page 315, 336

Gerard Lion, ‎Michele Vergne - 2013 

Sternberg: Some recent results on the metaplectic representation: Group theoretical methods in Physics, Proceedings, Tübingen (1977), Lecture Notes in Physics, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York. . W. Vaserstein: On the group ...

Grundlegungen zu einer allgemeinen affinen Geometrie - Page 1

Stefan E. Schmidt - 2013 

L. N. Vaserstein: Stable rank of rings and dimensionality of topological spaces. Functional Anal. Appl. 5 (1971), 102–110. O. Veblen, J. W. Young: Projective geometry, vol. 1. Ginn, New York (1916). F. D. Veldkamp: Projective planes over rings ...

Einführung in die kommutative Algebra und algebraische Geometrie- Page 105

Ernst Kunz - 2013 

Satz 1.18: (Vaserstein) AEM (r×s; R[X]) ist genau dann äquivalent zu A(0), wenn A zu A(0) lokaläquivalent ist für alle m S-Max(R). Beweis: A und A(0) seien lokaläquivalent für alle mS Max(R). Mit Iwerde die Menge aller a ER mit folgender ...

Einführung in die kommutative Algebra und algebraische ... - Pa

The Steiner Ratio - Page 233 

Dietmar Cieslik - 2013 - ‎Computers

Steiner's Problem and Fagnano's result on the sphere. Math. Progr. ... On Steiner Minimal Trees with Lp Distance. ... [156] Y.I. Lyubich and L.N. Vaserstein.

Hilbert Modular Forms - Page 247, 248

Eberhard Freitag - 1990, 2013 - ‎Mathematics

Vaserstein, L. 61. On the Group SL(2) on Dedekind rings of arithmetic type. Mat. Sbornik 89 (1972) (= Math. USSR Sbornik 18, 321-325 (1972)) Zagier, D. 62.

The local-global principle in commutative algebra

E Kunz - Introduction to Commutative Algebra and Algebraic …, 2013 - Springer

... Hence, by III.4.1, there is an 8 E S that annihilates all the coefficients of the matrix. But then

At(8X) · A2(8X)- A3(8X) = 0. Theorem 1.18. (Vaserstein) A E M(r x 8; R[X]) is equivalent to

A(O) if and only if A is locally equivalent to A(O) for all m E Max(R). Proof. ...

Vaserstein page 100

On asymptotics for Vaserstein coupling of Markov chains

by OA Butkovsky - 2013

Apr 25, 2013 - We prove that strong ergodicity of a Markov process is linked with a spectral radius of a certain “associated” semigroup operator, although, not a “natura.

Stochastic Processes and their Applications Volume 123, Issue 9, September 2013, Pages 3518-3541

Ideals and Reality: Projective Modules and Number of Generators of Ideals

By Friedrich Ischebeck, Ravi A. Rao  Springer 2013

Jan 3, 2013 - A study of projective modules and their connections with topological vector bundles in a form due to Vaserstein is included. Important subsidiary results appear in the copious exercises. 

Chapter IV The local-global principle in commutative algebra 

E Kunz - Introduction to Commutative Algebra and Algebraic …, 2013 - Springer

... Hence, by III.4.1, there is an 8 E S that annihilates all the coefficients of the matrix. But then

At(8X) · A2(8X)- A3(8X) = 0. Theorem 1.18. (Vaserstein) A E M(r x 8; R[X]) is equivalent to

A(O) if and only if A is locally equivalent to A(O) for all m E Max(R). Proof. ...

Introduction to Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry - Page 100

Ernst Kunz - 2013

(Vaserstein) A G M (r X s;R[X]) is equivalent to A(O) if and only if A is locally equivalent to A(O) for all m G Max(R). Proof. Let A and A(O) be locally equivalent for all m G Max(R). Let I denote the set of all a G R with the following property: For all f ...

Noncommutative Iwasawa Main Conjectures Over Totally Real Fields:  - Page 32

Münster, April 2011 (Google eBook)

J. Coates, Peter. Schneider, R. Sujatha - 2013 

... here radR is the radical of the ring R. If R has finitely many maximal left ideals, then R is semilocal. The following result of Vaserstein is very useful. Proposition 2.4. Let R be a semilocal ring. Then the natural inclusion of R D GL1.R/ into GL.

The $K$-book: An Introduction to Algebraic K-Theory - Page 5, 200, 202, 212, 215, 216, 241, 597, 617

Charles A. Weibel - 2013 

(a) (Vaserstein) Show that (Sn) holds for all n 2 sr(R). (b) If sr(R) I n, show that all stably free projective modules of rank 2 n are free. Hint: Compare (r0, ...,rn), (r0,r'1, ...,r],), and (1, r], ..., (0) Show that sr(R) I 1 for every artinian ring R. Conclude ...


Disasters and the Networked Economy - Page 168, 190

J.M. Albala-Bertrand - 2013 

1982', Vaserstein 2003). Other types of studies are meant to be analytical rather than numerical, normally associated with two- or three-sector macroeconomic models. For example, Freeman et al. (2002) develop a variation of a two-gap macro ...

A First Course in Noncommutative Rings - Page 24, 300, 376

Tsi-Yuen Lam - 2013 Springer Science & Business, 2013

If we assume the result of Vaserstein in Ex. (1.25), it will follow that left and right stable range 1 are equivalent properties. However, we do not need this symmetry result for the rest of this section. To show that it is not essential here to assume ...

Ramanujan's Lost Notebook: Part IV - Page 398, 439

Springer, 2013 456 pages

George E. Andrews, ‎Bruce C. Berndt Hirschhorn and L. Vaserstein independently (and almost simultaneously) found a correct version of Ramanujan's formula. 

The factors (n2 +3) (n4 +42n2 +9) were inadvertently omitted by Ramanujan from the last two terms

Серр Жан Пьер Собрание сочинений, Volume 3

Translated by

Бельский А А, Васерштейн Л Н, Геронимус А Ю, Житницкий Б Л, Казарян М Э




Пиксел, 2013


5940571883, 9785940571889


540 pages

Handbook of Linear Algebra, Second Edition (Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications) editor Leslie Hogben  Page xxiii

Publication Date: November 26, 2013 | ISBN-10: 1466507284 | ISBN-13: 978-1466507289 | Edition: 2

MR3013937 Handbook of linear algebra. Edited by Leslie Hogben. Second edition. Discrete Mathematics and its Applications (Boca Raton). CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2014. xxx+1874 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-0728-9 15-00 (00A20

 Book 266 Citations

Decem Brie 2013 | Prime Number | Fraction (Mathematics) ???

www.scribd.com › document › Decem-Brie-2013

Its readers span a broad spectrum of math- Texas A&M University ematical interests ... lated from the 1988 Russian edition and with notes by Miles Reid. Springer ... Stroock, Daniel Vaserstein, Leonid Zaslavski, Alexander Sturmfels ... Doc 1081 B.P.S. X S.a. I Maths I.I.T.foundation N.T.S.E. Olympiad Study Package 2014 15.

Vasserstein 2013

The Methods of Distances in the Theory of Probability and Statistics - Page 619

Svetlozar T. Rachev, ‎Lev Klebanov, ‎Stoyan V. Stoyanov - 2013 

... 62 upper topological limit, 76 V vague convergence, 279, 280 Varadarajan, 284, 285 Vasserstein, see Wasserstein W waiting time, 298 Wasserstein, 480 functional, 130 norm, 115, 132 Wellner, 284 generalized theorem, 284 theorem, 284 Z ...

Biological Growth and Spread: - Page 144

Mathematical Theories and Applications, Proceedings of a Conference Held at Heidelberg, July 16 – 21, 1979Volume 38 of Lecture Notes in Biomathematics

W. Jäger, ‎H. Rost, ‎P. Tautu - 2013 

... 643-663 (1975) Malycev, V. A. : The central limit theorem for Gibbsian random fields. Soviet Math. Dokl. 16, ll Al-ll 45 (1975) Vasserstein, L. N. : Markov processes over denumerable products of spaces describing large systems of automata.

Statistical Physics and Dynamical Systems: Rigorous Results - Page 350


The metric R. is called Kantorovich metric, or Kantorovich-Rubinstein, or Kantorovich-Rubinstein-Orn— stein-Vasserstein and so on (see a recent historical-oriented review [10] , which contains about 150 references beginning with Monge's ...

Васерштейн Вассерштейн 2013 6 books

[PDF] Параболические факторизации редуктивных групп

[Parabolic factorization of reductive groups by Sinchuk]

СС Синчук

... Милнором и Ж.-П. Серром классической работе "Solution of the congruence subgroup problem

for SLn, (n ≥ 3) and Sp2n, (n ≥ 2)". Позднее Л. Васерштейн передока- зал данную гипотезу,

существенно упростив первоначальное доказательство Басса. 3 Page 4. ...



[PDF] Предельные теоремы для марковских процессов - Page 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, …

ОА Бутковский

Page 1. Московский государственный университет имени М.В. Ломоносова

Механико–математический факультет На правах рукописи УДК 519.21 Бутковский

Олег Александрович Предельные теоремы для марковских процессов ...

8. . JI.H. ВАСЕРШТЕЙН (1969). Марковские процессы на счетном ...

Собрание сочинений - Volume 3

Серр Жан Пьер - Пиксел, 2013

ISBN  5940571883, 9785940571889 

translater  ВАСЕРШТЕЙН

Introduction to Probability and Statistics

William Mendenhall, ‎Syed Ejaz Ahmed, ‎Robert J Beaver - 2013 

Vsesoiuznyĭ algebraicheskiĭ simpozium:  - Page 352, 353

30- iiunia - 2 iulia 1975 g. : tezisy dokladov, Volume 2

N. G. Kokhen, ‎Instytut matėmatyki (Akadėmiia navuk Belaruskaĭ SSR), ‎Instytut matėmatyki (Akadėmiia navuk Belaruskaĭ SSR) Gomelʹskiĭ filial - 1975 - ‎Snippet view 

Вассерштейн Л.Н.Стабильный рант колец и размерность топологических пространств, Функц. анализ, 1971,5,12,17-27. 4. Вассерштейн Л.Н.,Суслин А.А. Проблема Серра о проективных модулях над кольцами многочленов и ...

Статистическая механика - Page 355

Д. Рюэль 

Бурке и Лебовиц (Вцгйе Т.‚ ЬеЬошНт Л. Ь.) [1] МоЁе 011 $1а11511са1 тес11ап1с5 01 гапбот зузЁетз, 1оит. Мат. Рпуз., 10 (1968), 1526—1534. Вассерштейн Л. Н. [1] Марковские процессы на счетном произведении пространств, ...

Found inside – Page 355

Бурке и Лебовиц (Вцгйе Т.‚ ЬеЬошНт Л. Ь.) [1] МоЁе 011 $1а11511са1 тес11ап1с5 01 гапбот зузЁетз, 1оит. Мат. Рпуз., 10 (1968), 1526—1534. Вассерштейн Л. Н. [1] Марковские процессы на счетном произведении пространств, .

start 2014   73  books 

Diffusion, Quantum Theory, and Radically Elementary ...

William G. Faris · 2014

It is also relevant to understanding various aspects of quantum theory. This book explains diffusive motion and its relation to both nonrelativistic quantum theory and quantum field theory.

Wasserstein on 5 pages.

Trusted Systems: 6th International Conference, INTRUST 2014, ...

Moti Yung, ‎Liehuang Zhu, ‎Yanjiang Yang · 2016

Found inside – Page 212

ICDE 2007, pp. 106–115 (2007) 8. Li, N., Li, T., Venkatasubramanian, S.: Closeness: a new privacy measure for data publishing. ... Security (TISSEC) 13(3), 24 (2010) Shmueli, E., Tassa, T., Wasserstein, R., Shapira, B., Rokach, L.: Limiting disclosure of sensitive data in sequential releases of databases. ... In: Proceedings of the 2007 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data.

Probability, random processes, and ergodic properties

RM Gray - 2014 - cds.cern.ch

In this new edition of this classic text, much of the material has been rearranged and revised

for pedagogical reasons. Many classic inequalities and proofs are now incorporated into

the text, and many citations have been added. Gray, Robert M. 

Analysis and Geometry of Markov Diffusion Operators - Page 538

Dominique Bakry, ‎Ivan Gentil, ‎Michel Ledoux · 2013 [2014]   - Page 433, 462,467, 538, 541

Found inside – Page 538

Anal. 258(11), 3758–3774 (2010) K. Kuwada, Space-time Wasserstein controls and Bakry-Ledoux type gradient estimates. Preprint, 2013 R. Latała, K. Oleszkiewicz, Between Sobolev and Poincaré, in Geometric Aspects of Functional Analysis ...

MR3364688  Grupel, Uri Remarks on the central limit theorem for non-convex bodies. 

Geometric aspects of functional analysis, 183–198, Lecture Notes in Math., 2116, Springer, Cham, 2014. (Reviewer: Daniel John Fresen) 60D05 (52A30 60F05)


MR3364698  Meckes, Elizabeth S.; Meckes, Mark W. On the equivalence of modes of convergence for log-concave measures. 

Geometric aspects of functional analysis, 385–394, Lecture Notes in Math., 2116, Springer, Cham, 2014. (Reviewer: Mariusz Startek) 60B10

Review PDF Clipboard Series Chapter 1 Citation 

Stochastic Processes in Epidemic Theory: Proceedings of a ...

Jean-Pierre Gabriel, ‎Claude Lefevre, ‎Philippe Picard - 2014

Found inside - Page 176

(2–2)\{0} In (4.6), II(2 x S) is endowed with the Wasserstein metric. For the definition of this metric, see A.S. Szitman (1984) for instance. Let us just recall that this metric yields the usual o (II, CB)-topology. PROPOSITION 4.2 (STRONG LAw OF ..

CONCUR 2014 – Concurrency Theory: 

25th International Conference, CONCUR 2014 

Paolo Baldan, ‎University of Roma "La Sapienza" - 2014 - ‎Computers

25th International Conference, CONCUR 2014, Rome, Italy, September 2-5, ... D., Klavins, E.: Approximating stochastic biochemical processes with wasserstein ...

Mathematical Tools for Shape Analysis and Description - Page 50

books.google.com › books

Silvia Biasotti, ‎Bianca Falcidieno, ‎Daniela Giorgi - 2014

Found inside - Page 50

... Wasserstein distances [138, 139]. , Figure 6.7: Two metric spaces X and Y can be equipped with different distances dX respectively; the comparison of the couples . ... MAPS AND DISTANCES BETWEEN SPACES Natural Pseudo-Distance.


Sub-Riemannian Geometry and Optimal Transport

Ludovic Rifford - 2014 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions

The book provides an introduction to sub-Riemannian geometry and optimal transport and presents some of the recent progress in these two fields.



Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on International   Conference on Machine Learning - Volume 32

Title, ICML'14 Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on International Conference on Machine Learning - Volume 32 table of contents. Pages, 2786. Publisher, JMLR.org ©2014 .... expand. Recurrent convolutional neural networks for scene labeling · Pedro O. Pinheiro, Ronan Collobert. Pages: I-82-I-90. Full text ...

Beijing, China — June 21 - 26, 2014

Wasserstein propagation for semi-supervised learning

Handbook of Game Theory - Page 65, 72, 73

Petyon Young, ‎Shmuel Zamir - 2014 - ‎Preview

L2-Wasserstein distance using tools from As Soulaimani (2008) and Cardaliaguet and Quincampoix (2008).

Automorphisms in Birational and Affine Geometry:  - Page 399. 400

Levico Terme, Italy, October 2012

Ivan Cheltsov, ‎Ciro Ciliberto, ‎Hubert Flenner - Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 2014 

It is a result of Vaserstein that null-homotopic is also sufficient in order to factorize the map as a product with continuous entries. Thus we have the Oka principle. For the existence of a holomorphic factorization there are only topological ...

recent solution to a problem posed by Gromov, called the Vaserstein problem.

Stochastic Geometry, Spatial Statistics and Random Fields:   - Page 6, 462,… (7 pages)

Models and Algorithms

Volker Schmidt - 2014 - ‎Mathematics

... 48 super-Poisson α-weakly, 44 percolation, 56 104 dcx, 53 v-weakly, 46 weakly, ... 6 bounded Wasserstein metric, 6, 23 Kantorovich metric, see Wasserstein ...

Simulation and Modelling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications - Page 428, 429

Honghuan Tan - 2014 

Figures 2 and 3 give the results of the distributed fusion architecture based on GM-PHD filter separately on a set of measurements over 50 s. Figure 4 presents our method to effectively calculate the right number of targets, the Wasserstein ...


Computer Vision Metrics: Survey, Taxonomy, and Analysis

by Krig, Scott  Apress, 2014 508 pages

Multiscale Modeling of Pedestrian Dynamics - Page xvm xvi, 24, 144, 169, 170, 171, … (27 times)

Emiliano Cristiani, ‎Benedetto Piccoli, ‎Andrea Tosin - 2014 

This book presents mathematical models and numerical simulations of crowd dynamics.

Image Processing (ICIP), 2014 

Scaling up discrete distribution clustering using ADMM

Jianbo Ye ; Pennsylvania State Univ.,

Kantorovich-Wasserstein metric,

Transport numérique de quantités géométriques - 25 pages

by Lepoultier, Guilhem

Dissertation 2014

Une part importante de l’activité en calcul scientifique et analyse numérique est consacrée aux problèmes de transport d’une quantité par un champ donné (ou...


IoT-Privacy: To be private or not to be private | DeepDyve

2014 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS), 2014

Read "IoT-Privacy: To be private or not to be private" on DeepDyve - Instant access ... Wasserstein distance; meter; statistical disclosure; I. INTRODUCTION IoT ...


Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC), 2014 IEEE PES Asia-Pacific

Date 7-10 Dec. 2014

Multi-scene technology applied in distribution network reliability assessment

by Shaonan, Chen; Biyun, Chen; Shu, Gong; more...

2014 IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC), 2014

.... In this paper, a method for the reliability evaluation of distribution network based on Wasserstein distance multi-scene is presented...

Two random multiplicative processes: Multiplicative cascades and eigenvectors of the random schrodinger operator

by Rifkind, Benjamin

University of Toronto (Canada), Dissertation 2014

  In this thesis we focus on two distinct random processes constructed using a sequence of independent identically distributed random variables along with a...

Wasserstein distance


Probabilistic robustness analysis of stochastic jump linear systems

by Lee, Kooktae; Halder, Abhishek; Bhattacharya, Raktim

2014 American Control Conference, 2014

.... Wasserstein distance which defines a metric on the manifold of probability density functions is used as tool for the performance and the stability measures...


Bayesian Estimation Under Shape Restriction and Some Deconvolution Problems

by Guha, Nilabja

University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2014 Dissertation

  In this dissertation, we have explored Bayesian estimation under restrictions on the parameter space and deconvolution problems. The Bayesian estimation...


Comportements en temps long et à grande échelle de quelques dynamiques de collision

by Reygner, Julien

2014 Dissertation 

Cette thèse comporte trois parties essentiellement indépendantes, dont chacune est consacrée à l'étude d'un système de particules, suivant une dynamique...


Long time and large scale behaviour of a few collisional dynamics

A detailed study of this dynamics provides stability estimates in Wasserstein distance for the solutions of these systems.


An Optimal Transport Approach to Some Problems in Frame Theory

by Wickman, Clare Georgianna

University of Maryland, College Park, 2014 Dissertation :

.... Working in the Wasserstein space of probability measures on Euclidean space with finite second moment, we investigate the properties of these measures, finding geodesics of frames in the Wasserstein...


The exponential formula for the Wasserstein metric

by Craig, Katy

Rutgers The State University of New Jersey - New Brunswick, 2014

In recent years, there has been significant interest in gradient flow on the space of probability measures endowed with the Wasserstein metric...


Surgery on Compact Manifolds

Charles Terence Clegg Wall, ‎Department of Mathematics and Statistics Andrew Ranicki   American Mathematical Society, May 22, 2014

The publication of this book in 1970 marked the culmination of a particularly exciting period in the history of the topology of manifolds.

Computing and Combinatorics:  - Page 211, 212

20th International Conference, COCOON 2014, Atlanta, GA, USA, August 4-6, 2014, Proceedings

Volume 8591 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues

Zhipeng Cai, ‎Alexander Zelikovsky, ‎Anu G. Bourgeois - Springer 2014 

Intuitively, this protocol allows to prove that some given histogram h is close to the true histogram of PR,x in terms of the 1st Wasserstein distance (also known as Earth Mover's distance). This distance between h and h∞ measures the minimal ...

Found inside – Page 212

The proof that this works is rather technical, as we must show that small Wasserstein distance between the true and the ... O., Goldwasser, S., Moshkovitz, D.: On basing one-way functions on np-hardness. In: Kleinberg, J.M. (ed.) STOC, pp.

Optimal Transport: Theory and Applications - Page ix, x, 3, 13, 14, 15, 16, 21, 23, 31, 34, 53, 72, 74, 79, 82, 86, 88, 89, 100, 101, 112, 124, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 134, 136, 138, 139, 141, 142,…(52 pages)

Yann Ollivier, ‎Hervé Pajot, ‎Cedric Villani - 2014 

Contractivity of Wasserstein metrics and asymptotic profiles for scalar conservation laws. J. Differential Equations, 231(2):425–458, 2006. [21] J.A. Carrillo, R.J. McCann, and C. Villani. Kinetic equilibration rates for granular media and related ...


Computational Modeling of Objects Presented in Images: - Page 229, 235, 242, 243

Fundamentals, Methods and Applications

Volume 15 of Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics

Paolo Di Giamberardino, ‎Daniela Iacoviello, ‎Renato Natal Jorge - 2014 

4.2 Local Histograms with the Wassertein Distance A region-based active contour model for texture image segmentation ... Given two histograms P and Q and their corresponding cumulative distribution functions FP and FQ, the Wasserstein ...

Random matrix theory pdf - Page 9

Nov 12, 2014 - III.1 Stability under perturbations . ..... The Lipschitz constant of f is the infimum of constants k for which this in- ... The Vasershtein distance is defined by: .... the non-trivial zeroes are located on the critical line Re s = 1/2.

Geometric Theory of Information - Page 80

Frank Nielsen - 2014

Shima, H.: The Geometry of Hessian Structures, World Scientific, Singapore (2007) Suyari, H., Tsukada, M.: Law of error in tsallis ... Theory 51, 753–757 (2005) Takatsu,A.:Behaviorsofφ-exponential distributions in wasserstein geometry and an ...

Analysis and Modeling of Complex Data in Behavioral and Social Sciences - Page 141, 285, 287, 291

Donatella Vicari - 2014  

Statistical Analysis and Data Mining, 4(2), 216–228. Gama, J., & Pinto ... Dynamic clustering of histograms using Wasserstein metric. In A. Rizzi & M. ... In Studies in classification, data analysis, and knowledge organization (vol. I, pp. 123–134).

Computational Modeling of Objects Presented in Images:  - Page 229, 235, 242, 243

Methods and Applications

Volume 15 of Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics

Paolo Di Giamberardino, ‎Daniela Iacoviello, ‎Renato Natal Jorge - 2014 

4.2 Local Histograms with the Wassertein Distance A region-based active contour model for texture image segmentation ... Given two histograms P and Q and their corresponding cumulative distribution functions FP and FQ, the Wasserstein ...


Encyclopedia of Distances - Page 270, 271, 396, 709, 732

Michel Marie Deza, ‎Elena Deza - Springer 2014  3662443422, 9783662443422   733 pages

Petitjean, 2002, extended the L2-Wasserstein distance (cf. Chap. 14) to colored mixtures, i.e., ordinary mixtures of random vectors, for which an new axis (the space of colors) has been added. He remarked that the Procrustes distance is an ...

Analysis and Geometry of Markov Diffusion Operators - Page  433, 462, 463, 538,…(16 pages)

 By Dominique Bakry, Ivan Gentil, Michel Ledoux 2014  Full Text Online

This section is concerned with contraction properties in Wasserstein distance along the heat

Found inside – Page 462

This section is concerned with contraction properties in Wasserstein distance along the heat flow (Pt)t≥0 of a diffusion ... L = g −W · where W is a smooth potential on M, which is the infinitesimal generator of a Markov semigroup (Pt)t≥0.

Found inside – Page 541

173(2), 361–400 (2000) F. Otto, M. Westdickenberg, Eulerian calculus for the contraction in the Wasserstein distance. SIAM J. ... Sci.104, 1753–1759 (1887) H. Poincaré, Sur les equations aux derivees partielles de la physique mathematique.

Analysis for diffusion processes on Riemannian manifolds - Page ix, 16, 17, 18, 19, 78, 83,…

by Wang, Feng-Yu  2014

Preface; Contents; 1. Preliminaries; 1.1 Riemannian manifold; 1.1.1 Differentiable manifold; 1.1.2 Riemannian manifold; 1.1.3 Some formulae and comparison results; 1.2 Riemannian manifold with boundary; 1.3 Coupling and applications; 1.3.1 Transport problem and Wasserstein distance; 1.3.2 Optimal coupling and optimal map; 1.3.3 Coupling for stochastic processes; 1.3.4 Coupling by change of measure; 1.4 Harnack 

Let ρ(x, y)=1 {x=y}. We have Wρp(μ, ν)p = 1 2μ − νvar := supAB|μ(A)− ν(A)|, and the Wasserstein coupling (u – v)" (da)(u – v) 18 Analysis for Diffusion Processes on Riemannian Manifolds 1.3.2 Optimal coupling and optimal map.

World Scientific  Full Text Online

Multiscale Modeling of Pedestrian Dynamics - Page  xv, 24, 144, 168, 169, 174, 175, 178, 179, 180, 182, 184, 185, 186, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 194,  241,  2412,  243,  245 251, 257 260, 

 By Emiliano Cristiani, Benedetto Piccoli, Andrea Tosin

Wasserstein  Full Text Online

Entropy and Information Theory - Page 222, 325

Robert M. Gray - 2014

Second edition. Springer, New York, 2011. xxviii+409 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4419-7969-8; 978-1-4419-7970-4  


This book is an updated version of the information theory classic, first published in 1990.


Multistage Stochastic Optimization - Page xi, 46, 50, 88 (47 pages)

Georg Ch. Pflug, ‎Alois Pichler - 2014

The term Vasershtein distance7 appears the first time in Dobrushin [29]. d2 is sometimes called quadratic Wasserstein distance.  fuful Text Online

Found inside – Page 237

Pflug and Wozabal consider a single-stage portfolio optimization problem under ambiguity in [98]. They identify distributionally robust portfolio decisions under ambiguity sets which are Wasserstein balls. Pflug, Pichler, and Wozabal [87] 

Automorphic Forms and Related Geometry:   Page 42, 51

Assessing the Legacy of I.I. Piatetski-Shapiro

Volume 614 of Contemporary Mathematics

James W. Cogdell, ‎Freydoon Shahidi, ‎David Soudry - 2014

For GL2 the generation of congruence subgroups is a much more subtle issue. However, this was investigated by Vasserstein early on [70] and was used by Piatetski-Shapiro in his first converse theorem, that in his 1971 paper

Geometric Group Theory: - Page 358

Mladen Bestvina, ‎Michah Sageev, ‎Karen Vogtmann - 2014 

D Before we go further, let us recall the following: THEOREM 4.5 (Strong Approximation Theorem, Nori [99], Matthews-Vasserstein-Weisfeiler [124). Let T be a Zariski-dense subgroup of SLG(Z). Then its projection modulo p via the map SLd (Z) ...

Found inside – Page 376

[77] D. Kazhdan, Connection of the dual space of a group with the structure of its closed subgroups, Funct. ... [95] G. Margulis, Explicit constructions of expanders, Problemy Peredacl Informacii 9 (1973), 71–80. ... MR2288458 (2007m:20073) [98] C.R. Matthews, L.N. Vaserstein and B. Weisfeiler, Congruence properties of ..

Covariance Estimation and Study of Models of Deformations with Wasserstein Distance

Hélène Lescornel - 2014  234 pages

The first part of this thesis concerns the covariance estimation of non stationary processes. We are estimating the covariance in different vectorial spaces of matrices. In Chapter 3, we give a model selection procedure by minimizing a penalized criterion and using concentration inequalities, and Chapter 4 presents an Unbiased Risk Estimation method. In both cases we give oracle inequalities. The second part deals with the study of models of deformation between distributions. We assume that we observe a random quantity epsilon through a deformation function. The importance of the deformation is represented by a parameter theta that we aim to estimate. We present several methods of estimation based on the Wasserstein distance by aligning the distributions of the observations to recover the deformation parameter. In the case of real random variables, Chapter 7 presents properties of consistency for a M-estimator and its asymptotic distribution. We use Hadamard differentiability techniques to apply a functional Delta method. Chapter 8 concerns a Robbins-Monro estimator for the deformation parameter and presents properties of convergence for a kernel estimator of the density of the variable epsilon obtained with the observations. The model is generalized to random variables in complete metric spaces in Chapter 9. Then, in the aim to build a goodness of fit test,

Optimal Transportation: Theory and Applications - Page ix, x, 3, 13, 14, 15, 16, 21, 23, 31, 34, 53, 72, 74, 79, 82, 86, 88, 89, 100, 101, 112, 124, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 134, 136, 158, 139, 141, 142. 143, 146, 147, 159, 157, 164, 165, 171, 174, 193, 198, 269, 271, 272, 281, 282

Yann Ollivier, ‎Hervé Pajot, ‎Cedric Villani - 2014 

Contractivity of Wasserstein metrics and asymptotic profiles for scalar conservation laws. J. Differential Equations, 231(2):425–458, 2006. [21] J.A. Carrillo, R.J. McCann, and C. Villani. Kinetic equilibration rates for granular media and related ...


Fourier Analysis in Convex Geometry: - Page 167

Volume 116 of Mathematical Surveys and Monographs

Alexander Koldobsky - AMS  2014 

356 (2004), 4359–4370. |LYZ4] E. Lutwak, D. Yang and Gaoyong Zhang, Volume inequalities for subspaces of Lp, J. Diff. Geom., to appear. |LV] Y. Lyubich and L. Vaserstein, Isometric embeddings between classical Banach spaces, Geom.

Convex analysis and optimization in Hadamard spaces - Page 54, 55

Miroslav Bacak - Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG, 2014

ISBN  3110361620, 9783110361629

The Wasserstein distance of measures u, v € 'P'(JC) is given as d" (u, v) = inf | | d(x, y) dā (x, y): , is a coupling of u, v 'H. H. It is well known that (P'(JC), d") is a complete metric space. 

We have the following estimate on barycenters in terms of ...

Found inside – Page 54

The Wasserstein distance of measures u, v € 'P'(JC) is given as d" (u, v) = inf | | d(x, y) dā (x, y): , is a coupling of u, v 'H. H. It is well known that (P'(JC), d") is a complete metric space. We have the following estimate on barycenters in terms of .

Contributions to Algebra: A Collection of Papers Dedicated to Ellis Kolchin  - Page 7

Hyman Bass, ‎Phyllis J. Cassidy, ‎Jerald Kovacic - 2014 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions

Remark 2 Just as the Linear Cancellation Theorem has been sharpened, in the case of polynomial rings, by Suslin, Swan, VaserStein, ... (cf. [6]), there should be an analogous sharpening of the above quadratic version. 3. Quadratic spaces of ...

Algebraic Geometry and Commutative Algebra: In Honor of  Masayoshi Nagata  -  Page 281, 286

Hiroaki Hijikata, ‎Heisuke Hironaka, ‎Masaki Maruyama - 2014 

18.1, Th. 18.2] Vaserstein has shown that for n > d + 1, the group En(A) generated by n x n elementary matrices over A acts transitively on unimodular elements in A. In particular stably free projective A-modules of rank > d are free. In this paper ...

Geometric Group Theory: - Page 358, 376

Mladen Bestvina, ‎Michah Sageev, ‎Karen Vogtmann - 2014

MR2288458 (2007m:20073) [98] C.R. Matthews, L.N. Vaserstein and B. Weisfeiler, Congruence properties of Zariski-dense subgroups, Proc. London Math. Soc. 48 (1984), 514–532. MR735226 (85d:20040) [99] M. V. Nori, On subgroups of ...


Jacobi Forms, Finite Quadratic Modules and Weil Representations over Number Fields - Page 27

Hatice Boylan - 2014 - Volume 2130 of Lecture Notes in Mathematics

Theorem 2.1 The group D SL.2;O/ is generated by S D 0 1 1 0 and Tb D 1b01 (b2 O). Proof A theorem of Vaserstein [Vas72, First Thm.] states that is generated by the matrices T c WD 1 0 c 1 and Tb (b; c 2 O). However, we have the following ...

Smooth analysis in Banach spaces  2 pages

Petr Hájek, ‎Michal Johanis - 2014 

[Lov] László Lovász, Combinatorialproblems and exercises, 2nd ed., North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1993. [LV] YuriIllich Lyubichand LeonidN. Vaserstein, Isometric embeddings between classical Banach spaces, cubature formulas, and spherical ...

Erdös Centennial - Page 645

László Lovász, ‎Imre Ruzsa, ‎Vera T. Sós - 2014 

... R. K. Nath, On solutions of a class of equations in a finite group, Comm. in Algebra 37 (2009), 3904–3911. [10] R. K. Dennis and L. N. Vaserstein, On a question of M. Newman on the number of commutators, J. Algebra 118 (1988), 150–161.

Multiscale Modeling of Pedestrian Dynamics Page xv, 24, 144, 168,169, 174, 175, 178, 179, 180,182, 184, 185, 186, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 194, 241, 242, 243, 245, 251, 257, 260

Emiliano Cristiani, ‎Benedetto Piccoli, ‎Andrea Tosin - 2014 

This book presents mathematical models and numerical simulations of crowd dynamics.

Wasserstein distance

MR3308728   Cristiani, Emiliano; Piccoli, Benedetto; Tosin, Andrea 

Multiscale modeling of pedestrian dynamics. MS&A. Modeling, Simulation and Applications, 12. Springer, Cham, 2014. xvi+260 pp. ISBN: 978-3-319-06619-6; 978-3-319-06620-2 (Reviewer: Martin Burger) 90-02 (90B20)

Book 54 Citations

On Curvature Conditions Using Wasserstein Spaces

Martin Kell - 2014  100 pages


Advances in Statistical Multisource-Multitarget Information Fusion  - Page 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 433, 1115, 1120, 1128

Ronald P.S. Mahler - 2014 Wasserstein Distance Let Y I {y1,...,yn} and Y' I {y'1,...,y;L} with |Y| I n, |Y'| I n', and n I n'. Then the following definition of miss distance, originally proposed by Drummond [62], is intuitively natural: (6.11) 1 TL 52 llyt Iys..||2 221 where the ...

Found inside – Page 1115

... distance,Wasserstein distance 143 Electronic intelligence (ELINT), 812 ELINT, Electronic intelligence 812 ERB model, ... Dempster-Shafer theory, fuzzy basic mass assignment 770 Faa di Bruno formula (differentiation), 78 FDS agreement, ...

Computer Vision Metrics: Survey, Taxonomy, and Analysis - Page 142, 467

Scott Krig - 2014 

This book provides necessary background to develop intuition about why interest point detectors and feature descriptors actually work, how they are designed, with observations about tuning the methods for achieving robustness and invariance ...

Wasserstein metric

Collective Dynamics from Bacteria to Crowds:  - Page 1, 8,  9, 10, 19. 34, 47, 64, 65, 69, 187

Excursion Through Modeling, Analysis and Simulation

Adrian Muntean, ‎Federico Toschi - CISM Courses and Lectures, 553. Springer, Vienna, 2014 

In this book the reader will find not only a wide spectrum of multiscale analysis results (like convergence proofs), but also practically important information such as derivations of mean-field equations, methods to handle hard contacts 

The derivation of swarming models: Mean-field limit and Wasserstein distances. Full Text Online

Found inside – Page 44

... R. M. Shortt, A class of Wasserstein metrics for probability distributions, Michigan Math. J., 31(2):231–240, 1984. F. Golse, The Mean-Field Limit for the Dynamics of Large Particle Systems, Journées équations aux dérivées partielles, 9:1–47, ...
CONTENTS The derivation of swarming models: Mean-field limit and Wasserstein distances J.A. Carillo, Y.P. Choi, and M. Hauray ................. 1 Non smooth evolution models in crowd dynamics: mathematical and numerical issues by B. Maury.

CONTENTS The derivation of swarming models: Mean-field limit and Wasserstein distances J.A. Carillo, Y.P. Choi, and M. Hauray ................. 1 Non smooth evolution models in crowd dynamics: mathematical and numerical issues by B. Maury.

  MR3307657  Collective dynamics from bacteria to crowds. An excursion through modeling, analysis and simulation. Edited by Adrian Muntean and Federico Toschi. CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences. 

Courses and Lectures, 553. Springer, Vienna, 2014. vi+177 pp. ISBN: 978-3-7091-1784-2; 978-3-7091-1785-9 90-06 (35-06 82C22 90B20)

Book 2 Citations

MR3331178   Carrillo, José Antonio; Choi, Young-Pil; Hauray, Maxime The derivation of swarming models: mean-field limit and Wasserstein distances. 

MR3331183   Tosin, Andrea Multiscale crowd dynamics modeling and theory.

Collective dynamics from bacteria to crowds, 157–177, CISM Courses and Lect., 553, Springer, Vienna, 2014. (Reviewer: Joep H. M. Evers) 90B20 (35L45 35L65)

 Chapter 1 Citation 

MR3331179   Maury, Bertrand Non smooth evolution models in crowd dynamics: mathematical and numerical issues. 

Collective dynamics from bacteria to crowds, 47–73, CISM Courses and Lect., 553, Springer, Vienna, 2014. (Reviewer: Vladimir V. Goncharov) 90B20 (34A60 49J52 65Q30)

  Chapter 2 Citations 

Collective dynamics from bacteria to crowds, 1–46, CISM Courses and Lect., 553, Springer, Vienna, 2014. (Reviewer: Keivan Aghababaei Samani) 82C22 (35Q82)

Chapter 70 Citations 

Algebraic  K-theory of Crystallographic Groups:  - Page 142, 145

The Three-dimensional Splitting Case

Daniel Scott Farley, ‎Ivonne Johanna Ortiz - 2014 

... (1995) L.N. Vaserstein, On the stabilization of the general linear group over a ring. Mat. Sb. (N.S.) 79(121), ... Math. Helv. 84, 339– 349 (2009) © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014 D.S. Farley, I.J. Ortiz, References 145.

The Abel Prize 2008-2012 - Page 164

Helge Holden, ‎Ragni Piene - 2014 

An interesting recent application of Theorem 8 was found by Ivarsson and Kutzschebauch [120] who solved the following Gromov Vaserstein problem: 

Every nullhomotopic holomorphic map from a finite dimensional Stein space X to a special ...


Topological Signal Processing

Michael Robinson - 2014 

... 18 smooth, 23 transition Measure counting Dirac Lebesgue Metric bottleneck Hausdorff induced space Wasserstein Morphism Morse function theory Moving target indicator Multipath Multiset Munich N Narrowband Natural transformation, ...


Visualization and Verbalization of Data - Page 320

Jorg Blasius, ‎Michael Greenacre - 2014

A new Wasserstein based distance for the hierarchical clustering of histogram symbolic data. In Data science and classification,

Nonlinear Time Series: Theory, Methods and Applications with R examples - Page 515

Randal Douc, ‎Eric Moulines, ‎David Stoffer CRC Press, 2014

Biometrika, 68(1):189– 196. Hairer, M. and Mattingly, J. C. (2008). Spectral gaps in Wasserstein distances and the 2D stochastic Navier-Stokes equations. Ann. Probab., 36(6):2050–2091. Hairer, M. and Mattingly, J. C. (2011). Yet another look ...

Thin Groups and Superstrong Approximation - Page x, 3, 22, 49, 297, 307, 360

Hee Oh, ‎Emmanuel Breuillard - 2014

1984] C. R. Matthews, L. N. Vaserstein, and B. Weisfeiler, “Congruence properties of Zariski-dense subgroups. I”, Proc. London Math. Soc. .3/ 48:3 (1984), 514–532. [Mohammadi and Oh 2012] A. Mohammadi and H. Oh, “Matrix coefficients, ...

Ideals and Reality: Projective Modules and Number of Generators of Ideals By Friedrich Ischebeck, Ravi A. Rao

2005 | 337 Pages | ISBN: 3540230327 | PDF | 15 MB

Read more at http://avaxhome.cc/ebooks/science_books/math/3540230327ZZ.html#V3dOfQmzdswVR0e1.99


Stochastic Equations in Infinite Dimensions - Page x, 402

Giuseppe Da Prato, ‎Jerzy Zabczyk - 2014 

14.2.4 Gradient flows in Wasserstein spaces and Dirichlet forms Dirichlet forms are a powerful tool in the construction and study of stochastic pro- cesses and play an important role in infinite dimensional stochastic analysis. In order to study ...

Uniform Central Limit Theorems - Page 390, 467

R. M. Dudley - 2014

... F. W., 60 Topsoe, F., 174 Tu, Dongsheng, 347 Tusnady, G., 7, 15, 58, 59 Uspensky, J. V., 58 van der Vaart, A. W., 174, 367, 390 van Zwet, W., 59 Vapnik, V. N., 175—177, 206, 211, 212, 247, 268 Vaserstein, L. N., 390 Vorob'ev, N. N., 32, 34, ...

Automorphic Forms and Related Geometry: - Page 42, 51

Assessing the Legacy of I.I. Piatetski-Shapiro

Volume 614 of Contemporary Mathematics

James W. Cogdell, ‎Freydoon Shahidi, ‎David Soudry - 2014

MR2060030 (2005a:11071) J. Tunnell, Artin's conjecture for representations of octahedral type, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. (N.S.) 5 (1981), no. 2, 173–175, DOI 10.1090/S0273-0979-1981-14936-3. MR621884 (82j:12015) L.N. Vasserstein, On the ...

The Statistical Mechanics of Lattice Gases - Volume 1 - Page 402, 404, 411, 423, 519

Barry Simon  Princeton University Press, 2014

KRVO stands for basic work of Kantorovich, Rubinstein, Vaserstein, and Omstein (see Vallender [1973], Rubinshtein [1970], and Vaserstein [1969]). Example 2 : Let Q be a finite set with metric x=y 0 p(x'y)_{1 xiy' Then, every function is in L.

p.519 Wasserstein distance

Optimal Transportation: Theory and Applications - Page 13, 72, 79, 86, 89, 127,130, 142, 143,…

editors  Hervé Pajot, ‎Yann Ollivier, ‎Cedric Villani - 2014 

Contractivity of Wasserstein metrics and asymptotic profiles for scalar conservation laws. J. Differential Equations, 231(2):425–458, 2006. [21] J.A. Carrillo, R.J. McCann, and C. Villani. Kinetic equilibration rates for granular media and related ...

          Lecture notes on gradient flows and optimal transport

By: Daneri, Sara; Savare, Giuseppe Chapter 6 in

OPTIMAL TRANSPORTATION: THEORY AND APPLICATIONS  Book Series: London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series   Volume: 413   Pages: 100-144   

       Introduction to optimal transport theory 

By: Santambrogio, Filippo

chapter in 

OPTIMAL TRANSPORTATION: THEORY AND APPLICATIONS  Book Series: London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series   Volume: 413   Pages: 3-21   Published: 2014


Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists 

Sheldon M. Ross - 2014  5th edition

As with the previous editions, Ross' text has tremendously clear exposition, plus real-data examples and exercises throughout the text.

Festschrift Masatoshi Fukushima: In Honor Of Masatoshi ... - Page 575

Zhen-qing Chen, ‎Niels Jacob, ‎Masayoshi Takeda · 2014

Found inside – Page 575

Kuwada, K., Space-time Wasserstein control and Bakry-Ledoux type gradient estimates, Preprint 2013. Lott, J. and Villani, C. Ricci curvature for metric-measure spaces via optimal transport, Annals of Math. 169 (2009), 903-991. Ohta, S.-I. and ...

MR3379358   Sturm, Karl-Theodor Metric measure spaces with variable Ricci bounds and couplings of Brownian motions. 

Festschrift Masatoshi Fukushima, 553–575, Interdiscip. Math. Sci., 17, World Sci. Publ., Hackensack, NJ, 2015. (Reviewer: Hélène Airault) 53C23 (31E05 58J65)

Chapter 5 Citations 

  Optimal Transport: Theory and Applications - Page 142

Yann Ollivier, ‎Hervé Pajot, ‎Cedric Villani · 2014

Found inside – Page 142

Contractivity of Wasserstein metrics and asymptotic profiles for scalar conservation laws. J. Differential Equations, 231(2):425–458, 2006. [21] J.A. Carrillo, R.J. McCann, and C. Villani. Kinetic equilibration rates for granular media and related ..

Found inside – Page 86

The L-Wasserstein distance between ν1 at time τ1 and ν2 at time τ2 is defined to be D(ν1,τ1;ν2,τ2):D inf MM ˆQ(x,τ1;y,τ2)dπ(x,y). (5.20) π2(ν1,ν2) ∫ In Section 5.5.4 we will see that this distance has useful contractivity properties when applied ...

MR3328994   Daneri, Sara; Savaré, Giuseppe Lecture notes on gradient flows and optimal transport. 

Optimal transportation, 100–144, London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Ser., 413, 

Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 2014. (Reviewer: Yuxin Ge) 53C44 (35K55 49Q20)

 Chapter 23 Citations 

MR3328993   Topping, Peter Ricci flow: the foundations via optimal transportation. 

Optimal transportation, 72–99, London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Ser., 413, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 2014. (Reviewer: Otis Chodosh) 53C44 (35K55 49Q20)

 Chapter 13 Citations 

Optimal Transport

Part of London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series

 Séminaire de Probabilités XLVI - Page 234

Catherine Donati-Martin, ‎Antoine Lejay, ‎Alain Rouault · 2014

Found inside – Page 234

Here W2 denotes the Wasserstein distance between the probability measures Á and , i.e. W22. ... can find in all these references another remarkable consequence of semi log-concavity, namely that a log-Sobolev inequality derives from ... Applying Ito formula yields (almost surely) eKt jXxt Xytj2 Djxyj2C Z t 0 KjXxsXysj2hrU

Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics book series (PROMS, volume 195)

An introduction to Coupling

AO Lopes - International Conference on Dynamics, Games and …, 2014 - Springer

In this review paper we describe the use of couplings in several different mathematical problems. We consider the total variation norm, maximal coupling and the ̄ d-distance. We present a detailed proof of a result recently proved: the dual of the Ruelle operator is a …

Cited by 1 Related articles 


Coupling Total variation norm Maximal coupling Transport Optimal plan Wasserstein distance Exponential convergence to equilibrium 

MR3718407   Lopes, Artur O. An introduction to coupling. 

Modeling, dynamics, optimization and bioeconomics. II, 307–335, Springer Proc. Math. Stat., 195, Springer, Cham, 2017. 60A10 (60B10 60J10)


———2014——  71      end 2014 books


start 2015   46 books  

Geometric Science of Information: Second International ... - Page 103

Frank Nielsen, ‎Frederic Barbaresco · 2015

Found inside – Page 103

Gnedenko, B.: Sur la distribuion limite du terme maximum d'une série aléatoire. ... 31(5), 401–417 (2013) Barycenter in Wasserstein Spaces: Existence and Consistency Thibaut Le Gouic(B) Generalized Pareto Distributions, Image Statistics ...

Commutative Algebra: Constructive Methods: Finite Projective ...

books.google.com › books

Henri Lombardi, ‎Claude Quitté · 2015


Finite Projective Modules Henri Lombardi, Claude Quitté. construction of “global” objects from objects of the same type defined only locally, as is usual in differential geometry. ... Quillen and Vaserstein's patching theorems, which state that certain objects are obtained by scalar extension (from the base ring to the polynomial ...

Analysis and Geometry in Control Theory and its Applications

Springer, 2015   235 pages.

Piernicola Bettiol, ‎Piermarco Cannarsa, ‎Giovanni Colombo - 2015 - ‎Mathematics

10 in [24], we have therefore 1 - * I – - - –2/(d+4) |. w; wo s dij(y) = CN J7=l J7=l (where W2 is the 2–Wasserstein distance). As the map m 148 P. Cardaliaguet.

Optimal Transport for Applied Mathematicians: Calculus of Variations, PDEs, and Modeling    - Page 214 (5 pages)

Filippo Santambrogio - 2015 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions

Wasserstein. distance. Starting from the considerations of Section 2.5.2, it is possible, and convenient in many cases, to define a distance, which is alternative to the usual W2 distance, based on the behavior of the measures “direction by ...

Optimal Transport for Applied Mathematicians - Page 171  (36 pages with Wasserstein, 1 with Vaserstein, 1 with Vasershtein))

Filippo Santambrogio - 2015

1The name is highly debated, in particular in Russia, since L. Vaserstein (whose name is sometimes spelled Wasserstein), a Russian scholar based in the United States, did not really play the key role that one could imagine in the introduction ...\
MR3409718   Santambrogio, Filippo Optimal transport for applied mathematicians. Calculus of variations, PDEs, and modeling. Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations and their Applications, 87. Birkhäuser/Springer, Cham, 2015. xxvii+353 pp. ISBN: 978-3-319-20827-5; 978-3-319-20828-2 (Reviewer: Luigi De Pascale) 49-02 (35J96 49J45 49M29 58E50 90C05 90C48 91B02)

Found inside – Page 177

Chapter 5 Wasserstein distances and curves in the Wasserstein spaces In this chapter, we will use the minimal value of ... in particular in Russia, since L. Vaserstein (whose name is sometimes spelled Wasserstein), a Russian scholar based in ...

Random Matrices And Random Partitions: Normal Convergence Page 21,  166, 271

Volume 1 of World Scientific Series On Probability Theory And Its Applications

bySu Zhonggen World Scientific, 2015 ISBN 9814612243, 9789814612241  284 pages

Введение в математическое моделирование ... - PreMoLab

[Introduction to mathematical modeling, 2nd edition]

называется расстоянием Канторовича (также можно встретить названия. «расстояние Канторовича—Рубинштейна» и «расстояние Васерштейна»). Действительно, можно проверить, что W2 (Ñ, Ò) является расстоянием на пространстве вероятностных распределений. Пусть теперь распределения Ñ и Ò ...

Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov Equations: - Page 468 (6 pages)  

Vladimir I. Bogachev, ‎Nicolai V. Krylov, ‎Michael Röckner - 2015 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions

[51, 283] Otto, F., Villani, C., Generalization of an inequality by Talagrand and links with the logarithmic Sobolev inequality. J. Funct. Anal. 2000. V. 173, No2. P. 361–400. [170] Otto, F., Weber H., Westdickenberg, M. G., Invariant measure of the stochastic Allen–Cahn equation: the regime of small noise and large system size. Electron. J. Probab. 2014. V. 19, No23. P. 1–76. [434] Otto, F., Westdickenberg, M., Eulerian calculus for the contraction in the Wasserstein distance. SIAM J. Math.

On the differential structure of metric measure spaces and applications

by N Gigli - ‎2015 

Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society Volume 236, Number 1113

On the differential structure of metric measure spaces and applications .... Kazumasa Kuwada, Duality on gradient estimates and Wasserstein controls, J. Funct.

The Optimal Transport Problem and Its Application to Dissipative  Differential Equations

Gabriel Martine La Boissoniere - 2015

"The optimal transport problem has found many applications in mathematics and physical sciences, in part due to the importance of the Wasserstein gradient flow.

"The optimal transport problem has found many applications in mathematics and physical sciences, in part due to the importance of the Wasserstein gradient flow. To appreciate this importance, we first introduce the optimal transport problem in the formulations of Monge and Kantorovich and present a numerical approach to the discrete equivalent problem. This numerical procedure is used to visualize optimal transport plans. We then prove the result of Gangbo and McCann that, under standard assumptions, there exists a unique optimal transport plan to problems involving strictly convex cost functions. This background allows us to build the Wasserstein gradient flow from its discretization, the Jordan-Kinderlehrer-Otto scheme. We use this procedure to justify that the Fokker-Planck equation is the Wasserstein gradient flow of a physical energy functional and conclude by briefly presenting similar applications to other dissipative equations." --

Constructive Commutative Algebra:  - Page v, 27,28, 75, 83, 84, 87, 287,

Projective Modules Over Polynomial Rings and Dynamical Gröbner Bases

Volume 2138 of Lecture Notes in Mathematics

Ihsen Yengui - 2015

... in classical literature to the localization in the neighborhood of each prime ideal [148]. 2.1.4. The. Patchings. of. Quillen. and. Vaserstein.

Algebras, Rings and Modules: - Page 367

Non-commutative Algebras and Rings

Michiel Hazewinkel, ‎Nadiya M. Gubareni - 2015

118: 158–173. [312] Vaserstein, L.N. 1971. Stable rank of rings and dimensionality of topological spaces. Functional Anal. Appl. 5: 102–110. [313] Vaserstein, L.N. 1984. Bass's first stable range condition. J. Pure Appl. Algebra 34: 319–330.

Michiel Hazewinkel, ‎Nadiya M. Gubareni - 2016 - ‎Mathematics

limate Change: Multidecadal and Beyond - Page 45, 46, 55

Chih-Pei Chang, ‎Michael Ghil, ‎Mojib Latif - 2015

The Wasserstein distance or “earth mover's distance” dW is the distance between two measures of equal mass on a metric space, i.e., on a space that has a metric attached to it, like an n-dimensional Euclidean space

—————10 books 2015

On the Differential Structure of Metric Measure Spaces and Applications-PAGE iii, 7, 8…  (13 pages)

Nicola Gigli - 2015 

The main goals of this paper are: (i) To develop an abstract differential calculus on metric measure spaces by investigating the duality relations between differentials and gradients of Sobolev functions.\

Found inside – Page 44

We say that (X,d,m) is infinitesimally Hilbertian provided it is as in (2.7) and the seminorm · S2(X,d,m) on S2(X,d, m) satisfies the parallelogram rule. ... space is the mGH limit of a sequence of discrete spaces, and on discrete spaces Sobolev analysis trivializes, i.e. |Df| w 0 for any f. ... in the Wasserstein space (proved in [AGS13b]) and the stability of gradient flows of a sequence of K-geodesically convex ..

Persistence Theory: - PAGE 63, 110, 160

From Quiver Representations to Data Analysis

Steve Y. Oudot - 2015 -

Wasserstein distances. Partial matchings between multisets in the plane can be viewed as transport plans between measures—see [235] for a formal introduction to optimal transportation theory. In this viewpoint, the bottleneck distance db is ...

 Structure Theorems of Unit Groups

books.google.com › books

Eric Jespers, ‎Ángel del Río · 2015

Found inside

L.N. Vaseršteĭn. The group SL2 over Dedekind rings of arithmetic type. Mat. Sb. (N.S.), 89(131):313–322, 351, 1972. L.N. Vaseršteĭn. Structure of the classical arithmetic groups of rank greater than 1. Mat. Sb. (N. S.), 91(133):445–470, 472, ...


 Structure of Metric Measure Spaces and  Applications   Page iii, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 17, 18, 23, 33, 44, 61, 90

Nicola Gigli - 2015 

The main goals of this paper are: (i) To develop an abstract differential calculus on metric measure spaces by investigating the duality relations between differentials and gradients of Sobolev functions.

Expansion in Finite Simple Groups of Lie Type: - Page 297

Terence Tao - 2015 

Foreword by Martin Davis and Hilary Putnam. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1993. [MaVeWe1984] C. R. Matthews, L. N. Vaserstein, B. Weisfeiler, Congruence properties of Zariski-dense subgroups. I, Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 48 (1984), no.


MR3442262   Geometric science of information. Proceedings of the 2nd International SEE Conference (GSI 2015) held in Palaiseau, October 28–30, 2015. Edited by Frank Nielsen and Frédéric Barbaresco. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9389. Springer, Cham, 2015. xxii+790 pp. ISBN: 978-3-319-25040-3; 978-3-319-25039-7 94-06 (35-06 53-06 58-06 60-06 62-06)

Book 1 Citation

ternational ... - Page 104

Frank Nielsen, ‎Frederic Barbaresco · 2015

Found inside – Page 104

Second International Conference, GSI 2015, Palaiseau, France, October 28-30, 2015, Proceedings Frank Nielsen, Frederic Barbaresco. Barycenter in Wasserstein Spaces: Existence and Consistency Thibaut Le Gouic(B) and Jean-Michel ...


MR3442190   Le Gouic, Thibaut; Loubes, Jean-Michel Barycenter in Wasserstein spaces: existence and consistency. 

Geometric science of information, 104–108, Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., 9389, Springer, Cham, 2015. (Reviewer: Sławomir Kolasiński) 60B05 (49Q20 60B10 62H11 94A15)

Chapter 4 Citations 


MR3442221   Angulo, Jesús Statistical Gaussian model of image regions in stochastic watershed segmentation. 

Geometric science of information, 396–405, Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., 9389, Springer, Cham, 2015. 94A15

Geometric Science of Information:  - P
age xvi, 55, … (16 pages)

Second International Conference, GSI 2015, Palaiseau, France, October 28-30, 2015, Proceedings

Frank Nielsen, ‎Frederic Barbaresco - 2015 Barbaresco. Barycenter in Wasserstein Spaces: Existence and Consistency Thibaut 

Volume 9389 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Image Processing, Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, and Graphics

Springer, 2015 790 pages.

Groups St Andrews 2013 - Page 1, 7, 49

C. M. Campbell, ‎M. R. Quick, ‎C. M. Roney-Dougal - 2015 

arXiv:1205.5290 A.Lubotzky & D.Segal, Subgroup Growth, Progress Math. 212, Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 2003. C.R. Matthews, L.N. Vaserstein & B. Weisfeiler, Congruence properties of Zariski-dense subgroups, I, Proc. London Math. Soc

MultiMedia Modeling: 21st International Conference, MMM

21st International Conference, MMM 2015, Sydney, Australia, January 5-7,


Discrete distribution clustering in big data and a method for storm prediction leveraging large historical archives - Page 7

by Zhang, Yu

The Pennsylvania State University, Dissertation  2015

  Big data brings new challenges and opportunities in many scientific areas today. Characterized by the high volume, velocity, and variety (3Vs) model, big...

L. N. Vasershtein in 1969 [22]

(therefore the metric is normally known as the Kantorovich-Wasserstein metric).

Analyse dans les espaces métriques mesurés

by Han, Bang-Xian

2015  Dissertation :

... avec les courbes absolument continues dans l'espace de Wasserstein. Sous une condition de courbure-dimension, mais sans condition de doublement de mesure ou d'inégalité de Poincaré, nous montrons...

—————20 books 2015

On a Spectral Bound for Congruence Subgroup Families in SL3Z  pdf

Columbia University

by T Heath - ‎2015 

Timothy Heath. Submitted in partial ... Timothy Heath. All Rights ..... The group Λ/Λ(p) naturally embeds into SLn(Fp), and by a result of Matthews, Vaserstein, and.

Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns: - Page 223, 224, 227, 228, 229, 229, 232,  233

16th International Conference, CAIP 2015, Valletta, Malta, September 2-4, 2015 Proceedings, Part 1

Volume 9256 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science

George Azzopardi, ‎Nicolai Petkov - Springer 2015

If the motion displacement in a sequence of images is coherent, the transportation of directions of flow vectors is small, and the Wasserstein distance of the flow fields between a pair of successive images is small. For the Crazy turn, Motorway ...

MR3446623  Kato, Tomoya; Itoh, Hayato; Imiya, Atsushi Optical flow computation with locally quadratic assumption. 

Computer analysis of images and patterns. Part I, 223–234, Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., 9256, 

Springer, Cham, 2015. 94A08 (49Q20 68T45)


Multiple Time Scale Dynamics - Page 707

Christian Kuehn - 2015 

The singular limit of the Allen–Cahn equation and the FitzHugh–Nagumo system. J. Differen. ... Field theory, the renormalization group, and critical phenomena. ... Passing to the limit in a Wasserstein gradient flow: from diffusion to reaction.

Probabilistic Methods for Model Validation

Abhishek Halder - 2015 

The efficacy of these algorithms are demonstrated for risk assessment in Mars entry-descent-landing, and for nonlinear estimation. Next, the V&V problem is formulated in terms of Monge-Kantorovich optimal transport, naturally giving rise to a metric, called Wasserstein metric, on the space of probability densities. It is shown that the resulting computation leads to solving a linear program at each time of measurement availability, and computational complexity results for the same are derived.

Higher-Order Time Asymptotics of Fast Diffusion in Euclidean Space: A Dynamical Systems Approach - Page 3, 13, 79

Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society

Jochen Denzler, ‎Herbert Koch, ‎ Robert J. McCann - 2015 

Because of the gradient structure with respect to the Wasserstein distance discovered by Otto [38], convergence questions can be attacked using displacement convexity; see a     Wasserstein    Texas A&M University, 2014

Image Analysis:  Page xii, 274, 276, 277, 278, 280, 281

19th Scandinavian Conference, SCIA 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 15-17, 2015. Proceedings

Volume 9127 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Image Processing, Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, and Graphics

 edited by Rasmus R. Paulsen, Kim S. Pedersen

Information Processing in Medical Imaging:  - Page xvi, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 271, 272, 410, 411, 412, 419, 420, 421, 422, 423, (13 pages)

24th International Conference, IPMI 2015, Sabhal Mor Ostaig, Isle of Skye, UK, June 28 - July 3, 2015, Proceedings

Volume 9123 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Shape. Classification. Using. Wasserstein. Distance. for. Brain. Morphometry. Analysis. Zhengyu Su1(B), Wei Zeng2, Yalin Wang3, Zhong-Lin Lu4, and Xianfeng Gu1 1 Department of Computer Science, Stony Brook University, Brookhaven, ...

Found inside – Page 411

Shape. Classification. Using. Wasserstein. Distance. for. Brain. Morphometry. Analysis. Zhengyu Su1(B), Wei Zeng2, Yalin Wang3, Zhong-Lin Lu4, and Xianfeng Gu1 1 Department of Computer Science, Stony Brook University, Brookhaven, ...

Arithmetic and Geometry - Page 282

Luis Dieulefait, ‎D. R. Heath-Brown, ‎Gerd Faltings - 2015 

L. N. Vaserstein, On the sum of powers of matrices, Linear Multilin. Algebra 21 (1987), 261–270. L. N. Vaserstein, Noncommutative number theory, in: “Algebraic K-theory and Algebraic Number Theory (Honolulu, HI, 1987)” (M. R. Stein, R. K. ...

The Mathematics of Networks of Linear Systems - Page 83, 655

Paul Fuhrmann, ‎Uwe Helmke - 2015 

Autom. Control, vol. 44, (1999), 2297–2307. A.I.G. Vardulakis, Linear Multivariable Control, Wiley, New York, 1991. L.N. Vaserstein “An answer to a question of M. Newman on matrix completion”, Proc. Am. Math. Soc., vol. 97, (1986), 189–196.

Found inside – Page 83

More general extension problems of this kind have been studied in algebraic K-theory; see, for example, Newman (1985) and Vaserstein (1986) on matrix completion problems over a PID. Localizations of rings and modules are an important ...

Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision -  Page 145, 146, 153, 256, 269, 262, 268, 269, 517, 627

Jean-François Aujol, ‎Mila Nikolova, ‎Nicolas Papadakis - 2015  

5th International Conference, SSVM 2015, Lège-Cap Ferret, France, May 31 - June 4, 2015, Proceedings

Volume 9087 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Image Processing, Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, and Graphics

Editor ean-François Aujol, Mila Nikolova, Nicolas Papadakis

Vasershtein, L.N.: Markov processes over denumerable products of spaces describing large system of automata. Problemy Peredaci Informacii 5(3), 64–72 (1969)

—————30 books 2015

Введение в теорию схем и квантовые группы - Page 250

Юрий Манин, ‎Сергей Львовский, ‎Д. Лейтес - 2015 

[1*] Васерштейн Л. Н., Суслин А. А. Проблема Серра о проективных модулях над кольцами многочленов и алгебраическая K-теория // Изв. АН СССР. Сер. Матем. 1976. Т. 40, No 5. С. 993–1054. [2*] В е р е в к и н А. Б. Когомологии ...

Stochastic Analysis and Applications 2014: In Honour of Terry Lyons - Page ix. 185, 188, 299

Dan Crisan, ‎Ben Hambly, ‎Thaleia Zariphopoulou - 2015

... sums of i.i.d. random variables. We use a version of this KMT method to obtain order 1 approximation in a Vaserstein metric to solutions of vector SDEs under a mild nondegeneracy condition using an easily implemented numerical scheme.

Found inside – Page 188

First we mention the Vaserstein metrics on probability measures on Rn. If P1 and P2 are such measures, we define Wp (P1 ,P2) to be the infimum of E|X − Y|p, taken over all couplings between P1 and P2 where X and Y have distributions P
Found inside – Page 188

Wp is known as the p-Vaserstein metric after Ref.[7] (Note: we use the transliteration 'Vaserstein' from the Cyrillic as that is the one used by Vaserstein himself; 'Wasserstein' is also used in the literature). We also note the elementary result (see .

Expansion in Finite Simple Groups of Lie Type: - Page 297

Terence Tao - 2015

Foreword by Martin Davis and Hilary Putnam. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1993. [MaVeWe1984] C. R. Matthews, L. N. Vaserstein, B. Weisfeiler, Congruence properties of Zariski-dense subgroups. I, Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 48 (1984), no.

Large Sample Covariance Matrices and High-Dimensional Data Analtsis - Page 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 196, 210, 211

Jianfeng Yao, ‎Zhidong Bai, ‎Shurong Zheng - 2015 

Wasserstein distances of estimates for H = 0.3δ1 + 0.4δ3 + 0.3δ5 p/n = 0.2 p/n = 1 p/n = 2 LSE Mean 0.1589 0.3566 0.4645 S.D. 0.1836 0.4044 0.5156 RMSE Mean 0.2893 0.74

Probabilistic Forecasting and Bayesian Data Assimilation - Page 51, 53, 55, 92, 130, 164, 297

Sebastian Reich, ‎Colin Cotter - 2015 

Furthermore, the L2-Wasserstein distance (2.16) between πX1 and πX2 is given by W(πX1 ,πX2)2 = ∫ R ∫ R(x1 − x2)2δ ( x2 − F−1X2(FX1 (x1)) ) πX1 (x1)dx1dx2 = ∫ 1 0 ∫ R(F−1X1 (p) − x 2)2δ ( x2 − F−1X2 (p) ) dx2dp = ∫ 1 0 (F−1X1(p) ...

Found inside - Page 55

Furthermore, the L2-Wasserstein distance (2.16) between πX1 and πX2 is given by W(πX1 ,πX2)2 = ∫ R ∫ R(x1 − x2)2δ ( x2 − F−1X2(FX1 (x1)) ) πX1 (x1)dx1dx2 = ∫ 1 0 ∫ R(F−1X1 (p) − x 2)2δ ( x2 − F−1X2 (p) ) dx2dp = ∫ 1 0 (F−1X1(p) .

Séminaire de Probabilités XLVI - Page 213, 234, 237, 238, 251, 257, 260, 266, 271, 278, 279, 284, 290, 291

Catherine Donati-Martin, ‎Antoine Lejay, ‎Alain Rouault - 2015 

In what follows W0 denotes the total variation distance and W1 is the usual 1-Wasserstein distance. We restate Proposition 1 Proposition 13 Assume that is reversible. Assume that for all bounded (resp. Lipschitz) density of probability h we ...


Constructive Commutative Algebra: Projective Modules Over ...

Ihsen Yengui - 2015

Found inside - Page 27

... literature to the localization in the neighborhood of each prime ideal [148]. 2.1.4. The. Patchings. of. Quillen. and. Vaserstein. We give here a detailed constructive proof by Lombardi and Quitt ́e of the Quillen patching. This comes essentially ...

 Healthcare Data Analytics 

Chandan K. Reddy, ‎Charu C. Aggarwal - 2015

Found inside - Page 365

Gordon and Olshen [87] measured the homogeneity by using LP, the LP Wasserstein metric, and Hellinger distances between estimated distribution functions. Davis and Anderson [88] employed an exponential loglikelihood loss function in ...

Advanced Medical Statistics (2nd Edition) 

Lu Ying, ‎Fang Ji-qian, ‎Tian Lu - 2015

Found inside - Page 1421

Gordon and Olshen13 used the so-called Lp Wasserstein metrics, dp (·,·), as the measure of discrepancy between the two survival functions. Specifically, for p = 1, the Wasserstein distance, d1 (SL ,SR), between two Kaplan–Meier curves, .

Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations and Their Applications, 2015, 1st ed. 2015.

Optimal Transport for Applied Mathematicians - Département ...  PDF

Filippo Santambrogio version of May 2015 ... of optimal transport: gradient flows in Wasserstein spaces, which allow to deal with many evolution equations, in ...

—————40 books   

Selected Papers of the 6th Conference on Algebra and ...

CALCO 2015, the 6th Conference on Algebra and Coalgebra in Computer Science, was held in Nijmegen, The Netherlands, ... We present two different approaches which can be viewed as generalizations of the Kantorovich and Wasserstein ...

MR3453789   Baldan, Paolo; Bonchi, Filippo; Kerstan, Henning; König, Barbara Towards trace metrics via functor lifting. 

6th Conference on Algebra and Coalgebra in Computer Science, 35–49, LIPIcs. Leibniz Int. Proc. Inform., 35, Schloss Dagstuhl. Leibniz-Zent. Inform., Wadern, 2015. (Reviewer: Peter J. Thiemann) 18B05 (49Q20 68N30 68Q55 68Q70)

Chapter 1 Citation 

The Mathematics of Networks of Linear Systems - Page 655

Paul A. Fuhrmann, ‎Uwe Helmke · 2015

Found inside – Page 655

A. Tannenbaum, “Feedback stabilization of linear dynamical plants with uncertainties in the gain factor”, Int. J. Control, vol. ... L.N. Vaserstein “An answer to a question of M. Newman on matrix completion”, Proc. Am. Math. Soc., vol. 97, (1986) ...

MR3793200  del Barrio, Eustasio; Cuesta-Albertos, Juan A.; Matrán, Carlos An optimal transportation approach for assessing almost stochastic order. 

The mathematics of the uncertain, 33–44, Stud. Syst. Decis. Control, 142, Springer, Cham, 2018. (Reviewer: Natalia Stepanova) 62G10 (60B10 60E15)


Introduction to Ergodic rates for Markov chains and ... - Page 119

Kulik, Alexei · 2015

Found inside – Page 119

Klokov S.A., Veretennikov, A.Yu.: Sub-exponential mixing rate for a class of Markov chains, Math. Comm. 9, 9–26 (2004). Komorowski T., Walczuk, A.: Central limit theorem for Markov processes with spectral gap in the Wasserstein metric, ..

Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 28 (NIPS 2015)

—————     end 2015


start 2016     books

Belief Functions: Theory and Applications: 4th International ... - Page 74

Jiřina Vejnarová, ‎Václav Kratochvíl · 2016

Found inside – Page 74

Voorbraak, F.: On the justification of Dempster's rule of combination. ... In: Proceedings of Fusion 2012, Singapore (2012) Tchamova, A., Dezert, J.: On the behavior of Dempster's rule of combination and the ... a wasserstein-based distance.

 Computer Vision – ECCV 2016:  

14th European Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 11-14, 2016, Proceedings, Part 6

Volume 9910 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Bastian Leibe, ‎Jiri Matas, ‎Nicu Sebe - 2016 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions

A. Distance. for. HMMs. Based. on. Aggregated. Wasserstein. Metric. and. State. Registration. Yukun Chen1(B), Jianbo Ye1, and Jia Li2 1 College of Information Sciences and Technology, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, USA ...

On the Optimal Transport Problem with Relativistic Cost

Florian Zeisler - 2016 - ‎No preview

инар им. А. Д. Александрова ...

Schoenberg ,I. J. Metric spaces and positive definite function, где рассматривается случай L_2. А так же об открытых вопросах: вопросе Громова о критериях вложимости в пространства Александрова, гипотезе Бургейна об универсальности 1-пространства Вассерштейна над плоскостью и плоских факторах.

Семинар: Петербургский геометрический семинар им. А.Д.Александрова

Время:  четверг, 8 декабря 2016, 16:00  Место:  комната 203

Докладчик:  В. Золотов (ПОМИ)

Тема: \ Критерии изометрической вложимости

Аннотация:  Планируется рассказать классические результаты о критериях изометрической вложимости (конечных) метрических пространств.
В первую очередь по статье Schoenberg ,I. J. Metric spaces and positive definite function,
где рассматривается случай L_2. А так же об открытых вопросах: вопросе Громова о критериях вложимости в пространства Александрова, гипотезе Бургейна об
универсальности 1-пространства Вассерштейна над плоскостью и плоских факторах.

Finite Frame Theory: A Complete Introduction to Overcompleteness 

Kasso A. Okoudjou - 2016 - ‎Preview

One of the main advantages in analyzing frames in the context of the Wasserstein metric lies in the powerful tools available to solve some optimization problems involving frames using the framework of optimal transport. While we will not delve into any details in this ... In the last part of the lecture, we shall focus on a family of potentials that generalize the frame potential and present a survey of recent results involving their minimization. In particular, this family includes the coherence of ...

Noncommutative Geometry and Optimal Transport: - Page 2
  (19 pages)  

ierre Martinetti, ‎Jean-Christophe Wallet - 2016 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions

In the 90's, Rieffel [55] noticed that (1.1) was a noncommutative version of the Wasserstein distance of order 1 in the theory of optimal transport (the modern version of Monge déblais et remblais problem). More exactly, this is a noncommutative generalization of Kantorovich dual formula of the Wasserstein distance [36]. Formula (1.1), which we call spectral distance in this survey, thus offers an unexpected connection between an ancient mathematical problem and the most recent ...

Found inside – Page 45

MR1346376 M. Dubois-Violette, R. Kerner, and J. Madore, Classical bosons in a noncommutative geometry, Classical Quantum Gravity 6 ... [38] Stefano Lisini, Characterization of absolutely continuous curves in Wasserstein spaces, Calc. Var.

Computer Vision – ECCV 2016: 14th European Conference, Amsterdam, (12 pages)

The Netherlands, October 11-14, 2016, Proceedings, Part 6

Volume 9910 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Bastian Leibe, ‎Jiri Matas, ‎Nicu Sebe - 2016 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions

A. Distance. for. HMMs. Based. on. Aggregated. Wasserstein. Metric. and. State. Registration. Yukun Chen1(B), Jianbo Ye1, and Jia Li2 1 College of Information Sciences and Technology, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, USA {yzc147 ...

Computer Vision – ACCV 2016:  (4 pages)

Shang-Hong Lai, ‎Vincent Lepetit, ‎Ko Nishino - 2017 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions

The second good reason is that the Wasserstein distance between normal distributions is meaningful and fast to compute. The Wasserstein distance is a transport metric between probability distributions. It accounts how much (probability-) mass needs to be carried how far wrt. an underlying metric space. Here, the underlying space is CIE-Lab with L1-norm2, which mimics human texture discrimination in a simplified way when working on top of the

Found inside – Page 12

Coarse segmentations are likely of low precision, but high recall, and vice versa comparing fine oversegmentations. The Fop measure is the maximally ... The RaDiG boundary contrast is initialized with the Wasserstein distance between ...

Computer Vision  (3 pages)

ACCV 2016 International Workshops, Taipei, Taiwan, November 20-24, 2016, Revised Selected Papers, Part 2

Volume 10117 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Chu-Song Chen, ‎Jiwen Lu, ‎Kai-Kuang Ma - 2017 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions

The solution of this optimization problem is an assignment which map the photo texture ti of point i to a radiometric surface colour rσ(i), expressed as pi ↦→ rσ(i) = ˆri := [ˆrr, ˆrg, ˆrb]. (2) We denote ˆri as the result of this mapping. One could use the flow obtained by calculating the Earth Movers's Distance [12] to find such a mapping but it suffers from the high (O(n3logn)) computational complexity [13]. We therefore chose to compute the mapping using the Sliced Wasserstein Distance [10] ...

mODa 11 - Advances in Model-Oriented Design and Analysis:  (6 pages)

Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop in Model-Oriented Design and Analysis held in Hamminkeln, Germany, June 12-17, 2016

oachim Kunert, ‎Christine H. Müller, ‎Anthony C. Atkinson - 2016 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions

Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop in Model-Oriented Design and Analysis held in Hamminkeln, Germany, June 12-17, 2016 Joachim Kunert, Christine H. Müller, Anthony C. Atkinson. kNN pred. error reduction (mean) ... 4 5 0 . 5 5 0 . 6 5 0 . 7 5 k e r r o r r e d u c t i o n Hausdorff sym Hausdorff Wasserstein sym Wasserstein 5 10 15 20 0 . 2 0 0 . 3 0 0 . ... dH ;dHsym ;dW ;dWsym (left). Right: full sample CDF vs. subsample CDF obtained with the Wasserstein distance (k D ...


MR3467748   Čekanavičius, Vydas Approximation methods in probability theory. Universitext. Springer, [Cham], 2016. xii+274 pp. ISBN: 978-3-319-34071-5; 978-3-319-34072-2 (Reviewer: N. C. Weber) 60F05 (60E10 60E15 60F99 60G50 62E20)

Book 6 Citations

Approximation Methods in Probability Theory  - Page 9, 89, 98, 161, 176

Vydas Čekanavičius · 2016

This book presents a wide range of well-known and less common methods used for estimating the accuracy of probabilistic approximations, including the Esseen type inversion formulas, the Stein method as well as the methods of convolutions ...

——10 books 2016

Partially Observed Markov Decision Processes: From Filtering to  Controlled Sensing

Vikram Krishnamurthy - 2016 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions

Covering formulation, algorithms, and structural results, and linking theory to real-world applications in controlled sensing (including social learning, adaptive radars and sequential detection), this book focuses on the conceptual ...

Wasserstein metric

Metric Measure Geometry: Gromov's Theory of Convergence and  Concentration of Metrics and Measures

Takashi Shioya - 2016 - ‎No preview - ‎More editions

This book studies a new theory of metric geometry on metric measure spaces.

Encyclopedia of Distances - Page 273 (4 pages)

Michel Marie Deza, ‎Elena Deza - 2016 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions

17 and the normalized information distance in Chap. 11. Now, maxfH.X/;H.Y/g I.XIY/ is also a metric. • Transportation distance Given a metric space .X;d/, the transportation distance (and/or, according to Villani, 2009, Monge–Kantorovich–Wasserstein–Rubinstein–Ornstein– Gini–Dall'Aglio–Mallows–Tanaka distance) is the metric defined by W1 .P1 ;P2/ D inf ESŒd.X;Y/ D infS Z .X;Y/2X X d.X;Y/dS.X;Y/; where the infimum is taken over all joint distributions S of pairs .X;Y/ of random ...

Stochastic Analysis for Poisson Point Processes: Malliavin Calculus, Wiener-Itô Chaos Expansions and Stochastic Geometry (`9 pages)

by Peccati, Giovanni; Reitzner, Matthias  2016

High Dimensional Probability VII: The Cargèse Volume - Page 137….  (14 pages)

by Houdré, Christian  Progress in Probability, 2016

Stochastic Processes: From Applications to Theory - Page 170… (8 pages)

Pierre Del Moral, ‎Spiridon Penev - 2017 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions

From Applications to Theory Pierre Del Moral, Spiridon Penev. Proposition 8.3.9 We have 6(S) |||11 – 112|, s W(p11, p12) < diam(S) |||11 – 12|, with 0 < 6(S) := ins d(a, y) < diam(S) = sup d(a, y) < Co. a 7-y 22, 1/ Proof : We clearly have that 6(S) 1.xzy < d(X, Y) < diam(S) 1.xzY. The proposition is now a consequence of the coupling descriptions of the total variation distance and the Wasserstein metric. This completes the proof of the proposition. Important remark : When the state space S ...

Topics in Theoretical and Applied Statistics - Page 48 (9 pages)

Giorgio Alleva, ‎Andrea Giommi - 2016 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions

Billard, L., Diday, E.: Symbolic Data Analysis: Conceptual Statistics and Data Mining. Wiley, Chichester (2006) 4. Gilchrist, W.: Statistical Modelling with Quantile Functions. Chapman and Hall, New York (2000) 5. Gonzãles-Rivera, G., Arroyo, J.: Time series modelling of histogram-valued data: the daily histogram time series of S&P500 intradaily returns. Int. J. Forecast. 28, 20–33 (2012) 6. Irpino, A., Verde, R.: Dynamic clustering of histograms using Wasserstein metric. In: Rizzi, A., Vichi ...

Systèmes de particules en interaction, approche par flot de gradient dans l'espace de Wasserstein

by Laborde, Maxime 2016

From Particle Systems to Partial Differential Equations III:  - Page 165

Particle Systems and PDEs III, Braga, Portugal, December 2014

Volume 162 of Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics

Patrícia Gonçalves, ‎Ana Jacinta Soares - 2016 

This question has been answered in the affirmative by Vasershtein [22]—see also [13] for a simplified proof of this result. In other words, there exists some finite time T such that the motion of the N balls is free over the time interval (T,+∞).

Found inside - Page 281

It is convenient to define the Vaserstein distance in terms of the following cost functions d(n', n°) = X d(n!, no), d(n!, ni) = n – no (68) A. ex A and if we suppose à' = (#|, ..., d) and q = (qī, ..., qi,), = 1 =2) — - D.(q', qí) := p + o |a|Aa (69) the min being ...

Asymptotic Theory of Statistics and Probability: - 2 pages

tatistics, Statistics

CTI Reviews - 2016 

Metric Quantile Consistent David A. Freedman The name 'Wasserstein/Vasershtein distance' was coined by R.L. Dobrushin in 1970, afterthe Russian mathematician Leonid Nasor Vasershtein who introduced the concept in 1969.

——20 books 2016

Probability for Statistics and Machine Learning, Fundamentals andAdvanced Topics: -  4 pages

 Statistics, Statistics 

CTI Reviews - 2016

Wasserstein Wasserstein Distance In mathematics, the Wasserstein (or Vasershtein) metric is a distance function defined between probability distributions on a given metric space M. Intuitively, if each distribution is viewed as a unit amount of ...

Topics in Theoretical and Applied Statistics - 9 pages

by Alleva, Giorgio; Giommi, Andrea 2016  psu online

This book highlights the latest research findings from the 46th International Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society (SIS) in Rome, during which both...

We propose to use a suitable `1 metric chosen among the class of Wasserstein– Kantorovich–Monge–Gini metrics [7].

Stochastic analysis for Poisson point processes: 

Malliavin calculus, Wiener-Itô chaos expansions and stochastic geometry

Giovanni Peccati, ‎Matthias Reitzner - 2016  psu online

This book project concerns the connection between two branches of modern (theoretical and applied) probability - namely stochastic geometry and the Malliavin calculus of variations.

Mini-Workshop: Stochastic Analysis for Poisson Point Processes: Malliavin Calculus, Wiener-Ito Chaos Expansions and Stochastic Geometry pdf - Page 198, 514

Organised by Matthias Reitzner, Osnabru ̈ck Giovanni Peccati, Luxembourg  10 February – 16 February 2013 Oberwolfach

Wasserstein distance

High Dimensional Probability VII: - 14 pages

The Cargèse Volume 2016 psu online

by Houdré, Christian; Mason, David; Reynaud-Bouret, Patricia; More...

Wasserstein distance

Commutative Algebra: Constructive Methods: Finite Projective Modules - 17 pages

Henri Lombardi, ‎Claude Quitte - 2016

Translated from the popular French edition, this book offers a detailed introduction to various basic concepts, methods, principles, and results of commutative algebra.


Algebra and its Applications: ICAA, Aligarh, India, December 2014 - 10 pages

Syed Tariq Rizvi, ‎Asma Ali, ‎Vincenzo De Filippis - 2016 

Res, Bombay (2002) Vaserstein, L.N.: On the stabilization of the general linear group over a ring. Mat. Sbornik (N.S.) 79(121), 405–424 (Russian). English translated in Math. USSR-Sbornik. 8, 383–400 (1969) Vaserstein, L.N.: Stabilization of ...

Found inside - Page 121

Res, Bombay (2002) Vaserstein, L.N.: On the stabilization of the general linear group over a ring. Mat. Sbornik (N.S.) 79(121), 405–424 (Russian). English translated in Math. USSR-Sbornik. 8, 383–400 (1969) Vaserstein, L.N.: Stabilization of ...

Nigel J. Kalton Selecta - Volume 1 - Page 396 (5 pages)

Fritz Gesztesy, ‎Gilles Godefroy, ‎Loukas Grafakos - 2016 

For p > 1, [%, 3(3%)]=%; this result is implicit in the work of Pearcy and Topping [13] (see Anderson and Vaserstein [2, Proposition 1]). For p < 1 there is a continuous trace on 6, which we denote by tr. If p < 1 then Anderson [1] shows that [% ...

Found inside - Page 396

For p > 1, [%, 3(3%)]=%; this result is implicit in the work of Pearcy and Topping [13] (see Anderson and Vaserstein [2, Proposition 1]). For p < 1 there is a continuous trace on 6, which we denote by tr. If p < 1 then Anderson [1] shows that [% ..

Topics in Theoretical and Applied Statistics - Page 37,38, 39, 40,…

by Alleva, Giorgio; Giommi, Andrea 2016

This book highlights the latest research findings from the 46th International Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society (SIS) in Rome, during which both...

Lecture Notes on Statistical Mechanics  - Page 33 

Roderich Tumulka    Wintersemester 2016/17

Introduction to Algebraic K-Theory. (AM-72) - Page vii,viii, xi

John Milnor - 2016 - ‎Mathematics

L. N. Vaserstein, theory and the congruence subgroup problem, Mat. ... Finally I want to thank Princeton University, U.C.L.A., M.I.T., and the Institute for Advanced ...

140088179X, 9781400881796

——30 books 2016

The Oxford Handbook of the Economics of Networks - Page 34

Yann Bramoullé, ‎Andrea Galeotti, ‎Brian Rogers - 2016  

The result uses a key lemma in Stein (1986) that characterizes the distance of a random variable Y from a normal distribution (Z) in the Wasserstein metric by dW(Y,Z) ≤ sup {f:||f||,||f||≤2,||f||≤ √ 2π} E[f (Y)−Yf(Y)] . Therefore, the

Mathematical Congress of the Americas: - Page 89

José A. de la Peña, ‎J. Alfredo López-Mimbela, ‎Miguel Nakamura - 2016 - ‎Preview

According to Benamou and Brenier, this norm plays the role of a metric tensor generating the 2-Wasserstein distance [4]. In the fast diffusion regime m < 1, the spectrum of this Hessian was computed by Denzler and McCann [13] [14].

Perfect Simulation - Page 105, 221

Mark L. Huber - 2016  

In [41] the Wasserstein metric was used to assess convergence because it was easier to work with; in [54] the method was improved to handle total variation distance. Therefore the details of the Wasserstein metric are omitted here.

Macroscopic and Large Scale Phenomena: - Page 26, 195

Coarse Graining, Mean Field Limits and Ergodicity

Volume 3 of Lecture Notes in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics

Adrian Muntean, ‎Jens Rademacher, ‎Antonios Zagaris - 2016 -

42,323–345 (1971) Hauray, M.: Wasserstein distances for vortices approximation of Euler-type equations. Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci. 19, 1357–1384 (2009) Hauray, M., Jabin, P.-E.: N-particle approximation of the Vlasov equations with ...

Found inside – Page 142

Journées Equations aux Dérivées Partielles (Forges-les-Eaux), Exp. no. 9, Univ. de Nantes, Nantes ... 42,323–345 (1971) Hauray, M.: Wasserstein distances for vortices approximation of Euler-type equations. Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci.

Found inside – Page 142

Séminaire Bourbaki. Vol. 2003/2004. Astérisque 299, Exp. no. 930, 147–164 ... 42,323–345 (1971) Hauray, M.: Wasserstein distances for vortices approximation of Euler-type equations. Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci. 19, 1357–1384 (2009) ...

Introduction to Uncertainty Quantification - Page 87. 89, 90, 341

T.J. Sullivan - 2016 

... of probability measures on A' earcept for the requirement that dik (11, 1) = 0. Hint: suppose that p = N (m, oo) on R, and show that dik (u, v) = *. T Exercise 5.11. Let (A', d) be a metric space, equipped with its Borel O-algebra. The Wasserstein ...

Big Data Optimization: Recent Developments and Challenges - Page 155. 160, 487

Volume 18 of Studies in Big Data

Ali Emrouznejad - Springer 2016 

319302655, 9783319302652  487 pages

To the right, the Euler characteristic curve from the corresponding data set, with the corresponding t marked The persistence ... well-defined, but also has been shown to be not as informative as other distances—namely, Wasserstein distances.

Found inside – Page 155

To the right, the Euler characteristic curve from the corresponding data set, with the corresponding t marked The persistence ... well-defined, but also has been shown to be not as informative as other distances—namely, Wasserstein distances.

Nigel J. Kalton Selecta: Volume 1 - Page 396

Fritz Gesztesy, ‎Gilles Godefroy, ‎Loukas Grafakos - 2016

Found inside – Page 396

For p > 1, [%, 3(3%)]=%; this result is implicit in the work of Pearcy and Topping [13] (see Anderson and Vaserstein [2, Proposition 1]). For p < 1 there is a continuous trace on 6, which we denote by tr. If p < 1 then Anderson [1] shows that [% ...

Innovative Algorithms and Analysis

Laurent Gosse, ‎Roberto Natalini - 2016

Found inside - Page 322

Then the L2-Wasserstein distance between u1 and u2 equals to the L2-distance between X 1 and X2: W.u1 ÂZ b a à 1=2 ;u2/ D .X1./X2.//2d D kX1 X2: (29) kL2 In other words, the correspondence between probability densities and their ...

Functional and Shape Data Analysis - Page 122

books.google.com › books

Anuj Srivastava, ‎Eric P. Klassen - 2016

Found inside – Page 122

Write a program to compute discrete geodesic paths and geodesic distances between elements of ΓI under the Fisher-Rao metric. 13. As mentioned above, the Wasserstein distance between any two non-negative probability density functions .

Geometric approach to evolution problems in metric spaces

math.leidenuniv.nl › scripties › PhDThesisStojkovic   PDF

Jan 1, 2016 - spaces and the Trotter-Kato product formula. 29 ... van deze resultaten zijn in de context van CAT(0)-ruimten ook nodig gebleken— uitgaan van ...

by I Stojkovic - ‎Cited by 3 - ‎Related articles
——40 books   

Noncommutative Geometry and Optimal Transport 

Paperback – 30 October 2016 

by Pierre Martinetti (Editor), Jean-Christophe Wallet (Editor) 

This volume contains the proceedings of the Workshop on Noncommutative Geometry and Optimal Transport, held on November 27, 2014, in Besancon, France. The distance formula in noncommutative geometry was introduced by Connes at the end of the 1980s. It is a generalization of Riemannian geodesic distance that makes sense in a noncommutative setting, and provides an original tool to study the geometry of the space of states on an algebra. It also has an intriguing echo in physics, for it yields a metric interpretation for the Higgs field. In the 1990s, Rieffel noticed that this distance is a noncommutative version of the Wasserstein distance of order 1 in the theory of optimal transport. More exactly, this is a noncommutative generalization of Kantorovich dual formula of the Wasserstein distance. Connes distance thus offers an unexpected connection between an ancient mathematical problem and the most recent 

Limit Order Books
(Physics of Society: Econophysics and Sociophysics) 1st Edition 

Frédéric Abergel, ‎Marouane Anane, ‎Anirban Chakraborti - 2016

A limit order book contains all the information available on a specific market and it reflects the way the market moves under the influence of its participants. This book discusses several models of limit order books.

Physics of Society

Deep Learning

Ian Goodfellow, ‎Yoshua Bengio, ‎Aaron Courville - 2016

The hierarchy of concepts allows the computer to learn complicated concepts by building them out of simpler ones; a graph of these hierarchies would be many layers deep. This book introduces a broad range of topics in deep learning.

Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning

Christopher M. Bishop - 2016 - ‎No preview

This is the first textbook on pattern recognition to present the Bayesian viewpoint. The book presents approximate inference algorithms that permit fast approximate answers in situations where exact answers are not feasible.


Computational Information Geometry: For Image and Signal ... - Page 30

Frank Nielsen, ‎rank CFritchley, ‎Christopher T. J. Dodson - 2016

Found inside – Page 30

Differential geometry in statistical inference, 10, 217–240. Read, T. R., & Cressie, N. ... Behaviors of φ-exponential distributions in Wasserstein geometry and an evolution equation. ... Algebraic geometry and statistical learning theory (Vol. 25).


Nearrings, Nearfields And Related Topics - Page 231

Panackal Harikrishnan, ‎Kuncham Syam Prasad, ‎Kedukodi Babushri Srinivas - 2016

Found inside – Page 231

In 1986, Vaserstein41 has extended this result to an arbitrary topological space X, with an appropriate definition of finite type. According to Vaserstein, the bundle over an arbitrary space X is of finite type41 if there is a finite partition S of 1 on X ...

Perspectives in Shape Analysis - Page 247

Michael Breuß, ‎Alfred Bruckstein, ‎Petros Maragos - 2016

Found inside – Page 247

Aubry, M., Schlickewei, U., Cremers, D.: The wave kernel signature: a quantum mechanical approach to shape analysis. In: ICCV ... TPAMI 36(1), 170–180 (2013) Mémoli, F.: Gromov-Wasserstein distances and the metric approach to object matching. Found. ... 5(3), 313–347 (2005) Meyer, M., Desbrun, M., Schröder, P., Barr, A.H.: Discrete differential-geometry operators for triangulated 2-manifolds.

Fast Dictionary Learning with a Smoothed Wasserstein Loss

by A Rolet · ‎2016 · ‎Cited by 90 · ‎Related articles

Fast Dictionary Learning with a Smoothed Wasserstein LossAntoine Rolet, Marco Cuturi, Gabriel PeyréWe consider in this paper the dictionary learnin...

Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, PMLR 51:630-638, 2016. 


MR3930603   Leadership and women in statistics. Edited by Amanda L. Golbeck, Ingram Olkin and Yulia R. Gel. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2016. xvi+456 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4822-3644-6 00B15 (01A80)


 MR3931517 Indexed Wasserstein, Ronald L. Outlook on statistics leadership. Leadership and women in statistics, 3–8, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2016. 01A80



MR3565817   Gradient flows: from theory to application. Selected papers from the International Workshop held at the International Centre for Mathematical Sciences (ICMS), Edinburgh, April 20–24, 2015. Edited by Bertram Düring, Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb and Marie-Therese Wolfram. ESAIM: Proceedings and Surveys, 54. EDP Sciences, Les Ulis, 2016. viii+69 pp. 35-06 (76-06)


Gradient flows: from theory to application | ESAIM ...

This volume contains selected contributions related to the international workshop on Gradient flows: from theory to application, held at the International ... An augmented Lagrangian approach to 

Wasserstein gradient flows and applications

MR3565820  Di Francesco, Marco Scalar conservation laws seen as gradient flows: known results and new perspectives. 

Gradient flows: from theory to application, 18–44, ESAIM Proc. Surveys, 54, EDP Sci., Les Ulis, 2016. 35L65 (35-02)

  Chapter 1 Citation 

MR3565819   Benamou, Jean-David; Carlier, Guillaume; Laborde, Maxime An augmented Lagrangian approach to Wasserstein gradient flows and applications. 

Gradient flows: from theory to application, 1–17, ESAIM Proc. Surveys, 54, EDP Sci., Les Ulis, 2016. 35K57 (35K15 35K59 35Q84)

Chapter 9 Citations 

 ——50 books 


MR3565256   High dimensional probability VII. The Cargèse volume. Including papers from the conference (HDP VII) held at the Institut d'Études Scientifiques de Cargèse, Cargèse, May 26–30, 2014. Edited by Christian Houdré, David M. Mason, Patricia Reynaud-Bouret and Jan Rosiński. Progress in Probability, 71. Springer, [Cham], 2016. xxviii+460 pp. ISBN: 978-3-319-40519-3; 978-3-319-40517-9 60-06 (01A70 60B20 60E15 60Fxx 60G15 62E20 62G07)

Book 1 Citation

High Dimensional Probability VII: The Cargèse Volume - Page 137

Christian Houdré, ‎David M. Mason, ‎Patricia Reynaud-Bouret · 2016

Found inside – Page 137

A Weighted Approximation Approach to the Study of the Empirical Wasserstein Distance David M. Mason Dedicated to the ... High Dimensional Probability VII, Progress in Probability 71, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-40519-3_6 137 where 1–1/n I, ...

MR3565262   Mason, David M. A weighted approximation approach to the study of the empirical Wasserstein distance. 

High dimensional probability VII, 137–154, Progr. Probab., 71, Springer, [Cham], 2016. 60F17 (62E17 62E20)

 Chapter 2 Citations 

43rd International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and ...

The 43rd International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP 2016), the main European conference in Theoretical Computer Science ...

MR3577144   Andoni, Alexandr; Naor, Assaf; Neiman, Ofer Impossibility of sketching of the 3D transportation metric with quadratic cost. 

43rd International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming, Art. No. 83, 14 pp., LIPIcs. Leibniz Int. Proc. Inform., 55, Schloss Dagstuhl. Leibniz-Zent. Inform., Wadern, 2016. 68U05 (68W25)

Chapter 1 Citation 

Impossibility of sketching of the 3D transportation metric with quadratic cost

A Andoni, A Naor, O Neiman - 43rd International Colloquium on …, 2016 - drops.dagstuhl.de

Transportation cost metrics, also known as the Wasserstein distances W_p, are a natural choice for defining distances between two pointsets, or distributions, and have been applied in numerous fields. From the computational perspective, there has been an intensive research effort for understanding the W_p metrics over R^ k, with work on the W_1 metric (aka earth mover distance) being most successful in terms of theoretical guarantees. However, the W_2 metric, also known as the root-mean square (RMS) bipartite matching …

Cited by 6 Related articles All 10 versions View as HTML 

Mathematical Paradigms of Climate Science - Page 124

Fabio Ancona, ‎Piermarco Cannarsa, ‎Christopher Jones · 2016

Found inside – Page 124

j d! 0: (13) As already mentioned for general distributions F uniform convergence of the quantile process is out of reach, instead we will consider cutoff L2 distances later. In the following we link the empirical quantile process to Wasserstein ...

Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 29 (NIPS 2016)

Wasserstein Training of Restricted Boltzmann Machines Grégoire Montavon, Klaus-Robert Müller, Marco Cuter

Part of the Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics book series (PROMS, volume 176)

Geometric Properties for Parabolic and Elliptic PDE's: GPPEPDEs 

Geometric Properties for Parabolic and Elliptic PDE's: GPPEPDEs, Palinuro, Italy, May 2015  Estimates for Solutions to Anisotropic Elliptic Equations with Zero Order Term. ... Keywords Poincaré inequalities · Wasserstein distances AMS Subject ...

Wasserstein space

MR3571821  Brasco, Lorenzo; Santambrogio, Filippo A note on some Poincaré inequalities on convex sets by optimal transport methods. 

Geometric properties for parabolic and elliptic PDE's, 49–63, Springer Proc. Math. Stat., 176, Springer, [Cham], 2016. (Reviewer: Andrew Bucki) 49Q20 (26D10 35A23)


Intel International Science and Engineering Fair 2011 Program

sspcdn.blob.core.windows.net › ISEF › Program-Book

PDF 2016

May 7, 2016 — math to your friends and to younger students who could follow in your footsteps. ... MA047 Dennis-Vaserstein Type Decompositions for Some Families of Chevalley ... Moscow, RUS003, Russian Youth Program “Step Into the Future” ... Istanbul, TUR001, 12th National Environmental Project Olympiad

————books   2016    —57 books  end 2016



2017  Wasserstein  45  books

Fréchet Means in Wasserstein Space: Theory and Algorithms

Yoav Zemel - 2017  book

Mots-clés de l'auteur: Fréchet mean ; functional data analysis ; geodesic variation ; optimal transportation ; phase variation ; point process ; random measure ; registration ; warping ; Wasserstein distance.

MR3726887   d Filippo Santambrogio. Radon Series on Computational and Applied Mathematics, 17. De Gruyter, Berlin, 2017. xi+418 pp. ISBN: 978-3-11-043926-7; 978-3-11-043050-9 49-06 (35-06 49Q20 65Rxx)

 Book 1 Citation

Topological Optimization and Optimal Transport: In the Applied Sciences

Maïtine Bergounioux, ‎Édouard Oudet, ‎Martin Rumpf - 2017 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions

Contents Part I Geometric issues in PDE problems related to the infinity Laplace operator Solution of free boundary problems in the presence of geometric uncertainties Distributed and boundary control problems fo

Found inside - Page 358

(1.8) This equation is a gradient flow in the L2-Wasserstein metric as well [19]. In place of EV, the flow potential is given by the perturbed Fisher information FV (u) = F(u) + V(u), with F(u) = 2∫ 2dx, Ω (∂x √u) and V as above. There exists a ...

Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns: Page 390, 392, 393, 394

17th International Conference, CAIP 2017, Ystad, Sweden, August 22-24, 2017, Proceedings, Part 1

Michael Felsberg, ‎Anders Heyden, ‎Norbert Krüger - 2017 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions

Wasserstein distance between tensor subspaces for third-order tensors. (a) Wasserstein distances and relative distance between first and ith frames for i = 1,2,...,20. In (a), the horizontal and vertical axes represent the index number of the ...

 Zbl 06824890  Sommerfeld, Max

Wasserstein distance on finite spaces: statistical inference and algorithms. (English)

Göttingen: Univ. Göttingen, Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik (Diss.). vi, 91 p. (2017).

MSC:  62-02 62E10 62E17 62F30 60E05 54E35 68T05

Convexity and Concentration - Page 189 (37 pages)

Eric Carlen, ‎Mokshay Madiman, ‎Elisabeth M. Werner - 2017 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions

One of our main objectives will be to show that concentration inequalities for functions f of X p can be obtained using Wasserstein matrices for certain Markov kernels K related to pu. In order to motivate the introduction of Wasse

rstein matrices, we record a couple of contraction estimates for Markov kernels that may be of independent interest. To that end, we introduce another coupling-based distance between probability measures [2, Chap. 8]: for two Borel probability measures on ...

MR3837271   Kontorovich, Aryeh; Raginsky, Maxim Concentration of measure without independence: a unified approach via the martingale method. Convexity and concentration, 183–210, IMA Vol. Math. Appl., 161, Springer, New York, 2017. (Reviewer: Christos Pelekis) 60E15 (60A10 60G42)

Chapter 1 Citation 

Found inside – Page 200

Theorem 4.4 For each je [m + 1), let VV) = (V!!) ten be a Wasserstein matrix for K0) with respect to the partition {T}. ... clean way of constructing the desired Wasserstein matrices is via the classical comparison theorem of Dobrushin for Gibb

MR3737806  Geometric science of information. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference (GSI 2017) held in Paris, November 7–9, 2017. Edited by Frank Nielsen and Frédéric Barbaresco. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 10589. Springer, Cham, 2017. xxv+877 pp. ISBN: 978-3-319-68445-1; 978-3-319-68444-4 94-06

 Book 1 Citation

Zbl 1374.94006 Nielsen, Frank (ed.); Barbaresco, Frédéric (ed.)

Geometric science of information. Third international conference, GSI 2017, Paris, France, November 7–9, 2017. Proceedings. (English) 

Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10589. Cham: Springer (ISBN 978-3-319-68444-4/pbk; 978-3-319-68445-1/ebook). xxv, 877 p. (2017).

MSC:  94-06 94A08 94A12 94A15 94A17 00B25

Cazelles, Elsa; Bigot, Jérémie; Papadakis, Nicolas, Regularized barycenters in the Wasserstein space, 83-90 [Zbl 06825128]

Geometric Science of Information: (9 pages)

Third International Conference, GSI 2017, Paris, France, November 7-9, 2017, Proceedings

Volume 10589 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Frank Nielsen, ‎Frédéric Barbaresco - 2017 - ‎Preview

Bobkov, S., Ledoux, M.: One-dimensional empirical measures, order statistics and Kantorovich transport distances (2014). Book in preparation. http://perso.math. univ-toulouse.fr/ledoux/files/2013/11/Order.statistics.10.pdf 4. Burger, M., Osher, S.: Convergence rates of convex variational regularization. Inverse Prob. 20(5), 1411 (2004) 5. Cuturi, M., Peyré, G.: A smoothed dual approach for variational Wasserstein problems. SIA————--M J. Imaging Sci. 9(1), 320–343 (2016) 6. Fréchet, M.: Les ...


MR3737718  Yang, Yunan; Engquist, Björn Analysis of optimal transport related misfit functions in seismic imaging. 

Geometric science of information, 109–116, Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., 10589, Springer, Cham, 2017. 94A08

Chapter 4 Citations 


MR3737719   Karakida, Ryo; Amari, Shun-ichi Information geometry of Wasserstein divergence. 

Geometric science of information, 119–126, Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., 10589, Springer, Cham, 2017. 94A17



MR3737715   Cazelles, Elsa; Bigot, Jérémie; Papadakis, Nicolas Regularized barycenters in the Wasserstein space. 

Geometric science of information, 83–90, Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., 10589, Springer, Cham, 2017. 62G99 (60B10 60G57 94A17)

Chapter 2 Citations 


MR3737716  Conforti, Giovanni; Pavon, Michele Extremal curves in Wasserstein space. 

Geometric science of information, 91–99, Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., 10589, Springer, Cham, 2017. (Reviewer: Vassili N. Kolokolʹtsov) 58E30 (49Q20 76Y05 94A08)

 Chapter 1 Citation

Geometric Science of Information: Third International ... -

Frank Nielsen, ‎Frédéric Barbaresco - 2017

Found inside - Page 667

In the context of optimal transport, each fiber is a totally-geodesic subspace of the L2-Wasserstein space (e.g. [15]). Stein-type densities are characterized by the following theorem. It holds for any convex function V(x) without the restriction (4).

Geometric Science of Information: (9 pages)

Third International Conference, GSI 2017, Paris, France, November 7-9, 2017, Proceedings

Volume 10589 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Frank Nielsen, ‎Frédéric Barbaresco - 2017 - ‎Preview

Bobkov, S., Ledoux, M.: One-dimensional empirical measures, order statistics and Kantorovich transport distances (2014). Book in preparation. http://perso.math. univ-toulouse.fr/ledoux/files/2013/11/Order.statistics.10.pdf 4. Burger, M., Osher, S.: Convergence rates of convex variational regularization. Inverse Prob. 20(5), 1411 (2004) 5. Cuturi, M., Peyré, G.: A smoothed dual approach for variational Wasserstein problems. SIA————--M J. Imaging Sci. 9(1), 320–343 (2016) 6. Fréchet, M.: Les ...


 Geometric Science of Information: Third International ... - Page 91

Frank Nielsen, ‎Frédéric Barbaresco · 2017

Found inside – Page 91

Third International Conference, GSI 2017, Paris, France, November 7-9, 2017, Proceedings Frank Nielsen, Frédéric Barbaresco. Extremal Curves in Wasserstein Space Giovanni Conforti1 and Michele Pavon2(B) 1 Laboratoire Paul Painlevé, Université des Sciences et Technologies ... The second order differential equations are accordingly obtained by annihilating the first variation of a suitable action.


2017 SOCAMS Abstract - UCI Math

Natalia Komarova. Institution: UC Irvine. Title: Near equilibrium calculus of stem cells. Abstract: Stem cells are an important component of tissue architecture. Identifying the exact regulatory circuits that .... Boltzmann entropy, Fisher information, as well as Wasserstein metric on graphs will be presented. Some applications are ...

Program of the Sessions - Joint Mathematics Meetings

Gradient flow in the Wasserstein metric. Katy Craig, University of California,. Santa Barbara (1135-49-434). AMS Special Session on New Trends in. Celestial ...... The stability of cellular networks against mutations. Preliminary report. Lora D Weiss* and Natalia L Komarova,. University of California Irvine. (1135-92-2366).

Talks | Institute for Mathematics and its Applications

e Foo (University of Minnesota, Twin Cities), Natalia Komarova (University of California, Irvine), WhAM! A Research Collaboration Workshop for Women in .... June 12, 2014, Wasserstein Metric from Transport Theory and Riemannian Structure of Density Functions · Allen Tannenbaum (State University of New York, ...

A Guide to Modern Econometrics - Page 31

For example, a p-value of 0.08 indicates that the null hypothesis is rejected at the 10% significance level, but not at the 5% level. However, p-values are often misinterpreted or misused, as stressed by a recent statement of the American Statistical Association (Wasserstein and Lazar, 2016). For example, it is inappropriate (though a common mistake) to interpret a p-value as giving the probability that the null hypothesis is true. The p-value gives the probability of getting certain results if ...

———2017———  -10

Nonlocal and Nonlinear Diffusions and  interactions:  - 20 pages

New Methods and  directions:  Cetraro, Italy 2016

Volume 2186 of Lecture Notes in Mathematics

C.I.M.E. Foundation Subseries

Authors José Antonio Carrillo, Manuel del Pino, Alessio Figalli, Giuseppe Mingione, Juan Luis Vázquez

Editors Matteo Bonforte, Gabriele Grillo

Publisher Springer, 2017

ISBN 3319614940, 9783319614946

Length 280 page

Введение в математическое моделирование транспортных потоков Page 307

[[Introduction to mathematical modeling of transport

Коллектив авторов, ‎А. Гасников - 2017 - ‎Mathematics

Теорема 1. T имеет вид T(x) = (x), где — некоторая выпуклая функция. Величина W2(Ñ, Ò) = √ |x − T(x)|2 dÑ Rd называется расстоянием Канторовича (также можно встретить названия «расстояние Канторовича—Рубинштейна» и «расстояние Васерштейна»). Действительно, можно проверить, что W2 ...

Publisher Litres, 2017     ISBN 5457743489, 9785457743489

Found inside – Page 307

Величина W2(Ñ, Ò) = √ |x − T(x)|2 dÑ Rd называется расстоянием Канторовича (также можно встретить названия «расстояние Канторовича—Рубинштейна» и «расстояние Васерштейна»). Действительно, можно проверить ...

Метод формирования признаков текстурных изображений на основе марковских моделей

[Method for the formation of signs of textual images on the basis of Markov's models]

 тема диссертации и автореферата по ВАК 05.13.17, кандидат технических наук Пластинин, Анатолий Игоревич  

.4.3. Исследование расстояния Васерштейна. 


Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision  (31 pages)

6th International Conference, SSVM 2017, Kolding, Denmark, June 4-8, 2017, Proceedings

Volume 10302 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Image Processing, Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, and Graphics

François Lauze, ‎Yiqiu Dong, ‎Anders Bjorholm Dahl - 2017 - ‎Preview

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision, SSVM 2017, held in Kolding, Denmark, in June 2017.

Found inside - Page 564

This reformulation turned out to be the geodesic equation on the L2 Wasserstein space. For an underlying flow of a density θ with Eulerian velocity v one considers the path energy E[θ,v]= ∫ 1 0 ∫ Dθ|v|2dxdt, (1) where D Rd is assumed to ...

Deep Learning with Python

Francois Chollet - 2017 

By the time you reach the end of this book, you will have become a Keras expert and will be able to apply deep learning in your own projects.


Smart Secure Systems – IoT and Analytics Perspective:  Page 288, 294

Second International Conference on Intelligent Information Technologies. ICIIT 2017, Chennai, India, December 20-22, 2017, Proceedings

Volume 808 of Communications in Computer and Information Science

Editors Guru Prasadh Venkataramani, Karthik Sankaranarayanan, Saswati Mukherjee, Kannan Arputharaj, Swamynathan Sankara Narayanan

Publisher Springer, 2017 ISBN 9811076359, 9789811076350 Length 337 pages

Convolutional Neural Networks in Visual Computing: A Concise Guide (2 pages)

Ragav Venkatesan, ‎Baoxin Li - 2017 - ‎ 

Wasserstein gan. arXiv preprint arXiv:1701.07875.

Simulation and Synthesis in Medical Imaging: Page 11

Second International Workshop, SASHIMI 2017, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2017, Québec City, QC, Canada, September 10, 2017, Proceedings

Volume 10557 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Sotirios A. Tsaftaris, ‎Ali Gooya, ‎Alejandro F. Frangi - 2017

Order-Preserving Wasserstein Distance for Sequence Matching

by Su, Bing; Hua, Gang  Page(s):2906 - 2914

2017 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2017

We present a new distance measure between sequences that can tackle local temporal distortion and periodic sequences with arbitrary starting points. Through...

Nonlocal and Nonlinear Diffusions and Interactions: (25 pages)

 New Methods and Directions: Cetraro, Italy 2016

Volume 2186 of Lecture Notes in Mathematics

Matteo Bonforte, ‎Gabriele Grillo, ‎José Antonio Carrillo - 2017 - ‎Preview

Presenting a selection of topics in the area of nonlocal and nonlinear diffusions, this book places a particular emphasis on new emerging subjects such as nonlocal operators in stationary and evolutionary problems and their applications, ...

———2017———  -20

Stein Manifolds and Holomorphic Mappings: The Homotopy Principle in …{age 554

Franc Forstnerič - 2017 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions

(2017). doi:10.1007/s12220-017-9778-3 Vâjâitu, V.: Some convexity properties of morphisms of complex spaces. Math. Z. 217(2), 215–245 (1994) Varolin, D.: A general notion of shears, ... J. Geom. Anal. 11(1), 135–160 (2001) Vaserstein, L.N.: Reduction of a matrix depending on parameters to a diagonal form by addition operations. Proc. Am. Math. Soc. 103(3), 741–746 (1988) Voevodsky, V.: A1-homotopy theory. In: Proc. Internat. Congress Math. (Berlin, 1998), Doc. Math., vol. I, pp.

Found inside – Page 353

8.7 (the holomorphic Vaserstein problem), and in the construction of proper holomorphic embeddings and immersions of Stein spaces to Euclidean spaces of minimal dimension (Sects. 9.3–9.5). In Sects. 8.8 and 8.9 we discuss transversality .

Property ( T ) for Groups Graded by Root Systems: Page 2, 133, 134

Mikhail Ershov, ‎Andrei Jaikin-Zapirain, ‎Martin Kassabov - 2017  Property (T)

Persistence Theory: From Quiver Representations to Data Analysis:   (3 pages)

Steve Y. Oudot - 2017 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions

The level of detail of the exposition has been set so as to keep a survey style, while providing sufficient insights into the proofs so the reader can understand the mechanisms at work. The book is organized into three parts.

Computer Vision in Control Systems-3: Aerial and Satellite Image ... Page 96

Margarita N. Favorskaya, ‎Lakhmi C. Jain - 2017 - ‎Preview

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 100(10), 5591–5596 (2003) Gashler, M., Ventura, D., Martinez, T.: Iterative non-linear dimensionality reduction by manifold sculpting. Adv. Neural Inf. Process. Syst. 20, 513–520 (2008) Lafon, S.: Diffusion Maps and Geometric ... Accessed 7 July 2017 Reuter, M., Wolter, F.-E., Peinecke, N.: Laplace-Beltrami spectra as “Shape-DNA” of surfaces and solids. ... 38(4), 342–366 (2006) Memoli, F.: A spectral notion of Gromov-Wasserstein distance and related methods.

Ergodic Behavior of Markov Processes: With Applications to Limit  Theorems  Page 250

Alexei Kulik - 2017 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions

Proc. Appl., 119, no. 2, 897–923 (2009). Dudley, R.M.: Real Analysis and Probability. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2002). Durmus, A., Fort, G., and Moulines, E.: Subgeometric rates of convergence in Wasserstein distance for ... Phys., 166, 618–649 (2017). Gordin, M.I.: On the central limit theorem for stationary processes, Sov. Math. Dokl., 10, 1174–1176 (1969). Gordin, M.I., Lifšic, B.A.: Central limit theorem for stationary Markov processes, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 239, no.

Found inside – Page 252

... Veretennikov, A.Yu.: On subexponential mixing rate for Markov processes, Theory Probab. Appl., 49, no. 1, 110–122 (2005). KomorowskiT., Walczuk, A.: Central limit theorem for Markov processes with spectral gap in the Wasserstein metric, .

Quantum Triangulations: Moduli Space, Quantum Computing, Non-Linear Sigma Models and Ricci Flow Page 207

Mauro Carfora, ‎Annalisa Marzuoli - 2017 - ‎Preview

... M.: The Wasserstein geometry of non linear models and the Hamilton–Perelman Ricci flow. Rev. Math. Phys. 29, 1750001 (2017) [71 pages]. https://doi.org/10.1142/ S0129055X17500015 (an extended version is available at arXiv: 1405.0827) Carfora, M., Marzuoli, A.: Model geometries in the space of Riemannian structures and Hamilton's flow. Class. Quantum Grav. 5, 659–693 (1988) Chang, S-Y.A., Gursky, M.J., Yang, P.: Conformal invariants associated to a measure. Proc. Natl.


MR3644057   Walczak, Szymon M. Metric diffusion along foliations. SpringerBriefs in Mathematics. Springer, Cham, 2017. xi + 55 pp. ISBN: 978-3-319-57516-2; 978-3-319-57517-9 (Reviewer: Glen E. Wheeler) 53C12 (53C23 58J65)

Metric Diffusion Along Foliations

by Walczak, Szymon M 2017

Up-to-date research in metric diffusion along compact foliations is presented in this book. Beginning with fundamentals from the optimal transportation theory and the theory of foliations; this book moves on to cover Wasserstein distance, Kantorovich Duality Theorem, and the metrization of the weak topology by the Wasserstein distance. Metric diffusion is defined, the topology of the metric space is studied and the limits of diffused metrics along compact foliations are discussed.

chapter Wasserstein Distance Walczak, Szymon M.

Modeling, Analysis, and Visualization of Anisotropy Page 83, 90,…  (8 pages)

by Schultz, Thomas; Özarslan, Evren; Hotz, Ingrid 2017

This book focuses on the modeling, processing and visualization of anisotropy, irrespective of the context in which it emerges, using state-of-the-art...

MR3822438   Feragen, Aasa; Fuster, Andrea Geometries and interpolations for symmetric positive definite matrices. 

Modeling, analysis, and visualization of anisotropy, 85–113, Math. Vis., Springer, Cham, 2017. 15B48 (15-02)


Active Particles, Volume 1: Advances in Theory, Models, and Applications (12 pages)

Nicola Bellomo, ‎Pierre Degond, ‎Eitan Tadmor - 2017 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions

Advances in Theory, Models, and Applications Nicola Bellomo, Pierre Degond, Eitan Tadmor. 1.1 The Wasserstein Distances We collect here the main concepts about one-dimensional Wasserstein distances (see [68] for further details). As already mentioned, we deal with probability densities with constant mass in time and we need to evaluate their distances at different times in the Wasserstein sense. For a fixed mass L 0, we consider the space ./l

A Quest Towards a Mathematical Theory of Living Systems - Page 49

Nicola Bellomo, ‎Abdelghani Bellouquid, ‎Livio Gibelli - 2017 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions

Notations are referred to the active particles, namely to the inner system; however, the generalization to agents, namely to the external system, is immediate. ... (ii) Individual-mean state distance, which provides a different interpretation of the previous one and refers the state u to the mean value of u in the domain of interactions of the field particles according to a suitable metric which can be ... For instance, the use of Wasserstein [239] type metrics


Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers

Pufferfish Privacy Mechanisms for Correlated Data

———2017———  -30  


Shuang Song. Yizhen Wa,  Kamalika Chaudhuri

University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA

Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases:

European Conference, ECML PKDD 2017, Skopje, Macedonia, September 18–22, 2017, Proceedings, Part 1

Michelangelo Ceci, ‎Jaakko Hollmén, ‎Ljupčo Todorovski - 2017 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions

(Color figure online) Wasserstein GAN. Three groups of colorization results of the same grayscale images using GAN and Wasserstein GAN are shown in Fig.9. We can see from the result that Wasserstein GAN can produce comparable results ...

Found inside – Page 161

(Color figure online) Wasserstein GAN. Three groups of colorization results of the same grayscale images using GAN and Wasserstein GAN are shown in Fig.9. We can see from the result that Wasserstein GAN can produce comparable results ...
Alice and Bob Meet Banach

Guillaume Aubrun, ‎Stanisław J. Szarek - 2017

Found inside - Page 161

8-Wasserstein distance. At least two kinds of RMT limit theorems are relevant for quantum information theory: fine information about the extreme eigenvalues (or about the operator norm) and large-scale information about the entire spectrum.

Found inside – Page 753

26. 27. 28. 9. Cuturi, M., Doucet, A.: Fast computation of Wasserstein barycenters. In: ICML, pp. 685–693 (2014) Ding, Y.: Wasserstein-divergence transportation inequalities and polynomial concentration inequalities. Stat. Probab. Lett. 94(

Modeling, Dynamics, Optimization and Bioeconomics II: DGS ...

Alberto A. Pinto, ‎David Zilberman - 2017

Found inside - Page 307

We present We a consider detailed the proof total of variation a result norm, maximal coupling and recently proved: the dual of the Ruelle operator is a contraction with respect to 1-Wasserstein distance. We also show the exponential ...

Markov Chains and Mixing Time

David A. Levin, ‎Yuval Peres - 2017

This book is an introduction to the modern theory of Markov chains, whose goal is to determine the rate of convergence to the stationary distribution, as a function of state space size and geometry.

[B] Neural Network Programming with TensorFlow: Unleash the power of TensorFlow to train efficient neural networks

MS Ghotra, R Dua - 2017 - books.google.com

Neural Network Programming with TensorFlow Copyright © 2017 Packt Publishing All rights reserved … 156 GAN 157 Sequence models 159 GANs 159 GAN with an example 160 Types of GANs 170 Vanilla GAN 170 Conditional GAN 171 Info GAN 171 Wasserstein GAN 171 … 


Modern Approaches to Discrete Curvature 

Laurent Najman, ‎Pascal Romon - 2017

Found inside - Page 27

We first need to introduce the L1-Wasserstein distance W1. For more general on Wasserstein distances (also called Wasserstein metrics), we refer to Chap. 5. Definition 1.6 Let .X;d/ be a metric space equipped with its Borel sigma algebra,2 ...

Found inside - Page 131

See discussion in [6]. Remark 3.6 It is possible to define a notion of spectral Gromov-Wasserstein distance which operates at the level of compact Riemannian manifolds without boundaries, and is based on the comparison of heat-kernels.

MR3727579  Maas, Jan Entropic Ricci curvature for discrete spaces. 

Modern approaches to discrete curvature, 159–174, Lecture Notes in Math., 2184, Springer, Cham, 2017. (Reviewer: Wen-Haw Chen) 53C21

Chapter 2 Citations
 MR3727577   Mémoli, Facundo Distances between datasets. 

Modern approaches to discrete curvature, 115–132, Lecture Notes in Math., 2184, Springer, Cham, 2017. (Reviewer: Marc Troyanov) 51F99 (53C23 54E35 60B05 62-07)


Theory of Random Sets 

Ilya Molchanov - 2017

Found inside - Page 315

He also considered the space of probability distributions on R with finite variance and the L2-Wasserstein metric endowed with the convex combination Œ sum of independent random variables with i; distributions in iD1, being the distribution ...

Scale Space and Variational Methods 

in Computer Vision:  6th International Conference, SVM 2017, Kolding, Denmark, June 4-8, 2017, Proceedings

ISBN  3319587714, 9783319587714    708 pages

Volume 10302 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science 

Springer, 2017

Image Processing, Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, and Graphics

We introduce optimal transport-type distances for manifoldvalued images. ... (HK) distance (or Wasserstein-Fisher-Rao distance) [5,10,12], which allows to ...

François Lauze, ‎Yiqiu Dong, ‎Anders Bjorholm Dahl - 2017 - ‎Computers

Found inside – Page 460

The former problem has for instance been addressed by the Hellinger-Kantorovich (HK) distance (or Wasserstein-Fisher-Rao distance) [5,10,12], which allows to compare 'unbalanced' measures of different mass. This metric does not only ...


Topological Optimization and Optimal Transport 

De Gruyter  2017 

Test Cover Image of: Topological Optimization and Optimal Transport ... On some nonlinear evolution systems which are perturbations of Wasserstein gradient ...

MR3729381   Laborde, Maxime On some nonlinear evolution systems which are perturbations of Wasserstein gradient flows. Topological optimization and optimal transport, 304–332, Radon Ser. Comput. Appl. Math., 17, De Gruyter, Berlin, 2017. 35K45 (35K59 49J40)

Chapter 5 Citations 

MR3729384   Al Reda, F.; Maury, B. Interpretation of finite volume discretization schemes for the Fokker-Planck equation as gradient flows for the discrete Wasserstein distance. Topological optimization and optimal transport, 400–416, Radon Ser. Comput. Appl. Math., 17, De Gruyter, Berlin, 2017. 60J60 (35K08 35Q84 60B10 60J27 65M08 94C15)

Chapter 1 Citation 

MR3729383   Osberger, Horst; Matthes, Daniel Convergence of a fully discrete variational scheme for a thin-film equation. 

Topological optimization and optimal transport, 356–399, Radon Ser. Comput. Appl. Math., 17, De Gruyter, Berlin, 2017. 35Q35 (65M06 74K35)

Chapter 3 Citations 

MR3729382  Maury, B.; Preux, A. Pressureless Euler equations with maximal density constraint: a time-splitting scheme. Topological optimization and optimal transport, 333–355, Radon Ser. Comput. Appl. Math., 17, De Gruyter, Berlin, 2017. 76N15 (35L65 35Q31 74E20)

 Chapter 1 Citation 

————————2017———— 40

Interpretation of finite volume discretization schemes for the Fokker–Planck equation as gradient flows for the discrete Wasserstein...

by Reda, F. Al; Maury, B 

Alice and Bob Meet Banach : The Interface of Asymptotic ...

www.kinokuniya.co.jp › dsg-02-978...

Aubrun, Guillaume/ Szarek, Stanislaw J. 著者をお気に入りに登録; Amer ... 4.2 John and Lowner ellipsoids 84 (7) ... 6.2.1 infinity-Wasserstein distance 161 (1)

Topological Optimization and Optimal Transport, 2017

Book ChapterFull Text Online

White Noise Analysis And Quantum Information - Page 65

Masanori Ohya, ‎Takeyuki Hida, ‎Louis Hsiao Yun Chen - 2017

Found inside – Page 65

The distances induced by these three separating classes are respectively called the Wasserstein distance, the Kolmogorov distance, and the total variation distance. It is customary to denote dow, d4, and dory respectively by dw, dk and dTV.

MR3753044   Chen, Louis H. Y.; Lee, Yuh-Jia; Shih, Hsin-Hung Normal approximation for white noise functionals by Stein's method and Hida calculus. White noise analysis and quantum information, 61–95, Lect. Notes Ser. Inst. Math. Sci. Natl. Univ. Singap., 34, World Sci. Publ., Hackensack, NJ, 2018. (Reviewer: Ivan Nourdin) 60F05 (60H40 81P16)


[B] Intelligent Computing Theories and Application: 13th International Conference, ICIC 2017, Liverpool, UK, August 7-10, 2017, Proceedings, Part II

DS Huang, KH Jo, JC Figueroa-García - 2017 - books.google.com

This three-volume set LNCS 10361, LNCS 10362, and LNAI 10363 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Intelligent Computing, ICIC 2017, held in Liverpool, UK, in August 2017. The 221 full papers and 15 short papers of the …

Oversampling for  Imbalanced Data via Optimal Transport


oversampling paradigm based on the Wasserstein barycen- ter (Cuturi ... 2017a;. 2017b), optimal transport is applied in unsupervised domain ... ICIC, 878–887.

by Y Yan - ‎2019 - ‎Cited by 6 - ‎Related articles

Smart Grid using Big Data Analytics: A Random Matrix Theory ...

Robert C. Qiu, ‎Paul Antonik · 2017

Found inside – Page 366

366 || Smart Grid using Big Data Analytics we obtain the asymptotic regime. ... p.m.,(x)dw (8.8) 

Pot.jt 8.3.2 Wasserstein Distance Assume we have access to the big data in R*, whose law is supposed to be the approximation of a probability ...

A Journey Through Discrete Mathematics: A Tribute to Jiří ... - Page 391

Martin Loebl, ‎Jaroslav Nešetřil, ‎Robin Thomas · 2017

Found inside – Page 391

Suppose further that . ;p;d/ has coarse Ricci curvature at least 1= ̨ in the sense of Ollivier: For all x;y 2 , it holds that W1 Ã d.x;y/; .Z1jfZ0 D xg;Z1jfZ0Dyg/Ä Â 11 ̨ where W1 denotes the Wasserstein 1-distance. In this note, we derive a ...

MR3726607   Eldan, Ronen; Lee, James R.; Lehec, Joseph Transport-entropy inequalities and curvature in discrete-space Markov chains. 

A journey through discrete mathematics, 391–406, Springer, Cham, 2017. (Reviewer: Dejun Luo) 58J65 (60A10 60J05 60J35)

 Chapter 1 Citation 

Advances in Modeling and Simulation: Seminal Research from ...

Andreas Tolk, ‎John Fowler, ‎Guodong Shao · 2017

Found inside – Page 246

Bertsimas D, Brown DB, Caramanis C (2011) Theory and applications of robust optimization. SIAM Rev ... Oper Res 58(3):595–612 Esfahani PM, Kuhn D (2015) Data-driven distributionally robust optimization using the wasserstein metric: performance guarantees and tractable reformulations. ... In: optimization, control, and applications of stochastic systems, Springer, pp 157–179 Jiang R, Guan Y (2015) ...

Finite volume approximation of a degenerate immiscible two-phase flow model of cahn–hilliard type

C Cancès, F Nabet - International Conference on Finite Volumes for …, 2017 - Springer

We propose a two-point flux approximation Finite Volume scheme for a model of incompressible and immiscible two-phase flow of Cahn–Hilliard type with degenerate mobility. This model was derived from a variational principle and can be interpreted as the Wasserstein gradient flow of the free energy. The fundamental properties of the continuous model, namely the positivity of the concentrations, the decay of the free energy, and the boundedness of the Boltzmann entropy, are preserved by the numerical scheme. Numerical …

MR3662186   Cancès, Clément; Nabet, Flore Finite volume approximation of a degenerate immiscible two-phase flow model of Cahn-Hilliard type. 

Finite volumes for complex applications VIII—methods and theoretical aspects, 431–438, Springer Proc. Math. Stat., 199, Springer, Cham, 2017. 65M08 (76D27 76M12)

Chapter 2 Citations 

Workshop II: The Boltzmann Equation: DiPerna ... - ipam.UCLA

Over the last two decades there has been significant progress in the mathematical analysis of kinetic equations, in particular the 

Boltzmann and Vlasov ty

MR3822295   Cho, Yong-Kum; Morimoto, Yoshinori; Wang, Shuaikun; Yang, Tong A remark on the generalized Toscani metric in probability measures with moments. 

Workshop on the Boltzmann Equation, Microlocal Analysis and Related Topics, 25–42, RIMS Kôkyûroku Bessatsu, B67, Res. Inst. Math. Sci. (RIMS), Kyoto, 2017. 35Q20 (35H20 76P05 82B40)

 Chapter 2017

PDF   Title A remark on the generalized Toscani metric in probability ...

By usiNG the Toscani metric on probability measures with moments less than 2, ... we define the Monge‐Kantorovich‐Wasserstein distance W_{\alpha}(F, G).

by YK Cho · ‎2017 · ‎Related articles

— —2017———  -50   


- NIPS Proceedings - NeurIPS

Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) are powerful generative models, but suffer from training instability. The recently proposed Wasserstein GAN (WGAN) ...

by I Gulrajani · ‎2017 · ‎Cited by 3759 · ‎Related articles
NeurIPS | 2017 
Thirty-first Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems

Probability for Statisticians - Page 509

Galen R. Shorack · 2017

Found inside – Page 509

... 116, 145 fundamental of calculus, 84, 484 Gnedenko-Kolmogorov, 123, 124, 478 Heine-Borel, 17, 19, 446 Helly–Bray, 56, ... 16, 81 theorem, 59, 62, 354, 357, 372 W Waiting time, 180, 419 Wald's identity, 180 Wasserstein distance, Index 509.

Advanced Information Systems Engineering: 29th International ...

Eric Dubois, ‎Klaus Pohl · 2017

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, CAiSE 2017, held in Essen, Germany, in June 2017.

4 pages with Wasserstein

— —2017———  -53    end 2017 Wasserstein in books


2017 Vaserstein Vasershtein

Vaserstein, Васерштейн, Вассерштейн*  11  books

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Annual ... - TIFR


Jan 4, 2017 — National Olympiad programmes in Astronomy, Biology, ... of the Vaserstein group operation on unimodular rows ... Member, Editorial Board, Ramanujan Math society ... Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of


Property ($T$) for Groups Graded by Root Systems - Page 2

Mikhail Ershov, ‎Andrei Jaikin-Zapirain, ‎Martin Kassabov - 2017

Found inside – Page 2

Property (T) for ELn(R): summary of prior work By the 1967 foundational paper of Kazhdan [28] and the subsequent work of Vaserstein [39], the Chevalley groups GΦ (Z) = EΦ (Z) and GΦ (F[t]) = EΦ(F[t]), where F is a finite field, have property ...

Markov Chains and Mixing Times

- Page 437 - Google Books Result

David A. Levin, ‎Yuval Peres - 2017 - ‎Distribution (Probability theory)

Random walk, semidirect products, and card shuffling, Ph.D. thesis, Stanford University. 363 Varopoulos ... 98 Vasershtein, L. N. 1969. Markov processes ...

 David Asher Levin, ‎Yuval Peres, ‎Elizabeth Lee Wilmer - Mathematics

Random Walk, Semidirect Products, and Card Shuffling, Ph.D. thesis, Stanford University. T300 Vasershtein, L. N. 1969. Markov processes over denumerable ...


Stein Manifolds and Holomorphic Mappings: The Homotopy ...

Franc Forstnerič - 2017

Found inside - Page 375

In this section we outline the solution to Gromov's Vaserstein problem obtained by Ivarsson and Kutzschebauch [306]. For this application, we use the Oka principle for sections of stratified elliptic submersions. Let Im denote the identity matrix ...

Property ($T$) for Groups Graded by Root Systems

Mikhail Ershov, ‎Andrei Jaikin-Zapirain, ‎Martin Kassabov - 2017

Found inside - Page 2

Property (T) for ELn(R): summary of prior work By the 1967 foundational paper of Kazhdan [28] and the subsequent work of Vaserstein [39], the Chevalley groups GΦ (Z) = EΦ (Z) and GΦ (F[t]) = EΦ(F[t]), where F is a finite field, have property

Found inside - Page 133

A. Bak, K-theory of forms, Annals of Mathematics Studies, vol. 98, Princeton University Press, ... MR2217050 (2007c:19007) F. Grunewald, J. Mennicke, and L. Vaserstein, On symplectic groups over polynomial rings, Math. Z. 206 (1991), no.

Leavitt Path Algebras

Gene Abrams, ‎Pere Ara, ‎Mercedes Siles Molina - 2017

With its descriptive writing style, this book is highly accessible. This book offers a comprehensive introduction by three of the leading experts in the field, collecting fundamental results and open problems in a single volume.

Gene Abrams, ‎Pere Ara, ‎Mercedes Siles Molina - 2017

Found inside - Page 278

Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems, 4(1):53–66, 1984. James Gabe, Efren Ruiz, Mark Tomforde, and Tristan Whalen. K-theory for Leavitt path algebras: Computation and classification. J. Algebra ... Richard H. Herman and Leonid N. Vaserstein.

Found inside – Page 182

If sr(Li) = 1, then sr(IIT' (L)) = 2 by Vaserstein [150, Theorem 4]. If sr(Li) = 2, then it follows from Corollary 4.4.17 that sr(IIT' (L)) = 2. Since Lk(E) = U.e., it "(L.) we get that Sr(LK(E)) < 2. Since E contains cycles we have that either I(X) # 0 or E/X 

Vaserstein on 5 pages

Modern Problems of Stochastic Analysis and Statistics: ...

Vladimir Panov - 2017

Found inside - Page 511

Springer, New York (1981) Seneta, E.: Markov and the Birth of Chain dependence theory. Int. Stat. Rev./Revue ... SIAM, Philadelphia (1984) Vaserstein, L.N.: Markov processes over denumerable products of spaces. Describ. Large Syst.

Ergodic Behavior of Markov Processes: With Applications to ...

Alexei Kulik - 2017

Found inside - Page 249

Theory Relat. Fields, 151, no. 3–4, 613–657 (2011). Bensoussan, A. and Lions, J.-L. and Papanicolaou, G.: Studies in ... Butkovsky, O., Veretennikov, A.: On asymptotics for Vaserstein coupling of Markov chains, Stochastic Processes Appl., ... 

Введение в математическое моделирование транспортных потоков

Коллектив авторов, ‎А. Гасников - 2017

Found inside - Page 307

Величина W2(Ñ, Ò) = √ |x − T(x)|2 dÑ Rd называется расстоянием Канторовича (также можно встретить названия «расстояние Канторовича—Рубинштейна» и «расстояние Васерштейна»). Действительно, можно проверить ..

Глубокое обучение

- Page 447

Николенко Сергей, ‎Кадурин Артур, ‎Архангельская Екатерина - 2017

Found inside - Page 447

В [8] разработан вариант GAN, в котором вместо дивергенции Йенсена—Шеннона используется расстояние Вассерштейна (которое обычно называется Earth Mover's Distance, EMD), что приводит к более стабильному обучению ...


——end 2017


2018 Wasserstein   71 books


  Computer Vision -- ECCV 2018: 15th European Conference, Munich, ... Part 11

Vittorio Ferrari, ‎Martial Hebert, ‎Cristian Sminchisescu - 2018 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions

The OT metric (e.g., Wasserstein loss) is promised to be superior than other options to modeling data on general space. This add-on regularization is inserted during training and disposed of for inference. The agreement enforcement has ...

Computer Vision --  

ECCV 2018: 15th European Conference, Munich, Germany, September 8-14, 2018, Proceedings, Part 5

Volume 11209 of LNCS sublibrary: Image processing, computer vision, pattern recognition, and graphics

Editors  Vittorio Ferrari, Martial Hebert, Cristian Sminchisescu, Yair Weiss

Publis  er  Springer, 2018

ISBN  303001228X, 9783030012281

Length  835 pages

Computer Vision – ECCV 2018 - 15th European ... - Springer Part V

Sep 14, 2018 - The ECCV 2018 proceedings focus on learning for vision, human vision, computational photography, human analysis, human sensing, ...

p.351 using Wasserstein barycenter with sparse support

Computer Vision – ECCV 2018 - 15th European ... - Spring Part XV

comprising the LNCS volumes 11205-11220 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Computer Vision, ECCV 2018, held in Munich, Germany, in September 2018.The ...

Computer Vision – ECCV 2018: 15th European Conference, Munich, ... Part 15

Vittorio Ferrari, ‎Martial Hebert, ‎Cristian Sminchisescu - 2018 - ‎Computers

15th European Conference, Munich, Germany, September 8-14, 2018, Proceedings Vittorio ... Agueh, M., Carlier, G.: Barycenters in the Wasserstein space.

Parameter Estimation in Fractional Diffusion Models - Page 324

Kęstutis Kubilius, ‎Yuliya Mishura, ‎Kostiantyn Ralchenko - 2018 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions

A.4 The Wasserstein Distance and Kantorovich–Rubinstein Duality Theorem The following facts are taken from Dudley [50] and Deza [44]. Given a metric space (S. d), the Wasserstein distance is the metric defined by W(P,Q) := roo Ed(Y,Z) ...

Advances in Mechanics of Materials and Structural Analysis: In Honor ...

Holm Altenbach, ‎Frank Jablonski, ‎Wolfgang H. Müller - 2018 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions

Moreover, the overdamped linear viscous drag law for dislocations as employed in discrete dislocation dynamics ... by the appropriate Riemannian metric is known as the Wasserstein distance (which actually goes back to Kantorovich [16]).

Probabilistic Theory of Mean Field Games with Applications I:  

Mean Field FBSDEs, Control, and Games

René Carmona, ‎François Delarue - 2018 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions

Information percolation with equilibrium search dynamics. ... Stochastic Optimal Control in Infinite Dimensions: Dynamic Programming and HJB Equations. ... On the rate of convergence in the Wasserstein distance of the empirical measure.

Analysis on Wasserstein Space and Mean Field Control.

Probabilistic Theory of Mean Field Games with Applications II:  (5 pages)

Mean Field Games with Common Noise and Master Equations

René Carmona, ‎François Delarue - 2018 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions

The reason is that according to Theorem (Vol I)-5.5, convergence in the Wasserstein space is equivalent to convergence in law plus uniform square integrability. Clearly, the first two items in Proposition 1.26 are stable under convergence in ...

Information percolation with equilibrium search dynamics. ... Stochastic Optimal Control in Infinite Dimensions: Dynamic Programming and HJB Equations. ... On the rate of convergence in the Wasserstein distance of the empirical measure.

The reason is that according to Theorem (Vol I)-5.5, convergence in the Wasserstein space is equivalent to convergence in law plus uniform square integrability. Clearly, the first two items in Proposition 1.26 are stable under convergence in ...

Computational Diffusion MRI: MICCAI Workshop, Québec, Canada, ...

Enrico Kaden, ‎Francesco Grussu, ‎Lipeng Ning - 2018 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions

We demonstrate the benefits of using the Wasserstein geometry to parcellate and “average” probabilistic tractography ... into two categories: The first category focuses on the clustering of streamlines generated from deterministic tractography.

Wasserstein. Geometry. Hamza Farooq, Yongxin Chen, Tryphon Georgiou, and Christophe Lenglet Abstract Several studies ... They typically employ diffusion MRI (dMRI) tractography and compare connectivity profiles from individual voxels ...

Computational Signal Processing and Analysis: Select Proceedings of ...

Asoke K. Nandi, ‎N Sujatha, ‎R Menaka - 2018 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions

... ID inverse difference; Corr correlation; H homogeneity; AC autocorrelation; CS cluster shade; CP cluster prominence; MP ... First, the MR brain images are subjected to skull-stripping process by means of Wasserstein based active contour ...

——2018——  -10

Principles of Rehabilitation Medicine - Page 1543

Raj Mitra - 2018 - ‎Preview

Ravi BL, Escott BG, Wasserstein D, et al. Intraarticular hip injection and early revision surgery following total hip arthroplasty: a ... Meding JB, Berend ME. Predicting range of motion after total knee arthroplasty. Clustering, log-linear regression ...

Weak Convergence of Measures - Page 253, 270

Vladimir I. Bogachev - 2018 - ‎Preview

Found inside – Page 272

MR536093 [222] Lott, J. Some geometric calculations on Wasserstein spaces. Comm. Math. ... Mémoli, F. Gromov–Wasserstein distances and the metric approach to object matching. Found. Comput. ... Séminaire N. Bourbaki. 1965–1966.

MR3035742 [125]2 [2] de Acosta, A.D. Existence and convergence of probability measures in Banach spaces. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. ... [248, 251] [7] Agueh, M., Carlier, G. Barycenters in the Wasserstein space. SIAM J. Math. Anal. 2011.

MR3837546   Bogachev, Vladimir I. Weak convergence of measures. Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, 234. American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 2018. xii+286 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4704-4738-0 (Reviewer: Paul Raynaud de Fitte) 60B10 (28A33 28C15 54A20 60B05 60B11 60B12 60F05)

Book 6 Citations

Found inside – Page 265

MR3045651 [252] Gigli, N., Ohta, S.-I. First variation formula in Wasserstein spaces over compact Alexandrov spaces. ... MR0217824 [xi, 40] Gnedenko, B.V., Kolmogorov, A.N. Limit distributions for sums of independent random variables.

Mastering Machine Learning Algorithms:  

Expert techniques to implement popular machine learning algorithms and fine-tune your models

Giuseppe Bonaccorso - 2018 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions

Expert techniques to implement popular machine learning algorithms and fine-tune your models Giuseppe Bonaccorso ... Wasserstein. GAN. (WGAN). As explained in the previous section, one of the most difficult problems with standard GANs ...

Patterns of Dynamics: Berlin, July 2016 - Page 385

Pavel Gurevich, ‎Juliette Hell, ‎Björn Sandstede - 2018 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions

Two-dimensional MDS representation of Wasserstein distances for the Hénon system under parameter variation. ... 4.3 Coupling and Synchronization Wasserstein distances also allow to quantify the coupling between two or more dynamical ...

MR3775420   Verduyn Lunel, Sjoerd Using dynamics to analyse time series. 

Patterns of dynamics, 370–392, Springer Proc. Math. Stat., 205, Springer, Cham, 2017. (Reviewer: P. García) 37M10 (60B10 62G10 62M10)



Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning  

– ICANN 2018: 27th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, Rhodes, Greece, October 4-7, 2018, Proceedings, Part 3

Věra Kůrková, ‎Yannis Manolopoulos, ‎Barbara Hammer - 2018 - ‎Preview

Generator is first trained via GAN to generate the acceptable data by the discriminator. ... the other hand, G acquires the real data distribution by the minimization of V. 2.2 Wasserstein GAN Wasserstein GAN (WGAN) proposed by Arjovsky et al.

Found inside – Page 351

... E., Donahue, J., Kulis, B., Saenko, K.: Asymmetric and category invariant feature transformations for domain adaptation. ... IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Engg. 22(10), 1345–1359 (2010) Shen, J., Qu, Y., Zhang, W., Yong, Y.: Wasserstein distance ..

Found inside – Page 875

Optimal Transport (OT) has known a successful results in machine learning after its relaxation to a distribution problem [13] using linear program connecting a pair distributions. More formally, given two measures defined on two different ...

Neural Information Processing:

Processing: 25th International Conference, ICONIP 2018, Siem Reap, Cambodia, December 13–16, 2018, Proceedings, Part 5

Volume 11305 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues

Long Cheng, ‎Andrew Chi Sing Leung, ‎Seiichi Ozawa - 2018 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions

The loss function of Wasserstein GAN is then formulated by: minθG maxθD L(Xr ,Xg) = Exr [(D(xr))] − Exg [(D(xg))] (7) Xr Xg where θD and θG represent the parameters of discriminator and generator in traditional GANs, respectively.

Deep Neural Networks in a Mathematical Framework- Page 6

Anthony L. Caterini, ‎Dong Eui Chang - 2018 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions

1.2.3. Wasserstein. GAN. One of the most recent major developments in neural network research is the creation of the GAN, which is a particular scheme for training an unsupervised generative model in which the goal is to produce artificial, ...

PRICAI 2018: Trends in Artificial Intelligence : 15th Pacific Rim ...

Xin Geng, ‎Byeong-Ho Kang - 2018 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions

References 1. Arjovsky, M., Bottou, L.: Towards principled methods for training generative adversarial networks (2017) 2. Arjovsky, M., Chintala, S., Bottou, L.: Wasserstein GAN (2017) 3. Coates, A., Ng, A.Y., Lee, H.: An analysis of single-layer ...

Found inside – Page 333

15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Abbeel, P., Ng, A.Y.: Apprenticeship learning via inverse reinforcement learning. In: ICML, pp. 1–8 (2004) 2. Arjovsky, M., Chintala, S., Bottou, L.: Wasserstein generative adversarial networks. In: ICML, pp. 214–223 (2017) 3.

Computer Vision -- ECCV 2018: 15th European Conference, Munich, ..

Vittorio Ferrari, ‎Martial Hebert, ‎Cristian Sminchisescu - 2018 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions

Additionally, we include two baseline generative models, DCGAN [45] and PixelCNN++ [47]. We summarize all the models included in our experimental analysis below, and present implementation details in the appendix [5]. Wasserstein GAN ...

by regarding the minimum transportation cost – the Wasserstein distance – as a metric, researchers have been able to compute the ... We call it variational optimal transportation and name our method variational Wasserstein clustering.

 Advanced Deep Learning with Keras: Apply deep learning techniques, ...

Rowel Atienza - 2018 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions

EMD or Wasserstein 1 seems to be a more logical loss function in order to optimize GANs since D, fails in situations when two distributions have minimal to no overlap. For further understanding, an excellent discussion on distance functions ...

——2018——  -20

CURRENT Diagnosis and Treatment Pediatrics, Twenty-Fourth Edition

William W. Hay, ‎Myron J. Levin, ‎Robin R. Deterding - 2018 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions

... not only add to parental anxiety, but treatment of an unaffected child may entail risk to the child or to family dynamics. ... Kelly N, Makaram DC, Wasserstein MP: Screening of newborns for disorders with high benefit-risk ratios should be ...

Machine Learning for Medical Image Reconstruction- Page 24

Florian Knoll - 2018 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions

The loss function for the model is a mean squared error loss between the predicted image and real image and combined with a Wasserstein loss [3], which takes the mean of the differences between the two images. The weights of the ...

Brainlesion: Glioma, Multiple Sclerosis, Stroke and Traumatic Brain ...

Alessandro Crimi, ‎Spyridon Bakas, ‎Hugo Kuijf - 2018 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions

Future work includes extending the use of Wasserstein distance by defining a matrix distance on the entire output space X×L similarly to [6]. This would allow embedding spatial information directly in the loss, but the computation burden of the ...

Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision: First Chinese Conference, ...

Jian-Huang Lai, ‎Cheng-Lin Liu, ‎Xilin Chen - 2018 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions

Wasserstein GANs(WGAN) [1] are proposed to improve the stability of GAN training. Applying Wasserstein loss to CycleGAN, creating CycleWGAN, also improves its training stability in [18]. 336 C. Wu et al. 2 Related Work 2.1 License Plate ...

Computer Vision -- ECCV 2018: 15th European Conference, Munich, ...

Vittorio Ferrari, ‎Martial Hebert, ‎Cristian Sminchisescu - 2018 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions

The OT metric (e.g., Wasserstein loss) is promised to be superior than other options to modeling data on general space. This add-on regularization is inserted during training and disposed of for inference. The agreement enforcement has ...

Conformal Geometry: Computational Algorithms and Engineering ...

Miao Jin, ‎Xianfeng Gu, ‎Ying He - 2018 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions

Hong et al. [123] introduced a shape feature that characterizes local shape geometry for shape matching based on Wasserstein distance. However, most of these OMT and Wasserstein space computation methods only work for 2D images and ...

Brainlesion: Glioma, Multiple Sclerosis, Stroke and Traumatic Brain ...

lessandro Crimi, ‎Spyridon Bakas, ‎Hugo Kuijf - 2018 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions

2.4 Wasserstein Distance Between Label Probability Vectors The Wasserstein distance (also sometimes called the Earth Mover's Distance) represents the minimal cost to transform a probability vector p into another one q when for all l, l L, ...

Wasserstein Distance Measure Machines

by A Rakotomamonjy - ‎2018 - ‎Related articles

Mar 1, 2018 - Our framework extends the theory of similarity of \citet{balcan2008theory} to the population distribution case and we prove that, for some learning problems, Wasserstein distance achieves low-error linear decision functions with high ..

Machine Learning for Medical Image Reconstruction - Page 77

Jian-Huang Lai, ‎Cheng-Lin Liu, ‎Xilin Chen - 2018 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions

Improved training of Wasserstein GANs. In: International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, pp. 5769–5779 (2017) 

Karras, T., Aila, T., Laine, S., et al.: Progressive Growing of GANs for Improved Quality, Stability, and ...

Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision:  

First Chinese Conference, PRCV 2018, Guangzhou, China, November 23-26, 2018, Proceedings, Part 1

LNCS sublibrary: Image processing, computer vision, pattern recognition, and graphics

Volume 11256 of Lecture notes in computer science

Editors Jian-Huang Lai, Cheng-Lin Liu, Xilin Chen, Jie Zhou (Professor of pattern recognition), Tieniu Tan, Nanning Zheng, Hongbin Zha

Publisher Springer, 2018

ISBN 3030033988, 9783030033989

Length 589 pages 

Belief Functions: Theory and Applications - Page 31

Sébastien Destercke - 2018 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions

The Kantorovich Problem and Wasserstein Metric in the Theory of Belief Functions Andrey G. Bronevich1(B) and Igor N. Rozenberg2 1 National Research University Higher School of Economics, Myasnitskaya 20, 101000 Moscow, Russia ...

Found inside – Page 38

Denoeux, T.: A k-nearest neighbor classification rule based on Dempster-Shafer theory. IEEE Trans. SMC 25(5) ... 67(5), 1–110 (2012) Givens, C.R., Shortt, R.M.: A class of Wasserstein metrics for probability distributions. Michigan Math.

——2018——  -30

Computational Modeling of Compositional and Relational Data Using Optimal Transport and Probabilistic Models

by Ye, Jianbo     PSU Feb 2018 dissertation 

Abstract. … Next, we present our work related to computational algorithms of those relational and structural models including a fast discrete distribution clustering method using Wasserstein barycenters, a simulated annealing-based inexact oracle for Wasserstein loss minimization, a Bregman ADMM-based oracle for Wasserstein geodesic classification, and a probabilistic multi-graph model for consensus analysis. …

PRICAI 2018:  

Trends in Artificial Intelligence : 15th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Nanjing, China, August 28-31, 2018, Proceedings, Part 1

Xin Geng, ‎Byeong-Ho Kang - 2018 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions

As a matter of fact, we are digging into the possibility of extending the remarkable work of Wasserstein GAN to ACGAIL. Moreover, we ... 

Gulrajani, I., Ahmed, F., Arjovsky, M., Dumoulin, V., Courville, A.C.: Improved training of Wasserstein GANs ...

Multi-disciplinary Trends in Artificial Intelligence: 

12th International Conference, MIWAI 2018, Hanoi, Vietnam, November 18-20, 2018, Proceedings

anasawee Kaenampornpan, ‎Rainer Malaka, ‎Duc Dung Nguyen - 2018 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions

MT = MDT, and Θ indicates set of samples θl from unit sphere Sd−1 for approximating sliced Wasserstein distance. 3.1 Sliced Wasserstein Distance 

To match feature distribution of labeled and unlabeled data, we propose a loss function with ...

Statistics and Simulation: IWS 8, Vienna, Austria, September 2015

Jürgen Pilz, ‎Dieter Rasch, ‎Viatcheslav B. Melas - 2018 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions

To investigate stability of the model, it is necessary to evaluate the difference between the objective functions calculated for two distributions close in some metric. For this purpose, we have chosen Kantorovich or Wasserstein L1 metric.

MR3846668 Pending 18th International Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics. WABI 2018, August 20–22, 2018, Helsinki, Finland. Proceedings. Edited by Laxmi Parida and Esko Ukkonen. LIPIcs. Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, 113. Schloss Dagstuhl. Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, Wadern, 2018. xv+approximately 350 pp. ISBN: 978-3-95977-082-8 92-06

Review PDF Clipboard Series Book

MR3846693 Indexed Majewski, Szymon; Ciach, Michał Aleksander; Startek, Michał; Niemyska, Wanda; Miasojedow, Błażej; Gambin, Anna The Wasserstein distance as a dissimilarity measure for mass spectra with application to spectral deconvolution. 18th International Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics, Art. No. 25, 21 pp., LIPIcs. Leibniz Int. Proc. Inform., 113, Schloss Dagstuhl. Leibniz-Zent. Inform., Wadern, 2018. 92E10

MR3846693 Indexed Majewski, Szymon; Ciach, Michał Aleksander; Startek, Michał; Niemyska, Wanda; Miasojedow, Błażej; Gambin, Anna The Wasserstein distance as a dissimilarity measure for mass spectra with application to spectral deconvolution. 18th International Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics, Art. No. 25, 21 pp., LIPIcs. Leibniz Int. Proc. Inform., 113, Schloss Dagstuhl. Leibniz-Zent. Inform., Wadern, 2018. 92E10



Emerging Applications of Control and Systems Theory: A ... - Page 149

Roberto Tempo, ‎Stephen Yurkovich, ‎Pradeep Misra · 2018

Found inside – Page 149

... An analog of the 2-Wasserstein metric in non-commutative probability under which the fermionic Fokker-Planck equation is gradient flow for the entropy. Commun. Math. Phys. 331,887–926 (2014) 8. Chen, Y., Georgiou, T.T., Tannenbaum, ...

MR3791449   Emerging applications of control and systems theory. A Festschrift in honor of Mathukumalli Vidyasagar. Papers based on lectures given at the workshop (EACST 17) held at the University of Texas at Dallas, Dallas, TX, September 2017. Edited by Roberto Tempo, Stephen Yurkovich and Pradeep Misra. Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences. Proceedings. Springer, Cham, 2018. xxv+393 pp. ISBN: 978-3-319-67067-6; 978-3-319-67068-3 93-06 (49-06)


Yongxin Chen, Tryphon T. Georgiou and Allen Tannenbaum, "Wasserstein geometry of quantum states and optimal transport of matrix-valued measures”, 139–150. MR3753331

Michel Gevers, Alexandre S. Bazanella and Guilherme A. Pimentel, "Identification of dynamical networks”, 151–163. MR3753332
Emerging Applications of Control and Systems Theory: 

A Festschrift in Honor of Mathukumalli Vidyasagar

Roberto Tempo, ‎Stephen Yurkovich, ‎Pradeep Misra - 2018 - ‎Technology & Engineering

A Wasserstein distance between two density matrices can now be defined as the least action (minimum control problem) to steer one density matrix to another, ...

Found inside - Page 143

A Wasserstein distance between two density matrices can now be defined as the least action (minimum control  .

MR3791449   Emerging applications of control and systems theory. A Festschrift in honor of Mathukumalli Vidyasagar. Papers based on lectures given at the workshop (EACST 17) held at the University of Texas at Dallas, Dallas, TX, September 2017. Edited by Roberto Tempo, Stephen Yurkovich and Pradeep Misra. Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences. Proceedings. Springer, Cham, 2018. xxv+393 pp. ISBN: 978-3-319-67067-6; 978-3-319-67068-3 93-06 (49-06)

Book 2018

MR3753331  Chen, Yongxin; Georgiou, Tryphon T.; Tannenbaum, Allen Wasserstein geometry of quantum states and optimal transport of matrix-valued measures. 

Emerging applications of control and systems theory, 139–150, Lect. Notes Control Inf. Sci. Proc., Springer, Cham, 2018. (Reviewer: Mathieu Lewin) 81P50 (49Q20 81P15 81P45 81Q12)

 Chapter 2 Citations 

[B] Emerging Applications of Control and Systems Theory

MR3752669   Carmona, René; Delarue, François Probabilistic theory of mean field games with applications. I. Mean field FBSDEs, control, and games. Probability Theory and Stochastic Modelling, 83. Springer, Cham, 2018. xxv+713 pp. ISBN: 978-3-319-56437-1; 978-3-319-58920-6 (Reviewer: Vassili N. Kolokolʹtsov) 60-02 (35R60 49N70 49N90 60H15 60H30 91A15 93E20)

Chapter 4 is devoted to the FBSDEs and the solutions of MFGs without common noise. 

   Chapter 5 develops the necessary background on the analysis on the Wasserstein spaces …

Chapter 5 develops the necessary background on the analysis on the Wasserstein spaces and mean field control.   

) Zbl 06721976 Carmona, René; Delarue, François

Probabilistic theory of mean field games with applications I. Mean field FBSDEs, control, and games. (English

Probability Theory and Stochastic Modelling 83. Cham: Springer (ISBN 978-3-319-56437-1/hbk; 978-3-319-58920-6/ebook; 978-3-319-59820-8/set). xxv, 713 p. (2018).

MSC:  91-02 91A15 91A80 91B74 60H30 93E03

Volume I of the book is entirely devoted to the theory of mean field games without a common noise. The first half of the volume provides a self-contained introduction to mean field games, starting from concrete illustrations of games with a finite number of players, and ending with ready-for-use solvability results. Readers are provided with the tools necessary for the solution of forward-backward stochastic differential equations of the McKean-Vlasov type at the core of the probabilistic approach. The second half of this volume focuses on the main principles of analysis on the Wasserstein space. It includes Lions’ approach to the Wasserstein differential calculus, and the applications of its results to the analysis of stochastic mean field control problems.

Введение в теорию схем и квантовые группы - Page 250

Litres, 2018

Юрий Манин, ‎Сергей Львовский, ‎Д. Лейтес - 2018 - ‎Mathematics

... русский перевод: Мам- ф о р д Д. Красная книга о многообразиях и схемах. ... [1*] Васерштейн Л. Н., Суслин А. А. Проблема Серра о проективных ...

Shape in Medical Imaging: International Workshop, ShapeMI 2018

Martin Reuter, ‎Christian Wachinger, ‎Hervé Lombaert - 2018 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions

page 288

Wasserstein distance 3 Wasserstein distance for mode 1 3 Wasserstein distance for mode 2 Wasserstein distance for ... 1 page 288

Wassersteindistanceformode2 e2 Wassersteindistanceformode3 1.5 Wasserstein distance Wasserstein distance for ...


Applications of Intelligent Systems:  - Page 57

Proceedings of the 1st International APPIS Conference 2018

Volume 310 of Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications

. Petkov, ‎N. Strisciuglio, ‎C.M. Travieso-González - 2018 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions

1.5 Wasserstein distance Wasserstein Wasserstein distance for mode 1 ith frame distance Wasserstein distance for mode 1 Wasserstein distance for mode 2 Wasserstein distance for mode 2 Wasserstein distance for mode 3 (a) p=1 (b) p=1 0 ...

——2018——  -40   

Wasserstein Variational Inference

by L Ambrogioni - ‎2018 - ‎Cited by 2 - ‎Related articles

May 29, 2018 - Abstract: This paper introduces Wasserstein variational inference, a new form of approximate Bayesian inference based on optimal transport theory. Wasserstein variational inference uses a new family of divergences that includes both ...

Learning and Inference with Wasserstein Metrics

Charles Albert Frogner - 2018 

In this work, we describe a novel approximate inference method, which is based on a characterization of the diffusion as following a gradient flow in a space of probability densities endowed with a Wasserstein metric.

Generative Modeling Using the Sliced Wasserstein Distance

Ishan Deshpande - 2018 

Statistical properties of barycenters in the Wasserstein space and fast algorithms for optimal transport of measures

by Cazelles, Elsa


Cette thèse se concentre sur l'analyse de données présentées sous forme de mesures de probabilité sur R^d. L'objectif est alors de fournir une meilleure...  Dissertation/Thesis:

Full Text Onlin

Shape Space in Terms of Wasserstein Geometry and Application to  Quantum Physics

Bernadette Lessel -Universität Göttingen 2018

This thesis offers a mathematical framework to treat quantum dynamics without reference to a background structure, but rather by means of the change of the shape of the state. For this, Wasserstein geometry is used. The so called Shape space, then, is defined as the quotient space of a Wasserstein space modulo the action of the 

Cross-Lingual Word Embeddings - Page 70

Anders Søgaard, ‎Ivan Vulić, ‎Sebastian Ruder - 2019 - ‎Preview

Wasserstein GANs were used for learning crosslingual word embeddings in Zhang et al. ... Here, we briefly summarize the Wasserstein GAN lineage of such alternatives, as well as work on more explicitly applying graph matching algorithms.

Spaces of Measures and Related Differential Calculus - Springer

by R Carmona - ‎2018

5 Spaces of Measures and Related Differential Calculus. Remark 5.2 Instead of the generic terminology Wasserstein distance, we shall try to use “p-Wasserstein ...

An Optimal Transportation Approach for Assessing Almost Stochastic Order 

By: del Barrio, Eustasio; Cuesta-Albertos, Juan A.; Matran, Carlos 

MATHEMATICS OF THE UNCERTAIN: A TRIBUTE TO PEDRO GIL   Book Series: Studies in Systems Decision and Control   Volume: 142   Pages: 33-44   Published: 2018 

Braverman Readings in Machine Learning. Key Ideas from ... - Page 237

Lev Rozonoer, ‎Boris Mirkin, ‎Ilya Muchnik · 2018

Found inside – Page 237

International Conference Commemorating the 40th Anniversary of Emmanuil Braverman's Decease, Boston, MA, USA, ... However this sequence converges to P0 according to either the Wasserstein distances (8) or the Energy distance (15).

MR3855997   Bottou, Leon; Arjovsky, Martin; Lopez-Paz, David; Oquab, Maxime Geometrical insights for implicit generative modeling. 

Braverman readings in machine learning, 229–268, Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., 11100, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer, Cham, 2018. 68T05

 Chapter 1 Citation 


——2018——  - 50      2018 Wasserstein

Probabilistic Theory of Mean Field Games with Applications I :

Mean Field FBSDEs, Control, and Games

René Carmona, ‎François Delarue - 2018

This two-volume book offers a comprehensive treatment of the probabilistic approach to mean field game models and their applications.

Probabilistic Theory of Mean Field Games with Applications I. Mean Field FBSDEs ... Analysis on Wasserstein Space and Mean Field Control. Front Matter.

MR3752669   Carmona, René; Delarue, François Probabilistic theory of mean field games with applications. I. Mean field FBSDEs, control, and games. Probability Theory and Stochastic Modelling, 83. Springer, Cham, 2018. xxv+713 pp. ISBN: 978-3-319-56437-1; 978-3-319-58920-6 (Reviewer: Vassili N. Kolokolʹtsov) 60-02 (35R60 49N70 49N90 60H15 60H30 91A15 93E20)

 Book 19 Citations

[BOOK] Advances in Information Retrieval:  (5 pages with Wasserstein)

 40th European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2018, Grenoble, France, March 26-29, 2018, Proceedings

G Pasi, B Piwowarski, L Azzopardi, A Hanbury - 2018 - books.google.com

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 40th European Conference on IR 

Research, ECIR 2018, held in Grenoble, France, in March 2018. The 39 full papers and 39 

short papers presented together with 6 demos, 5 workshops and 3 tutorials, were carefully …

Cited by 2 All 7 versions 

High-Dimensional Probability: An Introduction with applications in data science

Roman Vershynin - 2018


[B] Multi-disciplinary Trends in Artificial Intelligence: 12th International Conference, MIWAI 2018, Hanoi, Vietnam, November 18–20, 2018, Proceedings

M Kaenampornpan, R Malaka, DD Nguyen, N Schwind - 2018 - books.google.com

… Kaenampornpan• Malaka Duc Dung Nguyen• Nicolas Schwind (Eds.) Multi-disciplinary Trends in Artificial … in November 2018, and was renamed to the “Multi-disciplinary International Conference … Fuji Ren Regularizing Feature Distribution Using Sliced Wasserstein Distance for … 

Studies in Neural Data Science: StartUp Research 2017, ...  

Antonio Canale, ‎Daniele Durante, ‎Lucia Paci - 2018

Found inside - Page 49

4.2.2 The Metric Approach and Gromov-Wasserstein Distances The Procrustes size-and-shape distance is defined only for PSDs. While this condition is verified for fMRI connectomes (that are positive semidefinite by construction), this is in ...

Lyapunov exponent and Wasserstein metric as validation tools for assessing short-time dynamics... 

by Hao Wu; Peter C. Ma; Yu Lv; More... 

2018 AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting

Book ChapterFull Text Online

Crowd dynamics. Volume 1, Theory, models, and safety Problems

by Gibelli, Livio; Bellomo, Nicola

Crowd dynamics. Volume 1, Theory, models, and safety problems. ... that arise in the modeling and simulation of crowd dynamics in order to present the ... 2.3 Microscopic: Cucker-Smale Model; 2.4 Multi-scale Models; 2.4.1 The Wasserstein ...

ebook  2018

MR3965293   Piccoli, Benedetto; Rossi, Francesco Measure-theoretic models for crowd dynamics. 

Crowd dynamics. Vol. 1, 137–165, Model. Simul. Sci. Eng. Technol., Birkhäuser/Springer, Cham, 2018. 91D10 (90B20)

Chapter 1 Citation 

 Analysis on Polish Spaces and an Introduction to Optimal Transportation

www.cambridge.org › core › books › analysis-on-polish-s...  2018

D. J. H. Garling, University of Cambridge. Publisher: Cambridge University Press; Online ... 21 - Wasserstein Metrics. pp 315-324. Access. PDF; Export citation ...


Extremal flows in Wasserstein space - AIP Publishing - Scitation

Jun 1, 2018 - Föllmer, H., Stochastic Processes—Mathematics and Physics, Lecture ... Volume 413 of London Mathematical Society Lecture Notes Series ...

by G Conforti - ‎2018 - ‎Cited by 3 - ‎Related articles

Extremal flows in Wasserstein space: Journal of Mathematical ...

Jun 1, 2018 - IV, we introduce the basic geometric tools in the Wasserstein space and ... of one-time marginals is the object of interest, it is definitely crucial in physics. ... Volume 413 of London Mathematical Society Lecture Notes Series ...

by G Conforti - ‎2018 - ‎Cited by 3 - ‎Related articles

Mastering Machine Learning Algorithms: Expert techniques to ...

Giuseppe Bonaccorso - 2018

A basic knowledge of machine learning is preferred to get the best out of this guide.

Page V, 483, 554      Wasserstein GAN (WGAN)

 ——2018——  - 60    

208 26th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)

IEEE Staff - 2018 - ‎No preview

Audio and acoustic signal processing Speech and language processing Image and video processing Multimedia signal processing Signal processing theory and methods Sensor array and multichannel signal processing Signal processing for ...


Information Geometry and Its Applications: On the Occasion ...

Nihat Ay, ‎Paolo Gibilisco, ‎František Matúš - 2018

Found inside – Page 372

On the other hand, here we considered both the KL-divergence D[p,q] and the Wasserstein metric Kc[p,q] between the ... the optimal transport problem becomes mathematically equivalent to the optimal channel problem in information theory, ... AIP Conference Proceedings of Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy 14.

MR3876111   Information geometry and its applications. On the occasion of Shun-ichi Amari's 80th birthday, IGAIA IV, Liblice, Czech Republic, June 2016. Edited by Nihat Ay, Paolo Gibilisco and František Matúš. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 252. Springer, Cham, 2018. x+456 pp. ISBN: 978-3-319-97798-0; 978-3-319-97797-3 62-06 (53-06 81-06)

Book 2018

MR3876126   Belavkin, Roman V. Relation between the Kantorovich-Wasserstein metric and the Kullback-Leibler divergence. 

Information geometry and its applications, 363–373, Springer Proc. Math. Stat., 252, Springer, Cham, 2018. 60B05 (28A33 49Q20 62B10)


Mastering Machine Learning Algorithms: Expert Techniques to Implement Popular Machine... 

by Bonaccorso, Giuseppe   2018

Annotation Explore and master the most important algorithms for solving complex machine learning problems.Key FeaturesDiscover high-performing machine learning...

eBookFull Text Online   WGAN

astering Machine Learning Algorithms - Second Edition - Packt

By Giuseppe Bonaccorso ... Generative Adversarial Networks · Adversarial training · Deep Convolutional GANs · Wasserstein GAN · Summary · Further reading ...  $28.79  2nd edition


Hands-On Convolutional Neural Networks with TensorFlow: Solve Computer Vision Problems with TensorFlow

by Zafar, Iffat; Tzanidou, Giounona; Burton, Richard; More...   2018

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) are one of the most popular architectures used in computer vision apps. This book is an introduction to CNNs through...

eBookCitation Online    p.182  WGAN  Wasserstein GAN


Latent Variable Analysis and Signal Separation:  

14th International Conference, LVA/ICA 2018, Guildford, UK, July 2–5, 2018, Proceedings

Yannick Deville, ‎Sharon Gannot, ‎Russell Mason - 2018 - ‎No preview

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Latent Variable Analysis and Signal Separation, LVA/ICA 2018, held in Guildford, UK, in July 2018.The 52 full papers were carefully   and selected from 62 ...

Fabian-Robert Stöter - Google Scholar Citations

International Conference on Latent Variable Analysis and Signal Separation …, ... 

Sliced-Wasserstein flows: Nonparametric generative modeling via optimal ...

Frontiers in PDE-Constrained Optimization - Page 396

Harbir Antil, ‎Drew P. Kouri, ‎Martin-D. Lacasse · 2018

Found inside – Page 396

Application of the Wasserstein metric to seismic signals. Communications ... Contrôle optimal de systèmes gouvernés par des équations aux dérivées partielles. Dunod ... A deconvolution-based objective function for wave-equation inversion.


MR3837127   Boissonnat, Jean-Daniel; Chazal, Frédéric; Yvinec, Mariette 

Geometric and topological inference. Cambridge Texts in Applied Mathematics. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2018. xii+233 pp. ISBN: 978-1-108-41089-2; 978-1-108-41939-0 (Reviewer: Henry Hugh Adams) 62-01 (52-01 55-01 55N35 57R05 60D05 62H11)

Book 5 Citations

  Geometric and Topological Inference by Jean-Daniel ... - Page vii, 185, 190

Cambridge Core - Algorithmics, Complexity, Computer Algebra, Computational Geometry - Geometric and Topological Inference - by Jean-Daniel Boissonnat.

[B] Geometric and topological inference

JD Boissonnat, F Chazal, M Yvinec - 2018 - books.google.com

… in k. The assumptions made in Part III are very demanding: the geometric structures of the … of distance functions and provide sampling conditions to infer the underlying geometry and topology … these limitations, we restrict our quest to the inference of some topological invariants of … 

Cited by 51 Related articles All 9 versions Library

Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

 Ervin Sejdic, ‎Tiago H. Falk · 2018

Found inside

Bertsekas's auction algorithm, for Wasserstein distances, 221 Betti numbers, 216, 218 Big data, 3, 209–210 computational challenges, 260 defined, 3, 115 four V's of, 14 in FRA and FP tools, 572–572 in health care, driving factors database ...

Handbook of Mobile Data Privacy - Page 116

Aris Gkoulalas-Divanis, ‎Claudio Bettini · 2018

Found inside – Page 116

Based on this correlation, the impact of Xi on Xi+1 is more significant than the impact of Xi on Xi+k when k is large. ... i.e. μi,θ = Pr(f(Data) = ·|si ,θ) μj,θ = Pr(f(Data) = ·|sj ,θ) and apply Wasserstein distance to measure the relevant distance ...

Mathematical Analysis in Fluid Mechanics - Page 147

Raphaël Danchin, ‎Reinhard Farwig, ‎Jiří Neustupa · 2018

Found inside – Page 147

We let M+ (Rn) denote the space of bounded positive measures Definition 1.7 (Wasserstein distance). For two measures μ, ν M+ (Rn) with the same mass and finite first moments, we define the (Monge-KantorovichRubenstein)-Wasserstein ..

MR3818672  Holding, Thomas; Miot, Evelyne Uniqueness and stability for the Vlasov-Poisson system with spatial density in Orlicz spaces. 

Mathematical analysis in fluid mechanics—selected recent results, 145–162, Contemp. Math., 710, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2018. (Reviewer: Xiongtao Zhang) 35Q83 (35A02 35A24 35B35)

 Chapter 3 Citations 

——2018——  - 70   

26th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA 2018)

Yossi Azar, ‎Hannah Bast, ‎Grzegorz Herman · 2018 · ‎No preview

MR3847649   Ding, Hu; Liu, Manni On geometric prototype and applications. 

26th European Symposium on Algorithms, Art. No. 23, 15 pp., LIPIcs. Leibniz Int. Proc. Inform., 112, Schloss Dagstuhl. Leibniz-Zent. Inform., Wadern, 2018. 68U05

 Chapter  2018

On Geometric Prototype and Applications - DROPS - Schloss ...

PDF 2018

a (weighted or unweighted) point set, the geometric prototype can be viewed as the “average ... many applications in real-world, such as 

Wasserstein barycenter and ... datasets, while the running times are reduced significantly. ... vision, Earth Mover's Distance (EMD) [39] is widely used to measure the difference between.

by H Ding · ‎2018 · ‎Cited by 2 · ‎Related articles

The size of random fragmentation intervals - Inria

It's shown that the limit is the fixed-point solution (in the Wasserstein space) to a distributional equation. ... Citation. Rafik Aguech. The size of random fragmentation intervals. Fifth Colloquium on Mathematics and Computer Science, 2008, Kiel, ...

MR2508811   Aguech, Rafik The size of random fragmentation intervals. Fifth 

Colloquium on Mathematics and Computer Science, 519–529, Discrete Math. Theor. Comput. Sci. Proc., AI, Assoc. Discrete Math. Theor. Comput. Sci., Nancy, 2008. 60C05 (60E10 60F05 60K35)


Abstract : Two processes of random fragmentation of an interval are investigated. For each of them, there is a splitting probability at each step of the fragmentation process whose overall effect is to stabilize the global number of splitting events. More precisely, we consider two models. In the first model, the fragmentation stops which a probability …

. For this model we utilize the contraction method to show that the distribution of a suitably normalized version of the number of stable fragments converges in law. It's shown that the limit is the fixed-point solution (in the Wasserstein space) to a distributional equation. An explicit solution to the fixed-point equation is easily verified to be Gaussian.
Rafik Aguech. The size of random fragmentation intervals. Fifth Colloquium on Mathematics and Computer Science, 2008, Kiel, Germany. pp.519-530. hal-01194669

Multi-disciplinary Trends in Artificial Intelligence: 12th ... -Page 61, 58, 67, 68, 63

12th international conference  Hanoi  2018

Manasawee Kaenampornpan, ‎Rainer Malaka, ‎Duc Dung Nguyen · 2018

This book constitutes the refereed conference proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Multi-disciplinary Trends in Artificial Intelligence, MIWAI 2018, held in Hanoi, Vietnam, in November 2018.

Macroscopic and Large Scale Phenomena: Coarse Graining, Mean ...

Adrian Muntean, ‎Jens D. M. Rademacher, ‎Antonios Zagaris · 2016

Found inside – Page 142

42,323–345 (1971) Hauray, M.: Wasserstein distances for vortices approximation of Euler-type equations. Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci. 19, 1357–1384 (2009) Hauray, M., Jabin, P.-E.: N-particle approximation of the Vlasov equations with ...

Nonsmooth Differential Geometry-An Approach Tailored for ...

Nicola Gigli · 2018

Found inside – Page 161

[LV09] J. Lott and C. Villani, Ricci curvature for metric-measure spaces via optimal transport, Ann. of Math. ... MR1842429 (2002j:35180) [Per97] G. Perelman, Construction of manifolds ... MR1091319 (92h:46083) [Sav14] G. Savaré, Self-improvement of the Bakry-Emery ́ condition and Wasserstein contraction of the heat ...

Learning and Inference with Wasserstein Metrics

By Charles Albert Frogner · 2018 MIT

NIPS'18: Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on ...

NIPS'18: Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Neural ... Language encoding models help explain language processing in the human brain by ... clustering with outliers and side information provided by same-cluster queries and ... The Wasserstein metric used in WGANs is based on a notion of distance ...

Wasserstein ambiguity set containing only normal distributions.

Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 31 (NIPS 2018)

Modern Statistics for Modern Biology

Susan Holmes, ‎Wolfgang Huber · 2018

Wasserstein on 3 pages

29th International Conference on Concurrency Theory (CONCUR ...

Sven Schewe, ‎Lijun Zhang · 2018 · ‎No preview

MR3857731   Bonchi, Filippo; König, Barbara; Petrişan, Daniela Up-to techniques for behavioural metrics via fibrations. 

29th International Conference on Concurrency Theory, Art. No. 17, 17 pp., LIPIcs. Leibniz Int. Proc. Inform., 118, Schloss Dagstuhl. Leibniz-Zent. Inform., Wadern, 2018. 68Q85 (18B35 18C50 68Q55)

 Chapter 1 Citation 

Up-To Techniques for Behavioural Metrics via Fibrations

Jun 28, 2018 — In order to obtain a general framework, we need a systematic way to lift functors: we show that the Wasserstein lifting of a functor, introduced in a ...

by F Bonchi · ‎2018 · ‎Cited by 8 · ‎Related articles

29th International Conference on Concurrency Theory

Sep 4, 2018 - Sep 7, 2018  Beijing, China

——2018——  - 80    Wasserstein

MR3883985  Santambrogio, Filippo(F-PARIS11-M)

Crowd motion and evolution PDEs under density constraints. (English, 

French summary) SMAI 2017—8e

Biennale Française des Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles, 137–157, 

ESAIM Proc. Surveys, 64, EDP Sci., Les Ulis, 2018. 

35Q35 (35L50 35L65 76T25)
ongrès SMAI 2017 8e Biennale Française des ...

smai.emath.fr › smai2017

smai.emath.fr › smai2017

Le SMAI 2017 est terminé ! Un grand merci à tous les orateurs et à tous les participants ! Rendez-vous l'année prochaine pour le congrès CANUM 2018 ...

Existence of minimizers for an isoperimetric problem with ...

math.ucdavis.edu › ~qlxia › Research › unbounded

math.ucdavis.edu › ~qlxia › Research › unbounded


Feb 18, 2020 — Wasserstein penalty term in unbounded domains ... In SMAI. 20178e Biennale Française des Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles, ...

by Q Xia · ‎2020 · ‎Related articles

omparison between W2 distance and Ḣ−1 norm, and Wasserstein distance

www.esaim-cocv.org › cocv

www.esaim-cocv.org › cocv

Comparison between W2 distance and Ḣ−1 norm, and Localization of Wasserstein distance. It is well known that the quadratic Wasserstein distance W2(, ) is formally equivalent, for infinitesimally small perturbations, to some weighted H−1 homogeneous Sobolev norm.

Markov Chains - Page 465

Randal Douc, ‎Eric Moulines, ‎Pierre Priouret · 2018

Found inside – Page 465

We begin by introducing the Dobrushin coefficient associated with a cost function c. This is a generalization ... P(x', •)) 20.3.1. 20.3 Uniform Convergence in the Wasserstein Distance 465 20.3 Uniform Convergence in the Wasserstein Distance.

——2018——  - 82  end 2018 Wasserstein

Vaserstein  start 2018   5 books

Finite Fields and Applications: Eighth International ... - Page 77

Gary L. Mullen, ‎International Conference on Finite Fields and Applications, ‎Daniel Panario · 2008

Found inside – Page 77

[22] L.N. Vaserstein, Waring's problem for algebras over fields, J. Number Theory 26 (1987), 286–298. [23] L.N. Vaserstein, Ramsey's Theorem and Waring's Problem, in The Arithmetic of Function Fields (eds D. Goss and al), de Gruyter, New 

MR3889991   K-Theory—Proceedings of the International Colloquium, Mumbai, 2016. Edited by V. Srinivas, S. K. Roushon, Ravi A. Rao, A. J. Parameswaran and A. Krishna. Published for the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research and distributed by American Mathematical Society. Hindustan Book Agency, New Delhi, 2018. xxii+393 pp. ISBN: 978-9-386279-74-3 19-06 (14-06)


Введение в теорию схем и квантовые группы

books.google.com › books

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Юрий Манин, ‎Сергей Львовский, ‎Д. Лейтес - 2018 - ‎Mathematics

[1*] Васерштейн Л. Н., Суслин А. А. Проблема Серра о проективных модулях над кольцами многочл

Probabilistic Cellular Automata: Theory, Applications and ...

Pierre-Yves Louis, ‎Francesca R. Nardi - 2018

Found inside - Page 30

American Mathematical Society, Providence, R. I. (1952) Vaserstein, L.N.: Markov processes over denumerable products of spaces describing large system of automata. Problemy Peredaˇci Informacii 5(3), 64–72 (1969) Vaserstein, L.N., ...

Markov Chains

Randal Douc, ‎Eric Moulines, ‎Pierre Priouret - 2018

Found inside - Page 735

1214/13-AAP922 Butkovsky OA, Veretennikov AY (2013) On asymptotics for Vaserstein coupling of Markov chains. Stochastic Process Appl 123(9):3518–3541, DOI https://doi.org/ 10.1016/j.spa.2013.04.016 Cattiaux P, Guillin A (2014) ...

Found inside – Page 461

Definition 20.1.7 (Wasserstein space) The Wasserstein space of order p is defined by Sp(X,d) = {: e M, (2): | groso-oral, ex} . (20.1.16) For p = 1, we simply write S(X,d). Of course, if dis bounded then San(X,d)=M, (2). If d is not bounded, then the ...

MR3889011   Douc, Randal; Moulines, Eric; Priouret, Pierre; Soulier, Philippe Markov chains. Springer Series in Operations Research and Financial Engineering. Springer, Cham, 2018. xviii+757 pp. ISBN: 978-3-319-97703-4; 978-3-319-97704-1 (Reviewer: Myron Hlynka) 60-02 (60B10 60F05 60J05 60J10 60J22)

Book 6 Citations

Found inside – Page 485

Villani (2009) provide an impressive number of results on optimal transport, the geometry of Wasserstein's space, and its ... Subgeometric convergence in Wasserstein distance was studied in the works of Butkovsky and Veretennikov (2013) ...

—end 2018 books


start 2019  Wasserstein     92 books

Courbes et applications optimales à valeurs dans l'espace de Wasserstein 

by Lavenant, Hugo 

2019 eBook:

ONLINE, Electronic resource, ONLINE 

Neural Information Processing - 26th International ... - Springer Part I  -Page 19

The three-volume set of LNCS 11953, 11954, and 11955 constitutes the proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Neural Information Processing, ICONIP 2019, held in Sydney, Australia, in December 2019. The 173 full papers presented were carefully   and selected from 645 submissions.

 Part 1 - Page 19

Tom Gedeon, ‎Kok Wai Wong, ‎Minho Lee - 2019

2.2 Adversarial Learning with Wasserstein Distance In our proposed adversarial learning approach, neural networks map the source domain data to the target domain. However, the evaluation whether the two different domains are matched or ...

Security with Intelligent Computing and Big-data Services ... (5 pages with Wasserstein)

This book presents the proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Security with Intelligent Computing and Big-data Services, the Workshop on Information and Communication Security Science and Engineering, and the Workshop on Security in Forensics, Medical, and Computin

Found inside – Page 282

In order to obtain better domain shared features and improve the accuracy of cross-domain text sentiment classification, by means of DSN network, this paper proposes a domain separation model based on Wasserstein distance (W-DSN) ..

  Page 284

Ching-Nung Yang, ‎Sheng-Lung Peng, ‎Lakhmi C. Jain - 2019

Found inside - Page 284

2.4 The Domain Adversarial Based on Wasserstein Distance In order to make feature distribution of the source domain and the target domain more consistent in the deep feature space, W-DSN draws on the idea of the domain confrontation [5,

Found inside – Page 291

Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Security with Intelligent Computing and Big Data Services ... In: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on World Wide Web, pp. 751–760. ... In: Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML-11), pp. ... Arjovsky, M., Chintala, S., Bottou, L.: Wasserstein generative adversarial networks. ... In: Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, pp.

[BOOK] Generative Deep Learning: Teaching Machines to Paint, Write, Compose, and Play

D Foster - 2019 - books.google.com

… Page 7. Mode Collapse 113 Uninformative Loss 114 Hyperparameters 114 Tackling the GAN Challenges 115 Wasserstein GAN 115 Wasserstein Loss 115 The Lipschitz Constraint 117 Weight Clipping 118 Training the WGAN 119 Analysis of the WGAN 120 WGAN-GP 121 The … 

Cited by 5 All 3 versions 

Found inside - Page 115

In the remainder of this chapter we shall explore two such advancements, the Wasser‐stein GAN (WGAN) and Wasserstein GAN–Gradient Penalty (WGAN-GP). Both are only minor adjustments to the framework we have explored thus far.

Found inside – Page 115

In the remainder of this chapter we shall explore two such advancements, the Wasser‐stein GAN (WGAN) and Wasserstein GAN–Gradient Penalty (WGAN-GP). Both are only minor adjustments to the framework we have explored thus far.

Crowd Dynamics, Volume 1: Theory, Models, and Safety Problems

Livio Gibelli, ‎Nicola Bellomo - 2019 - ‎Mathematics

Theory, Models, and Safety Problems Livio Gibelli, Nicola Bellomo ... observed in crowd dynamics, while a detailed study of a generalized Wasserstein distance ..
Found inside - Page 138

In particular, Lipschitz conditions w.r.t. the Wasserstein distance for measures and uniform norm for vector fields allow to prove ... The same result is not true if one uses the total variation norm, which corresponds to the L1 distance for functions.

Hands-On Generative Adversarial Networks with Keras:  - 5 pages

Your guide to implementing next-generation generative adversarial networks

Rafael Valle - 2019 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions

The Wasserstein GAN (WGAN) framework, instead, uses the Wasserstein (Earth-Mover) distance between distributions, which in many cases does not suffer from loss explosion or vanishing gradient. In the WGAN framework, the loss functions ...

Generative Deep Learning:    Page 115

Teaching Machines to Paint, Write, Compose, and Play

David Foster - 2019

In the remainder of this chapter we shall explore two such advancements, the Wasser‐stein GAN (WGAN) and Wasserstein GAN–Gradient Penalty (WGAN-GP). Both are only minor adjustments to the framework we have explored thus far.

Jason Brownlee - 2019

The Wasserstein loss was proposed by Martin Arjovsky, et al. in their 2017 paper titled Wasserstein GAN. The Wasserstein loss is informed by the observation that the traditional GAN is motivated to minimize the distance between the actual ..

 Generative Adversarial Networks with Python:  Page 285  

Deep Learning Generative Models for Image Synthesis and Image Translation

Jason Brownlee - 2019

The Wasserstein loss was proposed by Martin Arjovsky, et al. in their 2017 paper titled Wasserstein GAN. The Wasserstein loss is informed by the observation that the traditional GAN is motivated to minimize the distance between the actual ..

Data Driven Approaches for Healthcare: Machine learning for ..

Chengliang Yang, ‎Chris Delcher, ‎Elizabeth Shenkman - 2019

Found inside

(3.22) In our implementation, the above equation is used for computing the first Wasserstein distance between two 1D histograms. encounters. Under Kullback-Leibler divergence and χ2 distance, the distances from histogram 2 to histogram 1 ...

Computational Optimal Transport: With Applications to Data Science

Gabriel Peyré, ‎Marco Cuturi - 2019 

This monograph reviews OT with a bias toward numerical methods and their applications in data sciences, and sheds lights on the theoretical properties of OT that make it particularly useful for some of thes

 Variational Wasserstein Problems.

Dutton's Orthopaedic: Examination, Evaluation and ... - Page 212

Mark Dutton - 2020

Found inside - Page 212

Triple-hop distance as a valid predictor of lower limb strength and power. J Athl Train. 2008;43:144–151. Reinke EK, Spindler KP, ... Wasserstein DN, Sheth U, Colbenson K, et al. The true recurrence rate and factors predicting recurrent .

Topics in Applied Analysis and Optimisation:  - Page 141, 157

Partial Differential Equations, Stochastic and Numerical Analysis

CIM Series in Mathematical Sciences

Michael Hintermüller, ‎José Francisco Rodrigues - 2019

In this the space of We also set work we consider a particular case of (X,ρ), namely all probability measures with finite second moment ρ = W2 to be 2-Wasserstein distance. Being an object of study in optimal transportation theory [4, 40,41]

Pattern Recognition:   - Page 156

41st DAGM German Conference, DAGM GCPR 2019, Dortmund, Germany, September 10–13, 2019, Proceedings

Volume 11824 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Gernot A. Fink, ‎Simone Frintrop, ‎Xiaoyi Jiang - 2019

On the Estimation of the Wasserstein Distance in Generative Models Thomas Pinetz1(B), Daniel Soukup1, and Thomas Pock1,2 1 Center for Vision, Automation and Control, Austrian Institute of Technology, Vienna, Austria Thomas.

Multivariate Extreme Value Theory and D-Norms

Michael Falk, ‎Springer Nature - 2019

This book is intended for mathematicians with a basic knowledge of analysis and probability theory, including Fubini's theorem.

The Probability Companion for Engineering and Computer Science

Adam Prügel-Bennett - 2019 - ‎No preview

This friendly guide is the companion you need to convert pure mathematics into understanding and facility with a host of probabilistic tools. The book provides a high-level view of probability and its most powerful applications.

Found inside – Page 449

Paper that introduced Wasserstein generative adversarial networks (GANs). D. Barber. ... A very readable description of modern developments in pattern recognition and machine learning. D. M. Blei, A. Y. ... Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 23:493–507, 1952. ... A standard reference on all elements of information theory.


 MR4012753   Computational methods in systems biology. 17th International Conference, CMSB 2019, Trieste, Italy, September 18–20, 2019. Proceedings. Edited by Luca Bortolussi and Guido Sanguinetti. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 11773. Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics. Springer, Cham, 2019. xi+388 pp. ISBN: 978-3-030-31304-3; 978-3-030-31303-6 92-06

  Found inside – Page 348

Since the functional dependence of the Wasserstein loss with respect to the parameters is not available in closed form and can only be evaluated pointwise at considerable computational cost by running the Stochastic Simulation Algorithm ...


MR3996566   Geometric science of information. 4th International Conference, GSI 2019, Toulouse, France, August 27–29, 2019. Proceedings. Edited by Frank Nielsen and Frédéric Barbaresco. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 11712. Springer, Cham, 2019. xix+770 pp. ISBN: 978-3-030-26980-7; 978-3-030-26979-1 53-06 (58-06 60-06 62-06 94-06)

 Geometric Science of Information: 4th International ... Page 213, 216,…

- Page 716

Frank Nielsen, ‎Frédéric Barbaresco - 2019

Found inside - Page 716

We then introduce a Wasserstein statistical manifold generated by parameterized mapping function. Based on it ... (1) Here V., V is the divergence and gradient operator in R*, VV is the drift function and 3 > 0 is a diffusion constant. There are ...

2 Parametric Fokker–Planck Equation In this section, we briefly review the fact that Fokker–Planck equation is a Wasserstein gradient flow of relative entropy. We then introduce a Wasserstein statistical manifold generated by parameterized ...

MR3996643   Massart, Estelle; Hendrickx, Julien M.; Absil, P.-A. Curvature of the manifold of fixed-rank positive-semidefinite matrices endowed with the Bures-Wasserstein metric. 

Geometric science of information, 739–748, Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., 11712, Springer, Cham, 2019. 53B21 (15B48)

 Chapter 1 Citation 


MR3996639   Li, Wuchen; Lin, Alex Tong; Montúfar, Guido Affine natural proximal learning. 

Geometric science of information, 705–714, Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., 11712, Springer, Cham, 2019. 62H12 (28A33 62B99 62G05)

Chapter 2 Citations 


MR3996640   Li, Wuchen; Liu, Shu; Zha, Hongyuan; Zhou, Haomin Parametric Fokker-Planck equation. 

Geometric science of information, 715–724, Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., 11712, Springer, Cham, 2019. 60H30 (35Q84 49Q20 53B05 60B10 62B99)



MR3996628   Mallasto, Anton; Haije, Tom Dela; Feragen, Aasa A formalization of the natural gradient method for general similarity measures. 

Geometric science of information, 599–607, Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., 11712, Springer, Cham, 2019. 90C52 (53B05)



MR3996615   Minh, Hà Quang A unified formulation for the Bures-Wasserstein and log-Euclidean/log-Hilbert-Schmidt distances between positive definite operators. 

Geometric science of information, 475–483, Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., 11712, Springer, Cham, 2019. 62H99 (15B48 60B05)

 Chapter 1 Citation

MR3931309   Arras, Benjamin; Houdré, Christian On Stein's method for infinitely divisible laws with finite first moment. SpringerBriefs in Probability and Mathematical Statistics. Springer, Cham, 2019. xi+104 pp. ISBN: 978-3-030-15016-7; 978-3-030-15017-4 (Reviewer: Przemysław Matuła) 60-02 (47D03 47D07 60E07 60E10 60F05 60G50)

On Stein's Method for Infinitely Divisible Laws with Finite ... - Page 12

Benjamin Arras, ‎Christian Houdré - 2019

Found inside – Page 12

This last inequality, combined with (2.15), leads to dK ( (X,Y) ≤ 1 + hX∞2 ) ( 3√2)∑r−1k=1 1 2k (dWr (X,Y) )21r, r ≥ 2. Furthermore, the smooth Wasserstein distances and the classical Wasserstein distances are ordered in the following way: ...


MR4036051 Pending Lei, Jing Convergence and concentration of empirical measures under Wasserstein distance in unbounded functional spaces. Bernoulli 26 (2020), no. 1, 767–798. 60B10 (60B12 60E15 60G15 62G30)

Handbook of Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention - Page 551

S. Kevin Zhou, ‎Daniel Rueckert, ‎Gabor Fichtinger - 2019

Table 23.1 Discriminator and generator objectives in different GAN variants: original GAN (GAN, Eq. (23.1)), ... real (GAN-MA, Eq. (23.2)), least-squares GAN (LSGAN), Wasserstein GAN (WGAN, Eq. (23.3)), and Wasserstein GAN with gradient ...

22nd International Conference, Shenzhen, China, October 13–17, 2019, Proceedings

————2019——   -20 

Domain Adaptation Theory:  - Page 81

Available Theoretical Results

Ievgen Redko, ‎Emilie Morvant, ‎Amaury Habrard - 2019

Found inside - Page 81

The use of the Wasserstein distance here has an important advantage over other distances used in domain adaptation, as it preserves the topology of the data and admits a rather efficient estimation as mentioned above. Furthermore, as ...

High-Dimensional Statistics: A Non-Asymptotic Viewpoint - Page 77

Martin J. Wainwright - 2019

Found inside - Page 77

By a classical and deep result in duality theory (see the bibliographic section for details), any Wasserstein distance has an equivalent definition as a type of coupling-based distance. A distribution M on the product space XX is a coupling of ...

Computer Security - ESORICS 2019:  - Page 132

24th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS 2019)

Luxembourg -- September  23-27, 2019

Kazue Sako (Innovation Producer), ‎Steve A. Schneider, ‎Peter Y. A. Ryan - 2019

2.5 Wasserstein Metric We recall the notion of probability coupling as follows. Definition 5 (Coupling). Given Ao e DAO and XI e DA', a coupling of Ao and A1 is a Ye D(Ao X A') such that X0 and A1 are Y's marginal distributions, i.e., for each

Found inside - Page 132

24th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security, Luxembourg, September 23-27, 2019, Proceedings Kazue Sako (Innovation Producer), Steve A. ... 2.5 Wasserstein Metric We recall the notion of probability coupling as follows.

Natural Language Processing and Chinese Computing: 

8th CCF International Conference, NLPCC 2019, Dunhuang, China, October 9–14, 

Jie Tang, ‎Min-Yen Kan, ‎Dongyan Zhao - 2019

Found inside - Page 813

In: ACL (2018) McClosky, D., Charniak, E.: Self-training for biomedical parsing. In: ACL ... CoRR, abs/1808.07016 (2018) Xu, H., Wang, W., Liu, W., Carin, L.: Distilled wasserstein learning for word embedding and topic modeling. In: NIPS ...

Computational Methods in Systems Biology: 

17th International ...

Luca Bortolussi, ‎Guido Sanguinetti - 2019

Found inside - Page 348

We introduce the use of Wasserstein distances for quantifying the discrepancy between simulated and experimentally ... Since the functional dependence of the Wasserstein loss with respect to the parameters is not available in closed form ...

Hands-On Deep Learning Algorithms with Python:   - Page vii

Master deep ...

Sudharsan Ravichandiran - 2019

What is the Wasserstein distance? Demystifying the k-Lipschitz function The loss function of WGAN WGAN in TensorFlow Summary Questions Further reading Chapter 9: Learning More about GANs Conditional GANs Loss function of CGAN ...

Active Particles, Volume 2: Advances in Theory, Models, and Applications | Nicola Bellomo

| Springer. Save 40% on books and eBooks in Engineering & Materials 

Nicola Bellomo, ‎Pierre Degond, ‎Eitan Tadmor - 2019

Found inside - Page 84

The key difficulty is computing the Wasserstein distance term accurately and efficiently. ... main approaches, several other methods for discretizing the Wasserstein term have also been applied to simulate aggregation diffusion equations [26, ...

Found inside - Page 83

The gradient flow structure provides Lyapunov functionals, stability estimates, and a natural framework for considering ... With regard to the Wasserstein gradient flow structure, numerical methods must at a minimum respect the space to which ...

Proceedings Of The International Congress Of Mathematicians

Rio de Janeiro. Congress. International Congress of Mathematicians, 2018. Title. Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathemat

Sirakov Boyan, ‎Souza Paulo Ney De, ‎Viana Marcelo - 2019

Found inside - Page 541

Our second-order perspective motivates us to consider underdamped Langevin diffusion: dvt – —yvtdt - uV f(x,)dt + V 2yud B, ... diffusion—that the underdamped algorithm achieves a convergence rate of O(Vd/e) in 2-Wasserstein distance.

Found inside – Page 338

“Characterization of absolutely continuous curves in Wasserstein spaces”. ... 320). John Lott (2008). “Some geometric calculations on Wasserstein space”. Comm. Math. Phys. 277.2, pp. 423–437. ... European Journal of Mathematics 3.4, pp.

Found inside – Page 197

Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B. 87.1, pp. 72–80. MR: 1967882 (cit. on p. ... and Léon Bottou (2017). “Wasserstein generative EQUILIBRIA, FIXED POINTS, AND COMPUTATIONAL COMPLEXITY 197 Acknowledgments References.

Found inside – Page 823

“On the bi-Lipschitz structure of Wasserstein spaces”. Preprint (cit. on pp. 780, 798). Tim Austin, Assaf Naor, and Romain Tessera (2013). ... 788). Keith Ball (2013). “The Ribe programme”. Astérisque 352. Séminaire Bourbaki. Vol. 2011/2012.

Topological Data Analysis for Genomics and Evolution 
Page 147, 193, 194, 195, 196

Topology in Biology

Raúl Rabadán, ‎Andrew J. Blumberg - 2019

Found inside - Page 193

Optimal transport theory suggests the use of the Wasserstein or “earth-mover” metric [517]. Here, the rough idea is to imagine distributions modeled by piles of dirt; the Wasserstein distance is the minimal amount of energy (dirt times distance) ...

Found inside - Page 194

The Wasserstein distance and the Prohorov distance are related, in the sense that dP(μ1,μ2)2 ≤ dW1(μ1,μ2) ... The Gromov-Wasserstein distance is defined as dGWp((X,∂ X ,μX ),(Y,∂ Y ,μY)) = φXinf dWp((φX) μX ,(φY)μY), ,φY,Z where ...

Cyber Physical Systems. Model-Based Design: 8th ...

- Page 136

Roger Chamberlain, ‎Walid Taha, ‎Martin Törngren - 2019

Found inside - Page 136

Wasserstein metric is the fact that it is compatible with the metric d defined on the underlying state space. ... A simple condition that will ensure the uniqueness of the evolution system of invariant measures is the Wasserstein contraction, which ...

————2019——   -30   

Applications of Evolutionary Computation: 22nd International ..

Paul Kaufmann, ‎Pedro A. Castillo - 2019

Found inside - Page 486

Arjovsky, M., Chintala, S., Bottou, L.: Wasserstein generative adversarial networks. In: International Conference on Machine Learning, pp. 214–223 (2017) 3. Karras, T., Aila, T., Laine, S., Lehtinen, J.: Progressive growing of GANs for improved ...

Integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial ...

Louis-Martin Rousseau, ‎Kostas Stergiou - 2019

Found inside - Page 356

A very interesting problem, which uses the Kantorovich-Wasserstein distance as a building block, is the Wasserstein ... while on the right it shows the Wasserstein Barycenter of the same set of images, computed with the l2 ground distance.

Emmanuel Hebrard · 2020

Found inside – Page 239

17th International Conference, CPAIOR 2020, Vienna, Austria, September 21-24, 2020, Proceedings Emmanuel Hebrard ... Wasserstein. Barycenters. Pierre-Yves Bouchet1,2 , Stefano Gualandi1( B ) , and Louis-Martin Rousseau3 1 ...

Pattern Recognition: 41st DAGM German Conference, DAGM GCPR ...

Gernot A. Fink, ‎Simone Frintrop, ‎Xiaoyi Jiang - 2019

Found inside - Page 165

This shows an empirical evaluation of the statistical properties n in the order of the O( Wasserstein√ n) [4,27]. distance. ... Wasserstein distance and number of iterations until convergence for a specific batch size using L2-norm between ...


41st DAGM German Conference, DAGM GCPR 2019, Dortmund, Germany, September 10–13, 2019, Proceedings Gernot ... For this procedure, we can estimate how well the WGAN model approximates temporal changes that are relevant for ...


PDE Dynamics: An Introduction

Christian Kuehn - 2019

Found inside - Page 124

The previous discussion about gradient flows is slightly misleading, as it partially suggests that gradient flows are ... Euclidean gradient V. One may call gradient systems of the form ∂t u = V · (uV[(VH c)(u)]) also Wasserstein gradient flows.


Mathematical Optimization Theory and Operations Research: ...

Michael Khachay, ‎Yury Kochetov, ‎Panos Pardalos - 2019

Found inside - Page 112

Curran Associates, Inc. (2013) Cuturi, M., Doucet, A.: Fast computation of Wasserstein barycenters. In: Xing, E.P., Jebara, T. (eds.) Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Machine Learning. Proceedings of Machine Learning ...

One-Dimensional Empirical Measures, Order Statistics, and ...

- Page 1

Sergey Bobkov, ‎Michel Ledoux - 2019

Found inside - Page 1

CHAPTER 1 Introduction This work is devoted to an in-depth investigation of orders of growth of Kantorovich transport ... the distance Wp is also called the Monge-Kantorovich, or KantorovichRubinshtein, or Wasserstein transport distance, ...

Invariant Measures for Stochastic Nonlinear Schrödinger ...

- Page 78

Jialin Hong, ‎Xu Wang - 2019

Found inside - Page 78

Here, || ||w is a Wasserstein type norm, and we refer to [70] for more details. 3.6.2 High Dimensional Case Let 0 = R". The existence of invariant measures and ergodic measures is established in H'(6) by [76]. Theorem 3.11 Assume that u0 e ...

Domain Adaptation and Representation Transfer and Medical ...

Qian Wang, ‎Fausto Milletari, ‎Hien V. Nguyen - 2019

Found inside - Page 23

2.2 Wasserstein Distance Based Domain Adaptation Instead of using the domain labels directly, we can also achieve ... in all domain classifier, critic, and the objective network with the learning rate 0.001, momentum 0.9 and weight decay of ...

Transfer Learning  - Page 97, 337

Qiang Yang, ‎Yu Zhang, ‎Wenyuan Dai - 2020

Found inside - Page 97

... 2016), f-divergence (Nowozin et al., 2016) and Wasserstein distance (Arjovsky and Bottou, 2017; Arjovsky et al., 2017). ... Table 7.1 summarizes traditional and adversarial transfer learning models that are categorized by problem settings ...

————2019——   -40  

Generative Adversarial Networks with Python: 

Deep Learning ...

Jason Brownlee - 2019

Found inside - Page 285

The Wasserstein loss was proposed by Martin Arjovsky, et al. in their 2017 paper titled Wasserstein GAN. The Wasserstein loss is informed by the observation that the traditional GAN is motivated to minimize the distance between the actual ...

Topics in Applied Analysis and Optimisation: Partial ...

Michael Hintermüller, ‎José Francisco Rodrigues - 2019

Found inside - Page 141

In this the space of We also set work we consider a particular case of (X,ρ), namely all probability measures with finite second moment ρ = W2 to be 2-Wasserstein distance. Being an object of study in optimal transportation theory [4, 40,41], ...

Found inside – Page 139

Statistical. Inference. in. 2-Wasserstein. Space. Johannes Ebert, Vladimir Spokoiny and Alexandra Suvorikova ... which makes impossible the direct application of standard inference techniques and requires a development of a new tool-box ... We present an approach based on optimal transportation theory that is a convenient instrument for the analysis of ... Many applications in modern statistics go beyond the scope of classic setting and deal with data which lie on a certain
Reproducing-kernel Hilbert Space
Regression with Notes on the Wasserstein Distance

books.google.com › books

Stephen Page  Lancaster University  - 2019 - 


Algorithms for Optimal Transport and Wasserstein Distances

books.google.com › books

Jörn Schrieber - 2019 - ‎Dissertation Göttingen

Optimal Transport and Wasserstein Distance are closely related terms that do not only have a long history in the mathematical literature, but also have seen a resurgence in recent years, particularly in the context of the many applications ...

High-Dimensional Probability - UCI Math

by R Vershynin - ‎2019 - ‎Cited by 5 - ‎Related articles

Feb 13, 2020 - Roman Vershynin. University of California, Irvine. February ... It is called the Wasserstein's distance W1(µ, µn) . The Wasserstein distance has.

Procrustes Metrics and Optimal Transport for Covariance ...

Valentina Masarotto - 2019  

Mots-clés de l'auteur: Fréchet mean ; functional data analysis ; functional ANOVA ; functional PCA ; optimal transportation ; phase variation ; Procrustes distance ; Wasserstein distance.

Image Analysis and Processing – 

ICIAP 2019: 20th  International Conference, Trento, Italy, September 9–13, 2019

Proceedings- Part 2  

Elisa Ricci, ‎Samuel Rota Bulò, ‎Cees Snoek - Springer Nature, 2019

Found inside - Page 80

In: NIPS (2014) Lee, C.Y., Batra, T., Baig, M.H., Ulbricht, D.: Sliced Wasserstein discrepancy for unsupervised domain adaptation. In: CVPR (2019) Legg, S., Hutter, M.: A collection of definitions of intelligence. Preprint arXiv:0706.3639 (2007) ...

ISBN  3030306453, 9783030306458  769 pages

Advances in Domain Adaptation Theory - Page 79

Ievgen Redko, ‎Emilie Morvant, ‎Amaury Habrard - 2019

Found inside - Page 79

These lines lead to two important particular cases of IPMs that were used to derive generalization bounds in domain adaptation that are the maximum mean discrepancy distance (MMD) and the Wasserstein distance. We take a closer look at ...

Found inside – Page 181

[DAV 07] DAVIS J.V., KULIS B., JAIN P. et al., “Information-theoretic metric learning”, Proceedings of the International ... [FOU 15] FOURNIER N., GUILLIN A., “On the rate of convergence in wasserstein distance of the empirical measure”, 

Stochastic Epidemic Models with Inference 

Tom Britton, ‎Etienne Pardoux - 2019

Found inside - Page 40

Let us define the Wasserstein-1 distance on the interval [0,T] between two Rd-valued processes Ut and Vt as W1,T(U,V) = infE( U −V T), where, if x: [0,T] Rd, x couplings of the two processes T = U(t) sup0≤t≤T and V(t), x(t) i.e. , and over the ...

GANs in Action: Deep learning with Generative Adversarial ...

Jakub Langr, ‎Vladimir Bok - 2019  

Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.

————2019—— - 50 

Data Analysis and Applications 1: Clustering and Regression, ...

Christos H. Skiadas, ‎James R. Bozeman - 2019

Found inside - Page 30

The algorithm is based on two main concepts: – the L2-Wasserstein metric; – the histogram micro-cluster (HMC). Since our strategy is based on representing the concepts in the data through histograms, we need an appropriate distance ...

Slot based Image Captioning with WGAN

Z Xue, L Wang, P Guo - … IEEE/ACIS 18th International Conference on …, 2019 - computer.org

Existing image captioning methods are always limited to the rules of words or syntax with single sentence and poor words. In this paper, this paper introduces a novel framework for image captioning tasks which reconciles slot filling approaches with neural network approaches. Our approach first generates a sentence template with many slot locations using Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Network (WGAN). Then the slots which are in visual regions will be filled by object detectors. Our model consists of a structured sentence …

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High Performance WGAN-GP based Multiple-category Network Anomaly Classification System

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Due to the increasing of smart devices, the detection of anomalous traffic on Internet is getting more essential. Many previous intrusion detection studies which focused on the classification between normal or anomaly events can be used to enhance the system security by launching alarms as the intrusions being detected. Although many intrusion detection systems which has been developed can achieve high detection rates, they are still difficult to perform well on some attacks that have never been seen before. In this paper, the …

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Generative Adversarial Networks with Python: Deep Learning ...

Jason Brownlee - 2019

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The Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Network, or Wasserstein GAN, is an extension to the generative adversarial network that both improves the stability when training the model and provides a loss function that correlates with the quality of ...

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This property is extremely useful when doing research in adversarial networks as one does not need to stare at the generated samples to figure ... The Wasserstein loss function seeks to increase the gap between the scores for real and generated images. ... The sign of the loss does not matter in this case, as long as loss for real images is a small number and the loss for fake images is a large number.

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This book will be your first step towards understanding GAN architectures and tackling the challenges involved in training them.

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Game development is also a key area where these techniques are being applied. This book will give an in depth view of the potential of deep learning and neural networks in game development.


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本書將帶領您認識各種進階的深度學習技術,以及如何建立您專屬的劃時代AI。透過Keras完成各種實做專題,您會知道如何運用最新技術來建立高效率AI服務。 ...

page VII, 127 , 128, 133, 139      Wasserstein GAN


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2019 6th International Conference on Systems and Informatics ...

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Jul 31, 2019 - Traditional approaches of data analysis are in most cases ineffective and can only model a very simple data distribution. Nowadays ... But they are progressing as well, see this nice blog-post on Wasserstein GANs [3]. In general ... In the first part we will define latent variable models and in the second part we will see how we can learn their parameters using deep neural networks. I try to ...

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This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 32nd Canadian Conference on 

Artificial Intelligence, Canadian AI 2019, held in Kingston, ON, Canada, in May 2019. The 27 

regular papers and 34 short papers presented together with 8 Graduate Student Symposium 

papers and 4 Industry Track papers were carefully   and selected from 132 

submissions. The focus of the conference was on artificial intelligence research and 

advanced information and communications technology.

All 3 versions 

————2019—— - 80    




Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 32nd Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Canadian AI... 

by Meurs, Marie-Jean; Rudzicz, Frank 

Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 2019, 1st ed. 2019.

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 32nd Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Canadian AI 2019, held in Kingston, ON, Canada, in...

eBookFull Text Online 

[BOOK] Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 32nd Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Canadian AI 2019, Kingston, ON, Canada, May 28–31, 2019 …

MJ Meurs, F Rudzicz - 2019 - books.google.com

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 32nd Canadian Conference on 

Artificial Intelligence, Canadian AI 2019, held in Kingston, ON, Canada, in May 2019. The 27 

regular papers and 34 short papers presented together with 8 Graduate Student Symposium 

papers and 4 Industry Track papers were carefully   and selected from 132 

submissions. The focus of the conference was on artificial intelligence research and 

advanced information and communications technology.

All 3 versions


Machine Learning in Medical Imaging: 10th International Workshop, MLMI 2019, Held in... 

by Suk, Heung-Il; Liu, Mingxia; Yan, Pingkun; More... 

Image Processing, Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, and Graphics, 2019, 1st ed. 2019.

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Machine Learning in Medical Imaging, MLMI 2019, held in conjunction with MICCAI...

eBookFull Text Online
Machine Learning in Medical Imaging

10th International Workshop, MLMI 2019, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2019, Shenzhen, China, October 13, 2019, Proceedings

Found inside – Page 161

A novel WGAN-GP model with GMM-based noise generated by the Glow model (i.e., “WGAN-GP+Glow”) is proposed for the first time to fulfill the above-mentioned synthesis task. It is widely acknowledged that, GAN (i.e., generative adversarial ...


Simulation Tools and Techniques: 11th International Conference, SIMUtools 2019, Chengdu, China... 

by Song, Houbing; Jiang, Dingde 

Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, 2019, 1st ed. 2019.

This volume constitutes the refereed post-conference proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques, SIMUTools 2019, held...

eBookFull Text Online 

eBookCitation Online 

Simulation Tools and Techniques - 11th International ..

Simulation Tools and Techniques. 11th International Conference, SIMUtools 2019, Chengdu, China, July 8–10, 2019, Proceedings. Editors: Song, Houbing, Jiang ...

Simulation Tools and Techniques | SpringerLink

SIMUtools: International Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques ... 11th International Conference, SIMUtools 2019, Chengdu, China, July 8–10, 2019, Proceedings ... Network Security Situation Prediction Based on Improved WGAN

Network Security Situation Prediction Based on Improved WGAN 

Jiang Zhu, Tingting Wang

Pages 654-664 

Radar and sonar networks - SpringerOpen

Edited by: Xiuzhen Cheng, Jun-Hong Cui, Jing Liang, Qilian Liang and Yiming Pi ... Improved Wasserstein conditional generative adversarial network speech ...

by M Guan - ‎2019 - ‎Related articles

Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing: 18th ... - Page 254

Leszek Rutkowski, ‎Rafał Scherer, ‎Marcin Korytkowski - 2019

Found inside – Page 254

The Discriminator's (in context of Wasserstein GAN called as the Critic) role in this scenario is to output a scalar of how real the generated image is, rather than a probability. In practice, the sigmoid activation usually put at the end of the ..

Thirty-Third AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence

AAAI-19 saw a record number of submissions and attendance numbers in the history of AAAI series of conferences. ... all areas and especially in reasoning under uncertainty, applications, humans and AI, as well as in the big three: machine learning, computer vision and natural language processing. ... Wasserstein Soft Label Propagation on Hypergraphs: Algorithm and Generalization Error Bounds

All results for The Thirty-Third AAAI Conference on ... »

Information Systems Security: 15th International Conference, ...

Deepak Garg, ‎N. V. Narendra Kumar, ‎Rudrapatna K. Shyamasundar - 2019

Found inside – Page 125

We proposed Wasserstein GAN (WGAN) as well for structured data generation. WGAN was ... The two models of GAN are as follows: Discriminator model is responsible for predicting the probability that a sample is from a real data set. It trains ...

New Statistical Developments in Data Science: SIS 2017, ... - Page 118

Alessandra Petrucci, ‎Filomena Racioppi, ‎Rosanna Verde - 2019

Found inside – Page 118

... the mixed density, the mixing distribution is estimable in the Kantorovich or L1-Wasserstein metric at the optimal pointwise rate n−1/4 (up to a logarithmic factor), n being the sample size. Keywords Mixing convergence distribution Dirichlet ...

MR4008311   Scricciolo, Catia Bayesian Kantorovich deconvolution in finite mixture models. 

New statistical developments in data science, 119–134, Springer Proc. Math. Stat., 288, Springer, Cham, 2019. 62F15 (60B10 62G05)


——2019—— - 90  

Internet and Distributed Computing Systems: 12th ...

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Raffaele Montella, ‎Angelo Ciaramella, ‎Giancarlo Fortino · 2019

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Internet and Distributed Systems held in Naples, Italy, in October 2019.


More editions

Internet and Distributed Computing Systems | SpringerLink

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Internet and Distributed Computing Systems. 12th International ... Generation of Network Traffic Using WGAN-GP and a DFT Filter for Resolving Data Imbalance.

by R Montella

KI 2019: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 42nd German ... - Page 323

Christoph Benzmüller, ‎Heiner Stuckenschmidt · 2019

Found inside – Page 323

42nd German Conference on AI, Kassel, Germany, September 23–26, 2019, Proceedings Christoph Benzmüller, Heiner ... Gulrajani, I., Ahmed, F., Arjovsky, M., Dumoulin, V., Courville, A.: Improved training of Wasserstein GANs. ... In: Proceedings of the 25th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2011), pp.

Advanced Control Techniques in Complex Engineering Systems: ...

Yuriy P. Kondratenko, ‎Arkadii A. Chikrii, ‎Vyacheslav F. Gubarev · 2019

Found inside – Page 321

Dedicated to Professor Vsevolod M. Kuntsevich Yuriy P. Kondratenko, Arkadii A. Chikrii, Vyacheslav F. Gubarev, Janusz Kacprzyk. 10. 11. 12. 13. ... Arjovsky, M., Chintala, S., Bottou, L.: Wasserstein generative adversarial networks. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) (2017) 5. Babb II .

Using Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Networks for the the Design of Monte Carlo Simulations

Susan Athey, ‎Guido Imbens, ‎Jonas Metzger · 2019 · ‎No preview

When researchers develop new econometric methods it is common practice to compare the performance of the new methods to those of existing methods in Monte Carlo studies.

Handbook of Research on Cloud Computing and Big Data ... - Page 61

Gupta, B. B., ‎Agrawal, Dharma P. · 2019

Found inside – Page 61

Isard, M. (2016). Tensorflow: A System For Large-Scale Machine Learning. Osdi, 16, 265-283. Arjovsky, M., Chintala, S., & Bottou, L. (2017). Wasserstein Gan. Arxiv Preprint Arxiv:1701.07875 Barreno, M., Nelson, B., Joseph, A. D., & Tygar, ...

Approximation Algorithms for Distributionally Robust ...

André Linhares Rodrigues · 2019 · ‎No preview

We provide frameworks for designing approximation algorithms in such settings when the collection D is a ball around a central distribution, defined relative to two notions of distance between probability distributions: Wasserstein metrics ...

MR4012714   Chen, Zongchen; Vempala, Santosh S. Optimal convergence rate of Hamiltonian Monte Carlo for strongly logconcave distributions. 

Approximation, randomization, and combinatorial optimization. Algorithms and techniques, Art. No. 64, 12 pp., LIPIcs. Leibniz Int. Proc. Inform., 145, Schloss Dagstuhl. Leibniz-Zent. Inform., Wadern, 2019. 68Q87 (65C05)

 Chapter 2 Citations 

Tree-Sliced Variants of Wasserstein Distances - NIPS ...


by T Le · ‎2019 · ‎Cited by 5 · ‎Related articles

form computations and negative definite, and of which the sliced-Wasserstein distance is a ... 

Approximation, Randomization, and Combinatorial Optimization.


Modeling, Stochastic Control, Optimization, and Applications - Page 148

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George Yin, ‎Qing Zhang · 2019

Found inside – Page 148

Under the linear programming approach, the optimization problem is reduced to a linear problem on a space of so-called occupation measures. ... and, in particular, they provide characterizations of the optimal value function and the existence of optimal control policies. ... with respect to some probability measure μ on X, we approximate μ, in the Wasserstein metric, with a measure μk with finite support.

MR3970169  Dufour, François; Prieto-Rumeau, Tomás Numerical approximations for discounted continuous time Markov decision processes. 

Modeling, stochastic control, optimization, and applications, 147–171, IMA Vol. Math. Appl., 164, Springer, Cham, 2019. 90C40 (60B10 65K10)


Computation and Combinatorics in Dynamics, Stochastics and ...

Elena Celledoni, ‎Giulia Di Nunno, ‎Kurusch Ebrahimi-Fard · 2019

Found inside – Page 664

We will work with the 1-Wasserstein distance (see e.g. [14, §C] and the references therein). Given two random variables X, Y whose laws are μX , written dW and μY, respectively, the Wasserstein distance between μX and μY (X, Y), is defined ...

MR3967400   Peccati, Giovanni; Rossi, Maurizia Quantitative limit theorems for local functionals of arithmetic random waves. 

Computation and combinatorics in dynamics, stochastics and control, 659–689, Abel Symp., 13, Springer, Cham, 2018. (Reviewer: José Rafael León) 60G15 (35J05 35P05 35P20 58J50 60B10 60G60)

Chapter 4 Citations 

Asymptotics of Random Matrices and Related Models: The Uses ...

Alice Guionnet · 2019

Found inside – Page 3

We will see that these techniques generalize to sufficiently smooth potentials by using more general Dyson-Schwinger equations. Global fluctuations, together with estimates of the Wasserstein distance, were obtained in [70] for off-critical, ..

34th Computational Complexity Conference (CCC 2019)

9 · ‎No preview

MR3984609  Chattopadhyay, Eshan; De, Anindya; Servedio, Rocco A. Simple and efficient pseudorandom generators from Gaussian processes. 

34th Computational Complexity Conference, Art. No. 4, 33 pp., LIPIcs. Leibniz Int. Proc. Inform., 137, Schloss Dagstuhl. Leibniz-Zent. Inform., Wadern, 2019. 68Q87 (60G15 68Q25)

Chapter  2019

Simple and efficient pseudorandom generators from Gaussian ...

Jul 1, 2019 — Simple and efficient pseudorandom generators from Gaussian processes ... establishes bounds on the 

Wasserstein distance between Gaussian random ... Gaussian processes; Johnson-lindenstrauss; Polynomial threshold ...

by E Chattopadhyay · ‎2019 · ‎Cited by 1 · ‎Related articles

34th Computational Complexity Conference, CCC 2019

——2019—— - 100 

Artificial Intelligence and Security: 5th International ... - Page 229

Xingming Sun, ‎Zhaoqing Pan, ‎Elisa Bertino · 2019

Found inside – Page 229

Popular GAN Models. Since the introduction of generative adversarial networks, many popular GAN models have improved the loss function of the original GAN [1]. WGAN [19] uses Wasserstein distance to fit the distribution between real data ...

Computer Security – ESORICS 2019: 24th European Symposium on ...

Kazue Sako, ‎Steve Schneider, ‎Peter Y. A. Ryan · 2019

Found inside – Page 132

24th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security, Luxembourg, September 23–27, 2019, Proceedings, Part I Kazue Sako, Steve Schneider, Peter ... 2.5 Wasserstein Metric We recall the notion of probability coupling as follows.

p.147  Vaserstein

Deep Learning: Concepts and Architectures - Page 193

Witold Pedrycz, ‎Shyi-Ming Chen · 2019

Found inside – Page 193

[73] propose a deep variational model, called DVNE, which satisfies the above requirements and learns the Gaussian embedding in the Wasserstein space. Wasserstein space [14] is a metric space where the learned representations are able ...

Predictive Density Estimation Under the Wasserstein Loss

2019 · ‎No preview

Publisher: Department of Mathematical Informatics, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, the University of Tokyo

Probability and Statistics

Cain Mckay · 2019

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The name “Wasserstein distance” was coined by R. L. Dobrushin in 1970, after the Russian mathematician Leonid Vaseršte- ́n who introduced the concept in 1969. Most English-language publications use the German spelling “Wasserstein” .

30th International Conference on Concurrency Theory ...


Aug 27, 2019 — 30th International Conference on Concurrency Theory (CONCUR 2019). ... and Analysis of Systems - 22nd International Conference, TACAS 2016, Held as ... Gromov-Wasserstein Distances and the Metric Approach to Object.

by W Fokkink · ‎2019

Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 32 (NIPS 2019)

Asymptotic Guarantees for Learning Generative Models with the Sliced-Wasserstein Distance Kimia Nadjahi, Alain Durmus, Umut Simsekli, Roland Badeau

Generalized Sliced Wasserstein Distances Soheil Kolouri, Kimia Nadjahi, Umut Simsekli, Roland Badeau, Gustavo Roh

Multi-marginal Wasserstein GAN Jiezhang Cao, Langyuan Mo, Yifan Zhang, Kui Jia, Chunhua Shen, Mingkui Tan

Scalable Gromov-Wasserstein Learning for Graph Partitioning and Matching Hongteng Xu, Dixin Luo, Lawrence Carin

Propagating Uncertainty in Reinforcement Learning via Wasserstein Barycenters Alberto Maria Metelli, Amarildo Likmeta, Marcello Restelli

Wasserstein Weisfeiler-Lehman Graph Kernels Matteo Togninalli, Elisabetta Ghisu, Felipe Llinares-López, Bastian Rieck, Karste

Quantum Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Networks Shouvanik Chakrabarti, Huang Yiming, Tongyang Li, Soheil Feizi, Xiaodi Wu

Interior-Point Methods Strike Back: Solving the Wasserstein Barycenter Problem DongDong Ge, Haoyue Wang, Zikai Xiong, Yinyu Ye

Concentration of risk measures: A Wasserstein distance approach Sanjay P. Bhat, Prashanth L.A.

Tree-Sliced Variants of Wasserstein Distances Tam Le, Makoto Yamada, Kenji Fukumizu, Marco Cuturi

Sliced Gromov-Wasserstein Vayer Titouan, Rémi Flamary, Nicolas Courty, Romain Tavenard, Laetitia Chapel

Wasserstein Dependency Measure for Representation Learning Sherjil Ozair, Corey Lynch, Yoshua Bengio, Aaron van den Oord, Sergey 

Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: ...

Michele Berlingerio, ‎Francesco Bonchi, ‎Thomas Gärtner · 2019

Found inside – Page 764

... Dublin, Ireland, September 10–14, 2018, Proceedings, Part II Michele Berlingerio, Francesco Bonchi, Thomas Gärtner, Neil ... error function and the discrepancy between the source and target distributions given by the Wasserstein distance.

Found inside – Page 161

(Color figure online) Wasserstein GAN. Three groups of colorization results of the same grayscale images using GAN and Wasserstein GAN are shown in Fig.9. We can see from the result that Wasserstein GAN can produce comparable results ..

Proceedings of the Seventh International Congress of Chinese ...

Shing-Tung Yau · 2019 · ‎No preview

Multi-Level Metric Learning via Smoothed Wasserstein ... - IJCAI

PDF 2018

1 School of Electronic Engineering, Xidian University, Xi'an 710071, China ... Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial ...

by J Xu · ‎Cited by 6 · ‎Related articles

MR3971871   Engquist, Björn; Yang, Yunan Seismic imaging and optimal transport. 

Proceedings of the Seventh International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians, Vol. I, 173–213, Adv. Lect. Math. (ALM), 43, Int. Press, Somerville, MA, 2019. 65K10 (49Q20 65Z05 86A15 86A22)


CIKM '19: Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge ManagementNovember 2019, pp 2509–2515https://doi.org/10.1145/3357384.3357809
Product search and recommendation is a task that every e-commerce platform wants to outperform their peels on. However, training a good search or recommendation model often requires more data than what many platforms have. Fortunately, the search tasks ... 

——2019—— - 110    

Hands-On Generative Adversarial Networks with PyTorch 1.x: ...

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John Hany, ‎Greg Walters · 2019


The Wasserstein GAN (WGAN) was proposed by Martin Arjovsky, Soumith Chintala, and Léon Bottou in their paper, Wasserstein GAN. Martin Arjovsky and Léon Bottou also laid the groundwork in an earlier

——2019—— - 111   end 2019 Wasserstein books



2019   Vaserstein  Vaserstein   12  books

2019 V1

Computer Networks: 26th International Conference, CN 2019, ...

Piotr Gaj, ‎Michał Sawicki, ‎Andrzej Kwiecień · 2019

Found inside – Page 399

Kalimulina, E.Y.: Rate of convergence to stationary distribution for unreliable Jackson-type queueing network with dynamic ... https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4612- 2224-8 19 Veretennikov, A., Butkovsky, O.A.: On asymptotics for Vaserstein ..

Maple in Mathematics Education and Research

Third Maple Conference, MC 2019, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, October 15–17, 2019, Proceedings

Page 229. Frisch, Vaserstein

Theorems of the 21st Century: Volume I - Page 428

Bogdan Grechuk · 2019

Found inside – Page 428

Oxford University Press, Oxford (1986) Todorcevic, S.: Introduction to Ramsey Spaces (am-174). ... Mathematische Annalen 116(1), 1–50 (1939) Vaserstein, L.: Polynomial parametrization for the solutions of Diophantine equations and ...

Lecture Notes on Mathematical Statistical Physics

So classical mechanics as in Definition 1 has a time evolution that belongs to the ... in Mathematical Physics 49: 217–232 (1976) and L.N. Vaserstein: On a ... Q and P have small commutator compared to typical eigenvalues of Q and P: [Q, P] = ...

Certain Number-Theoretic Episodes In Algebra, Second Edition

R Sivaramakrishnan · 2019

Found inside – Page 360

[5] Eckford Cohen: The finite Goldbach problem in algebraic number fields, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 7 (1956) 500–506 ... [13] L.N. Vaserstein: Non-commutative number theory, Contemporary Math., 83 (1989) 445–449. [14] Jun Wang: Goldbach ...

Functional Gaussian Approximation for Dependent Structures

Florence Merlevède, ‎Magda Peligrad, ‎Sergey Utev - 2019 - ‎Mathematics

Vasershtein, L.N. (1969). Markov processes on countable product ... PhD thesis, University of Marne-la-Vallée, France. Wu, W.B. (2007). Strong invariance ...

Mathematical Apocrypha Redux: More Stories and Anecdotes of ...

Steven G. Krantz - 2019

Found inside - Page 211

Everything was quite chaste. One need only imagine the three of them, often fully clothed, laid out side by side. Mathematician Leonid Vaserstein (1944- ) emigrated to this country in the dark old days of the Soviet Union, when emigration by ...

 Vaserstein on p.211, 293

originally published by MAA 2005

The Story of Algebraic Numbers in the First Half of the 20th ...

- Page 407

Władysław Narkiewicz - 2019

Found inside - Page 407

Lund (1925) Värmon, J.: Über die Klassenzahl Abelscher Körper. Ark. Mat. 22(13), 1–47 (1930) Varnavides, P.: The Euclidean real quadratic fields. Indag. Math. 14, 111–122 (1952) Vaserstein, L.N.: Waring's problem for commutative rings.


Theorems of the 21st Century

- Volume 1 - Page 369

Bogdan Grechuk - 2019

Found inside - Page 369

There was very little progress on this question for 70 years, until it was answered positively in the following theorem of Leonid Vaserstein [387]. Theorem 10.4 The set of all integer solutions of (10.8) is a polynomial family with 46 parameters.

Computer Security - ESORICS 2019: 24th European Symposium on ...

Kazue Sako (Innovation Producer), ‎Steve A. Schneider, ‎Peter Y. A. Ryan - 2019

Found inside - Page 147

... Vaserstein, L.: Markovian processes on countable space product describing large systems of automata. Probl. Peredachi Inf. 5(3), 64–72 (1969) Dwork, C., McSherry, F., Nissim, K., Smith, A.: Calibrating noise to sensitivity in private data .

Found inside - Page 132

Note that d is a pseudometric. Hereafter we assume that for all as, y, u(a, v) = 0 is logically ... 2.5 Wasserstein Metric We recall the notion of probability coupling as follows. Definition 5 (Coupling). Given Ao e DAO and XI e DA', a coupling of Ao ...

Euclidean Design Theory

- Page 43

Masanori Sawa, ‎Masatake Hirao, ‎Sanpei Kageyama - 2019

Found inside - Page 43

Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A Math. Phys. Sci. 460, 169–198 (2004) Lyubich, Y.I., Vaserstein, L.N.: Isometric embeddings between classical Banach spaces, cubature formulas, and spherical designs. Geom. Dedicata 47(3), 327–362 (1993) Möller ...

The generalized Vaserstein symbol 

by Syed, Tariq  2019

Dissertation/Thesis: Citation Online 

The Generalized Vaserstein Symbol - Tariq Syed - Google Books

München, 2019

———2019- ————— 11 books  end  2019 Vaserstein  

Wasserstein Vaserstein   2020   

Wasserstein  start 2020  120 books

2020 W1

An Invitation to Statistics in Wasserstein Space

Victor M. Panaretos, ‎Yoav Zemel - 2020 - ‎No preview

This open access book presents the key aspects of statistics in Wasserstein spaces, i.e. statistics in the space of probability measures when endowed with the geometry of optimal transportation.

 Mastering Machine Learning Algorithms: 

Expert techniques to implement popular machine learning algorithms and fine-tune your models.

Giuseppe Bonaccorso - 2020

Expert techniques for implementing popular machine learning algorithms, fine-tuning your models, and understanding how ... Wasserstein. GAN. As explained in the previous section, one of the most difficult problems with standard GANs is ...

Probability companion engineering and computer science

Rating: 5 - ‎1 vote

Author: Adam Prügel-Bennett, University of Southampton. Publication planned for: February 2020; availability: Not yet published - available from ... Topics of discussion range from carbon dating to Wasserstein GANs, one of the most recent ...

Computational Diffusion MRI: International

An Invitation to Statistics in Wasserstein Space

Victor M. Panaretos, ‎Yoav Zemel - 2020 - ‎No preview

This open access book presents the key aspects of statistics in Wasserstein spaces, i.e. statistics in the space of probability measures when endowed with the geometry of optimal transportation.

Found inside - Page 143

45(1), 223–256 (2017) P. Cl ́ement, W. Desch, An elementary proof of the triangle inequality for the Wasserstein metric. ... 46(2), 335–361 (1993) J.A. Cuesta-Albertos, C. Matr ́an-Bea, A. Tuero-Diaz, On lower bounds for the L2-Wasserstein ...

Information Security Applications: 20th International ...

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Ilsun You - 2020

Found inside - Page 250

PassGAN was developed using the Improved Wasserstein GAN (IWGAN), which is a relatively new model among the various GAN models. GAN, which is a deep learning model used in PassGAN, has recently become an important generation ...

Information Systems Security: 15th International Conference, ...

Deepak Garg, ‎N. V. Narendra Kumar, ‎Rudrapatna K. Shyamasundar - 2020

Found inside - Page 127

Architecture of GAN with generator and discriminator objective functions. Wasserstein GAN [9] (WGAN) employs Wasserstein distance as the loss function. Wasserstein Distance is a measure of the distance between two probability ...

2929 W5

Computational Vision and Bio-Inspired Computing: Iccvbic 2019

S. Smys, ‎João Manuel R. S. Tavares, ‎Valentina Emilia Balas - 2020

Found inside - Page 1033

In particular [14], proposed a global-optimization based method that can obtain more consistent. 2.5 WGAN With several reasons to support, GANs are very [difficult] to train. Wasserstein GAN (WGAN), an alternative function [15,16] shows that ...

Advances in Optimization and Decision Science for Society, ...

Massimo Paolucci, ‎Anna Sciomachen, ‎Pierpaolo Uberti - 2020

Found inside - Page 32

Math. Program. 143(1), 87–110 (2014) 3. Arjovsky, M., Chintala, S., Bottou, L.: Wasserstein GAN. arXiv preprint. arXiv:1701.07875 (2017) 4. Auricchio, G., Bassetti, F., Gualandi, S., Veneroni, M.: Computing Kantorovich-Wasserstein distances

Electrically Driven Quantum Dot Based Single-Photon Sources: ...

Markus Kantner - 2020

Found inside - Page 118

In this case, the GENERIC equation (5.62) reduces to dz dt = ( J(z) − T 1 K(z) ) DF(z), (5.65) which describes a gradient flow ... equation for classical Markov processes was written as a gradient system with respect to the Wasserstein metric [65].

Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems: 20th ...

Jacques Blanc-Talon, ‎Patrice Delmas, ‎Wilfried Philips - 2020

Found inside - Page 233

Then, the adversarial loss is defined as follows: LDadv =−EIyl [Drf (Iyl)]+ EIyl [Drf (G(Iyl|yl))] (5) ,y'l Discriminator's Wasserstein GAN Loss. To avoid local saturation of the Discriminator's Adversarial Loss, which will lead to vanishing gradients in ...

<—2020———————— 10— 

Databases Theory and Applications: 31st Australasian ...

Renata Borovica-Gajic, ‎Jianzhong Qi, ‎Weiqing Wang - 2020

Found inside - Page 146

In: ACM SIGKDD (2016) Zhu, D., Cui, P., Wang, D., Zhu, W.: Deep variational network embedding in wasserstein space. In: ACM SIGKDD (2018) Geo-Social Temporal Top-k Queries in Location-Based Social Networks Ammar Sohail(B), 146 B.

Statistical Inference Via Convex Optimization

Anatoli Juditsky, ‎Arkadi Nemirovski - 2020

Found inside - Page 561

The Wasserstein distance between probability distributions is extremely popular in Statistics today; it is defined as follows.14 Consider discrete random variables taking values in finite observation space Ω = {1,2,..., n} which is equipped with ...

Handbook of Homotopy Theory

Haynes Miller - 2020

Found inside - Page 309

and define the full barcode space B to be the quotient B+/ , where is the equivalence relation generated by the relations {I1 ,...,I k−1 ,[xi ,xi],I k+1,...,I ... For any p > 0 and also for p = ∞, we refer to Wp(B1 ,B2) as the p-Wasserstein distance.

Geometric Partial Differential Equations -


Found inside - Page 677

Properties of Sobolev-type metrics in the space of curves. Interfaces Free Bound. ... An overview of the Riemannian metrics on spaces of curves using the Hamiltonian approach. Appl. Comput. ... J., Rabin, J., 2012. Wasserstein active contours.

Proceedings of NetSci-X 2020

Naoki Masuda - 2020

Found inside - Page 129

More formally, let (X, μ0) and (Y, μ 1) be two probability spaces and let π(μ0 ,μ 1) denote the set of all couplings on X × Y ... The cost originally defined in a distance form on a metric space leads to the Lp Wasserstein distance as follows: Wp ...

The Probability Companion for Engineering and Computer Science

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Adam Prügel-Bennett - 2020

Found inside - Page 172

Figure 7.18 Example of two two-dimensional distributions (shown as a contour plot) with a relatively small Wasserstein distance, but a large KL divergence. Example 7.14 Wasserstein Distance between Normal Distributions The Wasserstein ..


Mastering Machine Learning Algorithms: Expert techniques for ... - Page …,  635, 649, 651

implementing popular machine learning algorithms, fine-tuning your models, and understanding .

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Giuseppe Bonaccorso - 2020

Found inside - Page 649

Wasserstein. GAN. As explained in the previous section, one of the most difficult problems with standard GANs is caused by the loss function based on the Jensen-Shannon divergence, whose value becomes constant when two distributions ...

No image available

 Machine Learning: A Bayesian and Optimization Perspective

Sergios Theodoridis - 2020

Found inside - Page 1001

The Wasserstein GAN In [6], the task of matching pr and pg in low-dimensional manifolds is systematically tackled via the so-called Wasserstein distance between distributions. It is first shown that when learning distributions in low-dimensional ...

Found inside - Page 3-16

Use a better metric of distribution similarity The loss function of the vanilla GAN measures the JS divergence between the distributions of Prand Pg. This metric fails to provide a meaningful value when two distributions are disjoint. Wasserstein ...

Advances in Data Science: Symbolic, Complex, and Network Data

Edwin Diday, ‎Rong Guan, ‎Gilbert Saporta - 2020

Found inside - Page 105

Moreover, to compare histogram data, we need to introduce a suitable distance. In particular, in the field of data analysis on theoretical or empirical distribution functions, [IRP 15] suggested we use the L2-Wasserstein metric, also known as ...

Nonlinear Diffusion Equations and Curvature Conditions in ...

Luigi Ambrosio, ‎Andrea Mondino, ‎Giuseppe Savaré - 2020

Found inside - Page 121

S. Lisini, Characterization of absolutely continuous curves in Wasserstein spaces, Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations 28 (2007), no. 1, 85–120. MR2267755 J. Lott and C. Villani, Ricci curvature for metric-measure spaces via optimal ...

—2020——  — 20  

Smart Meter Data Analytics: Electricity Consumer Behavior ... 

Yi Wang (Writer on thermodynamics), ‎Qixin Chen, ‎Chongqing Kang - 2020

Found inside - Page 108

The Wasserstein GAN (WGAN) solves these problems by redesigning the network architecture and the loss function. Mathematically, optimizing the vanilla GAN is equivalent to minimizing the Jensen–Shannon divergence between the ...

Iput limited Wasserstein GAN - SPIE Digital Library

by F Cao - ‎2020

Jan 31, 2020 - Generative adversarial networks (GANs) has proven hugely successful, but suffer from train instability. The recently proposed Wasserstein GAN ...

Input limited Wasserstein GAN 

by Cao, Feidao; Zhao, Huaici; Liu, Pengfei; More... 


Generative adversarial networks (GANs) has proven hugely successful, but suffer from train instability. The recently proposed Wasserstein GAN (WGAN) has...

Conference Proceeding:  Full Text Online 

Chinese font translation with improved Wasserstein ...

by Y Miao - ‎2020

Jan 31, 2020 - Chinese font translation with improved Wasserstein generative adversarial network ... are selected as the core component to extract the features fully and enhance the information transmission between network layers.

Chinese font translation with improved Wasserstein generative adversarial network 

by Miao, Yalin; Jia, Huanhuan; Tang, Kaixu; More... 


Nowadays, various fonts are applied in many fields, and the generation of multiple fonts by computer plays an important role in the inheritance, development...

Conference Proceeding: Full Text Online 


[BOOK] Computational ScienceICCS 2020: 20th International Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 3–5, 2020, Proceedings, Part I

VV Krzhizhanovskaya - 2020 - books.google.com

Welcome to the 20th Annual International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS–

https://www. iccs-meeting. org/iccs2020/). During the preparation for this 20th edition of ICCS 

we were considering all kinds of nice ways to celebrate two decennia of computational …

All 4 versions

Computational Science - ICCS 2020: 20th International Conference, Amsterdam, The...

by Krzhizhanovskaya, Valeria V; Závodszky, Gábor; Lees, Michael H; More...

Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues, 2020, 1st ed. 2020.

The seven-volume set LNCS 12137, 12138, 12139, 12140, 12141, 12142, and 12143 constitutes the proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Computational...

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Found inside – Page 227

The discriminator then takes a completed vector and attempts to determine which components were observed and which were imputed. The GAIN forms the base for our modification of the imputation method based on Wasserstein GAN [2], ...


OOK] Handbook of Variational Methods for Nonlinear Geometric Data

P Grohs - 2020 - Springer

Nonlinear geometry arises in various applications in science and engineering. Examples of 

nonlinear data spaces are diverse and include for instance nonlinear spaces of matrices, 

spaces of curves, shapes as well as manifolds of probability measures. Applications where 

such data spaces appear can be found in biology, medicine, engineering, geography, and 

computer vision. Variational methods on the other hand have evolved to be very powerful 

tools of applied mathematics. They involve techniques from various branches of …

All 3 versions 

Handbook of Variational Methods for Nonlinear Geometric Data

by Grohs, Philipp; Holler, Martin; Weinmann, Andreas

2020, 1st ed. 2020.

This book explains how variational methods have evolved to being amongst the most powerful tools for applied mathematics. They involve techniques from various...

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[BOOK] Modeling and Optimization of Interdependent Energy Infrastructures

W Wei, J Wang - 2020 - Springer

The everlasting consumption of fossil fuels with limited reserves amid climate change and 

environmental pollution arises public awareness of sustainable development, which calls for 

technology innovations as well as policy reformations to encourage energy saving, enhance 

system efficiency, and harness green resources. Nowadays, our energy supply 

infrastructures are experiencing rapid changes in two aspects. First, renewable energies are 

utilized at various levels of our energy systems. This initiative alleviates the dependence on …

Cited by 6 Related articles All 3 versions 

Advanced Signal Processing: A Concise Guide - Page 322

Amir-Homayoon Najmi, ‎Todd Moon - 2020

Found inside – Page 322

[ 180 ] M. Arjovsky , S. Chintala , and L. Bottou , “ Wasserstein GAN . ” https://arxiv.org/pdf/ 1701.07875.pdf . arXiv : 1701.07875v3 - 6 Dec 2017 . [ 181 ] X. Mao , Q. Li , H. Xie , R. Y. K. Lau , Z. Wang , and S. P. Smolley , “ Least squares generative ...

Found inside – Page 308

Note that the loss is always calculated at the output of D but the calculation could use different functions depending on the network that is being trained . Typical losses used to optimize GANs are Wasserstein and least - squares loss functions ...

Identifying Neuroimaging-Based Markers for Distinguishing ...

Yuhui Du, ‎Jing Sui, ‎Dongdong Lin - 2020

Found inside – Page 239

To tackle this problem, in this paper we consider Wasserstein distance as distance metric for regression model. Different from Lp distances (p ≥ 0) (Luo et al., 2017) or Kullback-Leibler (Csiszár and Shields, 2004) and other f-divergences (Ali ...

Introduction to Machine Learning - Page 352

Ethem Alpaydin - 2020

Found inside – Page 352

Wasserstein loss (12.37) generating fakes, D gets better in detecting them, which in turn forces G to generate much better fakes, and so on. Starting from random weights for both, training of the two is alternated. For a fixed G, we update the ...

Machine Learning for Tomographic Imaging

Ge Wang (Ph. D. in electrical and computer engineering), ‎Yi Zhang (Ph. D. in computer science and technology), ‎Xiaojing Ye - 2020 - ‎No preview

An engaging and accessible style makes this book an ideal introduction for those in applied disciplines, as well as those in more theoretical disciplines who wish to learn about application contexts.

—2020——  — 30   books

Neural Machine Translation - Page 343

Philipp Koehn - 2020

Found inside – Page 343

Association for Computational Linguistics, Florence, pages 97–107. www.aclweb.org/anthology/W19-4611. David Alvarez-Melis and Tommi Jaakkola. 2018. Gromov-Wasserstein alignment of word embedding 343 spaces. In Proceedings of ...

Bayesian Methods in Pharmaceutical Research

Emmanuel Lesaffre, ‎Gianluca Baio, ‎Bruno Boulanger - 2020

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The close numerical connection to Fisher's test, which was developed more than 50 years later (Fisher, 1934, Section ... 2016) and recently reiterated in the American Statistical Association Statement on Pvalues (Wasserstein and Lazar, 2016) ...

 Deep Learning with PyTorch

Eli Stevens, ‎Luca Antiga, ‎Thomas Viehmann - 2020

About the book Deep Learning with PyTorch teaches you to create neural networks and deep learning systems with PyTorch. This practical book quickly gets you to work building a real-world example from scratch: a tumor image classifier.

Generative Adversarial Networks with Industrial Use Cases: ...

Navin K Manaswi - 2020

Found inside – Page 3-16

Improving. training. One-sided label smoothing While feeding the discriminator, instead of providing 1 and 0 labels, use floatvalues ... Wasserstein metric is proposed to replace JS divergence because it has a much smoother value space.

Communications, Signal Processing, and Systems: Proceedings of the 2018 CSPS Volume III: Systems 

by Liang, Qilian; Liu, Xin; Na, Zhenyu; More... 

Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2020, 1st ed. 2020.

This book brings together papers from the 2018 International Conference on Communications, Signal Processing, and Systems, which was held in Dalian, China on...

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[PDF] researchgate.net

[BOOK] Communications, Signal Processing, and Systems: The 2012 Proceedings of the International Conference on Communications, Signal Processing, and …

Cited by 4 Related articles All 7 versions 

Virtual Samples for Cloud Classification via Supervised Learning


Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have been widely used in image classification task, which is based on the huge amount of image samples. However, the insufficiency of cloud sample numbers brings obstacles to classify clouds using CNNs. In this paper, we propose to apply Wasserstein generative adversarial network (WGAN) to generate virtual cloud samples via supervised learning. Afterward, we fine-tune a deep CNN model to evaluate the classification performance under different number of virtual cloud samples. The experimental results demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed method.

Shuang Liu, Mei Li, Zhong Zhang, Mingzhu Shi, Xiaozhong Cao

Programming Languages and Systems: 29th European Symposium ...

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Peter Müller - 2020

Found inside – Page 382

Wasserstein Distance We choose to use the Wasserstein distance primarily because (1) it can measure the distance between a continuous and discrete distribution (unlike KL-Divergence or Total Variation Distance) and (2) prior work has ...

Found inside – Page 382

Additionally, unlike other metrics, the Wasserstein metric incorporates the underlying difference in geometry of the distributions (which strongly affects inference accuracy [37, 59]). Let M(μ0) represent the renormalized measure associated to ...

Combinatorial Image Analysis: 20th International Workshop, ... - Page 37

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Found inside – Page 37

The Wasserstein distance is defined for separable completely metrizable topological spaces. In this particular case between PK2. The Lp-Wasserstein distance Wp the two persistence diagrams PK1 and is a metric arising from the examination ...

Found inside – Page 38

(20) For small enough perturbations of Lipschitz functions their p-th Wasserstein distance is bounded by a constant. In Fig.3 the topological development of handwritings through ... 6. The. Natural. Neighbor. Algorithm. The algorithm ...

Linear and Multilinear Algebra and Function Spaces - Page 25

A. Bourhim, ‎J. Mashreghi, ‎L. Oubbi - 2020

Found inside – Page 25

The Bures-Wasserstein metric appears in several different areas of mathematics and physics. For example, when defined on the state space of a quantum system, it is a quantum generalization of the Fisher information metric and plays an ...

The Equation of Knowledge: From Bayes' Rule to a Unified ...

Lê Nguyên Hoang - 2020

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This is the Wasserstein metric, also known as gunner distance or the optimal transport solution. The advantage of this metric is that it takes into account how much an event m is different from m , which the KL divergence does not. So, if you ...



Álvaro Herrero - 2020

Found inside – Page 403

Arjovsky, M., Chintala, S., Bottou, L.: Wasserstein GAN. ArXiv abs/1701.07875 (2017) 3. Beigi, E.B., Jazi, H.H., Stakhanova, N., Ghorbani, A.A.: Towards effective feature selection in machine learning-based botnet detection approaches.


<—2020——  — 40—  

Lazaros Iliadis, ‎Plamen Parvanov Angelov, ‎Chrisina Jayne - 2020

Found inside – Page 200

Proceedings of the EANN 2020 Lazaros Iliadis, Plamen Parvanov Angelov, Chrisina Jayne, Elias Pimenidis. factors is an ... 

References 1. Arjovsky, M., Chintala, S., Bottou, L.: Wasserstein GAN (2017). http://arxiv.org/ abs/1701.07875 2. Brock ...

dHealth 2020 – Biomedical Informatics for Health and Care: ...

G. Schreier, ‎D. Hayn, ‎A. Eggerth - 2020

Found inside – Page 255

Limitations and Outlook One important take-away from our experiments is, that currently developing a “general” GAN ... 

"Wasserstein GAN-Based Small-Sample Augmentation for New-Generation Artificial Intelligence", Engineering 5(1) (2019) ...


Artificial Intelligence and Security - Page 386

Xingming Sun

Found inside – Page 386

In this paper, we propose a novel image steganography method without modification based on Wasserstein GAN Gradient ... 2020. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-8083-3_34 and then to embed the message by the traditional distortion.

Proceedings of the 21st EANN (Engineering Applications of Neural Networks) 2020 Conference

Proceedings of the EANN 2020

Editors   (view affiliations) 

Lazaros Iliadis  Plamen Parvanov Angelov  Chrisina Jayne  Elias Pimenidis

Wasserstein GAN


Proceedings of the EANN 2020 Lazaros Iliadis, Plamen Parvanov Angelov, Chrisina Jayne, Elias Pimenidis. progressive GAN ... The GAN loss function is based on Wasserstein GAN with gradient penalty (WGAN-GP) [6]. WGAN-GP losses for ...

Intelligent Computing: Image Processing Based Applications - Page 88

J. K. Mandal, ‎Soumen Banerjee - 2020

Found inside – Page 88

Arjovsky, M., Chintala, S., & Bottou, L. (2017). Wasserstein generative adversarial networks. In Proceedings of International Conference on Machine Learning (Vol. 70, pp. 214–223). Available: http://proceedings.mlr.press/v70/arjovsky17a.html.

Wasserstein GAN (WGAN) - Mastering Machine Learning ...

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As explained in the previous section, one of the most difficult problems with standard GANs is caused by the loss function based on the Jensen-Shannon.

ebook   WGAN

Domain Adaptation in Computer Vision with Deep Learning - Page 135

Hemanth Venkateswara - 2020

Found inside – Page 135

Kulis, B., Saenko, K., Darrell, T.: What you saw is not what you get: domain adaptation using asymmetric kernel ... Lee, C.Y., Batra, T., Baig, M.H., Ulbricht, D.: Sliced Wasserstein discrepancy for unsupervised domain adaptation (2019). Preprint ...

High-Dimensional Probability - UCI Mathematics

PDF  book

Jun 9, 2020 - Roman Vershynin. University of ... Vershynin for their help with many pictures in this book. ... It is called the Wasserstein's distance W1(µ, µn) .

by R Vershynin - ‎2020 - ‎Cited by 7 - ‎Related articles

Machine Learning Meets Quantum Physics - Page 449

Kristof T. Schütt, ‎Stefan Chmiela, ‎O. Anatole von Lilienfeld - 2020

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Recently, this limitation was simplified by employing the Wasserstein distance as a penalty for the encoder regularization [102, 103]. As a result, richer latent representations are computed more efficiently within Wasserstein Auto-Encoders, ...

Statistical Foundations of Data Science

Jianqing Fan, ‎Runze Li, ‎Cun-Hui Zhang - 2020

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Examples include f-GAN (Nowozin, Cseke and Tomioka, 2016), Wasserstein GAN (W-GAN) (Arjovsky, Chintala and Bottou, 2017), MMD GAN (Li, Swersky and Zemel, 2015), etc. We single out the Wasserstein GAN (WGAN) to introduce due to ...

—2020——  — 50   

Proceedings of the 6th China High Resolution Earth ... - Page 426

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Liheng Wang, ‎Yirong Wu, ‎Jianya Gong · 2020


The same dataset is used in the training of the optimized WGAN. The parameters are consistent with the first part, and we still collect images after the 1000th epoch . For the Wasserstein GAN with deep convolution structure, the surface texture ...


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Progresses in Artificial Intelligence and Neural Systems - Page 76

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Anna Esposito · 2020


8 Fréchet Inception 350 Distance (FID) on the ICR dataset for three models: standard WGAN, reduced 300 standard WGAN and our reduced KAF-WGAN ... In : Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), pp.

und inside – Page 77

Gulrajani, I., Ahmed, F., Arjovsky, M., Dumoulin, V., Courville, A.C.: Improved training of wasserstein GANs. In: Advances in ... In: Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), vol. 30, p. ... In: Proceedings of the Thirty-Second AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (2018) 17. Wang, X.


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ECAI 2020: 24th European Conference on Artificial ... - Page 2267

G. De Giacomo, ‎A. Catala, ‎B. Dilkina · 2020

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24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 29 August–8 September 2020, Santiago de Compostela, Spain – Including ... [2] Martin Arjovsky, Soumith Chintala, and Léon Bottou, 'Wasserstein generative adversarial networks', in International conference on machine learning, pp. ... attention transfer network for cross-domain sentiment classification', in Proceedings of the 32th AAAI 

Found inside – Page 1189

[3] Frank J. Balbach, Models for algorithmic teaching., Ph.D. dissertation, University of L ̈ubeck, 2007. ... the number of distinct languages accepted by finite automata with n states', Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics, 7(4), 469–486, (2002). ... Deep generative models enhanced by Wasserstein distance have achieved J. Hernández-Orallo and J.A. Telle / Finite and Confident Teaching in ...

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24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 29 August–8 September 2020, Santiago de Compostela, Spain – Including 10th ... Wasserstein GAN (WGAN) [2] and WGAN-gp [13] are two GAN based generative models that minimize the ...


Deep generative models enhanced by Wasserstein distance have achieved remarkable success in recent years. ... minimizes a Wasserstein distance between the data distribution and the reconstructed distribution in data space plus a penalty ...

Advances in Information and Communication: Proceedings of ...

Kohei Arai, ‎Supriya Kapoor, ‎Rahul Bhatia · 2020

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Proceedings of the 2020 Future of Information and Communication Conference (FICC), Volume 1 Kohei Arai, Supriya Kapoor, Rahul Bhatia. we hope to show the ... Arjovsky, M., Chintala, S., Bottou, L.: Wasserstein gan. arXiv preprint ... In: Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Machine Learning, vol. 70, pp. ... In: Thirty-Second AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (2018) 

Mathematical Optimization Theory and Operations Research: ...

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19th International Conference, MOTOR 2020, Novosibirsk, Russia, July 6–10, 2020, Proceedings Alexander Kononov, Michael Khachay, ... Special Issue Dedicated to Alan J. Hoffman Gasnikov, A.V., Gasnikova, E.V., Nesterov, Y.E., Chernov, A.V.: Efficient numerical ... A., Tupitsa, N., Dvinskikh, D., Dvurechensky, P., Gasnikov, A., Uribe, C.: On the complexity of approximating Wasserstein barycenters.

An Excursion Through Discrete Differential Geometry: AMS ...

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[Lav17] Hugo Lavenant, Harmonic mappings valued in the Wasserstein space, J. Funct. ... Mirebeau, Numerical resolution of Euler equations, through semidiscrete optimal transport, Journées Equations ́ aux Dérivées Partielles (2015), 1–16

Geometric Aspects of Functional Analysis: Israel Seminar ... - Page 3, 8, 9, 268

Bo'az Klartag, ‎Emanuel Milman · 2020

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To formally state our generalized CLT, we need the definition of Lp Wasserstein distance. Definition 1.5 (L p Wasserstein Distance or W p Distance) The L p Wasserstein distance between two probability measures μ and ν in R for p ≥ 1 is ...

Mathematical Aspects of Computer and Information Sciences: ...

Daniel Slamanig, ‎Elias Tsigaridas, ‎Zafeirakis Zafeirakopoulos · 2020

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Our aim is to understand the combinatorics and geometry of this parametric linear program. This article is ... Section 3 presents our algorithm for computing the Wasserstein distance from a distribution μ to a model M in the probability simplex.

Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision: Third Chinese ... - Page 87

Yuxin Peng, ‎Qingshan Liu, ‎Huchuan Lu · 2020

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Third Chinese Conference, PRCV 2020, Nanjing, China, October 16–18, 2020, Proceedings, Part III Yuxin Peng, Qingshan Liu, Huchuan ... The structure is trained combining with Wasserstein distance and perform a stable and reasonable results. ... In: Seventh IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (2002) 6.

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Third Chinese Conference, PRCV 2020, Nanjing, China, October 16–18, 2020, Proceedings, Part III Yuxin Peng, Qingshan Liu, Huchuan ... The structure is trained combining with Wasserstein distance and perform a stable and reasonable results. ... In: Seventh IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (2002) 6.

Lectures on Nonsmooth Differential Geometry - Page 198

Nicola Gigli, ‎Enrico Pasqualetto · 2020

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Savaré, G.: Self-improvement of the Bakry-Émery condition and Wasserstein contraction of the heat flow in RCD(K,∞) metric measure spaces ... Séminaire Bourbaki, available at: http://www.bourbaki.ens.fr/ TEXTES/1127.pdf 32. Villani, C.: ...

—2020——  — 60   

Computer Vision – ECCV 2020: 16th European Conference, ...

Andrea Vedaldi, ‎Horst Bischof, ‎Thomas Brox · 2020

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16th European Conference, Glasgow, UK, August 23–28, 2020, Proceedings, Part XVI Andrea Vedaldi, Horst Bischof, ... NSGAN: Non-Saturating GAN [7]; LS-GAN: Least-Square GAN [19]; WGAN: Wasserstein GAN [2]; GP: gradient penalty [8]; ...

Found inside – Page 320

Dataset GANs kSN = 0.2 0.25 NS-GAN-SN 5.41 3.99 MNIST LS-GAN-SN 5.14 3.96 WGAN-SN 6.35 6.06 COS-GAN-SN 5.41 4.83 EXP-GAN-SN 4.38 4.93 NS-GAN-SN 29.23 24.37 CIFAR10 LS-GAN-SN 28.04 26.85 WGAN-SN 29.20 25.07 ...

dHealth 2020 – Biomedical Informatics for Health and Care: ...

G. Schreier, ‎D. Hayn, ‎A. Eggerth · 2020

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Limitations and Outlook One important take-away from our experiments is, that currently developing a “general” GAN ... "Wasserstein GAN-Based Small-Sample Augmentation for New-Generation Artificial Intelligence", Engineering 5(1) (2019) ...


Uncertainty for Safe Utilization of Machine Learning in ... - Page 66

Carole H. Sudre

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Here, we present comparisons of probability distributions (PDF) using the first Wasserstein distance (WD) [24]. ... But we find WD to be most suitable as it takes into account the metric space and does not approach infinity where the PDFs are disjoint. ... For the confidence-weighted (CW1) measurements, we weight each instance by confidence derived from entropy (Eq. 3), aleatoric, and epistemic ...

Communications and Networking: 14th EAI International ... - Page 230

Honghao Gao, ‎Zhiyong Feng, ‎Jun Yu · 2020

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Wasserstein. Barycenter. Algorithm. for. Automatic. Music. Transcription. Cong Jin1, Zhongtong Li1, Yuanyuan Sun1, Haiyin ... Experimental results show that the precision and accuracy of the proposed method increase by approximately 48% and ... c© ICST Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering 2020 Published by Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020.

Advances in Communication and Computational Technology: ...

Gurdeep Singh Hura · 2020

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... latent space dimensions, and GAN Data Model 1 2 3 10 50 100 MNIST 1.15 2.17 2.17 2.19 2.18 2.19 GAN-MM GAN-NS LS-GAN 1.76 2.22 2.18 2.20 2.20 2.19 1.82 2.15 2.29 2.19 2.17 2.18 1.92 2.14 2.15 2.31 2.23 2.23 WGAN WGAN-GP ...

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Mathematical Approach to Climate Change and its Impacts: MAC2I

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... we would like to suggest a definition of climate sensitivity γ3 that takes full advantage of the NDS and RDS framework ... 320], with μ an arbitrary parameter generalizing CO2 3.5.2 PBAs, Invariant Measures and Wasserstein Distance The ...

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Sudharsan Ravichandiran · 2020

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Master classic RL, deep RL, distributional RL, inverse RL, and more with OpenAI Gym and TensorFlow, 2nd Edition Sudharsan Ravichandiran. One more important advantage of a QR - DQN is that it minimizes the p - Wasserstein distance ...

Web Information Systems Engineering – WISE 2020: 21st ... - Page 457

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21st International Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 20–24, 2020, Proceedings, Part II Zhisheng Huang. D SR tation) ... denote aggregated Euclidean and Wasserstein distances across the respective distribution vectors.

International Conference on Innovative Computing and ... - Page 192

Ashish Khanna, ‎Deepak Gupta, ‎Siddhartha Bhattacharyya · 2020

Found inside – Page 192

In Proceedings NIPS, 2014 H.-W. Dong, Y.-H. Yang, Convolutional generative adversarial networks with binary neurons for ... M. Arjovsky, S. Chintala, L. Bottou, Wasserstein generative adversarial networks, in Proceedings ICML, 2017 1

omputational Topology in Image Context: 6th International ...

Oct 7, 2020 — Request PDF | Computational Topology in Image Context: 6th ... such as the bottleneck and Wasserstein distances, do not allow to build ...

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Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and ...

Tiziana Margaria, ‎Bernhard Steffen · 2020

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9th International Symposium on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, ISoLA 2020, Rhodes, Greece, October 20–30, 2020, ... Gulrajani, I., Ahmed, F., Arjovsky, M., Dumoulin, V., Courville, A.C.: Improved training of Wasserstein GANs.

Transfer Learning

Qiang Yang, ‎Yu Zhang, ‎Wenyuan Dai · 2020

Wasserstein on page 97, 337

Advances in Information Retrieval: 42nd European Conference ...

Joemon M. Jose, ‎Emine Yilmaz, ‎João Magalhães · 2020

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ACM (2007) Malkov, Y.A., Yashunin, D.A.: Efficient and robust approximate nearest neighbor search using hierarchical ... In: Twenty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (2010) Zhong, J., Zhang, X.: Wasserstein autoencoders for ...

MM '20: Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on MultimediaOctober 2020, pp 2076–2084https://doi.org/10.1145/3394171.3413651
The deficiency of labeled training data is one of 

Adaptive Wasserstein Hourglass for Weakly Supervised RGB 3D Hand Pose Estimation

icWCSN 2020: Proceedings of the International Conference on Wireless Communication and Sensor NetworksMay 2020, pp 49–55https://doi.org/10.1145/3411201.3411210
Generating Hyperspectral Data Based on 3D CNN and Improved Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Network Using Homemade High-resolution Datasets

ManagementOctober 2020, pp 2005–2008https://doi.org/10.1145/3340531.3412125
Clustering is a data analysis method for extracting knowledge by discovering groups of data
DECWA: Density-Based Clustering using Wasserstein Distance

Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2020 [electronic resource] : 23rd International Conference, Lima, Peru, October 4-8, 2020, Proceedings, Part II / edited by Anne L. Martel, Purang Abolmaesumi, Danail Stoyanov, Diana Mateus, Maria A. Zuluaga, S. Kevin Zhou, Daniel Racoceanu, Leo Joskowicz

Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2020.:

Deep Attentive Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Network for MRI Reconstruction with Recurrent Contex

 Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2020 [electronic resource] : 23rd International Conference, Lima, Peru, October 4-8, 2020, Proceedings, Part V / edited by Anne L. Martel, Purang Abolmaesumi, Danail Stoyanov, Diana Mateus, Maria A. Zuluaga, S. Kevin Zhou, Daniel Racoceanu, Leo Joskowicz

Multimarginal Wasserstein Barycenter for Stain Normalization and 

Wasserstein Distributionally Robust Learning

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OROOSH Shafieezadeh Abadeh · 2020 · ‎No preview

Mots-clés de l'auteur: Distributionally robust optimization ; Wasserstein distance ; Regularization ; Supervised Learning ; Inverse optimization ; Kalman filter ; Frank-Wolfe algorithm. book

2020 W80

Diffusions on Wasserstein Spaces

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Lorenzo Dello Schiavo · 2020 · ‎ book


2020 W81

Lp-Wasserstein and Flux-limited Gradient Flows: Entropic Discretization, Convergence Analysis and Numerics

By Benjamin Söllner · 2020 book

A Comparative Assessment of the Impact of Various Norms on Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Networks

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Chandini Ramesh · 2019 · ‎No preview

"Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) provide a fascinating new paradigm in machine learning and artificial intelligence, especially in the context of unsupervised learning.

2020 W83

Waserstein Barycenters: Statistics and Optimization

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Austin James Stromme · 2020 · ‎No preview book

We study a geometric notion of average, the barycenter, over 2-Wasserstein space.

2020 W84

Machine Learning: A Bayesian and Optimization Perspective - Page 1001

Sergios Theodoridis - Computers - 2020 - 1160 pages - Find at Harvard University

The Wasserstein GAN In [6], the task of matching pr and pg in low-dimensional

manifolds is systematically tackled via the so-called Wasserstein distance

between distributions. It is first shown that when learning distributions in low-

dimensional ...

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Deployable Machine Learning for Security Defense: First International ... - Page 89

Gang Wang - Find at Harvard University

To help reduce the impact of these problems, Wasserstein GAN was proposed

which uses an earth-mover distance as its objective function [5]. Unlike the

objective function used in the original GAN implementation, Wasserstein loss can

still ...

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2020 W86

Hands-On Image Generation with TensorFlow: A practical guide to generating ... - Page 73

 Soon Yau Cheong - Computers - 2020 - 306 pages - Find at Harvard University

One major breakthrough happened in 2016 with the introduction of Wasserstein

GAN (WGAN). WGAN alleviates or even eliminates many of the GAN challenges

we've discussed altogether. It no longer requires careful design of network ...

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Advanced Signal Processing: A Concise Guide - Page 322

Amir-Homayoon NajmiTodd Moon - Technology & Engineering - 2020 - Find at Harvard University

[ 180 ] M. Arjovsky , S. Chintala , and L. Bottou , “ Wasserstein GAN . ” https://arxiv.

org/pdf/ 1701.07875.pdf . arXiv : 1701.07875v3 - 6 Dec 2017 . [ 181 ] X. Mao , Q.

Li , H. Xie , R. Y. K. Lau , Z. Wang , and S. P. Smolley , “ Least squares generative...

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Advanced Deep Learning with TensorFlow 2 and Keras: Apply DL, GANs, VAEs ...

Rowel Atienza - Computers - 2020 - 512 pages - Find at Harvard University

Revised for TensorFlow 2.x, this edition introduces you to the practical side of deep learning with new chapters on unsupervised learning using mutual information, object detection (SSD), and semantic segmentation (FCN and PSPNet), further ...

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Functional and High-Dimensional Statistics and Related Fields

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2020 W90

Germán Aneiros · 2020


When restricted on Sym * * ( n ) , the Bures - Wasserstein distance is also the Riemannian distance corresponding to a Riemannian metric . al On Sym + + ( n ) , the Frobenius , square root , and Log - Euclidean distances are all special cases ...


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Practical AI on the Google Cloud Platform - Page 252

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Micheal Lanham · 2020


WGAN (Wasserstein GAN) - the main difference with this GAN is the method by which we calculate loss. In this GAN we use something called Wasserstein dis‐tance which is better method of calculation distribution distance. The WGAN and ...


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2020 W92

The Importance of Health Informatics in Public Health during ...

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J. Mantas, ‎A. Hasman, ‎M.S. Househ · 2020


Figure 1 illustrates how the GAN will begin from random (Gaussian) data (orange points), and end to data similar to the ... A Wasserstein GAN [8] was implemented using two identical neural networks as generator and discriminator using the ...


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Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing: 20th ...

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Meikang Qiu · 2020


The loss of the generator can be obtained as follows: LG = −E[D(G(z,a),a)] − ηE[logP(y|G(z,a)) − βE[t|R(G(z,a)]] (1) where the first term is the Wasserstein loss [3], the second item is the classification loss for evaluating the quality of the ...


2929 W94

Decision and Game Theory for Security: 11th International ... - Page 9

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Quanyan Zhu, ‎John S. Baras, ‎Radha Poovendran · 2020


This loss is shown to provide training gradients that vary smoothly with the difference between pX and pG , preventing the generator from getting trapped representing only a subset of data modes. While the Wasserstein loss-trained generators ...

2020 W95

Finite Volumes for Complex Applications IX - Methods, ... - Page 192

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Robert Klöfkorn, ‎Eirik Keilegavlen, ‎Florin A. Radu · 2020


TPFA Finite Volume Approximation of Wasserstein Gradient Flows Andrea Natale and Gabriele Todeschi Abstract Numerous infinite dimensional dynamical systems arising in different fields have been shown to exhibit a gradient flow structure ...


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2020 W96

Intelligent Computing Methodologies: 16th International ... - Page 468

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De-Shuang Huang, ‎Prashan Premaratne · 2020


The edge flow estimation has a various range of applications in the real-world, including the areas of transportation control, ... [18] proposed a Deep Variational Network Embedding in Wasserstein Space (DVNE) by learning a Gaussian ...


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2020 W97

Topological Data Analysis: The Abel Symposium 2018 - Page 479

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Nils A. Baas, ‎Gunnar E. Carlsson, ‎Gereon Quick · 2020


3.5 Sliced Wasserstein Kernel Distance The sliced Wasserstein distance between persistence diagrams, introduced in [6], works with projections onto lines through the origin. For each choice of line, one intuitively computes the Wasserstein ...


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2020 W98

Computer Vision - ECCV 2020: 16th European Conference, ...

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Andrea Vedaldi, ‎Horst Bischof, ‎Thomas Brox · 2020


Chen, Y., Ye, J., Li, J.: Aggregated wasserstein distance and state registration for hidden markov models. IEEE Transactions on Pattern ... Mag. 34(4), 43–59 (2017) 28. Kolouri, S., Zou, Y., Rohde, G.K.: Sliced wasserstein kernels for probability ...

Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning - IDEAL ...

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Cesar Analide, ‎Paulo Novais, ‎David Camacho · 2020


For WGAN-GP models, learning rate was maintained for 50 epochs and then linearly decreased to zero for another 50 epochs. Training took around 3 days to converge. 4.3 Results and Analysis We name the model without quality loss as the ...


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2020  W100


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2020 W101

Nirmalya Kar · 2020


Our main contribution is to apply this penalty to the task of Credit card fraud detection using WGAN-GP and WcGAN-GP, which we will discuss in detail in the following subsection. Please note that the gradient penalty for WGAN-GP and ...


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2020 W102

Uncertainties in Modern Power Systems - Page 118

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Ahmed F. Zobaa, ‎Shady Abdel Aleem · 2020


Wasserstein metric-based DRO for unit commitment problem In the power system, a typical unit commitment is generally to “commit” generating units, for example, thermal units, hydro units, to guarantee the security and economy of power ...


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2020  W103

Wasserstein Barycenters: Statistics and Optimization

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Austin James Stromme · 2020 · ‎No preview

We study a geometric notion of average, the barycenter, over 2-Wasserstein space.

2020  W104

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WGAN-GP對臉部馬賽克進行眼睛補圖- Google Books

 [Use WGAN-GP to complement the face mosaic]

[CITATION] 使用 WGAN-GP 對臉部馬賽克進行眼睛補圖

HT Chang - 2020 - 長庚大學

[Chinese  Use WGAN-GP to complement the face mosaic]

2020  W105

Probability Forecast Combination Via Entropy
 Ryan Cumings-Menon
, ‎Minchul Shin · 2020 ·

2020  W106

 Structure-preserving Variational Schemes for Fourth Order ...

Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations with a Wasserstein Gradient Flow Structure

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Blake Ashworth · 2020 · ‎No preview

2020 W107


Primal Heuristics for Wasserstein Barycenters

by Bouchet, Pierre-Yves; Gualandi, Stefano; Rousseau, Louis-Martin

Integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Operations Research, 09/2020

This paper presents primal heuristics for the computation of Wasserstein Barycenters of a given set of discrete probability measures...

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2020 W108


Graph Wasserstein Correlation Analysis for Movie Retrieval

by Zhang, Xueya; Zhang, Tong; Hong, Xiaobin ; More...

Computer Vision – ECCV 2020, 11/2020

.... In this work, we propose Graph Wasserstein Correlation Analysis (GWCA) to deal with the core issue therein...

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2020 W109  


Channel Pruning for Accelerating Convolutional Neural Networks via Wasserstein Metric

by Duan, Haoran; Li, Hui

Computer Vision – ACCV 2020, 02/2021

.... In this paper, we propose a novel channel pruning method via the Wasserstein metric. First, the output features of a channel are aggregated through the Wasserstein barycenter, which is called the basic response of the channel...

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2020 W110


Semantic Inpainting with Multi-dimensional Adversarial Network and Wasserstein Distance

by Wang, Haodi; Jiao, Libin; Bie, Rongfang ; More...

Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision, 10/2020

.... Compared with the traditional training procedure, our model combines with Wasserstein Distance that enhances the stability of network training. The network is training specifically on street view images and not only performs a satisfying outcome, but also shows competitiveness when comparing with existing methods.

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2020 W111


Multimarginal Wasserstein Barycenter for Stain Normalization and Augmentation

by Nadeem, Saad; Hollmann, Travis; Tannenbaum, Allen

Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention – MICCAI 2020, 09/2020

.... In this work, we present a new approach based on the multimarginal Wasserstein barycenter to normalize and augment...

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(4) A geodesic path is also known as displacement interpolation [8]. It holds that μt = W2 (μs ,μt )=(t − s)W2 (μ0 ,μ1 ), 0 ≤ s<t ≤ 1. (5) μt also solves the Wasserstein barycenter problem in the case of two probability measures as we will now ...

2020 W112


A Data-Driven Distributionally Robust Game Using Wasserstein Distance

by Peng, Guanze; Zhang, Tao; Zhu, Quanyan

Decision and Game Theory for Security, 12/2020

.... By applying Wasserstein distance as the distribution metric, we show that the game considered in this work is a generalization of the robust game and data-driven empirical game...

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2020 W113



Missing Features Reconstruction Using a Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Imputation...

by Friedjungová, Magda; Vašata, Daniel; Balatsko, Maksym ; More...

Computational Science – ICCS 2020, 06/2020

...). Moreover, we introduce WGAIN as the Wasserstein modification of GAIN, which turns out to be the best imputation model when the degree of missingness is less...

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2020 W114


Trajectories from Distribution-Valued Functional Curves: A Unified Wasserstein Framework

by Sharma, Anuja; Gerig, Guido

Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention – MICCAI 2020, 09/2020

.... This is achieved under the unifying scheme of Wasserstein distance metric. The regression problem is formulated as a constrained optimization problem and solved using an alternating projection algorithm...

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 2020 W115


Deep Attentive Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Networks for MRI Reconstruction with Recurrent...

by Guo, Yifeng; Wang, Chengjia; Zhang, Heye ; More...

Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention – MICCAI 2020, 09/2020

.... In this study, we propose a new deep learning-based CS-MRI reconstruction method to fully utilise the relationship among sequential MRI slices by coupling Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Networks (WGAN...

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2020 W116


Functional Data Clustering Analysis via the Learning of Gaussian Processes with Wasserstein Distance

by Li, Tao; Ma, Jinwen

Neural Information Processing, 11/2020

.... Moreover, we take the Wasserstein distance to measure the similarity between Gaussian distributions...

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2020 W117


Unsupervised Wasserstein Distance Guided Domain Adaptation for 3D Multi-domain Liver Segmentation

by You, Chenyu; Yang, Junlin; Chapiro, Julius ; More...

Interpretable and Annotation-Efficient Learning for Medical Image Computing, 10/2020

.... In this work, we present an approach based on the Wasserstein distance guided disentangled representation to achieve 3D multi-domain liver segmentation...

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2020 W118


WAE\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$_{-}$$\end{document}RN: Integrating Wasserstein...

by Zhang, Xinxin; Liu, Xiaoming; Yang, Guan ; More...

Chinese Computational Linguistics, 11/2020

One challenge in Natural Language Processing (NLP) area is to learn semantic representation in different contexts. Recent works on pre-trained language model...

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2020 W119


On the Poincaré Constant of Log-Concave Measures

by Cattiaux, Patrick; Guillin, Arnaud

Geometric Aspects of Functional Analysis, 06/2020

.... Then we prove alternative transference principle by concentration or using various distances (total variation, Wasserstein...

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2020 W120


Optimal Transport to a Variety

by Çelik, Türkü Özlüm; Jamneshan, Asgar; Montúfar, Guido ; More...

Mathematical Aspects of Computer and Information Sciences, 03/2020

We study the problem of minimizing the Wasserstein distance between a probability distribution and an algebraic variety...

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2020 W121

An Invitation to Statistics in Wasserstein Space - Page 37

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Victor M. Panaretos, ‎Yoav Zemel · 2020


The Kantorovich problem described in the previous chapter gives rise to a metric structure, the Wasserstein distance, in the space of probability measures P(X) on a space X . The resulting metric space, a subspace of P(X), is commonly known ...

2020 W 122

Computer Vision - ACCV 2020: 15th Asian Conference on ... - Page 495

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Hiroshi Ishikawa · 2021


3.1 Wasserstein Distance The p-Wasserstein distance [13], or the Monge-Kantorovich distance of order p, quantifying the ... Wasserstein Barycenter Given a set of distributions {μ1 ,μ2 ,...,μ k }, the Wasserstein barycenter μ with respect to the ...

  <—2020——  — 122  end 2020 Wasserstein book

Vaserstein start 2020  12 books

2020 V1

Maple in Mathematics Education and Research: Third Maple ... Gerhard, ‎Ilias Kotsireas · 2020

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the third Maple Conference, MC 2019, held in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, in October 2019.

p.229  Frish, Vaserstein

Введение в теорию схем и квантовые группы - Page 313

Юрий Манин · 2020

Found inside – Page 313

[1*] Васерштейн Л. Н., Суслин А. А. Проблема Серра о проективных модулях над кольцами многочленов и алгебраическая K-теория // Изв. АН СССР. Сер. Матем. 1976. Т. 40, No 5. С.993–1054. [2*] Веревкин А. Б. Когомологии ..

[Russian   Manin, Introduction to theory of schemas and quantum groups]

 Глубокое обучение с подкреплением. AlphaGo и другие технологии

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Лапань Максим - 2020

Found inside – Page 204

... в задачах классификации или в метрике Вассерштейна. В статье авторы дали теоретическое обоснование метрике Вассерштейна, но когда попытались использовать ее на практике, то столкнулись с ограничениями, поэтому в ...

Advances in Noncommutative Geometry: On the Occasion of …Alain Connes…

Ali Chamseddine, ‎Caterina Consani, ‎Nigel Higson - 2020

Found inside – Page 573

Joel Anderson and L. N. Vaserstein, Commutators in ideals of trace class operators, Indiana University Mathematics Journal 35 (1986), no. 2, 345–372 (eng). 9. Tsuyoshi Ando and Fumio Hiai, Log majorization and complementary ...

2020 V5

Leavitt Path Algebras and Classical K-Theory - Page 197, 200201,202,205

A. A. Ambily, ‎Roozbeh Hazrat, ‎B. Sury - 2020

Found inside - Page 205

In a sense, the missing link to settleBS d−1(R[X])is whether the Vaserstein symbol VR[X] is injective when R is a local ring of dimension 3, with 1/2 R. We have not been able to answer that. But we expect it to be true. So we have taken the ...

Found inside - Page 197

An Euler Class Approach In these Proceedings, Anjan Gupta, Raja Sridharan and Sunil K. Yadav have given an Euler class approach to establish Vaserstein's results: Given two unimodular rows over a two-dimensional ring, one adds their ...

2020 V6

Two Approaches to the Bass–Suslin Conjecture - Springer Link

by RA Rao - ‎2020

Jan 19, 2020 - In this short note, we give a glimpse of two ongoing attempts to resolve the well- known Bass–Suslin conjecture regarding completing unimodular polynomial rows over a local ring. We call the first approach the Suslin–Vaserstein symbol ...

All results for vaserstein polynomial »

Генеративное глубокое обучение. Творческий потенциал ...

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Фостер Дэвид - 2020


Вассерштейна. Появление генеративно-состязательных сетей с функцией потерь Вассерштейна (Wassertein GAN, WGAN) стало одним из первых больших шагов к стабилизации обучения генеративно-состязательных сетей.1 ...

Found inside – Page 150

true_imgs = x_train[idx] self.critic.train_on_batch(true_imgs, valid) # ОБУЧЕНИЕ НА СГЕНЕРИРОВАННЫХ ... for w in weights] l.set_weights(weights) Обучение WGAN При использовании функции потерь Вассерштейна критик обучается ...

Pattern Recognition: 5th Asian Conference

The Story of Algebraic Numbers in the First Half of the 20th ...

panion to my previous book Rational Number Theory in the 20th Century in which the part of ... proved FLT for the exponent 5 in 1823, but whose paper appeared only four years later. In 1832 ... 1/am = pt with the maximal possible t, then α is called a maximal reduced integer. ... Becker [262] and Vaserstein [4194, 4195].

Shivakumara Palaiahnakote, ‎Gabriella Sanniti di Baja, ‎Liang Wang · 2020

Found inside – Page 177

1, pp. 34–37. Citeseer (2001) 6. Deecke, L., Vandermeulen, R., Ruff, L., Mandt, S., Kloft, M.: Image anomaly detection with generative adversarial networks. In: Berlingerio, M., Bonchi, F., Gärtner, T., Hurley, N., Ifrim, G. (eds.) ECML PKDD 201

2020 V9

Linear Algebra over Commutative Rings - Page 51

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Bernard R. McDonald · 2020


( f ) Ris a ring of real - valued continuous functions of a real variable and n 2 3 ( Vaserstein , On K , -theory of topological spaces , preprint ) . ( g ) R is the integral group ring of a finite cyclic group and n 3 ( B22 ) . Recently , K. Dennis , B. Magurn ...


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2020 V10

Skew PBW Extensions: Ring and Module-theoretic Properties, ...

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William Fajardo, ‎Claudia Gallego, ‎Oswaldo Lezama · 2020


... we conclude that R is PSF , so the claimed follows from Corollary 12.2.9 . Thus , the Hermite conjecture for Ore extensions fails ( see [ 216 ] ) . 12.3 Vaserstein's Theorem Let R be a commutative ring . Vaserstein's theorem in commutative ...

2020 V11

Собрание сочинений. Том 5 - Page 327

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his page

Жан-Пьер Серр · 2020


Tits J. On buildings and their applications // Proceedings of the International Congress ofMathematicians (Vancouver, B.C., 1974). — Montreal, Que.: Canad. Math. Congress, 1975. — V. 1. — P. 209–220. Васерштейн Л. Н. О группе SL2 над ...



2020 V12

 Глубокое обучение с подкреплением. AlphaGo и другие технологии

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Майкл Льюис · 2020


Джо Перелла, создавший в инвестиционном банке First Boston отдел слияний и поглощений в 1973 году и принявший туда на работу Брюса Вассерштейна в 1978 году, утверждает, что действовал «чисто интуитивно». «Были ...


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<——2020—— 12——-     end  2020 books Vaserstein

—— end  2020 books


start 2021  Wasserstein in books

2021 1


Graph Diffusion Wasserstein Distances

by Barbe, Amélie; Sebban, Marc; Gonçalves, Paulo ; More...

Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases, 02/2021

.... In this paper, we present the Diffusion Wasserstein (DW\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb...

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2021 2


Wasserstein Embeddings for Nonnegative Matrix Factorization

by Febrissy, Mickael; Nadif, Mohamed

Machine Learning, Optimization, and Data Science, 01/2021

In the field of document clustering (or dictionary learning), the fitting error called the Wasserstein...

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2021 3

Geometric Partial Differential Equations - Part 2 - Page 309

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Andrea Bonito, ‎Ricardo Horacio Nochetto · 2021


Stability of flows associated to gradient vector fields and convergence of iterated transport maps. Manuscr. Math. 121 (1) ... An augmented Lagrangian approach to Wasserstein g

<—2021—— 3  end Wasserstein in books



total books   2151   xxxx


1965-1970     1 + 4+2+5+8+9 = 29

1971-1976     8+8+10+11+17+17=71

1977-79        22 + 19 + 16 = 57

1980-82        19 + 24 + 27 = 71

1983-85        22 + 33 + 23 = 78

1986-88        31 + 25 + 28 = 83

1989-91        25 + 30 + 28 = 83

1992-94        29 + 24 + 30 = 83

1995-97        27 + 22 + 31 = 80

1998-2000      24 + 28 + 31 = 93

2001-2003      32 + 31 + 43 = 106

2004-2006      40 + 50 + 64 = 154

2007-2009      49 + 48 + 45 = 142

2010    75+11 + 14  = 100

2011    82+13+1+ 5  = 101

2012    91 +20 + 15 = 126

2013    57 + 8 + 34 + 3+ 6  = 108

2014    73

2015    46

2016    57

2017    53  + 11 = 64

2018    82  +  5 = 87 

2019   111  + 12 =123

2020   122  + 12 =134    

2021        3      =  3

29+71+57+70+78+83+83+83+80+93+106 +154+142+100+101+126+

108+73+46+57+64+87+123 +134+3 = 2151


My name in encyclopedia, 80 times included wiki



NYT ABOUT EDUCATION - NYTimes.com  December 29, 1981

Dec 29, 1981 · ... Boris Moishezon and Gregory Chudnovsky at Columbia; Boris Weisfeiler and Leonid Vaserstein at Pennsylvania State University; ...

NYT   At 15, Westinghouse Finalist Grasps 'Holy Grail' of Math January 25, 1995

St. Petersburg Times - Page 10

St. Petersburg Times - ‎Dec 29, 1981 - ‎Newspaper - ‎Full view

... Victor Kac at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Boris Moishezon and Gregory Chudnovsky at Columbia; Boris Weisfeiler and Leonid Vaserstein at Pennsylvania State University; Igor Dolgachev at the University of Michigan; Mikhael ...

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Sarasota Herald-Tribune Dec 30, 1981

Soviets Unwittingly Aid Us. Programs

arasota Herald-Tribune - ‎Dec 30, 1981 - ‎Newspaper - ‎Full view

... POM ions here include David Kazhdan at Harvard; Victor Kac at th. Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Boris Moishezon and Gregory Chudnovsky at Columbia; Boris Weisfeiler and L>-"m<l Vaserstein at Pennsylvania State University; ...

- Page 3

Algebra; New Algebra Findings from Indian Statistical Institute Described 

Journal of technology & science, Feb 23, 2014, 138

...." Our news journalists obtained a quote from the research from Indian Statistical Institute, "Vaserstein proved over a two dimensional ring that the orbit space of unimodular rows of length three...

Newspaper ArticleFull Text Online



Researchers at University of Notre Dame Report New Data on Polynomials (Certain sets over function fields are... 

Science Letter, 04/2017

...>= 3. Only recently, Vaserstein refuted Skolem's conjecture completely by showing that SL2(Z) is a polynomial family." Our news journalists obtained a quote...

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NSF Aeards with Wasserstein in kewwards 7 items

TRIPODS+X:EDU: Foundational Training in Neuroscience and Geoscience via Hackweeks

Award Number:1839291; Principal Investigator:Maryam Fazel; Co-Principal Investigator:Anthony Arendt, Aleksandr Aravkin, Ariel Rokem, Zaid Harchaoui; 

Organization:University of Washington;NSF Organization:DMS Start Date:10/01/2018; Award Amount:$176,190.00; Relevance:46.43;

Robust Wasserstein Profile Inference

Award Number:1915967; Principal Investigator:Jose Blanchet; Co-Principal Investigator:; 

Organization:Stanford University;NSF Organization:DMS Start Date:07/01/2019; Award Amount:$166,667.00; Relevance:41.66;

BIGDATA: F: Scalable Bayes Uncertainty Quantification with Guarantees

Award Number:1546130; Principal Investigator:David Dunson; Co-Principal Investigator:Jonathan Mattingly; Organization:Duke University;NSF Organization:IIS Start Date:11/01/2015; Award Amount:$985,882.00; Relevance:37.49;

Geometric Measure Theory, Image Processing, and Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations

Award Number:1813695; Principal Investigator:Monica Torres; Co-Principal Investigator:; Organization:Purdue University;NSF Organization:DMS Start Date:08/15/2018; Award Amount:$171,691.00; Relevance:36.11;

Statistical Modelling of Multivariate Functional and Distributional Data

Award Number:1811888; Principal Investigator:Alexander Petersen; Co-Principal Investigator:; Organization:University of California-Santa Barbara;NSF Organization:DMS Start Date:07/01/2018; Award Amount:$149,860.00; Relevance:36.11;

An Optimal Transport Based Multiscale Method for Inverse Problems

Award Number:1913129; Principal Investigator:Yunan Yang; Co-Principal Investigator:; Organization:New York University;NSF Organization:DMS Start Date:07/01/2019; Award Amount:$176,332.00; Relevance:36.11;

NSF Award Search: Award#9628630 - Mathematical Sciences ...

Investigator(s):, Leonid Vaserstein vstein@math.psu.edu (Principal Investigator) Thomas Jech (Co-Principal Investigator) Christopher Byrne (Co-Principal ...


not sorted

Advanced Deep Learning with Keras [Book] - O'Reilly

www.oreilly.com › library › view › advanced-deep-lear...

by Rowel Atienza. Released October 2018. Publisher(s): Packt Publishing. ISBN: 9781788629416. Explore a preview version of Advanced Deep Learning with ...

Advanced Deep Learning with Keras - Packt

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By Rowel Atienza. FREE Subscribe Start Free Trial; $39.99. Print + eBook Buy; $28.79 Was $31.99 eBook Buy. Instant online access to over 7,500+ books and ...


lordtt13/GAN-s: All GAN models in Keras - GitHub

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... book by Rowel Atienza "Advanced Deep Learning with Keras" or various web ... Convolutional GAN; Wasserstein GAN - Higher GAN which uses Wasserstein ...

PacktPublishing/Advanced-Deep-Learning-with-Keras - GitHub

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Wasserstein GAN (WGAN) ... "Wasserstein GAN. ... and segmentation, and more}, author={Atienza, Rowel}, year={2020}, publisher={Packt Publishing Ltd} } ...

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Advanced Deep Learning with Keras







Information Theory, Inference and Learning Algorithms

David J. C. MacKay, ‎David J. C. Mac Kay, ‎Cambridge University Press - 2003

Table of contents



Introduction to Evolutionary Computing

A.E. Eiben, ‎J.E. Smith - 2007

The book contains quick-reference information on the current state-of-the-art in a wide range of related topics, so it is of interest not just to evolutionary computing specialists but to researchers working in other fields.



Advanced Deep Learning with TensorFlow 2 and Keras: Apply ..

Rowel Atienza - 2020

Revised for TensorFlow 2.x, this edition introduces you to the practical side of deep learning with new chapters on unsupervised learning using mutual information, object detection (SSD), and semantic segmentation (FCN and PSPNet), further ...



Precision Agriculture '19

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John V. Stafford - 2019 - ‎No preview

Precision agriculture is a reality in agriculture and is playing a key role as the industry comes to terms with the environment, market forces, quality requirements, traceability, vehicle guidance and crop management.


Predicting Structured Data

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Gökhan BakIr, ‎Neural Information Processing Systems Foundation, ‎Thomas Hofmann - 2007

State-of-the-art algorithms and theory in a novel domain of machine learning,prediction when the output has structure.

2019 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and ...

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IEEE Staff - 2019 - ‎No preview

2019 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC2019) will be held in the south of Europe in Bari, one of the most beautiful and historical cities in Italy The Bari region s nickname is Little California for its nice ...


2020 Mediterranean and Middle East Geoscience and Remote ...

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 IEEE Staff - 2020 - ‎No preview

M2GARSS 2020 will be the 1st Mediterranean and Middle East (M2) regional symposium of the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society and will contribute to gather M2 and world class scientists, engineers and educators engaged in the fields ...


A.D. Alexandrov: Selected Works Part II: Intrinsic Geometry ...

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S.S. Kutateladze - 2005

A.D. Alexandrov is considered by many to be the father of intrinsic geometry, second only to Gauss in surface theory.


2019 International Conference on Document Analysis and ...

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IEEE Staff - 2019 - ‎No preview

ICDAR is a very successful and flagship conference series, which is the biggest and premier international gathering for researchers, scientist and practitioners in the document analysis community



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Metric Learning

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Aurelien Bellet, ‎Amaury Habrard, ‎Marc Sebban - 2015

This book is devoted to metric learning, a set of techniques to automatically learn similarity and distance functions from data that has attracted a lot of interest in machine learning and related fields in the past ten years.


Metric Learning: A Survey

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Brian Kulis - 2013 - ‎No preview

Metric Learning: A Review presents an overview of existing research in metric learning, including recent progress on scaling to high-dimensional feature spaces and to data sets with an extremely large number of data points.




Algorithms and Models for the Web Graph: 16th International ...

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Konstantin Avrachenkov, ‎Paweł Prałat, ‎Nan Ye - 2019

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Algorithms and Models for the Web Graph, WAW 2019, held in Brisbane, QLD, Australia, in July 2019.

The Solution of Equations in Integers

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A. O. Gelfond - 2018

Covering applications to physics and engineering as well, this relatively elementary discussion of algebraic equations with integral coefficients and with more than one unknown will appeal to students and mathematicians from high school ...

A Critical Review of VAN: Earthquake Prediction from Seismic ...

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James Lighthill - 1996

This book is an objective collection of the arguments for ? and the counterarguments against ? that approach, intended to help scientific readers arrive at their own answers to this important question, as well as to others (including that ...

found inside – Page 90

kn ( ) GWEIIYLYTII KASTELL GWYS8 John Wgan esgwier ap Richiart W gan esgwier ap Syr John Mam Gwgan oedd Elen i Tewdwr chwaer Rys oedd hi . Wgan ap Syr John W gan ap Syr Jolin Wgan ap Syr Harry Plant John Wgan o Gastell ...


A Review of Pharmaceutical Science. Support for Viva and Job ...  2020

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kn ( ) GWEIIYLYTII KASTELL GWYS8 John Wgan esgwier ap Richiart W gan esgwier ap Syr John Mam Gwgan oedd Elen i Tewdwr chwaer Rys oedd hi . Wgan ap Syr John W gan ap Syr Jolin Wgan ap Syr Harry Plant John Wgan o Gastell ...




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Wasserstein    Л.Н.Васерштейн
 ———————————  to 1978


Tartu Riiklik Ülikool ... Ilmunud tööde bibliograafia - Page 454

Tartu Riiklik Ülikool. Teaduslik Raamatukogu - 1978 - ‎No preview

Tartu State University Estonia

Tartu Riiklik Ülikool. Ilmunud tööde

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Tartu Riiklik Ülikool. Teaduslik Raamatukogu · 1983 · ‎No preview



Notices: highlights - NOTICES OF THE AMERICAN ...

May 22, 2020 - Republic of Germany, and TOIVO LEIGER, Universitiit Tartu, U.S.S.R. (833-40-20) ... and LEONID VASERSTEIN, Pennsylvania State University, ...

34:2 1987 Febr


 wasserstein books


Vaserstein books

MR0856020   Khelemskiĭ, A. Ya. Гомология в банаховых и топологических алгебрах. (Russian) [Homology in Banach and topological algebras] Moskov. Gos. Univ., Moscow, 1986. 288 pp. 

(Reviewer: L. N. Vaserstein) 46Mxx (18G05 18G10 43A65 46H25)

s Book 9 Citations

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Wasserstein  proceedings




Congrès SMAI 2013 Seignosse Le Penon, Landes, 27-31 mai ...

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Congrès SMAI 2013. Seignosse Le Penon, Landes, 27-31 mai 2013. 08:30. Lundi. Mardi. Mercredi. Jeudi. Vendredi. 08:30. Conférence plénière 3. Conférence ...

Congrès SMAI 2013Seignosse le Penon (Landes)27-31 Mai 2013. Program

3. Distance de Wasserstein projetée et application à la segmenta-tion d’imagesOrateur : J. Rabin, travail en collaboration avec J. Fadili et G. Peyré.Dans cet exposé, nous nous plaçons dans le cadre de la théorie du transport optimal de Monge-Kantorovich pourdéfinir des termes de pénalité qui dépendent des statistiques des images. Afin de s’affranchir de la complexitéalgorithmique liée à l’utilisation de la distance dite de Wasserstein, nous proposons une formulation variationnelleapprochée lorsque les statistiques sont exprimées sous forme de nuage de points multi-dimensionnels : la distancede Wasserstein projetée [14]. Nous illustrons l’intérêt de cette approche générique par une application au problèmeà la segmentation d’images [12]. Pour cela, nous proposons un modèle de contour actif combinant la distance deWasserstein projetée entre les histogrammes de couleurs de l’image avec les outils de dérivées de forme. L’approcheest alors assez flexible puisqu’elle permet aussi bien de minimiser la distance de Wasserstein à des distributionsa priori, que de maximiser la distance entre les distributions des régions segmentées. Les résultats numériquesdémontrent les avantages de l’utilisation de la distance liée au transport otimal par rapport a


Optimal mass transport for problems in control, statistical estimation, and image analysis

E Tannenbaum, T Georgiou, A Tannenbaum - … in Systems, Optimization …, 2012 - Springer

In this paper, we describe some properties of the Wasserstein-2 metric on the space of probability distributions of particular relevance to problems in control and signal processing. The resulting geodesics lead to interesting connections with Boltzmann entropy, heat …

ted by 2 Related articles All 5 versions 

Part of the Operator Theory: Advances and Applications book series (OT, volume 222)

MR3533873   Bonis, Thomas; Ovsjanikov, Maks; Oudot, Steve; Chazal, Frédéric Persistence-based pooling for shape pose recognition. 

Computational topology in image context, 19–29, Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., 9667, Springer, [Cham], 2016. 68U10


MR3309108   Vidyasagar, Mathukumalli Maximizing mutual information between random variables and applications to order reduction of stochastic processes. 

Developments in control theory towards glocal control, 57–65, IET Control Eng. Ser., 76, Inst. Eng. Tech. (IET), London, 2012. (Reviewer: Steven Michael Heilman) 68W25 (60G35 62B10 94A15)


] Maximizing mutual information between random variables and applications to order reduction of stochastic processes

M Vidyasagar - Developments in Control Theory Towards Glocal …, 2012 - IET


Stochastic Optimization Methods in Finance and Energy: New ...

Marida Bertocchi, ‎Giorgio Consigli, ‎Michael A. H. Dempster · 2011

Found inside – Page 392

The motivation for minimizing the Wasserstein distance between the sampled and the continuous underlying path space in generating scenario trees for a DSP can be found in (Heitsch and Romisch 2005; Hochreiter and Pflug 2007; Romisch ...

Found inside – Page 394

New Financial Products and Energy Market Strategies Marida Bertocchi, Giorgio Consigli, Michael A. H. Dempster ... As we have previously seen, minimizing the Wasserstein distance requires the simultaneous determination of qj and y(j) for j ...

MR3307026   Dempster, Michael A. H.; Medova, Elena A.; Yong, Yee Sook Comparison of sampling methods for dynamic stochastic programming. 

Stochastic optimization methods in finance and energy, 389–425, Internat. Ser. Oper. Res. Management Sci., 163, Springer, New York, 2011. (Reviewer: Edward Kozłowski) 90C15 (65K05 90C39)



STOC 11 Proceedings of the 43rd ACM Symposium on Theory ...

STOC 11 Proceedings of the 43rd ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing [STOC 11 Conference Committee] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. STOC 11 Proceedings of the 43rd ACM Symposium on Theory of ...

Missing: wasserstein

MR2932019   Valiant, Gregory; Valiant, Paul Estimating the unseen: an

n/log(n)-sample estimator for entropy and support size, shown optimal via new CLTs. 

STOC'11—Proceedings of the 43rd ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing, 685–694, ACM, New York, 2011. 68Q87 (60F05 62B10 62G05 62H12)

 Chapter 38 Citations 

Wasserstein Measure Coresets - Sebastian Claici

PDF 2018

We specifically focus on Wasserstein measure core- ... H1 is the Sobolev space {f L2 | ∂xi f L2}. ... 43rd ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing, STOC.

by S Claici · ‎2018 · ‎Related articles



MR2605325   Ledoux, Michel Géométrie des espaces métriques mesurés: les travaux de Lott, Villani, Sturm. (French) [Geometry of metric measure spaces: work of Lott, Villani, Sturm] 

Séminaire Bourbaki. Vol. 2007/2008. Astérisque No. 326 (2009), Exp. No. 990, viii–ix, 257–279 (2010). ISBN: 978-285629-269-3 (Reviewer: Luigi De Pascale) 53C23 (49Q99)

Journal Article 1 Citation 


MR2032897   Carlsson, Niclas Applications of a generalized metric in the analysis of iterated function systems. 

Symposium on Dynamical Systems Subject to Random Shock. Econom. Theory 23 (2004), no. 1, 73–84. (Reviewer: Franklin A. Mendivil) 60J05 (91B62)

 Journal Article 

Applications of a generalized metric in the analysis of iterated ...

Iterated function systems make up an interesting class of stochastic processes which are useful for many types of stochastic modeling. In this paper we review ...


MR2027410   Veretennikov, A. Yu. Coupling method for Markov chains under integral Doeblin type condition. 

Proceedings of the Conference Dedicated to the 90th Anniversary of Boris Vladimirovich Gnedenko (Kyiv, 2002). Theory Stoch. Process. 8 (2002), no. 3-4, 383–390. (Reviewer: Mu Fa Chen) 60J05

 Journal Article 4 Citations 

MR1816503   Pflug, G. Ch. Scenario tree generation for multiperiod financial optimization by optimal discretization. Mathematical programming and finance. Math. Program. 89 (2001), no. 2, Ser. B, 251–271. (Reviewer: Rüdiger Kiesel) 91B28

 Article 43 Citations 

MR1701630   Mahmoud, H. M.; Smythe, R. T. Probabilistic analysis of Multiple Quick Select. Average-case analysis of algorithms. 

Algorithmica 22 (1998), no. 4, 569–584. 68P10 (60F05)

  Article 10 Citations 

MR1118900  Stability, Approximation, and Decomposition in 

, Werner; Schultz, Rüdiger Stability analysis for stochastic programs. Stochastic programming, Part I (Ann Arbor, MI, 1989). Ann. Oper. Res. 30 (1991), no. 1-4, 241–266. (Reviewer: Jin De Wang) 90C15 (90C31)

Journal Article 26 Citations 

MR0976202   Deheuvels, P.; Pfeifer, D.; Puri, Madan L. A new semigroup technique in Poisson approximation. Semigroups and differential operators (Oberwolfach, 1988). Semigroup Forum 38 (1989), no. 2, 189–201. (Reviewer: Alan F. Karr) 60F05 (47D05 62E20)

 Journal Article 8 Citations 

MR0579942   Grunewald, Fritz J. Solution of the conjugacy problem in certain arithmetic groups. Word problems, II (Conf. on 

Decision Problems in Algebra, Oxford, 1976), pp. 101–139, Stud. Logic Foundations Math., 95, North-Holland, Amsterdam-New York, 1980. (Reviewer: R. C. Lyndon) 20G25

 Chapter 21 Citations 

Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics Volume 95  1980

Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics

Word problems II : the Oxford book / edited by S. I. Adian ...

catalogue.nla.gov.au › Record

"This book grew out of the working conference 'Decision problems in algebra' held in Oxford the summer of 1976, under the auspices of the Science Research ...

Диссертация на тему «Факторизации и ширина групп 

 ПОМИ РАН 2016

  Факторизации и ширина групп Шевалле над маломерными кольцами

тема диссертации и автореферата по ВАК РФ 01.01.06, кандидат наук 
Смоленский Андрей Вадимович 

[Russian  Factorizations  and  width of Chevaley groups over lowdimensional rings]

By Smolensky]  Ph.D. full text

46. Л.Н.Вaserstein LN, Wheland E. Commutators and companion matrices over rings of stable rank 1 // Linear Algebra Appl. - 1990. - Vol. 142. - Pp. 263-27

Л.Н.Васерштейн Смоленский


 The Master Equation and the Convergence Problem in Mean ...

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www.researchgate.net › publication › 335152399_The_M...

The Master Equation and the Convergence Problem in Mean Field Games: ... The derivation of the mean field games system was addressed in [16,20,22] for the ... This is a partial differential equation on the Wasserstein space of probability ...

MR3967062 Pending Cardaliaguet, Pierre; Delarue, François; Lasry, Jean-Michel; Lions, Pierre-Louis 

The master equation and the convergence problem in mean field games. Annals of Mathematics Studies, 201. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 2019. x+212 pp. ISBN: 978-0-691-19071-6; 978-0-691-19070-9 49-02 (49N70 60H30 60K35 91A07 91A15

Review PDF Clipboard Series Book 20 C
